The Late Byzantine Army - Arms and Society, 1204-1453. Mark C. Bartusis

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90. The Amy a Intion unde te hope epee th ft tino ee forthe kati, td ther importance outie the atpanikion war nelle Coe ‘quent, when dealing withthe Ine Byzantine peso the old discon Teen provincial and etal ops, berween he Thema nthe Tag mata, eewen soldesin the provines and hoe inthe capita, age ‘ery well anders mleating Mach more vada tinction ad ‘onthe iar fncton ofthe wok, whether he wa concerned pinay With deen citi or ofeaivecpen Professional Soldiers, Military Units, \itment the te Byzantine ay dere were many kindof sole. The ‘pte diingushed them by Farm of rmuncraon (sh, Tan, trex, even), but hey can also be diferente otber varie ethnicy (ati ofr), doce (siden OF ofthe Emp) cployent st (emporaryo pemmanet), of crc (cant eu, regula) pe of ml obi ene, herein), primary fype of ese (saga amps), employer (perl goveramet of loa over) of comtt (hose o fot), allay ison. Pare, there were ‘hough or sole themes, were closely ascites with ot paramitary ces the onpteonal aplement si for spec emerpics, the rears ad the servants who he campaign my, and rn an ral garde enough known abou the te Byzattine amy 9 const ‘dgrimot organization Thischaecrcan ol sate the of psoal sldr and dss thc organization an eri Sfocisonimpsign rape: Sarin with tary ogaon a rile cancer acugh approximation ofthe range flee within the ampign amy tine frm sion a nin mir gn ostive a eign) solr (rte an foreign) mercenaries (sual Fri) lin wish mining mir oigasn | ecenatis (frign) or asians rg) 192 The Army 8 Istntion reales (asaya) ‘soppemental ify aie) Nema om compo eran eave nd fcign) “The canpsign mis with aig or pemanen mila blgion wee alas resem of the Empresa te spleen ny ‘ch wa compone of minpofeona wt andoone ofthese 2compaying the soll Orr soma se pleneatal menarn, {lal woop wer nontesns conrad ropa campalgh wh ‘tna had permanent char conser theft vetyper onder inthe aac eumin ny icy The at hp nl a with epee trey, srs ‘snr anda tam oe reson deren eee als dans ar ae inkl yan” oes, o-Roman” (lm thoy ci tenses mets scpey ther yea of sane 5" hm In other words they poke Grek enact Orhan Grist, fobowed Byrne cto and end there wee cally instigate oot Bynes Some ml Bran tne dlr were roms employed on ids (ach te "allogan hander, nthe ted nh Appr mh 42,44 4h ote were employe on rep (oe) bab (sch the Rls soe of Sores) endl ponsa ‘oes sem to ane ee carpi solder let pears ere ‘eatin ne intaee signed panne Nave Byron eld ato be amaoing sesso Tclenatarch anc Psa ‘The cl aes known these mec wee ple ud troops, the Gamo the Cae waned o Aa Mace by A tok and he arn esos Inacio ree ee hare Grek sige rom ata no lng bel Banu of members fin tino atin the Eph igh eter Bane” Naive oes wer ris er of mit gous of sivions Group sch atthe Thcemsert, the Pena the Ga Imola he Faas have gure promi up ots pou Profesional Soir, Miltary Unis, Recatment 195 th cer, about one rd the sos whom we knoe by ver asociated with military dvs calle perl alli (A> 08 29,90) or mea ral) alli (APP, NO. 3647 4, 3), Ths my have ben the ge visions of ecicaly ie skies ad thoy ned at at 00 Kind of le rons ad rt guts, Tessier were pein” Woops inthe that thy nthe pons, DU onder nthe emuer: reat authortsin Consanople they were meena, pol came from he epee if roots the rvenes they reied frantd by imperil commands and if salboing toes they and dst bythe emperor. “Algo i general word meaning vision of oops a "sqndron” ac iy syns withthe word gpa of era Souces odio acre special meanings. For ample an emperors res, rca cnugh is mitary core: aces enon ofinperi alg who deny ed eon tees Beas ofthe ‘ofthe Resin andthe imphcaion tha cesses were al seated in he pono of Anatolia." Once As Minor ws these “peri lagi” dapat never un in ferences the army Inteat, ring the eign of Anroiko tthe gala fev appear, but ony n Enrope Thre re wn by ane the ian (Theslonka’) Megs Alagion, the Serotkon Mega andthe Viytckon Meg Allo, are afer the towns hi, Sees ize) or homo hemes which they op ‘Sone solders of mesa ala (or lai they are callin Pre Kono) were ont unr occ hes who fonder fications Other megalallagl were cavalry soles a mide level promot, served on campaigns The amis ‘ofthe asologan thane was especialy nora tthe mg who was prose. Thematic fas wee the patho for proc rd made periodic Sal surveys tense his ined not ered rfl lon the prakshn' ound, would ee that ic was the provincial administration, ot the cena nino a Con eat he the curren ofeach pron and precy : i "or emanen Gee 3 ier th so ope, 194 The Amy as insnation ‘whisking wer: Aniston wold abo ae tit ‘ling sli tng tote mops ag Daring thea hier ceny lay cle thea ‘ue madc is apenenc incon whe vn ergo ‘hes andthe eps alg The weal eae a somthin ene ty he Byun sie ptr ln eet coy. The tart hhalely an dae ene epi aieamcin hare ofthe sl rid ee cen othe os oul of spine he ws Stings ico and ge hemo beara cn nthe wate Strnad thee oft ce a ay man Wee ey {50 tani fom al of Thea an Macedon Maal Deon “pone cays a cn tte Tanne ‘san Meg Alogi” with the of Thema na de fem ad Tends eo eacunraie race lagen wiesedpac ach Thsaonin tnt ‘ta ya whan awe {2 lig hin ang he oer srry eye os mela hgh his psc tes ne unkown Ale oe {soso whom wean fy nsf es Lato ed Mar whe type ery mgr tin he Bao sepa mir coon Fo cl sees Sn oe ‘aca rah ota Ten Man ‘27k ndash ed miaynen ies ‘pict paleo sina rapraiin citi, Src Vay vo rn cme the known reps alg The frp congue mas ato techs ened he oie the tar ete sea ‘peli and cash the hme thatthe ce ried. The Thelin Magu Alpen oss oe ‘ith te hee of Thess sae Borde te ee Vt Rr an on the et by he Symon Rie nd ineting se erg age net Wg Te Saas emotes seem ore Ram Kee ara hang Yat RE lag a Proesiona Solin, Military Units, Recatment 195 el Th: Sroon g Alponp eee sod te Sey hatte ep foe ee i rm te Saye the Neto ve Gengapealy e Neg Alp dad Vie nT and he Blk Set orto Senbvis an then wet sani the econ Sve, proba care Thrc pot bur of Constr ma at fe Aptis "Ths would betes ofthese own ene oT ox pep, en of Vine nd Tae” Fro reson sues oc were eel mega aap reps aaa ay be brn od int ae he Rope etree Nets Mark hes ornweac bn, and the Vardar an Sen valleys Dereon Me a Teves eb kaoen ote dion of ie ey he apy of Byanane con ver thm may ave le 0 ober The meg ang we atten the nrc os pei ery flow tie ss Bae the hastens emia by 2 Wot deca spoon ther en be le doubt tht gi ccd daring Mil Vl ig, Sie thee mo that hve we ep angi vA, he gin fe