Notification For Counselling of WBJEEM 2016

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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board

AQ 13/1, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091
No. WBE/CN-30/16

Dated, the 9th June, 2016

In terms of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board Act, 2014 , the State Govt. in
the Higher Education Deptt. has conferred the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
(WBJEEEB) the status of a Statutory Body. As per provisions of this Act, the WBJEEB shall
conduct examination, counseling and admission process in respect of Degree Level Engg.
Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses in the academic session 2016-17.

And whereas, for admission into the UG courses in Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy

/Architecture, it is essential for the candidates to appear in the State Common Entrance
Examination i.e. West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination for Engineering & Medical 2016
(WBJEEM-2016) or the National Level Common Entrance Examination i.e. Joint Entrance
Examination Main-2016 (JEE MAIN-2016) and secure a rank, as admission shall not be
made on the basis of marks obtained in the 10+2 level of examination alone.

And whereas, it has been decided by the State Govt. in the Higher Education Department to
continue conduct of web-based online counseling (e-counseling) and admission process
through WBJEEB for the academic session of 2016-17 also, for admission to undergraduate
level Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses in respect of all AICTE
approved and State Technical University (MAKAUT) affiliated Engineering & Technology,
Pharmacy and Architecture Colleges as well as Universities/University Departments
conducting such courses in the state of West Bengal.

The guidelines for e-counseling and admission process for academic session 2016-17 are
provided hereunder:


Scope of participation in e-counseling and Admission Process :


For the 4- year Degree level Engg. & Tech. courses in respect of all AICTEapproved








Universities/Self-financing Private Universities of this State :

Candidates merit listed in the WBJEEM-2016 having General Merit Rank (GMR)
and eligible for e-counseling (as stipulated by the WBJEEB in the Information
Borchure-2016) are entitled to participate. Only for the Self-financing Degreelevel Engg./Tech. colleges, candidates merit-listed

in the All India Joint

Entrance Examination -2016 (i.e. JEE Main-2016) having All India Merit Rank
(AIR) and eligible for e-counseling (as stipulated by the WBJEEB
Information Borchure-2016)

in the

are also entitled to participate against 10%

sanctioned seats.

For the 4-year Degree-level Pharmacy Course in respect of all AICTEapproved Pharmacy Colleges (except Jadavpur University) of the State :
Candidates merit listed in the WBJEEM-2016 having Pharmacy Merit Rank
(PMR) and eligible for e-counseling (as stipulated by the

WBJEEB in the

Information Borchure-2016) are entitled to participate. The candidates merit

listed in the All India Common Entrance Examination-2016 (i.e. JEE Main-2016)
having All India Rank (AIR) and eligible for e-counseling (as stipulated by the
WBJEEB in the Information Borchure-2016)

are also entitled to participate

against 10% of sanctioned seats.


For the 5-year Degree-level Architecture Course (B. Arch.) in respect of all
AICTE and Council of Architecture (COA)-approved and MAKAUT-affiliated
institutions, including Jadavpur University :
Candidates merit-listed in the WBJEEM-2016 having General Merit Rank (GMR)
or candidates merit-listed in the All India Joint Entrance Examinations -2016.
Paper-II i.e. JEE Main-2016 Paper-II ( applicable only for Self-financing B. Arch.

Course) and eligible for e-counseling (as stipulated by the WBJEEB in the
Information Borchure-2016) are entitled to participate .
Note :

For all the above courses, candidates must fulfill the eligibility

criteria as mentioned in clause no. 10.1 to 10.4 (Page No. 9-11) of the
Information Brochure of WBJEEM-2016.

Availability of seats for Admission through the e-Counseling Process-2016.

Availability of seats (Department-wise) for various categories of institutions, as
enumerated below, will be provided by the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of
West Bengal. The same will be hosted in the counseling portal in the form of a Seat


Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges/State-Aided Universities/University

For Govt. Engineering and Technology Colleges, 100% seats shall be available for
admission through the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination -2016 on the basis of
General Merit Rank (GMR) in Engineering.
However, in case of State-aided University/University Departments, seats available will
be finally decided by the concerned University authorities and the same will be reflected
in the seat matrix to be uploaded in the counseling portal


Self-Financing Engineering & Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy

Institutions and Self-financing Universities.

