Safety Case Technical Guidance V3 280416
Safety Case Technical Guidance V3 280416
Safety Case Technical Guidance V3 280416
Overview 4
Definitions 6
Concept of Demonstration 9
References 15
Annex 1 A
Introduction 18
Overview of MHI 18
Introduction 23
Introduction 27
Description of the MHI Installations and its Activities and Processes Relevant to Major Accidents 29
Annex 4 A
Workflow for Identification of MAS, Risk Assessment and Selection of SCE for ALARP Demonstration 36
Annex 4 B
Annex 4 C
Introduction 39
Describing how the Control Measures Taken will Prevent Foreseeable Failures Which Could Lead to Major
Accidents and Mitigate Their Consequences
Introduction 67
Summarising the Protection and Intervention Measures That have been used to draw up the Emergency
Response Plan
Summarising the Elements that have to be Included in the Emergency Response Plan
Introduction 77
To prevent Major Accidents (MA) and limit the consequences, Major Hazard Installations (MHIs)
are presently required to comply with safety, health and environment (SHE) requirements under
the Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA), Environmental Protection and Management Act
(EPMA) and Fire Safety Act (FSA) administered by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the National
Environment Agency (NEA) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) respectively. This
includes, but not limited to, the following:
Taking reference from countries with established Safety Case (SC) regimes such as the EU
member states and Australia, Singapore has embarked on the Safety Case regime. The regime
requires MHIs to demonstrate to regulators, setting out how risks from Safety Critical Events
(SCEs) can be reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) and ensuring safe operations
in a sustainable manner.
This safety case is targeted at installations which are defined as MHIs under the First Schedule
(Workplaces Specified as Major Hazard Installation) of the Workplace Safety and Health (MHI)
Regulations and are required to produce a safety case document for assessment.
The safety case Technical Guidance document describes how a safety case shall be structured and
presented by MHIs to meet the WSH (MHI) Regulations1.
A safety case is a live document which integrates existing requirements i.e. PHA, SHMS, QRA, and
ERP together with the Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP). The key features of a safety case
are illustrated in Figure 1.
Regulations 10, 11 and 13 read with the Third Schedule (Purpose and Contents of Safety Case) of the Workplace Safety and Health (Major
Hazard Installations) Regulations.
The Major Hazards Department (MHD), comprising MOM, NEA and SCDF officers, was formed as
a single regulatory front for MHI-SHE matters including safety case assessments, inspections and
incident investigations.
Existing Requirements
This is a proactive regime which offers MHIs flexibility in tailoring their risk mitigating measures to
best suit their needs and provides better oversight for regulators.
A safety case is a written presentation of the hazards and risks that may lead to a major accident
at an MHI and the technical, management and operational measures in place to control those
hazards and risks.
A safety case is commonly presented using, and communicated through a structured set of safety
documentation that focuses on the prevention of major accidents at the installations, and the
limitations of their consequences to people and the vicinity.
Information contained in the safety case shall shows that MHIs have Control Measures in place to
prevent major accidents and limit their consequences. It can only be successful in this aim if MHIs
have systematically examined their site activities, assessed the potential for major accidents and
listed what MHIs have done or are going to do to prevent major accidents.
MHIs have to demonstrate that a systematic process is in place to identify and implement safety
measures on-site. The value in writing a safety case is that it shows that MHIs have assessed their
safety measures and how organisational, technical and human factors contribute to safety in their
installations. It also shows that MHIs have arrangements in place to rectify any shortcomings
Therefore writing the safety case shows how MHIs meet the fundamental duty of the WSH (MHI)
Regulations the prevention and limitation of major accidents.
1.3 Definitions
Change a planned action or intervention that adds, removes or modifies an existing process,
system or equipment on permanent or temporary basis.
Preventive Measure: measure to prevent the hazard becoming a major accident. Typically
represented on left side of top event in bow tie diagram.
Mitigative Measure: measure which help in reducing the impact or consequence of major
accident. Typically represented on right side of top event in bow tie diagram.
Controlled Water refers to any water bodies which include rivers, streams, estuaries, canals,
lakes, ponds, ditches and groundwater sources which may be used as source of drinking water.
Competent Person (CP) a Competent Person (CP) is one who has sufficient experience and
training to perform the work required to be carried out as required by the Safety Case regime. A
CP can be:
Environment consists of all or any of the following media, namely, air, water and land.
Equipment any apparatus, instruments or items needed for a particular purpose in an facility.
Facilities all technical features, whether at or below ground level, in which substances are
produced, used, handled or stored. It includes all the equipment, structures, pipelines, pipework,
machinery, tools, private railway sidings, docks, unloading quays serving the MHI, jetties,
warehouses or similar structures, floating or otherwise, necessary for the operation of the MHI.
Part of installation.
Hazard Analysis the process of identifying undesired events that lead to a hazard being realised,
the analysis of the mechanisms by which these undesired events could occur and the estimation
of their likelihood and the magnitude of any harmful effects.
Initiating Event some event that can escalate and lead to the realisation of a major accident
Major Accident means any occurrence (including a major emission, fire or explosion) resulting
from uncontrolled developments in the course of the operation of any major hazard installation
involving any dangerous substance, leading to serious danger to the health and safety of any
person within or outside the major hazard installation. Examples of major accidents include VCE,
BLEVE, jet fire, flash fire, pool fire, toxic release etc.
Major Accident Scenario addresses the circumstances that could lead to a major accident
MHI Boundary Limit the maximum physical geographical extent or compound that is occupied
and/or controlled by MHI.
Risk the likelihood of a specified undesired event occurring within a specified period or in
specified circumstances.
Risk Reduction Measures the process of risk assessment coupled to a systematic consideration
of potential control measures and a judgement on whether they are reasonably practicable to
Safety Critical Equipment an equipment is safety critical if either its failure could cause or
contribute substantially to a major accident, or its purpose is to prevent, or substantially limit the
effect of, a major accident.
Sensitive Receptor any site, location or area that is made more vulnerable to external hazards
due to the increased concentration of people resulting from the building or facilitys activities.
The following development types as indicated in the URA Master Plan will be considered as
sensitive receptor:
Residential with Commercial at 1st Storey
Commercial and Residential
Health & Medical Care
Educational Institution
Place of Worship
Civic & Community Institution
Beach Area
Sports & Recreation
m) Transport Facilities
Railway (except industrial railway)
Mass Rapid Transit
Light Rapid Transit
Reserve Site
Special Use
The following sensitive receptors as indicated in the SLA OneMap and/or advised by MHD:
Child Care Centres
Workers Dormitories
Some of the sensitive receptors located on Jurong Island, may be excluded from the above
list on a case-by-case basis (e.g. bus terminal/fire station).
Structures those facilities supporting processing equipment, e.g. vessel skirts, pipe racks and
pipe supports, platforms, access stairs, etc.
Vicinity the area surrounding the installation bounded by the hazard distances of worst case
Worst Case Scenario usually associated with the loss of containment of the maximum inventory
of the dangerous substance and the subsequent scenario that produces the worst outcome for
people, asset or the vicinity.
The WSH (MHI) Regulations applies to a wide range of installations, differing in size, number of
employees, complexity, resources and expertise, technology, culture, and the vicinities. All sites
have one thing in common: the potential for a major accident, albeit covering different hazards.
Therefore the safety case for a small chemical plant and a major oil refinery must make same
The amount of information that MHIs have to provide for demonstrations depend on a number of
the size and complexity of the installation, for example usually more effort is required to describe
an oil refinery than a tank farm;
the potential to cause harm, for example the MHI of a storage terminal storing many different
chemicals may need to supply more information about potential consequences than the MHI of
an LPG storage facility. (Both would still have to describe the worst case scenario and a range of
major accident scenarios relating to the classes of chemicals stored as well as giving a description
of the likelihood of the events);
the extent of process hazard analysis and risk assessment carried out shall commensurate to the
major accident hazards of the installations;
the extent to which safety is demonstrated using the following approaches:
Regulators guidance (MOM, NEA, SCDF) this is issued jointly or separately by the relevant
Agency such as the revised QRA guidelines;
International standards, Singapore standards or such other standards, codes of practice or
guidance as is issued or approved by MOM, NEA or SCDF the scope of the standards or
code of practice and its limitations have to be understood and related to the risks from the
major accident hazards;
Internal company standards full description of the underlying rationale and any deviation
from published standards shall be justified;
Manufacturers standards or advice this requires a full justification of the underlying
rationale, including where they deviate from published standards;
Technical expert advice (e.g. consultants, chartered engineer, competent person which
includes professional engineer in the various fields like chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical
etc) this can be a good source of information for demonstrating and justifying measures,
particularly through risk assessment. However, the justification needs to be based on real
on-site conditions, where possible;
Experience in relevant field individuals personal experience or MHIs experience may
offer important evidence on specific issues.
Annex 1 provides some examples to illustrate how the amount of information provided and the depth of
demonstration varies depending on the situation in different installations.
The MHD will take the information and conclusions in the safety case largely as presented and
presume they are true, unless it has information to the contrary. The MHD will assess the
credibility and logic of the conclusions reached in the safety case and may ask to see
documentations to prove the MHIs claims, particularly as part of a safety case inspection
programme based on the information in the safety case.
Making a demonstration does not necessarily mean proving beyond reasonable doubt or
providing an absolute proof. For instance, for a vessel manufactured to a particular American
Standard, it is sufficient to quote the standard and explain why it is appropriate for the vessel
concerned (e.g. by comparing key design parameters, such as pressure and temperature limits,
with the scope of the standard) in the safety case. There is no requirement to include copies of
certificates which prove that it is built to that standard. Where commonly found standards are
referred to for a number of vessels, then a general comment outlining their general application is
In situations where MHIs have not made conventional use of a standard in some part of the
design but have adopted some other approach which is considered appropriate, MHIs shall then
explain the reason of such approach. If the operator has been consistently using a particular
standard in a certain aspect of the installation such as in the design of pressure relief but has now
decided to adopt a different standard, the operator shall explain the reason and highlight any
implications on safety, health or vicinity.
10 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The safety case shall justify the use of a standard which is out of date or withdrawn, particularly if
the safety case relates to the design of new plant. The MHI may have an installation, which
complies with out-of-date standards, or even incomplete records for justifying design decisions. In
these cases, the MHI shall show that the design is fit for purpose. However, the MHI shall also
show that additional arrangements have been established, where appropriate, to prevent or limit
a major accident, such as more frequent inspection and testing of plant equipment and systems,
or more reliance on operator control. These arrangements should be described, including in case
of operator controls, whether there has been increased emphasis on training and monitoring of
To make the series of demonstrations as required by Third Schedule Part 1 of the WSH (MHI)
Regulations, MHI shall ensure that the safety case:
shows that the identification and analysis of hazards is sufficiently rigorous, systematic and
proportionate to the risk of the installation;
shows how all necessary measures have been identified and linked to specified major accident
hazards, and implemented to reduce risks to ALARP;
justifies why identified measures are not implemented by argument under ALARP principles (i.e.
gross disproportion of effort or cost-benefit analysis). Argument can be made using qualitative or
quantitative statements appropriate to the level of risk; and
shows that an on-site emergency plan is in place, based on sound principles and reflecting the
major accident scenarios identified.
The definition and concept of ALARP will be further explained in Chapter 7 of the guidance.
MHIs should follow these steps when preparing the safety case:
gather information;
analyse the information to make the demonstrations;
act on the information if the analysis shows that additional safety measures are needed; and
present the information in a structured way to make the demonstrations clear.
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a description of the installation, the dangerous substances on-site and the nature of the vicinity
(Chapter 2);
information about the MAPP and SHMS (Chapter 3);
information about the installations, particularly about major accident scenarios and the technical
measures to ensure safety and protect the vicinity (Chapter 4 and 5) and ALARP demonstration
(Chapter 7)
information about the emergency response plans (Chapter 6)
The following information may be required during the preparation of the safety case. This
information should be gathered before and during the writing of the safety case and MHIs shall
ensure that the information used is up-to-date, accurate and reliable to facilitate future revisions
of the safety case.
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Personnel with a range of knowledge, skills, work experiences and expertise in the design intent,
hardware, systems and materials should be consulted upon when developing the safety case.
Existing MHIs should be able to use the factual information from their existing studies, wherever
available. MHIs shall not submit these to the MHD without reviewing them. This is because it is
important that MHIs are sure that the information is sufficient for the demonstrations required
and that the arguments used are presented in a clear and logical way when making those
what can go wrong to what measures the MHI has taken to prevent it from going wrong and
whether measures described are justified by showing a sufficiently systematic and rigorous
process for making the decisions on whether the measures taken are sufficient.
International standards (e.g. API, ASME, IEC), local standards (e.g. Singapore Standard) and MHD
guidance (e.g. Safety Case Assessment Guide) are all benchmarks for good practices, i.e. what is
appropriate. If current measures on-site are evaluated to be inadequate or insufficient through
risk analyses, then action shall be taken or planned to improve them. MHIs shall evaluate their
current situation, and decide if it is reasonably practicable to improve their systems.
1.5.3 Acting on information if the analysis shows that further improvements are required
MHIs need to act if some information is not available or gaps are identified after analysis. For
example, if the MHI does not have an MAPP, the MHI shall prepare one for inclusion into the
safety case.
MHIs shall use the Third Schedule Part 2 of the WSH (MHI) Regulations as the basis for deciding
the minimum information necessary. This guidance describes how a safety case shall be presented
and structured.
Sufficient information shall be provided in the safety case to allow assessors to understand why
MHIs are doing things in a particular way. Other documents may be referred to if necessary. The
MHD may request for more information during the assessment, but MHIs are advised not to be
too brief that the arguments cannot be understood without intimate knowledge of the
documents referenced.
The presentation should be logical. MHIs should keep in mind that the MHD is looking for
demonstrations to be made, and for clear links to the WSH (MHI) Regulations requirements. In
presenting the safety case, MHIs should move from an overview and progress to detailed
descriptions. MHIs should describe things and then present the analysis and demonstration.