Csr tin st ping te Neh conc of Eco Teas thee a icy cat cou well havc dre tres wor reed by obo “Theoret Lada Mico! VIL On he tof Me malay poles isle three mee apo, bt ut a oy fo map ch of eee np bong he ga tnd Michel xpd wl ninaing them fe a here am eer non eens hc pa ag the sutton Sind or adsense mene then tr been pened or et come wo igh. Whe wl the Mega Alagon call hn cite ser Sin Du con J Srey ned poe ha sae ena of th Megs Algo ee sn nl when Tewari ri The Veen ole ed an he ay fa of Tee “he og snpinde ht wih he snus of Ea te Jan cot wo const vinci apart com ‘96 The Amy as lnnaton ‘Profesional Soles, Miltary Unis, Recatment 57 porto heaton mitra welt na fl pup ‘This signee Bosue show tha this spec ofthe Patogan slay en vases coven inking mi Frovin wipro ae cement ce $time whe cil anit becming tenn ad ‘ect ma open op ean pa The may ian fhe maps lag is moe iio ing iirc tiny penta sy ror ws cn ithnhen Nord elmo enters Sven hey and of opm mac ams She mpeg Aron coe the eps pe th oe ‘toch Bane se ser mo ne nc poe tn whoa mir otigaon vs! sh sro mp ‘gales This neal penance sl ‘kings, peas tes panne Te {neste are ep aogamiptincton ocr the eumen or op romp Ten skies stor be ed om the megs lig wer he peril bcyd ad ‘ian a rbot mpi avenge re Ina seve Arh er cree the ep apse fot ‘cf top disor ins mason erp hy ae snl can Europe omen andthe ne emponl ea Seen gman nxn mal woven 25) “oa” sr. Rope pas een La ea ih a nad pen rea + Oniycluron withthe xpi ofthe Onto th he Ting and Be rar nd ater ol he Many Steal nim mae wns een. Te tc le coma sn rl cig re mise. One nk hee fon Gun de neces fe an inthe Oma wl ie ens an a of pry org ley eo iy Ang ec polio (bn ul) hs ie ms ane en Wie er tmnt cree et pte: Wh ere te uae fon mp ure for len scans who fe ‘sani So a yas as sr tiny te mir cetera Sa The yi die a faery ay cry, no me pce my aby who ore Te oly ae Bani cmpco wo dpe 2 mk Rost sien proce nny wo Fone Lagar ha bts Ts pe twee Lx momar ep ich alge spel ag frie ral ing hm ean of eng a lek I Zeit IT nl oan V1 Kono he nr Tar gual a fe th chs Lain ls cre San Stn Daan Fen Aono Psp he ier sri, ale Roman andre yg thincs® Bris ein be sox, eng opel Me cw and ft prc coor he wn {eck and Tan Cheese aon nd nga Emp suonie mcves vih tal frp soll wa on a yt Bye Assan ain of he amy at compa fet mn who were ne “Roman” and whose meter tongue was not Grech. Mos e ‘ie ae figs sy in a Gm, Cr che, an pn) Tui pp aay ex ls eb Brn air soe Sa, ate Stic oop sch Vd Aan, Mong an Gna a> ‘nye wine my Mee enc nth Ee eee ce agen letra Sud Erie ar Sas Snape emt ge gd te an ae umn pa Rt cs thee Gantopn nn, Fes Da a ae CCV oN. Fes Pe, Gea pe i an, ir oa he ie ena of oven, Oro Semen PE Sn a Me aa $a: ems (Wing, BC we 2 198 The Amy 2 nstuion Profesional Soltis, Miltary Uni, Rect 199 force pice, by buying in the ence (or whatever mosis), the Gnancial burden on the Bye side. Aku the Best oops, politically peaking, were thon pond bya sant So the were ao the most expensive forthe alle pri Sans omequeny the most die to obtain, Mau! It Tailoga? ‘itomere when he thought Henry IV of England would be him with miley asian, “sols, ahr, rd money and ro rasport he army where ies" haces thon the pic! Ye, while aed woop rogue i cece fom pial goverment, hey offen vod thames tm pn ad ulinate poison wasup to thrown des Both een an orci gn campaign for Byam, ‘The foer were eae ret th Epi an wheres ‘Boe or es ongoing. Among the Lin int egret ‘alist ct whom semaine en promos pens $69), andes who ered he enpcor on ni as DresencofLatns ithe Eat wet te Ca sn re ‘Casners oun emstes int employ of he Schama Rams el Osher reiee fn, ach the Caan sl yo ‘sons, cr slong soe The Trop employe ye tac VI wee citer mere or sulla ees tongh ‘omblehat one bl ronal we pen on Noni frig ees were toe who cred che Epi oly temporary forthe ak of speci etpee and wn betes sheen ha ciation ose the Ene Tica be dd imo two min pe soppemenl merc an supe aed ‘ops or autres. The dtngihng chanerati ween ct "9p as tha fern pie mer some susan lt ae _Speltos of ied ops whe suppencal merc cape ‘thou ac ny reg ar ‘Thee tego bcome carers ov amples ar tal Nokcgn is through his ancl backing ean recs wa rape Sx he Catan craigs. Terr, tc Casas were spon Imari, 2¢ were the Ala who ceo Byam no an “few Achar meena” whom Mane! Kaha le scrote Mee in On thee an he Tar of User "ata fn for Katto ony becnse Ur nee he anand ws lingo fane the nop ait ogy sopping his eo lade. Silay oe whch ame Com satin ith Maral Boca wefan by Cha Vio Fran nd the ev woos et to Comtaninopcby ic krger Greys {heey uncon cea were ely ose "watee py aa ore and epee thc ng dma ke theca Tha al of he sale werd op, “Theadvagfaliel tops verapamil niin ey ee Sap Ree A eet $A ad nl Sn La en sot Sem rg taeda Sot rom the begining of he foucenh centr bth mtv andes were organized with inreing fequeny into company Cw of olde. A soe company Wa Kind of pares in Which bers proportionally share profs an responsi, These com perl wee composed of nal rep of Fries or tages oth: pars ofthe Emp, and the sides within them were fy commanded acl pd ot by imperil lcs ut bythe on Forth serves they eed anh, pron, no comin ofthese, alvays as» group. Mon ctparies poly egan 5 ands, bt with ume itszms that sme were gradual ran io compan of pono throgh mode rants of ollie the form of pono shared by moe than one person. Calle wat an especial appropiate ane offing alder companies ike al roo, creas He beeen the wk a th ad, Ee him a sake inte frre ofthe Epis, snd ke inci ‘of pono, it made che mitral Sal admins of sch ese by eating them corporation under single commande the sir companis id no change the former ofthe the istcuionbcamen sare asigncant componen of the The Catalan Gand Company ied 3 group though tcc er, de Flor, ceil he most famous oer company a Bang The Catalans evolve only gral ino ol cmp om Be vectra 2 Ser Ma in pc 200 The Army Intiin the tine ofthc rerusmentin aby ee IT of Argon (1296-4) ris Non Afcan and le Sian camp. Roger de Flor wa apposed nial by Frederik of Sic (o96—1) ors wa agin the Angi and soon came the Cater. By the ime ofthe peace of Ca tabla inom, the Caan Company wich ad Bsn engagetin ware sonsantl during the receding en year ha develope own te raloguiation Wile in Aconkos sem, tas Roger le who nego ‘tera of pay othe inv ker the Company, who eed ay fom the emperor, and who diribted isthe sll. Th the Coie ofthe Sn the Catlins ae calle te Male Spo ‘Magne Knmpnia “Grand Company”) The asi gronds oppor Seca the word ep is most commonly ployed in hs hil ‘oman small