2.2.1. 10% of the affiliated seats in the Self-financing affiliated colleges shall be available for
admission through All-India Joint Entrance Examination-2016 (i.e. JEE Main 2016) on
the basis of All India Rank (AIR) for Engineering & Technology, Architecture and
Pharmacy Courses.
For private/ self-financing Universities, if any, the final seat allocation details will be
reflected in the seat matrix uploaded in the counseling portal
2.2.2. For Institutions opting for 10% of seats for admission through Management Quota
(where admission shall be made by the Management of the Institutions), 80% of the

approved and affiliated seats shall be available for admission through WBJEEM -2016
on the basis of General Merit Rank (GMR) for Engineering & Technology and
Architecture Courses and Pharmacy Merit Rank (PMR) for Pharmacy Courses. For the

institutes not opting to admit students under the Management Quota,

90% of the seats shall be available for admission through the counseling process to be
conducted by the WBJEEB.
2.2.3. A separate counseling process will be held for filling up the designated 10% seats
by the JEE Main - 2016 rank holders. Details are enumerated in this Notification
in the subsequent paragraphs.

Availability of 5% Seats on supernumerary basis under the Tuition Fee Waiver

(TFW) Scheme of AICTE for all category of Instt./University/University Deptts.
As per the TFW Scheme of AICTE, upto a maximum of 5% of the approved seats
supernumerary in nature shall be available for admission through the WBJEEM-2016
on the basis of TFW Rank for the Institutions including Universities/University
Departments where at least 30% approved seats have been filled up course wise
in the last academic year i.e. 2015-16 ( as per Approval Process Handbook of

Accordingly, the TFW seats will be uploaded

in the Web Portal
The TFW Scheme is applicable only for candidates domiciled in the State of West

Admission for Reserved Category of Students :


Availability of seats for SC/ST Category

Reservation of seats for SC/ST candidates domiciled in West Bengal shall be made as
per the State Govt. Rules, in respect of all Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges as
well as State-aided Universities/University Departments following the Gazette
Notification vide the West Bengal Act X of 2013, dated, 30th April, 2013 followed by the
Rules vide Notification No. 07-Edn(U), dated, the 2nd January, 2014 published in the
Kolkata Gazette vide Registered No. WB/SC-247, dated, 3rdJanuary, 2014. For Selffinancing Engineering & Technology, Architecture/Pharmacy Institutions , reservation

of seats for such students is not mandatory. However, seats may be made available
voluntarily by willing Institutions, and this would be reflected in the Seat Matrix
provided in the website for e-counseling.


Availability of seats for PwD (Persons with Disabilities) Category Students

Reservation of seats for PwD candidates domiciled in West Bengal shall be made as per
the State Govt. norms for all Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges as well as Stateaided Universities/University Departments following the Gazette Notification vide No.
65-Edn(U), dated, 16.01.2014 i.e. persons with disabilities will enjoy reservation in each
of the categories i.e. SC, ST, OBC-A and OBC-B category of seats as well as in the
unreserved category of seats. For Self-Financing Engineering & Technology,
Architecture /Pharmacy Institutes, reservation of seats

for such students is not

mandatory. However, seats may be made available voluntarily by willing institutions ,

and this would be reflected in the Seat matrix provided in the website for e-counseling.


Availability of seats for OBC-A and OBC-B Category students:

As per the Gazette Notification vide the West Bengal Act X of 2013, dated, 30th April,
2013 followed by the Rules vide Notificationno.07-Edn(U), dated, 2nd January, 2014
published in the Kolkata Gazette vide Registered no. WB/SC-247, dated, 3rd January,
2014, reservation of seats for such categories of students is applicable for Govt.







Departments subject to certain pre-conditions such as prior approval of regulatory

authorities, creation/availability of infrastructure etc. In the academic session of 201617, availability of seats for OBC-A category and OBC-B category would be reflected in
the Seat Matrix provided in the website for e-counseling.
For Self-Financing Engineering & Technology, Architecture/Pharmacy Institutes,
reservation of seats for such students is not mandatory. However, seats may be made
available voluntarily by willing Institutions, which would be reflected in the Seat Matrix
provided in the website for e-counseling.
4. Availability of seats for students under Defense Quota:

Altogether, 13(thirteen) seats in Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges are available
on supernumerary basis under this quota. Particulars of such seats, along with the
procedure for availing such seats will be notified on the website of WBJEEB, prior to
Allotment of seats under this category shall be made on off-line basis by the West
Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board based on inter-se merit of applicants.
This category is outside the purview of the e-Counseling-2016.

