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Microstructure Characterisation of Magnetic Pulse Welded AA6061-T6 by Electron Backscattered Diffraction

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Microstructure characterisation of magnetic

pulse welded AA6061-T6 by electron
backscattered diffraction
Y. Zhang*1, S. S. Babu2, P. Zhang3, E. A. Kenik4 and G. S. Daehn1
The grain boundary crystallographic misorientations of magnetic pulse welded (MPW) AA6061-T6
in linear and tubular configurations were examined using the electron backscattered diffraction
(EBSD) technique. A refined structure of heavily deformed grains with higher grain boundary
angles was observed in linear welds. Significant spalling was observed away from the welded
region, in the interior of tubular welds. The results show the complex interaction of shock waves
with the materials during this impact welding process.
Keywords: Magnetic pulse welding, Electron backscattered diffraction, Misorientations, Spalling

Magnetic pulse welding (MPW) is a solid state impact
welding technology. The process uses electromagnetic
force to accelerate one metal piece (flyer plate) onto
another stationary metal piece. The velocities attained
during this process range from 200 to 500 m s21.13
The joining occurs on impact within microsecond
magnitude.3 Even in such a short time period, the
extent of heating is minimal in the joints. Therefore,
metallurgically, there are no significant heat affected
zones (HAZ) in MPW joints.4 It is generally agreed that
the joining mechanism is similar to explosive joining
where the surface oxide of the faying interfaces is
disrupted due to the jet action and metallurgical
bonding is achieved between clean surfaces. However,
the details of shock wave interaction and the resulting
high strain rate deformation of the underlying microstructure are not clearly understood. Therefore, a
systematic microstructure characterisation effort has
been initiated. The overall study involves understanding
crystallographic features near the interface, chemical
mixing near the interface and modelling of the interfacial
phenomenon using computational models. This communication presents selective results from microstructure characterisation during MPW under two processing
The focus in this study is to evaluate the deformation
conditions of grains near the interface. Literature on
MPW suggests the possibility of adiabatic heating.3,5,6
Therefore, it is speculated that along the interface, this

localised heating may go above the recrystallisation

temperature. This may induce localised recrystallisation
of the deformed grain structure. If the temperature is
above the melting point of the material, the grain
structure may emulate the epitaxial condition observed
in fusion welding process. The crystallographic orientation imaging analysis by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) will be able to elucidate this phenomenon.
Electron backscattered diffraction is a scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) based technique and it allows
identifying the microstructure and the crystallographic
orientation from a single point. Therefore, by analysing
each individual point in a designated area, the authors
can study the grain structure and grain boundary
misorientations. Such information will not be obtained
from either an optical microscope or a SEM. For EBSD
imaging, it is known that some regions show better
diffraction quality while adjacent areas give poor quality
patterns which can not be indexed, possibly due to
extensive plastic deformation.7 The specific crystallographic orientations of grains are typically colour coded
with reference to a stereographic triangle, as shown in
Fig. 1a. Points where the orientation can not be indexed
appear as black. By comparing the measurements from
the base metal and the welded interface, the authors may
be able to understand the deformation conditions close
to the interface. For the scientific research, the results
from these investigations will contribute to the fundamental understanding of microstructure changes during

Materials and experimental parameters


Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University,

Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Department of Industrial Welding and Systems Engineering, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43221, USA
Department of Engineering and Materials, Edison Welding Institute,
Columbus, OH 43221, USA
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
*Corresponding author, email zhang.561@osu.edu

2008 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 20 February 2008; accepted 14 March 2008
DOI 10.1179/174329308X341915

AA6061-T6 aluminium alloy was chosen, because it has

good weldability and suitable conductivity for MPW,
and it is also widely used for lightweight components. In
this communication, two types of workpieces, flat plates
and tubes, were presented. Accordingly, two different
actuators were designed for linear and tubular welding.
The setup is shown in Fig. 2. The discharge energy level

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining






Zhang et al.

