MC - Internal Audit
MC - Internal Audit
MC - Internal Audit
C-I and II
3. For wchich of the following would an internal auditor most likely use attribute sampling?
A. Determining whether the yer-end inventory balance was overstated.
B. Selecting fixed asset additions to inspect.
C. Choosing inventory items to test count
D. Inspecting employee timecards for proper approval
4. If all other factors specified in an attribute sampling plan remain contstant, chanign the
expected population deviation rate from 1% to 2% and changing the tolerable deviation
rate from 7% to 6% would cause the required sample size to:
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain the same
D. Change by 2%
5. An internal auditor selects a sample of sales invoices and matches them with shipping
documents. This procedure most directly addresses which of the following assertions?
A. All shipments to customers are recorded as receivables.
B. All billed sales are for goods shipped to customers.
C. All recorded receivables represent goods shipped to customers.
D. All shipments to customers are billed.
8. An internal auditor should consider the qualitative aspects of dviations found in asample
in addition to evaluating the number of deviations. For which of the following situations
should the internal auditor be most concerned?
A. There wre fewer deviations in the sample than expected.
B. The deviations found are similar in nature to those found during the last audit of the
C. The deviation found appear to have been caused by an employee's misunderstanidng
of instructions
D. The deviations found may have been caused intentionally.
9. An internal auditor wants to test customers' A/R balances for overstatement on a sample
basis. Which of the following would be the least valid reason for deciding to use PPS
sampling rather than classical variables sampling?
Chapter 12
1. The task performed during an internal audit assurance engagement should address the
following questions:
I. What are the reason for the results?
II. How can performance be improved?
III. What results are being achieved?
The chronologial order in which these questions should be addressed is:
2. While planning an assurance engagement, the internal auditor obtains knowledge about
the auditee's oepration to, among other things:
E. Develop an attitufe of professional skepticism concerning management's
F. Make constructive suggestions to management regarding internal control
G. Evaluate whether misstatements in the auditee's performance reports should be
communicated to senior management and the audit committee.
H. Develop an understanding of the auditee's objectives, risks, and controls.
10. Comprehensive risk assessmenet involves analysis of both causes and effects. Which of
the following statements concerning the analysis of causes and effects is false?
A. Analyzing the causes and effects of a partivular risk should only be
performed after the internal auditor has first obtained evidence that a
problem has occurred.
B. Analyzing the causes and effects of a particular risk provides insights about how
to best manage the risk
C. Analyzing the effects of a particular risk provides insights about the relative
importance of the business objective threatened by the risk
D. Analyzing the root causes of a particular risk helps the internal auditor formulate
recommendations for reducing the risk to an acceptable level
11. Which of the following statements does not illustrate the concept of inherent business
A. Cash is more susceptible to theft than an inventory of sheet metal.
B. A broken lock on a security gate allows employees to access a restricted are that
they are not authorized to enter.
C. Transactions involving complex calculation are more likely to be misstated than
transactions involving simple calculations
D. Technological developments might make a particular product obsolete.
12. Internal auditors obtain an understanding of controls and perofm tests of controls to:
A. Detect material misstatements in account balances.
B. Reduce control risk to an acceptably low level
C. Evaluate the design adequacy and operating effectivness of the controls
D. Assess the inherent risk associated with transactions
13. If an internal auditor's evaluation of internal control desing indicates that the controls are
designed adequately, the appropriate next step would be to:
A. Prepare a flowchar depicting the system of internal controls
B. Test the operating effectiveness of the controls.
C. Conclude that control risk is high
D. Conclude that residual risk is low
14. Internal auditors soemtimes express opinions in addition tostating observations in their
reports. Due professional care requires that internal audit opinions be:
A. Limited to the effectiveness of internal controls
B. Based on sufficient appropriate evidence
C. Based on experience and free from errors and judegemetn
D. expressed only when requested by management or the audit committee
15. Internal auditors perform both assurance engagements and consulting engagements.
Which of the following would be classigied as a consulting engagement?
