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Appendix A: HSP 302 Intro to Human Services

Shana Livingston
HSP 302
Course History Paper
Homelessness can be seen all over the world. People think the ones who are
homeless are just mentally ill and are unable to care for themselves, when thats usually
not the case at all. Its the ones who lose their jobs, who cant afford their apartment
anymore, or the ones who have no family or friends left to help provide for them. In
201213 the U.S. Department of Education documented more than 1.2 million homeless
students in the nations public elementary, middle and high schools, defining
homelessness as the lack of a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence
(Wertheim, L. J., & Rodriguez, K. (2014).) The numbers only increase as you add the
ones who arent in school and the ones who keep their living situation a secret. Seattle, as
well as the United States, has a wide variety of organizations that assist the homeless and
help them get back on their feet for better living. Within this discussion, Ill show readers
what homelessness, at a glance, looks like and how the Human Services field is here to
In the article, Old, Female and Homeless, by Rose Aguilar, she discusses the
homelessness within the city, San Francisco. Back then it was shocking to see a homeless
person over the age of 50. It was mostly young teens or young adults youd see on the
streets. Nowadays, however, its the norm(Aguilar, 2013, para. 5). Aguilar goes on to
describe how the cost of living has increased in San Francisco, making it much more
difficult for renters to keep their homes; According to a March 2012 report by the

National Low Income Housing Coalition, San Francisco is the most expensive city in the
country for renters (Aguilar, para. 6). To add on to that, there have been budget cuts to
services such as Supplemental Security Income, In-Home Supportive Services and adult
day healthcare centers. These cuts are making it difficult for the elderly community to
pay for living (Aguilar, 2013). Because of these ongoing budget cuts and increased prices
of living, the country had 40,750 homeless people 62 or older in 2012. As the nations
population ages, that number is expected to more than double by 2050 (Aguilar, para. 7,
2013). Within the article, a homeless woman named Marcia, who is 56 years old, tells her
story of what it is like living on the streets. There are homeless shelters that fill up and
run out of room before the sun comes up in the morning, leaving the homeless to either
find busses to sleep on or chairs in the city (Aguilar, 2013). Marcias story allow us to see
just how much Human Services is needed in communities and big cities such as San
Francisco. Yes, we are slowly growing and building more facilities to accommodate the
homeless population, but as a new shelter is built, the homeless population triples in
numbers. Aguilar talks about how the number of homeless people is expected to double
by 2050 (Aguilar, 2013) in the nation. I feel that Human Services providers need to take
this into account in terms of what we can do in our profession to prevent these numbers
from growing.
I read this article that really changed my perspective on the homeless society. Its
called, Young, Gifted & Homeless, by Sports Illustrated. In the article, famous athletes
tell their touching stories of before they became famous and how they were living on the
streets with their families when they were younger. One particular story I enjoyed was
Isaiah Lambs story. When he was in junior high and high school, he lived in Baltimore

with his parents. They had an apartment at one point, but were evicted due to their
financial struggle in being unable to pay for their rent. Lambs father had a heart attack
and quit work because of medical issues, while his mother quit her job because of stress
and other issues. They slept in their car and used a 24-hour Laundromat as their source
for food, laundry, bathroom, rec room and even shelter. Dinner was a bag of Doritos from
the vending machine and the kitchen table was a folding table in the middle of the
Laundromat. It was a struggle for this family, but what I found so beautiful about this
story was that Isaiahs situation pushed him into sports at school. It was a way to escape
his reality, have a family outside of his parents and be in this world of no struggle even
if it was only for a little while. At first, football and basketball served as a place he could
stay at longer before he had to return to his family car and Laundromat. Later on,
however, he practiced those sports. He became good at these sports and became
passionate about them (Wertheim, L. J., & Rodriguez, K. 2014). What I love so much
about this article is the message it portrays to readers. Among all these stories, we see that
these homeless people have found an outlet for their struggle through sports and healthy
activities rather than drugs and alcohol. Sports provides a way to survive- and even
thrive (Wertheim, L. J., & Rodriguez, K. 2014). We see so many homeless people on the
streets who struggle with substance abuse and addictions, its hard to break out and stand
on your own two feet with that concrete barrier in the way. With sports, its a healthy
activity surrounded by a loving community of people who serve as a support system to
help build self-esteem and confidence. Many people think our options are limited to
helping the homeless community, but thinking outside of the box and using things such as
sports or other fun activities, its a way to get homeless youth away from the influences