Microstructure characterisation of magnetic pulse welded AA6061-T6

and standoff distance can be adjusted to make successful

welding. However, in order to focus the study on
microstructure evaluation, the process and geometry
were fixed at one condition in this paper. Linear seam
MPW was performed under 4?8 kJ discharge energy
with 210 kA peak current for AA6061-T6 plates of
0?50 mm thickness. The standoff distance between flyer
plate and the stationary plate was 4?50 mm and the
overlap was 12?70 mm. The tubular MPW jointed
specimen was obtained by 45 kJ discharge energy, with
860 kA peak current. The outer and inner diameters for
the AA6061-T6 tube were 50?80 and 47?50 mm respectively. The diameter for the AA6061-T6 rod was
40?89 mm. There was a concentric cylindrical through
hole in the rod with a diameter of 25?40 mm. The
standoff distance was 3?30 mm and the overlap was set
as 19?05 mm.
The EBSD specimens were collected from the welded
region, spalled region and the base metal. These
specimens went through the standard metallographic
grinding and polishing steps and ended with colloidal
silica polishing suspension in a Beuhler Minimet
automatic polishing system. Electron backscattered
diffraction images were obtained from SEM equipped
with TSL EBSD detector.


Results and discussion

The experiment results show that linear seam welds were
successfully made in aluminium alloys using a modified
actuator design. It is also observed that delamination
occurred away from the impact regions at the inside
surface of the rod, while welding AA6061-T6 tube to rod
under high energy conditions. The delamination is
attributed to spalling. The crystallographic orientation
of the microstructure in base metal, welded interface and
spalled region were evaluated with the EBSD technique,
and the results are discussed as below.

As received AA6061-T6 microstructure

a stereographic triangle; b IPF image for as received
AA6061-T6 (140 mm6140 mm)
1 Images (EBSD) indicate grain orientation distribution of
as received AA6061-T6: crystallorgraphic directions are
parallel to plane normal

The colour coded inverse pole figure (IPF) maps are

used to study the grain structure for the as received and
MPW impacted AA6061-T6. The IPF map obtained
from the as received base metal of aluminium alloy is
shown in Fig. 1b. The image shows a well developed
equiaxed microstructure with average grain size 25 mm
and standard deviation 5 mm, as estimated by the image
analysis routines that are part of the EBSD software
TSL-EDAX. Fig. 1b also suggests a random grain



a linear seam welding for plate by linear actuator; b tubular welding for tube and rod by circular actuator
2 Cross-section sketch of MPW experimental setup

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Zhang et al.

Microstructure characterisation of magnetic pulse welded AA6061-T6

a IPF image; b GB image

3 Images (EBSD) of MPW welds: misorientation angle on welded interface is larger than grain boundary far away from
interface; grain near to interface subjects to heavily deformation along impact direction; width of this heavily deformation region is y40 mm

orientation without any strong preferential orientation

for polycrystalline structure.

Linear welded AA6061-T6 microstructure on

The interface microstructure of the seam welded
AA6061-T6 plates is presented in Fig. 3. The EBSD
images in Fig. 3 shows that the grains near the bonded
interface are highly deformed along the impact direction. The micrographs also show significant local
misorientations and subgrain formation with higher
grain boundary angles. At the same time, the grains at
the interface are highly deformed and show significant
subgrain formation. These subgrains can be quite small
(around 1 mm) and some localised misorentations are
relatively high. It is interesting to note that a grain size
reduction of one order of magnitude occurs within a
short duration, around 1027 s, which was measured by
the photon doppler velocimetery (PDV). This phenomena is similar to the interface made by explosive welding8
and the mechanically induced ultrafine grains in the near
surface layer during shot peening.9 The continuous
nature of the transition from the base metal to the
refined interface region strongly supports the model that
severe localised plastic flow leads to interface bond
formation. Together with jet action, the high local strain
is also essential in breaking up the surface oxides and
allowing formation of metal to metal bonding. There is
no evidence of melting in this region of the microstructure. Previous researchers have not reported such
microstructure changes of the similar metals of MPW
If the initial (30 mm) and final (1 mm) grain size values
were used, the decrease in the grain size (Dd/d) at the
interface regions can be as high as 0?97. The measurement from PDV indicates that the impact duration
completes within y1027 s, and thus the rate for grain
size change is up to 9?76106 s21, which results directly
from the high impact rate. It is important to note that
such high impact rates will also introduce adiabatic

heating. It is incidental in the case that the fine grain

structure was frozen in without much recrystallisation or
melting due to adiabatic heating and followed by rapid
cooling. If adiabatic heating increased close to the
melting temperature, the authors would have observed a
planar solidification with epitaxial growth as the HAZ
grains. Since the authors observed very fine grain
structure at the interface with no epitaxial orientation
relationship as shown in Fig. 3, the extent of melting is
concluded to be minimal. Future work is being
continued to evaluate the grain structure under different
energy conditions and also to simulate the adiabatic
heating using computational models to evaluate local
strains, strain rates and the extent of heating.

