Energy: Miro Ristimäki, Antti Säynäjoki, Jukka Heinonen, Seppo Junnila
Energy: Miro Ristimäki, Antti Säynäjoki, Jukka Heinonen, Seppo Junnila
Energy: Miro Ristimäki, Antti Säynäjoki, Jukka Heinonen, Seppo Junnila
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Combining life cycle costing and life cycle assessment for an analysis
of a new residential district energy system design
Miro Ristimki*, Antti Synjoki, Jukka Heinonen, Seppo Junnila
Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics, P.O. Box 15800, 00076 Aalto, Finland
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 19 February 2013
Received in revised form
26 August 2013
Accepted 8 October 2013
Available online 8 November 2013
Due to the growing threat of climate change, we are challenged to nd improved assessment practises to
recognize solutions for sustainable urban development. The focus of the study is on the life cycle design
of a district energy system for a new residential development in Finland. This study analyses LCC (life
cycle costs) and carbon emissions (LCA (life cycle assessment)), i.e., the viability of different energy
systems through a methodological life cycle framework. By combining LCC and LCA, a LCM (life cycle
management) perspective is portrayed to support decision-making on a long-term basis. The comparable
energy design options analysed are (1) district heating (reference design), (2) district heating with
building integrated photovoltaic panels, (3) ground source heat pump, and (4) ground source heat pump
with building-integrated photovoltaic panels. The results show that the design option with the highest
initial investment (4) is in fact the most viable from a life cycle perspective. This study further
strengthens the connection between cost savings and carbon emissions reduction in a life cycle context.
Thus, by implementing LCC and LCA analysis in an early design phase, justied economic and environmental design decisions can be identied to develop more sustainable urban areas.
2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY license.
LCA (life cycle assessment)
LCC (life cycle costing)
LCM (life cycle management)
Sustainable residential development
Energy-efcient design solutions
District energy systems
1. Introduction
It is often stated that the three dimensions of sustainable
development (economic, environmental and equity) tend to
contradict each other in urban planning [1,2]. Finding solutions that
would support progress in all three of these aspects is thus a big
challenge. Godshalk (2004) has further studied the value conicts
within sustainable development between ecology, economy and
equity. He has boldly suggested that ecology (i.e., the environment)
and economy should be the primary values, and that equity should
be seen as a secondary objective in order to enhance urban planning [3]. While opposite opinions exist as well (e.g., in the Nordic
countries, the social aspect of urban development is mandated by
legislative processes), focussing on these two aspects certainly
forges the way in the search for viable sustainable solutions.
The focus in environmental sustainability in urban development
has lately been dominated by climate change. The spotlight in
research and policy-making is on cities, especially on residential
buildings and transportation due to their dominant role in global
0360-5442 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY license.
(2008) and Finkbeiner et al. (2010) have introduced a tool for LCSA
(life cycle sustainability assessment), which is dened as:
LCA LCC SLCA (LCA Environmental Life Cycle Assessment,
LCC Life Cycle Costing, SCLA Social Life Cycle Assessment)
[14,15]. Connecting both environmental and economic aspects
would further strengthen the importance of the concept life cycle
management in the early design stages of urban development [16].
When combining economic and ecological dimensions, they can
be claimed to complement each other in residential development.
Lower energy consumption equals lower running costs. When this
thinking is extended throughout the life cycle of a new residential
development, the savings might be signicant compared to the
initial investment. According to McKinsey & Company (2009), the
built environment sector has an excellent economic potential to
reduce GHG emissions by the year 2030 [17]. Accordingly, only the
power generation sector has more potential. Energy efciency as a
category has the most abatement opportunities, in which building
insulation possesses a signicant role [17]. The study suggested that
minor design changes in construction have a signicant carbon
reduction impact with a payback-time close to zero for both carbon
emissions and the respective operational costs.
The existing literature presents some examples of combining
the economic and ecological dimensions of life cycles. Carlsson
Reich (2005) attempted to combine economic LCC with environmental LCA in the case of municipal waste management systems.
