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Icecs 2002 Cd-Rom Proceedings: Welcome To The

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9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics,

Circuits and Systems - ICECS 2002
September 15-18, 2002, Dubrovnik

Predictive Control of Water Supply Plant

Boris Azeni1, Nedjeljko Peri2, Draen Slikovi3

Osijek Water Authority, Osijek, Croatia, Boris.Azenic@vodovod.com,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Nedjeljko.Peric@fer.hr,
University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Drazen.Sliskovic@etfos.hr.

The paper deals with the possibility of applying predictive
control for water level control in tanks of water supply plants.
The proposed control system includes ground water intake
plant, water treatment plant and water tanks. Since predictive
controlers are based on mathematical models of controlled
processes, the mathematical model of water supply plant has
been created for the purpose of design and verification of this
control algorithm. The price of electrical energy during the day
has also been taken into consideration for controller design. By
doing that, in addition to keeping the water level within
regulated limits, reduction of the costs of energy consumption
has been achieved. Properties of the designed control system
have been investigated by simulation on the mathematical
model of water supply plant.
Keywords: pipelines, water supply plant, mathematical model,
predictive control, level control, reduction of pumping costs.

plant being modelled, the procedure of modelling should start

from the fact that this plant consists of the following elements:
pipelines, valves, pumps, air dumper and water tanks. These
elements are interconnected to produce a network composed of
nodes and branches. In that case, a mathematical model with
lumped parameters that simplifies the plant analysis as well as
the design of the control system, is suited for modelling either
the entire plant or its subsystems.
To describe dynamics of fluid flow and accumulation
process in the plant there are three basic physical laws to start
from [4]:

Apart from the mentioned laws, other additional equations

are also used. Pressure drop, due to water flow through the
pipeline (friction losses), is described by equation [4]:

Water systems are complex systems that are very
important for our civilisation. Development of water supply
systems and the requirements for higher quality of water, lower
price and safer system operation result in the need for
systematic approach to water supply system control. On the
other hand, by applying information technology in water supply
systems in recent years, plant automation level has been
achieved that enables applications of advanced control
algorithms, which can include various intelligent control
algorithms. Application of advanced control algorithms makes
it possible to meet the requirements with optimal water supply
even if water resources, capacity of water treatment plant, and
cubic capacity of water tank are limited. The process in water
supply systems is affected by various disturbances the biggest
of which is water consumption in distribution network. That is
non-stationary and stochastic disturbance what additionally
makes it more difficult to design control system.
The analyses in the paper refer to water supply plant of the
Osijek Water Authority (seated in the city of Osijek, Croatia)
which consists of eighteen water wells, two water treatment
lines and five water tanks with total capacity of 10,000 m3.
Water production process in this plant is still being operated
manually by a team of operators.
The mathematical model of a water supply plant is
structured according to its topology. Water supply plant consists
of three subsystems: water pumping and transport plant (ground
water intake plant), water treatment plant and water
accumulation plant, i.e. water tanks. On the other hand,
regardless of one of the mentioned subsystems or the entire

0-7803-7596-3/02/$17.00 2002 IEEE

Law of momentum conservation;

Law of mass conservation;
Bernoulli's equation of flow.

p j = R j q1j.852 ,

Rj =

1.07 10 5 l j
C 1j.852 d 4j .89



pj - pressure drop on the j-th pipeline segment [Pa],

qj - flow thorough the j-th pipeline segment [m3/s],
Cj - pipeline material constant (non-dimensional value
which is experimental defined),
- length of the j-th pipeline segment [m],
dj - diameter of the j-th pipeline segment [m],
Rj - pressure drop coefficient of the j-th segment [Pa s2/ m6].
Due to significant pipeline lengths, water mass in the
pipeline should not be neglected. Flow change due to pressure
difference changes that influence the water mass in the pipeline
is expressed by [4]:
dq j