MHIs are not required to provide extensive detail when it is possible to refer to other reports or
studies already prepared. However, the safety case should present a sufficiently self-contained
demonstration to facilitate the assessment process. Reference documents are a useful way of
supporting arguments but are not a substitute for the demonstrations required in the safety case.
Where documents are cross-referred to support the statements in the safety case, MHIs should
include a summary of the contributions made by the reference documents in the demonstration,
and be prepared to provide copies on request.
Further information which includes sensitive proprietary documentation may be requested during
the assessment process. MHIs may wish to have the material returned after the MHD has finished
with it. Information that does not form part of the safety case may also be requested during the
assessment process.
MHIs shall include in the safety case an overall action plan that is intended to be followed-up as a
result of gaps identified during development of safety case.
To make the safety case easy to follow and refer to, the following is recommended:
All information in the safety case and any supporting documents should be legible. In particular,
font sizes should be large enough, and diagrams and plans should be at an appropriate scale and
of high enough resolution for details to be readable;
The use of table of contents, chapters, sections, numbering and appendices will help with text
flow and allow for cross-referencing.
MHIs should use simple English and explanatory diagrams to aid in the description. All
abbreviations and acronyms used in the safety case should also be explained clearly;
14 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Each page should include in the header or footer sufficient information to identify the MHI to
which it applies, preferably the company or other name, and the workplace number assigned by
the MHD;
Each page should include in the header or footer sufficient information to identify the document
of which if forms part, including the date and/or version number, section number and page
number (in the form page X of Y) and
The cover page should list the name and address of the MHI, the workplace number assigned by
the MHD, the name, designation and contact details for the person the MHD should contact if
details in the safety case require clarification, and the date of preparation and/or version number
of the safety case.
1.6 References
The following documents may be referred while reading this technical guidance:
Under development
15 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Annex 1 A
Examples on Level of Demonstration
Example 1
A majority of MHIs run well-known and straightforward manufacturing processes or storage
facilities. This means these MHIs can rely heavily on published standards or guidance to justify the
measures they use, as long as they show they understand the limits of application of those
standards or guidance.
An example would be an MHI running a small tank farm. The Singapore Standard code of practice
for the storage of flammable liquids (SS532) and the SCDFs fire safety guidelines for open plant
structures in oil, chemical and process industries provide useful information on what is good
industry practice. Such standard or guidance can be used in support of the demonstration. If the
separation and spacing table from the SCDF fire safety guidelines is used, then the purpose,
applicability, and limitations should be understood where possible.
Example 2
Sites with large numbers of employees and complex installations are likely to have more detailed
management structures. A description of these structures with the relevant roles and
responsibilities and, for example, the demonstration of good communication between those with
responsibilities, plays a very important part in this type of safety case. If processes are complex or
unusual, then more information should be included, explaining how the MHI has selected
appropriate measures for the major accident scenarios. The contribution of these measures to the
overall risk control also needs to be explained.
The risk assessment demonstrations will be more complicated than in Example 1. For
straightforward processes included in the large sites activities, the use of published guidance and
standards for demonstrations can be the same as for Example 1 in many cases.
Example 3
A safety case may describe a flammable gases vent system linked to a flare stack which is common
to a number of vessels throughout the installation. This is a critical item of plant for ensuring
containment and the safety case will need to describe its design parameters such as its flare size
and capacity, flame stability, flashback protection and others. The safety case should describe
how the system is designed to prevent deflagration and detonation spreading to other plants and
installations, for example by the use of flame arrestors, and describe what the chances are of loss
of containment and major accident. The safety case should mention that the MHI has identified
an appropriate flame arrestor for all the different types of flammable gas that are likely to be
16 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
In these circumstances, there is no need to include details of the make and model of the flame
arrestor or include manufacturers catalogues with detailed specifications. The information
provided will show sufficient description as to why the design is adequate. Further investigation
or verification might be carried out by the MHD as part of any subsequent inspection, to check the
adequacy of the design and the management systems relating to construction, operation and
Example 4
A safety case describes the scrubbing system for vessels handling very toxic chemicals, which
could cause harm to the vicinity if released. As this is a critical measure for preventing loss of
containment, the safety case should describe its design parameters such as the selection of
scrubbing medium, control arrangements, and provision of back-up systems. The safety case
should describe the filling and emptying operations, and the systems to prevent a major
accidental release including procedures and design such as the use and location of isolation
The safety case should also describe the bunding arrangements to limit the loss of containment
for tanks with very toxic chemicals. The design parameters are described in the safety case. The
MHD may then carry out a more detailed examination of these features as part of its inspection
17 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
This chapter outlines the descriptive information in the safety case to satisfy the minimum
information required by the WSH (MHI) Regulations Third Schedule Part 2, paragraph 3
(Presentation of the Vicinity of the Major Hazard Installation) and paragraph 4 (Description of
Major Hazard Installation).
An overview of the installation, its activities, processes and products shall be described in the
safety case. An overview is a general outline, without extensive detail, to set the context for the
reader. The overview shall include:
purpose of installation;
main activities and production which include an overall process flow diagram (PFD) or block flow
diagram (BFD);
general statements characterising the main hazards of the MHI with respect to its dangerous
substances and processes;
major accident scenarios;
historical development of activities and production;
the number of persons working at the installation and their working hours (including internal and
contractors personnel); and
A workplace number consists of the Unique Entity Number (UEN) followed by four digits e.g. 0001 after the UEN. An example of a workplace
number is 19682233N0001
18 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The layout of the installation shall be clearly presented on adequately scaled plan (usually at least
1: 10 000) plus description where applicable and this include:
main storage facilities (e.g. tank farms, storage vessels, warehouses etc.);
process sections (e.g. reaction, purification, recovery etc.);
location of dangerous substances;
relevant equipment linked to major accident scenarios;
location of essential utilities, services and internal infrastructure equipment which may be
relevant to the prevention or containment of a major accident (e.g. instrument air, steam or
electrical networks);
location of key abatement systems preventing or containing major accidents, such as drainage
and firewater retention, gas cleaning or liquid treatment works important for the protection of
people and the vicinity; and
location of occupied buildings such as control rooms, offices, workshops and canteens that could
be vulnerable in a major accident (with an indication of the numbers of persons likely to be
present during peak and non-peak hours);
MHIs shall identify the presence of dangerous substances in the installations as set out in Second
Schedule of the WSH (MHI) Regulations. Source of the dangerous substances inventory include, as
The safety case shall tabulate a list of all dangerous substances at or above the threshold
quantities and their respective maximum quantities present or likely to be present3, in the
installation. Table 1 below shows the consideration that shall be given when calculating the
maximum inventories.
Type of Equipment or
Storage tank
Maximum defined storage capacity.
Likely to be present e.g. inventory variations which may occur because of seasonal demand, fluctuations in business activity etc, or
dangerous substances which may be present sometimes but not at other times. It also includes dangerous substances which may be generated
during the loss of control of an industrial chemical process.
19 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Gas system
Liquid-filled system
The safety case shall also show the aggregation calculation for the dangerous substances as
described under the [legal guidance name and reference para to be confirmed].
To provide better clarity on the extent of fluctuations in the quantities of dangerous substances
present, the safety case should differentiate between storage quantities and quantities which are
part of the processes. Please refer to Annex XX for the template on the declaration of dangerous
substances quantities.
For each dangerous substance identified under paragraphs 5 and 6 above, the safety case shall
its chemical name and where appropriate its common chemical name;
identification of the substance or class of substances under the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) system of nomenclature;
the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for the substance or class of substance;
classification under the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
(GHS) based on its hazards (health, physical, environmental and other) and properties (e.g. P1, P2,
H2 etc);
proportion of each constituent in a mixture; and
SDSs of respective dangerous substances identified. The SDS should, where relevant, contain
information on the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics such as:
flash point (by an identified method);
(ii) auto-ignition temperatures;
(iii) flammable limits;
(iv) vapour pressure;
(vi) boiling point;
(vii) data on reactions;
(viii) miscibility;
(ix) partition coefficient;
rates of decomposition;
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Relevant physical and chemical data shall be presented in a clear and concise form using
appropriate and consistent units of measurement, preferably following the SI system (e.g. in
kilograms, metres).
For the dangerous substances identified, MHIs shall indicate the hazards, both immediate and
delayed, for human health and the vicinities. The information presented shall relate to the
physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics of the dangerous substances and should
address both the short-term and long-term effects. Examples could include:
MHIs shall present all information which is relevant to the various demonstrations of safety
contained in the safety case.
A description of the installations vicinities shall be provided. The extent of the area described
shall take into account the hazard ranges of the worst case scenarios presented later in the safety
case. A map to a suitable scale, usually at least 1:10 000, showing the installation (inside MHI
boundary limit) is to be included into the safety case. A map of a suitable resolution should be
used when describing the vicinities (outside MHI boundary limit).
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the surrounding water courses including controlled water (if any), and any water catchment
area4 in relation to the dispersion of liquid contaminants;
(ii) sewage and rainwater systems, if they could be involved in the dispersal of liquid
contaminants offsite;
(iii) features of the vicinity that may hinder emergency response or containment measures.
Details of external factors which may lead to or exacerbate major accidents such as:
the topography, if it could have an effect on the dispersion of toxic or flammable gases or
combustion products. This should include buildings, underground workings or other
structures where appropriate;
(ii) historical local weather records, including wind speed, wind direction and atmospheric
stability (refer to the QRA Technical Guidance for more information on this) and the
relevance of this information to the behaviour of releases of dangerous substances;
(iii) history of the land on which the installation is located, together with its vicinities, may be
significant when considering major accident causes. For example, land subsidence could be
considered in reclaimed industrial land like Jurong Island as this is a threat to equipment
integrity (contributing to stress and strain on piping and equipment);
(iv) the historical evidence of other external events that might cause accidents such as flooding,
extreme weather conditions including temperature, rain, wind and lightning;
transport activities that may have an impact, including shipping, major transport routes and
dangerous substance movements and
(vi) identification of neighbouring installations, pipelines and piperacks in the area.
Description of structures which may be impacted by the effects of an MHIs major accident, such
as any section of key infrastructure, including major land, sea or air transport routes or hubs and
Description of protected parts of the vicinities such as:
nature reserves;
(ii) reservoirs; and
(iii) marine reserves.
On the basis of available information, MHIs should identify neighbouring industrial installations,
areas and developments. This information is required in brief listing only.
For the neighbouring industrial installations, the safety case should give the name, address, and
type of business.
For areas and developments, the safety case should describe for example nearby housing and
other buildings where there might be large numbers of people, or people who might be
particularly vulnerable to a major accident.
Information on Singapores water catchment area can be found under the PUB website at
22 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
This chapter gives guidance on how to present the Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and
the required elements of a Safety and Health Management Systems (SHMS) for implementing
the MAPP.
The overall aim is for MHIs to ensure that the safety case:
contains a MAPP;
demonstrates that there is an SHMS for implementing the MAPP;
demonstrates that the MAPP and SHMS are adequate in the context of the major accident
hazards in the MHIs and
demonstrates that all the measures necessary have been taken to prevent major accidents and to
limit their consequences for people and the vicinity (further discussed in Chapter 5 and 6).
The information presented from Chapter 4 to 7 should help to demonstrate that MAPP and SHMS
have been put into effect. Therefore MHIs shall aim to show in the safety case that there is a
systematic approach for delivering the desired outcomes, and that outcomes have not come
about by chance or in an ad-hoc way.
The MAPP is a key document in the safety case. Its purpose is to provide a statement of the senior
managements commitment to achieving high standards of major accident hazards control and
process safety performance.
The MAPP must be proportionate in its scope to the major accident hazards and lay down the
framework for achieving adequate identification, prevention and mitigation of major accident
scenarios. It shall describe management systems establishing an appropriate health and safety
culture, backed by procedures and practices for all aspects of process safety which take account
of human factors. The MAPP must also demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement
in all aspects.
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The MAPP shall set down what is to be achieved with an indication of how this is to be done but
does not need to go into extensive detail. The detail shall be contained in other documentation
relating to the MHIs (e.g. plant operating procedures, training records and job descriptions etc.).
a suitable statement of the MHIs aims and principles of action and its commitment towards
continual improvement of its control of major accident hazards at the installation;
a recognition that the nature of the MHIs activities could give rise to major accident scenarios for
employees, contractors, visitors, members of the public and the natural and built environment as
appropriate and therefore MHI has obligations to employees, neighbours and the vicinity;
statements explaining the companys overall aims and principles of action in relation to the
control of major accidents. Without a clear policy setting out what MHI aims to achieve, delivering
the necessary control is likely to be ad-hoc; and
a commitment to provide and maintain a management system which addresses the following
issues in the context of the MHI:
the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the management of major hazards at all
levels in the organisation, including contractors where appropriate, and the provision of
training to meet identified training needs;
(ii) the arrangements for systematically identifying major accident scenarios arising from
normal and abnormal operation, and the assessment of their likelihood and severity;
(iii) the arrangements and procedures to ensure that all operations and activities associated
with the identified major accident hazards are adequately managed which include:
arrangements and procedures for safe operation including maintenance of plant,
processes, equipment and temporary stoppages and
the arrangements for planning modifications to, or the design of, new installations,
processes and storage facilities (management of change)
(iv) the arrangements for identifying foreseeable emergencies by systematic analysis and for
preparing, testing and reviewing emergency plans in response to such emergencies;
the system for reporting major accidents and near misses, particularly those involving loss
of containment and failure of protective measures, and their investigation and follow-up on
the basis of lessons learnt;
(vi) the arrangements for the ongoing assessment of compliance with the objectives set out in
the MAPP and SHMS and the mechanisms for investigation and corrective action in the
event of failing to achieve the stated objectives (e.g. internal audit, corporate audit, 3 rd
party audit by WSH auditors or a combination of these) and
24 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
the arrangements for periodic systematic assessment of the MAPP and the effectiveness
and suitability of the SHMS, the documented review of performance of the MAPP and
SHMS, and their updating by senior management.