The environmental effects were monetized in order to introduce a
common unit to measure both life cycle costs and environmental
effects [18]. The methodology enabled the analysis, but issues of
consistent methodology between economic assessments and
environmental LCAs remained. Heijungs et al. (2012) introduce a
way of calculating economic and ecological life cycle costs in one
assessment model [19]. Similarly, Junnila (2007) has presented a
combined LCC and LCA framework for life cycle management of
energy-consuming products [20]. Lijing Gu et al. (2008) have
created a method where LCA and LCC are combined for addressing
the life cycle green costs of buildings. LCA of different building
design options was analysed and converted into LCC costs for
emissions. Afterwards the emission costs derived from LCA were
added to the conventional LCC outcome [21]. Brown et al. (2011)
have proposed a life cycle management approach for large-scale
development resorts, where LCC and LCA are combined in order
to create designs that provide environmental benets with low
operational costs [22].
The purpose of this study is to examine whether a residential
development can in practice deliver the claimed sustainable
viability, i.e., simultaneous environmental and economic benets.
The study combines LCC and LCA in a case of a residential district
energy system area in Finland aiming to identify the actual technologies that could provide the highest sustainable viability and
assesses the emissions and relative mitigation potentials associated
with the different technologies.
Additionally, this study examines whether investments in
modern energy systems are feasible in both the economic and
ecological perspective. Thus, the LCC and LCA analyses are carried
out separately. Combining LCC and LCA brings added value to life
cycle management. By enhancing the position of life cycle management, profound sustainable solutions can be identied and
The study suggests that investments in new technology in heat
and electricity production provide savings in costs and GHG
emissions. However, the break-even points of the investments
occur signicantly sooner ecologically than economically.
The structure of this paper is as follows: The research methods
are presented in Section 2, followed by a detailed description of the
research process in Section 3. The results of the study are presented
in Section 4. The implications and uncertainties related to the results are discussed in Section 5. Finally, conclusions of the study are
presented in Section 6.
In order to avoid misinterpretation, the terms life cycle viability
and life cycle affordability are dened. Life cycle viability (in urban
development) is dened as merging economic and environmental
sustainability [23]. Life cycle affordability is dened as a calculated
net present value measure (V/m2/a) representing overall costefciency during a dened time period.
2. Research methods
The research methods applied in this study are life cycle costing
(LCC) and environmental life cycle assessment (LCA). It is important
to note that the LCC and LCA methods function similarly, although
they quantify their outcome with different measures: LCC is for
purely economic assessments, whereas LCA is for environmental
2.1. Life cycle costing (LCC)
LCC is a valuable nancial approach for evaluating and
comparing different building designs in terms of initial cost increases against operational cost benets with a long-term
perspective. The key incentive for applying an LCC analysis is to
increase the possibility of cost reductions for the operational phase,
even if an additional increase in the initial investment is necessary
[24]. By applying an LCC perspective in the early design phase,
decision makers are able to obtain a deeper understanding of costs
during the life cycle for different design strategies. Buildings are a
long-term investment associated with environmental impacts over
a long duration [25,26]. Fundamental environmental responsibility
aims for a long-term view and with that an understanding that
initial design decisions have a signicant impact over a buildings
life span [25].
LCC is dened as a technique which enables comparative cost
assessments to be made over a specied period of time, taking into
account all relevant economic factors, both in terms of initial costs
and future operational costs (Standardized Method of Life Cycle
Costing for Construction Procurement ISO15686, 2008) [27]. It is
important to notice that traditional LCC is purely economical and
does not take into account environmental aspects [24]. Earlier
development has focused on developing LCC methodology for the
construction industry and placing LCC in an environmental context
[28]. Sterner E. (2002) developed an LCC model to calculate the
total energy costs for buildings [29].
