Untamed Final Single Pages PDF
Untamed Final Single Pages PDF
Untamed Final Single Pages PDF
How to Check
and Monopoly
A r o o s e v e lt i n s t i t u t e R E P O R T E d i t e d By
N e l l A b e r n a t h y, M I K E K O N C Z A L & K a t h r y n M i l a n i
JUNE 2016
UN TA ME D H o w t o C h e c k Corporate, F i nanc i al, and Monopoly P ow er 1
THIS REPORT WAS EDITED BY David Min, University of California,
Irvine School of Law
Nell Abernathy, Vice President of Research and Policy, Bart Naylor, Public Citizen
Roosevelt Institute Morgan Ricks, Vanderbilt Law School
Mike Konczal, Fellow, Roosevelt Institute Marcus Stanley, Americans for Financial Reform
Kathryn Milani, Program Manager, Roosevelt Graham Steele, U.S. Senate Committee on Banking,
Institute Housing, and Urban Affairs
Martin A. Sullivan, Tax Analysts
Sandeep Vahaseen, American Antitrust Institute
Eric Harris Bernstein, Senior Program Associate,
Roosevelt Institute Danny Yagan, University of California, Berkeley
Tim Price, Editorial Director, Roosevelt Institute Eric Zwick, University of Chicago
Owen Zidar, University of Chicago
Additional thanks to Roosevelt staff
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Chief Economist, Roosevelt and consultants for their support and
Institute contributions:
Curbing Short-Termism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Mike Konczal and Kathryn Milani, Roosevelt Institute
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Executive Summary
Untamed: How to Check Corporate, Financial, and Monopoly Power outlines a policy
agenda designed to rewrite the rules that shape the corporate and financial sectors
and improve implementation and enforcement of existing regulations.
The policies we propose specifically address rules that have distorted private sector behavior and
provided benefits to multinational corporations and rich individuals at the expense of average workers
and the economy. If taxed and regulated properly, big business, banks, and wealth-holders can contribute
to broadly shared prosperity. But tailoring the rules to serve their interestsin essence, leaving these
powerful forces untamedpromotes rent-seeking and greater inequality and leads to weaker long-term
growth and a less productive economy.
Untamed builds on recent analysis of economic inequality and on our 2015 report, Rewriting the Rules,
in which we argued that changes to the rules of trade, corporate governance, tax policy, monetary policy,
and financial regulations are key drivers of growing inequality. Where Rewriting identified the problem
and began to outline a policy response, Untamed delves deeper on a specific set of solutions to curb
rising economic inequality and spur productive growth. We start from the assumption that inequality is
not inevitable: It is a choice, and, contrary to many opinions on both the left and the right, we can choose
differently without sacrificing economic efficiency.
Since the release of Rewriting, the political debate has increasingly focused on the rules of the economy
and how they have failed average Americans. As such, the next president has an opportunity to use
the 2016 election as a mandate for economic progress and a rebuke to four decades of trickle-down
economics. Our rules-focused agenda is not meant to stand alone; it is designed to complement traditional
progressive agendas that advocate for increased investment in public goods and social insurance,
expanded labor rights, and anti-discrimination policies. However, we believe any successful progressive
economic agenda must include some mix of the policies detailed in this report.
There are three core components of our agenda to check corporate, financial, and monopoly power. In
the first chapter, we examine how corporate power has grown since the 1980s, increasing monopoly-
like concentration domestically and globally while avoiding taxes. We explore how to fix the rules of the
corporate sector and identify key policy solutions to address unfair market concentration, inequitable tax
policies, and the unintended economic consequences of the trade deficit.
In the second chapter, we address the growth of the financial sector. Despite the monumental financial
reform passed in response to the 2008 crisis, regulation remains insufficient to curb the risks, complexities,
and challenges of our modern, global financial system. We identify key congressional and regulatory
actions to strengthen the safety and soundness of the largest institutions and discourage risky activities
that remain under-regulated in the shadow banking system. We also explore the impact of the financial
system on the real and political economy, including the rise of corporate short-termism and the financial
struggles of our municipal governments and public investments.
Finally, the third chapter focuses on how the next administration can use its authority and leverage the
administrative rulemaking process to make the proposed corporate and financial reforms a reality. With
the knowledge that the next president may be constrained by an intransigent Congress, we identify
key agency and executive actions that could improve regulatory independence, inclusiveness, and
4 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
The Untamed Policy Agenda
1. Restoring Competition in the U.S. Economy 4. Tackling Too Big to Fail
In Rewriting the Rules, we argued that just as the current slow-growth, high-rent economy was the result
of decisions made over the course of decades, efforts to restructure the economy would also require
comprehensive and long-term actions. There is no silver bullet. However, because a concentration of wealth
so often leads to a concentration of power, we believe any comprehensive reform agenda must substantially
curb the ability of the powerful and privileged to write the rules on their own behalf. We argue that, if the next
president is serious about constructing an economy that provides broadly shared growth and opportunity, he or
she must advocate for an agenda that will check the growing power of multinational corporations, financial firms,
and monopolies. Untamed outlines key pieces of a policy platform that will do just that.
Where Rewriting the Rules identified the problem and sketched the outline of a response, the purpose of
Untamed is to deepen our policy analysis, distilling the best existing research and combining it with new data
and original observations. Our goal is to begin a conversation with an expert audience including policymakers,
economists, and public leaders, so that together we can decide on the best possible policies that will move the
economy forward and drive inclusive growth.
First, we explore how to fix the rules that have allowed corporate power to become increasingly concen-
trated in recent decades. We identify key drivers of this problem, including the failure to adapt monopoly
regulations to the 21st century, numerous tax loopholes and benefits that allow large corporations to evade
taxes, and a trade policy primarily concerned with corporate welfare rather than workers. We propose a set
of policies to rewrite these rules for more broadly shared gains.
Second, we take a deeper look at the rules of the financial sector. Despite the monumental financial reform
passed in 2010, financial regulation remains insufficient. While concentrated pressure from the financial
services lobby has helped to stymie implementation of Dodd-Frank and other regulations, we identify key
congressional and regulatory actions, that could strengthen oversight of the largest financial institutions as
well as risky shadow banking activity.
Finally, because many of these proposals require policymakers to advocate for the public good in the face
of pressure from private interests, we focus on mechanisms by which the next administration can defend
against regulatory capture.
The release of Untamed comes at a pivotal moment for American politics in general and the study of inequality
in particular. Since the release of Rewriting the Rules, a wave of new data and research has bolstered our
argument that the rules of our economy have been a major driver of both rising inequality and declining
investment in long-term growth. Recent events have also shed new light on the current status of monopoly
power, tax avoidance, continuing financial risk, and regulatory capture. Both the political debate and the
6 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
academic debate have shifted focus from the deficit
and skills toward rules and market power. These recent Untamed is an agenda
findings inform our agenda.
to rebalance the
This report is also designed to complement other
progressive agendas aimed at boosting growth,
economy, restore overall
building a strong middle class, and supporting the most economic health, and
vulnerable through investment in public goods and
social insurance, labor rights, and anti-discrimination deepen our thinking
laws. We consider this traditional progressive approach
to be one blade of a scissor designed to cut through about regulations and
the barriers that weaken the economy and drive
inequality. However, we argue that this approach
rule-making in the fast-
alone will not be sufficient to improve the economic moving 21st century
outcomes of average Americans. The rules agenda
provides the second blade of the scissor. economy.
Because trickle-down economics still influences much
of our public debate, efforts to rewrite the rules are often dismissed as envy economics or class warfare. We
instead view Untamed as an agenda to rebalance the economy, restore overall economic health, and deepen
our thinking about regulations and rule-making in the fast-moving 21st century economy. The policies we
propose complement other important projects, such as raising revenues, increasing public spending for schools,
and investing in infrastructure, but there is very little increased spending associated with our proposals.
Because our current economy has been shaped by policy choices, this agenda starts with the assumption that
inequality is not inevitable; economic markets and individual outcomes are not uncontrollable forces but are in
fact structured by manmade rules. For the past several decades, experts have tried to explain growing inequality
largely in terms of globalization and changes in technology. However, we believe that the rules are an equally, if
not more important part of the explanation. And, contrary to many arguments on both the right and the left, we
believe there is no necessary trade-off between economic efficiency and efforts to reduce inequality.
While the chief aim of our proposals is to improve economic outcomes for all Americans, the challenges we
address are not only economic but also deeply political. The monetary rewards of a distorted policy regime give
corporate and financial actors an incentive to fight efforts to level the playing field. Unless we first rewrite the
rules that confer power and privilege on a small set of actors, overall policy change will remain incremental.
One of the key worries has been around the size and scale of market concentration, specifically monopoly
power. According to estimates from the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), corporate profits are up and
becoming more concentrated.2 This is true whether you look at the distribution of returns to equity or the returns
to invested capital. Between 1996 and 2014, equity returns from the S&P 500 increasingly went to the largest
firms, and in the health care and information technology industries, the trend is particularly robust.
8 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
other firms. More research is required to understand the specific factors driving the increased returns to
large, incumbent firms and their employees; however, the traditional literature would suggest four alternative
hypotheses: First, knowledge diffuses slowly, so some leaders in firms will always have ability rents resulting
from superior capacity. Second, reputation may serve as a barrier to entry (like learning), and those who
establish reputation can thus earn persistent supernormal profits. Third, monopoly power allows for abusive,
exclusionary practices, with obvious examples include airlines engaging in predatory pricing or the amplifying
power associated with networks such as Amazon or Google. Fourth, having established monopoly power, firms
can maintain dominance by preempting rivals.
The general inequality research has tended to look at market-level skill trends, such as education and human
capital, as opposed these firm-specific ones, in determining inequality trends.8 But this new research on
firm-level dynamics casts further doubts about market-level skill-based inequality stories. Instead, we focus
on the third and fourth hypotheses mentioned above: emerging monopoly power that could be tackled by
reinvigorating antitrust policy and adapting utility regulations for the platform economy.
Tax Avoidance
The recent release of the Panama Papers has drawn new attention to offshore tax havens and the international
challenge of tax avoidance.9 These 11.5 million documents leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack
Fonseca document a vast web of more than 320,000 offshore entities over a span of 40 years. But domestic tax
challenges are just as significant as those abroad.
A landmark study in October 2015 confirmed much of what we already knew about business income and taxes:
Effective rates fall well below statutory rates and profits go overwhelmingly to the wealthy. But the study also
revealed the startling extent to which this gap is driven by passthrough businesses, which include financial
partnerships like hedge funds and private equity firms, that now account for more than half of all business
income. A passthrough is a legal business structure that is subject to the individual tax rate as opposed to the
higher corporate tax. While the primary logic behind the passthrough structure is to reduce the administrative
burden on small businesses, larger enterprises have increasingly adopted the passthrough structure to benefit
from a lower tax rate. In 2011, partnership owners paid an average tax rate of just 15.9 percentfar less than
the effective rate on income from C-corporations, which was taxed at 31.6 percent. The study also found that
income from these businesses disproportionately benefits the wealthy, even by U.S. standards; 69 percent of
passthrough income accrues to the top 1 percent, compared with just 45 percent of C corp income.10
Of course, passthroughs are just one structure that allows businesses and individuals to take advantage of
underlying tax loopholes. The structure of the U.S. tax code strays from the principles on which one would
build an efficient tax systemfor example, taxing unproductive activity such as speculation and pollution and
rewarding productive activity such as investment and work.11 In this report we identify a few key proposals that
will better align incentives to drive positive private sector behavior instead of rewarding firms and individuals
with the resources to exploit loopholes.
Rather than being an invention of the New Deal era, recent research has emphasized that the project of building
a mixed economy goes back to the very founding of the U.S. and is central to our prosperity.14 Moreover, so are
efforts to manage the rules of the economy through regulations and regulatory actions. During the 19th century,
the government debated how to set up regulatory actors and how to pay regulators, all with an eye toward
preventing corruption and ensuring a fair and just economy.15
The policy agenda outlined in this report does not downplay the important traditional goals of progressive
taxation, public goods, and social insurance, but supplements them in several key ways: First, it seeks to increase
productivity and growth by reducing rent-seeking enterprises, which would allow for more resources to be put
toward activities that promote broader prosperity. Second, if implemented, our agenda would adjust the pre-tax-
and-transfer distribution of the economy, which is easier than trying to balance the distribution of income using
taxes and transfers. Third, this agenda is less focused on raising revenues and spending projects; it includes
virtually no new spending, and where it does, such as funding regulators, the amounts are small compared to the
overall budget. Though we discuss taxes, which would raise revenues, their purpose is regulatory as much as
budgetary. Finally, with more broadly shared prosperity, more public services would become politically feasible, as
weak wage growth makes people view the economy as far more zero-sum than it necessarily is.16
We begin by considering policies to address the increased concentration of market power. K. Sabeel Rahman
and Lina Khan argue for a dual approach to monopoly regulation: a more robust antitrust or competition policy,
and the use of public utility regulation to tackle the increased power of platforms. The platform economy, in which
networks support the market domination of single entities, poses new challenges to fair markets. Through a
series of proposals, the authors aim to return the goals of anti-monopoly policy to those of the early 20th century
progressive movement: promoting innovation, market dynamism, and equal access to essential infrastructure.
While the authors do suggest new legislation, they also outline the range of executive or agency actions that a
new administration could implement even in the face of an intransigent Congress.
In the tax section, Steven Rosenthal, Kimberly Clausing, and Eric Harris Bernstein outline and propose reforms
10 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
to three different structural problems in the U.S. tax code: multinational, capital, and passthrough taxation. All
three represent enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and encourage unproductive tax avoidance behavior.
With both multinational and passthrough taxation, our recommended policies aim to increase productivity and
decrease the advantage of wealthy and complex firms by eliminating the economic return to arbitrage. In the
case of multinational taxation, we call for a system of formulary apportionment in which corporations are taxed
based on their economic activity rather than the location of various international partners and subsidiaries. In the
case of passthrough businesses, our proposals aim to increase effective rates on large and wealthy partnerships
by raising the capital gains tax rate and discouraging the formation of opaque widely held partnerships that are
difficult or impossible to audit. Finally, we recommend increased taxes on capital gains and dividends as well as
caps on tax-free retirement accounts, which are inordinately held by wealthy households.
We conclude our section on corporate power with J.W. Masons piece on the challenges that the trade deficit
poses to U.S. output and employment and the tools policymakers can use to counter lost demand. To a growing
number of Americans, open trade has come to symbolize the imbalance of power between multinational
corporations earning global profits and average Americans watching local economic prospects dwindle. Mason
argues that the trade deficit does impact U.S. employment, taking on neoclassical economists who argue trade
balances are resolved through exchange rates and have limited macroeconomic effects. However, he also argues
that efforts to reduce the deficit through trade restrictions or currency manipulation are likely to fail or hurt the U.S.
economy, taking on the rising chorus of protectionists. Rather, Mason argues, the U.S. can counter lost demand
due to imports with domestic investment financed by cheap credit that the rest of the world is willing to offer.
We then move to the financial section. For too long, the debate has treated Too Big to Fail as a stark binary. Mike
Konczal proposes that we instead treat TBTF as a continuum. This is true analytically, but also true in terms of how
a failure would play out in practice; Dodd-Frank could work in a specific instance but still be seen as a failure
generally if the process for winding down a bank becomes too messy and leads to a panic. Konczal concludes
that financial reforms have lessened, but not ended, the challenges posed by TBTF. The activities of the shadow
banking sector are described in detail by Kathryn Milani. Milani explains that shadow banking is a danger not
only because it can cause contagion and panics, but also because it distorts the allocation of credit, diverting
resources toward unproductive, even fraudulent, activities. She argues that there needs to be a mix of prudential
regulations on firms acting as shadow banks, but also more stringent regulations on the activities themselves.
Next, Mike Konczal and Kathryn Milani look at how the financial sector influences the real and political economy
in our section on short-termism. Short-termism refers to the ways in which long-term investment and productive
value are downplayed relative to short-term manipulations of stock prices and excessively large dividends and
buybacks. The authors examine why this is a problem and discuss ways to build countervailing power to solve it.
Finally, Saqib Bhatti and Alan Smith look at how the financial sector interacts with municipal governments and how
these public institutions are often manipulated by complex and predatory financial instruments. The authors begin
to construct best practices for tackling this problem, including giving municipalities more power to bargain with
the financial sector.
In the third and final section, Devin Duffy, Lenore Palladino, Kathryn Milani, and K. Sabeel Rahman discuss
best practices for regulators with the responsibility to write and enforce the rules of our economy. They cover
the importance of the political appointment process for key economic positions and why appointing agency
leaders with the independence to effectively regulate industries is in itself a form of policy. They then discuss
specific solutions to make the administrative rulemaking process more effective and inclusive in order to tackle
the economic challenges of the 21st century. The authors identify key steps agencies can take to ensure all
stakeholders are represented and empowered in the policymaking process and outline specific actions to
institutionalize stakeholder representation, strengthen enforcement mechanisms, reform the use of costbenefit
analysis, and ensure that regulatory agencies are funded appropriately to execute their missions.
The strong response we had to Rewriting the Rules shows that the themes we raised last year have resonated.
Intriguing new research has corroborated the importance of our earlier findings, and the 2016 election cycle has
shown how important these issues are to all Americans. In this report, we look beneath te surface and explore a
number of concrete proposals that could make a real difference to our economic and social future.