( )

p j ,

Kj =

4 l j

d j


Kj - water inertia coefficient [kg /m4],
- fluid density [kg/m3].
Non-linear differential equation that describes dynamical
behaviour of the fluid in non-elastic pipelines is [4]:
dq j


p j R j q j q j



One of the important elements of water supply plants are

pumps. In our case pumps operate with variable speed. For


determining the Q-H pump characteristics in case when the

pump is not operating with nominal speed, relevant is [5]:

p = g (q, u , s ) = a + b
+ c
n 0

if n 0 and





- operating pump speed [s-1],

- nominal pump speed [s-1],
- water flow [m3/s],
- number of pumps working parallel (if all pumps
have the same hydraulic characteristics) ,
a, b, c - approximation pump hydraulic characteristic


h [m]


On the basis of previously mentioned laws and equations,

and a priori knowledge about the process, a mathematical model
of water supply plant was created. Model created in this way
includes numerous unit process operations and therefore it has a
complex structure.
The created mathematical model is verified by comparing
simulation results obtained by the model with plant measuring
data. Verification of the mathematical model was performed in
such a way that the part of model describing water pumping and
transportation to the water treatment plant was verified
separately and so was the part of model describing the process
of water treatment and accumulation in water tanks.
Verification of mathematical model of water pumping and
transport subsystem was performed by comparing flow and
pressure responses obtained by simulation with actual data of
flow and pressure in the plant. Figure 1 shows step responses of
the flow at the end of the transport pipeline with regard to
reference flow change of water pumping plant.

q [m3/s]

0 .4 2 0

Verification of the mathematical model of water treatment and

accumulation plant was performed for a longer period of time,
due to a very slow dynamics of the process. With regard to
working conditions in the water supply plant, during simulation
period, it wasn't possible to keep a reference flow variable
constant and to exclude influence of water consumption.
Therefore, verification was performed by comparing water level
response obtained by simulation to water level in the tanks with
action of reference flow of pumping plant and water
consumption under operating conditions of the plant. Figure 3
shows comparison of these responses.




tim e [s ]

Fig. 1 Comparison of step responses of the flow at

the end of the transport pipeline.
Step responses of the pressure at end of the transport pipeline
with regard to reference flow change of water pumping plant are
shown in Figure 2.
8 .5 E + 0 4

m o d e l re s p o n s e
s y s te m re s p o n s e

p [Pa]

8 .0 E + 0 4
7 .5 E + 0 4
7 .0 E + 0 4
6 .5 E + 0 4
-1 0 0




tim e [s ]

Fig. 2 Comparison of step responses of the pressure at

the end of the transport pipeline.

10 12 14
time [h]






The concept of water supply plant control system is based

on the mathematical model of water supply system.
Additionally, the following requirements should be met:

0 .3 8 0





The Figures show good matching of simulation results with

measuring results obtained in the plant. Thus, conclusion is that
the obtained mathematical model of the plant could be used as a
basis for designing control algorithms as well as for
investigation of control system.

m o d e l re s p o n s e
s y s te m re s p o n s e

Fig. 3 Comparison of water level in the tanks over time.

0 .4 0 0

0 .3 6 0
-1 0 0

model response
system response

to keep water tanks level within demanded limits;

to take into account maximum and minimum flow
through a water treatment plant;
to ensure the smoothest possible operation of the
water treatment plant;
to reduce pumping costs, by adapting intensity of
pumping according to electricity tariff structure.

