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Student Teaching Lesson Plan Template (Indirect Instruction / Discovery Learning)

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Student Teaching Lesson Plan Template

(Indirect Instruction / Discovery Learning)

Subject: Third Grade Math

Central Focus: rounding numbers to the

nearest tenth and hundredth.

Essential Standards/Common Core Objective Date submitted: 6/6/2016

Date taught: 5/17/2016
Use place value understanding to round
whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Daily Lesson Objective (1): Students will be given a number and must then round it to the
correct place value being 10 or 100.
21st Century Skills (1):
Academic Language Demand (Language
Critical thinking- students must think
Function and Vocabulary):
critically to determine the correct way to
round a number. ( ex- 324 rounded to the
Students will determine what to round the
tenth would be 320. 324 rounded to the
number given to them to.
hundredth would be 300)
Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed
Global Awareness (1):
Students can talk within their pods or even ask
Students must first understand what
questions if they do not understand,.
rounding is.
1. Engage (3)

Description of Activities and Setting

Teacher will discuss what rounding is and
why we use it.
How do you know what to round to?
Why would you need to round?


When rounding to the nearest tenth there is a

jingle that can help.
If its 5 or more raise the score, four or less
let it rest.

S:coed/ofe/deptdocs/memosandforms/lessonplantemplate(indirect)updated 1-6-15

2. Explore (3)

Students will work in a group or in pairs and

can work with a chart for better
understanding of how to round. Working
with practice numbers to test understanding.
The number 123 round that to the nearest
tenth. Point to the correct answer but dont
shout it out.

3. Explain (3)

The teacher will then give ten numbers and

the class must round them to the nearest

4. Elaborate/Extend (3)

5. Evaluate (Assessment
methods) (3)

Student(s) &

Then the teacher will give ten number and

the class must round them to the nearest
Then the teacher will give a work problem
School A has 342 students and school B has
461 student. Using rounding to the nearest
tenth how many more students does school
B have than school A.
Students then must explain their answer.
Walk me through the problem to help test
for understanding.
Formative- teacher will ask questions to test
for understanding and prompt the students to
support their thinking
Summative- the 20 problems (ten rounding
to the tenth and ten rounding to the
hundredth) and then explanation.
Student/Small Group
Student/Small Group
Small group of 4-5 students

S:coed/ofe/deptdocs/memosandforms/lessonplantemplate(indirect)updated 1-6-15

s (2):


1. Students may you the

counting chart in they need to.

These students are struggling

and need more practice.

2. students that need more

assists, the teacher will work
one on one with

Starting with smaller

numbers to practice
rounding. (round 11 to the
nearest tens)


If students cannot explain
how then got their answer
will be given prompts and
help to understanding
Materials/Technology (1):
Counting chart
Reflection on lesson:
This lesson went really well. I was kind of nervous because for me rounding was easy and I
did not want to just have a fast boring lesson. But the students really enjoyed it. I loved going
back to my clinical school. The students are so sweet and really made me feel welcomed
again. Strengths of this lesson I believe would be that that students were easily able to explain
their answers and how they came to it, even if the answer was incorrect. The student could
still tell me why that was their answer and how they got it. A weakness that I still have is
classroom management. I still have trouble just letting the students all talk and tell me stories
that I have connected to the lesson. So a lesson that was supposed to take 20 minutes has now
turned into a 45 minute lesson. But overall the lesson went well and I enjoyed teaching it.
CT signature:_____________________ Date: __________ US signature:
______________________ Date: ____________

S:coed/ofe/deptdocs/memosandforms/lessonplantemplate(indirect)updated 1-6-15

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