The MAPP shall be signed and dated by an appropriate director or senior executive to signify that
it is truly the policy of the organisations leadership.
The MAPP shall be made available to employees and others at the establishment (e.g.
contractors). It may be appropriately displayed in facility for all employees, contractors to be
reminded of organisations commitment.
It is important that the policies described in the MAPP are put into operation through an SHMS.
The MAPP shall set out the high-level policy. Below this, an SHMS is required to implement the
policy aims in the MAPP.
The SHMS described in the safety case shall cover the elements of SS 506: Part 3 which combines
SHMS and Process Safety Management (PSM) system as an integrated management system for
the protection of individuals and effective management of hazardous materials and facilities.
MHIs are not required to describe the entire SHMS because it extends to matters beyond
prevention of major accidents (e.g. occupational health and manual handling). The safety case
needs to only describe the elements that are important for preventing major accidents and
limiting the consequences for people and the vicinity. The amount of detail in the document shall
be proportionate to the nature of the major accident hazards in the MHIs.
MHIs shall justify that an effective and adequate SHMS is put in place. MHIs are to demonstrate
that the SHMS implemented is robust by putting in place an auditing scheme. The scheme
includes appropriate audit frequencies, adherence to stipulated auditing scope, competency of
auditors and the timely close-out of audit recommendations and findings. MHDs safety case
assessments will review the robustness of the SHMS that has been put in place in the MHI.
MHIs may choose to use their own SHMS model instead of SS 506: Part 3 when describing the
SHMS in the safety case. However MHIs would need to demonstrate that their in-house SHMS are
at least similar to the elements covered in SS 506: Part 3. The SHMS may also be integrated within
other management systems on-site (e.g. quality management system).
Certification of SS 506: Part 3 by an accredited Certification Body can be used to facilitate the
demonstration that the MHI has implemented an SHMS that is operating satisfactorily over a
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period of time. Verification of the SHMS may be subjected to lesser scrutiny if the MHI has
obtained the certification for SS506: Part 3.
26 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
This chapter will deal with the part of the safety case covering:
description of the main activities and processes relevant to major accidents at installations;
identification of Major Accident Hazard (MAH) and Major Accident Scenarios (MAS);
selection of representative set of major accident scenarios for detailed assessment;
consequences assessment and likelihood estimation of representative set of major accident
scenarios and
selection of Safety Critical Events (SCE) for ALARP demonstration.
This chapter, together with Chapter 5, 6 and 7, explains how an MHIs risk assessment shall be
both suitable and sufficient for the purposes of WSH (MHI) Regulations Third Schedule Part 1,
paragraph 2 and Part 2, paragraphs 4 and 5. Annex 4-A illustrates the workflow for the
identification of major accident scenarios, risk assessment and ALARP demonstration.
It is essential for operators to identify all major accidents hazards before going on to perform a
sufficient and suitable risk assessment and identify risk reduction measures on identified major
accident scenarios. The depth of analysis of each major accident scenario needs to be
proportionate to the hazards and risks by judging the significance of risk estimates against
specified criteria (e.g. company internal risk criteria (with suitable justification)).
Risk assessment is fundamental to the demonstration and determines whether the measures
taken are all that are adequate and sufficient. MHIs will have to ensure that the scope and nature
of the risk assessment is fit for purpose in relation to the circumstances in the installation and the
demonstration required. When the risks are not broadly acceptable, e.g. based on company
internal risk criteria (with justification), a proportionate consideration of additional risk reduction
measures is required. Even if the risk is at the broadly acceptable level, there is an obligation to
look for further measures and apply if reasonably practicable.
These analyses can reasonably be banded into three levels of risk assessment:
27 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
MHIs are required to prevent major accidents or limit their consequences by incorporating
adequate control measure to ensure safety of people, plant and equipment during its lifetime.
The approach to selecting appropriate measures is discussed later on in Chapter 5. Emergency
measures related to handling a major accident emergency are detailed in Chapter 6. The concept
and demonstration that control measures in place reduce risk to ALARP is further discussed in
Chapter 7 of this guidance document.
For new installations or major modifications (e.g. major revamps) to existing installations, MHIs
shall demonstrate that their risk assessment includes:
It is also important that human factors are taken into account throughout the risk assessment
process. The safety case should:
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Note: Refer to Annex 4-B on details of implementing Human Factor and its element in safety case
MHI without a prior approved QRA study for its installation shall conduct risk contour
development study based on the revised QRA guidelines. MHI can use selected scenarios from
identified major accident scenarios in its safety case (safety critical events and other such
scenarios deemed relevant from the set of representative major accident scenarios) and the
provisions under the revised QRA technical guidance (e.g. simplified QRA approaches under
section 12) to conduct the study. Objectives and suggested approaches for this study are further
detailed in annex yy (under development).
4.2 Description of the MHI Installations and its Activities and Processes
Relevant to Major Accidents
The safety case shall contain plans, maps or diagrams with descriptions which clearly set out
detailed information about the installations with potential for major accidents. For sections of
installation that could give rise to major accidents, the safety case should contain detailed process
descriptions such as:
29 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
storage of materials under normal operation and following loss of utility, for example,
refrigerated storage or heated storage;
contamination of products and
(vi) loss of containment;
the discharge, retention, reuse, recycling or disposal of residues, waste liquids and solids and the
discharge and treatment of waste gases;
sufficiently scaled plot plan which clearly identifies the location of processes and/or activities
where a major accident could happen;
dangerous substance locations and at each location, an indication of the chemical and physical
state and quantity of the dangerous substance; and
plant diagram which clearly identifies key control and safety systems, reaction vessels, storage
vessels, piping systems, valves and significant connections (e.g. PFDs and/or P&IDs).
The main elements required in preparing information about major accident scenarios include:
identifying all possible major accident hazards (MAH) and scenarios (MAS);
selecting a representative set of MAS for detailed assessment;
producing an adequate assessment of the extent and severity of the consequences for
representative set of identified MAS;
providing a realistic estimation of the likelihood of representative set of MAS and
selecting safety critical events (SCE) from the representative set of major accident scenarios for
the purpose of ALARP demonstration.
MHIs shall identify and describe the hazard identification methods used in the safety case. The
safety case shall recognise that control measures can fail and therefore all hazards shall initially be
considered as if no control measures were in place. The relevant expertise of the hazard
identification team involved shall also be described.
MHIs should employ one or more recognised risk studies when identifying all possible MAH and
then the potential MAS. Risk studies that MHIs may use (but not limited to) include:
QRA studies;
PHA studies such as HAZOP, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), process hazards review
(PHR) etc;
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safety reviews and studies of the causes of past major accidents and incidents;
industry standards or checklists;
job safety analysis (e.g. task analysis);
human error identification method.
The safety case shall also demonstrate that a systematic process has been used to identify
initiating events and event combinations which could cause MAH to be realised. The following
should be considered when determining the causes or initiators of potential major accident during
the identification process:
operational causes are determined according to the methodology chosen; where relevant, the
following should be considered:
physical and chemical process parameters limits;
(ii) hazards during specific operation modes (e.g. start-up/shut down);
(iii) loss of containment;
(iv) malfunctions and technical failures of equipment and systems;
utilities supply failures;
(vi) human factors involving operation, testing and maintenance (e.g. loading wrong reactants
into a batch reactor);
(vii) chemical incompatibility and contamination and
(viii) ignition sources (e.g. electrostatic charge etc.)
internal causes, where relevant, may be related to fires, explosions or releases of dangerous
substances at a certain section within the installation which the safety case covers and affecting
other section leading to a disruption of normal operation (e.g. the fracture of a water pipe in a
cooling tower, thus leading to a disruption in the cooling capacity on-site); and
external causes, where relevant, may include:
impacts of accidents (e.g. fires, explosions, toxic releases) from neighbouring installations
(domino effects);
(ii) transportation of dangerous substances offsite (e.g. roads, pipelines etc);
(iii) functional interdependence with the installations of neighbouring activities;
(iv) land slips, subsidence;
aircraft impact (for installations near airports);
(vi) extreme environmental conditions (e.g. abnormal rain, temperature, wind, floods,
lightning) and
(vii) pipelines or other common utilities (e.g. loss of power or steam disruption from external
Some examples of the different types of MAS that could be identified are shown in Table 2 below.
Scenarios influenced by emergency action or adverse operating conditions should also be taken
into consideration during the hazard identification process.
31 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Scenarios Identified
Potential Consequences
Loss of containment accidents due to
vessel or piping failures
Toxic releases, or fire and explosion hazards
Runaway exothermic reactions in batch such as BLEVE fireballs, flash fires, pool fires,
jet fires and vapour cloud explosions (VCEs)
Overfilling of storage tank
Detonation of solids or liquids that have
Condensed phase explosions
a high heat of decomposition
Applying water to a storage tank on fire
instead of allowing the flammable
Boilover explosion
substance to burn to completion and
water in the storage tank on fire
Dumping reactor contents into the Incompatible reactions occurring with other
drain to avoid an explosion
existing substances in the drain
Table 2: Table showing the relation between the hazard identified and its consequences
There shall be a suitable review of past accidents and incidents relevant to the site. A review of
past accidents and incidents with the same substances and processes used, consideration of
lessons learned from these and explicit reference to specific measures taken to prevent such
accidents is required by Third Schedule of the WSH (MHI) Regulations and is a minimum
requirement. This should also look beyond the site to the wider industry relevant to the site.
4.3.2 Selecting a representative set of major accident scenarios for detailed assessment
From the hazard identification process, MHIs shall describe a representative and sufficient set of
MAS for the purpose of detailed assessment (Section 4.3.4 and 4.3.5) which will then be followed
by the selection of a set of SCE for the demonstration of ALARP. The representative set of MAS is a
subset of all major accident scenarios considered during the hazard identification stage. This
should include:
a range of accidents for the site, taking account of different hazards, substances, processes etc.
leading to fatalities or serious injuries (on-site/ off-sites);
worst case scenarios such as vapour cloud explosion, pool fire, toxic dispersion etc (consideration
of worst case scenarios is particularly important when assessing the adequacy of the emergency
response arrangements); and
MAS with lesser consequences at higher frequency.
Justifications shall be clearly presented and well argued for eliminating possible MAS from further
consideration. Any key assumptions made during the hazard identification stage shall be
described in the safety case, especially if such assumptions lead to the elimination of significant
scenarios from the eventual representative list of MAS.
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Subsequently MHIs shall justify on the risk assessment methodologies used when conducting
detailed assessment on the representative set of MAS. In general, MAS deemed to have a higher
level of risk, consequences impact or potential for escalation to a more serious event shall be
conferred with a greater degree of rigour during the assessment process.
It should be noted that subsequently on detailed assessment, the actual risks might be shown to
be significantly reduced either by revised frequencies, which are demonstrated to be lower than
was initially judged, or by accounting for systems which reduce the consequence.
4.3.3 Producing an adequate assessment of the extent and severity of the consequences for
representative set of identified major accident scenario
Extent and severity is concerned with who (people) might be harmed, how badly, and how many
people are affected by major accidents. The safety case shall provide details to demonstrate that
suitable and sufficient consequence assessment for each major accident scenario has been carried
out with respect to people.
MHIs shall either describe or reference any consequence assessment model used in the safety
case. MHIs shall also take into account the limits of applicability of the model used and justify all
assumptions made and the values used in the key variables of the method or model, for example
wind speed, atmospheric conditions and ground roughness in gas dispersion models.
Different levels of harm need to be considered. Any harm footprints, levels or vulnerability
models used, in predicting the extent of areas where people or the vicinities may be affected shall
be aligned to the revised QRA guidelines.
4.3.4 Providing a realistic estimate of the likelihood of selected representative set of major accident
33 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
estimates of the probability, in qualitative or quantitative terms, of each MAS analysed and
a summary of the initiating events and event sequences (operational, internal or external causes
as mentioned in paragraph 91) which may play a role in triggering each major accident scenario.
Any methods used to generate event sequences and to estimate the probabilities of potential
major accidents shall be appropriate and used correctly. This should include the use of:
The methods employed shall be fit for purpose and used correctly. The process and methods
adopted to generate any probabilities or event sequences, together with assumptions and data
sources used, shall be described clearly. Checks against company benchmarks must be included if
MHIs used them.
The selection of failure rate data shall be aligned to the revised QRA guidelines. Otherwise, MHIs
shall justify and where appropriate includes references and methods of derivation for using failure
rate data not in accordance with the revised QRA guidelines. It is not sufficient to adopt data from
published sources without justifying its suitability to the installation, unless the MHI shows that
the conclusions of the risk assessment are not affected by such data (e.g. through a sensitivity
analysis). If the estimations of the likelihoods of the representative MAS are sensitive to the data
and assumptions used, suitable and sufficient justification is needed.
Realistic and adequate justification shall be provided for estimates of, or assumptions made
about, the reliability of protective systems and the times for MHIs to respond and isolate loss of
containment accidents or others. Where possible, arguments shall be backed-up by credible
performance data. Any qualitative arguments shall be:
based on accepted good standards for engineering and safe systems of work; and/or
supported by evidence on the likely demand on the various control measures and systems, and
what the consequences might be if these fail.
For example, if an operator has to intervene to close an isolation valve manually when automatic
isolation fails then the release duration will be determined by the time taken to intervene
successfully. In such cases, release durations of less than 20 minutes will require justification.
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MHIs should assess the sensitivity of the conclusions to the assumptions and other uncertainties.
For example, in situations where there are not much data on event probabilities for certain
processes, which causes uncertainty in the estimation process. The significance of this uncertainty
should be discussed in the safety case and sufficient detail will have to be provided to allow the
MHD to make a judgement on the quality of the risk assessment.