dachment of woop Indo! th Catalan Company wath ‘age solr company eer found in Byzantines caine thccmployment pone beso dssstou fr the Epi the Beas leaed to Ice sole conpanics smal. In ft, te pel company probably old only ender anda few donning eae i ‘is eompany”a phrase tha indeed apes nae mi fourteen document ad isteminxent of the condor of Renasence al" The Catalan Company was an ano even by comenporaty Wes «em Euopean tana While mercenary sider compan ie in ‘hiner-cenmury I they were nomaly so ied as compan St wee nga ino sl company, general ity me, by theo ing goverment themseles. Pir t this throghout most othe hi ‘ech cen mercears nay Were etd and served ind tl. Dering the ouch century, at ain Byam, tog ne serena wee sil hie dinuly he phenomenon of co ns became more and mire common ‘The organization of mercenaries ino compan inthe West grew ont ofthe pee fr mena and paral the dln of he oe ‘mural miss, Both ofthese developments hin ong, The om ing wealth ofthe owns ed retrial o mone een as of ang aries. oli agresieness, msn the form of terol ‘pation, nese the drain and brn wars acon ih ‘he towns edd the more ofthe mistian,resedthened fe y. ar, rf yn oid Profesional Solis Miltary Unis, Reutment 2 and pc pola ce seckng employment The gna se rosow inthe thiteemh cenary an sfanty weapon edt the of eae nd more expensive amor, 4 soming speci dhe rome fg opin psy te ath ei ofthe was verte gn a Sy. ‘scar bese ser perma y oxi techs compare, Now, ae ha pening inl pair of Sida peermedia «ecg ot ed employing gore wie fund ie great ce) ad ral nh opi te kg Like Caan Conny ra cx cheery peor compas wee hanced bys doc itn ng hing po The pais sign cfechconpuy ech an tied ey py hover nts Hon conra oth Caan Cpr aod je en the Wes wes common to he mccnes 8 of me han wen, ote read we enone cry hc wea pe cea esa cong For am th Conpany of Se Gog, in ad ono he Se ey mg compu nate dene tevsuninfna, Tc nyo east ep mp ths myo co we Se ee ence a op ofc pti ed who ids nt om act 7 trough te ie eee on the Che in Macedon They were sue wih cot cl, megs sats Gre Kar, ws ene ce et rt oc nto wee cmp an campy sokier company town fom: doen em 7 reich fencer eda lorem wm nd we may iB, Wr Si i Rime Pe Te Dei ea The Army Isis ‘stoped. Teland hon long to Vitope but some pont iw tetferedtosodes ona company der theron” the dg ‘ofthe amy Sqpuron Every te monastery ha lot he nd omic teria, since a document isued in tat Year tl ited among. on™ ‘The paral betwen the Varin andthe company of once is sciking Tecan with which the propery wa taser Vtopedi ond the terminology ofthe document cee ht the soles had ecied theland in promos, aos snalolings Sena teminolgy was wed regato the Vanarenn- The solder ofthe company of Sores, ike the Varvareno, were a company (tropa), and while the Varro wer ssocnted withthe mer adooumter Katara hee sls ha 3 ‘pes aon oa cena ofthe army tad Sgro, Sgouros ws the commande or aditeaor of tee Solder, twa the ce with cars andthe Varvareo. If Sgouros and Katara were Iaisons be yen state abd sole womans. they peeps parallel he gone representatives of northem Kaan es ale promedon, who were 2p nd wo accompany slr cman ino the Gd “Altcugh he Catalans he Varro andthe older unde gos sre the ony miliary nis within Byzantine empl special denoted “compan” stop) there were cer grouper with sma aracerisics. One of these wee the Khuen! sold, ellie provois wh formed par the gain of Seren 3. Trough he trecansea connection erwee the fill Asa Minor tthe Takes ‘Geason fede cmmpanc. The are sugges that they dome ‘Antolin, rom the own of Kltzomenai wes of Soya uous fr #5 Plates Ieee tar became ofthe Tat danger thy had th homes citer during the cond hal of Andronikor IPs seg or dng. Antonios TT's reign. The fight of sles and ces fom Anat ‘uring this pend welbateted by Pacymres, Grepray, ad thet ‘wera well bythe documentary sources, Wht the Kanna ‘wee ees in Anata suo, but once thy ave in Europe he Wr see in Sere group, ven 2 pron and organi 52 a i ie ae gi aso a Ep Ties etnial : ee eee Profesional Soler, Miltary Ui, Resaiment 203 ‘his was patil and ode method of eating with fags the cater pov ant at the me te st bed west twas pctbly commen practice Inet thea of option a vee taion wae froughou he cers 0 fresall, sand to ase sede, ws not ein te Baar Another cumple the Aaa. In, whe on eam with om the protkynego fol Vases dese to Costin eadig the tat ni, o tnd ale of Achat” Achyraocs Bike) wats majo fried town about sy mis south of ia Anatolia Irs i menone s+ Bari pein in 54 the Calan pase troughs Te dt of the town’ fal the isnot Known bur potbly was no ng fear. Teri some of people om Achyanur cing in Europe: minor oc oF rcropottan of Kasaropais inthe Stymon vale i 20 as named ‘Acheaows, andthe kastropli of aby Zc a a8 {Constantine Acres I cc very ly da ee "ais of Achy rs soldier company made up of refugees from Achyranus who cen seed in Enrope. Io, we can conchae als ha thee a5 2 or service in hese compan to come heey Sine he tf et mee sme thi five yar date rom the fll hit ot st have bern he wns of thone who fad ed Ansan the cs and, Syn, he principal ky near Khaomeni lt the in 82 and 0 pone thatthe Klsomenal of 4 sll some oft number who had Hed Ait east ent Yes However, se he Kirn ine were ranted the ight 0 tet arf thr proncato tr leno the cosiion tat eth semi owed te heredity of the miltary sca pled nal of thse covet fic toy which ofthe compass were ‘india woke engi bythe autho and wich prorgaizd compare who presented themsces or employe ees acerca Beceem neataae sce tnd Ga stan Pe 204 The Arya tition sheAdhraiwihcenurthe tno vec they were were pba na Eel Kathy ad nana hey wee eri y mpl autor eae It ben sales prion ey wee rere pe ea at sein conn of many ere can ape ofits Bran ‘87 poly dar wa enc bthe ae a EE lc: company. Simi «rn chroull fa ve iced testi" wen an hig ee cident in promos > The peal name “Dips roel in the ous and we may pce te a so ‘Anum f individual rc koown fromthe ra souce who sem ina nS A od ame HF. Dap Domenie prance Profesional Soldiers, Miary Unity Recsament 205 ve sowed Byzantium whe commanding thir own compan of Fo example, there was Ankes Moro Geno pte et ey Andonkos Ii ot ar the Venn ater we find in impeuousScseopolo ate ba of Plehanosin "on of range in bute cede ner the emperor, a Bulgarian by rca 930s no ery wll aed nor ng god horses at hkl poston inthe army. Seng as many were sown [ew i) a compton gmterenmen| fsome infant, he abalone che ofthe xy and asily advance agin the esas” Sil er we lo prt nae Aliso th