Apenvironmentalsystems 4
Apenvironmentalsystems 4
Apenvironmentalsystems 4
AP Environmental Systems
BOOK to be used
Investigation 2:
Investigation 3:
Investigation 4:
Investigation 5:
Investigation 6:
Investigation 7:
Investigation 8:
Salinization Lab
Investigation 9:
Students may be asked to design an experiment, which they will implement at home.
The student will propose, in writing, the scientific question they wish to investigate to the
instructor. After question approval, students formulate a hypothesis and design an
experiment to test their hypothesis. Experimental designs are then peer-reviewed,
redesigned if needed, and conducted by the student out of class. This project gives
3 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
4 weeks
4 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 weeks
8. Pollution [SC9]
Human Health
7 Weeks
3 Weeks
1 Week
1 Week
1 Week
1 Week