The 1 percents share of income fell dramatically by the end of the New Deal, from around 16 percent in the
mid-1930s to 11 percent by the mid-1940s and to 8 percent by the mid-1960s. Contrary to some arguments, this
was not driven by the collapse in wealth caused by the Great Depression. Instead, it was the result of parts of
the New Deal, including policies for full employment, unionization, regulations, and high marginal taxation.3 The
ability of workers to unionize and engage in collective bargaining, granted in 1935 and upheld by the Supreme
Court in 1937, spread quickly. And in manufacturing industries where black workers were located, industrial
unionism helped close racial income gaps.
However, these changes in the rules were not sufficient to ensure broad-based prosperity. The achievements
that followed in the mid-20th century were a critical step forward: Social Security was expanded to all citizens,
Jim Crow was overturned, voting rights were protected, and womens rights and autonomy were advanced.
While we have made progress on these fronts, we must still expand many other protections and benefits to
achieve the promise of economic freedom. Dismantling structures that perpetuate racial inequality is no less
important to our current fight for social and economic progress than it was during the civil rights era.
We believe the economic agenda outlined in this report is necessary for broad-based economic security, but we
do not believe it is sufficient. As described in the introduction, we must pair an economic agenda like this with
an agenda that involves targeted universal benefits and broader social insurance. It must also be part of a mixed
economy that truly works for everyone, with strengthened labor regulations, improved and equitable access
to public goods like education and health care, and investments in infrastructure, particularly in communities
reeling from a long history of systemic exclusion.
Another recent report from the Roosevelt Institute, Rewriting the Racial Rules, aims to bridge that gap by
looking at how our present-day institutions, norms, and market structures reinforce historic racial inequities and
illustrating why any efforts to address economic inequality must also address race. These two agendas are part
of a broader portfolio of work that sees economic and social equity as two sides of the same coin.4
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With this in mind, however, there are four ways in
which our corporate and financial power-focused
agenda would directly benefit communities of color Corporate power has
and advance racial equity and justice, and it is worth
spelling those out. Some are general, but others more been a driver of racial
specific. They include: and gender inequities,
Access to services in addition to economic
Expanded public investments
Financial sector access inequities, throughout
Access to good government
American history.
Monopoly power is not just about unfair profits; it is also about who will be able to access what kinds of services
and under what conditions. The profit side of the question is well understood: Monopolies produce too little
of a good and charge too much for it in comparison to a market in which there is extensive competition. This
raises the real price of goods and services, which disproportionately affects people of color, who are already
disadvantaged by racial gaps in income and wealth. The rise in the cost of fuel and utilities, driven by global
demand but also by the relaxation of price caps, has been a major driver in the cost of low-income housing,
which has in turn become a major driver of the housing insecurity that hurts low-income communities.5
But the calculus of economics does not fully capture the way in which monopoly power works against
communities of color. Our report documents how public utility law in the progressive era arose from a
commitment to access. As legal scholar K. Sabeel Rahman argues, public utility law grew out of the principle that
certain firms had the duty to provide a service once undertaken, to serve all comers, to demand reasonable
prices, and to offer acceptable compensation.6 By contrast, the emerging monopolistic sectors are committed
to controlling critical platforms and services to maximize profits in ways that would diminish the power of
communities of color.
By protecting the open internet, the FCC will protect the platform that is fueling a new civil rights movement.
Net neutrality provides a level playing field for all voices, and it has allowed Black activists, entrepreneurs, and
citizens to find their audience online, despite often being left out of traditional media.7
The exclusion that would come from internet service providers (ISPs) being able to prioritize traffic would
disproportionately disadvantage communities of color.
Or consider other platforms and how they can easily allow discrimination to persist and spread. One recent
social media campaign, #AirbnbWhileBlack, raised awareness of how people of color are denied access to the
popular hotel accommodation app.8 This is entirely about duties to provide a service and to serve all comers.
Whether or not these standards are extended to the internet economy will determine access for communities
that have been systemically excluded.
Theoretically, the government should make these kinds of investments when we witness market failure in the
private sector. However, corporate power often succeeds in preventing not only government regulation but also
government investments. Fighting municipal broadband projects, where the state directly invests in community
internet access, has been a major priority for cable monopolies.
The expanded role of corporate power also extends to trade. Trade agreements allow corporations to evade
accountability, and the trade deficit is a major source of economic instability that is most felt by communities of
color. We outline why trying to close the trade deficit may be too difficult and counterproductive, and may even
put developing countries at risk. But we also argue that we can channel international capital flows into a full
employment agenda by investing in clean energy, an infrastructure bank, and public projects.
The current lack of investment has serious consequences for jobs, which are desperately needed. The black
unemployment rate is twice that of white workers across education levels. As of 2011, black households earn just
60 cents for every dollar of white median household income; this number has grown in absolute dollars since
1967.10 A robust investment agenda would help bring about full employment, boosting the employment and
wages of communities of color.
We attribute this partly to the rise of so-called shadow banking, the vast network of unregulated financial
institutions that serve many bank-like functions and can thus spread panics such as the one that followed the
bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. This tendency toward panic and contagion is a crucial part of the
problem, but shadow banking is also about the disintermediation of credit, meaning that the people making
loans are far removed from those who will ultimately bear the risks of those loans. With no accountability, it is
natural for the communities most at risk to be targeted for the most exploitative loans, which is exactly what
happened in the 2000s. This environment is a breeding ground for exploitation and abuse, and tackling this
problem is essential to ensuring good credit gets to the communities that most need it.
The housing bubble demonstrated that rules and protections dont matter if there is no one to enforce them. We
saw this when states that tried to stop predatory lending, such as Georgia, were overruled by federal regulators
14 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
acting on behalf of the financial sector.13 This is why our report focuses on enforcement, particularly on why the
people who enforce the rules matter and on the importance of diversifying the regulatory system.
In this report, we describe the many different ways in which the highest earners hide income or receive
preferential tax rates. As this income is highly concentrated, this means that the sources of public funding must
be less progressive. It also means that society is protecting those at the top in a way divorced from the best
policies or economic logic.
The second challenge is that, with less funding, cities must turn to more predatory financing to survive. As a
result, a larger portion of city budgets is devoted to payments and fees to the financial sector, which means
less for social services. Schools are closed, and services that communities of color depend on are cut. As of
2014, a majority of public K12 students are Latino, African-American, and Asian.14 And communities of color
cannot simply move or seek private substitutes to public services in the way more affluent white citizens can.
Comparing January 2008 with January 2016, total public employment was down by more than 300,000 jobs,
with these losses particularly felt at the state and local level. Considering that public employment should have
been growing along with the population, this creates an ever-larger public jobs deficit.15 The impact is even
worse for communities of color, where public employment has in the past provided a steady jobs base and path
to entry to the middle class.
Tackling the untamed power of corporations, finance, and monopolies is essential to fixing our economy. It
is also an important and necessarybut not sufficientpart of building economic security and opportunity
for communities of color. The power that private firms exert over our lives is even more significantly felt in
communities of color, and addressing it gives us the ability to begin building a more secure future for a broader
By reducing monopoly power, ending unfair tax advantages, and rebalancing trade policy, we aim not
just to reduce corporate rent-seeking but also to encourage productive economic behavior. Our aim is
not simply to shrink market share, redistribute revenue, or close borders, but to encourage innovation,
efficiency, and fair competition and usher in a new era of equitable and sustainable growth.
As discussed, economists and policymakers have documented the rise of a rent-seeking economy, in
which the rewards for shaping and avoiding rules and regulations (rents) are greater than the rewards
for real economic activity, innovation, and investment. This system has created a vicious cycle in which
rents increase wealth, and therefore influence, and increased influence enables individuals to lobby for
and win even more rents. The result is rising inequality and sluggish economic performance.
Until the late 1970s and early 1980s, regulators were well aware of these dangers.Early efforts by the
original trustbusters to fight rent-seeking and tackle the robber baron monopolies of the Gilded Age
were centered as much on political inequality as on economic inequality. As industrialization gave
rise to super-firms like U.S. Steel and Standard Oil, the antitrust movement was not merely concerned
with market share and economic dominance, but also with the impact of excessive political power on
However, conservative intellectual dominance over the past last four decades has led policymakers
to eschew their concern with market power in favor of a more narrow focus on consumer welfare.By
the 1980s, these intellectual currents produced dramatic policy shifts. Deregulation and tax cuts under
the Reagan administration ended traditional checks on businesses and led to greater concentration of
economic power as well as increased corporate political influence.
Today, business regulations, tax policies, and trade policies favor the interests of multinational
corporations and the 1 percent as opposed to the average worker. Antitrust policy has been gutted,
corporations and wealthy individuals have identified countless structures to legally avoid paying taxes,
and more open borders and the free flows of goods and services have increased the power and
prospects of firms that could compete globally. By contrast, the workers left behind by globalization
have found no champion.
None of the outcomes that we have identified are inevitable. In the following pages, we take up
the mantle of the bipartisan progressive reformers from the turn of the 20th century, and aim to
curb concentration, enforce transparent taxation, and offer a reasonable response to trade and
globalization. We also identify concrete actions to reduce corporate influence that are available to the
president, regulatory agencies, and Congress.
First, we outline a pro-competition policy for the 21st century. We argue for reinvigorated enforcement
of existing antitrust regulation, which has been needlessly narrowed to a primary focus on consumer
prices. Much of this agenda demands more robust use of existing regulatory powers; however, we also
grapple with platform powerthe new monopolies that benefit from network effects, such as Google
and other digital platforms, and are not as easily regulated. In these cases, we argue that we must
expand the public utility regulatory model so that, as with net neutrality, we can ensure fair access to
and service from the new economic infrastructure.
Second, we identify key tax levers that can curb corporate tax-dodging and put small businesses and
average workers on more even footing with multinationals. We focus on the areas of the tax code
where legal maneuvering and corporate obfuscationas opposed to productive economic behavior
currently offer the greatest rewards. We recommend new structures for capital gains taxation,
multinational taxation, and taxation of passthroughs.
Finally, we put forward a domestic agenda that will counter jobs and growth lost to trade with
increased investment. The goal of this part of our agenda is not to closer borders or build high walls,
but to more broadly spread the benefits of international flows of goods and services. We can rewrite
the rules to benefit American workers without inducing economic crises elsewhere.
Restoring Competition
in the U.S. Economy
By K. Sabeel Rahman, Brooklyn Law School, New America, Roosevelt Institute
and Lina Khan, Yale Law School, New America
Increasing market concentration across the American There is also reason to believe that inequality among
economy has been a driver of declining economic corporations contributes to inequality among workers.
opportunity and widening inequality in recent decades. As Peter Orszag and Jason Furman argue in a recent
In industries ranging from hospitals and airlines paper, wage inequality between workers in the largest,
to agriculture and cable, markets are now more most profitable firms and the smallest, least profitable
concentrated and less competitive than at any point firms increasingly accounts for diverging incomes in the
since the Gilded Age.1 This growing concentration U.S.6
threatens economic equality and dynamism and has a
range of effects that include raising costs for consumers, Most troublingly, the problem looks set to get worse.
lowering wages for workers, stunting investment, Total merger activity in the U.S. surpassed $2 trillion
retarding innovation, and handing a few corporations last year, breaking records.7 The trend continues this
and individuals in each sector outsized power over our year, as a major boom in corporate mergers is sweeping
economy and our democracy. sectors across the boardincluding cable providers,
airlines, and pharmaceutical companies, to name a
As an expanding body of research shows, corporate few.8 Perhaps most alarming is the tech sector, where
concentration has enabled dominant firms to collect a combination of network effects, outdated laws,
rents and may be contributing to income inequality and permissive regulation has enabled a handful of
in the U.S. These studies suggest two key trends: a companies to consolidate vast control over key internet
smaller group of companies now earn a larger share of services.9
total profits, and uncompetitive factors like firm size
and age seem to increasingly drive corporate profits. None of these outcomeslarge firms extracting large
From transportation and manufacturing to telecom rents, rising inequality, softening labor markets,
and finance, the top four firms increased their share of stagnating business creationare inevitable. Instead,
revenue by upwards of 30 percent between 1997 and they are the product of distinct political and policy
2012.2 Analysis of census data found a much broader choices that the next administration should revamp
trend: Market concentration in over 600 sectors to make markets more open, fair, and competitive.
increased during that time period.3 While the Obama administration has taken some steps
towards addressing these concerns, much more can and
Concurrently, and at an increasing rate, the nations needs to be done. i
largest corporations are earning profits well beyond
what competitive markets would predict. In 2014, Revise the merger guidelines.
the rate of returns for corporations in the top 10th Reinvigorate agency action.
percentile was five times that of median firms; in Pass a new antitrust law.
1990, the ratio was two to one.4 In theory, innovation Reduce platform power and data consolidation.
or improved productivity could be the causebut with antitrust enforcement.
the companies capturing greater profits tend to be Employ public utility regulation.
older, suggesting that the culprit may be a monopoly
advantage. This rise in profits among older firms has
coincided with a decline in market dynamism: The rate
of new business creation, a key driver of job creation,
has fallen dramatically over recent decades.5 i For examples, see the April Executive Order calling for agencies to identify
anticompetitive practices and refer cases to the FTC and DOJ, and in its
modest increase in antitrust criminal enforcements.
18 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
the dismantling of New Deal and progressive economic POLICIES TO REVAMP ANTITRUST
regulations. These scholars argued that regulators REGULATION
were likely to be captured by special interests, that
unregulated markets would self-correct, and that Revise the Merger Guidelines
deferring to shareholder interests would generate a Stronger guidelines would assess market structure,
more efficient economy. The effects of this new thinking scrutinize vertical deals, adopt per se standards, and
were dramatic. Led by conservative intellectuals- seek to promote the public interest in merger analysis.
turned-policymakers like Robert Bork, the Reagan
administration overturned antitrust policy, abandoning First issued by the DOJ in 1968, merger guidelines
the traditional focus on open market structure, identify the factors that antitrust agencies will
innovation, and system stability for a narrow focus on consider when reviewing mergers. Indeed, the merger
economic efficiency. The DOJ and FTC enacted this guidelines served as one of the primary levers the
new approach by weakening their merger guidelines Reagan administration used to significantly weaken
and halting enforcement of key provisions. At the same enforcement. Under the 1968 guidelines, the agencies
time, state and local governments privatized many looked primarily to market structure to assess effects
public utilities and, in industries like airlines and on competition. The 1982 guidelines, by contrast,
electricity, shifted from regulated rates to market-set established that short-term effects on price and output
prices.13 were the primary metrics agencies would use to gauge
competitivenessa shift that ushered in an era of
These policies helped generate todays political highly permissive merger review. Strikingly, this drastic
economy, characterized by highly concentrated markets reorientation in antitrust policy was achieved entirely
and extreme inequality. As the consequences of this by the executive branch, absent input from Congress or
concentration come into full view, both policymakers the public, or judicial review.14
and the public are recognizing that it threatens
economic dynamism and political democracy. To help revive competition, the next president could
similarly revise the merger guidelines. Stronger merger
We need to revive an open markets agenda for the 21st guidelines would reassert the centrality of market
century. While this need not mean reverting to an old structure to competition analysisnamely, the idea
economic model, it should involve restoring traditional that how a market is structured directly implicates its
democratic principlessuch as the idea that unfettered competitiveness. A mainstay of antitrust thinking for
private power threatens the public goodand applying much of the last century, this foundational idea has
them to our new economy. since fallen into disuse. Because merger guidelines
are issued as agency guidance, agencies possess full
authority to revise them whenever and however they
see fit. The change would require no new law, nor
Starting in the would it require agencies to go through the rule-making
process. Moreover, courts generally defer to agencies
1970s, a group of on this guidance, minimizing the likelihood that private
parties would succeed by challenging the guidelines in
legal and economic courts.
scholars began to Second, the DOJ should scrutinize vertical mergers.
lay the intellectual Current analysis of vertical deals is extremely
rudimentary and neglects to consider how these tie-
groundwork for the ups can create anti-competitive conflicts of interest
dismantling of New and market structures conducive to exclusionary
conduct. Some of the largest deals ushered in by recent
Deal and progressive administrations have been vertical (e.g., Comcast and
economic regulations. NBC or Ticketmaster and LiveNation).