The LCC theory foundation is properly developed by Flanagan
et al. (1989) and Kirk & DellIsola (1995) along with essential decisions and activities to undertake an LCC analysis [30,31]:
- Dening alternative strategies to be evaluated e specifying
their functional and technical requirements
- Identifying relevant economic criteria e discount rate, analysis period, escalation rates, component replacement frequency
and maintenance frequency
- Obtaining and grouping of signicant costs e in what phases
different costs occur and what cost category
- Performing a risk assessment e a systematic sensitivity
approach to reduce the overall uncertainty
In order to compare different alternatives, a derived indicator
consisting of net present cost of all relevant life cycle costs is
calculated. The LCC annual equivalent is dened as V/m2/a (net
present cost) for the chosen evaluation period (Standardized
Method of Life Cycle Costing for Construction Procurement
models for different economies, but also more and more prevalent
are the so-called multi-region IO models. The truncation problem is
not an issue in IO LCAs since every sector of a national economy is
included in a model and the number of included sectorial transactions is indenite [32,36,37]. Additionally, data requirements are
signicantly different between IO LCAs and process LCAs. IO LCAs
require monetary transaction data, whereas process LCAs requires
detailed data on the material and energy ows of all processes in a
production process chain [34]. All required secondary data in the IO
LCAs lie within the IO LCA matrices, while process LCAs require
case-specic secondary data [32,34].
IO LCA suffers from the aggregation problem since even in the
most disaggregated models, several industries as well as all the
products of a specic industry are aggregated into each IO sector.
The industry sectors in IO LCAs thus represent the averages of
several sectors of an economy, making the method not applicable in
modelling specic products or comparing similar products within
one industry [35]. Additionally, IO LCA models in general appear as
a black box to the LCA practitioner [38]. Thus, examining characteristics of a specic process within an IO LCA model is usually
impossible. Partly related to the same issue, two other wellrecognized problems of IO LCAs are homogeneity and proportionality assumptions [39]. Of these, the homogeneity assumption
means that sector outputs are assumed to be proportional to price,
regardless of the variation of products inside a sector [39]. The
proportionality assumption means that the inputs to a sector are
assumed to be linearly proportional to its output [39].
The study utilizes a recently developed IO model, ENVIMAT,
which is based on the IO matrices of the Finnish economy. The
study utilizes the producer price version of the ENVIMAT model
with a table of 151 industries. The model was generated using the
characteristics of 918 Finnish products or services and 722 imported products or services [40]. Seppl et al. (2009) provide more
detailed information on the ENVIMAT model [40].
The hybrid LCA method combines the process LCA and IO LCA
into a single model. The method combines the advantages of the
two traditional LCAs and avoids known problems. Using hybrid LCA
avoids the truncation problem of the process LCA and relieves the
issue of the aggregation problem inherent in IO LCA modelling [41].
One of the most popular applications of hybrid LCA is tiered hybrid
LCA, which consists of process LCA for the emissions of production
processes, whereas the indirect emissions are modelled with IO
LCA. As a result, the model is accurate since process data is used for
the most important processes (avoiding the aggregation problem)
and IO LCA covers the supply chains (avoiding the truncation
3. Research process
3.1. The residential development of Hrmlnranta
The residential development of Hrmlnranta is located in
Tampere, Finlands third largest city by population (approx. 211,000
residents). The development site is situated about 5 km southwest
of Tampere city centre and has decent public transport connections.
The residential development is divided into two phases, which will
be executed during the years 2012e2020. The rst phase of the
development will be examined in this study; it includes seven
multi-story residential buildings (3078 gross m2 each with 28
apartments), and the area is designed for about 546 residents.
The city of Tampere is one of the fastest growing cities in
Finland. Estimations report that by the year 2030, approximately
45,000 new residents will move to the city, which will further increase energy consumption and GHG emissions. In an attempt to
manage a sustainable urban development, Tampere is currently
Origin of data
Maintenance costs
Economic parameters
200 000,00
90 000 000
180 000,00
80 000 000
160 000,00
70 000 000
140 000,00
60 000 000
120 000,00
50 000 000
100 000,00
40 000 000
80 000,00
30 000 000
60 000,00
20 000 000
40 000,00
10 000 000
20 000,00
9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101
1. District heat ()
than the district heating option (1). By year 29 and 32, both options,
including 10% renewable energy, become life cycle affordable:
ground source heat pump (4) at year 28 and district heating (2) at
year 32. These trends continue until year 100 except a few years
after year 50, when the renewable energy options fall below lifecycle affordability due to total system reinvestments at year 50.