that bring them down even more. Our goal here is to bring them up in the world, not the
other way around.
The number of people that are homeless vary in cities within the United States. In
the news, we can see citizens getting arrested for feeding the homeless. Meanwhile, other
areas such as Salt Lake City, Human Services providers have found a way to decrease the
homeless population by providing housing along with on-site counseling for those who
struggle with addiction and PTSD (Fagan, 2014). "In the U.S., more than 3.5 million
people experience homelessness each year (Overview of Homelessness In America).
Within this number are groups of teens, military, people with mental issues, etc. This is
an extremely large number of people going through homelessness each year. However,
there is help all over the United States that provide shelter, food, clothing, medical
attention, job hunting assistance, job placement, and more. These services are included
even in our local area in Seattle. Cities should strive to decrease the population of
homeless as Salt Lake City and many other cities are attempting to do. Homeless people
are still people, who lack the support needed to survive in this expensive world.
For a long time, I was very ignorant towards my surroundings. I grew up in a
family that was very close-minded to the homeless society, molding my mind to think
that homeless people were nothing more than just rats living in the streets. It hurts to
write this, but its just how I was raised. During my research, I discovered that the
number of people homeless is alarming and the causes are even more so. In one article I
read, it provided a list of the top eleven reasons for homelessness in teens. These reasons
were foster care (kids aging out of the foster care system with no housing/income),
prison/juvenile corrections system (being released from prison because they lack support

systems and housing), substance abuse in the home (kids run away from home if parent
or guardian is involved with alcohol or drug use), pregnancy (teen girls are kicked out of
the home if they are pregnant), sexual orientation (kids forced to leave home because of
their sexual orientation) and more (11 Causes of Teen Homelessness, 2014). Of course,
there are more than just eleven reasons as to why people become homeless, but what I
listed here is already hard enough to take in. In ten years, I dont know where our society
will be. I dont know if the way we think will change or how we perceive other people
will alter, but I will always hope for the best. In ten years, I bet more shelters will be
built. I hope cities like Salt Lake City serve as an example of how we should treat and
help the homeless people in our communities. I hope to see Human Services grow so that
more caring providers work to decrease the number of homeless people in not just our
community but also the world. In order for change to happen, we need to recognize that
there is a problem. I think a lot of us are oblivious to the homelessness around us because
in a way, they are hidden, out of the way and unfortunately invisible to those of us
running around trying to go about our day. To fix that, we need to become aware, educate
ourselves on the different homeless populations, and come up with solutions as how to
prevent this from happening. There is no reason that anyone should not have clothes on
their back, medical care, a roof over their heads and food to eat. Awareness is the first
step to a better future.


AGUILAR, R. (2013). Old, Female and Homeless. Nation, 296(6), 24-26.


Homeless Services. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2014, from


Snapshot of Homelessness. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from


Wertheim, L. J., & Rodriguez, K. (2014). Young, Gifted & HOMELESS. (Cover
story). Sports Illustrated, 121(15), 52-62.


Fagan, K. (2014, June 29). Salt Lake City a model for S.F. on homeless solutions.
Retrieved November 12, 2014


Overview of Homelessness In America. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2014


11 Causes of Teen Homelessness. (2014). Retrieved November 12, 2014, from

Appendix B: HSP 406 Global Systems

Last reading Analysis! Woo! And this was a great chapter to really end things on. Im
probably only saying that because I could actually understand and relate to some of
the text this time, but I mean the content really did provide some closure of
globalization for me!

I really enjoyed the section where Eitzen and Zinn discussed the Internet. How in the
beginning when the Internet was first created, society hoped it would bring change
for the better. What I like is that they kind of put some emphasis on the fact that,
while the Internet made life easier, (i.e: The amount of goods and services available
online is staggeringcommunicating across borders is simpler than ever [Eitzen &
Zinn, 2010, p. 322]) the Internet has not necessarily made the world better. I think
this is where we messed up. We hoped for change for the better when in reality,
we encouraged laziness and disturbed the way of living a healthy lifestyle. Society
wanted global peace, love and liberty (Eitzen & Zinn, 2010) and instead we gained
lack of social interaction were connected wirelessly rather than learning
to connectphysically. A friend of mine is a para-educator and was telling me how in
the kindergarten classroom, they took their state test on tablets. Kindergartners
Were demonstrating to children and teaching them at a young age how to lose social
interaction. This is a pretty poor elementary school by the way. So rather than
budgeting money that they barely have to put into more programs for students
education, or jeeze, maybe even a better recess playground where kids can play
together? Seriously, anything! But no, rather than these ideas, they buy expensive
tablets to create mindless zombies that dont learn the importance of human and
social connection/interaction. Sorry, I kind of went off a little bit it just frustrates me
to see how far weve come with technology, yet I dont see progress in our society.
Funny how that is, if the word funny is even the right term to use at all.

I do think its funny, however, the section where they mention where people receive
their news from. Weve had many class discussions on the right sources to use, and I
found it very interesting that three-quarters of Americans who consume their news
online say they receive at least some of it through forwarded emails or posts on
social networking sites (Eitzen & Zinn, 2010). This is unfortunately, not surprising.
Facebook blows up with so many articles, and trending hash tags of different news
thats happening around the world. I have a lot of friends who are very close-minded

and try to create debates upon what they hear over Facebook and it makes me
cringe. We talked about all quarter how hard we have to work if we want to stay
informed, and I mean really stay informed, because of the media being so corrupt.
Especially in politics! I liked the way Eitzen and Zinn phrased this; The Internet is
cable television on steroids; both tuning in and tuning out of political discourse has
never been easier (Eitzen and Zinn, 2010, p. 326). And it really has never been
easier; another example of the Internet making our lives easier rather than better.
Had it been better, maybe society wouldnt struggle in staying properly informed on
whats happening around the world. Maybe we wouldnt be close-minded and wed
actually be a bit smarter in how we run this country.