20 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
which would expand its Finally, the president should direct agencies to
enforcement powers. introduce programs and mechanisms to regularly
collect data on market concentration. Presently,
there are few public databases that document the
In addition, the executive branch should restore the extent of consolidation across sectors. The Census
FTCs Section 5 authority, which would expand its Bureaus Economic Survey contains some information
enforcement powers. It is widely acknowledged that on concentration, but its measures do not capture
through Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits fine market definitions and its data is revised too
unfair methods of competition, Congress intended to infrequently to be of regular use. The FTCs Line of
equip the agency with powers that went beyond those Business Survey, carried out in the 1970s, may offer a
granted under the Sherman and Clayton Acts.ii For useful model on which to base new collection efforts.21
decades, alarmist cries from the business community
have stated that the FTCs potential use of its Section 5 Antitrust agencies possess the authority to enact these
authority has created undue uncertainty, a claim that changes, which would be steered by internal decisions
conservative enforcers echoed.18 In August 2015, the rather than rule-making. In some instances it is possible
FTC issued guidance that effectively conceded these that business interests would challenge these policies
arguments and circumscribed its powers to what is in court (e.g., FTCs guidance on its expansive Section
permitted under the Sherman and Clayton Acts.2 Since 5 powers). While regulatory agencies are accorded
Section 5 empowers the agencies to target practices that judicial deference in their interpretation of their legal
might lie beyond what current Clayton and Sherman authority, at times the degree of deference courts grant
Act jurisprudence permits, the next administration to agencies on this frontas well as how they read the
should restore Section 5 to the full breadth of what mandate of antitrust lawswill depend to a nontrivial
Congress intended. degree on who is staffing the federal judiciary. If
progressives are successful in appointing judges with
In this same vein, antitrust agencies should target a less hostile approach to antitrust, it is likely that
monopolization and abuse of monopoly power. agency efforts on the above-mentioned fronts will be
Section 2 of the Sherman Act was written to guard successful. And even if certain efforts are struck down,
against the kind of monopolistic abuse we see today. short-term losses may make the case for statutory fixes
Enforcement of laws that target abuse of monopoly and that serve the long-term interests of competition policy.
oligopoly power is paramount, yet antitrust agencies
have largely abandoned enforcement of Section 2.19 Pass a New Antitrust Law
Although court precedent has narrowed the likelihood A new statute should define the public interest as the
of success on certain claims, other areas of the Section standard by which to measure corporate consolidation.
2 jurisprudence remain largely untested. Important
Section 2 wins by private plaintiffswhose investigative As suggested earlier, the primary limitation on this
powers and resources are limitedsuggest that actions kind of expanded antitrust enforcement is that both
by the antitrust agencies, who have broad subpoena agencies and courts orient antitrust enforcement
powers and large budgets, could go far.20 Agencies around the narrow goal of promoting consumer welfare
should litigate to test the boundaries of the law and and efficiency. This standard has in practice worked to
to alert monopolist firms that certain conduct (i.e., narrow and weaken antitrust enforcementa limitation
tying/bundling practices, predatory pricing, exclusive that, in turn, has stemmed from the combination of
dealing) will be closely scrutinized. We should prioritize vaguely drafted Sherman and Clayton Acts and the
ii The guidance pegged unfair competition to the consumer welfare decades-long practice of agencies lacking the will or
paradigm and the rule of reason balancing test.
22 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
capacity to pursue vigorous enforcement. A revised can buy and sell and what information is transmitted,
and clarified statutory mandate would both direct and all in ways that could operate invisibly and anti-
bolster antitrust agencies in their enforcement efforts. competitively.
Specifically, a new statute could define a citizen The problem of platform power poses a major policy
interest or public interest standard requiring challenge for competition policy in the coming years.
agencies to consider not just narrow price effects but Future administrations will have to innovate novel
also issues such as market openness, competition, and responses to these new challenges.
innovation.22 Similarly, a new statute could explicitly
change the unreasonable restraint standard to an
abuse of dominance standard akin to what prevails in
European antitrust law, allowing for greater scrutiny of
From Amazon to
the business practices of market-dominant firms. Google to Uber,
Third, a new statute could require greater business
there is a new form
justification for mergers in concentrated markets. For
example, we might adopt a presumption that horizontal
of economic power
mergers are illegal if they produce a firm with a market on display, distinct
share greater than 20 percent, unless the companies
can show business justifications for the merger and
from conventional
rebut presumptions of anti-competitive results. This monopolies and
was the approach articulated by the Supreme Court
in United States v. Philadelphia National Banka case oligopolies.
that is still good law, though rarely followed.23 Critically,
this approach would look not simply at national market
shares but also at the specific effects within regions. Reduce Platform Power and Prevent
Even a firm that holds only 10 percent of the national Discrimination and Dominance Arising from
market may control 90 percent of a local market, a level Data Consolidation
of concentration that should be treated as unacceptable. Adapt antitrust and public utility regulations to address
Adopting this new standard would simplify merger new forms of data monopolies.
review, shorten review times, and limit current reliance
on speculation about future market developments. Antitrust agencies should consider the control and
consolidation of data by platform monopolies when
GRAPPLE WITH PLATFORM POWER evaluating threats to competition. While the FTC
has begun to address how these firms might threaten
A reinvigorated competition policy must also adapt to consumer privacy, they have yet to address how
the distinctive challenge of the 21st century economy: concentrated control over data deeply affects market
platform power. From Amazon to Google to Uber, there competition.24
is a new form of economic power on display, distinct By collecting an extensive and rich dataset on user
from conventional monopolies and oligopolies. These activity and habits, dominant platform operators have
firms leverage data, algorithms, and internet-based created a high barrier to entry. This trove of data can
technologies to create and operate platforms upon tilt the marketplace entirely in the direction of a single
which many other businesses, workers, and consumers dominant player and positions these firms to enter into
engage. They link, for example, content providers to adjacent markets with an anti-competitive advantage.
searchers, drivers to riders, and buyers to sellers. While Concentrated control over data threatens competition
these firms on the surface expand consumer choice especially in cases where firms are vertically
and lower pricesfeatures that would suggest they are integratedGoogle and Amazon, for exampleas these
not violating antitrust principlesthey nevertheless businesses can use data insights generated in one line of
have acquired outsized influence over their markets. By business (advertising or third-party marketplace sales)
operating the platforms, these firms can influence who to privilege other businesses (search results or direct
Considering data consolidation issues when The recent net neutrality debate offers a good example.
reviewing mergers The core issue in net neutrality is the concern that
Limiting vertical integration by platform internet service providers (ISPs) can, in exchange for
monopolies extractive fees and rents, agree to prioritize and
Limiting the cross-market use of data speed up the traffic of preferred internet content
Restoring traditional prohibitions on providers, like Netflix, to the detriment of other
discrimination in pricing and service competing businesses.30 The central concern in the
net neutrality debate was that ISPs like Comcast
Employ Public Utility Regulation would engage in paid prioritization, converting the
Public utility regulation of key infrastructure platforms internet from an open marketplace and arena for free
can be retooled to regulate digital platforms. expression and innovation into a domain dominated
by established players who can pay to entrench their
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and privileged positions.31 The response to this problem
FTC can employ public utility regulation to ensure took the form of FCC regulations that prevent ISPs
that platforms that effectively serve as foundational from discriminating against unaffiliated or otherwise
economic infrastructure remain open and accessible disfavored market actors, ensuring equal access to the
24 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
basic internet infrastructure. The legal foundation for Critics of such public utility regulations might cast
these regulations stemmed from the Communications them as restricting innovation, but this gets the story
Act originally passed in 1934 (though amended in backwards: this form of oversight is vital to ensure
1996)an act that, when originally passed, sought to that platforms generate socially beneficial innovation
ensure exactly these same norms of nondiscrimination rather than rent-seeking. Comcast and Verizon decried
and equal access in telecom industries by codifying the the effects on innovation in their opposition to the
old progressive idea of public utility.32 FCCs net neutrality orders, but, as the FCC noted,
net neutrality doesnt stifle innovation but enhances
A similar policy strategy can be valuable in ensuring it: By ensuring that all content is transmitted equally
that information platforms like Google (and, across the network, net neutrality encourages content
increasingly, Facebook) do not influence in hidden ways providers to innovate and create new material on the
the transmission of information, news, and advertising web.35 If, by contrast, they were to continue engaging in
so as to enable self-dealing or to prioritize some market paid prioritization, Comcast and Verizon would not be
actors over others in exchange for payouts. In the case innovating; rather, they would be extracting greater
of information platforms such as Google or Facebook, profits in a way that discouraged new content providers
the FCC or FTC might require that these platforms who lacked the resources to pay for higher transmission
act as common carriers, with a commitment to rates. In much the same way, requiring fairness and
nondiscrimination, equal access, and disclosure of equal transmission on information platforms such as
which posts (if any) are being promoted due to paid Google or Facebook would protect beneficial forms
agreements. Indeed, the FTCs 2011 investigation of content innovation rather than sacrificing content
into possible anticompetitive bias in Googles search producers to the potentially extractive and self-dealing
engine resulted in a settlement that took a step in this manipulation of information feeds and search results.
direction by requiring some policy changes on Googles
part.33 However, internal FTC documents mistakenly
released in 2015 indicate that some FTC officials
believed an even more aggressive policy response CONCLUSION
might be warranted over how Google absorbed product
and service ranking data from competing search and An administration eager to reduce concentration of
ranking sites like Yelp or Tripadvisor.iii In the case of corporate power and corporate profits could employ
urban infrastructure platforms such as Uber in transit an array of policy tools. Even without legislative
and Airbnb in housing, city and state regulators might cooperation, the executive branch could issue new
require similar obligations to prevent implicit forms of merger guidelines and reinvigorate policing of anti-
racial and price discrimination and to ensure that all competitive conduct and structures. Further, the White
constituencies have equal access to the services. House and the relevant agencies could begin the critical
process of conceptualizing and crafting a competition
Another policy approach might be to require data policy for the 21st century that benefits from platform
platforms to be open access, enabling other apps, innovation but preserves the spirit of open markets.
goods, and services to interface with the dominant data
platforms. This could be achieved by providing an open
access API or some equivalent. Here too there is an old-
economy analogy: As the FCC adapted common carrier
and public utility regulations to the telecom industry
following the breakup of AT&Ts monopoly, one of the
key requirements was interconnection, enabling
new rival phone networks to connect to the existing
AT&T infrastructure so that people could place phone
calls to one another without being on the same phone
iii Brody Mullins, Rolfe Winkler, Brent Kendall, Inside the US Antitrust Probe
of Google, March 19, 2015. http://www.wsj.com/articles/inside-the-u-s-
It is no secret that the American tax code is deeply Mark derivatives to market for tax purposes.
flawed. The system rewards tax planning over Explore a system of formulary apportionment.
productivity and privileges wealth over work, ceding a Raise rates on financial passthroughs.
systemic advantage to large, complex firms over simple Institute a nuisance tax on inter-partnership
businesses. The current tax code grants a preferential dividends.
rate to capital income and allows passthrough Increase funding for the Internal Revenue Service
businesses and multinational firms to engage in large- (IRS).
scale tax avoidance.1 Estimates vary year by year, but
the combined annual estimate of the revenue lost ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE
to these three areas exceeds $300 billion per year, CURRENT TAX CODE
accruing disproportionately to the top 1 percent. i But
the problem is not just a matter of fairness; it is also a Many of the regressive and inefficient components
matter of skewed incentives and lost efficiency. of the U.S. tax code that garner widespread attention,
such as corporate inversion or the carried interest
Beyond making the rich richer, top-heavy loopholes loophole, are really just symptoms of larger tax
and rate cuts create the expectation that taxes can be problems at work. In this section we outline and
avoided. This encourages wealthy individuals and firms propose reforms to the three most problematic
to seek outsized profits (rents, in economic terms) areas of the U.S. tax code: capital, multinational, and
through tax gamesmanship rather than pursuing passthrough taxation. The policies recommended are
productive activity that grows businesses and creates aimed not merely at raising rates on the wealthy and on
jobs. Lobbying from hedge funds and private equity large, profitable firmsalthough they would do that
firms, for example, has increased enormously in recent but at maximizing efficiency by rewarding productivity
years as the carried-interest loophole has become a key and discouraging wasteful rent-seeking.
source of profitability.2
Despite bipartisan acknowledgment of problems in
Reforming the tax system to close these loopholes these areas, proposed reforms have failed to offer the
would increase fairness and efficiency by raising tax transformative, progressive solutions that are required
rates for the wealthy and discouraging rent-seeking.3 and discussed here. In fact, while the ineffectiveness
To accomplish this, we recommend the following policy of trickle-down tax policies has become increasingly
solutions: clear to many on the left, anti-tax rhetoric on the right
has only intensified. Some in Washington have gone
Equalize capital and personal income tax rates. so far as to question the basic necessity of taxes on
End the stepped-up basis at death. corporate income and dividends, and numerous 2016
Limit the size of tax-free retirement accounts. Republican presidential candidates offered tax plans
i Congressional Budget Office (CBO) (2013) estimates the tax expenditure that aggressively undercut the very foundation of
on preferential capital gains rates at $161 billion a year, 68 percent of which
goes to the top 1 percent. Cooper et. al. (2015) estimate that passthrough progressive taxation.4
tax avoidance cost the government more than $100 billion in 2011, with
69 percent accruing to the top 1 percent. Clausing (2016a) estimates that
multinational tax avoidance cost between $77 billion and $111 billion of In this tax-phobic political climate, it is important to
revenue in 2012, and while it is unclear exactly how much was captured remember that these taxes play an essential role in the
by the top 1 percent, Cooper et. al. (2015) show the top 1 percent capture
45 percent of all corporate income, including multinationals. Complex broader U.S. tax system, and that many tax policies are
behavioral responses and varying statistical methods mean that these interconnected. Capital income, a growing share of GDP
estimates are not necessarily equivalent to what revenue the government
would generate with reform, but they provide a useful illustration of the in recent decades, is far more concentrated among the
magnitude of the revenue loss currently being experienced.
26 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
wealthy than labor income.ii A progressive tax system percent plus a 3.8 percent tax on net investment income.
must account for this disparity and recent economic This is roughly half of the total statutory rate on labor
research refutes many of the conventional arguments income, which is taxed at a top federal income tax rate
against taxing capital.iii Corporate income taxes act of 39.6 percent plus an additional 0.9 percent Medicare
as a key tool for taxing wealth accumulating within surtax on amounts above $200,000. vi To make matters
corporations as well as an important backstop for the worse, a number of other tax policies, as well as the
personal income tax, since corporations could otherwise relentless pursuit of lower rates by wealthy firms and
act as tax shelters. iv v individuals, have combined to drive rates down even
It is time for those with the best interests of the
American people and the American economy in mind to For example, taxes on appreciated property (capital
reframe the conversation on taxation with these points gains) are deferred until the property is sold, and are
in mind. eliminated altogether if the property is held until death
or given to charity. vii This means that wealthy families
RETHINKING CAPITALS PRIVILEGED can build fortunes across generations without ever
PLACE IN THE TAX CODE paying a dime in capital gains tax. Additionally, tax-
deferred retirement accounts, though important for
No part of the tax code contributes as much to wealth many planning retirement, are increasingly exploited as
inequality or tax avoidance as our complicated and legal tax shelters for the very wealthy. As contribution
inefficient system of taxing capital. By taxing capital limits have increased in recent years, so too has the
gainsthe profit from the sale of property such as amount of wealth held in these accounts: 45,000
stock or real estateand capital incomedividends Americans now have IRAs worth more than $3 million. viii
and interest paymentsat a lower rate than income Finally, the preferential rate on capital income has
from work, todays tax code grants a major break to the enabled firms to engage in complex tax planning in order
wealthy, who own the overwhelming majority of capital to get wage income labeled as preferentially treated
in the United States. In 2013, the top 1 percent owned 42 capital income. For example, private equity firms are
percent of all wealth and taxpayers with incomes over able to report their income as carried interest and thus
$1 million claimed three-quarters of the benefit of the greatly reduce their tax liability.
lower rate on long-term capital gains.5 As we will show,
this preferential rate is foundational to a number of These low rates on capital income were sold to the
inequities and inefficiencies in the tax code; eliminating American public as an investment booster that would
it would restore fairness, raise revenue, and reduce create new jobs, but decades of evidence roundly
wasteful arbitrage activities. refute the notion that low capital taxes are good for the
economy. Recent studies have suggested that low rates
In theory, capital income is taxed at a top rate of 20 on capital have been responsible for increased inequality
and have had no discernible positive impact on economic
ii This is confirmed by several different sources, documented in Jacobsen and
Occhino (2012). Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the Bureau performance. ix The chart below illustrates the point
of Labor Statistics (BLS), and the CBO confirms these trends. Also, corporate that tax rates appear to play little role in determining
taxes fall primarily on shareholders and capital owners, not workers. See
Clausing (2012) and Clausing (2013) for extensive evidence and discussion. economic growth.6
And even if the corporate tax were to fall partially on labor, it is important to
remember that most alternative tax instruments to finance government fall vi This amount does not include 15.3 percent payroll taxes on the first $117,000
entirely on labor. earned. The $200,000 threshold applies to single filers; married couples pay
iii In models with real-world features such as finitely lived households, one earnings above $250,000. Interest from municipal bonds is exempt from
bequests, imperfect capital markets, and savings propensities that correlate tax. Other interest may be exempt, if received by an IRA, retirement plan, or
with earning abilities, capital taxation has an important role to play in an annuity.
efficient tax system; also, see discussion in the Addressing Objections vii Economic studies often reduce the individual long-term capital gains
section of this chapter. effective tax rate by 50 percent to reflect the benefit of deferring capital
iv New research suggests that as little as 25 percent of U.S. equities are held taxes until the property is sold and another 50 percent to reflect the benefit
in accounts that are taxable by the U.S. government; much individual passive of step-up of basis at death, starting in 2000. The actual reduction depends
income is held in tax-exempt form through pensions, retirement accounts, life on holding period, pretax returns, and mortality rates according to Johnson
insurance annuities, and nonprofits. See Rosenthal and Austin (2016). (1992).
v Without a corporate tax, the corporate form can provide a tax-sheltering viii Taxpayers also can convert their traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs, by prepaying
opportunity, particularly for high-income individuals. Sheltering opportunities their tax liability, which effectively shifts more taxable savings to tax-exempt
exist when corporate rates fall below personal income tax rates and accounts. See Government Accountability Office (GAO) (2014). All taxpayers,
corporations retain a large share of their earnings. See Gravelle and without income limitation, can convert their traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs.