4.3.5 Selecting safety critical events (SCE) from the representative set of major accident scenarios
(MAS) for the purpose of ALARP demonstration
The risk assessment shall show which events are critical from a safety point of view and this
requires consideration of the likelihood of the various MAS and the associated consequences. The
safety case shall define SCE and the basis for the choice of the definition. The following should be
considered when defining SCE events:
worst case scenarios such as pool fire, flash fire, jet fire, vapour cloud explosion, BLEVE, fireball,
physical explosion and toxic release; and
scenarios that dominate the risk at different distances and effectively are the most frequent
scenarios in each consequence band.
SCE are those MAS that dominate the contribution to risk and thus are key to identifying suitable
control measures for preventing MAS or limiting their consequences. However, the failure of
these control measures must also be considered in assessing whether the residual risks are ALARP
or whether more needs to be done.
One way that MHIs could demonstrate how SCE are selected from a representative set of major
accident scenarios is to plot the scenarios onto a risk matrix. From the risk matrix, it is then
straightforward to identify the safety critical events such as worst-case scenarios, high risk
scenarios and other MAS of interest.
The risk matrix could also be used to inform of the proportionality of the installation as a whole.
MAS approaching or in the red or uncomfortably high zone are considered to be of higher
proportionality and therefore the level of ALARP demonstration would be greater.
While MHIs are not required to demonstrate ALARP for non-SCEs, MHIs are to continue to ensure
that the risks from all other scenarios are reduced to ALARP as required under the Workplace
Safety and Health Act.
35 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Annex 4 A
Workflow for Identification of MAS, Risk Assessment and Selection of SCE for ALARP Demonstration
Section 4.3.1
Section 4.3.2
Section 4.3.3
Consequence assessment
(extent & severity) for
representative set of MAS
Likelihood estimation
for representative set
of MAS
Selection of Safety
Critical Events (SCE)
Section 4.3.5
36 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Section 4.3.4
ALARP demonstration
on SCE
Annex 4 B
MHIs are required to demonstrate that the risk assessments carried out to aid decision-making on
the measures necessary to prevent major accidents and to mitigate their consequences, include
the appropriate consideration of human factors. MHIs are allowed the flexibility to take a phased
implementation approach towards human factors in their safety cases, based on the
proportionality rule and selected elements of human factors (elements detailed in Human Factor
Assessment Manual) shall be implemented in three submission cycle. The phased implementation
approach has to be justified and outlined in the MHIs safety case in the form of a human factors
implementation roadmap, indicating the milestones to be achieved.
Facilities or work processes where human factors are crucial in preventing major accidents are
first addressed while the remaining systems are listed to be implemented by stated due dates, as
part of the MHIs human factors implementation plan.
Identification of all safety critical tasks at the MHI are first conducted while the analysis for the
potential for human failure and the appropriate risk control measures to optimise performance
are documented in an implementation plan with due dates.
HF deficiencies identified during risk assessment process are reviewed and addressed in risk
reduction improvement plan. Additional elements of HF as per HF SRAM may be implemented as
per MHI human factors implementation plan.
An example of Human Factor implementation roadmap developed using risk based approach is shown
below. MHIs have flexibility to develop their own HF implementation roadmap.
37 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
SC Submission Cycle
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Task & Human Failure Analysis of human actions for Safety Critical Activities
Alarm handling
Maintenance Activities
HF integrated in MHIs MOC and design
HF in work environment design
Cycle 1
for major
new projects
Fatigue Management
Site supervision
38 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Cycle 1
for major
new projects
This chapter deals with the part of the safety case which describes the measures taken to prevent
major accidents and to limit their consequences for people and the vicinity. The information in
this chapter and Chapter 4 are closely linked and MHIs shall therefore:
demonstrate that there is adequate safety during the life cycle of the installation and
infrastructure relevant to major accidents
describe and justify the choice of control measures for making risks ALARP based on Safety Critical
Events (SCEs) identified in Chapter 4 and demonstrate that performance standards and
performance indicators are developed to provide the ongoing assurance that systems relevant to
major accidents are in place and working
Paragraph 3(a) and 3(b) of Part 1 of the Second Schedule requires a demonstration that adequate
safety has been incorporated into the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the
installation. Part 2 of the Second Schedule specifies the minimum information to be included in a
safety case and includes a description of the technical parameters and equipment used for the
safety of the installations and a description of the equipment installed in the installation to limit
the consequences of major accidents.
The safety case shall show a clear link between the measures taken and the major accident
scenarios described in Chapter 4 and demonstrate how each control measure (engineered or
administrative) contributes to making the risks ALARP. Where representative scenarios have been
chosen, the measures for preventing or limiting a major accident can relate to a broad range of
scenarios with similar hazards and outcomes.
One way the link between the MAS, MAH and control measures can be represented by using a
bow-tie diagram (also called a cause-consequence diagram) as shown in Figure 2. The centre of
the diagram is the loss of containment (LOC, i.e. top event). The left side of the bow-tie depicts all
the possible initiating events or causes which could lead to the occurrence of the top event. The
vertical bars on the left side refer to the control measures that are put in place to prevent the
initiating event from cascading into a LOC of dangerous substances. These vertical bars also
39 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
include efforts to sustain the intended effectiveness of the control measures in the event of
escalation factors. The right of the bow-tie describes the development of possible consequences
resulting from the top event. The vertical bars on the right side refer to the control measures to
mitigate or limit the harm caused to people, installation and vicinity.
Figure 2: Bow-tie diagram depicting relation between hazards, consequences and measures
The control measures can be engineered like hardware and software systems or administrative
like operating procedures and inspections. It is important that the performance specified for the
control measures shall be related to MAS. The safety case shall provide clear descriptions and
justifications for the applied control measures such as:
Control of the processes, taking into account of expected normal and abnormal operations;
Verification of the adequacy of the initial integrity and continuing integrity of the containment
boundary (further elaboration in Section Design key issue 5: containment). Direct causes
of failure could include:
External Loading;
40 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Human Errors.
Use of safety instrumented systems (SIS) and their reliability;
Hazardous area classification and suitability of equipment within designated hazardous zones;
Effective human intervention
Guidance on the range of measures to be applied and the issues to be considered in their selection are
elaborated further in Section 5.3 of this chapter.
The safety case shall also contain technical information about items of the plant relevant to the
MAS on-site such as:
vessels or tanks, for example location, type, size, inventory, design and operating limits (e.g.
temperatures and pressures), purpose and contents;
pipework systems containing dangerous substances, for example routes, types, size, design, flow
rates and operating limits, and purpose;
utility services, for example steam, air, electricity, fuel, hot oil and water etc;
drainage, for example routes and purpose (e.g. fire-fighting run-off water);
stacks, flares, abatement systems (e.g. scrubber) etc, for example location and purpose;
safety critical valves, instruments, control loops and detection systems;
firefighting and supply arrangements; and
monitoring equipment, for example, for toxic products in air, sewers, discharges to water, and for
fires or explosive atmospheres.
Where a number of hazards are comparable, the information provided about the control
measures in place for one of these hazards is sufficient as long as this provides evidence that the
other similar hazards are also adequately controlled. MHIs may also decide to provide information
of the equipment and control measures that is common to the installation or common to some
particular plant sections and only deal with differences from these descriptions in relevant parts
of the safety case. An example of where this might be applicable is in the description of
overpressure protection for similar storage vessels. MHIs may have a policy of providing
protection to prevent rupture of vessels as a result of fire engulfment, which MHIs could justify
once and not repeat in the safety case. MHIs then only need to identify, say, those vessels
protected by pressure relief valves to prevent overpressure from other causes, such as
exothermic reactions and process excursion.
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For existing MHIs, in undertaking risk assessment and providing justification, MHIs should also
consider if newly adopted control measures could pose additional hazards or contribute to
accident scenarios (e.g. during installation or commissioning of new control equipment).
For any risk reduction measure that is planned but not implemented, specific commitments shall
be included in an action plan that demonstrates the MHIs intention. Depending on the level of
risks faced by the MHI, the action plan shall take a risk-based approach (based on proportionality
principle) and range from appropriate interim measures while long-term solutions are being
Control measures shall be independent from the cause of the initiating event and independent of
the other control measures identified within the same scenario, so as not to fail as a direct result
of the initiating event or cascading event.
The basic requirement for control measures for SCEs is that they must collectively reduce the risk
to the health and safety of people to ALARP. Methods of ALARP demonstration are detailed in
Chapter 7.
5.3 Describing how the Control Measures Taken will Prevent Foreseeable
Failures Which Could Lead to Major Accidents and Mitigate Their
There are five main elements, relating to the life cycle of the installation, to be considered when
demonstrating how MHIs deliver measures of sufficient safety proportional to the risk to people
and the vicinity. The five main elements are:
Design includes plant layout, process design and design of equipment; discussion of conceptual
design is important for new or modified installations;
Construction includes the manufacture, installation, construction of facilities, testing, initial
inspection and commissioning;
Operation includes plant start-up, shutdown, normal operation, including foreseeable temporary
operations, emergency shutdown and the extent to which deviation from normal operation will
be tolerated;
Maintenance includes preventive maintenance, repair, replacement, periodic examination by
competent personnel, and the assessment of any defects found; and
Modification or decommissioning includes the measures to deal with changes that may take
place on the installation during its life, including all alterations, and during decommissioning,
which could affect the integrity of the remaining installation.
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Where standards are referenced in demonstrating sufficient safety, MHIs have the responsibility
to consider the available standards, specify the correct one, to ensure implementation, and use
the system or equipment correctly. Validation of suitability of standards for safety-critical
equipment is also necessary. Whatever standard or set of standards is used, MHIs shall take care
to justify applicability and recognise limitations of those standards. MHIs shall clearly outline and
justify the rationales for combining different design codes or standards to make the
demonstrations in the safety case. MHI shall also include information about any non-conformity
with standards used.
5.3.1 Design Use of industry codes and standards
The safety case shall show that plants have been designed to an appropriate standard and give
references to standards and codes of practice used as the basis for the design of the plant. This is
essential for safety case for new or modified plants. In principle, such standards may be
International standards, Singapore standards, International industry practices, or companyspecific standards. However the existence of a published standard does not imply that it is always
useful or correct. Whichever standards are being used, these standards and the control measures
that are applied, shall all be shown to be suitable and appropriate to MHIs, taking account of its
type, scale, activities, location, etc.
MHIs have the responsibility to consider the available standards, specify the correct one, and use
the system or equipment correctly. Validation of suitability of standards for safety-critical
equipment is also necessary. Whatever standard or set of standards is used, MHIs shall take care
to justify applicability and recognise limitations of those standards. MHIs shall clearly outline and
justify the rationales for combining different design codes or standards to make the
demonstrations in the safety case. MHI shall also include information about any non-conformity
with standards used.
Standards are good at a system or equipment level but not necessarily suitable at a holistic level;
they cannot be relied upon to give an indication of the adequacy of risk management of a
combination of unique hazards on a specific MHI. In this situation, it is common for an MHI to
adopt a suite of standards, perhaps taken from a number of different organisations. In such cases,
significant effort may be necessary to show that this overall suite of standards is suitable and
appropriate, as well as the individual parts. For particular issues that are not covered by the
individual standards and need additional consideration, there will be benefits for MHIs in
developing a basis for safety document for its specific installation.
There may be cases where the current most relevant standard is not complied with in certain
respects. An example may be a complex or novel facility where there are no applicable standards.
43 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
In such cases, MHIs shall show that a gap analysis has been conducted between design standards
and codes applied at their installation and relevant current standards and codes for control
measures (preventive and mitigative measures) applicable to SCEs. MHIs could subsequently show
that additional measures have been introduced to compensate (i.e. to show that equivalent safety
has been achieved), or that additional measures are not reasonably practicable. Examples of
measures that may achieve equivalent safety are re-rating of equipment and introduction of more
frequent testing or inspection.
For older plant in particular, the safety case shall describe additional (if any) systems or control
measures are in place to prevent or limit a SCE to take account of plant built to standards that
have since been superseded or that have been introduced as a result of long operational
experience on-site.
Where gaps are known or suspected to exist, for example if there is a gap in overall control
measures, or a measure has been compromised by age, this must be explicitly identified.
Solutions for addressing these weaknesses must be explored and the chosen solution
The review of MAS and risks shall be a planned periodic process whereby the applied standards
on an MHI are reviewed against new and updated standards. If new standards or requirements
are introduced, they cannot be dismissed because the installation was built prior to them; neither
should they be automatically adopted: the risk assessment process must be undertaken. The task
would be to understand the intent of the new standard and the change that it evokes from the
current or existing operating situation. Once the assessment has taken place then decisions can
be made about implications for a new understanding of risk on the MHI and the steps that need
to be taken. Review of standards shall be limited to those applicable for control measures for SCE
for older installations.
MHIs shall describe the hierarchical approach used to select the control measures for their
installation. The initial design stage presents the best opportunity to remove hazards and reduce
risk. The use of a hierarchical approach to the selection of measures will help to ensure that
precedence is given to those measures that avoid major accidents (i.e. through inherent safety
and prevention measures). However, prevention cannot be guaranteed in all circumstances and
therefore it will be necessary to also identify other control measures to control and mitigate the
consequences for all identified SCE. The demonstration that risks from SCEs are eliminated or
reduced to ALARP may need to be made for hazards individually, in groups, and as a whole.
MHIs shall show how their hierarchical approach will be applied to new and modified facilities
that are being installed, and what procedures there are for applying this approach when designing
44 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
new plants or major modifications to existing ones. The approach of selecting measures shall
reflect the levels in the hierarchy as follows:
inherent safety;
prevention measures; and
mitigation measures.
MHIs shall also apply the hierarchical approach to the design of modifications and operators of
older installations shall be alert to the possibility of taking advantage of technical advances in
their industry to improve safety.