5. Availability of seats for Minority Students:

For Self-financing Minority Institutions, admission shall be conducted in terms of
G.O.No.305-Edn(T) dt.27.04.2016

to 50% seats of five institutions comprising Sikh

Minority private / Self-financing professional Academic Institutions, and accordingly

the Association of Minority Professional Academic Institutes (AMPAI) shall conduct a
separate Common Entrance Examination namely CEE-AMPAI-2016, WB .
Similarly, in terms of G.O. NO. 304-Edn(T) dt. 27.04.2016 for admission to 50%
approved seats of St. Marys Technological Foundation, recognized as a Christian
Minority Private Self-financing Professional Academic Institution , the institution shall
conduct a separate Common Entrance Examination namely CEE St. Marys 2016.

The remaining 50% of the approved seats of such colleges would be filled up from
candidates of WBJEEM-2016 through e-counseling, in addition to any seat meant for
admission through aforesaid exams that remain unfilled / vacant, and which may be
surrendered to the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of WB for filling up through
e-counseling by WBJEEB.


Procedure for admission of students in Degree level Engineering, Technology,

Architecture and Pharmacy courses in the academic session 2016-17 through ecounseling under WBJEEB:


On-Line Admission Process (e-counseling)

The schedule of counseling activities is given in Annexure-I.

6.1.1 Two separate e-counseling will be held for WBJEEM-2016 rank holders and JEE Main 2016 rank holders respectively.

For counseling of WBJEEM-2016 rank holders , there will be three rounds of counseling
and allotment of seats. After physical reporting at the end of the each round, the ecounseling will be completed and a Seat Vacancy Report will be generated.
Vacant seats under any of the reserved categories i.e. SC, ST, OBC-A and OBC-B and
PWD applicable for candidates merit-listed in the State Common Entrance Examination2016 (i.e. WBJEEM-2016) shall be converted after the 2nd round of counseling and
before the 3rd round of allotment as per standard conversion rules which shall be
available in the counseling portal.


Vacant Seats under the TFW category shall not be converted to general/unreserved
category, as per AICTE guidelines. The counseling and allotment for TFW candidates
shall be continued upto 2nd round, and as such, vacant seats shall not be converted.


Steps for On-Line Admission Process (e-counseling)-2016 for WBJEE-2016 Rank

Holders :
Detailed explanation of steps enumerated below will be available in the counseling

6.2.1 Registration for e-counseling process:

For 4-year Degree-level Engineering and Technology courses in respect of all AICTE
approved and university affiliated Engg. & Tech. College in the State candidates merit
listed in the WBJEEM-2016 having General Merit Rank (GMR) and eligible for ecounseling as declared by the WBJEEB

are permissible to participate in the

registration process.
For the 4-year Degree-level Pharmacy course conducted by the Jadavpur University,
candidates merit listed in the WBJEEM-2016 having General Merit Rank (GMR) and
eligible for e-counseling as declared by the WBJEEB

are permissible to participate in

the registration process.

For the 4-year Degree-level Pharmacy Programme in respect of all AICTE approved
Pharmacy Colleges (except Jadavpur University) of the State, candidates merit listed in

the WBJEEM-2016 having Pharmacy Merit Rank (PMR) and eligible for e-counseling
as declared by the WBJEEB are permissible to participate in the registration process.
For the 5-year Degree-level Architecture course (B. Arch), candidates merit-listed in the
WBJEEM-2016 having General Merit Rank (GMR) and eligible for e-counseling as
declared by the WBJEEB are permissible to participate in the registration process.
Additionally, those candidates have to qualify in NATA or any other Aptitude Test.
6.2.2 After finalization of Seat Matrix counseling notice shall be uploaded by the WBJEEB.
6.2.3 Depositing Counseling Fees of 510/- INR along with bank charges (as applicable). This
fee is non-refundable.
6.2.4 Creation of Candidates Identity Code and Password
6.2.5 On-line choice filling and choice locking and printing of locked choices.
6.2.6 Allotment of seats after the 1st round of iteration.
6.2.7. Physical reporting at Reporting Centres (For detailed list of reporting centre, please
refer to ANNEXURE-II) physical verification of the candidates documents with respect
to the eligibility criteria, deposition of initial admission fees: INR 4000/- for TFW










University/University Departments/Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges, INR










/Pharmacy/Architecture institutes. Student have to exercise option for further upgradation. Provisional admission letter/allotment card (containing seat allotment detail,
fee detail and also willingness for upgradation) will be issued to the candidates at the
reporting centre after the fees are paid and all certificates/credentials are found in

