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ETE 335

Elementary Social Studies Lesson

deBonos Thinking Hats

ETE 335

Elementary Social Studies Lesson

deBonos Thinking Hats
Rachel Bauer
Money, Money!

ETE 335

Elementary Social Studies Lesson

deBonos Thinking Hats

Students will learn about the role of money.
Students will realize how money is important in the running of a community.
Students will be able to explain how much each piece of money is worth.
Students will be able to create their own community.
Students will be able to compute the value of money for a good or service.
Students will be able to hypothesize the best way to spend money.
Students will be able to summarize their money spending experiences.
Students will be able to compare and contrast their judgements with other
Students will be able to judge their own money making decisions.
Students will be able to evaluate how money makes people feel.
Students will be able to describe how communities work together.

ETE 335

Elementary Social Studies Lesson

deBonos Thinking Hats
The students will gain more understanding about the role of
money in society both local and world.

State Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards
SS.EC.FL. 4.2.: Explain that money can be saved or spent
on goods and services.
SS.EC.3.2: Compare the goods and services that people in
the local community produce and those that are produced
in other communities
SS.EC.1.2: Demonstrate how our choices can affect
ourselves and others in positive and negative ways.
SS.IS.5.K-2: Ask and answer questions about arguments
and explanations.

National NCSS Themes

People, Places, and Environments.
Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
Production, Distribution, and Consumption


In this activity, the students will be

given money bags and be asked

what they believe each coin and
dollar bill is worth. As they discuss
this, the teacher will hand out a
sheet with the values of each piece
of money on it. After this sheet is
passed around, the students will
work together in groups of 3 or to
answer some problems and use the
money to help them.
Money Bags
Sheet with values
Sheet with story problems and
examples of the money


In this activity, the students will break up into groups of 3 or
4. They will add all of their money together. After this, the
class will write on the board how much money their group
has. After they write how much they have, the class will
discuss how they feel about how much their group has
compared to the other groups.

Money Bags
Writing utensil
Whiteboard or Smartboard



In this activity, the students will watch a video about decisions and money. After
watching this video, they will write down a short response about a time where they
made a positive decision on spending money. After they write, the students will
compare with another student. Together, the students will come up with an poster
on why it is good to make a smart decision with money.

Poster board
Writing and Coloring utensils
Rubric (found on next slide)

Student Name: ________________________________________

Graphics -Clarity

Graphics are all in focus and the content
Most graphics are in focus and the content Most graphics are in focus and the content is Many graphics are not clear or are too small.
easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. easily viewed and identified from 4 ft. away.

Knowledge Gained

Student can accurately answer all questions Student can accurately answer most
related to facts in the poster and processes questions related to facts in the poster and
used to create the poster.
processes used to create the poster.

Student can accurately answer about 75% of Student appears to have insufficient
questions related to facts in the poster and knowledge about the facts or processes used
processes used to create the poster.
in the poster.


The poster is exceptionally attractive in

terms of design, layout, and neatness.

The poster is acceptably attractive though it The poster is distractingly messy or very
may be a bit messy.
poorly designed. It is not attractive.


Title can be read from 6 ft. away and is quite Title can be read from 6 ft. away and
describes content well.

Use of Class Time

Used time well during each class period.

Focused on getting the project done. Never
distracted others.

Used time well during each class period.

Used some of the time well during each
Usually focused on getting the project done class period. There was some focus on
and never distracted others.
getting the project done but occasionally
distracted others.

Did not use class time to focus on the

project OR often distracted others.

Graphics - Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and

make it easier to understand. All borrowed
graphics have a source citation.

All graphics are related to the topic and

most make it easier to understand. All
borrowed graphics have a source citation.

Graphics do not relate to the topic OR

several borrowed graphics do not have a
source citation.

The poster is attractive in terms of design,

layout and neatness.

Title can be read from 4 ft. away and

describes the content well.

All graphics relate to the topic. Most

borrowed graphics have a source citation.

The title is too small and/or does not

describe the content of the poster well.


In this activity, the students will write about a time where
they made a poor decision with spending money. After they
write, the students will share their stories with the class.
Writing utensils
Rubric for grading (found on next slide)

Student Name: ________________________________________


The final draft of the story is
readable, clean, neat and
attractive. It is free of erasures
and crossed-out words. It looks
like the author took great pride
in it.

The final draft of the story is
readable, neat and attractive. It
may have one or two erasures,
but they are not distracting. It
looks like the author took some
pride in it.

The final draft of the story is
readable and some of the pages
are attractive. It looks like parts
of it might have been done in a

The final draft is not neat or
attractive. It looks like the
student just wanted to get it
done and didn\'t care what it
looked like.

There are 2-3 spelling and

punctuation errors in the final

The final draft has more than 3

spelling and punctuation errors.

Spelling and Punctuation

There are no spelling or

There is one spelling or
punctuation errors in the final
punctuation error in the final
draft. Character and place
names that the author invented
are spelled consistently

Focus on Assigned Topic

The entire story is related to the

assigned topic and allows the
reader to understand much
more about the topic.

Most of the story is related to

Some of the story is related to No attempt has been made to
the assigned topic. The story
the assigned topic, but a reader relate the story to the assigned
wanders off at one point, but the does not learn much about the topic.
reader can still learn something topic.
about the topic.

Writing Process

Student devotes a lot of time

and effort to the writing process
(prewriting, drafting, reviewing,
and editing). Works hard to
make the story wonderful.