Inherent safety
Inherent safety is concerned with the removal or reduction of a hazard at source. Examples of
inherently safer techniques include:
Prevention measures
142 Prevention measures are intended to prevent the initiation of events which could lead a LOC that
could further escalate into a major accident or to prevent an initiating event from escalating into a
LOC and major accident. They could include but not limited to:
management systems;
design of the installation;
design to prevent failure of equipment or human error and include specific activities (e.g.
maintenance or inspection) aimed at preventing specific failures;
hardware arrangements such as double-walled piping to provide a secondary containment or use
of canned or magnetic drive pumps;
relief valves;
safety-related control systems; and
manually initiated or automated emergency shutdown procedures
venting to scrubbing systems or flare stacks.
45 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Mitigation measures
Mitigation measures which are intended to mitigate the potential consequences of a LOC or to
minimise the consequences of a major accident once it has occurred. Examples of these include:
safety refuges against toxic dispersion and blast overpressure (e.g. control room);
bunding systems;
fire-fighting facilities;
gas detection systems;
deluge systems;
emergency response procedures; and
traverses or mounds for explosive buildings.
Chapter 6 of this guidance document provides more detail on mitigation measures relating to
emergency response.
46 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
instituted in an MHIs management system when administrating design policies etc. Details of the
design philosophy could be verified during on-site safety case assessments.
The design of plant layout can make a big contribution to reducing the likelihood and
consequences of a major accident. The safety case shall show that due attention has been given
to ensuring safety in the design of the layout of the installation. In particular, it shall show how
the layout prevents or reduces the development of major accident scenarios. Examples of how
this might be achieved include the following:
low congestion of structures, equipment, plant or any other obstacle to gas flow that could
aggravate the pressure effects resulting from the ignition of a release of a flammable substance;
separation between facilities with major accident hazards or dangerous substances and storage
areas to limit the spread of fire and other domino effects;
adequate shelter for use during any toxic release and adequate means of escape during other
access for emergency services;
access for inspection, testing, maintenance and repair, at all times throughout the life of the
separation of facilities with major accident hazards or dangerous substances from the site
boundary to reduce off-site risk, and to reduce risk to the plant from off-site causes such as fires;
safe positioning of occupied buildings;
47 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
separation of facilities with major accident hazards or dangerous substances and processes from
ignition sources, roadways or other activities which may impact on safety;
Design key issue 4: reliability, availability and survivability of utilities
Utilities that are needed to implement any control measure defined in the safety case shall have
the necessary reliability, availability and survivability to prevent or limit the consequences of a
major accident. Site utility systems may include:
electrical power;
steam or condensate;
inerting gases (e.g. nitrogen);
compressed air;
vacuum systems;
cooling water;
process or service water;
fuel (oil, gas etc);
refrigeration; and
any other safety critical utility.
Failure of a utility, for example water, air, steam or electricity (including power surge or partial
loss), often results in a process upset, and may have effects across the entire installation. Failure
of an emergency facility for example firewater, has the potential to cause a relatively small
incident to escalate into a major accident. The safety case shall justify the measures taken to
ensure that these utilities and facilities will be available when required.
The justification that the utilities are suitable may include reference to:
48 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
socket-welded joints etc). Any joints used shall be suitable for the intended purpose considering
the nature of the contained material, operating conditions and the degree of danger this
design requirements for temporary arrangements, taking into account possible movement, for
example flexible connections between fixed storage or piping systems and isotankers or vessels;
maintenance and inspection requirements addressed at the design stage; and
process design and control for exothermic reactions.
With certain exceptions, such as explosives where confinement may increase the hazard,
dangerous substances pose less of a hazard if they are contained within the plant. MHIs shall
show in the safety case how the installation has been designed with this in mind.
MHIs shall also include details of systems designed to prevent LOC and to manage unplanned
releases. These could include:
Primary Containment all process, storage and any other equipment containing dangerous
substances shall be designed to appropriate standards as far as is reasonably practicably. Where
there are deviations from standards, these shall be documented and justified to demonstrate an
equal level of safety.
Secondary and Tertiary containment measures where LOC of a significant quantity of
dangerous substances is foreseeable, the safety case shall describe the measures to mitigate the
consequences. These mitigation measures include secondary and tertiary containment (e.g.
bunding, interceptors, catchment pits, dump tanks, diversion walls or grading of the ground). The
safety case shall also identify such measures and demonstrate the adequacy of the design and the
capacity in relation to the maximum expected spill. The possibility of bund overtopping and
containment of firewater shall be taken in account.
Venting systems the safety case shall justify the design basis for any venting system, taking into
account foreseeable hazards, including the loss of utilities or the effects of fire, and the
consequences of venting to the vicinity.
Isolation arrangements the safety case shall describe and justify the emergency automatic and
manual isolation arrangements to manage a release, including consideration of the time required
to isolate. Appropriate performance standards for emergency isolation shall be stated and
justified in the safety case.
(NB Isolation may also be necessary for maintenance but the arrangements for this will be
different from those required for emergency isolation where speed of response and accessibility
may be important.)
Other prevention and containment systems the safety case shall justify the design basis for
each of these measures taking into account the foreseeable hazards.
(NB In the case of some situations involving explosives, it may be more appropriate to limit the
effects of an explosion through reducing the containment or confinement of the explosive.)
49 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Detection of releases the safety case shall describe the measures to detect a LOC or other
incident at an early stage. These measures include level monitoring, loss of pressure, gas
detection, visual methods (cameras) etc.
All foreseeable direct causes of LOC accidents shall be considered at the design stage. The
majority of direct causes fall into one of the following categories. The safety case shall show that
these causes have been considered and suitable measures taken:
corrosion may be internal or external, and may be enhanced by synergistic effects such as stress
corrosion cracking or erosion-corrosion. MHIs shall identify particular areas where corrosion may
occur and the measures taken to prevent and monitor such effects, for example design codes,
construction standards, protective systems (inert linings, cathodic protection etc) and periodic
erosion may be caused by excessive fluid velocity, a change in phase, cavitation or the presence
of particulates. MHIs shall identify particular areas where erosion may occur and the measures
taken to prevent and monitor such effects, including periodic inspection.
external loading may be caused by extreme weather or ground movement (e.g. land
subsidence), by the forces applied during construction or during operation, and by failures of pipe
or vessel supports nearby. MHIs shall show that the foreseeable events will not affect the integrity
of the containment or its supporting structure.
impact damage may occur from road vehicles and ship vessels. MHIs shall identify the main
sources of impact considered in the design and the critical items of plant exposed to impact
damage. It shall also show that adequate precautions have been put into effect.
pressure over- or under-pressure may cause LOC. MHIs shall show how excess pressure will be
prevented during foreseeable failures, such as in the event of single failure or event of:
failure of process controls between the system and other higher pressure systems or
(ii) failure of over-pressure safety devices;
(iii) pressure surge or water hammer;
(iv) external fire;
internal explosion;
(vi) excessive reaction rate; and
(vii) liquid expansion or exothermic reaction causing an increase in temperature and pressure.
MHIs shall also cover vacuum, if it has been identified as a hazard condition.
temperature high or low temperatures of the equipment may reduce its strength or make it
susceptible to creep or brittle failure. Excessively high rates of change in temperature may also
generate high thermal stresses. MHIs shall identify the measures in place to prevent thermal
problems due to process upsets, fire, or possibly adverse weather conditions in the case of plant
exposed to the elements. Examples of measures taken may include separation, water deluge,
insulation, fire walls, heat tracing or other suitable means.
vibration may be generated within the containment, caused by changes in phase, water
hammer, high pressure drop or cavitation. Externally generated vibration may be due to the
50 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
incorrect positioning of pumps, poor piping design, etc. Excessive vibration may induce fatigue
failure of the containment. MHIs shall show how vibration has been assessed, and any potential
problems addressed.
wrong equipment if the wrong equipment has been specified or installed, there is a potential
for failure. MHIs shall identify the management controls in place to ensure correct specification,
supply and installation of equipment, including spare parts.
defective equipment may cause failure due to pre-existing flaws, high stress, etc. MHIs shall
show that suitable management procedures are in place to identify faults and control or limit
effects of failure.
human error human error may cause failure of the containment system by overfilling or
overloading, or by some other manually initiated maloperation (e.g. operator initiates valve
opening) and includes failure to take the required action. MHIs shall consider the possibility and
effects of human error and describe the measures in place to minimise the risk.
Design key issue 6: structural integrity
The safety case shall show how equipment and structures important to safety have been designed
to provide adequate integrity.
MHIs shall provide sufficient evidence to show that the design of facilities important to safety has
been based on sound engineering principles.
Reference to recognised standards (e.g. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code etc) is normally
sufficient as long as the plant is operating within the parameters set by the standards. Deviations
from the principal design codes used or features not within the standard design type, shall be
highlighted and described in the safety case. They warrant special attention as shall any features
not within the standard design type. If a relevant design standard or code has not been used,
MHIs shall provide a justification for and description of, the design method adopted.
Other key structural items, such as support structures, civil foundations, control rooms, buildings
or barriers designed to withstand the effects of accidental explosions, shall also be included
where they are important to the demonstration.
Evidence of conformity
164 MHIs shall confirm that the design of equipment and structures important to safety is supported
by any necessary documentation to give an assurance of conformity. Compliance with design
standards and codes establishes a baseline for the structural integrity of the plant.
51 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Information presented in the safety case shall therefore show that it has taken account of all the
conditions that the equipment and structures must withstand, such as external loads, ambient
temperatures and the full range of process variations (e.g. normal operation, start-up and
shutdown, turnaround, regeneration, process upset and emergencies).
MHIs shall show that facilities will perform their required safety functions throughout their total
life, under all foreseeable operational and fault conditions. The demonstration shall consider the
various loading conditions arising, and show how the effects of any degradation processes on the
integrity of the containment have been catered for in the design (e.g. corrosion allowance
MHIs shall define the basis of safety margins incorporated in design such that the safe working
limits of the plant (e.g. pressures, temperatures, flow rates etc.) are compatible with all expected
operating extremes.
Specific details shall be given where actual applied margins differ significantly from the approach
normally applied or industry practice. The safety implications arising from the variation shall be
described and justified.
Materials of construction
MHIs shall show that construction materials used in the plant are suitable for the application. It
shall provide evidence that:
all materials employed in the manufacture and construction of the plant are suitable; particular
attention shall be given to the selection of materials used for the primary containment of
hazardous substances;
materials have been selected with regard to the nature of the environment in which they will be
used for example the substances being handled, process conditions such as temperature,
pressure and flow, possible sources of corrosion, and erosion;
the external environment, such as the effects of sea air in coastal areas, has been considered; and
the effects of impurities on the containment materials have been allowed for (Impurities are
regarded as including unwanted by-products of reaction as well as imported impurities). The
evidence shall consider the impurities likely to be present under normal operating conditions and
those that could foreseeably be present due to abnormal conditions, such as process upset or
52 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
If a design code or standard has been used which includes materials selection criteria, any
deviation from the materials specified in the code shall be justified in the safety case.
In such cases, MHIs should show that alternative materials were considered and assessed before
the final selection was made.
Where materials selection is critical to prevention of MASs for new and SCEs for existing
installations, MHIs shall include a description of the materials selection approach, for example
Control systems (automatic and manual) are the first line of defence against excursions beyond
normal operating limits. Alarm systems usually detect excursions beyond normal operating limits,
using sensors that may or may not be entirely independent of the control system.
53 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Safe operation depends on the measures to prevent excursions from occurring (e.g. safety-related
control systems, relief systems, shutdown procedures, emergency vent and disposal systems). The
safety case should therefore describe the safety-related control measures including alarms
designed to prevent or warn of excursions beyond safe operating limits..
The safety case shall also describe how chemical reaction hazards are evaluated and justify the
sufficiency of the control measures to prevent thermal runaway, overpressurisation and LOC. This
description shall include chemical manufacturing processes as designed and also accidental mixing
of incompatible chemicals on-site and treatment of waste streams. In this respect, the safety case
provide details of the physical parameters of possible conditions (i.e. flows, temperatures and
pressures) with respect to excursions, runaway, worst case scenarios, etc;
show that the design standards and other applied codes of practice are appropriate to the
conditions under which the design must work;
demonstrate that hazard identification has covered the possibility of beyond design conditions;
show that accident history for a type of plant has been considered where relevant.
MHIs should identify and describe the control measures to prevent operating outside the safe
operating limit and show that these are fit for purpose. These measures include:
the safety-related controls and alarms designed to prevent or warn of excursion beyond safe
operating limit and upon which the safety of the plant is based;
the pressure relief and emergency venting arrangements. The method for the sizing of the
pressure relief and emergency venting shall be specified;
explosion relief;
occupied building risk assessment (OBRA);
interfaces with other measure designed to prevent excursions beyond safe operating limits such
shutting off feed streams;
(ii) shutting off heat sources;
(iii) adding inhibitors to the reagent;
(iv) dump systems;
(vi) flushing through of continuous processes;
(vii) applying process cooling;
(viii) operating vents;
(ix) shutting down equipment; and
sprinklers or water deluge.
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MHIs shall describe in the safety case whether interventions are automatic or manual. For
intervention related to MAS (for new) or SCE (for existing), the safety case shall show that the
MHIs have examined the costs and benefits of automating the system and justified the suitability
of the adopted approach.
Design key issue 8: safety-related control systems
MHIs shall describe the principles of how safety-related control systems have been designed to
ensure safety. Reference could be made to relevant documents rather than provide detailed
In this context, a control system or device is deemed to be safety critical if it provides functions
which significantly reduce the risk of a hazard, and in combination with other risk reduction
measures, reduces the overall risk to a tolerable level or if it is required to function to maintain or
achieve a safe state for the equipment under control. It includes protective systems such as
emergency shutdown systems, trips and interlocks.
MHIs shall show how the safety-related control systems will provide the required level of risk
reduction, when related to the risk of a major accident and the reduction of risk achieved by other
measures in place.
Evidence shall be provided in the safety case to show that the complete system (from sensor to
final element, including software and the human interface) has been considered (e.g. Safety
integrity level). This may include the use of accepted good practice, codes and standards, etc. It
shall also show the appropriate application of redundancy, diversity, separation and segregation
to safeguard against the risks of common cause failure. This shall include hardware, software and
human interfaces.