A. Directly assessing the organization's compliance with laws and regulations
B. Assessing the desing adequacy of the organization's entity-level monitoring activities
C. Faciliating senior management's assessment of risks threatning the organizations.
D. Assisting the independent outside auditor during the financial statement audit
16. Reported internal audit observations emerge by a process of comparing "what should be"
with "what is." In determining "what should be" during an audit of a company's treasury
function, which of the following would be the least desirable criterion against which to
judge current operations?
A. Best practices of the treasure function in relevant industries.
B. Company policies and procedures delegating authority and assigning responsibilities
C. Performance standards established by senior management
D. The operations of the treasury function as documented during the last audit.
17. Which of the following statements best describes an internal audit funcitons's
responsibility for assurance engagement follow-up activities?
A. The internal audit function should determine that corrective action has been
taken and is achieveing the desired results, or that senior management has
assumed the risk associated with no taking corrective action on reported
B. The internal audit function should determine whether management has initiated
corrective action but has no responsibility to determine whether the corrective
action is achieving the desired results. That determination is management's
C. The CAE is responsible for scheduling audit follow-up activities only if asked to
do so by senior management or the audit committee. Otherwise, such activities are
D. Audit follow-up activities are not necessary if the auditee has agreed in writing to
implement the internal audit function's recommendations.
Chapter 13
11. In an internal auditor identifies na exception while testing, which of the foloowing may
be appropriate?
A. Test additional items to determine whether the exception is an isolated occurrence or
indicative of a control deficiency
B. Gain an understanding of the root cause, that is, the reason the exception occurred.
C. Draft an observation for the audit report.
D. All of the above
12. Which of the folllowing is an appropriate conclusion that can be drawn when the internal
auditor idnetifies an observation from testing controls?
A. The process objectives cannot be achieved.
B. The area may be vulnerable to fraud
C. Certain risk are not effectively mitigated
D. Overall, the process is not operating effectively
13. Once an observation is identified by the internal auditor, it should be:
A. Scheduled for follow-up
B. Discussed with the audit committee
C. Included in the final audit report
D. Documented in the working papers.
Chapter 14
1. Recommendations should be included in final audit communications to:
A. Provide management with options for addressing audit observations
B. Ensure that problems are resolved in the manner suggested by the auditor
B. Develop a flowchart of the new procedures and include it in the report to management.
C. Report the change and suggest that the change in procedures be documented
D. Suspend the completion of the engagement cliet documents the new procedures
6. A formal enagement communication must:
A. provide an opportunity for the auditee to respond
B. Document the corrective actions required of senior management
C. Provide a formal means by which the independent outside auditor assesses potential
reliance on the internal audit function
D. Report significant observations
7. Which of the following does the CAE need to consider when determining the extent of
follow up required?
I. Significance of the reposrted observation
II. Past experience with the manager charged with the corrective action
III. Degree of effort and cost needed for the corrective action
IV. The experience of the internal audit staff.
A. I and III
B. I, II, and III
C. II, III, and IV.
D. I, II, III, and IV
8. An excerpt from an internal audit observation indicates that travel advances exceeded
prescribed maximum amounts. Company policy provides travel funds to authorized
employees for travel. Advances are not exceed 45 days of anticipated expenses. Company
procedures do not require justiication for large travel advances. In this audit observation,
the element of an audit finding known as "effect" is:
E. Advances are not to exceed estimated expenses for 45 days.
F. Travel advances exceed prescribed maximum amounts.
G. Employees accumulate large, unneeded advances
H. Unauthorized employees are given travel advances
18. Internal audit reports can be structured to motivate management to correct deficienceis.
Which of the following report-writing techniques is most likely to be effective?
A. State the procedural inadequacies and resulting improprieties in specific terms
B. Recommend changes and state the punitive measures that will follow if the
recommendations are not implemented
C. List the deficiences found so as to provide an easy-to-follow checklist