on often his wns en hired by Altos Apokaukos ding the cv war Afer Ape death in 4 lesion see Anatol fom Which eared ts, Thaw and Lem" Afcrtherosthee are no more ferent sol compan in By is. This asthe perio in aly wen the growths more craic Poiscasccureandancmphasson pean deen ough eco vig independent companies to end. As companies were gray mor and more closely the tt, we ee he emergence Of the vil apn, the condor hed recuting snc pone number of rops at fied ate, Thee em Known pls hit Byzancium, pay Dcaise ow knowlege of mltarydevlonen oes deamstcaly daring ths peri! an prt, perhaps pain Braue she poner ote Emp and the rap Ononam ava mae ingly dificult oor dene, Sn the rece to en, solr compan pan a pete fom 128 tothe som we might ‘heir apeaane in Brann to Arvo It an Cath, The memory of she Catalan debe and the poverty of th pepe them sal Solder compan in Byzantine compe than faction ofthe may forsale Tein cies whee fora hey were the dominant or at the chiatric on of tary erpnizaton Matos of ect elders td acorn to whether the ps Balser wereByzanine or ocgn. Atte highest levels of sxe) omc lem ve ann en fo Sse Cane a 226 The Army Insinon young men wer reid nai to bomen pros so ‘lem and probably ofc awl ough almsuon its gp ime cans ciel he apn cop) ey ens cf schon.” The tem fin encunee! ding the gn of Ae omens (8s), who created sa ce oop cogent with is ‘urn fm the wns of le ser However ne Bann chow {ep ado onneion wo this ct rp (which a mot se ‘AEs ig) oe dosnt Byntsampol wc xine mary formato. Rather, the words apd two prope men oc of wich adn dest onion toh lyn dons ‘ther the word aot ou sg ost pene Endo dmine fom Snosing rast wahn arg ee Seton” (reams “ned ston ander act 2rcontopoa) On he the and, he word and so ‘pple anooal pop of yomgmen who pe tcc the imperil oar a rico tina Puctd Kee writ hat ‘rchommopo lel the emperor speared incor cre ‘Sean and ook prin theta aclaton of he eer Th, {ey can roby be eed withthe hued wel Bon uth, wll ‘eed al uname? wn Kanakeoe eons flawed Annan Ishi cornaton “Aas thse schontpous cer! vrs ype impel vie an at eat some rein the Seaton archotopnion” Sone {shonopoul were potas othe pen of er tpl re Seme appenin the sources performing tse oor ht imp aes. Otc append, oho ater sch men wre cd archtop” bec ty pnt ht Youth athe pe or bene thy wee ee lewis. Rosy to nck dmeson cen etd The deo we pe Be ‘Toned, winoal coho aap te ompe mede The roti ged foe interpol Eiht ohn re ee eee! Se errr tre Blea) N Oko A adr Pi eh (a Lam Profesional Solis, Military Units, Recatment 207 Si wo the achontopouol were peopl ele the emperor's oF pene (or apn), Era "sons of hen Peer fury mento tik oe a ater in plc ceremonies, he sate tate cll he parkoimomenos ie he who per) of teint bdchanber waste chi ofthe paidopouet he beichanber” Michal Angok! ha tanned dhe Word, apprope T think page,” and niggas they may have been the cpr’ compan nd wee uly noe da om isa fa "Though sl pastepouo ae encountered very sequent (One fal agen, anther aa lndower) they to etre imperil Tie the acontppous, do oe we them a scree mins tut eather a cour group fom which tlds and other eran were crated "The arcay of ate Byzntam was i age measre 2 military acs memes thse who ariel joint etd he a of ean cary ge Manel Pacogor ove wrote of ies suited nen ach a eres ame, buning, and cones wich een in wining” na tskogialeay, Manel las his Inary taiiag whch took place bere he “hal et chido’ edo reshing manos Asch want ao oem an or asad 2 Ace mya en 0 hw team psig ale eed ‘Bn scnlng owen te ou ter sone ne thee ns ompe wo sre beeen many tec ah ay Mogi s mato ioe mes; hw shane the Bow andthe Troe mdtow wines ose 1h basi ofthe chronology of Manu thistrining cccured prior hi sent year Military ning conned eo ie and a a Wesem Bare Se Sn eo aa Obs on 3 Soni." pgs do emi Debra rain. peremnera esetoes ea Henan mare Profesional Sls, Miay Unie, Recriment 209 208 The Amy Insinon ‘The reriment of cg slo tops was anton fiom Tn aca the cope pool snd pnt i ald Tor hep. Ont oc hand he eperil goerament ade ort he ope nen onde to bone splene char ron eign mcr ponies Larger OS sche, ech te Calan Company and th Als who eweed he i not, comaed the cp and mae pon. Fin “ofear were eel oeasoealy swell In 9 when he Marino Zane vendre Cio 0 Andros, 820 ol were gc chk of ewig aig the meray ore he anger” Mos che to ec meena ander ‘on Chios or shunbured themes ong the se of te Tove! mescaics snp avd on the sen and pena “Tenor Donen Kyo pvies ce in pe In necro et fom sew 80 redo hs hs ed Ma be econnens or cplyment erga from aoe ‘fen ook the form feterinment. Adonis TH, we ttl tags Wesematyle rumament ia which he himself jose. While Ws Consantinopl in 3 he Frenchman Benrandon de a Bre wit esi “a toumament afer th manner of the county” which took place folowing the marae of one of thc enperr laines: In hemi» surety plat ik unin» a pole» ch wees pa he et wean eke ng, orcs ‘tanto the pet boy at or armor never Ets hoya fe ames meeting ach et, whch er stoutlan our te or sao fone lt wee pe ‘beth nd eh of he meiner acing. The Were Sot ‘cate ane lap somadr th pt tc area es ‘Mk ebro with ee, nh shu fru le ml “rane, mca [only dere, ev ef he ok ‘an w Eat of be ter a rete wan te ‘ts Then th egy at mo hen ties, in ah se ox stog, nd he org mune Th ne FEaeandevjone uedome ai nds ‘No dab ese aistorats well sold more mest ato, ke ‘her counterparts East and Wet, sent some of hi tne ff camps ngage in silat, heen try le sharp. Since oie sown of atv mrcenary slr, aie rom a fo roeenes hi presence among the alice ad dons ie ca be ‘si about how thy were recruited. Salinger ate or frig, were inal rere ax opportunity presented ele Joe ‘att setlament of the conquered Cumarsn Asa Minor rel 3 ‘ery old rerum techni, the exert of prisoner of at or sof which can te ound throughout Bani hsory. Te Prosi A Gamoulol were recruited to sty the pil nnds Mil Vil fied flowing he reconqae Of Contino, and theese of the marine Trakoes ws the rs of Michel Vi iomatc efit dsng his ist Morea campaign. Tare no evience tt ner emp ‘made any conning for to ere Pron, Gaal and ibe Teakones to repc rot the exiting contingents hese caring hie wy ot eof Pray ate of he rt Fs enh ar [ot Hector) Fao Mss tern he pe nc ar em ne ender Sing amet ed hho A fl ow hen ie ine en ene of ie {cst fms Gat, th nee feted wm eed woh pt igen, cp esr mo mesg otto a Eee reg went we nie ere rane found ety Abou os gate cso ohn Mctersciote mente tar ech red Tron drbuing py oberon mmgsome treo sn eh Sek lara ay wn i in rel swe he wc change