Hungerford (2011). ix For a review of studies on growth, inequality and capital taxes, see Marr
and Huang (2012).
Source: Citizens for Tax Justice; BEA; Tax Policy Center Calculations
5 Correlation = 0.13
0 -4%
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
No part of the tax code reduce lock-in, whereby taxpayers would hold assets
indefinitely, despite the presence of more desirable and
contributes as much therefore more economically efficient investments,
in order to avoid paying taxes on their gains.11 But
to wealth inequality these arguments do not hold up when one considers
or tax avoidance as the current system, in which capital assets pass from
one generation to the next without being taxed, as a
our complicated and result of the stepped-up basis at death. So long as
this provision creates a light at the end of the tunnel for
inefficient system of asset holders, taxpayers will have a strong incentive to
taxing capital. avoid realization indefinitely.
other classes of financial assets.13 Practically speaking, U.S. system purports to tax the worldwide income of
accountants have already been doing this for financial multinational companies at the statutory rate of 35
reporting purposes for more than 17 years, so extending percent, granting a tax credit for taxes paid to other
the practice to taxation would be simple.14 This would countries. Yet, because U.S. taxation is not triggered
greatly reduce the amount of time and energy that firms unless income is repatriated, multinationals can avoid
and the IRS devote to the taxation of derivatives, which residual tax by indefinitely holding income abroad. xiv
has been increasing in recent years.15
In addition to the aforementioned complications,
LONG-TERM STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS credits can be used to offset tax due on royalty income,
MULTINATIONAL TAXATION tax base protections are weak, and check the box rules
facilitate the creation of stateless income that does
By all accounts, the U.S. system of taxing multinational not fall under any taxing jurisdiction. As a result, the
firms is badly in need of repair. Despite strong corporate U.S. worldwide system of taxation is substantially
profits and a high statutory rate, the system generates more generous to foreign income than many alternative
less tax revenue as a share of GDP than tax regimes in systems of taxation, and U.S. multinational firms
comparable countries. It is also exceedingly complex, routinely pay low effective tax rates, often in the single
which raises the cost of compliance and administration. digits. xv This mismatch between how we label our tax
More generally, the U.S. multinational tax system is system and the reality of how it functions undermines
ill-suited to a global economy in which operations are its integrity.
integrated across national borders and the source of
economic value is frequently intangible. As a result,
multinational companies have become adept at booking
income in low-tax jurisdictions. Estimates suggest that assigns a firms total income to each
that tax avoidance by multinational firms is currently tax jurisdiction based on factors such as the
costing the U.S. government around $100 billion per location of its sales, employment, and assets.
year, and that cost has increased more than five-fold Formulary apportionment is distinct from the
since 2000. xii present system of separate accounting, under
which firms book income in each jurisdiction
Problems in multinational taxation have been separately. Under separate accounting, profit-
shifting techniques often separate the location
exacerbated by a changing global economy with which
of profits from the location of economic activity
policy has failed to keep pace. As an increasing share of for tax avoidance purposes.
corporate profits are generated by ideas that cannot be
pinned to a fixed location, and as production processes
are increasingly global, determining the source of
corporate income for tax purposes has become difficult. Explore a System of Formulary Apportionment
Rather than reforming this system, policymakers have Congress should begin exploring a system of formulary
often defended the status quo, as revenue losses from apportionment, which would greatly reduce the
profit-shifting continue to increase. prevalence of profit-shifting and other multinational tax
avoidance strategies.
Like our trading partners, the U.S. relies on separate
accounting to tax multinational corporations, so
including mis-pricing intrafirm trade transactions, changing the structure
that multinational firms report income and expenses of affiliate finance so that interest income accrues in low-tax locations
separately in each jurisdiction in which they operate. but interest-expense is deducted in high-tax locations, and arranging for
intellectual property to be held by low-tax affiliates.
Indeed, multinational firms are adept at utilizing xiv Companies can still borrow against these funds; they are not typically
transfer price manipulation to exaggerate both costs constrained in their investment decisions. Further, these funds are often
invested in U.S. assets.
in high-tax jurisdictions and revenues in low-tax xv While domestic firms have far fewer options for lowering their effective
jurisdictions. xiii Unlike most trading partners, the tax rate, many multinational firms have achieved single-digit tax rates,
including Pfizer, even prior to their planned inversion. See Americans for Tax
xii Clausing (2016a) documents these trends in detail. Estimates for 2012 Fairness (2010) and sources within. Many other companies have achieved
indicate a revenue loss of between $77 billion and $111 billion. Extrapolating comparably low rates, Helman (2010). For a broader discussion of stateless
to 2016 based on 5 percent foreign profit growth indicates a current revenue income, see Kleinbard (2011a, 2011b). For a discussion of the mismatch
loss of between $94 billion and $135 billion. between the worldwide label of the U.S. tax system and its underlying
xiii Broadly speaking, transfer price manipulation can take many forms, effects, see Clausing (2015).
30 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
Congress should take steps to modernize the U.S. also consider payroll or assets. xvi It is important to note
corporate tax code to make it more suited to the global that a formulary approach is not equivalent to a tax on
economy. One option worth considering is a system of the factors in the formula (sales, employment, etc.),
formulary apportionmentalready employed to divide but uses these factors to approximate where profits are
tax obligations between statesin which a companys tax earned. The tax itself is proportionate to a corporations
base is determined by the location of its operations and worldwide profits, net of deductible expenses. This
sales rather than by its strategic financial arrangements. means that if a corporation does not earn profits, it will
This system would make profit-shifting out of the United not incur tax liability, no matter how large its sales or
States through financial accounting impossible and employment.
would end the incentive for corporate inversions. There
could also be economic gains from reduced compliance The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
and administration costs, which were part of the impetus Development (OECD) and G20 recently conducted a
behind proposals to consolidate corporate taxation in the massive project to suggest methods for curbing profit-
European Union. Overall, a tax system using formulary shifting under the current regime of separate accounting.
apportionment would be far more suited to the modern, In October 2015, it issued nearly 2,000 pages of proposed
intellectual-property-centered economy. guidelines, which, despite their length and complexity,
were widely recognized as far from comprehensive. The
The system could be designed in several ways, including complexity of these recommendations illustrates just
a single-sales formula based on the destination of
xvi Given the intangible nature of many assets, a sales-based formula or a
customers or a two- or three-factor formula that would two-factor formula based on sales and payroll may be preferable to a three-
factor formula.
Source: Authors calculations based on U.S. BEA data and analysis, Clausing (2016a).
Billions of US Dollars
Tax competition would not disappear under this activities from one state to another. xviii On the
system, but it would be greatly attenuated. For example, multinational scene, while over 50 percent of U.S.
Bermudas corporate tax rate of 0 percent would still multinational foreign income is booked in just seven
be more attractive than positive tax rates, but instead important tax havens, these countries account for less
of shifting profits to Bermuda on paper, the only way than 5 percent of employment among foreign affiliates
to move profits would be to sell, relocate, and/or of U.S. multinationals. Notably, none of the top 10
operate in Bermuda. Critics may argue that this system employment locations for U.S. multinational firms are
would encourage corporations to move to lower-tax tax havens. xix
jurisdictions, but evidence suggests that, while U.S.
multinational firms are extremely sensitive to tax rates The essential advantage of formulary apportionment
when booking profits, they are far less interested in is that it is a transparent way to determine the source
relocating their actual economic activities such as sales, of multinational income in a global economy. Still, if
jobs, and investments. xvii formulary apportionment is not politically feasible
in the short run, there are other useful steps that can
In U.S. states, there is no evidence that firms operating shore up our international tax system, including taxing
in multiple states under formulary apportionment multinational firms on a worldwide consolidated basis.
respond to tax differences by moving real economic Worldwide consolidation would end deferral and
substantially eliminate income-shifting incentives.
xvii Clausing (2016c) provides empirical evidence on U.S. multinational firms xviii See Clausing (2016b) for a comprehensive empirical analysis of the U.S.
based on regression analysis. Saez, Slemrod and Giertz (2012), Slemrod state experience.
and Bakija (2008) and Auerbach and Slemrod (1997) summarize a vast body xix Altshuler and Grubert (2010) have work based on simulations where they
of research on taxation that suggests a hierarchy of behavioral response: find that formulary apportionment can lead to tax-motivated distortions in
real economic decisions concerning employment or investment are far less economic activity. However, the simulation approach basically assumes the
responsive to taxation than are financial or accounting decisions. distortions will occur, since tax-responsiveness is built into the simulation
rather than estimated based on actual experience. For this reason,
estimations based on actual experiences under formulary apportionment
CORPORATE INVERSION occurs when a are more relevant. Many other concerns about the adoption of formulary
apportionment are similarly overstated. Problems regarding international
US company combines with a foreign company for treaty compatibility have been addressed in Avi-Yonah (2016) and while it
the purpose of locating its residence in a foreign would be ideal if countries cooperated under the formulary apportionment
framework, there are mechanisms that would encourage other countries
jurisdiction with a low corporate tax rate and a to follow early adopters, as discussed in Avi-Yonah and Clausing (2007).
favorable set of tax rules and treaties. Corporate In particular, once some countries adopt formulary apportionment, other
inversions are often undertaken to facilitate profit- countries would risk tax base erosion, as firms could shift profits to formulary
apportionment countries without affecting their tax burden under the
shifting and reduce tax payments. formula. Finally, Durst (2015) has addressed the myriad practical concerns
regarding tax base definition under formulary apportionment, including
concerns regarding deliberate manipulation of sales destinations.
32 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
Though it would give U.S. multinational firms a larger at the individual level when profits are distributed
incentive to change their residence for tax purposes, to owners. Beyond avoiding entity-level taxes, the
anti-inversion provisions could combat this incentive. flexibility of passthrough structures enables a number
Also, tough base erosion protections could be adopted of other strategies that can further decrease tax liability,
within the current system, including steps to reduce including the mischaracterization of income as capital
earnings stripping, minimum taxes for income earned gain. Although there are legitimate societal benefits to
in low-tax countries, and steps to combat corporate the flexibility and lower administrative burdens that
inversions, such as an exit tax. these entities offer, recent evidence suggests that the
rise of partnerships and S-corporations is problematic
PROBLEMS WITH PASSTHROUGH in the current economic climate.
Contrary to the claims of those who defend the
The growth of the passthrough sector has given rise passthrough tax system, the majority of these entities
to a tax avoidance problem on par with capital and are not just small businesses but wealthy firms in
multinational taxation. But passthroughs have garnered industries such as finance and real estate. xx Legal
far less notoriety, despite the fact that they could be maneuvers and clever accounting practices lower the
costing American taxpayers around $100 billion a tax rates of these firms, generating rents that accrue
year.16 Reforming how we tax these entities would overwhelmingly to the wealthy. A landmark 2015 study
mean ending a major tax break for the wealthy, ending by a group of economists revealed that in 2011 the top
the incentive for wasteful tax arbitrage activities, and 1 percent received nearly 70 percent of S-corp and
redirecting resources toward more socially productive partnership income, which was taxed at just 25 and
avenues. 15.9 percent, respectively, compared to 31.6 percent for
traditional C-corporations.17
Passthroughs are a category of business structure,
including partnerships, S-corporations, LLCs, and sole As a result of key policy decisions that increased the
proprietors, in which profits are taxed as the personal tax benefit of passthrough organization, including the
income of the owners as opposed to the earnings of rate reductions of Reagans trickle-down economics,
the legal entities themselves. Unlike corporations, xx Cooper et. al. (2015) and Burke (2013) show the eminence of finance and
passthroughs avoid the first layer of taxes, which real estate industries within the passthrough sector and that these industries
alone generated nearly three-quarters of all passthrough income and paid
corporations pay on profits, and are instead taxed only an effective tax rate of just 14.7 percent.
this sector has more than doubled since 1980.18 The POLICIES TO IMPROVE PASSTHROUGH
exploitation of these business structures and the failure COMPLIANCE
of regulators to keep pace has not only exacerbated
inequality but generated inefficiency by rewarding, and Raise Rates on Financial Passthroughs
thus incentivizing, clever accounting and opacity over Raising the tax rate on capital gains would eliminate
productive industry. The growth in complexity can most much of the tax advantage held by wealthy partnerships
clearly be seen through the growth in complex tiered such as hedge funds and private equity firms.
partnerships, widely considered the most problematic
of all passthrough entities. Perhaps the most significant passthrough tax reform
possible is one that we have already discussed: In
From 2002 to 2011, the number of partnerships with 2011, over 40 percent of all passthrough income was
more than 100 partners and $100 million in assets more categorized as capital gains or dividends, so treating
than tripled from 720 to 2,226.19 Entities like this can the capital income as labor income would eliminate a
have hundreds of direct shareholders, any of which can significant portion of the passthrough tax advantage,
themselves be a partnership (tiers) with shareholders with most of the hike affecting the wealthiest
also numbering in the hundreds or thousands.20 passthrough owners. This policy would neutralize the
According to analysts, the sheer number of individuals carried interest loophole and also reduce the broader
involved in an audit of a complex partnership so greatly tax advantage of the finance and real estate industries,
reduces the IRSs ability to audit that many partnerships which recorded 60 percent of their income as either
now operate with assumed impunity, free from fear dividends or capital gains in 2011.26 Exactly how much
that misconduct could be redressed.21 Unsurprisingly, these groups save by claiming income as capital gains
these complex entities pay a startlingly low rate of is unclear, but estimates of the size of the capital gains
just 8.8 percent, scarcely half the already-low overall tax expenditure and of the size of the finance and real
partnership rate of 15.9 percent.22 estate passthrough sectors suggest the number would be
significant. xxi
These business structures are like mazes, serving no
economic purpose but to shield money from taxation, From a broader economic perspective, we argue that
with each dividend from one partner to another acting the current capital tax preference misguidedly rewards
as a wall in the path of auditors.23 The complexity is wealth over work, giving a large advantage to those who
such that these mazes are not only impervious to audit are already rich. All of this is doubly true within the
but may enable even more nefarious activities, such as passthrough sector, in which much of what should be
money laundering. Recent legislation has moved in a taxed as regular income is categorized as dividends or
positive direction, but without improved enforcement capital gains.
and reforms that cut at the structural underpinnings
of this convoluted system, most problems with But while this policy would greatly increase the tax
partnership tax avoidanceand the massive waste of rate among wealthy passthrough owners, it would not
economic resources it representswill remain.24 disincentivize or prevent profit-shifting and other
avoidance and evasion maneuvers. Meaningful reform
Moreover, the power and wealth of these firms poses must not only raise the overall passthrough tax rate but
serious problems for democracy; financial sector must also address rampant complexity and avoidance
passthrough businesses like hedge funds and private among partnerships.
equity firms form a powerful lobbying block. In 2014,
the top two campaign donors were hedge funds, Institute a Nuisance Tax on Inter-Partnership
which benefit from the tax advantages of partnership Dividends
structure.25 So long as these businesses are successful An inter-partnership dividend tax would strongly
in lobbying for preferential treatment and shielding discourage the creation of opaque partnerships and
profits from taxation, they will continue to direct greatly increase compliance.
resources toward the wasteful pursuit of rents. Only As long as complex partnerships remain too
comprehensive structural reforms can reverse the complicated for even devoted tax experts to fully
trend. xxi Estimates vary by year and source: The JCT (2015) estimated $132 billion
in 2015; the CBO (2013) estimated $161 billion in 2013.
34 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
understand, efforts to increase compliance will fall depends on the drafting and implementation of IRS
short. Simply capping the size or wealth of individual guidelines. Some in Washington have speculated that
partnerships sounds straightforward, but such a policy the positive impact will be small because the IRS lacks
could easily create a greater incentive to divide profits the resources and in-house partnership expertise to
among tiers of subsidiary partnerships.27 Returning to adequately write and enforce new rules.30
the maze analogy, limiting the size of mazes could prove
ineffective because just as much money can be hidden One policy reform that is guaranteed to raise revenue
in a larger number of smaller mazes. Simply making a and compliance is increased funding of the IRS, which
maze more expensive to build and operate, however, has seen its budget cut by 17 percent since 2010.31
would largely defeat the purpose of building one in the Each additional dollar of funding has been found to
first place. Simplifying corporate structures through generate an average of four dollars in revenue, with
a disincentive would naturally increase transparency, much higher returns on money spent on compliance
making auditing easier and raising compliance. within particular parts of the tax code.32 The IRS
could invest a portion of this increased funding in
One option would be a small tax incurred on personnel who would train to better understand and
disbursements made from a partnership to its non- audit complex partnerships. A better-funded IRS would
individual ownersthe walls in our maze analogy. end the implicit safe harbor under which many large
This could be seen simply as a tax on complexity, partnerships appear to operate today and would have
and it is not unprecedented; a similar approach was broad carry over benefits to revenue and compliance
employed in the corporate sector during the New Deal. overall.
