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Put simply, [design thinking] is a discipline that uses the

breakthrough solutions will hit the overlap of all three lenses;

designers sensibility and methods to match peoples needs

amazing new strategies, processes, products, services, and

with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business

environments require a combination of Desirability, Feasibility,

strategy can convert into customer value and market

and Viability.

Tim Brown

In the words of Tim Brown, the CEO of the celebrated

innovation and design firm IDEO, Design has become too

Genentech, Starbucks, Apple, Southwest Airlines, Google, and

important to be left to designers. Indeed, in todays

Nintendo are proof - market leaders achieve advantage via

environment of intense competition and rapid change, a

innovation. Design thinking is an approach to innovation that

pervasive culture of innovation is critical to an organizations

draws from the designers toolkit, taking a human-centered

success. Design thinking is exhilaratingly difficult, but it can be

approach to enable the cultivation and development of ideas

learned. And the best way to become skilled at design thinking

into tangible strategies and offerings. It accelerates innovation

is through experience.

to help create better solutions for the challenges facing

business and society.



The reason design thinking is called human-centered is that it

starts with the people for whom youre designing. You begin by
examining the needs, dreams, and behaviors of people you
want to affect with your solution. This is the Desirability lens
and you will continue to view the world through this lens








ExperiencePoint in collaboration with IDEO. Design Thinker

provides meaningful experience with design thinking - you will
compete to solve a realistic and complex challenge while
engaging with the terms, techniques, and thought patterns of
successful innovators.

throughout the design process.

Before engaging in Design Thinker, its important to understand
the Design Thinking Innovation Process. A caveat, and its a big
one: for the purposes of learning and discussion, the phases
and steps of the process are presented here as linear. In
practice, design thinking is not nearly so orderly. Often key
findings in later steps will necessitate circling back to earlier
ones. Living the process can feel at times chaotic, but it is a
focused chaos from which truly innovative solutions will

The three main phases of the design thinking process are

Once you have identified a range of what is desirable, you

problems and opportunities that motivate the search for a

begin to view solutions through the lenses of Feasibility (what

solution. IDEATE involves generating a number of ideas that

is technically and organizationally feasible) and Viability (what

will shape your final solution. And IMPLEMENT bridges the

is financially viable). These two lenses are introduced carefully

project room and reality, with a focus on evolving ideas into

during the later phases of the design thinking process. True

successful solutions.

IDEO & ExperiencePoint

Design Thinker



Note that the process will move your team from a concrete

Finally, you will Form Insights from your qualitative research

challenge and observations about people, to abstract thinking

data. By synthesizing and interpreting the data, you will

as you uncover insights and themes, and then back to the

uncover and bring clarity to previously hidden meaning. Great

concrete with tangible solutions. Contrast this approach with

insights translate individual stories into overarching truths

traditional problem solving: a concrete issue typically yields

about your users.

discussion and analysis of concrete options, which in turn leads

to the selection of (hopefully) the best option. Unfortunately,


traditional problem solving often results in traditional solutions.

With key insights in mind, youll likely see your design challenge

Such solutions at best provide incremental innovation, and at

in a new light and therefore its time to Frame Opportunities. An

worst are ill-fitting and ineffective.

opportunity area is a stepping stone to idea generation. The

framing of an opportunity space should be narrow enough to

Design thinkings deliberate journey into the abstract enables

ensure you address the initial challenge, yet broad enough to

deep connection with underlying and enduring truths, expands

allow for truly innovative solutions. To suggest a mindset of

the boundaries on acceptable ideas, and thus increases the

possibility, opportunities should start with the phrase HOW

likelihood of a truly innovative outcome.

MIGHT WE...? (which is often abbreviated on sticky notes as


The INSPIRE phase starts with Defining the Challenge. The

Next, you Brainstorm Ideas, flexing your creativity as you

initial challenge will inform the rest of the process and should

answer the HMW question. Creativity is a science and by

be phrased in a human-centered way with a sense of possibility.

following specific brainstorming rules, you will increase both

the quality and quantity of your ideas. Indeed, IDEO has seven

Next, you will use qualitative research techniques to Observe

sacred rules for idea generation.

Users with the objectives of developing deep empathy for your

users, questioning assumptions, and inspiring new solutions.

IDEO & ExperiencePoint

Design Thinker



Form Insights

Too frequently innovative ideas die before they reach the real

Several insights emerged from the research:

world. One method for increasing both their lifespan and

A mothers age does not define her financial behavior.

ultimate effectiveness is to Try Experiments. The best

Instead the life stage of her children becomes the

experiments do not test an idea as much as help evolve it.

defining factor.









communicate its value and potential.

Many people round up their bill payments for speed,

convenience and peace of mind.

Lets review an example of the design thinking process in

Many moms had difficulty saving what money they had,

whether due to a lack of resources or willpower.




Define the Challenge

The Bank of America asked IDEO to expand the number of
products that could better serve their existing customer base
as well as to attract new customers with an emphasis on
boomer women with kids.

Observe Users
In the field, the team observed the specific behavior of people
rounding up their bill payments in order to reduce anxiety
around their potential lack of finances. This behavior
exemplified the common desire for, and struggle around,
saving that was felt by many mothers and people in general.

Frame Opportunities
Through a combination of these insights, IDEO framed the
following opportunity area:
How might we integrate savings into peoples everyday lives
to help them save effortlessly?

Brainstorm Ideas
A number of ideas were generated. Originally coined Round
Up to reflect the key behavior, Keep the Change allowed
customers to save while they spent - the product rounds up
purchases made with a Bank of America Visa Check card to the
nearest dollar, transferring the difference from the individuals
checking account into their savings account automatically.

Try Experiments
Bank of America did several small pilots before launching
Keep the Change. Since inception the program has helped
more than 12 million customers save more than $3.1 billion.

IDEO & ExperiencePoint

Design Thinker



Are you ready to re-think thinking? Design Thinker is an
important first step that will provide a true taste of the
innovation process. With practice, your design thinking skills
will help you:

see new opportunities consistently

connect deeply with customers

transform insights and data into actionable ideas

create and implement new solutions with business

impact, faster and more effectively

In summary, design thinking will help you effect meaningful


We look forward to your participation in Design Thinker!

IDEO & ExperiencePoint

Design Thinker


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