(Admission fee is adjustable and refundable only in respect of candidates

withdrawing at the same Reporting Centre where provisional admission was taken in
any round of reporting following the refund rules of the Ministry of Human Resource
Development , Govt. of India vide No. F-1-3/2007 (CPP-II) dt. 23.04.2007.

reporting at the allotted institutions by the candidates who are not

willing to opt for upgradation is permissible after completion of 1st round


6.2.8 2nd round of seat allotment, publication of result based on vacancy status after first
round of reporting. There is no fresh registration and choice filling in 2nd round of
6.2.9 Physical reporting at Reporting Centres for physical verification of the candidates
documents with respect to the eligibility criteria and deposition of admission fees for
fresh candidates and exercising option for up-gradation for fresh allottees.

reporting at the allotted institutions by the candidates who are not

willing to opt for up-gradation is permissible after completion of 2st round

6.2.10 Generation of report on vacancy status after reporting of second round.
6.2.11 Third round of e-counseling and allotment: (a) Running allotment algorithm alike first
two rounds; (b) Generation of report for vacancy under all reserved categories


Conversion of unfilled / vacant reserved category seats as per standard norms; (d)
Running the allotment algorithm for unreserved seats from WBJEEM -2016 candidates;
(e) Publication of result and for physical reporting of fresh allottees and final
admission of all candidates in the concerned Institutions.
The allotment of seats to such candidates who do not report within the stipulated
period to the reporting centre (during 1st/2nd /3rd

round of counseling) will be

cancelled and this candidates will not be considered for seat allotment.
Candidates who have taken the provisional admission in the 1st round can change their
willingness for upgradation from YES upgradation to NO-upgradation after the 2nd
round of allotment during the specified period. Change of option from NO to YES is not
6.2.12 Admission and data up-dating by the institutions in PI module.
6.2.13 Generation of Report on final admission status as well as vacancy status for all
participating institutions by NIC and handing over the report to the WBJEEB. After that
the WBJEEB shall declare the vacancy list after consulting the office of DTE.

Counseling process for JEE Main -2016 rank holders will be conducted seperately as
per the following steps :

6.3.1 Notice

shall be uploaded

by the WBJEEB

for JEE Main-2016 candidates


registration and paying fees.

6.3.2 Registration, Fee payment and on-line choice filling shall be made by the JEE Main2016 candidates.
6.3.3 JEE Main allotment shall be declared in NIC Portal and candidates shall be asked to
report at the reporting centres for verification and payment of admission fee and
collection of the allotment card from the reporting centre.
6.3.4 The candidates who have opted for NO- upgradation shall physically report at
Participating Institute ( PI).
Candidates who have reported and opted for upgradation shall wait for 2nd round
seat allotment.
6.3.5 Fresh allottee in the 2nd round shall report for verification , fee payment and collection
of allotment offer and old candidates already completed the verification -- both report
to the participating institute for final admission.
NOTE : For

more details regarding e-counseling Physical Reporting process for both

WBJEEM-2016 and JEE Main- 2016 rank holder candidates, concerned website of
WBJEEB may be visited.
After completion of the e-counseling and admission thereof for both WBJEE and JEE
Main rank holders, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board will generate
a report on final admission status as well as status of vacant seats for all
participating institutions.

Sd/(Prof. S. Dasgupta)
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board




Dated: June 09, 2016

Copy forwarded for information and taking necessary action to :

1. Principal Secretary, Department of Higher Education, West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, 10th
Floor, Kolkata-91
2. The Director of Technical Education West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, 10th Floor, Kokata-91with request to inform all concerned;
3. The Vice-Chancellor, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology with request
to communicate to all the affiliated institutions;
4. The Vice-Chancellor, Calcutta University/ Jadavpur University / Kalyani University/
Burdwan University / West Bengal University of

Animal &

Fishery Sciences /

Uttarbanga Krishi Vishavidyalaya / Bidhanchandra Krishi Vishavidyalaya / Alia

University with the request to communicate to the affiliated institutions, if any;
5. The Director of Technical Education & Training, West Bengal, Vocational Training
Institution, Action Area-III, New Town, Kolkata, for kind information;
6. The Registrar, Calcutta University / Jadavpur University / Kalyani University / Burdwan
University / West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences / Uttarbanga Krishi
Vishavidyalaya / Bidhanchandra Krishi Vishavidyalaya / Alia University/ Maulana Abul
Kalam Azad University of Technology with the request to implement the guideline
during admission for 2016-17 academic year;
7. P.S. to Honble MIC, Higher Education Department.
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board