In order to supply households and industry with water

continuously, and in case of faults in the plant, it is necessary to
ensure sufficient amount of water in tanks, i.e. to define minimal
water level in the tanks which under no circumstances should be
bellow that minimum during normal operation of the plant. That
is regulated by law as well. Cubic capacity of water tanks
determines maximum water level.
The price of electrical energy changes during the day. To
reduce costs it is necessary to adapt (during the day) the amount
of pumped water, i.e. the electrical power consumed by the
pumps, according to electricity tariff system. Thus the day is
divided into three intervals, Figure 4. The first one (t0-t1) refers
to the morning price (the lowest) of electrical energy when
maximum possible amount of water should be pumped out and
accumulated in tanks. The second interval ( t1-t2 ) covers the
period of medium and high tariff during which minimum
possible amount of water should be pumped out. The third
interval (t2-t3) refers to the evening and night tariff (the lowest)
when again maximum possible amount of water to be pumped
out. Capacity and properties of the water treatment plant
determines the maximum and minimum amount of water to be


pumped. By such an operation electrical energy is not saved, but

more acceptable ratio of the pumped out amount of water and
the price of expended electrical energy has been achieved,
meeting other mentioned requirements.

Fig. 4 Tank reference trajectory water level h(t), and

corresponding water flow q(t) in accordance with tariff
On the basis of the mentioned requirements for control of
water supply plant the following conclusion could be drawn: the
aim of control is to minimize deviation of water level in tanks at
the end of the first and the second interval in relation to desired
water level value. To calculate the optimal value of control
variable by which minimal aberration is achieved, a predictive
controller is used which, based on predictive water level value
of the end of interval, calculates the optimal value of control
variable during the interval. GPC (General Predictive
Controller) has been chosen to control water supply process for
its simplicity and good properties in controlling industrial plants
GPC calculates the optimal value of reference pumping
plant flow (ground water intake plant) on the basis of deviation
of predicted water level in tanks from reference water level
trajectory. The calculation of optimal control GPCs output
value, i.e. control value, is based on the criterion function
minimisation expressed by [1],[2],[3]:

J (href , h, q ) = href (k + j ) h(k + j ) + [q (k + j 1)] ,

j = N1

j =1

Gip ( s ) =

1 e 20 s
1 + 1000s
G wt ( s ) =
3127 s


Gip (s ) - ground water intake plant and transport pipeline

transfer function,
Gtp (s ) - water treatment plant transfer function,

q (k )

In order to meet the requirements for water supply plant

control by the chosen algorithm, it is necessary to form
appropriate reference trajectory of water level in the tank for the
following day. When calculating the reference trajectory present
limitations in the process should be taken into account, as well
as the influence of disturbance variables (in the first place the
consumption of water from the tanks) and the tariffs for
electricity calculation.



- predicted water level,

- controller predicted output (i.e. reference value

of the water pumping plant flow),
- control weight coefficient,

N1 , N 2 , N u - minimum, maximum, and control horizons.

1 e 5 s
1 + 150s

Gtp ( s ) =


href (k ) - reference water level trajectory,
h(k )

Prediction of daily water consumption is based on the

assumption that the consumption for the following day may be
obtained from the measured data of the nearest equivalent day
in the database [5]. The results of the analysis of these data have
shown that the days of the month may be divided into two
categories considering the similarity condition. Working days
(Monday Friday) fall into the first category whereas nonworking days (Saturday, Sunday and holidays) fall into the
second category. In this case, water consumption prediction is
calculated in a way that the average value of water consumption
in the last three days in the same category is calculated.
In order to minimize deviation of the water level in relation
to the reference trajectory at the end of each interval, the values
of prediction horizons in the GPC must be altered in such a way
that the prediction horizons during the interval determine the
part of the reference trajectory at the end of that interval.
Whether demand to keep the water levels in the tanks within the
defined limits will be met or not, depends primarily on deviation
of the water level from the reference trajectory at the end of
each interval.
Weighting coefficient of the control signal defines the
influence of prediction vector differentials sum of controller
output in the criterion function (5). If choosing higher value of
coefficient, the control system becomes more robust in
respect to deviation of the mathematical model from the
behaviour of actual process. There is no general rule according
to which the value of the coefficient ought to be chosen; it is
determined in an experimental way. For water supply process
control in the plant analysed in this paper the chosen value of
the coefficient is 10.
Most predictive controllers, as well as GPC, are based on a
linear mathematical model of the process described by a transfer
function. In order to design a GPC, the created non-linear
mathematical model of the water supply process is firstly
divided into three parts, each of which separately describes the
behaviour of basic subsystems. Linearization of the
mathematical model was done afterwards, resulting in three
transfer functions which describe the water pumping plant with
transport pipeline, water treatment plant and water tanks, as

G wt (s ) - water tanks transfer function.