Student devotes sufficient time Student devotes some time and Student devotes little time and
and effort to the writing process effort to the writing process but effort to the writing process.
(prewriting, drafting, reviewing, was not very thorough. Does
Doesn\'t seem to care.
and editing). Works and gets the enough to get by.
job done.


The students will begin with a little lesson on how communities work together
and how the goods they provide play a role in their lifestyle and relationship with
other communities. In this activity, the students will be split into groups of 3 or 4.
In their groups, they will create their own community. The students will have to
name and describe their community. Additionally, the students will come up with
what goods or services their community provides. The students will have a set
amount of money as a budget for their community. The students will then go to
the other communities and buy or trade for that communitys goods or services.
The students will record how much they get and how much they spend. After the
allotted time, the students will discuss their results with the class. They will write
a short reflection on how communities work with each other.
Recording sheet
Sheet for the description of their community
Reflection sheet
Writing utensils
Timer for the activity
Rubric for collaboration work (found two slides after this)

Student Name: ________________________________________

Quality of Work

Provides work of the highest quality. Provides high quality work.

Provides work that occasionally
needs to be checked/redone by
other group members to ensure

Provides work that usually needs to
be checked/redone by others to
ensure quality.


Routinely uses time well throughout Usually uses time well throughout
the project to ensure things get done the project, but may have
on time. Group does not have to
procrastinated on one thing. Group
adjust deadlines or work
does not have to adjust deadlines or
responsibilities because of this
work responsibilities because of this
person\'s procrastination.
person\'s procrastination.

Tends to procrastinate, but always

gets things done by the deadlines.
Group does not have to adjust
deadlines or work responsibilities
because of this person\'s

Rarely gets things done by the

deadlines AND group has to adjust
deadlines or work responsibilities
because of this person\'s inadequate
time management.


Never is publicly critical of the

project or the work of others. Always
has a positive attitude about the

Rarely is publicly critical of the

project or the work of others. Often
has a positive attitude about the

Occasionally is publicly critical of the

project or the work of other
members of the group. Usually has a
positive attitude about the task(s).

Often is publicly critical of the

project or the work of other
members of the group. Often has a
negative attitude about the task(s).

Focus on the task

Consistently stays focused on the

task and what needs to be done.
Very self-directed.

Focuses on the task and what needs

to be done most of the time. Other
group members can count on this

Focuses on the task and what needs Rarely focuses on the task and what
to be done some of the time. Other needs to be done. Lets others do the
group members must sometimes
nag, prod, and remind to keep this
person on-task.

Working with Others

Almost always listens to, shares

Usually listens to, shares, with, and
with, and supports the efforts of
supports the efforts of others. Does
others. Tries to keep people working not cause \"waves\" in the group.
well together.

Often listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others, but
sometimes is not a good team

Rarely listens to, shares with, and

supports the efforts of others. Often
is not a good team player.

Thinking About

Thinking About
In this activity, the students Thinking
will take their story about their

poor decision making. They will compare their story with

another students. While doing this, the students will bounce
ideas off of each other on how they could have spend the
money differently or saved the money. The students will then
add a couple of these ideas to their story and draw a
depiction of this scenario. Afterwards, the students will share
their stories with the class.
Writing utensils
Rubric (found on next slide)

Student Name: ________________________________________

Focus on Assigned Topic

The entire story is related to the
assigned topic and allows the reader
to understand much more about the

Most of the story is related to the
assigned topic. The story wanders off
at one point, but the reader can still
learn something about the topic.

Some of the story is related to the
No attempt has been made to relate
assigned topic, but a reader does not the story to the assigned topic.
learn much about the topic.


The story is very well organized. One The story is pretty well organized.
idea or scene follows another in a
One idea or scene may seem out of
logical sequence with clear
place. Clear transitions are used.


Original illustrations are detailed,

Original illustrations are somewhat
Original illustrations relate to the text Illustrations are not present OR they
attractive, creative and relate to the detailed, attractive, and relate to the on the page.
are not original.
text on the page.
text on the page.


The final draft of the story is

readable, clean, neat and attractive.
It is free of erasures and crossed-out
words. It looks like the author took
great pride in it.

The final draft of the story is

readable, neat and attractive. It may
have one or two erasures, but they
are not distracting. It looks like the
author took some pride in it.

The final draft of the story is readable The final draft is not neat or
and some of the pages are attractive. attractive. It looks like the student
It looks like parts of it might have
just wanted to get it done and didn\'t
been done in a hurry.
care what it looked like.

Writing Process

Student devotes a lot of time and

effort to the writing process
(prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and
editing). Works hard to make the
story wonderful.

Student devotes sufficient time and

effort to the writing process
(prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and
editing). Works and gets the job

Student devotes some time and

Student devotes little time and effort
effort to the writing process but was to the writing process. Doesn\'t seem
not very thorough. Does enough to
to care.
get by.

The story is a little hard to follow. The Ideas and scenes seem to be
transitions are sometimes not clear. randomly arranged.

ETE 335

Studies Lesson
Visual Learning,
and Online
deBonos Thinking Hats

Visual Learning:
There is a visual (video or print) on
each or after each slide.
The students will be assessed based on the
rubrics provided. They will also be watched
to see how they work with other students
and in groups. Additionally, they will be
assessed informally on how they are
participating in the class.

Online Resources:

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