ata of crc Trewern, insenmoe ong hewabel ore emp fae thn ia ns ma 0 arch ut pn a Wi see detec py coy aa SiS eesrsacia rato Searels ene Se mec nd a ein Ep on 0. yt cto sha cy ty a 210 The Amy at Inatton hos of mean omen Fort coms sting of honor ange i he i oh est (arn, arc) Tho han bce acon the reat cy [Costar antares eed Nintojou beeing dat heagh cherie eater th denne it | wn api weds i Wl chsh paneer hse Thence body eo ahora cerany ma his con on Whats sek about his er she personal element. In his anonyiy ‘wemayconcaethathissolder warn notable penonage Evenfieo ‘be presiitou wo conloe that al ocgn meeearin cr hed a sane, the ft theo emgeror wa ied in the proces piso ‘th peomazation and deteorationofadminiseae practesartc une, Wy dd men coe sole? Sine ous pov est ison, dno mat ane pean ‘steam cena ht mor ae ripe io ‘pant and we hed lle weed pel See ae ‘ihrem inte cea ng enya Fa Ieahing cheer orca be at nner sh ry ck ‘pwc eet ed tum he pra ek ef ie npr tue, Ceuy gon ates {crm yma Bsns cow bee ies eit nef ele aed fo sole ke a ‘wee ce y scp Ins pean ‘xc oh est rae rn, mee ston nat far te seam Seng kee ctu. The eda en of cand tov ils Ee Sees own ie war os me i nie Bynes ad osc iran nmin sono campagne se cok teeta yced wo bau» psn slice Tos eee ‘seed freon senate intr ented fer ece npigo mcpecce The 2 ‘pv blsome chy mat be Sethe oe barons ‘fete prosoa nat soir we may ase ht mit rely tin xh, Did sin ep Lac, Profesional Slden, Mitr Units, Recent a ke the mij offre to er a etiood an aise the in ie The pay, pronoun tax een esved, pls the iy of oo, may ave fen sce indore 0 ns For om Aaa Mino tary service my have been one ofthe fe lemons for taring ane Ie For aahaling ler ch the ronlett and the Ticlemaao, 2 amily tadton of service ‘ith te hertinry specte and Kgl obipations of vice at tem or heir ndboings. ronnie who had ier thee ni rom the fers ach the seco generation of Klann, sles to mann th purimony. Arte upper ees soy, likely thar oigadon played nome rolen the decison o become fone spect of which war probably fay radon, appt 1 alloca vel Among the atsttracy subsea dacomert probably be found abo inthe social presne ro diingush one tthe highest vel athe deo plete the peo ‘Beyond this theres ee ese of general, ner soil oblige by which subjects were expected dle the Epi War was tbe tional esponsiny o the emperor andthe itramen hgh the empror made war asthe ary Only ban emergency sas dee and even then ony inthe mort de of rear, wa 3 expected to make ay or at defense, Once he became solder hanged His role wes nw to end the Criatin Exp. B As eigius + work a Brana wa, wold not be uprising if yen payed roe nthe decon tin the army Inthe mera West al rk of sect the ea ha war oul eam prin mer fo is ‘risoct ncenmen On te whok the Byrantines ected hit vider they fe emcourtr tough cont with che Abs i roqerly rice i pemical wrens ait lam Oni i anyon age tht wate cold te pnt meiorons. he es was reopened othe et in byte enpere Nore TL (9-49) genera of grea gens an, in he opinion of many *rclpjou mat ets forint, the only emperor be > fered detested Moni to conver. Niko once suggested that wh fein war aga the Art be ranted the pl of mate notion borrowed eer frm Tio om the West Ieintly faced vehement opposition fra the patch an yd of hops, ved he iso Se Bas te Gret thar slden who bad in couse of var be deprived oftheir fr thes Yeas. One sou! think har Bass nggetion wa cer al eer reson fate ical ther Rate pach nd biops wes ing ‘he pa ht i wat lho ink th ware old bea sem ental ston “The onl oer perc ofthe na Byan cota oad inthe ist ath inch century, Enero af Nese in he at i srg au the Ltn, sggd th herb emision Sins orsign a Th cay a a ters 0 ‘dpe Wem fond too me with ie es Thes eo cam, le spurte hea ye, sw hh Bans lot ‘cpt th wai cee penal opal Swi we !nay adi tha ein ni ese! wr te peso bi or hough isang innate sein in th amy ped thn in een hes wn epic yc il Chun “Thisdos nota tcc werent rep eon aonb sexy hat atated mento ent The peo fame dilate > ‘spit beret hc inn rr indo eo ‘lg andra. Whe ware my nthe rough cra sv onthe intial wary, inte Brann workcell pre cay svaton 0 Gods Chosen ep he comniy ofCrsens th Syanines God ware His pope rene it ws te os ‘ould ve bm Gas ar purpose While he solder may ot ane cx spit ma by ting on fehl the Cran Emp, he a se whi set Ge ad oman wari ened gy We ss the in» tc aon tte by Empreinte VII din ae re "opin orto moat hom "dion th nee he best pais Csi iw me = hs scurry fr ams" Te remarks thig aut ts sg ith woul hve gute ny for Connie ae ie Aine ei” eel ses he wat ling sourcing Chetan. Bot ‘Gomanine nen tht en bog wh apt ath ‘evardcold be oly cay oy enero aaron one ees oma ee piri aol," a a fo. Peasants, Retainers, Servants gine portion ofthe papas ia ae Byzantine campaign mis pot ployed by th peril goverment mercenaries, sli elie ot pono sli cago we nd the opementl and thie men who acme the army ot See the eh to sre an aid solr, "The temporary, noopofesonal foe oops hat supplemented art utnambere he play of maser smaloling sides, Tponcarr were poy tine, bay equipped, and spied fen doi ns or owmapepie regen they engaged local emergency campaigns to thwart a ason orig par nt Micha! 1X sc an yt gh Has Trin Trace which "hose who vet off the ld an the pitchfork” and a at ko Il thetoed to ore farmer to ght Michael Sian’ army. nsw Andro I was on his 30 Towa uth Syriana cco, news reached the emperor that Takish Taleo the southern shores ofthe Chalke pina. there was see dou wheter Andro am suo eDoUED fom the Turks the emperor ondred John Kantakonnenos to“ another [amy] om the neighboring vig suit forthe whch en peel pb ete "Th parca net a een ced een tat peas were an cligaton to end tar serve when summon, bar isis In Byantiom there war ever general "itaens dy" fight for ta Infect the ey notion that abject had an obligation odd ne wis ign the Byzantine in and aneithesc toeh Roman Byzantine cology that etd the emperor, through i eos Defend of the Empire Inthe cineca thee was anime 1 the pena own nds oul! pox hae been very dca 0 one shel ans ont 24 The Amy tion ‘meat tem to ams, On the other han aster sols ely tok rin dane cpg in which sede lye fiero The so "ela solies who coed ino Asa Mino inp to fight the Orence ‘it Orhan epee fr kes than halo the ene arpagn tenn her, mos of the army was composed of infor Boone eee according tothe hitorian Gregor “vulgar and common aso ‘eb he combat” Lae that year an epetion to Chie ice wi ‘Alropoltes’ espion of puro Mani! asa army age Epa ‘throw together amy and