Tentative Counseling Schedule 2016
A. WBJEE Candidates (applicable for GMR -2016 and PMR-2016):

Tentative Schedule and Duration

15.06.2016 to 22.06.2016



Online Registration, creation of ID & Password,

Counseling fee-payment and Online Choice Filling
Choice Locking System Operated
22.06.2016 - 05.00 p.m.
1st Round of seat allotment result declaration
Physical Reporting for documents verification, initial 25.06.2016 to 01.07.2016
fee-payment, Collection of allotment cards at RC
centers, withdrawal of admission.


2nd Round of seat allotment Result


Physical reporting for documents verification at

04.07.2016 07.07.2016
Reporting centre after 2nd round of seat allotment /
withdrawal of admission / initial fee payment (Fresh


3rd Round of seat allotment Result

Physical reporting at Reporting Centre (Fresh
allottee only) after 3rd round of seat allotment, initial
fee payment (Fresh allottee)
Physical reporting and admission at final allotted
institutes by all candidates who have allotted a seat
any round Process Closed



12.07. 2016 to 13.07.2016

Up to 19.07.2016

B. For JEE MAIN Candidates (applicable for AIR-2016):


Online Registration, creation of ID & Password and
Counseling fee-payment, On line choice filling
Choice Locking
1st Round of seat allotment Result
Physical Reporting at Reporting Centre for documents
verification, initial fee payment and collection of
allotment cards / withdrawal of admission.

Tentative Schedule and Duration

03.07.2016 to 06.07.2016


2nd Round of seat allotment Result

Report at Reporting Centres for documents
verification, initial fee payment and collection of
Allotment Cards (Fresh allotted only),

14.07.2016 to 16.07.2016


Physical reporting and admission at final allotted

institutes by all candidates

Up to 19.07.2016


e-Admission Process Closed




06.07.2016 - 05.00 p.m.

10.07.2016 to 12.07.2016

Reporting Centers for e-counseling of WBJEEM-2016
1 RC-1

Name of Institutions
Asansol Govt. Polytechnic, P.O. South Dhadka, P.S. Asansol North Police Station,
Burdwan- 713302
Central Calcutta Govt. Polytechnic, 21, Convent Rd, Philips, Sealdah, Raja Bazar,
Kolkata, West Bengal -700014
Coochbehar Govt. Engineering College, Harinchawra, P.O. Ghughumari,
Coochbehar- 736170
Darjeeling Govt. Polytechnic, M V Road, Kurseong, Darjeeling,
West Bengal 734203
Dr. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Haldia, Kshudiram Nagar,
Haldia, West Bengal- 721631
Govt. College of Engineering & Ceramic Technology, 73, A.C. Banerjee Lane,
Kolkata -700010
Govt. College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Berhampore, 4,
Cantonment Road, P.O. & P.S. Berhampore, Murshidabad
Govt.College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Serampore,
12, William Carey Road, Serampore, Hooghly- 712 201
Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur,
P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah- 711 103
Jadavpur University - Main campus, 188, Raja S. C. Mallik Road, Kolkata - 700 032



















Jadavpur University - Salt Lake Campus, Plot 8, Sector III, Salt Lake,
Kolkata- 700 098
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, P.O. Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College,
P.S. Kotowali, Jalpaiguri- 735 102
K.G. Engineering Institute, Bishnupur, Bishnupur College Rd, Bishnupur,
West Bengal -722122
Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, P.O. & P.S. Kalyani, Nadia -741 235



Malda Govt. Polytechnic, P.O. Maliha, Dist. Malda, Pin 732 102





Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Univ. of Technology, BF-142, Salt Lake, Sector-I,
Kolkata - 700 064
Purulia Govt. Engineering College, P.O. Chas Road, Purulia - 723 103



Raiganj Govt. Polytechnic, P.O. Raiganj, Dist. Uttar Denajpur, Pin - 733 134



Suri SRSV (Govt Polytechnic), Suri, Birbhum





Tripura Govt. Womens' Polytechnic, Hapania, P.O. Amtali via Shekerkote,

Agartala, Tripura- 799 130
University Institute of Technology, Golapbag, Bardhaman - 713104





University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohanpur, P.O. North Bengal University,

Dist. Darjeeling 734 013
Vidyasagar University, Paschim Midnapore



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