By instating a tax on intercorporate dividends, FDR
disincentivized the creation of pyramidal holding CONCLUSION
companies that received payments from large numbers
of subsidiaries. The intercorporate dividend tax was Americas robust middle class rests on a foundation of
successful in reducing corporate complexity, combating progressive taxation. In recent decades we have seen
consolidated power, and increasing compliance.28 Like this foundation erode in the face of rising tax avoidance
the corporate dividend tax, the partnership dividend and rate preferences for privileged sources of income.
tax would be a small nuisance tax, designed to become It is time for policymakers to address these structural
a burden only if incurred multiple times through problems in our tax code with comprehensive reforms
numerous transfers within a complex entity.29 that will cut at the root causes of our tax codes most
inefficient and regressive components.
The current domestic trade debate focuses on two balance has important macroeconomic effects. If there
related, but distinct problems. One is the degree is no guarantee that the economy is operating close
to which the U.S. trade deficit affects output and to potential, then we should expect a trade deficit to
employment; this is the topic we address below. A reduce demand and employment.
second set of arguments centers around international
trade agreements, in particular the Trans-Pacific It is natural, then, to look to measures to improve
Partnership being fast-tracked in the U.S. Senate. This the trade balance as a way to raise demand and boost
debate is less relevant to U.S. employment and more output and employmentespecially if fiscal policy is
germane to regulatory independence and the power ruled out for practical or political reasons. The trade
of corporations to override a democratic process; balance might be improved through a weaker dollar,
we address this topic at length in a series of briefs by making exports cheaper and imports more expensive, or
Joseph E. Stiglitz. i through tariffs or other direct limits on imports. While
the U.S. has done little to boost net exports in recent
Regarding the U.S. trade deficit, currently equal to about decades, there is increasing public discussion of such
3 percent of GDP, there is growing concern that it is a measures today. Republican presidential candidate
drag on growth and kills jobs in America. Should U.S. Donald Trump has lately become the most visible
policymakers seek a more favorable trade balance? ii advocate for tariffs, but support for a weaker dollar and
Economic orthodoxy says that trade is irrelevant to GDP other measures to improve the U.S. trade balance can be
and employment. The textbook view is that exchange found across the political spectrum.
rates will automatically adjust to allow balanced trade
without any effects on growth or employment. When we We argue that while the orthodox view is wrong about
do see trade imbalances, in this view, they are the result trade being macroeconomically neutral, measures to
of different countries making different choices about improve the U.S. trade balance would nonetheless be a
present versus future spending. Full employment will mistake. All else equal, a more favorable trade balance
be maintained regardless of trade deficits or surpluses, will raise demand and boost employment. But all else
either through automatic market adjustments or is not equal, thanks to the special role of the U.S. in the
with the routine tools of monetary policy. In the world economy. The global economy today operates
textbook view, trade is an important microeconomic on what is effectively a dollar standard: The U.S. dollar
concern, in that it contributes to the efficient use of
scarce resources. But at a macroeconomic level, the
trade balance simply reflects underlying economic
conditions; it does not play any independent role.
We do not deny that the
trade deficit has negative
Whether or not this view was ever reasonable, it
is clearly inapplicable today. In the U.S. and much effects on demand and
of the rest of the world, neither market forces nor
conventional economic policy are reliably maintaining
employment in the U.S.,
full employment. Under these conditions, the trade but we argue this is only
i For an in-depth discussion on TPP and its flaws see Stiglitz, Joseph a reason to redouble
E. 2016. Tricks of the Trade Deal: Six Big Problems with the Trans-
Pacific Partnership. The Roosevelt Institute. March 28, 2106. http://
efforts to boost domestic
ii The trade balance means total exports less total importsa trade surplus if
positive, a deficit if negative. Net exports is a synonym for the trade balance.
The current account balance is a broader category that includes income
payments and transfers as well as trade.
36 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
serves as the international currency, the way gold did policy. One challenge in increasing public and private
under the gold standard. In part for this reason, and in investment is the need for financing. Increasing
part because of the depth and security of U.S. financial investment requires new debt, which someone
markets and the disproportionate weight of the U.S. must hold. Here, we argue, the role of the dollar in
in the global economy, the U.S. can finance trade the international financial system is an advantage.
deficits indefinitely while most other countries cannot. Because of the role of the dollar as the international
Higher net exports for the U.S. imply lower net exports currency, there is enormous demand in the rest of the
somewhere else, but for many of our trade partners, any world, especially but not only from central banks, for
reduction of net exports would imply unsustainable safe, liquid dollar assets to hold as foreign exchange
trade deficits. So policies intended to improve the reserves. This means that the demand for U.S. assets is
U.S. trade balance are likely to lead to lower growth much greater than demand for the assets of some other
elsewhere, imposing large costs on the rest of the world country offering a comparable return. This in turn
with little or no benefits here. means that the U.S. can borrow at much more favorable
interest rates, and in greater volume, than other
We do not deny that the trade deficit has negative countries, and is not vulnerable to a sudden stop of
effects on demand and employment in the U.S., but we financial inflows in the way that other countries are.
argue this is only a reason to redouble efforts to boost
domestic demand. The solution to the contractionary In the decade before 2008, this exorbitant privilege
effects of the trade deficit is not a costly, and probably was used to support the expansion of housing lending.
futile, effort to move toward a trade surplus, but rather In effect, securitized mortgages were falsely sold as able
measures to boost productive investment in both the to provide the safe, liquid dollar assets the rest of the
public and private sector. world desired. The challenge now is to rewrite the rules
in ways that put the U.S.s status to more productive use.
There is a second link between trade and investment
UN TA ME D H o w t o C h e c k Corporate, F i nanc i al, and Monopoly P ow er 37
It would be irresponsible, that foreign exchange reserves are less needed. Until
such long-term solutions are in place, however, it would
costly, and probably be irresponsible, costly, and probably futile for the U.S.
futile for the U.S. to seek to seek a more favorable trade balance. Fortunately,
better solutions exist. Our proposals include:
a more favorable trade
Increase federal borrowing.
balance. Fortunately, Shift from monetary policy to credit policy.
better solutions exist. Increase borrowing by state and local government.
Provide loan guarantees for qualified private
In the short run, at least, the U.S. should not seek a Establish a national infrastructure bank.
more favorable trade balance, but should instead use Focus on public and private green investment.
its privileged position in the global economy as an Build toward a new Bretton Woods.
opportunity to boost socially useful investment. In the
long run, there are undoubtedly better ways to organize SHOULD THE U.S. PURSUE A MORE
the global economy than a de facto dollar standard FAVORABLE TRADE BALANCE?
with liquidity supplied by U.S. trade deficits. These
would involve some mix of international provision of The International Role of the Dollar
liquidity and long-term finance (through a reformed Discussions of U.S. trade policy cannot focus on the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank trade deficit in isolation; they must also take into
or through new institutions), and greater space for account the special role of the U.S. in the international
countries to manage their trade and financial flows, so monetary system. As noted, under the current regime,
20 7
20 1
20 3
Exchange Reserves.
38 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
in which the dollar serves as the worlds reserve In short, the exorbitant privilege of being
currency and the U.S. serves as the consumer of last unconstrained by the balance of payments comes with
resort, global macro-stability to some degree requires an exorbitant duty to provide the rest of the world the
the U.S. to run trade deficits. Dollars make up 64 percent insurance it needs against unexpected shifts in trade
of foreign exchange reserves, according to the most and financial flows.5
recent survey by the IMF. Over the past decade, foreign
central banks have increased their dollar reserves by The flip side to trade deficits are financial inflows. As
$4.8 trillion.1 This is almost equal to total U.S. current payments flow from the U.S. to the rest of the world
account deficits over the same period ($5.25 trillion). for goods and services, payments flow back to the
In other words, the U.S. is not so much borrowing to world to pay for U.S. assets such as government bonds.
pay for imports as supplying a vital financial resource The international role of the dollar means that the
in exchange for them. Reserves must be held mainly in U.S. pays considerably less on its foreign liabilities
dollars for the simple reason that dollars are used in the than it receives from its foreign assets, a privilege
great majority of international transactions: 87 percent that has remained intact over nearly 40 years of trade
of foreign exchange transactions involve the dollar deficits. This means that for the U.S., unlike most other
and some other currency; only 13 percent of foreign- countries, trade deficits do not lead to an unsustainable
exchange contracts involve two non-dollar currencies.2 snowballing of foreign obligations. In recent decades,
There is no sign of any movement away from the dollar the return on U.S. assets abroad has been more
as the world currency. Both the fraction of reserves held than three points higher than the return on foreign
in dollars and the fraction of international transactions investment here, a difference that shows no sign of
using dollars are just as high today as they were 25 years diminishing over time.6
ago, despite the creation of the euro in the interim.
Because of both the special international role of the
The dollar has played this international role for decades, dollar and the size, depth, and security of U.S. financial
but the trend toward deregulation of capital flows and markets, the U.S. is the favored outlet for the global
recurring foreign exchange crises has increased the savings glut famously described by former Fed chair
demand for foreign exchange reserves, especially among Ben Bernanke.7 As Bernanke noted, anticipating todays
developing countries. Jrg Bibow has described the secular stagnation debates, the global savings glut
increase in reserve holdings by developing and middle- implies persistently low interest rates, especially in the
income countries as a form of self-insurance, the need U.S. This creates a great opportunity for anyone who is
for which has been clear since the 1997 crises. So the able to supply safe, liquid, dollar-denominated assets
demand for dollar reserves, and the concomitant need at the scale the rest of the world demands. Instead of
to run trade surpluses, is in large part a consequence of using the exorbitant privilege of the dollar to finance an
the pressure that the U.S. put on developing countries unsustainable real estate boom, as it did in the 2000s,
to open up their financial markets during the 1980s and we could put that privilege to use for better ends, both
1990s.3 through the guaranteed global market for U.S. bonds
and by channeling cheap, abundant credit to private
As mentioned above, efforts by the U.S. to shift its trade borrowers.
balance toward surplus, if successful, would mean that
other countries would have to shift toward deficits, Are U.S. Trade Deficits Sustainable?
which many would be unable to do. Instead, they Some suggest the special status of the dollar could be
would have to impose higher interest rates and fiscal endangered by continued deficits, i.e., that foreign
austerity, thus reducing GDP.4 In effect, we would be investors might flee from the dollar in a crisis. There
subjecting other countries to more frequent balance is strong evidence, however, that these worries are
of payments crises, or, more likely, the ultimate result misplaced.
would be slower growth in our trade partners and little
improvement in the U.S. trade balance. There are a few First, in most countries that run sustained deficits, the
other countries that might help play the U.S.s role danger is that interest payments on the accumulated
mainly Germany and Japanbut they have failed to do foreign debt eventually become unsustainable. But
so, leaving the burden on the U.S. the U.S., despite 30 years of trade deficits, still receives
much more income from its assets in the rest of the The fact that the trade deficit can be offset by increased
world than it pays to its foreign creditors. In 2015, domestic demand, and that foreign demand for dollar
U.S. net investment income was over $200 billion, assets can be channeled into productive investment,
and this positive income is growing over time. So the does not guarantee it will actually happen. On this point,
trade deficit is not creating any financial burden, and the anti-trade critics are right, and the establishment
is sustainable in a way that it would not be for other view is too complacent. The solution, however, need
countries.8 not be policies to reduce the trade deficit. Instead, it
can be policies to channel foreign lending into uses
Second, if foreign investors were worried about that both boost demand and employment and serve
excessive U.S. borrowing, that should show up in market broader public interests. The most straightforward way
prices as either rising interest rates or a declining value to do this is for the federal government to replace the
of the dollar. But the reality has been just the opposite. financial system as the link between foreign lenders
During the crisis of 20082009, there was a flight to the and the U.S. economy, borrowing directly in order
dollar, which increased in value by 20 percent despite to increase public investment. For various reasons,
the fact that the crisis was centered in the U.S. This however, it may be preferable to support private
was the opposite of what had been predicted by those spending instead.
worried about unsustainable U.S. borrowing. And even
if investors wanted to move away from the dollar as the Increase Federal Borrowing
international currency, there is no plausible alternative; The federal government can use cheap credit to fund
the euro, which was once the most plausible candidate, public works.
faces an ongoing crisis and may not even exist 10 years
from now. The most straightforward way to finance socially
valuable investment is for the government to carry it
A third problem with the sudden stop scenario is that out directly. While the federal budget process is not
these crises have occurred historically in countries with always straightforward, in principle, public investment
a great deal of public and/or private debt denominated allows choices about spending priorities to be made
in foreign currencies. But the great bulk of U.S. liabilities in a transparent, democratically accountable way. If,
to the rest of the world are denominated in dollars. as a number of economists have suggested, the world
This means that as soon as any outflow produces a suffers from a safe asset shortage, why shouldnt the
depreciation of the dollar, the U.S. financial position U.S. federal government, as the biggest producer of
automatically improves. As long as this is the case, it is safe assets, step in to fill the void? Bibow has observed
not possible for the U.S. to face an external constraint, that the natural route to sustaining aggregate demand
since any reduction in the willingness of the rest of the would be to boost public spending with a focus on
world to lend to us just results in a reduction in the infrastructure investment, noting that private debt-
value of our existing liabilities. And, of course, the fact financed consumer spending as the counterpart to
that U.S. external liabilities are denominated in dollars the U.S.s external deficit, is dead and cannot easily be
means that there is no possibility of defaultwhich revived, but a [new] regime may come to take its place,
means there is no reason for runs. featuring continued U.S. current account deficits, this
time driven by public spending and public debt.9 But
The bottom line: Because the dollar functions as the while increased federal borrowing is the most natural
world reserve currency, the U.S. can run a large trade solution, it may also be desirable to improve financing
deficit indefinitely without increasing interest rates or for private investment. This is especially important
other financial consequences. The U.S. can offset the insofar as the size of the U.S. government debt is seen,
negative demand from a trade deficit with increased rightly or wrongly, as a constraint on policy.
domestic demand; most other countries cannot.
Shift from Monetary Policy to Credit Policy
POLICIES TO BOOST DEMAND AND The Federal Reserve can target credit to productive
EMPLOYMENT: USING CAPITAL institutions such as municipalities.
40 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
The Federal Reserve could expand the monetary Increase Borrowing by State and Local
policy tool box to boost demand through direct Government
lending to socially useful entities rather than relying Provide state and local governments with cheap credit to
on the financial markets as intermediaries. Specific invest in long-term projects.
steps here would include: selectively purchasing the
liabilities of economic units engaged in socially useful One specific piece of a shift from monetary policy to
investment and facing significant credit constraints, credit policy would be support for increased borrowing
such as municipal bonds; pushing banks to increase by state and local governments. In the U.S., the majority
lending to the same set of units, for instance by taxing of infrastructure and education spending happens at
excess reserves; the Fed directly lending to a wider the state and local level, so any program to channel
range of borrowers, as it did briefly in the commercial financial flows into productive investment needs to
paper market during the fall of 2008; setting targets include increased municipal borrowing. State and local
for a wider range of interest rates; and setting targets governments themselves should also reevaluate their
for credit growth both in the aggregate and for specific current fiscal positions and explore ways to use the low-
sectors. This sort of credit policy has been practiced interest environment to expand investment in physical
by many central banks historically, including central and human capital.
banks in both developing and advanced countries.10 One
particularly successful example of directed credit by Today, most state governments are constitutionally
the central bank is Japan during its postwar boom.11 A prohibited from running operating deficits, but
number of economists have described the advantages committed to funding a certain set of programs and
of a broader credit policy over conventional monetary services. State and local governments also hold large
policy.12 asset positions outside of pension funds; most state
governments are substantial net creditors, as is
Such policies could also include supporting municipal the sector as a whole. State governments generally
borrowers. In particular, the Federal Reserve should shifted toward net asset positions during the 1980s,
study and make recommendations on its ability to and at a time in which interest rates were well above
aggressively use its existing authority to purchase short- growth rates, this commitment to avoiding debt and
term municipal debt and the effectiveness of supporting to prefunding had a clear logic to it. But in the current
municipal debt markets using that approach. It is hard environment, it is counterproductive. Municipal
to understand why a lack of financing should lead to governments would be better off with more borrowing
catastrophic cuts in local services when the country as a and less prefunding; when risk-adjusted returns fall
whole enjoys abundant liquidity. below growth rates, it is cheaper to fund pensions on
a pay-as-you-go basis, especially given the high fees
This discussion is largely motivated by concerns that state and local governments have historically paid to
conventional monetary policy has proved ineffective the managers of their pension funds. (See our section
in stabilizing aggregate demand, and that low interest on municipal finance for more.) In a low-interest
rates lead to asset bubbles and other distortions. environment, more debt and less prefunding is fiscally
Connected with this is an increasing recognition that sensible, and, importantly for present purposes, it will
monetary policy inevitably affects relative prices and help support aggregate demand.
the direction as well as the level of economic activity,
including the distribution of income.13 While not Provide Loan Guarantees for Qualified Private
explicitly addressed to the trade balance, these new Borrowers
ideas about monetary policy dovetail nicely with the To seed desirable private projects, the federal government
idea that the international role of the dollar implies can offer a cushion against losses.
persistent U.S. trade deficits, but also great demand for
U.S. assets. This implies a shift in the focus of monetary Loan guarantees are a commitment to absorb some
policy toward the quantity and direction of credit rather fractiontypically 50 to 90 percentof the losses from
than its price. defaulted loans to designated borrowers. They are a
natural tool to allow the federal government to use its
status as a privileged borrower to support credit flows Both public and private investment should be focused
to private businesses. The value of loan guarantees in green sectorsdevelopment of non-carbon energy
comes from the existence of pervasive information and increased energy efficiency. One particularly
problems in private credit markets. In a world of promising area is building retrofits. Most energy
perfect information, a loan guarantee would simply consumption is associated with buildings, and there
be a subsidy. But because of information problems in are straightforward modifications that can greatly
credit markets, there are a number of loans that are not reduce energy use, especially for older buildings. For
made even though they would offer positive private an average-sized single-family home in the United
returns. By offsetting the risks created by information States, an investment of as little as $2,500 in energy-
asymmetries, a loan guarantee program can support efficiency retrofits can reduce energy consumption by
increased lending with private and social returns much 30 percent. These kinds of investments also tend to
greater than the required outlay of public funds. One support more employment than many other forms of
recent study of loan guarantee programs suggests that expenditure. Building retrofits have been estimated to
it is reasonable to expect an annual default rate of 10 produce seven direct jobs and five indirect jobs for each
percent and a recovery rate of 50 percent. Given these $1 million in spending.16 Because these retrofit projects
assumptions, a program covering 80 percent of default combine upfront costs with savings over a long future
losses could support $20 billion in increased loans with period, they are natural candidates for debt financing.
an outlay of $590 million per year. The program would But the dispersed building owners, the information
therefore cost the federal government 2.9 cents for problems, and, in the case of commercial structures,
every dollar of private loans extended.14 the transaction costs often created by the separation
of ownership from liability for utility bills means that
Establish a National Infrastructure Bank there is a natural role for a public agency in channeling
Funnel international capital flows into transformative loans into retrofits.
public investment.