thong." Troops lie this are inary Contemporary horns equenly mention te scriyofboes unl rata inde that few pests ownel even dat tes he aloe exe. [No dube some invidule who heard of campaign inthe making ‘proached the cap an found cnploymene, burt htrane nese fend otto meaion sch al matter. In an meres page Iistoian Doukas writs tha int Sutin Mehmet I apace soos anes woal the provinces summoning ceryne wonton gaint cy [Constantinople The regret oops ho ened feay cae i lage suber. Who cn say how many mins were uote {ez Although the Musi hal mor ofan ligation tha he Brae ‘nt gh for ith and ruler when lle the page docs res a ke ofthe campaign a an "event that dew people whether cro thy wer lly obliga Nevertheless, the tat had to develop means freeing and ising ‘spplemenal capa troops fom te general popuaion “Acorn ‘ures were, Teresa evidence of noir or magnate play sy ‘nlite role inthe raising of rpplementl aban Gece son captives could be tected ito the army. Ths was dane y te atlas, 8 wells by Andros sal Keneakxseto cing tc ass Forcxmple, ae Andon I cpt the own of Abo oat bis grande inn, “all he oo xp for a Ew chow tren te pron” and "tothe signed he ysl pay" Peta ne so ‘on was the prac of imperil oils simpy ping aces romeo ei ron ‘a a Mi ne el ea pe east Retin, Servants 5 and recruiting people Sine the ovrwhcning majority of the eso nae rk mee mad the poor woul ben ew iin joinacampig han the wey, ft ss sho vat cng ic been peasants andthe eta por wih ony facto repretion he mil a which was very nl al the upper casos members ae hada eigation, wheter trary (eon sci rank) or eal (a military poncis),ropefom mary Farr, th uns eto th Epi daring most oft te i carci by sw movement ant placemat a he thon de sass, psn, and ther fami fo one Cnc ost, ies eet ie ad ton, Sortie emp sonar Fema, ean ig he pai nn = though hes prota wee mca upper ce nerd bsp anpapn ke cx tcl} lanes, th peut, nde en poor The ote wa it yb a paced pets wre cera pode for erate. reo (3) me tht Sse ed Ka wl province Traces pn “aver repre ame and kid or ome come ads ay no ve icy an ly gh koe Aad mae tc rR and sth ten pars of ces shah ona raaet n me i Moncey requ many fm the porns of en th ye es klgaion fr al ul sce Nor mete pro ay pressure on tc ity ha en, te memes hve soght emia rho aro nai, 26 The Amy 3 Ittion Peasants Reiner, Sevan 7 ine a le in which the authors, responding to ivan, the ftom ie ofthe cl wary sent epee oth 10 fot ops, These sew oop compose ofthe aan or Peas who had soup efige fom crit acs of knee, ene it the idan, lacking diptine an pope pay eval the ide, depen sill more arcu woken of te lnetbonds. supplemental infer coniting of tporty ser ceed amen the peaey and tan psc proved maine quite of at il direct ox tothe sate, sch tops proved be poor ne unmanageale. twas precy the dite avoid employing kindof ler dh ed to aerate practic in arcuate hing mercenaries sich as the Catala the ceaton of peers, Up sch asthe resident se ompanies In connection withthe rol of pss in ae Byzantine amit ie to tum tthe wring of the scolar Gorge Gemisos ton, ins in is subsacl eps Geiss dese he prbies of Byzantine More and ord soltons he hoped the pots aod would implement. his de 0 Mama Io Af he probably writen in 7 o t,he desis the Comper liar oganizin ofthe Mera adits shoring erbae bencoumepodaie fr te erento hes pe tol rhe prio of promos fem tn Te ed The ft hing ce mow othe Mepeoncsans peso ese pty inn orm pas kan pong een Ai pe tov cna de pares ten fren me vc eta pa osm dy weno hy cae sara econ month money aden inknd Whee oe hs fer acanpigy ev ome an mot a ex seam! nen Bese ey mich mato un th wekst tame aera se angie et expencs ania ats Hawise eon doa sre nd ann rata ee Snot ay pl hese toy bce he ‘ig bom pt om hs hcg in te we ne ape Surette onn mena ma ree ea teow Sepa ae camp onpmay be chracterie akdn who we ot fina, do mia tiga ec uniog They We ii wo we eka er mtn fr esi mpg So mr only fg wih hope a egg ne cert arn anon tee fein out he ten he Henin le pnd ron pt sn th eat ae oe ten tbe done ote ltrs ef Crh vs arose te seh gh toma cal by podas cough etme ange ao 28 The Army sInsintion ‘thes frciger wil notin any way’ ice for he df; Weal sell need eset ou on woop; Wo are uname ad usin" (Gemiossolution ws #0 dvd the population ino two groupe ‘selon mural One would perm he mtr sence nd won py no tes. The ether would wor on th nd and weal be response forall the aes, whith woul be pai all atonc and in kind. Agta proce would be ddd int thee prs ‘hee Mia ec pr' sek feed we a sie gece Fm pen ec ‘ete eae tay saa ae ogo hee Ing ey shou be a ent te ey eal nbjat tn rer aye bo dent ron ‘eran orn aban ta none te swede on ‘eet l nd ep ey font reed yy eps Theol bergen tap pray) sik re heb Hal he ged 0 ch yan 0 ‘nota och whee prohererown roe ‘Seman avebotiniee sian ete wien hee Frscot hrc and wate ac ome my wi egret Silteroman wh ic waged Whe pole de oe Pepsin ose mos (os aerobic ‘Sem dat hal ope rere at ce pps ye preset aoe ropery ofboth whe he ther doe naixyserce. (Geis suggest itary ede (archon andthe et (ge) ofthe solder shoud eve pethape te elt, an rm thee exh ‘ould fami one ciakyman combing the fintons of erat a ‘older. Te emperor, he ad, remembering his aides, soald Be ‘many helo ase need The welled rops raed by this plan ‘Rou he lis, be ule 0 deen the Ltt chou 4 yen of ‘Gemits fasion onthe tm nthe Hexamion was lines Ina leer to Mave I writen lig aera iret = ain i i ain Bp Lange POF ier se Te erty ecko hae, Si | a Png ah Man CG Fee Peasants, Reins, Servans 29 ore fr ime the es of paring the ey fom the axpaying He woes thar we had made sme i he a fo the both ose nthe army and pay tates ane campaigns shor ne very danger, and booty was let, now dc to he of canis andthe hey burden of eetion was imposibe © th Soh sos mane pr fo the xpayers th est om al who nea tts prove 3 garsn fo the Ish” He arguc at ths woud notre na rest os of pbc een ane away by ets, he von wo cay on he Pre huss curios nama theres no evidence tt Geiss had military expen ov uning whstove. For T fer mysl pat this amy without sending more or al hose ered tha all aves besig cn cach heath ven now for Ue gon ofthe ths rose his fren o provide abd of sound 200 nae soi, thar one thowand in orion ava cull be performing gaion anal could bead fo emergnce. This plan ecnctdes, rut that solders would be beter equipped woul be more ese of geste spciton and woud ave higher morale they woul el they mere defending their own redo ot eng, "Geiss emet thi theme for thet ine in is Ades he Tene Hn he