Edtpa Task 1 Part B - Plans For Learning Segment 3
Edtpa Task 1 Part B - Plans For Learning Segment 3
Edtpa Task 1 Part B - Plans For Learning Segment 3
Teacher Candidates:
Maddy Wimmer
1. Activity Title & Source, & description
of activity:
2. Differentiation:
Differentiation: Gifted Students - On the independent practice the students will be required to complete the worksheet
given identifying whether the sentences are complete or not
by circling the smiley face or frowning face. In addition,
they will be asked to write their own complete sentence at
the bottom of the worksheet in the space provided.
Struggling Students- I will call the students to the back table to re-explain the directions to the independent practice.
I will then read the sentences to the students one sentence at
a time so they are able to comprehend what the sentences
are saying. I will also be available for any questions that
they have.
Strand: Writing
Grade: Kindergarten
K.W.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they
name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Paper Plates
Sentence Strips
6. Academic Language:
7. Key Vocabulary:
Telling Part
Naming Part
Complete Sentence
8. Opening:
9. Teacher Modeling:
After we as a group have practiced identifying complete sentences I will then explain to my students that we will be
completing an independent worksheet where they will be
practicing identifying complete sentences. Before passing the
worksheet out I will explain the directions and show them
that they will circle a smiley face if they believe the sentence
is complete or they will circle a frowny face if they believe
the sentence is not complete. For my gifted students I will
explain to them that they will complete the worksheet but
will also be required to write their own complete sentence at
the end of the worksheet in the space provided. For my
struggling students I will call them back to the back table and
read the sentences for them going step by step through the
worksheet to make sure that they understand the instructions
and are able to comprehend what the sentences are saying.
12. Application
13. Assessment