The total life cycle costs (net present costs) are presented by
category in Table 2 and illustrated in Fig. 2. Note that the different
energy design options mostly affect the energy costs and thus
generate additional cost savings for the options including renewable energy.
When examining the rst 25 years, it is evident that the energy
systems that include building-integrated photovoltaic panels do
not attain life cycle affordability. The ground source heat pump
(option 3) is the most life cycle affordable within the rst 25 years.
Table 2
Life cycle costs categorized (25/50/100 years).
25 years
50 years
100 years
1. District heating
Investment cost
Energy cost
Maintenance cost
Life cycle replacement cost
Tot. NPC/m2/a
Investment cost
Energy cost
Maintenance cost
Life cycle replacement cost
Tot. NPC/m2/a
Investment cost
Energy cost
Maintenance cost
Life cycle replacement cost
Tot. NPC/m2/a
27,046,313 V
3,015,481 V
9,288,493 V
6,893,942 V
46,244,228 V
85.85 V
27,046,313 V
5,619,695 V
17,310,176 V
14,651,533 V
64,627,718 V
59.99 V
27,046,313 V
9,811,040 V
30,220,646 V
26,517,893 V
93,595,891 V
43.44 V
27,558,156 V
2,564,239 V
9,288,493 V
6,939,029 V
46,349,917 V
86.05 V
27,558,156 V
4,778,754 V
17,310,176 V
15,086,004 V
64,733,091 V
60.09 V
27,558,156 V
8,342,899 V
30,220,646 V
27,276,406 V
93,398,107 V
43.35 V
27,433,237 V
1,309,653 V
9,288,493 V
7,094,186 V
45,125,568 V
83.78 V
27,433,237 V
2,440,690 V
17,310,176 V
15,061,110 V
62,245,212 V
57.78 V
27,433,237 V
4,261,032 V
30,220,646 V
27,235,443 V
89,150,358 V
41.38 V
27,945,080 V
858,411 V
9,288,493 V
7,094,186 V
45,186,170 V
83.89 V
27,945,080 V
1,599,749 V
17,310,176 V
15,450,493 V
62,305,499 V
57.83 V
27,945,080 V
2,792,891 V
30,220,646 V
27,948,868 V
88,907,486 V
41.26 V
Fig. 2. Life cycle costs (NPC) for the evaluated options (25/50/100 years).
When examining the time periods of 50 and 100 years, the established trends continue until the end. Note that these results are
acquired with an indexation rate of 2% and a discount rate of 2.6%.
4.2.1. Sensitivity analysis for LCC results
Sensitivity analysis for the LCC results is to be made in order to
understand how indexation and discount rate affect the outcome,
especially when one of the chosen time periods is up to 100 years.
The key parameter to be examined is the energy indexation, since
the evaluation focuses on different energy systems and their life
cycle costs.
At rst, the effects of indexation and discount parameters were
analyzed by establishing a buffer zone. The buffer zone was drawn
to include indexation and discount changes between 0 and 8
percent, thus portraying nearly all possible future scenarios for
each option. Certain years may have a negative rate, but in the long
run, the average is assumed to be positive.
The energy indexation was tied to the general indexation of 2%
in the estimation, which means that the options that include
renewable energy (2 & 4) obtain a life cycle affordable status (100year period). The sensitivity analysis reveals that in order for the
options excluding 10% photovoltaic panels (options 1 & 3) to
become life cycle affordable, the annual energy indexation would
have to further changed from 2.00% by 0.32% (100 years), 0.45%
(50 years) and 1.44% (25 years) against the district heat option
and 0.40% (100 years), 0.27% (50 years) and 0.86% (25 years)
against the ground source heat pump option. Thus, if the realized
indexation falls below 1.68%, the options that include photovoltaic panels become economically disadvantageous from a life cycle
perspective (100-year period).