Appendix C: HSP 435 Agency Management

Education Movement United (EMU)

Education Services for At-Risk High School/College


Strategic Plan
Victor Cleveland, Hayley Cogdill, Shana Livingston
Western Washington University
Cheryn Weiser, Instructor
October 28th, 2015

To provide equality for low income students enrolled in high school and applying for
college by providing the necessary resources in order to be successful.

To empower the youth in their high school careers so they may gain the confidence and
skills to feel comfortable when taking the next step after high school.

We believe...
Education is an important key in unlocking the doors to student success
All students leaving high school should feel confident entering the "real world".
Students deserve an equal chance for EMUs programs.
Students deserve to know they are valued and needed in this world
All staff should be treated fairly and work in a safe environment.

Environmental Scan

Builds confidence in students learning and education

Less teen driver vehicle accidents per year

Increase in graduation and student success rate

Highly qualified and knowledgeable staff and faculty
Safer community with more knowledgeable and aware student drivers
Students families learning to budget for child as well as their family
Strong working relationship with other programs in school district
Tremendous help in finding a job in the career industry


Great need for funds to provide scholarships and other programs

Large staff
Limited to high school students and students entering college
Obtaining reliable vehicles for Drivers Ed Program
Finding teachers to volunteer in different programs where they are needed
Getting students motivated to want to participate in programs
Acquiring different buildings or locations to run our organization


Free Drivers Ed for students who qualify

Four-Year Funding Program that students parents/guardian may be involved
Students learn how to build resumes and good mannerisms in the work place
Internship and Job Searching help for students in need
Scholarships for low income students
Strong working relationships with other schools and education programs
Develop awareness of the need for education in schools and beyond

Threats of Challenges

Keeping students engaged and encouraged to learn and grow

Keeping staff, faculty and other volunteers to participate in programs
Breaking language barriers for ESL students who are in the programs
Losing funds to bigger education organizations than EMU

Critical Issues/Strategic Direction

Establish work place/office inside school locations

Develop funding through fundraising and stable finances (state funding, grants,
Establish employment in all areas needed (Driver's Ed, resume and cover letter
writing, etc.)

Goals and Activities:

Goal: Secure locations in every Snohomish county school district high school by fall

Activity: Contact Snohomish County school board no later than January of 2016
Activity: Establish contracts w/in individual schools by September of 2016
Goal: Secure funding for all agency expenses (Secure funds by June 2016)

Activity: Research state funding for EMU expenses by end of 2015

Activity: Write proposals for sponsorship's by mid 2016
Activity: Plan fundraisers as soon as agency expenses and contracts are secure
Goal: Establish relationships for professionals needed to run activities/programs for

Activity: Establish contracts with schools and professionals (by September 2016)
Activity: Identify teachers who are willing to work outside of regular curriculum
with students as soon as contracts are secure with schools.

Appendix D: HSP 485 Program Planning & Evaluation

Water Filtration
Logic Model
Shana Livingston
Western Washington University

HSP485 Program Planning and Evaluation

Cheryn Weiser
February 24th, 2015

Water Filtration System

Problem Statement:
Of 82 million people in the country of Ethiopia, only 11% have access to clean,
drinkable water. Lack of water is a barrier for women and children who are sent miles
from home to fetch water that is contaminated with diseases and also leads to high infant
mortality rate, lack of education and severe health problems in families. Having access to
an organization/program that provides local, safe water to drink can create healthy
lifestyles and save many lives.
Project Goal:

Water is a necessity in life. We would not exist without it! There are
several organizations spread across the world that serve other countries by providing safe,
drinkable water. However, its a lengthy process transferring clean water internationally.
With so many locations in need of clean water and not enough funds and time, so many
locations around the world suffer from contaminated water or even lack of water. One
country in desperate need of water is Ethiopia, where only 11% of the entire country has
access to clean water. Its my wish to begin a program and design a way to bring clean,
drinkable water to parts of Ethiopia and expand on the work that other organizations are
doing such as Charity: Water and The Water Project.
Current: Several organizations such as Charity: Water, The Water Project and
other organizations partnered with other generous donors and contributors.
Needed: Global awareness, more organizations spread worldwide to promote and
bring clean water to countries who lack sanitized, safe water, more funding, and partners
to help create water filtrations and other resources to build systems that clean
contaminated water.

Create program plan, creating a list of materials, staff and resources needed to
create program and figure a plan of action to bring clean water to Ethiopia by

April 1ss, 2015.

Recruit a team of committed and passionate people for the proposed plan of
action and devise a proposal to spread awareness as well as beginning the first
part of creating a way to bring clean water to Ethiopia.