Pionnes, wrizen sxcine afer his aie © TL His plan ow bere mote complied. The popalain sil dvd io sole an tapers (het), ut he cif his suggesting that agricul workers be grouped i pis xh retary sve nd labor and fncioning serve op. AS ce to Manoel Theo cul ave aman Helos ase dese, of which he would derbi lis and senor fies. Each woul support an uae numberof may es asa she eson would not ve suppor thc inst Mos of the honk be made up fiz, since reign mercenaries were we Pinay, tre shoul be no acm to ave aay aswell aan my, ‘Constantine by oe his den, Cardinal Besson Besaron hat whi some eopennsans were courageous, oer ak A Lines RGR Sit ue Wether Can an 4 280 The Armas Insintion arms nd ining bcs ofeny ns nie crc of te pcs rere” Lie Geis ats tthe lary shal esp fom hepa an ho by range ono oats could era breed Nont ofthe propa ha mh acl va. They wo ie scquted ender foe se tht sb tered oy the presence Novia tng ey nila Gena pa The of sping he ware fondeot f e oples fod and dcop mth wigs of Ps Rican nd toe (tain) The co eas sprang bom em 2d cise whe thse denne ies el SS he wea thet be reasacSp ony 2 is ‘Misa, se mia town ofthe Byes Mora Catng perio frcign mourn was cnmonpic, Ne compl ane igh “hemos imeresing ect of Gems ting is wha agg bout contenporary mata nen te Brine More inabour whch we know ey se Both mtr ant Bess ‘hath ut he yin he iecaccay Mone was ome esas nde Bean opr a rigs el fe fete com, iin orion army at mae po fess ese on campu-by amps Fr thc ‘ogg fom Geni hat Moten pen eed a cmp ‘on foci may ee se omc psy obo Te eo ‘ro ot unk he stn In rt of yan Yep Gente wing reel ase () at os al ee Mo ‘en amy war ma yop) thee war gc cst) hain on th ppt sve th sya ha as tw ay attra way of gg hich der tee ‘romances was olga Reon thse ne) ae ‘rcp of the Mores ede of wre sa ane fe fone Int pin o oe autor make ch cin ingly oer “Thre two pos th the ayn Mores nso sin manner dierent wn he of Bram or ens ten theo Bhi expanion ce Mere he ee thee, we might esc abt ay onan Be et A nn Ono siecle Peasants Retsnen, Servant 34 to Wester induces, a proc ofthe half cctary oe more of donation pt cae pointy tothe Pry of Ach, Mone and Kone andthe Dchy of Athens However, he omen of pets was burly chr of Wester medina Wir was catomary for pean inthe Byranine Mores tose mc was ot something bored om the rade Tt sc most icy tha Gis iat traw-an eit” incrder to presents dail Geek slson Inf texting” ers reser silat to eran Athens than to seh crtay um The bx ligt we can put cn Gem’ deeipion of te ing ste offi the Mote to sy that he did ot reste yout of whole cha In Byzarium pope esas lS ey ecaedin emergencies hey ined armies, oesonall they eed vn agg arms Is ena wei the same hing excared Mores. ekap the depos ofthe More, x in need of soe, thon eee, ces undeaing the ae eee ofa penn, sass stopgap meas hat cold hardly ave Been ‘Observing sch ses of pes, Gemitos invent aba“ which hee ado be abandoned. Smal wor hat he lars he adresse his vie pad no aero him Numerous pats inthe campaign amy other bore a itary oar the sate nor een were employed o ered by the ‘These men, lle on andes, were bor sls and onc ted wer ditingshe by tes perce oliton foward ul aerosol The word ean dns wo ch the futon of nina they eine i atop toward eae ee st curt reer hth a an" ter ‘as companions nd elites, people of xi rank sar to ff teens or ski with whom they were snc. Generally vas no gest ses of sborination, A man inthe psc of i ease ores stan equa," andin this scae he conc "pare he proton German noon ofthe Gla, 5 along based on boyy (lio werent “employes” ofthe sole rede, I he povided PeShreer pent aaa sel anand et ness orn 222 The Amy a Intttion esa, Reiners, Sean 283 young emperor, Later once hoses had broken ou, Kanak hat ie les tan yan eva ween Adecnios I F, wa ox possible to now the name precy, ance many of thane enol inthe ary campaigned slong to lew te empere” Thee ncubrdy men ely for base who hope Beane “compa orto exblh ren clerks the emperor. The oko ofan pthap eng hs ce eaves canbe tere a Gat pean, sine they were usally ator in ther Om ih, onthe cerry forse fro tesa they je. “The ciao emperor were servants ba ice en he et poston in impel serve conoyed degree of preg, imperial scan be repre a 4 breed spare. They were gate nunerous vist the Serbian rae Stein Duan, Androniks Teak long ofthe “iris” and 300 his own” (wo). Some pal were my etie, When some foo troops surendred TI ns, many che to seve the emperor, and 50 “he those the yey pay ant era [them among the clea” ar the fil of Cis, many ofthe surenderig Lain gon sil “numbered temas among the oe of he gree” ee of the preg tae tee men didnot come simply okies, but penonl solr ofthe emperor ands eas in the fs, ied ok, What tinged the men rom oer odes heir penonal atachent tothe empcor, and what dating fom ws die ncn ep et they owed tie poston ieee 0 imperil kndnes” Or the eae pls the itary nn song de ik probly wha waa te “imperil sox "imperl lpn” Tne cata pero rad ange of fanctons, No doubt the Tad get numberof simple domenie servants an mary tut seme ctl ad sports tat ar exceed wha we fy among eran dt. Kanskonsenosderbes Hira, of Ceomen, shaving ee “one ofthe ikea ofthe emperor oe” IL OF the lrg namer of men he Mesies “ot the of ene ge adhe eperor, chet of an empes, some ha fx them, twas out of fail or sail ebligation, though fen they roses thei om financial recurs. Oikt, however, wee sea Aisne suordate ro the wor or Kader. General he provid or ‘ham and they served him as iter may resins or domestica ‘Theis trelhoods were in is and If he leader was a rest many th ‘io and itera together consisted hi eine or entourage an te piton and dunes ofeach kei and cies were probaly wel defn ‘ever sos ha propoinsty smaller followings thir woul ne mest he abel “einbe™ Isc 3 solr camped with cle they were fein number and hike! had ls weld fron “The dition betwen oso an ota hated in Ks ‘akowzeno’ description ofthe rebel Sian folowing. As governor af Thesaoniin the feos ad ese 30, Syginnes ater foe nas rod i many ends (pi) a serves et) Ty Kanaouzeno’ memwis “Tend” mess “ally Ones Syren lcs werethe weal andor rom that sof Macedonia In peste they were seared among the towns ban wa they gathered acd thet che, Syginnes, The ola were Syginne mary weiner and omy his domestic servans,albough Karak ut of the word rams with es tary annotation, may ela mes sera om ‘his parca group flowers Ths, arto Syginns lowing wee “companions the rest were reine, Aner fasageillsats inten eten more cea. Syne rd to is death in 3 0 Pani by “i ofhis ceo. snl iy of hick The former mee his lie, che men ose ohm the ltr were subordinate mary fe ‘The emperohadtheprestest umber of ein and oie. Togs ‘hey format his enounge cour and inthe fel. On campaign ise ince relatives, many of whom were tary Kader in th ow i and companion, who were lary men general dtingished sh ieee at well af nonnalary arias avin 2 aos This Ka "Bhovanos debs the cl War a+ contest tween emperors on ‘with th ocio."To bean cso ofthe emperor was ovis dit he The one hundred sapportes of Anon Ilwhor Kart 2c qui mastered in Conaninople in al ave and rien trl" were men who wee lead or wanted Become companions Of Fel ot Fo en an Praga en, Se eee =e ee en Top nar go ee nth ec 234 The Amyas Ins ame, sch a Lantzrto Kabelen, rola, Zenon Ryparates, and Gabras, indicate thar they were usually not from aristocratic ful attire Se ease sas Inked pete cis ested an hat re memos aes Shey wetonm samen Sohne es means by bis blty wo anractfllowing. Kanakouzenos wre tha the "ep Liao teeter Soync taney arenes sp Seocsmeminrmaret tne es zee tance aiieevomimermieeon meena earns patrasanustartos ae epee ee eee Savy wont coors cee ease, Retainers, Servant 35 to ee wealhy sles, permed both ltary and domestic the source tend to dtnguh the oceans when cies per ach peo dary. We bering rind thatthe dies of ane, ont were ery Broad i pombe iret" erin” who fought with tee masts fom "domes ans ide May etanen, amen dependent on reat ncafor eibods eta, wre by dition odie wo thei maer Asin the cae of sce above thee retainers oul be aurers; he a est ti or dlr migine rom whit rata ofthe lk of men ly came. Advesters both frig ad mate, and die Ponts wre he ily candidate, wth eraprwnerplyed mr ending thes The ier isexcplied by the Gasol ho mia rom ines eve in a Sor, nthe Words of Gre- became hing hse renowned Romans distinguished neh” Presamably they wer agra tne that made we of hie lil, BW reat men and even leer sll cry had ary re the gurtion real one ofthe significance, whether 2 mas Foomed a prvate army the kn of yt woud nde the mf tt hori nthe ie centre. Syrians had pate did the Bulgarian bode lord Marlo, the Sri renege rj and anyother terior loe who wie to eis asm independent power. Butte indgpndene an the pie ofthese men did no I ge Spine: was saat, Mor iin ate, and Hela was ced to ren wo his cial maser, alan! ‘More ending ws the reine ofthe brothers Alesis and ohn who an inept poncplty around Kaas during the second ofthe frtecch century. Te wil ofthe mega pierce Jon ssl group of whom heals nine” ow ba maton) children (ide) othe monary of Patra 030 roid fo fh death, The wl ae that hese men "nba gree. They fur aidan cooperated with sn cvery wy they cult and owed no loyal and enon in desing with equ the very lies wo all Kinds of pil” They were wo serve the toto of ny dependent cece obligation’ but oo 286. The Amy Inition choice they wih thy cul ve: Gangs Onrogy wrote ht Inn ering wos rene, he tay flowers we accompa fea sjpearon scampi ned ce mn ee ey pt oh’ eine They wer nds depen o Jane mae pan and thee lt Th eats won gh ey ent {pro and they com hae arp in same kind fay Sento Hower, tot quite asst ochre the meas pin ike Jo soll eines anche Ws Ibwe who scope fcr cpa: Foal Jae fe ot ll ogc; he owned eens pol ces on rough by ts, when he wee hr wl te anc of be Ovo ral! hive ely lint! hs landings to those on thee “hn Bure than ent the eee pol ‘lenin thrown ht hy sammded an ry Conese be ‘ilefhe meg pero nly ote wt al coon he ‘eae, athe commande sides and ta some ode lds wee serrohim™ ‘On te kr hand tee io even th rat men ho dl ot ‘mundo rebel aps he emperor rv tb an idee ‘eetorl drs ha pater whch companied thon a frig an whch ama uo he ge Bain cpg ey One sg: cn ced meh hat Wey Beane ted ve Prva amici nd Deen Kye ne an Trl (34) n which anc eat Cc Inn: "The who ware a fel n sy fem tc mea oe Sacely boupedown ike thn” Arter page, fom he rnc ofthe Can Manta, peas of" i nga of Sonic, ce Sr Cristal od (Geng of Croup) ho ‘marche apne Cats ih hi mary wih ose Sot {iy boacmen” Sach eee weak ducing” “The sinple its at heater ee pra mans of voles smi pest men on rig At he st we a Rout ei beter sf Aran ek Pesan hae ans me ay SS 35 Magn, PC, to col 640. K. Mane, Cri 8 (Rao =) sd BS SINS et ea Reine, Senants 27 abo, tht Katou tnen ad wel-bor wh ti aloe: Soi sme ec oe eo “Dewees vad ht he ae mama, attend ee sre hen eh fp soethadss mae han nner wey ier MP setae men cows amy? Tas cows depend 8 nc west dee xo Tm tl vit oe o eel wo urethane a eins who Oren we hc len” who acpi 2 ma ont mp Knot way prec he quion of tami sak he iy wuld extn he ion end eel opiate in pac Rape he neo or eras gach ae provi ron. Ths pobre he lane pone poe by anand tr 1 daniel Ont ys a landowners who ha the eterna ont ta ds oh Fors). Bybee ole wo Buran tsuppse tt SEE saatret pat camp with hr ndowne, by Te ands edepenced Tce we shud not pe he of geat an se ohne cape wah im ups ges on dap he eed camp wih a rate eof rei, Pr mc ha wou ot heb + ic comers Apne any rca showed iyo a | chen sherman ous do ey opcsion at ge mir flies companied te Spay ne any gat man oy arc ag with oe ane dent oe ee wc rosy hears wo thing och perme Fcc pny why es i} hve eanpied wih “Soy ten red in encton ith rerument fot foe aig ay Ti eying emis tha he Psion onion dsr promo both pre ncaa mime of xp ems dan om tira The piss harwo specs Ones ot prorolc acl wer command Ye prc Spent hime x we norco th pra aE ty Scr se op wt arnt col fe noes pei, hy ol oe oa 28 The Amy a Iniation eda private amy oe 309 ean, but supe ii, {Topic that haste dct os Then pet ofthe hyphen ee st hy by Ourogoniy, who manained at poi wparefRacunseey “Semi” tna he emperor in en fr hi rnin wan te pret nl hic personaly fay yb so Be pn 40 Accing to Osrogony ths puro! nema the Prony capi an formed hi inc, Whik Onmopraly neces oy whether tae parti ere scaly oman ne eld yt oe ‘oa his extent fhe evden eet pon in ha deco, Te viens ont of teeny ofthe dscns Fest th pos he with meas pen John pes hives ts 8 Lhe gp einer Aug is post thse en wee prvi ef cntring Jos pronto ane ‘ve npr wh serving Joan wee debate de feo death Ina eet a was ot promi, ut 2 parinonalanovne sea, fr al pac purges, a inkpenn ue. Repay iy: Osrogoky wrt hate nay imagine that psoas oe I slaves” Because "iio occ tat oe imonial etitesshou havea rein sl roi nt Tis ‘cig no. et tay pom he a a © naan woul! no dou app on capa wih eines Bat the quton i wher he oma ws unde ch neon, Set oe oblate the megs pment

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