MHIs shall explain how the following have been identified and accounted for in the design of the
safety-related control systems:
safe operating limits and their relation to the set points for safety functions, including the
selection of appropriate measurement instrumentation;
independence and separation from other systems or the initiating faults which require the
operation of safety-related control systems. If the safety-related control systems are not separate
from other equipment, the safety case shall show that failures of connected equipment cannot
affect the safety function. It shall also show that single-point failures cannot result in the failure of
both systems. If this is impossible, the connected equipment or system shall be regarded as being
part of the safety-related control system;
operating conditions, including start-up and shutdown and unusual operating conditions, for
example single train operation;
operating duty, including shut-off requirements for valves and how their performance will be
affected by the presence of corrosive or erosive conditions;
55 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
inspection and maintenance requirements, including the provision of facilities for carrying out
proof testing; and
environmental considerations, including requirements to operate in flammable atmospheres,
equipment which requires special environments, prevention and consideration of electromagnetic
interference and weather.
MHIs shall identify and describe support systems and backup measures for the control and
protective systems, including their component parts, for example power supplies or pneumatic
systems. Information shall be presented to show that support systems and backup measures have
adequate safety.
Design key issue 9: human factors
MHIs should demonstrate a structured and systematic approach to managing human
performance in the context of major accident hazards in the safety case. The approach should be
based on a thorough understanding of human reliability and where the site is vulnerable to
human failure. There should be a system in place to:
identify all safety critical tasks at the site, and those which could initiate, prevent or mitigate the
representative set of SCEs;
analyse the tasks for the potential for human failure (task analysis and human failure analysis);
identify appropriate risk control measures matched to the type of human failure and implement
them; and
identify any performance influencing factors (PIF) and introduces measures to optimise
In addition MHIs should also demonstrate that risk control measures, and the supporting MAPP
and SHMS, are built upon a sound understanding of how human failure plays a part in initiating,
escalating and failing to mitigate the consequence of SCEs.
ergonomics associated with the design of plant, equipment, working environment and tasks;
demonstration of the safety of any activities which rely primarily on human action; and
optimisation of organisational performance influencing factors (PIF).
MHIs should demonstrate that human factors are integrated into the major accident hazard risk
assessment process and also show that the potential for dependency between successive human
tasks has been recognised and accounted (e.g. different people doing the same task may make
the same error).
56 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
MHIs should show how human factors have been accounted for in the design of equipment and in
the operation, maintenance and modification of systems. Equipment or systems should be
designed after consideration of how human errors can be reduced.
MHIs should show how systems which require human interaction have been designed to take into
account the needs of the user, and that they are reliable. This includes manual control of systems,
control room and interface design, and alarm handling.
Suitable evidence which MHIs can present in the safety case may include, for example:
consideration of how equipment design and the associated operating environment minimise
human errors or improving equipment design to provide a more error tolerant system;
a description of procedures for activities requiring human interaction;
a description of training, including refresher training;
a description of staffing levels and supervision;
where a measure relies on human intervention, an explanation as to why human intervention has
been selected in preference to an automated system; and
shift work and overtime arrangements to minimise fatigue.
Design key issue 10: systems for identifying locations where flammable substances could be
MHIs shall describe the systems for identifying locations where flammable substances could be
present and describe how the equipment has been designed to take account of the risk.
MHIs shall explain how potentially hazardous (flammable and explosive atmosphere) areas have
been identified and classified. This may have been through an area classification study in which
those areas where a risk exists, owing to the normal, occasional or accidental release of process
materials to atmosphere, have been designated in accordance with recognised standards.
Sources of ignition for flammable atmospheres may include electrical equipment, naked flames or
hot surfaces, and static electrical discharge. MHIs shall indicate how the likely sources of ignition
have been considered in the design, for example:
Radio-frequency (RF) radiation may cause an ignition hazard if present (e.g. RF equipment such as
plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the semiconductor industry). MHIs shall indicate
whether there are strong radio transmitters in the vicinity, or whether the process includes
57 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Equipment selected for use in hazardous areas shall be suitable for use in these areas under all
foreseeable operating conditions, including normal operation, start-up, shutdown, emergency,
cleaning, or any other expected condition throughout the life of the installation.
5.3.2 Construction Adequate safety in construction
200 MHIs shall show that the facilities have been constructed to appropriate standards at the time of
construction to prevent major accidents and limit the consequences. For facilities already built,
MHIs shall give assurance relating to the following sections if actual construction documents
cannot be located. However for new facilities, construction documents used to demonstrate for
the following sections shall be provided on request during assessment.
MHIs shall show that construction of plant and associated equipment is managed to ensure that it
is built in accordance with the design intent. This can form part of the description of an MHIs
management of change procedures.
MHIs shall also show, wherever available, that the manufacture and construction of the facilities
have employed appropriate materials and construction methods, to minimise the occurrence of
defects or damage which might affect plant integrity. Evidence shall be provided by MHIs to show
that the construction work has been carried out by suitable personnel in accordance with
appropriate procedures.
There shall be a reference in the safety case to any relevant construction codes or standards
which have been used. MHIs shall provide evidence on the adequacy of the procedures adopted if
codes or standards have not been used or do not exist.
MHIs shall describe the arrangements for controlling and recording changes to the original design
made during construction. Any deviations from the original that may affect safety shall be
identified, and the effect on safety demonstrated to be acceptable. Details shall be provided
where significant nonconformities in manufacture have been identified, or where substantial
remedial work has been carried out.
Information in the safety case shall show that the construction of the plant, including deviations
from the original design, has been documented to give an assurance of conformity.
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MHIs shall describe how the construction of all plant and systems is assessed and verified against
the appropriate standards to ensure adequate safety. The information provided shall show that
the construction process has not compromised the design intent.
MHIs shall identify the key assessment and verification activities, and the stages at which they are
undertaken. MHIs shall also provide an explanation and show how the methods used will ensure
safety. The acceptance criteria for testing and examination programmes shall be identified, where
appropriate. Suitable information might include:
MHIs shall provide information to show how commissioning trials are intended to be conducted
to confirm the safety provisions relating to plant design, operating limits and predicted
performance, particularly the safety provisions. Procedures for managing the hazards associated
with plant commissioning shall also be described.
MHIs shall describe the arrangement for managing outstanding issues or actions (punch list)
identified during the pre-handover inspection after the construction, expansion or modification
of installations. Residual issues classified as low risk at the project handover stage (e.g.
incomplete painting of pipework systems) may impact in-service integrity if timely remedial action
is not taken.
5.3.3 Operation Adequate safety during operation
210 MHIs shall show that safe operating procedures have been established and are documented for
all reasonably foreseeable conditions, including start-up, shutdown and abnormal operating
conditions, and in particular for safety critical purposes. Safe operating procedures shall also take
into account how safe operating limits are not exceeded for all reasonably foreseeable conditions.
MHIs shall identify how reviews of operating procedures are undertaken and recorded, to take
account of operational experience or changing conditions in the plant (SS506: Part 3 Operating
procedures and safe work practices provide more details on this).
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During the operational life of the plant there may be temporary constraints applied (e.g. the use
of overrides and procedures covering abnormal operation, start-up and shutdown). MHIs shall
show how these operational constraints are applied and managed, to ensure safety.
Information provided by MHIs on the management systems (see Chapter 3) will be relevant to
show that adequate safety have been built into the operation of the installation. Any unit-specific
management systems to ensure safety shall be provided in details in the safety case.
5.3.4 Maintenance Adequate safety involving maintenance
214 MHIs shall show that an appropriate maintenance regime is established for plant and systems, to
prevent major accidents or limit their consequences. The safety case shall also demonstrate that
suitable inspection regimes are in place for equipment or machineries which contribute to the
initiation, prevention and mitigation of SCEs. The typical contents of an inspection regime shall
include the following and should be made available upon request:
MHIs shall show in the safety case that the maintenance procedures are sufficiently
comprehensive (as in line with international and/or corporate best practices, vendor guidance,
relevant standards and codes etc.) to maintain the plant and equipment in a safe state. MHIs shall
also show that maintenance activities will not compromise the safety of the installation and that
maintenance staff will not be exposed to unacceptable risks.
MHIs shall describe the organisation of maintenance activities. The general principles of roles and
responsibilities, competence, employee participation and communication which shall be
demonstrated are covered under SS506: Part 3. For maintenance systems, the following
information shall be available:
60 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
the ranking and scheduling and ranking of routine maintenance activities; and
the availability and deployment of suitable personnel and equipment.
MHIs shall identify those plant items and systems for which maintenance is considered to be a
safety critical activity. Evidence shall be provided to justify the maintenance strategy adopted. The
information presented may include:
arrangements for the periodic inspection and calibration of pressure relief devices;
the monitoring of internal corrosion, where this is a life-limiting feature;
the maintenance of utilities systems, for example electricity distribution, or ancillary equipment
(e.g. pumps), where failure may lead directly to a hazardous situation;
the provision of installed spare equipment or spares in stock, where extended plant or system
downtime could affect safety;
arrangements for the proof testing of all safety-related control system elements (e.g. sensors,
transmitters, actuators, alarms, trips and confirmation of software modification number). This is
to reveal any faults which are not apparent during normal operation;
arrangements for the maintenance of control and instrumentation systems; and
inspection and maintenance of electrical earthing and lightning protection systems, particularly in
a hazardous environment.
MHIs shall show that the impact of maintenance work on the safety of the installation has been
adequately considered. Suitable evidence may describe, for example:
measures taken to ensure that the isolation of vessels will not compromise pressure relief
the use of overrides or bypasses in safety systems; and
relevant safe work practices.
MHIs shall show that procedures and equipment are in place to ensure that plant is made safe
before starting maintenance work and for the reinstatement of plant to the operating state after
maintenance is properly managed. Appropriate information may include:
The information shall include, where appropriate, reference to any maintenance records kept, or
other relevant documentation. Where statutory pressure vessels are concerned, the safety case
shall provide evidence that maintenance has been carried out and records have been kept in
accordance with either the WSH (General Provisions) Regulations or with the Guidelines on
Scheme for Extension of Statutory Examination Period of Pressure Vessels at Workplaces (if any).
61 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Hazardous conditions
MHIs shall identify the procedures that are necessary to enable maintenance activities to be
carried out safely to prevent a SCE. Safe work practices and method statements shall have been
established to enable all activities which could result in dangerous situations to be identified. The
information provided may refer to:
hazards posed by electrical equipment and the procedures for making safe;
hazards associated with hot work, and procedures for assessing the risk and or testing for
flammable gases; and
underground services, and procedures for keeping contractors informed about such services in
the area where they are working.
MHIs shall identify which activities are subject to a PTW system and describe the key features of
the systems in use on the installation. Suitable evidence shall show how controls and limitations
are placed on the maintenance activity, such as safe work procedures, location of work, type of
work, extent of work, competence of personnel, and time.
MHIs shall show how all personnel, including contractors, involved in maintenance activities are
made aware of the conditions and limitations of the PTW system.
Where equipment has been certified by a third party (e.g. certified suitable for use in a flammable
atmosphere), the safety case shall justify how the maintenance system ensures the level of safety
of that equipment. For instance this can be done by maintaining to standards in accordance with
manufacturers instructions.
Plant inspection
MHIs shall show that systems are in place to ensure that safety critical equipment and systems
are examined at appropriate intervals by a competent person.
MHIs should provide information to show that any competent person employed has the necessary
skills, knowledge and degree of independence from the production activity.
MHIs shall describe how the plant and systems which are subject to examination by a competent
person are selected, and the reasons for the selection.
MHIs shall outline and justify the interval between examinations by a competent person for the
various types of safety critical equipment and systems. MHIs shall identify, in general terms, the
62 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
examination techniques which are employed and provide suitable justification for their selection.
MHIs shall also explain how examinations by a competent person are properly planned and
MHIs shall identify any safety critical equipment or systems which are known to be susceptible to
defects, which have been repaired, or where there is a history of failures. In such cases, evidence
shall be presented to show adequate monitoring of the situation and to provide details of any
replacement programme.
MHIs shall describe and justify the arrangements for reporting, recording and acting on the results
of examinations by a competent person.
In the case of electrical equipment, there shall be evidence of examination programme for
equipment provided for use in hazardous areas.
MHIs shall show that there is a system in place to ensure the continued safety of the installations
based on the results of periodic examinations and maintenance. MHIs shall describe how defects
detected during maintenance or examinations are properly assessed by a competent person to
determine their significance and appropriate action taken. In summary, appropriate information
in the safety case shall include:
management responsibilities for ensuring that defects are assessed and that any necessary
corrective action is taken;
the use of suitable assessment procedures, including references to published or company
guidelines used to set defect acceptance levels; and
the competence of any person carrying out the assessment of defects, and undertaking any
associated corrective action.
MHIs shall describe the systems in place for ensuring that modifications are adequately designed,
installed and tested.
Management systems for change are described in detail under SS506: Part 3 (Management of
Change). Modifications to processes and associated equipment, and structures (including
warehouses), or to operations and procedures, which could affect the safety of the installation
shall normally be subject to a formal modification system. This shall cover both hardware
63 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
measures (e.g. pumps, piping arrangements and structures) and software measures (e.g. control
system software and operating systems).
Where arrangements exist for temporary modifications, they shall be identified in the safety case,
together with procedures for reinstatement as appropriate. MHIs shall identify how risk is
assessed and decisions are made on temporary modifications.
The assessment and control over the modification process shall remain at the same standard for
temporary arrangements. Temporary arrangements may require higher level of scrutiny where
the nature of temporary plant is inherently less safe than permanent arrangements (e.g. the use
of flexible hoses or connections, or site-run piping in place of permanent fully designed hardpiped systems).
Throughout the lifetime of an installation, there may be occasions requiring the decommissioning,
mothballing and/or removal of plant or components, for example as part of a modification
programme or as part of risk reduction through the removal of redundant plant. MHIs shall then
identify significant decommissioned or mothballed plant and its relationship to the remaining
related plant and systems. Removal or mothballing of such plant shall not lead to an increased risk
associated with the use of the remaining plant and systems.