Build Toward a New Bretton Woods
An infrastructure bank is a natural channel to direct Replacing the dollar standard with a genuine
credit to socially useful private borrowing. international currency would reduce foreign dependence
on exports to the U.S.
One specific mechanism to improve financing for state
and local investment is a national infrastructure bank. To the extent that we do want a more favorable trade
Such a bank would make long-term loans to state and balance, the focus needs to be on reducing the rest
local governments, publicprivate partnerships, and of the worlds need for dollar reserves rather than
perhaps private businesses to finance infrastructure boosting U.S. competitiveness. In the long run, this
investment. The federal government would provide could mean the creation of a new international financial
initial capital, and the bank would be publicly owned, architecture, along the lines of the Bretton Woods
but going forward it would finance itself by issuing its agreements 70 years ago.17 18 This is not a solution in the
own bonds. An infrastructure bank would encourage short run, and raises difficult questions about the goals
public investment by offering more favorable terms as well as the mechanics of a new system. But in the long
than private lenders, especially for smaller and run, the only way to wean the world off its dependence
financially weaker borrowers. It would be a hub for on exports to the U.S. is to replace the de facto dollar
national planning around infrastructure investment. standard with a genuine international currency.
Just as important for present purposes, the bonds
issued by the bank would help satisfy the worlds In the absence of such global reforms, the U.S.
demand for safe, liquid dollar assets.15 government could take steps now to reduce the need
for reserve accumulation abroad. It could reverse its
Focus on Public and Private Green opposition to capital controls (restrictions on cross-
Investment border financial flows), as its current commitment to
Funnel international capital flows into low-carbon public a universal regime of free financial mobility does not
investment, such as building retrofits. serve any obvious public interest. That commitment
leads to a greater need for foreign exchange reserves,
42 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
mainly dollars, by increasing our trading partners be the responsibility of our elected government. But
vulnerability to changing sentiments in financial at the same time, the U.S. cannot ignore its role in the
markets. In effect, by discouraging countries from international monetary system. This tension between
taking steps to protect their foreign exchange, the U.S. democratic legitimacy, which remains national, and
has put them in a situation where they have a strong the reality of a global economy does not have any
national interest in accumulating dollars via trade straightforward solution. A balance must be struck in
surpluses. The IMF has recently expressed some limited each particular case.23 For the U.S. today, in our view,
support for capital controls.19 The U.S. should encourage an appropriate balance requires foregoing policies
the IMF to carry this rethinking further and abandon its to improve the U.S. trade balance; instead, we must
support for capital account liberalization. develop policies that jointly address the U.S.s need for
strong demand and full employment and the rest of the
The Fed could also extend swap lines to a greater range worlds need for dollars by channeling foreign capital
of foreign central banks. Swap lines are commitments into productive, job-creating domestic investment.
by a pair of central banks to trade their respective
currency on demand. The purpose is to to improve
liquidity conditions in dollar funding markets ... by
providing foreign central banks with the capacity
to deliver U.S. dollar funding to institutions in their
jurisdictions during times of market stress.20 The
Fed has standing legal authority to enter into swap
agreements with foreign central banks, and has already
used this authority both to offer emergency dollar
liquidity to a large number of central banks in the crisis
and to create permanent, open-ended swap lines with a
small number of central banks in developed countries.21
By guaranteeing access to dollars in an emergency,
swap lines would reduce the need for self-insurance
through reserve accumulation, especially if the
agreements were extended to central banks in middle-
income countries.22
The trade balance in itself is not a problem for the U.S.
If trade deficits reduce demand and employment, that
is only because we lack the the necessary institutions
to channel the corresponding financial inflows into
productive investment. Developing these institutions
is the best response to understandable pressures for
Beginning in the 1970s, regulators, operating under the assumptions that growth required unfettered
markets and that Wall Street would regulate itself, eschewed traditional concerns and deregulated
financial markets. Dangerous conditions, such as a preponderance of asymmetric information that
allowed sophisticated investors to take advantage of trading partners, were ignored. New products,
from money-market funds to sub-prime mortgages, fueled bottom lines and kept the party going. The
size and profitability of the financial sector increased along with the complexity of its products, and
policymakers failed to adapt regulations for a financial landscape transformed by globalization and
technology. Despite the crisis that eventually resulted from this regulatory neglect, the finance sector
remains large and profitable relative to the rest of the economy. Financial services peaked at 7.6
percent of GDP before the crisis, dipped below 7 percent during the Great Recession, then promptly
returned to 7.1 percent in 2015.1
As the financial sector increased in size, it also increased in power. And in finance as in other
monopolistic industries, an increased concentration of market power over the last few decades
has gone hand in hand with increased profits from rents and increased lobbying efforts aimed at
preserving the industrys growing power and privilege.2 The 2014 defeat of the Dodd-Frank Lincoln
amendment, which would have prevented FDIC-backed banks from purchasing some of the riskiest
derivatives, provides a prime example of the finance sectors power to rewrite rules to its own benefit.
The final language of the repeal was nearly identical to that proposed by Citibank.3
The misalignment of private rewards and public costs in the financial sector is particularly damaging
because of the way in which finance influences every aspect of the economy. A well-regulated
banking system takes healthy risks while preserving macro-stability, but excessive risk-taking threatens
that stability. The governments mandate to act in a crisis thus becomes a subsidy for reckless
financial activity. While non-bank financial services can improve stability through insurance or asset
management, poorly regulated shadow banking can devolve into a black box of regulatory arbitrage
and predatory activities with grave consequences for global capital markets. And while capital markets
can channel funds into productive firms for investment, their short-term management tricks can just as
easily act as a financial drain. Finally, while finance is critical to fueling public investment in big-ticket
items such as new schools or improved infrastructure, lenders can benefit from asymmetric information
to extract excess funds from public services and institutions.
In the following section, we lay out an agenda to curb rent-seeking in the financial sector and
incentivize productive lending and investment. The financial sectors impact on our economy can be
thought of like waves emanating out in concentric circles from a rock dropped in a pond. With each
circle, the impact of the financial sectors weight becomes less apparent on the surface, but it remains
extremely important overall.
In the first circle, we find the most obvious elements of the problem, which are systemically important
financial institutions (SIFIs) and the banking sector at large. Much of the debate since the Great
Recession has focused on these gargantuan institutions and whether they remain Too Big to Fail
(TBTF), and thus capable of once again wreaking havoc on the global economy. Our agenda in this
first circle of impact looks beyond TBTF as a stark binary in which the largest financial institutions
either pose no risk or are deemed a systemic threat. We propose, instead, that TBTF is a continuum
along which large financial institutions move as their balance sheets change. While we believe Dodd-
Frank has reduced both the risk of bank failure and the subsidy the largest banks received from
implicit government backing, there is still work to do. Primarily, we must raise and restructure leverage
requirements in order to reduce risk and rents in the banking system.
In the next circlerather prominent to an observeris a broader swath of financial sector activities
known as shadow banking, which, despite its anonymity relative to SIFIs, has had profound economic
effects in recent years. Mimicking traditional banking in many ways, but without any of the standard
banking regulations, the shadow banking sector was a key source of risk and contagion during the
financial crisis. Furthermore, shadow banking networks can distort the allocation of credit, diverting
resources to unproductive and even fraudulent activities. In this section, we outline an agenda to
better regulate the shadow banking sector, starting with the somewhat obvious assumption that
institutions that perform bank-like activities should be regulated like banks.
Moving out to the third circle, we examine an impact of the financial sector that is far less apparent
to many, but still extremely significant: the rise of short-termism and the corresponding growth of the
finance sectors influence over mainstream corporate America. Short-termism can be defined as the
rising preference for short-term stock price manipulation and the excessive use of dividends and
buybacks over long-term investment and real productivity or growth. We explore why this is a problem
and identify a number of interventions that would build countervailing power to solve it.
In the outermost circle, we look at a symptom of the finance sectors growth that is perhaps even
more difficult to identify, but no less impactful: how finance interacts with the political economy. From
campaign finance reform to international capital flows, the financial sector interacts with governments
in many ways. We begin by examining municipal, state, and local institutions and showing how these
government entities are often entangled in overly complex and predatory financial instruments. We
then construct a set of best practices for tackling this problem, understanding it both as necessary in
itself and as a building block to best practices for finance as a whole.
The challenges outlined above are much bigger than the policy solutions proposed in this report. Yet,
these discussions and solutions form a solid basis from which policymakers can build and continue to
do more.
Tackling Too Big to Fail
By Mike Konczal, Roosevelt Institute
Preserve Dodd-Frank. These potential failures not only create panic, but also
Regulate the whole balance sheet. result in redistribution of public money to private
Continue to push for credible living wills. firms via bailouts. There are specific reasons the public
Coordinate international derivatives. finds bailouts unfair: Bailouts are ex post facto and ad
hoc, meaning they are a response to a failure that has
already occurred and are granted arbitrarily. They also
put public dollars at risk to absorb the losses of private
46 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
actors. This is different from more formal ways of All the subsidy does is tell us whether markets believe
assigning losses. Bankruptcy, for instance, is a type of there will be a bailout; it absolutely does not tell us that
planned failure in which certain claims are prioritized, a failure would not cause cascading consequences for
often in a inconsistent manner, by a government official. the rest of the financial sector and the economy as a
Yet few think of bankruptcy as a type of bailout. It is the whole.
spontaneous and arbitrary function of such a move, as
well as the redistribution of private money to public The failure of a TBTF bank could impose large
taxpayers, that generally upsets people and reflects externalities on the economy as a whole due to
unequal economic and political power.6 contagion, panics, financial instability, and so forth, just
as we saw in the 2008 crisis. Not forcing a firm to absorb
Some suggest we have dealt sufficiently with these these external costs is a form of subsidy, as it allows the
macroeconomic risks of TBTF, particularly in light of firm to have more debt and be larger than it would be
progress on the FDICs powers to liquidate a large bank. otherwise. This would not be the case if the government
were expected to let firms fail. Thus, there is good
However, TBTF is not a switch that can be flipped on or reason to believe that the TBTF subsidy should
off. There is no identifiable moment at which a bank is be negative, even strongly so, in a proper regulatory
TBTF, and then suddenly it isnt. TBTF is a continuum environment.
on which, at one end, the failure of a large, systemically
important financial institution causes cascading A TBTF firm could also impose serious macroeconomic
failures and panics across the financial sector, and at the risk through its creation and allocation of credit,
other end, a bank can fail in a way that causes minimal independent of the effects of a sudden failure. Imagine
disruption. While we have made progress, we have not if Lehman Brothers failed, but there were no financial
moved far enough along the continuum. Future failures crisis: There would still be a Great Recession due to
could still trigger panics, which would lead to terrible deleveraging, millions of foreclosures, plunder of black
macroeconomic effects, prolonged recessions, and a wealth in housing, and so forth. This is another negative
basic sense of unfairness. externality that should lead to a negative subsidy, but
it is based on the activities of the TBTF firms, not their
The Nature and Decline of the failure.10 We discuss how to tackle this problem in the
Too Big to Fail Subsidy shadow banking section of this report.
A TBTF firm can be seen by the capital markets as so
risky and likely to be bailed out by the government that The Promise, and Pitfalls,
it receives a subsidy. In the case of a failure, creditors of Resolution Authority
believe that they will get paid back by the government, Title II of Dodd-Frank attempted to create a cleaner
or that the government will intercede to ensure that process by which a TBTF institution could, in fact, fail
the firm doesnt fail in the first place, and as such the - known as the orderly liquidation authority (OLA).
creditors are willing to lend at a lower rate than they There has indeed been progress, as acknowledged
otherwise would based upon the firms risk profile. below, thanks to the FDICs plan to take over and
liquidate large, systemically risky firms. However, the
The TBTF subsidy has declined dramatically from solution is dependent on a number of variables that
its peak in 2011, which shows, contrary to critics, that could go wrong. We briefly take stock of the FDICs
Dodd-Frank is not a permanent bailout, nor has it success and then urge policymakers to go further to
strengthened TBTF. This result has been found using prevent failures before they occur.
straightforward statistical models on interest rates.7
But it also has been found using more complex financial According to the FDIC plan, which is called single
modeling, as with credit default swaps.8 These two point of entry, regulators would only fail the holding
techniques are the opposite of each other, with each companies, using their assets to shore up any of their
trading off in terms of theory and data sophistication, subsidiaries capital shortfalls. The very existence
so it is encouraging that they have the same conclusion: of this proposal has been deemed sufficient to solve
The TBTF subsidy is much lower, and perhaps not the problems of TBTF; in reality, however, even
distinguishable from zero.9 a successful resolution could cause significant
Note that the goal of financial reform, however, is not to
simply ensure that a TBTF subsidy is zero in statistical Consider what it would mean for a Title II resolution to
models. Financial reform needs to go further than that. go well: Bankruptcy court would be a realistic option.
There is sufficient loss-absorbing There isnt sufficient capital in the firm, giving
capacity to ensure a swift process. regulators fewer options.
It would be clear to what extent a firm was suffering Large amounts of public funding would be necessary,
from a liquidity crunch versus being actually insolvent. and it would need to be repaid as an assessment on
There would be no need for the FDIC to take over a the financial industry as a whole, which would cause
firm; if it did, there would be sufficient loss-absorbing political controversy and cause other firms to cry foul.
capital to ensure a swift resolution, and if it didnt, there Living wills would turn out to have no predictive power,
would be little public funding necessary, and perhaps and liquidity would dry up, requiring more extensive
even private capital would be available. The firm itself Federal Reserve support. A lack of international
would repay public funding. Liquidity would be easily coordination and a run by foreign derivative parties
accessible. Living wills would provide a practical guide would make the panic worse, and this would not be
for resolution. International coordination, particularly isolated to a single firm.
around foreign derivative contracts, would be set up
well in advance. The process would be quick, easy, and Such a failure would have two immediate consequences:
put minimal stress on the economy as a whole. The first is that it would be unlikely to quell a panic and
less likely to isolate the damage to one firm; the second
On the other hand, one of the biggest problems Dodd- is that if it looked like it was going poorly, Congress
Frank faces is that a resolution could be successful in might move to stop the process as it was ongoing,
a general sense, but widely seen as a failure in practice. adding significant political uncertainty. Indeed, given
In this scenario, there would be no sense of how the difficult political threshold necessary to invoke it
insolvent the firm was in advance. Bankruptcy would in the first place, the political uncertainty over whether
not be a realistic option. There would not be anywhere and how such a process could be used should not be
near sufficient long-term capital to survive the losses. underestimated.
48 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
50 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
The shadow banking system is largely responsible for money-market mutual funds) should be regulated
the enormous economic and social costs associated with like banks.
the financial crisis. Before the Great Recession, it was Non-bank institutions and activities linked to the
widely believed that these loosely regulated activities regulated banking sector (e.g., select investment
and entities were not subject to the same risks and banks and hedge funds) can lead to contagion and
vulnerabilities as traditional banks and were therefore should be regulated to reduce macroeconomic risk.
unlikely to spread risk to the average consumer or New rules should unrig a system in which certain
the rest of the economy. However, the unprecedented stakeholders obtain rents due to regulatory
bailout of the financial system revealed this assumption arbitrage or information asymmetries.
to be false. It was revealed that like banks, shadow Although sophisticated individual investors
banks could be subject to runs, transmit contagion, and
benefit from structures of asymmetric information.