Linearization of the model was done for the operating point of

the plant that corresponds to the average value of reference
water intake. Block scheme of the water supply system with a
linear mathematical model of water supply plant is shown in
Figure 5.
In calculating the reference water intake based on the
linear model of water supply plant, the limitation of water flow,
which arises from the characteristics of the water treatment
plant, was not taken into consideration. Limitation of flow value
is performed subsequently by limiting of reference water intake
applying the following inequalities:


Fig. 5 Block scheme of designed water supply control system.

qmin qref (t ) qmax ,




- maximum value of reference water intake [m3/s],


- minimum value of reference water intake[m3/s].

Verification of the GPC used for the water supply plant

control was performed by simulation. In performing the
simulations we used the measurement data from the water
supply system of the Osijek Water Authority for April 2001.
Verification was performed for the period from 2 April 2001
to 6 April 2001. Figures 6, 7 and 8 shows the results for 2
April 2001. The data obtained for the remaining days in this
period are very similar to the results shown in the mentioned

h [m]

6 .5
w a te r le v e l
5 .5

Based on the conducted analysis it can be concluded that
the designed GPC is able to meet the requirements of a
control system. The simulations show that the results
achieved after implementing GPC are better than those
achieved by manual control. When designing the control
system, beside adequate choice of GPC parameter values, it is
necessary also pay attention to water consumption prediction
calculation. Control quality depends considerable on the
accuracy of consumption prediction calculation.
In the next phase of our investigation we are going to
implement the control system based on GPC approach in the
real water supply plant.













r e fe r e n t w a te r le v e l
tr a je c to r y

Figure 6 shows that GPC control a water supply plant

with an acceptable deviation in water level with regard to the
trajectory of water level. It is also clear that during the day
reference water intake stays within defined limits with smooth
operation of the water supply plant within each interval,
Figure 7. The calculated prediction of water consumption
describes the actual water consumption accurately enough,
which may be seen in Figure 8.


tim e [h ]

Fig. 6 Water level in tanks over time.

[1] D.W. Clarke, C. Mohtadi, P.S. Tuffs, "Generalized

Predictive Control - Part I. The Basic Algorithm",
Automatica, Vol. 23. No. 2, pp. 137-148, 1987.

0 ,5 5


0 ,5

[2] D.W. Clarke, C. Mohtadi, P.S. Tuffs, "Generalized

Predictive Control Part II. Extensions and Interpretations",
Automatica, Vol. 23. No. 2, pp. 149-160, 1987.

0 ,4 5
0 ,4













0 ,3 5

tim e [h ]

Fig. 7 Reference water flow of intake plant over time.

0 .6

0 .4
0 .3












w a te r c o n s u m p tio n
w a te r c o n s u m p tio n p r e d ic tio n

0 .2

q [m3/s]

0 .5

[3] D.W. Clarke, C. Mohtadi, "Properties of Generalized

Predictive Control", Automatica, Vol. 25. No. 6, pp. 149-160,
[4] N. Peri, I. Petrovi, A. Magzan, "Modeling and control
of water supply systems", IFAC LSS, Patras, July 15-17,
[5] M.A. Brdys, B. Ulanicki, "Operational Control of Water
System", Prentice-Hall International (UK), Hertfordshire,
[6] E. F. Comacho, "Model Predictive Control", SpringerVerlag London, Great Britain, 1999.

tim e [h ]

Fig. 8 Water consumption prediction over time.


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