CP Admin in R12
CP Admin in R12
CP Admin in R12
This new Adadmin-style utility for managing concurrent managers is available from
12.2.5. I was expecting this kind of tool to manage the concurrent manager for a
long time now.
Cpadmin utility could easily facilitate managing concurrent processes for Apps DBAs
who otherwise follow a tedious procedure of logging in, opening forms and checking
concurrent manager processes every single time. It is going to be the alternative for
cmclean.sql, and hence this script need not be searched in the newly cloned
instances. No need to search for the cmclean.sql script in the new cloned instances.
Run cpadmin.sh in the command mode. This executable is available in
$FND_TOP/bin, as it is already in the executable path it can be invoked from any
directory. It prompts for the apps password in console mode
[applmgr@major VIS]$ cpadmin.sh
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle E-Business Suite CP Administration
$Revision: 120.0.12020000.5 $
Logging to file
Enter the password for your APPS ORACLE schema:
Connecting to database
CP Administration Main Menu
1. Manager Status
Show status of all managers
2. Clean concurrent processing tables
Ensure concurrent processing tables are cleaned and reset for ICM startup
Output Post-Processor
Request-Processing Managers
Transaction Managers
Cancel and return to menu
Program information:
Program: Active Users (FNDSCURS)
Application: Application Object Library
Executable type: Oracle Reports (P)
Executable file name or procedure: FNDSCURS
Run alone flag: N
SRS flag: Q
NLS compliant: Y
Output file type: TEXT
Submission information:
It was submitted by user: SYSADMIN
Using responsibility: System Administrator
It was submitted on: 02-17-16 09:24:45AM
It was requested to start on: 02-17-16 09:24:45AM
Parent request id: -1
Language: AMERICAN
Territory: AMERICA
Priority: 50
Arguments: (0) null
Request 7444720 has completed with status: Normal
It began running on: 02-17-16 09:24:47AM
It completed on: 02-17-16 09:25:13AM
It was run by : Standard Manager
Logfile: /u01/app/VIS/fs_ne/inst/VIS_major/logs/appl/conc/log/l7444720.req
Outfile: /u01/app/VIS/fs_ne/inst/VIS_major/logs/appl/conc/out/o7444720.out
It produced completion message: Normal completion
2. Move Request Files also give lot of options for apps dba to manage the concurrent
Administer Concurrent Requests