Begin spreading awareness locally as well as globally. Get an action team to go

out and build our support network by bringing in donors and contributors who are
looking to be apart of our project. Get the organization known and familiar around
the community as well as to other organizations around the world who are in the
same field of work. This could mean fundraising, attending events etc.

Create approximately 200-300 flyers throughout the city of Seattle to
spread awareness of our organization and what we are doing

Attend local conferences that promote water irrigation/filtration in our
local community, as well as around the U.S; continue to build network by

meeting and teaming up with different organizations.

Team up with organizations to devise a plan of action on how my team
and me can create a filtration system that can bring clean water to

Immediate Outcomes
Community gains awareness through volunteers in the community as well

as assigned Action Team promoting awareness of the need in Ethiopia.

Foundation continues to grow in network and awareness.
Network builds and partnerships are gained through conferences and other

fundraisers that promote the need for water around the world.
Establish locations in Ethiopia to reach out and connect

Intermediate Outcomes
A team of people, from volunteers, to people in the program is in Ethiopia
working together to better the water system that is currently in place.
More programs are in the making in different states within the U.S that
promote the water irrigation system in other countries.

Places from schools to churches have sent volunteers and donations to

Ethiopia to help fund the access to clean, safe, water.
Long-Term Outcomes
Locations within Ethiopia have been serviced with fresh water, and more
accessibility, and now other bordering countries are receiving services and
help that is greatly needed.
The program exists in several states, and is more known for the raising
awareness to a cause that is very much in need of funding and resources.
This program in particular is looking to partner with others such as Charity
Water, and The Water Project in order to build an alliance to then travel
from country to country with more resources and opportunities.
With the initiated work that is being done between spreading awareness, creating
alliances with other well-known programs, networking with other resources locally, and
more, there is a higher chance that there will be success in the water irrigation system
spreading to other countries to help those who dont have access. The more people know
about the lack of accessible water, and the affects it has on those people, the higher the
chances that this cause can take off and make a difference.
1 in 9 people do not have access to clean, running water around the world. I
believe that by giving those without access to water an opportunity to finally have that
essential part of life just outside their doorstep, it promotes healthier lives, communities,
and overall, a healthier world. With the approach that this program will take, my hope is
to dramatically reduce that number to 9 out of 9 people have access to clean, running

Appendix E: HSP 440 Internship Seminar

Shana Livingston
E- An experience I had at my internship was the day I was in the
office doing paperwork. We had to go through clients books which
contained their ISPs, financials, receipts, etc. and scan and make
copies and file them. During this time, I was able to read about many
of VOAs clients that are being assisted by VOA other than the ones I
work with. One of the clients I actually discovered is diagnosed with
Bipolar disorder, PTSD, and so many others that I cant remember. But
in this clients book, it read that said client has very difficult behaviors;
one time, this client pushed a staff off of the deck at site! I couldnt
believe I read that right. I asked my supervisor about the story and
she filled me in with the details as well as other stories, like a phone
being thrown at a staffs head. I was in shock to hear these stories and
read about them in the books.
I- One insight I gained from this experience was for starters,
how lucky I am to be working with pretty laid-back clients. I thought
my job was pretty difficult, considering some of the behaviors I deal
with on a daily basis, and some of the chores I have to do; toileting
being one of the most difficult. However, Im realizing that there are
much worse cases for other staff that also work with disabled adults.
Its really cool to see that VOA takes in all sorts of clients, no matter
how difficult or easy. They really jump through hoops of fire to help
these clients, no matter the behaviors, and its incredible to witness. I
was so close-minded about this, thinking all the clients were just like
mine. Its so easy to be surrounded by the same clients that you forget
there are others with far worse behaviors and disorders. I am glad I
was able to take a peek into some of the lives of other clients and see
that there are worse cases that I need to prepare for in case I am ever
thrown into a situation where I have clients with extreme behaviors.

A- This insight was very important in my learning because its

easy to get comfortable and forget that everybody is different. Every
client is different. Some are higher functioning than others and if I
assume they are all just like the clients I work with, I wont be
prepared for working with other clients in the future. If I assume every
client is laid-back like mine are, I may not care for the clients properly
and I could potentially put myself in danger, like the staff had done
when pushed off the deck. Its important to study each ISP before
working with clients, to avoid situations like these. I am thankful I get
the opportunity to look over many clients ISPs and see the different
behaviors and what to look for in case I am ever placed at a different
site I am unfamiliar with.
G- In the HS field, being prepared for the worse is always smart
to do when working with different populations. Everybody is different,
with different backgrounds, different disorders and while its very
easy to get comfortable, its important to be prepared for the
unexpected. In this field, I will be working with many different clients
and I will need to be prepared and understand their behaviors in case I
need to watch my back for any reason. Letting my guard down or
being careless could end with me in the hospital from being pushed off
of a deck by a client.

Appendix F: HSP 440 Internship Seminar

Shana Livingston
Nov 26, 2015Nov 26, 2015 at 2:27pm
Manage Discussion Entry

James Lucal
James Lucal
Nov 28, 2015Nov 28, 2015 at 1:02pm
Manage Discussion Entry
Sounds like you've made a nice connection there, Shana--yay!