Particular care shall be given to ensuring the integrity of remaining related safety systems
following the removal of plant, and such arrangements shall be included in the description of the
change system. For example, this might include ensuring that:
sections of fire protection systems, such as deluge supplies to a pressure vessel, are not
compromised by physical isolation following the removal of redundant sections of the firewater
supply system;
shutdown systems are not compromised through computer software logic changes; and
levels of equipment protection have not been reduced through the decommissioning of selected
instrumentation or utility services etc.
MHIs are required to demonstrate in the safety case that performance standards and indicators
(including safety indicators covered under SS506: Part 3) are implemented to provide the ongoing
assurance that key systems relevant to major accidents are under control.
Performance standard is the acceptable level of response or the required performance for a
control to be considered effective in managing the risk. Standards may include both the current
required level of performance and also a target level to be achieved within a specified timeframe.
64 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Performance indicator is an objective measure that shows current and/or past performance. The
overall effectiveness of the control measure can then be judged by comparing its performance
against the performance standard. Performance indicators take many forms and can be
quantitatively or qualitatively expressed.
Performance indicators and related performance standards should enable MHIs to:
When selecting performance indicators, the SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate,
Realistic and Timely) should be considered. Indicators shall relate to the specific function
performed by the control measure, and there may be more than one performance indicator
necessary for a single control measure. An example of the performance indicators and related
performance standards established for a particular control measure is as shown below:
Control Measures
Performance Indicator
Relief capacity
Performance Standard
x kg/s
Within +/- 3% of set pressure for
Pressure relief valve
Popping pressure tolerance
pressures above 70 psig in accordance
98% function at set pressure
0 major deviations
Operating procedure
Compliance check
<=1 minor deviation
Table 3: Example of performance indicator and performance standards
Note: The relief capacity is only required for the specification and purchase of the equipment. Once
installed, the relief capacity is assumed to be correct provided the relief valve and piping is clear, no
changes to the process have occurred and the relief valve is maintained.
Performance indicators shall measure not only how well the control measures perform, but also
how well the management system is monitoring and maintaining them. An example of the
performance indicators for the relief valve management system is as shown below:
Performance Indicator
Percentage of relief valves tested
within scheduled time
Percentage reliability
Number of pressure relief valves
65 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
Performance Standard
x valves
66 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
This chapter covers the information that shall be provided in the safety case about the range of
emergency measures implemented to respond to major accidents. These include resources which
can be mobilised (e.g. fire-fighting equipment) for mitigation and the provision for clean-up.
This chapter should preferably be prepared by the person responsible for MHIs emergency
response. He should consult the relevant subject matter experts to fulfil the requirements in this
MHIs should include the detailed operation of the emergency response measures in the
emergency response plan which shall also be submitted as an annexure with the safety case.
The aim shall be to demonstrate that MHIs have taken the measures necessary to limit the
consequences of a major accident and an emergency response plan has been developed to take
these into account. The measures should be related and preferably cross-referenced to the major
accident scenarios described elsewhere in the safety case.
The emergency preparedness and response forms part of the SHMS and could follow the
management model described there. It is described in this chapter to provide an overview of
emergency response.
This chapter also deals with resources (i.e. human resources and equipment) that can be
mobilised but are not engineering control measures relating to facilities which are detailed in
Chapter 5. However, MHIs may like to deal with these resources together in safety case.
The safety case shall also provide, wherever relevant, the list of applicable regulations, standards
and codes of practice that have been followed. Demonstration of compliance with these will help
the MHD in the assessment of the safety case.
MHIs shall review the content of this chapter whenever there is any change in the MHIs setup or
within the emergency services concerned. If some new technical knowledge is adopted in
emergency planning at MHI, it shall review and update the contents of this chapter.
67 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
the equipment and system installed in the plant to limit the consequences of a major accident;
the organisation of the alert and intervention;
the on-site and off-site resources that may be mobilised;
maintenance and inspection;
training for emergency response and
testing of emergency response.
6.2.1 Equipment and system installed in the plant to limit the consequences of a major accident
256 MHIs will need to describe the fixed equipment and system installed in the plant that limit the
consequences of major accidents and how these equipment affects emergency handled process
(e.g. emergency shutdown arrangements, secondary containment systems fitted with an isolation
device etc.) including the extent of manual interaction required. A description of such equipment
or system and its design and maintenance will generally be included with the information
described in Chapter 5.
6.2.2 Organisation for alerting and intervening in the case of an emergency
257 The safety case shall describe the organisation for the alert and intervention in the event of a
major accident. The description could include the following if they are relevant to the major
accident scenarios on-site:
the functions of key posts and groups with duties in the emergency response and the
arrangements for deputies, for example:
the posts authorised to set the emergency procedures in motion and the conditions for
doing so;
(ii) the contact details of the Site Incident Controller (SIC) responsible for the coordination of
the on-site containment action;
(iii) the contact details of the Site Main Controller (SMC) responsible for liaising with external
emergency services (e.g. SCDF, SPF, NEA etc); and
(iv) the role of any specialist groups (e.g. Company Emergency Response Team (CERT), process
engineers to give advice on the risks from the processes or substances involved) required
under the emergency response plans.
the arrangements for informing individuals on-site, neighbouring facilities, where relevant, and
provide information to agencies for updating the general public to:
the nature of the alarms and the plant conditions required to activate them; and
(ii) the initial actions required both on-site and off-site in response to alarms and warnings.
the arrangements and conditions for alerting and mobilising:
68 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
individuals or groups with defined responsibilities under the emergency response plans
(e.g. CERT), including essential personnel on-site and off-site;
(ii) the emergency services (e.g. SCDF);
(iii) neighbouring facilities, which may be affected by the off-site effects from the incident or
where mutual aid agreements exist and
(iv) external agencies.
the arrangements for controlling and limiting the escalation of accidents on-site, including:
isolation of hazardous inventories and the removal of inventories where appropriate;
(ii) use of fire-fighting and other mitigation measures and
(iii) prevention of domino effects.
where relevant, the provision that has been made for monitoring wind speed and direction , and
other environmental conditions, where applicable in the event of a major accident;
provisions for establishing and maintaining communications during the emergency response;
the nature of and arrangements for maintaining any mutual aid agreements with nearby
installations (e.g. provision of equipment and human resources, first aid and specialised medical
the nature and location of any facility which may require special protection, or rescue
the nature and location of:
emergency control centres/ fire command centres integrity maintained in the event of a
major accident or, if not, a reserve facility available;
(ii) medical and first-aid points;
(iii) in-place protection (IPP) facilities;
(iv) sheltering buildings;
evacuation assembly area;
(vi) predefined control points along with any identified secondary, back up locations and
(vii) any other relevant items.
the location of access routes for emergency services, rescue routes, escape routes, and any
restricted areas;
occupancy load of occupied areas at peak and non-peak periods;
evacuation arrangements and any transport requirements, with considerations given to persons
with disability;
headcount roll call and search and rescue arrangements;
conditions for and communication means to signal occupants to proceed with IPP. The roles of the
coordinators and fire wardens to assist in setting up of IPP and the arrangements to isolate
mechanical ventilation systems;
nature and location of any pollution control devices and materials and
consideration of the effects of emergency response actions, including fire-fighting activities, to
minimise the overall impact on people and the vicinity. This should include short-term and longterm effects, and alternative options for disposal or discharge of released chemicals.
The safety case shall describe the on-site and off-site resources which can be mobilised. The
description should be in sufficient detail and relate to the major hazard scenarios described
elsewhere in the safety case. In this way, MHIs should be able to demonstrate that there are
necessary and suitable resources available to contribute to the overall measures necessary to
limit the consequences of a major accident to people and to the vicinity.
In providing this information, the safety case shall include the available resources:
located on-site;
located at neighbouring facilities with which mutual aid agreements may exist; and
which can be brought in by the MHI from elsewhere.
The safety case shall also explain how the emergency response will be complementary to and
coordinated with existing roles of SCDF.
This information shall cover the key issues listed here, where appropriate. The following
paragraphs provide more detail about the type of information that the MHD is looking for:
human resources;
hardware fit for purpose when called upon;
personal protective equipment;
fire-fighting/fire protection;
minimising the release and limiting the consequence, of dangerous substances;
monitoring and sampling;
provisions for clean-up;
first aid/medical treatment and
ancillary equipment.
The safety case shall show, relating to the conditions in the MHIs, that:
the various functions required to implement the emergency response have been identified, and
included in the emergency response plans and supporting procedures where appropriate, (e.g.
SMC, SIC, FSM, operations staff, emergency engineering/repair teams, riggers, drivers, medical
staff, special technical experts (such as chemists and toxicologists), CERT, and spillage treatment
the number of people (including third parties) with the appropriate expertise and training,
required to achieve the necessary level of response have been determined, and that these staff
can be assembled within the necessary response time;
70 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
containment actions are achievable in practice, particularly in the early stages of the incident,
given the rate at which the accident could escalate and
there are contingencies if the decision makers such as key appointment holders are
Resources that can be mobilised: hardware fit for purpose when called upon
The safety case shall show that there are appropriate arrangements to ensure that equipment is
fit for purpose in the event of the major accidents that were identified as reasonably foreseeable.
sufficient quantities of appropriately specified equipment can be made available within the
required timescale, and the relevant containing action sustained for the necessary length of time;
equipment is capable of operating in the ambient conditions, (e.g. the equipment has where
necessary adequate weather protection);
equipment is capable of operating in the conditions expected to be experienced during a major
emergency equipment is stored in an appropriate manner and location, it is accessible at all
relevant times and it is suitably protected from the consequences of a major accident (e.g. fire);
possibility of losing essential services, such as power, water, communications and other facilities,
has been taken into account and alternatives provided where necessary;
emergency equipment provided is compatible where necessary with that of the SCDF (e.g. SCDF
mobile water monitors, foam concentrate etc.) and that of organisations with which a mutual aid
agreement exists by the provision of adapters where appropriate and
electrical equipment used in the emergency response is suitably protected for the foreseeable
environmental conditions, so that its use does not introduce additional hazards.
There should also be information about whether suitable and sufficient PPE is readily accessible to
other individuals not directly involved in dealing with the emergency response, who may be
required to wear it (e.g. emergency escape respirators for site personnel in the event of a toxic
gas release).
The description of the PPE provisions shall include, where relevant, respirators, breathing
apparatus sets and protective clothing for radiant heat or specific chemical hazards.
Resources that can be mobilised: fire-fighting/fire protection
71 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
If the identified major accident scenarios include the possibility of fire, the safety case shall justify
that suitable and sufficient on-site fire-fighting and fire protection provisions can be mobilised in
the event of a major accident. MHIs should take account of resources available from other
organisations with mutual aid agreements, where applicable.
MHIs shall show that the quantity and specifications of the on-site fire-fighting provisions are
adequate for the major accident scenarios that have been identified in Chapter 4.
Where MHIs can foresee circumstances that make the use of fire-fighting or other containing
measures impracticable or unsafe (e.g. it may be unsafe to fight certain fires involving explosives),
the safety case shall show that there are arrangements to identify those circumstances. MHIs
should also give details of the additional arrangements necessary to limit the consequences of a
major accident.
The description in the safety case shall include the following to help make the demonstrations
about the MHIs ability to limit the consequences of a major accident, where applicable:
that fire-fighting roles of the on-site personnel (e.g. full-time on-site fire brigade, auxiliary fire
fighters, and other site personnel), during an emergency are defined and are appropriate;
that fire-fighting roles of CERT are complementary to the role of SCDF;
that quantity and specification of onsite fire-fighting equipment is sufficient;
that water requirements for fire-fighting and fire protection (e.g. cooling, have been
predetermined, and that the capacity and reliability of the water supply are adequate, taking into
account the various sources which may be available and the time required to establish back-up
that suitable and sufficient portable and mobile fire-fighting equipment, such as mobile monitors,
mobile pumps, portable extinguishers, foam generation equipment, hoses and hydrants, have
been located at appropriate points throughout the installation according to the hazard;
that suitable and sufficient stocks of foam compound are available when and where necessary;
that adequate consideration has been given in the design (e.g. the positioning of fire walls, to
assist the positioning and protection of fire-fighting equipment and personnel, and that the reach
of fire protection and extinguishing equipment is appropriate); and
that adequate consideration (e.g. mitigation plans) has been given to flammable substances being
carried by firewater and spreading the fire to other areas, including details of any incompatible
substances which may require additional mitigatory measures to limit the consequence of a major
accident hazard.
Resources that can be mobilised: minimising the release and limiting the consequences of
dangerous substances
If the identified major accident scenarios include the possibility of toxic or flammable substances,
the safety case shall show that suitable and sufficient provisions can be mobilised to minimise the
release of and limit the consequences of dangerous substances in the event of a major accident.
72 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
These actions may be covered by normal operating procedures but the safety case shall still show
that MHIs have considered the practicability of carrying them out in the foreseeable accident
conditions and that MHIs have the appropriate equipment, tools and PPE that would be required.
The safety case shall also refer to any provisions to reduce the evolution of toxic or flammable
fumes from hazardous material that has already been spilled and to reduce the effects of its
The safety case could also identify any resources which may be required, such as:
equipment that will be used to terminate or reduce the leak at source, such as patching or
plugging of leaks in lines and vessels, the closure of valves and the isolation of sections of plant by
blinding or blanking off;
earth-moving equipment, sandbags, drain seals, pipe-blockers and absorbents for spillages on the
ground and in drainage systems as well as penstocks in drainage systems and
floating booms for immiscible lighter-than-water products that have entered the water, including
controlled waters, where applicable.
The safety case shall also describe any provisions for treating and removing spilled material. These
provisions might include mobile pumps, and special chemicals and other materials for neutralising
or absorbing the spillage. Resources which can be provided by MHIs to assist with emergency
response shall also be identified, and there shall be confirmation that this information has been
made available to the emergency services in the emergency response plan.