Even now, policymakers and regulators find it difficult Academics, regulators, and market participants
to address the vulnerabilities of shadow banking in part define shadow banking in different ways. As
because the label applies to a wide range of different U.S. Federal Reserve Board Governor Daniel
types of entities and activities. Tarullo stated, shadow banking is not a single,
identifiable system, but a constantly changing
While financial reform largely focused on regulating and largely unrelated set of intermediation
U.S. banks or systemically important financial activities pursued by very different types of
institutions, the vulnerabilities in the shadow banking financial market actors.1 Here we refer to
system has drawn the attention of regulators, elected shadow banking as any unregulated financial
activity that facilitates the creation of credit by
officials and the public as one of the remaining
funding long-term, illiquid, and sometimes risky
components to achieve comprehensive financial reform.
assets with short-term, liquid debt. i While there
This system of unregulated activities and entities is not are many different entities and functions involved
only a danger because it can cause contagion and panics in the credit creation process, we focus on the
among the institutions themselves, but they also distort activities that:
the allocation of credit, which can result in sending
resources towards unproductive, even fraudulent, Share similar characteristics with traditional
activities. Shadow banking has been one of the drivers deposit-taking institutions (i.e., they take
of economic inequality and economic instability funds from savers and investors and lend
over the last decades. As witnessed in the fraudulent out those funds, primarily to other financial
mortgage lending practices that contributed to the institutions or corporations, through a range
20072008 housing crisis, these activities affect the real of products).
economy and average Americans. Since these activities Played a direct role in the financial crisis.
and entities are constantly changing and largely
unrelated set of intermediation activities pursued by The primary distinction between traditional
very different types of financial market actors, it is banking and shadow banking is that shadow
imperative that policymakers put in place regulatory banking activities and institutions do not
have explicit access to deposit insurance or
mechanisms to monitor and oversee how emerging
emergency lending from the Federal Reserve,
innovations in the financial system may create new
except in unusual and exigent circumstances.
economic risks and predatory practices.2 These entities remain loosely regulated despite
continued risk to the safety and soundness of the
In considering how best to rewrite the rules to address financial system.
the systemic risks caused by shadow banking, we start
by relying on the same principles that guide current i The Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international
banking regulation: financial regulatory body, defines shadow banking as credit
intermediation involving entities and activities outside the regular
banking system.
Bank-like activities subject to bank-like runs (e.g.,
individuals and firms should be allowed to capped under Regulation Q, and bank customers flocked
speculate with their own funds, average savers and to MMMFs because they promised higher interest
the overall economy should be protected. rates for relatively safe, liquid investments.5 This was
In the following section we attempt to demystify some followed by an explosion of shadow banking functions
of the complexities surrounding the shadow banking that enabled firms to get around accounting rules,
system and outline policies to reduce its economic and securities laws, and bank regulations.6 As noted, it was
social costs. Through a series of policy solutions, we widely believed these activities were not exposed to
argue for a mix of prudential regulations on specific same risk of bank runs as traditional, deposit-taking
activities and more transparency and oversight on the banks. However, that was not the case. The financial
activities themselves. Our recommendations are as crisis clearly illustrated how new activities and
follows: innovations in the largely unregulated shadow banking
system widely spread the costs of bad financial bets to
Prudentially regulate money-market mutual funds. individual savers and the real economy.
Regulate leverage and realign incentives.
Overhaul the bankruptcy regime. Economist and former PIMCO managing director Paul
Enhance transparency and access to information McCulley first introduced the term shadow banking
across the chain of transactions. in 2007 at the annual conference of central bankers in
Jackson Hole; from there, it became a critical unit of
MMMFs, one of the first shadow banking innovations, analysis to understand the modern financial system
benefited from regulatory arbitrage in a lax regulatory and the 20072008 global financial crisis.7 A useful
environment.4 High inflation in the 1970s eroded the way to grasp the role of the shadow banking system in
interest rates offered by bank deposits, which were the financial crisis is to revisit the factors that brought
one of the largest shadow banks, Lehman Brothers, to Run on Short-Term Debt Markets
bankruptcy in 2008. Many financial institutions, such as Lehman, relied
heavily on short-term debt instruments, primarily
Unregulated Firms: From Mortgage repurchase agreements, to fund their day-to-day
Lenders to Investment Banks operations. Lehman was leveraged 31-to-1, meaning
Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, played a direct the investment bank had $31 of debt on its books for
role in the mortgage lending market. During the U.S. every dollar of equity from shareholders. 11 This meant
housing boom in the 2000s, Lehman acquired five that a 3 or 4 percent decline in the value of its assets
mortgage lenders, including the subprime lender BNC meant the firm would be insolvent. As confidence in
Mortgage, which lent to homeowners with poor credit, securitized debt crumbled, which was used as collateral
and Aurora Loan Services, which specialized in a type in the repo agreements, firms like Lehman were unable
of home loan (known as Alt-A) that did not require full to refinance, or roll over, their short-term debt. Lehman
documentation.8 These subsidiaries issued consumer was the most infamous example of a highly leveraged
loans secured by mortgages. These mortgages were then firm being unable to withstand the crisis.
turned into mortgage-backed securities through the
54 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
POLICIES TO REIN IN THE These are important reforms; nevertheless, policy must
SHADOW BANKING SYSTEM go further. Financial entities and activities change and
adapt in response to the regulatory (or deregulatory)
Even since the crisis, this network of loosely regulated frameworks put in place, and any new regulatory regime
activities continues to grow. The global shadow banking
market was valued at $36 trillion in 2014, with 40
percent of its assets in the U.S.15 The value of these
activities has increased on average $1.3 trillion a year The financial crisis
since 2011.16 However, many of these activities are
designed for the purpose of regulatory arbitrage, which exposed shadow
can put the safety and soundness of the financial system
at risk. While proposed and implemented policies
bankings vulnerability
tweak around the edges, we argue that regulators to classic banking
should pursue structural changes and question the
fundamental existence and social benefit these complex panics and information
activities that continue to operate outside the macro-
prudential regulatory framework. asymmetries, which
The financial crisis exposed shadow bankings
threatened financial
vulnerability to classic banking panics and information stability and added fuel
asymmetries, which threatened financial stability and
added fuel to the fire of the crisis. The Dodd-Frank Act to the fire of the crisis.
UN TA ME D H o w t o C h e c k Corporate, F i nanc i al, and Monopoly P ow er 55
56 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
In spite of the declared end of the Great Recession, stakeholders. Within these categories, we recommend
the U.S. economy continues to function well below the following policy changes:
potential. One factor contributing to sluggish economic
growth is short-termism, a corporate philosophy Limit share repurchases.
that prioritizes immediate increases in share price Investigate pension obligations.
and payouts at the expense of long-term business Reform private equity.
investment and growth. Abetted by a series of policy Reform CEO pay.
changes that increased the power of shareholders and Establish proxy access.
the financial sector over the past 30 years, corporate Allow alternative share approaches.
managers have shifted their focus from stable long- Affirm board power.
term returns to short-term profits. The result has been
not only a marked increase in inequality, but a decline CONSEQUENCES OF THE
in productive investment as these payouts consume SHAREHOLDER REVOLUTION
resources once devoted to growth.1
Before the 1970s, American corporations consistently
Short-termism is the inevitable result of the growing paid around 50 percent of their profits to shareholders
power of finance over the real economy. However, and retained the rest for investment in long-term
policy choices can push back against this excess of productivity drivers like research and development
corporate power and curb the incentives that currently (R&D), equipment, or training for employees. During
shape corporate myopia. This section documents the this time, an additional dollar of earnings or borrowing
evolution of the problem and proposes two broad was associated with about a 40-cent increase in
approaches: limiting the known drivers of short- investment.2 Beginning in the late 1970s, however,
termism and increasing the power of long-term changes in corporate finance theory, management
60 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
term stakeholders, and the third is expanding the role of effect is not to raise funding for companies but to bid up
the state. We will concentrate on the first two here. share prices.
Critics argue that shareholder payouts are a way to Ideally, the PBGC would use its existing monitoring
move capital from established corporations to newer, and enforcement authorities to ensure companies
faster-growing ones.14 Yet the share of investment do not repurchase their shares unless their pension
coming from new and small companies is actually fund is fully or almost fully funded. An additional tool
declining over time instead of increasing.15 the PBGC has to discourage buybacks, which it can
use independently or in tandem with other rules, are
The share of investment spending accounted for by the premiums it collects to oversee pension funds.
publicly traded corporations has tended to rise in Single-employer plans get charged both a fixed-rate
booms and fall in downturns. Not surprisingly, such premium and a variable-rate premium. The variable
investment was particularly high during the tech boom rate is correlated with how underfunded the plan is;
in 2000. But there is no long-term upward trend; on the i.e., the more likely the plan is to fail, the higher the
contrary, during the past decade the investment share premium becomes.20 The PBGC states that one of the
of younger corporations has been near record lows. early warning signs it looks for to identify underfunded
As for the share of investment going to small firms, it pension funds is excessive dividend payments.21 The
has steadily declined since the 1950s apart from, again, PBGC should charge companies a higher variable
a temporary spike during the tech boom. Like the rate if they engage in buybacks because buybacks can
investment share of newer firms, the investment share be interpreted as weakening a companys financial
of small firms is now near its lowest level ever.16 position.
Others defend payouts on the grounds that these profits Furthermore, companies with unfunded pension
will fund increased investment in new businesses, but liabilities that conduct repurchases should not be
the evidence suggests otherwise.17 In 2014, payouts granted hardship waivers, which allow struggling
topped $1.2 trillion, but new investment, such as IPOs companies to forgo late payment penalties. Currently,
and venture capital, was less than $200 billion. This multiemployer plans that are in critical condition
means that in the best case, for every dollar yielded receive assistance in the form of emergency loans from
from investments that went to stimulate new business, the PBGC. Recent legislation allows the PBGC to lower
$6 simply went to shareholders pockets.18 The primary participant benefits if a plan is critically underfunded.
62 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
64 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
innovative ways of structuring shares can help orient approach. First, this action should be carried out in
a firm toward long-term value. Though this does not tandem with the other policy proposals in this agenda.
require legislative effort, it does show that regulators A holistic approach is the most effective way to address
should incentivize market-based alternatives. Small short-termism, and that includes seeking to end short-
efforts from regulators and institutions can bolster this. termist trends but also empowering good management.
As the regulator of the exchanges, the SEC could The second step, as noted, is for agencies and law
support these efforts by changing listing rules to be associations to state publicly that shareholders are
more inclusive of time-varying shares. The SEC could not the owners or residual claimants of the firm. The
directly try to give long-term shareholders more power claim that they are is often repeated but incorrect.
by requiring investors to hold company stock for longer Corporations are a nexus of contracts and obligations,
periods in order to obtain certain voting rights. In and shareholders are just one of many agents who have
the past, the SEC has proposed a one-year holding claims on a firm. Shareholders own stock but do not
requirement for each nominating shareholder or have traditional ownership rights to a firm because they
member of a nominating shareholder group.29 Congress cannot freely access the companys place of business,
could also pass legislation similar to Frances Florange exclude others, or decide what happens on a day-to-
Act, which states that, unless shareholders vote against day basis. UCLA Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge
it, any shares held for two years will receive twice the uses the case of W. Clay Jackson Enterprises, Inc. v.
voting rights. Greyhound Leasing and Financial Corp to illustrate the
fact shareholders are not owners. In this case, it was
Labor is particularly disadvantaged by current stated, even a sole shareholder has no independent
corporate governance structures, but strengthening right which is violated by trespass upon or conversion
labor is in the best interest of companies. Co- of the corporations property.30 In other words,
determination, or involving workers in company shareholders do not have the right of use or possession
decision-making, has the potential to greatly increase of corporate property.
the productivity and representation of the labor force
by adding necessary long-term stakeholders. Congress CONCLUSION
should investigate adopting the German model, with the
long-term goal of mandating employee representation
on company boards to supplement more traditional
forms of labor organizing. State publicly that
Affirm Board Power shareholders are
Regulators such as the SEC should publicly reaffirm the
business judgment rule and clarify that shareholders are not the owners or
not owners or residual claimants of the firm. residual claimants
The relevant governing bodies, particularly the SEC, of the firm.
should reaffirm the business judgment rule, which
empowers boards with the benefit of the doubt
concerning their decisions. The SEC should also clarify
that shareholders are not owners or residual claimants. These policies represent a diversified set of approaches
Additionally, management and regulators should to combat short-termism. It is important that
continue to allow the practice of board staggering. policymakers address this growing trend and put
Reaffirming these principles would help set the mechanisms in place to address its economic effects.
standard for the proper relationship between the many As long as corporations are simply conceived of as
key stakeholders in a firm. machines for increasing share value, they will be unable
to fully utilize Americas collective productive capacities
The first step is reaffirming the business judgment rule, or develop those capacities for the future.
which protects directors from personal civil liability
for the decisions they make on behalf of a corporation.
Some may hesitate to give managers more power and
protection, but there are two reasons to consider this
The financialization of the United States economy has risk if it helps them solve their short-term budget
distorted our social, economic, and political priorities. crisis. Every dollar that cities and states send to Wall
Previously in this report, we discussed how changes Street as part of these costly deals is a dollar that is not
to the rules shaping financial markets have increased invested in essential community services; the resulting
macroeconomic risk and reduced private investment funding shortfalls have a significant impact on already
and innovation. But in addition to affecting the real underserved communities and reduce the kinds of
economy, financialization has changed the political public investments that fuel economic growth.
economy. The increasing political power of the financial
sector at both the local and national level is a broad Across the country, states and municipalities are cutting
phenomenon with an impact on everything from public services and taking austerity measures that have
campaign finance to the provisioning of public goods. a disparate impact on working-class communities,
especially communities of color. Complex financial
This section covers the changing nature of public deals are among the biggest culprits. This may prompt
finance, particularly at the state and city level. As one to wonder why municipal governments would be
financial tools have increased in complexity and drawn to such deals in the first place, but the temptation
opacity, we have seen a surge in information asymmetry is clear on both sides: State and municipal finances have
between private lenders and public borrowers. As a deteriorated in recent decades for a number of reasons,
result, cities and states across the country have signed chief among them, depressed tax revenues. In order to
financing deals that are often characterized by high close the resulting budget shortfalls, many cities and
costs and high risks and designed in such a way that states borrow money or resort to financial gimmicks.
their failure can be predicted. Wall Street firms had the resources to lend and, in the
culture of financialization, the power to set the terms
that would be most favorable to themselves.
The increase in the size, scope, and power of To repay bad loans, taxpayers provide trillions of dollars
the financial sector (which includes the people of business to Wall Street every year. Just three cities
and firms that manage money and underwrite New York, Los Angeles, and Chicagoand their related
stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other securities) agencies and pension funds conduct nearly $600 billion
relative to the rest of the economy.1
worth of business with financial institutions each year.2
We need to renegotiate the relationship between state
and local governments and the financial sector in order
Many of these municipal loans resemble the subprime to return government to its primary mission: providing
mortgages that banks sold when plain vanilla people with critical services and infrastructure, not
mortgage deals would have offered more affordable providing the financial services industry with profits.
and sustainable terms to borrowers. Similar to the We can do this by implementing common-sense
complex and costly deals made during the housing reforms to safeguard our public dollars, make our public
boom, revenue-strapped state and local governments finance system more efficient, and ensure that taxpayer
sign deals with exorbitant fees, which are paid for with money is used to provide fully funded services to our
taxpayer dollars at the expense of public services. There communities.
are many reasons why local and state governments
enter into these deals; however, one of the primary In this section, we identify how the current rules of
explanations is that these deals often promise short- our economy can be restructured to make municipal
term cost-savings, and public officials who are facing finance deals work for the benefit of the public and local
budget deficits are more willing to overlook long-term economic growth. We do this by recommending a range
66 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
States and result of this new dynamic, the financial sector began
selling municipal borrowers more complex deals that
municipalities are generate more fee revenue, turning a plain vanilla
corner of banking into a complicated goldmine for
cutting public services bankers.4 For example, banks started marketing risky
and taking austerity variable-rate debt to public officials, which typically
required those officials to purchase additional financial
measures that have products like interest rate swaps and letters of credit
to protect against rising interest rates and mitigate the
a disparate impact increased risk of default.5 This enriched the financial
on working-class sector at the expense of public services and gave
private financial firms more power over how our public
communities, especially resources are deployed.
