Report 1 (Jack)

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EML 342/2: Engineering Lab III


Experiment 1:
Title: Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining
1. To provide exposure and understanding of the capabilities of computer
numerical control machine tools in practice.
2. To give direct practical applications of developing the CNC program for mill
and lathe processing.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is refers to a computer that is joined to
the numerical control machine to make the machine versatile. The input information
can be stored in a memory bank and the programme is read from a storage medium
such as the punched tape and retrieved to the memory of the CNC computer. Some
CNC machines have a magnetic medium (tape or disk) for storing programs. This will
gives more flexibility for editing or saving the CNC programs. Figure below shows
the general configuration of CNC machine.

Figure 1: The general configuration of CNC.

CNC machining is a term used to describe the control of specific function of
motion path and associated movements of a machine through coded numerical
directives for use in machining work. CNC machine is widely used in many different
manufacturing processes such as metal cutting, woodwork, welding, flame cutting,

sheet metal forming and others. CNC systems are used widely today because of the
availability of small computer with large memory, low-cost programmable controller
and microprocessors and program-editing capabilities.
CNC system contains many different types of programming functions and
commands. Below are some of the basic commands with their codes letter.
O Designates the program number
N Designates the sequence number
G Any preparatory functions
X Movement along X-axis
Y Movement along Y-axis
Z Movement along Z-axis
R What the radius should be
F The fed-rate of cutting tools
S The actual spindle speed of tools
H Offset length of the tool
D Offset radius of the tool
T Tool designation
Apparatus and Materials:

Fanuc Robodrill -T21iFLb vertical machining centre, 10mm Milling tool,

Perspex block, Vernier calliper.

The drawing in Appendix A-5 is studied. A G-codes program with refer to the
lab manual was written based on the drawing given. The written G-code is submitted
to the technician and checked for error. Then, G-codes program is inputted to the
CNC milling machine. The drawing pattern will then be machined onto a perspex
block. The drawing profile was machined and the dimensions of the part were
measured using a vernier calliper to determine the dimensional accuracy of the profile
after machining.

1. Table below shows the G-codes used for our experiment in conduct a milling
machining by Fanuc Robotdrill -T21 iFLb.



G91 G28 Z0


T10 M6


G90 G00 G54


X0 Y0 M3


G43 H10 Z10


G41 D10 X0 Y0


X8 Y8 F350


Z-1 F150


G01 X8 Y28


G01 X28 Y42


G01 X61


G01 Y23


G01 X53


G02 X 38 Y8


G01 X8 Y8


G00 Z10

G54 X0 Y0
X0 Y0
X8 Y8
X8 Y28
X28 Y42
X53 Y23
X38 Y8 R15
X8 Y8

Programming input in millimetres (mm).
Incremental programming was activated. Positioning defined
with reference to previous position.
Tool returned to reference point (0,0).
Depth of cut is 0mm.
Tool no.10 was selected.
Tool change command was executed.
Absolute programming mode was activated. Positioning was
defined with reference to part zero.
Rapid traverse positioning mode was activated.
Origin of work coordinate system 1 was established.
Spindle was turned on.
Spindle speed was set at 2100 rpm.
Tool height offset with negative compensation mode is defined.
Tool length offset is defined as 10mm.
Tool was moved to 10 mm above the work piece surface.
Tool radius compensation (left) was activated for the drill bit.
Diameter of tool no.10 is 10mm.
Tool move to reference point (0,0).
Tool was moved to point (8,8) as a starting point
Fed-rate of the tool is 350 mm/min.
The tool cut into the work piece by 1 mm.
Fed-rate of the tool when cut into work piece is 150 mm/min.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (8,28) in a linear path.
Fed-rate of the tool is 350 mm/min.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (28,42) in a linear path.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (61,42) in a linear path.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (61,23) in a linear path.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (53,23) in a linear path.
Clockwise circular interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to point (38,8) in a clockwise circular path
with radius of circle of 15mm.
Linear interpolation mode was activated.
Tool was moved to staring point (8,8) in linear path.
Rapid traverse positioning mode was activated.


G28 Z0
G28 X0 Y0

G28 Z0
G28 X0. Y0.

Tool was moved to 10 mm above the work piece surface.

Spindle is switched off.
Tool returned to same position of reference point.
Tool was moved to the reference point (0,0).
End of program.
End of program.