Tubular welded AA6061-T6 microstructure on

In tubular MPW, extensive material damage was
observed in the regions away from the impact interface
on which the electromagnetic impact load was applied,
as shown in Fig. 4a. This damage is attributed to
spalling, which is dynamic fracture by strong shock
wave loading.10 Spalling often occurs in high rate impact
processes when critical geometry and discharge energy
levels are exceeded. It is noteworthy that the energy
levels used in this experiment were at least 10 times
higher than the earlier linear seam welding. A schematic
illustration of the process is shown in Fig. 4b. On impact
of the flyer work piece, a stress wave compresses the
materials and propagates into the specimen. Upon
reaching the far side, these waves are reflected back
and the material subjected to tension. An interference of
reflected and incoming waves sets up temporally and
spatially varying compressive and tensile loads. As a
result, the regions in tension will be prone to fracture
and spalling. It is typical that the thickness of the spalled
scab has a thickness similar to that of the flyer causing
the damage and this pattern is seen in the present
experimental result.

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining






Zhang et al.

Microstructure characterisation of magnetic pulse welded AA6061-T6


4 a optical macrograph of spalled region in AA6061-T6 rod away from welded region and b schematic illustration of physical processes that may lead to spalling

To understand the interaction between spalling and

grain structure, an EBSD scan was performed close to
the spalled region. The IPF image shows extensive dark
regions due to poor diffraction pattern quality (see
Fig. 5). It is well known that severe strains and
microvoid formation may lead to poor diffraction
quality, even though the sample surface is prepared
properly. It is interesting to note that the diffraction
quality around the spalled region is poorer than the
linear welded regions shown in Fig. 3, which indicates
that the strain gradients near the spalled regions were
very large and continuously decreased away from the
interface. This concentrated deformation is tentatively
attributed to alternating heavy compressive and tensile
plastic deformation due to the progression of shock
waves through the material. This qualitatively supports
the spalling mechanism that is reported in the literature.11 Further analyses are being conducted to understand these spalled regions as a function of discharge
energy, geometry and local grain boundary properties of
the base metal so that the spalling can be avoided in
MPW process.

Magnetic pulse welding can be used for different
geometry workpieces. Both linear welding and tubular
welding on AA6061-T6 were studied. Microstructure
characterisation of MPW on AA6061-T6 by EBSD
indicates almost one order of magnitude grain refinement in the welded interface comparing with base
metals. The data also show large crystallographic
misorientations between these grains. These experimental results confirm the hypothesis of localised high strain
rate deformation near the faying interfaces during high
velocity impact. The results also show that the interface
is formed mainly by true solid state bonding.
Significant spalling was observed away from the
welded region after the tubular MPW process.
Electron backscattered diffraction results from the
spalled region indicate the strain gradient and extensive
plastic deformation. The results qualitatively support
the hypothesis of localised deformation in the bulk
matrix away from the impacting surface due to the
progression of alternating compression and tension

Color Coded Map Type: Inverse Pole Figure [001]




5 Electron backscattered diffraction results from spalled region: colour code corresponds to spatial orientation of grains
with reference to stereographic triangle; large dark regions are voids and black speckles are regions where good diffraction could not be obtained

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Zhang et al.

deformation waves. However, the exact condition for

spalling to occur in MPW has not been fully understood
and is currently underway.

The authors thank Edison Welding Institute and the
contribution of the State of Ohio, Department of
Development and Thomas Edison Program, which
provided funding in support of Edison Technology
and Industry Center Services. Thanks to American
Welding Society for supporting of this work in the
form of fellowship to Ms Y. Zhang. Research at the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory SHaRE User
Facility was sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities
Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, US
Department of Energy. The authors also thank the
valuable discussion and experiment support from T.
Geer, M. K. Miller and K. Russell at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory.

Microstructure characterisation of magnetic pulse welded AA6061-T6

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Science and Technology of Welding and Joining






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