Additionally, the sensitivity analysis demonstrates that in order
for the district heating options (1 & 2) to surpass the ground source
heat pump options (3 & 4), the annual energy indexation would
have to decrease signicantly by 5e8% during the different time
periods 25, 50 and 100 years.
It is important to point out that the same sensitivity principles
effect the annual property maintenance cost index, which is this
study represents a relatively more signicant part of the life cycle
costs (Table 2 and Fig. 2), and thus have a greater impact on the nal
life cycle outcome.
4.3. LCA main results
According to the assessment, the lowest life cycle GHG emissions are reached with the ground source heat pump with
The options with ground source heat pumps have short carbon
payback times of only a year or two, but the result in signicantly
lower in GHG emissions during the 100-year time period compared
to the district heating options. The ground source heat pump option
results in 40% lower emissions during the 100-year period. The
option of ground heat pump with photovoltaic panels results in 42%
lower emissions than the option of district heating with photovoltaic panels. The comparison of district heating and ground
source heat pump with photovoltaic panels has the most contrast
and results in 45% lower emissions in favour of the ground heat
pump with photovoltaic panels option during the 100-year period.
5. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to examine both the ecological
and economical life cycle outcome (cost and emissions) of a new
residential development in order to add valuable information for
decision makers and future residents. Li et al. (2013) recommend
that life cycle cost and environmental impact assessments should
be developed further in order to promote more energy-efcient
building types and renewable energy technologies [54]. The results show that economical and ecological aspects clearly support
each other from a life cycle perspective and at the same contradicts
the investment-cost approach. This study reveals that by selecting a
slightly higher investment, a signicant proportion of energy costs
and emissions can be cut (e.g., option 4). A ground source heat
pump with building-integrated photovoltaic panels is more life
cycle-affordable due to lower energy costs, thus generating lower
emissions. Similar results are attained from residential buildings in
Denmark where a combination of ground source heat pump and
photovoltaic technology results in the most cost-optimal solution
[55,56]. A summary of life cycle costs and emissions are portrayed
in Table 4.
The results show that by applying a life cycle management
approach through LCC and LCA analyses, cost and emission savings
can be achieved with existing technological systems. An additional
investment in the investment phase appears to add value during its
life cycle, both economically and ecologically. Life cycle management is to be further emphasized and employed in urban residential development if viable solutions are to be recognized and
Research combining LCC and LCA analyses particularly for residential energy demand in Nordic conditions, has not been carried
out in this extent. However, there are comparable studies of LCC
and LCA combinations within the building and energy sector that
are in line with this study. Kosaero & Ries (2007) have assessed the
life cycle impact of green roofs and concluded that the environmental impact is signicant during the life cycle, even though energy reduction is relatively small compared to the overall building
demand [57]. An operational LCC and LCA regarding water use in
multi-occupant buildings is performed by Arpke & Hutzler (2005),
which suggests that high-efciency xtures are both economically
and environmentally justied and suitable for long-term owners
who can benet from operational cost savings [58]. Concerning the
life cycle impact of renewable energy options, Heetae & Tae Kyu
(2011) have assessed the correlation between LCC and LCA of
different energy generation systems, which revealed that energy
resources are mainly inversely proportional to GHG emissions and
the corresponding cost (except nuclear power). For example, solar
photovoltaic panels have a high cost with low emissions compared
to coal, which has low costs and high emission rates [59]. However,
Heetae & Tae Kyu (2011) did not consider the energy demand side
in their study; only electricity production was evaluated [59].
A critical matter concerning the results of the study is obtaining
reliable data since analyses require a signicant amount of data
25 years
cost (V)
50 years Net
cost (V)
100 years Net
cost (V)
3. Ground
2. District
source heat
incl. 10%
4. Ground
heat pump
incl. 10%
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