Appendix G: HSP 341 Case Management/ Intervention


Melissa Joan Hart, 24 years old, Female, Caucasian

Melissa has a 5-year-old son named Sam Hart, with current
boyfriend John Smith.
Experiences mild physical abuse from John at home (bruising
on the skin); unaware if Sam knows
Melissa is constantly anxious to go home; finding excuses to
stay at her parents house with Sam to avoid John.
Neither parent (John or Melissa) has history of drugs or
Melissas parents are unaware of the abuse happening at
home nor have questioned her
Melissas parents do not approve of John; Melissa feels she
needs to prove them wrong and look successful in their eyes.
She has a good relationship with parents, but is afraid to tell
them of the abuse
Melissa has been experiencing severe headaches due to lack
of sleep and excessive stress due to her home life.
Does not know what to do about John; wants to do whats
right for Sam and let him grow up with two parents, but she is
fearful of John and the abuse
Her goal is to feel better and to get rid of headaches and gain
sleep, as well as do what is right for Sam.

Appendix H: HSP 315 Human Development

When studying early childhood from conception to age 5, there are so many
different developmental milestones that occur between each year of age. From the earliest
moment of conception to the age of five, the child is developing their social, cognitive,
and emotional abilities. Many things and people play important roles in helping to
develop a child. Based on the environment, people within the childs life, and proper
health and nutrition, the birth of a newborn has potential to blossom into a thriving,
healthy child. Having the knowledge and understanding of the different stages of a childs
life can be beneficial for the beginning of the rest of their lives as they mature and grow
into adults later in life.

Early Life Stages:

From Conception to Age 5
During the early life stages of a child, there are many milestones that contribute to
growth and development. These include family structure, learning developments,
cognitive abilities, motor skills, and an evolving environment. Being able to recognize
what developmental stage an infant, toddler, or child is in is critical to their growth, and
their developmental needs.
Conception to Birth:
Conception is the first step in reproduction. When physical intimacy happens
between a male and female an egg or embryo takes the chance of being fertilized. Prior
to fertilization, sperm undergo a process of capacitation in response to conditions in the
female reproductive tract, which include increases in motility and destabilization of the
cell membrane, which allows the head of the sperm to penetrate the egg. When an
embryo becomes fertilized it then attaches itself to the uterine wall and a pregnancy
begins.(Boundless, 2015, para. 1-2).
The first trimester consists of conception to 12 weeks. During this trimester, your baby
grows faster than at any other time. At this point, your baby looks like a tiny human being
and is now called a fetus (Tommys, 2014, para. 1-3).
In the second trimester of pregnancy -- months 4, 5, and 6 -- your baby's fingers and toes
are well-defined. The eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed, and teeth
and bones are becoming denser. The nervous system is starting to function at this point in
pregnancy. Your health care provider can see on ultrasound if you are having a boy or a
girl. Your baby's heartbeat may now be audible through an instrument called a Doppler.

By the end of the fourth month, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 4
ounces, (Johnson, T., 2014).
During the third trimester many developments and milestones happen. Weeks 27
thru 32 Gestational Age (Fetal Age Weeks 25 thru 30): The fetus really fills out over
these next few weeks, storing fat on the body, reaching about 15-17 inches long and
weighing about 4-4 lbs by the 32nd week. The lungs are not fully mature yet, but some
rhythmic breathing movements are occurring. Weeks 33 thru 36 Gestational Age (Fetal
Age Weeks 31 thru 34): This is about the time that the fetus will descend into the head
down position preparing for birth. The fetus is beginning to gain weight more rapidly.
Weeks 37 thru 40 Gestational Age (Fetal Age Weeks 35 thru 38): At 38 weeks the
fetus is considered full term and is ready to make its appearance at any time. All organs
are developed, with the lungs maturing all the way until the day of delivery. The fetus is
about 19 21 inches in length and weighs anywhere from 6 lbs to 10 lbs (American
Pregnancy, 2015, para. 1-4).
Birth to 1 Year Old:
The amount of changes that occur in a child from birth to one year is
astronomical. They go from being this small creature that you can hold safe and secure in
your arms to a larger creature who doesnt want to be in your arms and tries to squirm
away. There is so much going on cognitively, physically, socially, and probably
emotionally. Each child is different and even if your child has not been able to complete a
task at a certain age, it is okay, every child is different.
During the first four weeks of life, there are many changes occurring. The first few days
the baby could be losing weight and that is a normal experience. Their eyesight is very

