God does not tempt people to do evil, but He will test or "tempt" believers to rise to a higher level of faith. God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, which was an extraordinary act that showed Abraham's faith and obedience. In the same way, God may test believers by prompting them to give up prized possessions or money in order to demonstrate extraordinary faith and receive God's blessings. Believers should not be afraid of these tests from God but instead do what He asks to grow in faith and walk in the promises of blessing.
God does not tempt people to do evil, but He will test or "tempt" believers to rise to a higher level of faith. God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, which was an extraordinary act that showed Abraham's faith and obedience. In the same way, God may test believers by prompting them to give up prized possessions or money in order to demonstrate extraordinary faith and receive God's blessings. Believers should not be afraid of these tests from God but instead do what He asks to grow in faith and walk in the promises of blessing.
Original Description:
Thoughts on how God tempted me! Find encouragement and revelation in God's word for your life.
God does not tempt people to do evil, but He will test or "tempt" believers to rise to a higher level of faith. God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, which was an extraordinary act that showed Abraham's faith and obedience. In the same way, God may test believers by prompting them to give up prized possessions or money in order to demonstrate extraordinary faith and receive God's blessings. Believers should not be afraid of these tests from God but instead do what He asks to grow in faith and walk in the promises of blessing.
God does not tempt people to do evil, but He will test or "tempt" believers to rise to a higher level of faith. God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, which was an extraordinary act that showed Abraham's faith and obedience. In the same way, God may test believers by prompting them to give up prized possessions or money in order to demonstrate extraordinary faith and receive God's blessings. Believers should not be afraid of these tests from God but instead do what He asks to grow in faith and walk in the promises of blessing.
I know that the title got your attention! Because somewhere in your mind you know that God does not tempt anyone. Allow me to share these thoughts with you how God tempted me! Firstly, the commitment to any church means that you follow a certain type of culture. Which means you serve God in a way that fits that Church or its people. We do these things as we desire to connect with God and grow in our faith. I lay claim to the Word of God in believing that; God is my strength and my refuge. That His joy is my strength. To bring my tithe and offerings to the house of God. To lay hands on the sick. To bless those who curse me. To love one another. And many more! I do these things because it is true and right. But there are times that Gods desire is to see you more than an overcomer and living in a realm where the blessings of God overtakes you! So, how do we get there? Let me firstly ask you this question; does God tempt anyone? Your immediate response will be no, and for those who know the scriptures you will quote James 1:13 that says, Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted by God; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. Now let me take you to Genesis 22:1 - Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, Immediately you might think that God is in conflict with His word. Either He is lying or Paul was. We know the scripture is the inspired word of God. Therefore God meant to say what he did to Abraham. Does God tempt us? My answer is Yes! But! He doesnt tempt us with evil! He tempts us to be more than what we are, to rise to a higher level of faith, not living our faith by the conditions of the times or by the fleshly understanding of scriptures.
JUNE 2016
Abraham had some character flaws, that we never
really mention. He lied about Sarah being his wife. He thought it ok to be intimate with Hagar so that he could have the son of promise. He never really stood up to Lot and allowed him to choose the land that eventually led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham had to be the Father of our faith and in being that needed to live a life of faith on a higher level. The ultimate temptation was for him to sacrifice his son Isaac. How hard is it for you to give up the thing you, love the most? Maybe you have a beautiful coat you paid so much money for but just hangs in the cupboard, but you will never bless anyone with it who really needs a coat. You will think of the costs not the benefits. Maybe you have a spare vehicle that just sits in the garage. You love it and spent a lot of money to restore, and therefore cannot dispose of it to be a blessing to someone else! Abraham was going to be a father of many nations. For him to step up to that honor and title He had to do something extraordinary! You sit it Church and cannot give that tithe or offering because you might need it tomorrow for something else! So you hold ontp that thing that you love so much and fail to understand that God can give you far more! God will tempt you to do the thing that raises your level of faith so that you can walk in this blessing that was promised in Abraham. We are the seed of Abraham and entitled to an inheritance of being a blessed people! God has been tempting you to give up that material item or some of your finances to be a man and a woman of extraordinary faith! Do what God is trying to get you to do, and I have no doubt that He will follow through with His promises for you! God Bless Pastor Tony Sands