68 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
the current regulatory institutions that govern the If a municipality defaults on a loan, it is because elected
municipal finance market are deeply ineffective and officials made a political decision to default rather than
incapable of acting as a check on predatory municipal raise taxes. In the case of Detroit, state elected officials
finance practices. in Michigan made that decision by cutting revenue-
sharing with the city and prohibiting it from raising
The creation of a new regulatory agency is a proposal additional taxes. The Fed could take proactive steps to
that may seem out of reach given the current address this political problem. For example, it could
congressional environment. Until such an agency is attach a provision requiring elected officials to raise
established, the CFPB should interpret its mandate taxes on large corporations and high-income earners
broadly and act to protect municipal borrowers as to avoid defaulting on loans from the Fed. There are
consumers of financial products. The CFPBs track provisions in power and water utility bonds that require
record suggests that it is likely to be more effective at utilities to raise rates as necessary to ensure they will
protecting municipal borrowers than the MSRB or SEC. be repaid.17 A provision to raise taxes is conceptually
the same. The Fed could also dictate that the borrower
Explore Federal Reserve Lending raise taxes to avoid default. The borrower might need
to Municipal Borrowers to get the legislature or voter approval before issuing
To remove the incentive to gouge taxpayers through such a bond, but it could be done and is worth further
public finance, the Federal Reserve should explore exploration as a solution.
a mechanism to lend directly to municipalities at
discounted interest rates. The Fed already has the power to purchase municipal
bonds that mature within six months. This means the
The Federal Reserve could play a critical role in the Fed can effectively lend directly to cities and states
municipal finance market and should explore making for up to six months by buying their bonds or notes.
low-interest, long-term loans directly to cities, states, Theoretically, the Fed could agree to roll over these
school districts, and other public agencies to allow bonds automatically every six months to turn them
them to avoid predatory Wall Street fees. Currently, into longer-term debt; however, without a systematic
banks borrow money at near-zero interest rates from approach, having to rely on the Feds word that it would
the Fed while public entities pay billions in fees and continue to extend the debt would create uncertainty
interest each year. Even as the Fed increases rates, for the borrowers. If Congress were to pass a law
banks will continue to enjoy far lower interest rates allowing the Fed to make long-term loans directly to
than municipal borrowers. The Fed should consider cities and states, we could unlock the full potential of
giving cities and states access to the same low interest our central bank to support the long-term financial and
rates it offers banks. Fiscal crises are typically caused economic health of our cities and states. This would
by revenue shortfalls. Distressed cities often find allow us to cut Wall Street out of the middle and ensure
themselves unable to access the credit markets without that our taxpayer dollars are going toward improving
paying a steep premium, which further exacerbates our communities instead of padding bankers bonuses.
their long-term fiscal health. A loan from the Federal
Reserve can allow municipal borrowers to address their Require Pension Funds to Disclose Fees
budget crises. and Gross Returns
Pensions should disclose the financial performance of
Detractors will argue that it would be imprudent to use their fund managers and the fees paid to these managers
federal taxpayer dollars to make loans to distressed in order to ensure excessive costs dont strain city
cities and states that might be unable to pay them back. resources.
However, the reality is that municipal borrowers in
the United States have extremely low rates of default The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
because their debt is ultimately backed by tax revenues. should require all pension funds to fully and publicly
According to Moodys, one of the three major credit disclose all fees they pay to investment managers
rating agencies in the country, the default rate for including hedge funds and private equity firmsand the
municipalities was 0.012 percent between 1970 and gross returns that each investment manager produces.
2012.16 Even though there has been a slight uptick This will help improve pension fund performance and
following the financial crisis, the likelihood of municipal reduce pension shortfalls that can strain city and state
default is still virtually nonexistent. budgets.
70 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
practice, saying, It makes weak punishment even Close the Municipal Advisor Loophole
weaker by waiving the regulations that impose Ensure all financial advisors to municipalities assume
significant consequences on the companies that fiduciary duty, which means they must put the financial
settle fraud charges. No wonder recidivism is such a interests of the municipality first.
The Dodd-Frank Act required financial firms that
Furthermore allowing financial institutions to provide advice to municipal borrowers to assume a
claim tax deductions on the fines they have to pay fiduciary duty to put the interests of their municipal
effectively forces taxpayers to foot part of the bill for clients ahead of their own interests. The MSRB created
bank misconduct. This is always egregious, but it is a significant loophole in the rulemaking process by
particularly perverse when the initial fraud was against waiving the fiduciary requirement if the advice is
taxpayers in the first place. incidental to or ancillary to a broker-dealers execution
of securities transactions.28
In one example, Bank of America paid a then-record
$16.65 billion fine to settle allegations that it knowingly This is problematic because most of the advice that
participated in financial fraud in the financial crisis of public officials receive is actually from representatives
2008.23 However, $11.63 billion of that fine was tax- of financial institutions whose primary job is to sell
deductible, which means that taxpayers had to pay them products, not to give them advice. In other words,
about $4.07 billion of that $16.65 billion settlement.24 most advice that municipal borrowers receive from
According to a 2005 Government Accountability Office bankers is incidental to some other transaction.
study of 34 companies settlements worth more than
$1 billion, 20 companies deducted some or all of their This may seem counterintuitive, but an example will
payments.25 Given the tax deducibility of these fines, illustrate the point. When most people go to an auto
there is a strong argument to be made that fines should mechanic, they are aware that part of the mechanics
be larger. Fines are supposed to punish and deter illegal job is to sell them on additional repairs, but because
and predatory financial activities; furthermore, fines are they are not experts on their cars, they rely on the
a mechanism to recuperate losses to the victims. Paltry mechanics advice anyway and hope for the best. Dodd-
fines are not an effective deterrent, and undermine Frank instituted this requirement so that municipal
justice for the economic losses absorbed by the public. borrowers would not have to hope for the best, but
could rest assured that they were getting good advice
Regulators like the SEC should follow the example of that would protect taxpayer dollars. Toward that end,
the Environmental Protection Agency, which explicitly in the absence of a newly created Municipal Financial
defines the tax consequences of the fines it levies to Protection Bureau, the MSRB, in its current form,
ensure that they are not tax-deductible.26 To help cut should close the municipal advisor loophole.
down on this practice, Congress should pass The Truth
in Settlements Act.27 This bill, introduced by Senator CONCLUSION
Elizabeth Warren in 2015, would require agencies to
report the expected after-tax value of settlements and Instead of paying their fair share in taxes, bankers and
whether they are tax-deductible. This would increase billionaires now lend cities and states that money and
transparency and make it hard for regulators to use tax force them to pay it back with interest. As the United
deductions to make fines appear higher than they are. States economy has become increasingly financialized,
state and local governments have fallen prey to Wall
Streets predatory lending practices. This drains
However, by letting money out of public budgets that are already broke and
forces public officials to slash public services. This, in
banks settle for paltry turn, has a disproportionate impact on working-class
communities of color, who have also been targeted
fines and not requiring by predatory lenders for subprime mortgages and
payday loans. None of this is a coincidence. Federal
them to admit guilt, these policymakers can take several steps to protect taxpayer
regulators effectively interests and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used
to fund public need, not complex and costly financial
incentivize illegal behavior. products that enrich Wall Street and the 1 percent.
These subtle methods of industry capture help to ensure that the rules of our economy fit the worldview of those
with resources and power and structure markets in ways that preserve entrenched business interests and exacerbate
economic imbalances. This disproportionate influence ultimately marginalizes the voices of underserved and
underrepresented communities. As frequently reported, the financial industry has been extremely successful in using
the regulatory process and the court system to slow and water down the implementation of Dodd-Frank financial
reform.7 The same is true of labor regulation, environmental regulation, and other areas of rulemaking.
The next administration will have an opportunity to ensure the rules of the game work for average Americans. A
critical first step will be appointing agency leaders with the independence to effectively regulate industries. It is the
responsibility of regulators to appropriately balance competing interest groups, including the industries they regulate;
however, a successful regulator who avoids capture will not give undue weight to the perspectives of industry relative
to the public interest. A second step toward leveling the playing field is instituting a more inclusive regulatory process
within agencies. In this section, we consider the importance of political appointments and outline the critical role
played by personnel. We then identify key steps agencies can take to ensure all stakeholders are represented and
empowered in the policymaking process and outline specific action to:
Some agencies have that serve as models for what enforcement could look
like. When the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
a reputation for being partnered with the DOJ to investigate Hudson City
Savings Bank, they found evidence of discriminatory
lax, slow, or relatively redlining lending practices to majority Hispanic and
backwards, while others black neighborhoods. In 2015, the CFPB and DOJ
reached a settlement of $33 million with Hudsonthe
can at times be seen as largest redlining settlement in history.18 In addition
to the substantial profit loss for the bank from the
more energetic, creative, fines, the settlement included provisions specifically
designed to end and prevent illegal redlining. It
and innovative. mandated that $25 million was to be invested in a loan
subsidy program to provide more affordable mortgage
a settlement, whether to go after individuals for loans to communities of color, with additional funds set
wrongdoing or just their employers, and how to gather aside for consumer education and outreach.19 Hudson
their evidence and frame their cases. also agreed to open new branches in previously redlined
One example of personnel discretion is in the
prosecution and punishment of General Motors Acting as the Public Face of the Agency
(GM), which covered up an ignition switch failure that Regulatory agencies have the power to make new
caused the deaths of 124 people and was known to be policies or to enforce existing ones, but the ways in
a problem by GM executives for over a decade.14 The which they employ those powers can vary tremendously.
final DOJ settlement was $900 million, which comes Some agencies have a reputation for being lax, slow,
out to less than 1 percent of GMs annual revenue, and or relatively backwards, while others can at times be
the dismissal of criminal charges against the executives seen as more energetic, creative, and innovative. The
who had knowledge of the defect.15 One of the reasons next presidential administration has the opportunity
for such a weak settlement was that the DOJ focused its to appoint personnel who are willing to take steps to
prosecution efforts not on the deaths or the profits GM limit the abundance of corporate power in America.
enjoyed from the cover-up, but instead on GMs false Presidentially appointed personnel, particularly the
claims of safety and misleading buyers.16 chairs, commissioners, and heads of agencies, serve as
the public faces of those agencies and have the power
Another recent example in which private power seems to challenge or redefine how the media and public
to have triumphed over public welfare is the DOJs view an agencys authority. The heads of regulatory
investigation of Education Management Corporation agencies can even change the way other regulators
(EDMC), a for-profit college corporation that made false perceive their own agencies, bringing about cultural and
claims to its students about its legitimacy as a university attitudinal shifts within the organization. By changing
and its compliance with the Higher Education Act and the external reputation and internal culture of agencies,
used illegal high-pressure recruitment tactics to draw these regulatory leaders can dramatically expand the
in potential students. The DOJ settled with EDMC in reach and impact of the rules, policies, or enforcement
2015 for $95 million despite the fact that EDMC had agendas their agencies might develop.
collected more than $11 billion from 2003 to 2011, with
a significant amount coming from federal loans and In 2014, for example, the Department of Energy
grants. The settlement lacked any enforcement action finalized twice as many rules as it did during the
for individual executives, debt forgiveness for students entirety of the Bush administration, even though the
who were misled and saddled with debt, or clauses to legal mandate of the Department had not significantly
prevent EDMC from collecting federal money again.17 changed.20 The right leader can transform the role
of an entire agency. Former Commodity Futures
There are many similar cases of regulators pursuing Trading Commission (CFTC) head Gary Genslers
weak settlements with large corporations, such as aggressive streak in regulating derivatives thrust
car manufacturers, financial institutions, energy the once-backwater agency into the front lines of
providers, and pharmaceutical companies. Regulatory reform, in the words of The New York Times.21 Under
enforcement is not universally ineffectual; there have Genslers leadership, the CFTC effectively executed
also been agencies and examples of individual cases Dodd-Frank rulemaking, which led to the regulation of
76 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
The failure to prosecute major corporate crimes assessing the quantitative costs and benefits of
has been notable in the financial sector, but it is a regulatory actions. Leading scholars, such as Cass
widespread practice across regulated sectors. It is Sunstein, who later become the chief regulatory
essential to the enforcement of the economic rules czar as the head of OIRA under President Obama,
that there be serious and strict penalties for illegal and have argued that CBA could do more than simply
criminal activities. Senator Elizabeth Warrens office count economic impacts.38 Instead, analyses should
released a report in 2016 that concluded, corporate incorporate assessments of equity, environmental
criminals routinely escape meaningful prosecution for impacts, and other qualitative outcomes to provide a
their misconduct.34 The lack of enforcement, the report fuller, more objective picture of which regulations are
argued, was not due to a lack of regulatory authority, truly socially beneficial.39
but because the personnel at the regulatory agencies
simply chose (for one reason or another) not to use the CBAs that take into consideration the comprehensive
full extent of their authority established by Congress to impact of a rule can provide legitimacy and ensure
prosecute wrongdoing. that regulatory agencies do, in fact, serve the public
good. However, in many instances, there are inherent
Currently regulators overuse deferred prosecution challenges to conducting these assessments accurately.
agreements (DPAs) and non-prosecution agreements Financial regulation is a prominent example of an
(NPAs).35 One recent study found that only 34 percent important regulatory arena in which CBA may be
of federal corporate deferred and non-prosecution inherently problematic.
agreements from 2001-2014 were accompanied by
charges against individuals. These agreements allow There have been several discussions about mandating
companies to avoid prosecution and accountability; CBA for independent financial regulators such as the
originally designed for small charges, they have become CFPB and the CFTC. This should be avoided. For one,
the governments core tool to enforce corporate financial systems are complex.
regulations and prosecute corporate wrongdoing.36
There should be specific rules against the overuse of The benefits, and many times the costs, of a financial
these tools. DPAs can require specific organizational regulation depend significantly on a chain of trade offs
changes at firms that accept the terms of the agreement. and cascading effects that even economic theory and
However, the DOJ should be required to disclose algorithms struggle to accurately predict. For example,
specific guidelines for the use of these agreements and there are major disagreements on the costs of the
to provide specific public explanations of why DPAs financial crisis. Low estimates of the crisis calculate
are used in particular cases. Those guidelines should trillions of American dollars lost. The wide range of
also include certain prerequisites, including significant estimates among economic scholars and analysts does
fines. not ensure quality or accuracy, but instead invites
courts and others to pick and choose estimates based on
Many firms, particularly banks, have been repeat self-interest and ideological priorities.40
offenders because they are able to pay whatever fines
and other minor, non-binding penalties are imposed
on them. Regulators should be required to establish
a public recidivism scale that assigns points based on CBAs should incorporate
instances of wrongdoing and should revoke a firms
right to operate after repeat offenses.
assessments of equity,
Reform the Use of CostBenefit Analysis (CBA)
environmental impacts, and
Cost-benefit analysis can be useful, but to mandate their other qualitative outcomes
use for financial regulations will lead to more uncertainty
and worse rule-making. to provide a fuller, more
Modern regulatory reformers have turned to new
objective picture of which
developments in social science, economics, and CBA regulations are truly
in an attempt to provide a more objective justification
for regulation.37 There is robust debate on the merits socially beneficial.
of CBA when it comes to accurately predicting and
78 C O PY R I G H T 2 0 1 6 , C R E A TI V E C OMMONS. R O O S E V E LT INS T IT UT E .O R G
Secondly, CBAs of financial regulations need to take Currently, there are proposals from the White House
into account the existing rules of the financial market to double the funding of the SEC and CFTC.43 Both
and predict how the market will evolve and innovate agencies have been underfunded, especially since the
in an effort to evade the new regulations. Market passage of Dodd-Frank in 2010, which legally expanded
innovation and arbitrage are prevalent characteristics both agencies mission and scope of regulatory actions.
of financial market regulation, and accurately This is an important immediate action that requires
predicting how the market will adapt to a new rule is Congressional action through the appropriations
an impractical if not impossible exercise for regulators. process.
Financial markets are continuously innovating, and
because of this, cost benefit analysis is not an effective Congress should go further and give the CFTC and
tool or exercise for regulators to predict the impact of SEC their own source of funding outside of the
the new rules.41 appropriations process, such as charging service fees
to regulated industries. This would match the funding
Mandating CBA will cause many of these analyses to stream of other financial regulators like the Federal
be exaggerated based on economic science that cannot Reserve, FDIC, Office of the Comptroller of the
accurately forecast the cascading impact one rule may Currency (OCC), and CFPB.
have on complex financial markets.
The Internal Revenue Service should also have its
Fund Regulators Appropriately funding restored to levels from before the Great
Consistent and sufficient funding is a necessary first- Recession. According to estimates from the Center on
step to ensuring that the rules are enforced in a proper Budget and Policy Priorities, the IRS has lost 17 percent
manner. of its funding since 2010 and experienced a reduction in
staff of about 13,000, or 14 percent of its workforce.44 For
Each of the critical tasks outlined above requires a every dollar spent on the IRS, general estimates have
particular set of skills and investment of staff time a return of $4 from enforcement, and specific actions
and resources in order to be done effectively. Yet, have even higher returns.45 This is by far one of the best
agencies largely do not make this investment because of investments from a costbenefit perspective. It is also
competing priorities, expanding mandates, and eroding an investment in the future, as enforcing the tax-related
budgets. If we take democracy in regulation seriously, challenges described in previous sections requires a
we will have to start staffing and structuring agencies well-staffed and well-trained IRS.
Currently, the limited resources of regulators are
outmatched by the massive budgets of the corporate Ensuring an inclusive and responsive regulatory
stakeholders they are tasked with regulating. Slow apparatus is exceptionally important given Congress
reductions in funding have reduced regulatory agencies growing tendency to produce broadly framed statutes,
ability to do their jobs. Reduced funding means fewer leaving regulators to fill in many of the details of actual
personnel for rule-writing and enforcement. It also policy. The next administration has an opportunity to
means less consistent actions, creating uncertainty influence and enact a range of policy solutions across
and confusion and incentivizing rule-breaking and bad various sectors, from environmental productions to
conduct. It also distorts enforcement. With additional trust-busting policies, through the administrative
funding, agencies could invest greater staff resources rulemaking process. We have identified key solutions to
in facilitating and fostering participation from diverse ensure that the regulatory institutions are functioning
stakeholders. To make participation effective and effectively, which means both writing the rules in
integrated with conventional forms of expertise, three the best interests of the public, and monitoring and
critical tasks will require intensive work: curating enforcing new and existing rules that shape our
participatory and deliberative meetings, providing economy. Rules will not matter if they cannot be
briefings for the participants on the relevant data and effectively implemented and enforced. The next
issues, and facilitating discussion to lead to concrete, president must take these matters seriously and appoint
usable recommendations.42 a team committed to making the critical changes that
will ensure equitable and sustainable economic growth.
To achieve this, Congress should immediately take
action to boost the funding of financial regulators.
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Until economic and social rules work for all,
theyre not working.