limited, and it will take a couple weeks for them to adjust. At the beginning their eyesight
is only 8-12 inches, just enough to see the parent(s). Their neck will still need to be
supported, in order to prevent damage to neck and spinal cord. Within the first two
months most babies experience their first social skill of smiling. (Murkoff, 2003) They
smile at anything, from smiling at their parents, to smiling from accidents. From the end
of month one to month four babies are usually able to open and close their hands and
grasp something when placed in their hand. They are starting to make cooing noises and
laughing when interacted with. They are able to easier focus their eyes on a moving
object. From four to eight months they start gaining their first teeth. They also start to
wave and respond to their name. At this age they love to mimic or make up noises they
observe like lip smacking or tongue clicking. Stranger danger becomes a constant issue
and babies will cry. From eight to twelve months is when they start to eat more solid food
like oatmeal and other finger foods. Crawling up stairs and even walking becomes new.
Their first words are muttered and they love their hearing their own voice..
Age 1 to 2:
Before a childs first birthday, they will grow significantly in length and weight. It
is not until after the age of one that many more changes occur. Between the ages of one
and two, development is noticeable in all aspects of life. Reisser describes this age as the
Declaration of Independence (Reisser, 2007).
A young toddler may only gain 3 to 5 pounds before their 2 birthday (Reisser,

2007). Something I found very interesting about growth in this time period is that a
childs head will be 90% of its adult size by age 2. Facial expressions change in terms of
roundness and. By this time walking will occur, if it hasnt already by age 1 (Reisser,

2007). Usually at this age children become more interested in toys and gain fine motor
skills. Reisser states that the ability to pick up and manipulate objects both large and
small will become much more refined and coordinated during the coming months
(Reisser, 2007).
Language is very important to a childs development. A child will gain 10 times
their vocabulary after their first birthday, assuming that there is no known trouble with
their hearing (222). By around 18 months the pointing phase will start. When asked
about certain objects, people or body parts and children will point at those specific
objects (Reisser, 2007). Along with language a childs emotional and social development
will transpire during this time in their lives.
Reisser calls a childs emotional and social development the First Adolescence
(Reisser, 2007). This is the time that showing love and affection is essential to letting
your child that they are accepted. Many toddlers will seek out attention by out stretching
their arms to gain assurance, seek comfort or just for cuddles and hugs from you (232).
Boundaries will be pushed and emotions will run high at times, but I think this age is a
wonderful age of development.
Age: 2 to 3:
The developing year between the age of two and three for a toddler is a very
significant time in their young lives. There are so many changes such as improving motor
skills, moving abilities, behavioral and cognitive changes, trial and error behavior and so
on. Between all the developmental stages of various areas of a toddlers life at this age, it
is important to be aware of several dos, donts, and helpful tips as a parent or guardian.

Two year olds are going through many changes and realizations about the
environment around them, as well as the people around them. As a toddler, one important
new aspect of life is relationships (Parenting and Child Health). They are learning what it
means to share when everything belongs to them, how to make choices and decisions
themselves, and what it feels like to be valued and recognized.
At this age it is important to remember that there are important things, as a parent,
to consider when raising a toddler during these essential early years. Play time is key
because it is how a child learns ( Along with much needed play
time comes encouragement to learn and try, try again. Imagination is a great thing to
instill in a child when they are young and open to creativity. Equally as important as the
above, being patient and listening to a child during this young age will help to build a
stronger connection between both parent and child throughout the later years of life.
Lastly, making sure that your child, and family in general stays active is essential in that
it promotes a healthy lifestyle, and encourages the toddler to move around and be a kid.
Age: 3 to 5:
Once the earlier stages of infancy has passed, the child then moves into the early
stages of toddlerhood, or as others refer to it as, ages three to five years old. The terrible
twos is over and done with, and the child then enters the magic years as some may
call it (Developmental Milestones).
As the child grows older into the toddler stage, the child gains a new, more
imaginative perspective on life. Monsters under the bed are a common matter with
children this age, and more often than not, children see vivid imaginary friends that adults
are unable to see. Children at this age are intrigued with their fantasy world and become

more independent, interested in learning new experiences and discovering the difference
between fantasy and reality (Developmental Milestones).
When children transition from toddlerhood to child (age 5), there are a great deal
of differences and developments that have been established along the way. Children at
this stage are introduced to schooling, and develop a high amount of stress as they enter
their first year of education. Also in this stage, the child develops a self-expression
through playtime. Continuous chatter and endless body movement allows the child to
freely explore their feelings. Their language is more understandable, with a max of five to
six words per sentence. Children in this stage tend to have high energy and a colorful
imagination. As the child grows, he/she becomes more independent with dressing,
attending school, as well as becoming more social and emotional (Preschooler
The stages and developments listed are just a few of many milestones within early
childhood. There will be many more milestones and growth as the years go by, but these
first years are some of the most crucial years for social, cognitive, and emotional
development for a child.

Boundless. Fertilization. Boundless Anatomy and Physiology. Boundless, 21 Jul.
2015. Retrieved 02 Nov. 2015 from
Fetal Development: Third Trimester. Last Updated: 8/2015. Retrieved October 26, 2015

Developmental Milestones: 3 to 4 Year Olds. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2015.

Murkoff, H. (2003). What to Expect The First Year. New York: Workman Publishing

Traci C. Johnson, MD, FACOG on September 12, 2014, The Second Trimester: Your
Baby's Growth and Development in Middle Pregnancy. Retrieved October 26,
2015 from:
4-5 years: Preschooler development. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2015.

