Mrs Cervantessyllabusbiology
Mrs Cervantessyllabusbiology
Mrs Cervantessyllabusbiology
Conference: 1st
This two-semester course deals with the study of life processes
and organisms. It is designed to provide you with a solid
foundation in the natural sciences which will allow you to proceed
into a more advanced level of science. Included is an overview of
the chemical nature of matter and life, cells, genetics, evolution
and evidence for change, classification of organisms, ecological
interactions, populations, microorganisms and fungi, plants,
invertebrates, chordates, and human systems. You will learn to
make informed decisions on biological topics. A strong emphasis
will be placed on laboratory and field experiences which will allow
you to directly study organisms and practice the process of
observation, classification, and appropriate lab technique.
BE PROMPT! - Be in your seat and ready to participate
before the bell!
- Bring ALL required class supplies each day! Pen AND
pencil, paper, composition book, etc. I WILL NOT supply
you with any of the school materials youre
responsible for!
Additional Materials
3-D projects are a part of this class and will be assigned
throughout the year. I recommend that you use materials you
have at home such as buttons, dried legumes, pastas, paper
plates, or whatever it may take to make your project a success.
The following is a list of optional supplies that may be
purchased when necessary, if you dont already have them
at home..I always find the Dollar stores very
*Styrofoam ball/rectangle* Paints * Poster board *Clay
*Construction Paper * yarn
*Beads/pipe cleaners
*hot glue gun/glue sticks
**Please note that a rubric on correct labeling/identification of parts, project
presentation, and other standards will determine your overall grade.How much $
Class begins even before the tardy bell rings. You are expected to
be in your assigned seat with supplies ready to go for the day. If
we are conducting a lab, it is imperative that youre suited up (lab
apron, goggles, lab procedures handout), have gathered required
lab equipment, and at your assigned lab table ready to begin.
Read whats on the board and start your warm-up
assignment quickly and silently.
All supplies must be put away before you leave the classroom
(including tablets, notebooks & lab supplies). Dont leave a mess
or you will be cleaning up a bigger mess the following time we
conduct a lab!
Core classes such as biology, are designed to prepare you for life
after high school. Whatever plans you might have after high
school, responsibility is a MUST! Expectations, whether from a
University, the work place, or a spouse, consist of being caring,
organized, responsible, and considerate individuals. I expect the
same from you in my classroom. Completing assignments by the
designated due date is one way of meeting my expectations.
Assignments turned in after the due date will not receive
full credit. Late assignments will automatically have a 30
point deduction plus deductions for wrong answers or
mistakes. No assignments will be accepted after the 5th
day.It is imperative that you are responsible and DO NOT
PROCRASTINATE! Emergencies and extended absences will be
dealt with on a case by case basis.
It is YOUR responsibility to obtain and complete all missed
work regardless of the reason for the absence. Y0U are
responsible for contacting me to find out what you missed during
non-class time. In case you are absent, there is a Class
Blog /Weebly account that you can use to
complete,submit,review any missed work. Absences are
NOT an excuse for not completing assignments or in place
of due dates. Remember to turn in your excuse to the
Attendance office in E104 immediately after an absence. This will
alleviate many headaches in class and with Mr. Benavides or Mr.
Rivas!!!. If you are absent when an assignment is due, you must
turn it when you come back ONLY if you have an excuse. There
are no exceptions for PROJECTS! (Again, emergencies and
extended absences will be dealt with on a case by case basis!)
The course assignments will be weighted as follows:
Please sign, remove this portion from the packet, and return it to Mrs. Cervantes (room E215)
Biology ~ 2016-2017
Statement of Understanding
By signing this contract, the parent and the student acknowledge that they
have read the preceding documentation ( Biology Syllabus) for Mrs.
Cervantes Biology class and they understand and agree to the commitment
necessary to be successful in this course.
Printed student name
Signature of student
Signature of parent or guardian
Please return completed STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING to Mrs.Cervantes to
(room E215) to be eligible for enrollment in Biology Course.