Table 1: A G-codes program based on the drawing with the functioning of each code

Figure 2: Whole G-codes program as shown in the controller display screen

Figure 3: Perspex block after fabrication of CNC machine

The benefits of CNC machine include cost and time saving where there is
highly accuracy delivered through the CNC machining, the waste is decreased by
minimizes the loss and errors and increase the profit over cost and time. Besides, it
can quickly produce parts that would normally take multiple steps to manufacture.
Furthermore, CNC machining can provide high part to part accuracy and consistency
since the minute an error or deficiency is detected in a product, the operation is
stopped to prevent any further waste of material. This can ensure products with high
dimensional accuracy and high repeatibility can be achieve. There is only required
low skill operater to produce complex components by apply CNC machine and there
are various design software today also integrated CNC system which able to simulate
any machining process vritually. Hence, efficiency of the CNC machine can be
improved too. CNC machine can provided safety to the operator since operation can
only be performing as the safety door is closed. This can allow for a much safer work
environment. The CNC machine is suitable for high volume production in the
automotive and electronic sector, medical tools and implants, watch and jewellery
industry and also for mould and tool making.
The CNC machine used in the experiment is known as Fanuc Robotdrill -T21
iFLb. This machine can also called as 5-axis CNC high speed drill tap vertical
machining centre. This machine is equipped with Nikken Model 5AX130 Tilt &
Rotary table with controller where the rotation spindle speed is in the range of 100rpm
24000rpm with the rapid traverse feed rate of 2120 ipm. The machine contains 21
positions turret tool changer where the maximum tool diameter and tool length are
80mm and 250mm respectively. With the efficient of the tool changing time of 1.6
second, it gives much benefit to the fabrication part that involves multiple cutting
tools exchange in one component. Since longer manufacturing time will increase the
total cost and time.
Other specifications of the CNC machine is that the movement of the 3 axis
are very wide where X-axis travel (Longitudinal movement of table) is 700mm, Yaxis travel (Cross movement of saddle) is 400mm and Z-axis travel (Vertical
movement of spindle head) is 330mm. The distance from table surface to spindle gage
plane is in the range of 150mm 480mm. The maximum mass capacity of the work

piece is 300kg. The wide spaces between the X-Y-Z axes allow machining large sizes
of the work piece or fabrication number of similar components at the same time. This
steps can save the fabrication time and labour cost. The CNC machines also equipped
with the coolant system which can avoid any defection occur and lubricate the
machining surface.
The CNC machine can operate either in automatic mode or manual mode.
With refer to the Appendix A-1, the controller has a LCD display, on-off switches, an
emergency stop button, a control dial, two control knobs, two push buttons for feed
hold and cycle start functions, and a keypad for inputting G-codes and other
commands. For machine operating in manual mode, the user can perform several
machining process by manually input the relevant command into the controller with
the keypad provided. On the other hands, user also can use two control knobs to
control the direction and position of the controller when G-codes program is ignored.
Besides, for automatic mode, user can load the suitable G-codes program into a
memory chip to enable for the controller to read and interpret the G-code to perform
machining process.
The G-codes program that used for the machining of work piece as show in
the table 1. The programs as show in table 1 are include several languages which are
language G, M, T and others. Each language has their own specified of meaning. To
fabricate the component with similar to the engineering drawing, it can followed the
coordinates as show in table 1. These coordinates is important because it can direct
the spindle toward each designated point so that the required profile can be machined.
There have some errors and problems are occurred during the machining
process where the main problem is the selection of tool size. The diameter of the tool
number 10 is 10mm which consider is too big since there is a part of the profile is not
able to be machine. As we refer to figure 3, we can see that the edge of circular part
cannot be remove. Large diameter of the cutting tool causes the sharp corner of the
circular part cannot be trimmed off. Therefore, we can change the tool diameter from
10mm to 3-5mm, so the sharp corner part can be removed in order to produce product
close to the engineering drawing as descrided. In addition, there are some coordinates
are difficult to calculate due to lack of the information given. We only can calculate

the dimension based on the ratio theory where there may causes inaccurancy occurs.
Hence, with used the SolidWorks software to sketch the profile and masure all the
point needed accurately. As refer to Appendix A-2, we can see that there is maximum
deviation of roughly 0.006mm was obtained, so this shows that machining centers are
able to produce part with high dimensional accuracy.

CNC machine and technology have give a valuable tool in many industries
area. In fact, it is easy to be coded and understand. CNC machining can produce parts
in short period of time with high dimensional accuracy and good in quantity. Besides,
it is automated machine thus it can reduce the number of worker involved compare to
conventional machining. Moreover, it does not require a high skilled worker, thus
anyone can perform complex machining.

1. Lab Manual of EML 342/2, Engineering Lab III.
2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 5th edition in SI units, Serope
Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid, Prentice Hall, 2010.
3. Numerical Control-Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia-Last modified on 4
April 2014.
4. G-codes-Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia- Last modified on 7 March 2014.


A-1: Controller display of Fanuc Robodrill -T21iFLb

A-2: Engineering drawing sketch by SolidWorks software

A-3: 21 positions of turret tool changer

A-4: Front view of Fanuc Robodrill -T21iFLb

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