Appendix I: HSP 345 Case Management/Intervention

CLIENT NAME: Melissa Joan Hart
DATE: 04/15/15
CLIENT ADDRESS: 12345 Main St. Edmonds, WA 98026
CLIENT #: 456
INTERVEWER: Shana Livingston
Summary: Melissa Joan Hart is a 24-year-old Caucasian female living in the state of
Washington. Her current hometown is the city of Edmonds. Melissa is a mother of 5year-old son, Sam Hart, with present boyfriend, John Smith. John has a history of
physically abusing Melissa, leaving bruises on her skin. Due to the recent physical abuse
to Melissa, she has been doing everything she can to avoid it and get away. She has been
making frequent visits to her parents house, bringing Sam with her. She is very afraid to
go home to be victim to his abuse once more. Dylan is currently drug-free, yet still has
anger issues and takes it out on her almost every time.
Melissa mentioned that it is very important that she keeps a very normal outlook
for others such as her parents. Her parents were not happy with her decision to be with
John, and have a child with him in the first place, and the last thing Melissa wants to hear
is an I told you so. So on her visits she will often make it seem as if they were in the
neighborhood and wanted to stop by for dinner, or it was a nice day out, so they wanted
to go on a walk together. Melissa brought up the fact that failure is not an option. She will
do anything she can to keep her head above water, even if that means running away from
the problem for the time being. She will do whatever it takes to keep Sam and herself out
of harms way as much as possible.
Due to the stress of Melissa constantly trying to hide her stress and bruises from
her son and parents, it has taken an extreme toll on her own physical health. Melissa has
not been sleeping well, if at all, and she is experiencing horrible headaches. These

headaches make it difficult for Melissa to focus at work, as well as focus on taking care
of herself and Sam. She is worried that if she continues down this path of avoidance,
physical abuse, stress, lack of sleep, and headaches that it will destroy her completely.
Melissa explained that her ultimate goal is to do what needs to be done to take
care of Sam. If Sam is safe, all is good. She doesnt want to hurt or confuse him by letting
even a sliver of a sign out that she is suffering in any way. She wants to get better, gain
back sleep, lower the stress, and fix the headaches. She has not been to any doctor for the
headaches, stress, or lack of sleep. She is afraid that if seen by a doctor, the bruises will
be noticeable and that will cause a major problem. She is very lost as to what to do from
here in terms of John, her son, and her own well being. Melissa explained that she doesnt
want Sam growing up without a father, but she is unhappy with the way John treats her.
She is still with John, and does not know what the next step should be.

Diagnostic Summary statement: Melissa is in an unhealthy state, physically and

mentally due to excessive stress, and physical abuse.
Treatment recommendations: Melissa will need to seek sessions with a psychiatrist at
Psychiatry for Women in Seattle to begin seeking further help with her stress, and
hopefully be aided with medication for her headaches. She can then follow any and all
recommendations given by her psychiatrist for further assistance. Melissa may also
consider seeking help from recommended domestic violence counselor center, Phoenix
Counseling Consultants Inc. located in the city of Everett.
Shana Livingston


Appendix J: HSP 325 Interviewing in Human Services

Shana Livingston
HSP 325
Self Evaluation of 2nd Tape
Context of Interview
I held an interviewee-initiated interview this week with Betsy Ware, a student in
the Human Services program. I played as a regular counselor or therapist and asked her
what was on her mind that she would like to talk about. She then expressed to me the
stress she is currently dealing with at work, planning a wedding, and going to school and
how overwhelmed she feels at the moment. The interview went on and she later revealed
some hidden fears she has of changing job locations and how negative she is when it
comes to taking that leap of faith to change. Betsys presenting problem was trying to
find a full time job that allowed her more hours and equal pay that she makes now. As she
continued on, I realized how fearful she was of leaving her current job because shes so
comfortable. Her fear of change is so strong because of the negativity she surrounds
herself with. Later on in the interview, I discovered the person who she is living with fills
her head with negativity and it really sinks into her ways of thinking overall. Because of
this, she does not allow herself to take the risk of going out and finding a new job
because shes worried how it will turn out in the end. In this interview, I took the
communication skill set we were given in the classroom and applied them to this
interview at the best of my ability.
Strengths I Demonstrated
Watching the interview again, it was hard because Im hearing my clients story
again and I feel like I could have taken the interview in a different direction than I did by

