Edtpa Task 1 Part B - Plans For Learning Segment 3

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Learning Experience 3

Teacher Candidates:

Maddy Wimmer


Bogan Elementary, Kindergarten


1. Activity Title & Source, & description
of activity:

Conventions: Complete Sentences

Students will identify complete sentences through classroom discussions and independent practice.

2. Differentiation:

Differentiation: Gifted Students - On the independent practice the students will be required to complete the worksheet
given identifying whether the sentences are complete or not
by circling the smiley face or frowning face. In addition,
they will be asked to write their own complete sentence at
the bottom of the worksheet in the space provided.
Struggling Students- I will call the students to the back table to re-explain the directions to the independent practice.
I will then read the sentences to the students one sentence at
a time so they are able to comprehend what the sentences
are saying. I will also be available for any questions that
they have.

3. Common Core ELA Standards:

Strand: Writing
Grade: Kindergarten
K.W.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they
name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.

4. Student Learning Objective:

Through a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing,

the students will be able to compose informative/
explanatory texts with 75% accuracy.

Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

5. Instructional Materials, Equipment &



Paper Plates


Learning Experience 3 Assessments

Sentence Strips

6. Academic Language:


7. Key Vocabulary:

Telling Part
Naming Part
Complete Sentence

8. Opening:

First I will remind my students that we have been working on

sentences for the past two days and will ask them where are
some places that they have seen sentences. From there we will
discuss how we have talked about a naming part and a telling
part of a sentence this past week and recite our chant about the
naming and telling parts that we have learned the past two days.
We will then look at the examples of sentences that we have been
using for the past two day that will be shown on the Smartboard
and break up the sentences and discuss whether it is a naming
part or a telling part. For example in the first sentence I will read
My Dad is nice. I will then say, My Dad is that a naming
part or a telling part of a sentence? After an answer is given I
will discuss why My Dad is a naming part with my students.
Once we have determined the naming part I will read is nice
and ask whether that is a naming part or a telling part. We will
then discuss why is nice is a telling part. We will continue this
process through the rest of the examples so that my students have
a good understanding that a sentence must have two parts to be
complete. I will use the chant that we have learned the past
couple of days to help explain the differences between a naming
part and telling part to help them identify the two different parts
in a sentence. After we have gone through the examples on the
board I will have my students get in a line to walk around the
classroom to say our chant about our naming and telling part like
we have done the past two days. We will then walk all the way
around the classroom and come to sit back in front of the
Smartboard, however this time I will walk in the back of the line
so that I can watch my student the whole time and make sure
they are saying the words and doing all the motions.

9. Teacher Modeling:

10. Guided Practice:

Once they walk around the classroom I will have my students

sit in the Smartboard where I will show them the Smiley
Face/Frowny Face plates that we will be using in our lesson.
I will explain to my students that we will be using this tool to
show whether a sentence is complete or not complete. I will
then show them the sentence strips and explain that these are
the same sentences that we have been creating throughout the
week. I will read the first sentence that I have been demonstrating all week, My Grandma is short. After reading this
sentence I will tell my students that I am going to see if there
is a naming part in my sentence and use my chant to recall
what a naming part is. I will then pick out the words My
Grandma and ask my students if that is a who or a what,
explaining that My Grandma is a who so therefore it is a
naming part of a sentence. I will then read is short explaining that this must be my telling part because it tells something about my naming part. Next I will ask if My Grandma
is short. is a complete sentence because it has both a naming
part and a telling part. After we have determined that it is a
complete sentence I will show my students that I am going to
hold up the smiley face part of my plate. I will then demonstrate that I would hold up the frowny face side of my plate if
I only showed the is short. because that would not be a
complete sentence due to the fact it would not have a naming
part. I will then do another demonstration using the sentence,
A giraffe is tall.
Once I have provided my two examples to my students I will
then pass out the smiley face/frowny face plates to all of my
students. We will practice holding up the smiley face and frowy
face showing them how they should be holding their plates. We
will then move on to the next sentence which is My mom has a
radio. I will ask my students whether this is a complete sentence
and if so they should hold up the smiley face, if they do not
believe it is a complete sentence they will hold up the frowny
face. I will then explain that all of them should be holding up the
smiley face because it has a naming part and a telling part to
make it a complete sentence. I will then go through and just hold
up My mom asking if that is a complete sentence, explaining
that if they think My mom is a complete sentence to hold up
their smiley face, and if it is not a complete sentence to hold up
the frowny face. I will then explain that they should be holding
up the frowny face and ask why this is not a complete sentence. I
will then explain that this sentence is not complete because it is
missing the telling part of the sentence. We will go through this
process with the other couple of sentences we had created this
week allowing the students to determine if the sentence strips I
hold up are complete sentences or not by using their plates.

Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

11. Independent Practice:

After we as a group have practiced identifying complete sentences I will then explain to my students that we will be
completing an independent worksheet where they will be
practicing identifying complete sentences. Before passing the
worksheet out I will explain the directions and show them
that they will circle a smiley face if they believe the sentence
is complete or they will circle a frowny face if they believe
the sentence is not complete. For my gifted students I will
explain to them that they will complete the worksheet but
will also be required to write their own complete sentence at
the end of the worksheet in the space provided. For my
struggling students I will call them back to the back table and
read the sentences for them going step by step through the
worksheet to make sure that they understand the instructions
and are able to comprehend what the sentences are saying.

12. Application

This activity will allow my students to expand their knowledge of a

sentence, and understand that in order for a sentence to be complete it
must have a naming part and a telling part. By the end of the year my
students are required to write three complete sentences in order to meet
grade level standards. By understanding that each sentence must have a
naming part my students will be better prepared for the end of the year
and transferring that knowledge onto first grade.

13. Assessment

Informal Assessment: I will collect the students completed Learning

Experience 3 Assessments and read through each one to see if they
were able to understand the concept of telling parts with 80% accuracy.
I will also make notes on my personal observations based on classroom
discussion and engagement, as well as students self reflection.

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