asking different questions. I could tell at times I didnt really know where to go with the
interview because I didnt fully recognize Betsys situation. I struggled understanding
what was happening with her job situation and how her schedule played out. However,
towards the end, I did discover a statement of purpose and so even though I could have
taken the interview a different direction, I still think I found an underlying issue in her
life that affected her immensely. Besides the context, I noticed my eye contact was
excellent throughout the interview. I kept my eyes on the client and I looked attentive and
aware of what she was saying. My previous learning goal was to work on eye contact, so
Im glad I have improved in that area so far. Another strength I demonstrated was my
opening, where I stated the time I was available and opened up the session for her to tell
me whats on her mind, a technique taught in class (J. Diero, personal communication,
October 8, 2014). While I practiced eye contact, I also practiced focused attending, which
is a way to understand the client by listening and attending (Murphy & Dillon, 2008). At
times, it was hard because I didnt understand some of her background history, but it was
all right because I asked effective questions and performed active listening in order to
show empathy towards my client. Paraphrasing really helped in my case because this
allowed my client to go further into detail and it allowed me to get a better glimpse of her
Learning Goal for the Quarter
Because I have improved my first learning goal, I think shooting a bit higher
would be best for me to see what I am really capable of. While I hope to continue to
practice paraphrasing with students and friends, I hope to try and branch out into using
different techniques like reframing or self-disclosing. I noticed when I interviewed Betsy,

there was a point where I could have related a situation she has been going through to a
situation I have already gone through. However, I was fearful of using the technique
wrong and therefore, avoided using it at all. So, a goal I hope to achieve is to lose that
fear of using different techniques and start applying them to future interviews. They are
very useful when it comes to interviewing clients and I know they are beneficial when it
comes to finding the underlying issue the client has.
Areas of Improvement
I was able to find plenty of areas I may improve on. For starters, I would really
like to just practice advanced paraphrasing more. If I use advanced paraphrasing, I think I
will be able to develop a hunch within the interview and be able to identify the
underlying issue much easier. Another thing I definitely need to improve on is asking
appropriate and probing questions. I felt that I asked questions that werent really
necessary and it would put the interview at a halt or send us in a circle, rather than getting
to the bottom of the issue. So, I hope to learn how to develop better questions in the
future. I also felt that I rushed to speak rather than took the time to soak in silence and let
the clients information process. This, I believe, is a big thing as to why my questions
were not as effect as I had hoped they would be. Learning to sit in silence is a huge area I
need to work on because I know I avoid it as much as I possibly can when I really need to
learn to embrace the silence and take that time to process and develop more effective
Overall, doing this tape has really shown how I have grown in just this short
amount a time as an interviewer. While I have much to work on in this course, I still have
demonstrated growth and improvement from where I started out. I recognize that practice

is essential in order to continue mastering the skill of interviewing clients and I realize it
will take a lot of hard work to get where I want to be. But I am assured that I can apply
myself and become a successful interviewer in the near future.

1) J. Diero, personal communication, October 8, 2014
2) Murphy B. C., & Dillon C., (2008) Interviewing in action in a multicultural world,
Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole publisher

Appendix K: HSP 440 Internship Seminar

Shana Livingston
E- An experience I had at my internship was the day I was in the office doing paperwork.
We had to go through clients books which contained their ISPs, financials, receipts, etc.
and scan and make copies and file them. During this time, I was able to read about many
of VOAs clients that are being assisted by VOA other than the ones I work with. One of
the clients I actually discovered is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, PTSD, and so many
others that I cant remember. But in this clients book, it read that said client has very
difficult behaviors; one time, this client pushed a staff off of the deck at site! I couldnt
believe I read that right. I asked my supervisor about the story and she filled me in with
the details as well as other stories, like a phone being thrown at a staffs head. I was in
shock to hear these stories and read about them in the books.
I- One insight I gained from this experience was for starters, how lucky I am to be
working with pretty laid-back clients. I thought my job was pretty difficult, considering
some of the behaviors I deal with on a daily basis, and some of the chores I have to do;
toileting being one of the most difficult. However, Im realizing that there are much
worse cases for other staff that also work with disabled adults. Its really cool to see that
VOA takes in all sorts of clients, no matter how difficult or easy. They really jump
through hoops of fire to help these clients, no matter the behaviors, and its incredible to
witness. I was so close-minded about this, thinking all the clients were just like mine. Its
so easy to be surrounded by the same clients that you forget there are others with far
worse behaviors and disorders. I am glad I was able to take a peek into some of the lives
of other clients and see that there are worse cases that I need to prepare for in case I am
ever thrown into a situation where I have clients with extreme behaviors.
A- This insight was very important in my learning because its easy to get comfortable
and forget that everybody is different. Every client is different. Some are higher
functioning than others and if I assume they are all just like the clients I work with, I
wont be prepared for working with other clients in the future. If I assume every client is
laid-back like mine are, I may not care for the clients properly and I could potentially put
myself in danger, like the staff had done when pushed off the deck. Its important to study
each ISP before working with clients, to avoid situations like these. I am thankful I get
the opportunity to look over many clients ISPs and see the different behaviors and what
to look for in case I am ever placed at a different site I am unfamiliar with.
G- In the HS field, being prepared for the worse is always smart to do when working with
different populations. Everybody is different, with different backgrounds, different
disorders and while its very easy to get comfortable, its important to be prepared for
the unexpected. In this field, I will be working with many different clients and I will need
to be prepared and understand their behaviors in case I need to watch my back for any
reason. Letting my guard down or being careless could end with me in the hospital from
being pushed off of a deck by a client.

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