Resources that can be mobilised: monitoring and sampling
The safety case shall show that there are suitable and sufficient provisions for on-site monitoring
or sampling (wherever necessary) which can be mobilised in the event of a major accident.
The safety case shall identify the purpose of the sampling/monitoring provision and explain how
the results might influence decisions concerning the emergency response.
The need for monitoring or sampling depends on factors such as the type of hazardous substance
involved, the rate at which it might disperse to safe levels and the speed at which the results can
be obtained.
Provisions for sampling and monitoring might include the monitoring of oxygen levels,
combustible gases and airborne toxic substances on-site and off-site and taking of samples from
air, water and ground. The analysis could be carried out using portable analytical equipment or
static or mobile laboratories.
73 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The safety case should also refer to any special technical expertise and other provisions required
to analyse or interpret the results, as well as how those sampling and monitoring measures can
help with emergency response.
Resources that can be mobilised: provisions for clean up
The safety case shall describe the provisions that have been made for clean-up of the
environment and which are suitable and sufficient for the major accident scenarios identified in
the safety case.
The safety case could therefore outline what is available for use and who is trained to use it, such
Other points to consider include the expected timescale over which any temporary containment
may be required, the arrangements made to ensure that such facilities would not pose an
unacceptable threat to health and the vicinity, and suitable disposal arrangements.
Resources that can be mobilised: decontamination, first aid and medical treatment
The safety case shall show that there are suitable and sufficient provisions to mobilise first aid and
medical treatment during the emergency response for the major accident scenarios identified in
the safety case. For medical treatment, it is sufficient to describe the arrangements for providing
first aid and/or transferring employees to hospital as quickly as possible, such as those who have
been exposed to toxic substances. In this part of the safety case, MHIs will need to show how the
on-site first-aid provisions align with the provisions of emergency response plan.
74 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The safety case should show that there are suitable and sufficient provisions to mobilise any
ancillary equipment which may be required during the emergency response for the major
accidents identified in the safety case
If there is a reliance upon a third party to supply equipment or services, the safety case should
describe the equipment needed and explain how this will be sourced, including estimated
timescales for its arrival on-site.
The arrangements shall cover equipment used for containment, fire-fighting, as well as other
equipment with a key function such as alarms to warn personnel of the accident. The information
provided should demonstrate that specific equipment is included in plant maintenance schedules,
maintenance records, maintenance procedures and instructions etc.
The training shall cover those members of staff and/or third parties with specific roles in the event
of a major accident, as well as providing the training and information for other employees,
contractors and visitors to the site. The safety case could also outline the type of information that
is provided during such training.
MHIs also need to describe the arrangements for integrating the lessons learnt from these
exercises when revising the emergency response plans, where necessary.
75 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The MHIs shall follow the SCDF template which can be found in General Guidelines for
Emergency Response Plan on the SCDF website as the baseline requirement for the emergency
response plan. The emergency response plan shall include all relevant information outlined in this
chapter. The emergency response plan shall be submitted together with the safety case.
The following considerations are useful in assessing the adequacy of an emergency response plan:
The incidents considered shall be planned according to the major accidents identified including
off-site consequences (Thermal radiation: 20kW/m2, Overpressure 2 Psi, Toxic: ERPG2, and AEGL3) from neighbouring premises encroaching into the premises.
Have the consequences of the various incidents considered been adequately addressed?
Are there sufficient resources in terms of personnel and equipment in the MHI available at all
times, to carry out the emergency plan for the various incidents in conjunction with SCDF?
Have the timescales been assessed adequately?
Is there a logical sequence of actions for the key personnel that are identified and given a role in
the emergency plan?
Has suitable consultation taken place with the relevant stakeholders who are involved in the
development of the emergency response plan?
Are these plans communicated to the employees working in MHIs?
Are arrangements in place to cover emergency response round the clock?
76 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
This chapter will deal with ALARP demonstration in a safety case to ensure that risks arising from
major accident hazards in MHIs are reduced to ALARP levels.
In a safety case, MHIs are required to show, through reasoned and supported arguments, that all
practical control measures that can be reasonably implemented have been implemented to
reduce the risk for SCEs. The adopted control measures for any identified SCE must be shown to
collectively eliminate or reduce the risk to health and safety to ALARP levels. The approach
employed in providing evidence of ALARP demonstration within a safety case is at the MHIs
discretion. In practice, a combination of approaches are likely to be necessary and this chapter
attempts to provide clarity of the possible approaches while not limiting the possible options
available for any MHIs ALARP demonstration.
To make a demonstration means to show, justify or make the case or argument through the
information given. The reasoning provided in a safety case should be logical and coherent.
Initially, any statements made in the safety case will be accepted, unless there is information or
evidence to the contrary. MHD inspectors may conduct on-site verifications or ask to see
documentation to prove the claims made, as part of safety case assessments.
MHIs may have different hazards but all MHIs have one thing in common the potential for a
major accident. It is expected that each MHIs safety case will be different, but each safety case
has to feature ALARP demonstration. Sufficient information has to be provided to make the link
between selected SCEs and ALARP demonstration of the control measures implemented to
prevent major accidents.
Making a demonstration does not mean proving beyond reasonable doubt. For example, if a
safety case states that a vessel is manufactured to a particular established standard, it is not
required to include copies of certificates which prove that it is built to that standard. It is
adequate to quote the standard and say why it is appropriate for the vessel concerned (e.g. by
comparing key design parameters, such as pressure and temperature limits, with the scope of the
standard.) When commonly found standards are referred to for a number of vessels, then a
general comment outlining their general application is sufficient.
77 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
In summary, the safety case shall demonstrate the measures needed to prevent or limit a major
accident. Subsequent on-site verifications will examine these measures in more detail to ascertain
that the effective measures are being taken by the MHI.
Risk Risks span across a spectrum from very low to very high. The greater the initial level of risk
under consideration, the greater the degree of rigour required to demonstrate that risks have
been reduced so far as is reasonably practicable. Proportionality should drive depth of risk
analysis, the time, cost and trouble expended on reducing risk and the on-going resources
allocated during operations to manage risk. Level of rigour should be proportionate to:
the scale and nature of the major accident hazards assessed, based on the installations and
activities within it, and
the risks posed to populations.
Reasonable practicability In the context of risk, practicability is whether a control measure can
be implemented based on current technological capabilities. However, costs and other sacrifices
(in money, time and/or effort) would bring into perspective the reasonableness of implementing a
control measure. Hence, determining whether SCE risks have been reduced to ALARP involves an
assessment of risk to be avoided, an assessment of the sacrifice involved in implementing control
measures to avoid that risk and a comparison of the two (risk reduced/avoided & sacrifice). The
basis on which the comparison is made involves the test of gross disproportion.
Gross disproportion When risks are avoided or reduced, there are benefits derived, such as
safer workplace, no loss of lives, increased productivity etc. The benefits are a result of the risk
reduction as sacrifice (a combination of time, money, effort etc.) has been made to implement a
control measure. When more sacrifices are made, the risk is reduced further. However, there is a
point or region where any incremental sacrifice to implement more control measures does not
derive additional benefit. At this point or region, risk reduction is considered ALARP and further
measures to reduce the risk can be ruled out. The comparison to judge gross disproportion
between sacrifice and benefit gained is always in the favour of safety. If a measure is practicable
and it cannot be shown that the sacrifice to implement the measure is grossly disproportionate to
the benefit gained; then the measure is considered reasonably practicable and should be
Inherently safer design It is good practice to apply the principles of prevention as a hierarchy:
78 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
MHIs are strongly encouraged to apply these general principles in a hierarchical manner and implement
a combination of these principles as they see fit in design and operations to prevent major accidents.
Choosing between options For new MHIs or brown-field redevelopment projects, a selection
among options may be needed not only at the design stage but at any stage in any project, which
will involve making a choice between differing design concepts for the project as a whole. In
making choices MHIs shall consider the risks associated over the whole life cycle of a project.
However, it is expected that a new installation would not give rise to a residual level of risk
greater than that achieved by the best examples of existing good practice for similar functions.
The reasonable practicability of any further risk reduction shall be measured against this baseline.
Safety cases shall show that the lowest risk option has been selected in all cases, or the reason for
selecting the higher risk option is ALARP.
Good practice This is taken to refer to any well-defined and established standard or codes of
practice adopted by an industrial or occupational sector, including learnings from incidents that
may yet to be incorporated into standards. Good practice generally represents a preferred
approach; however it is not the only approach that may be taken. While good practice informs, it
neither constrains nor substitutes for the need for professional judgement. Good practice may
change over time because of technical innovation or because of increased knowledge and
Reverse ALARP The practice of using QRA or cost benefit analysis (CBA) to justify a higher risk
option for new projects or removal of an existing control measure in existing facilities that
achieves only a small level of risk reduction compared to the potential high benefit gained, is
termed Reverse ALARP. It uses the assessments to show that cost of existing measure is grossly
disproportionate to the benefit gained (as compared to level of risk reduction) and hence, the
continued implementation of the control measure is not reasonably practicable. Such reverse
ALARP justifications are not acceptable as it contradicts the ALARP principle.
Changed circumstances MHIs may wish to introduce new processes, new technology or alter
the conditions in which equipment is operated in response to changed circumstances. Such
changes may result in a change to the risk profile, as some risks may increase. This may be
permissible provided control measures are taken to ensure that the risks are reduced to ALARP
for the new situation.
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Risk uncertainty It is expected that risk related decision should be made with sufficient certainty
and understanding of both the likelihood and the consequence of a SCE occurring. Where there is
significant uncertainty which leads to a wide range of risk outcomes, sensitivity analysis on the
effects of the range of input parameters and a precautionary approach to demonstrate risks are
ALARP should be taken.
There is no prescribed methodology for demonstrating that the necessary control measures have
been and will continue to be identified to reduce risks to ALARP. However, there are several basic
approaches which may be used to support an MHI's provision of evidence and justification within
the safety case. MHIs could consider using one or more of these approaches but should also be
prepared to consider developing specific approaches appropriate to their installation. In practice,
it is likely that most MHIs will require a combination of approaches.
The ALARP argument may be qualitative and focus on relevant good practices and sound
engineering principles. Several sources of good practice and engineering principles exist which are
in order of precedence:
prescriptive legislation;
regulatory guidance;
standards produced by standard-making organisations;
guidance agreed by an organisation representing a particular sector of industry and
standard good practice adopted by a particular sector of industry.
If good practice and engineering principles are used as the sole justification of ALARP, the MHI
shall demonstrate that:
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good practice and engineering principles reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
ALARP demonstrations for SCEs require the presentation of quantitative arguments such as CBA,
in order to provide the justification that all necessary measures have been taken. In some
situations it is not sufficient to assume that applying current good practice and engineering
principles will ensure that the risks are ALARP. SCEs may require quantitative arguments in order
to provide the justification that all necessary measures have been taken (see paragraphs 317 to
320 below for more details).
In setting out to provide evidence that the risks are reduced to a level that is ALARP, it is a
fundamental requirement to show the clear link between the hazard identification and risk
assessments and the measures taken to make the risks ALARP. The hazard identification and risk
assessments carried out in Chapter 4 provide the foundation on which to base the control
measure selection. The following approaches may be considered:
Hazard and risk criteria approach define criteria that is considered to correspond to reducing
risk to a level that is ALARP assess performance quantitatively or qualitatively (using matrices for
example) and compare against the criteria (corporate or internal risk tolerance criteria).
Comparative assessment of risks, costs and benefits evaluate risk and associated costs for a
range of control measure options for the MHI and compare the relative merits of the different
options, selecting the options which are practicable.
Cost benefit analysis (CBA) the numerical assessment of the costs of implementing a design
change or modification and the likely reduction in risk that this would be expected to achieve. CBA
may be used in cases where it is difficult to determine whether the cost is justified after
completing risk assessments of sufficient rigour. MHIs shall justify the assumptions used in the
Comparison with codes and standards compare design, the management system framework
and operational procedures against recognised national, international or industry standards,
codes of practice, guides etc.
Audit against good practice audit the basis and implementation of the management system,
including operations and maintenance systems, against good practice for process units, vessels, or
relevant similar industries.
Technical analysis evaluate control measures in technical terms; assess strengths and
weaknesses, e.g. effectiveness, functionality, availability, reliability, technical feasibility,
compatibility, survivability, correspondence of control measures to hazards and risks,
appropriateness of performance standards etc.
Performance data evaluate safety-related performance data for major accident scenarios as
evidence of adequacy or satisfactory levels of performance, e.g. data on the operational
effectiveness or reliability of a control measure may support the demonstration of its
appropriateness for that service.
Improvement approach demonstrates the extent of relative improvements in performance for
the MHI based on past, present and planned modifications and enhancements.
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Decisions on the requirement for additional risk reduction to bring down levels to ALARP should
be made by appropriately qualified and experienced technical personnel.
The output from the risk reduction measures study should be a list of the risk reduction measures
considered for each SCE, with a conclusion as to whether it is to be implemented or not. If it is to
be implemented, it should form part of an improvement plan, including responsibilities,
accountabilities and timescale. Otherwise, the reasons should be documented and justified on the
basis of reasoned argument.
For safety case acceptance purposes, the MHIs approach on ALARP demonstration will be
evaluated in terms of its robustness, transparency and appropriateness to its installation. MHIs
shall therefore define the underlying rationale, criteria and decision-making basis for the case.
The description must be convincing; this means that the rationale for deciding the completeness
of the hazard identification and the adequacy of the measures employed shall be supported and
accompanied by all assumptions made and conclusions drawn. Where appropriate, MHIs shall
present or summarise the results of supporting studies that have been performed. The
description shall also demonstrate that the process was systematic which means that it followed a
fixed and pre-established scope. Finally, the degree of analysis in support of the ALARP
demonstration shall be proportionate to the risk and to the complexity of the MHI, hazards and
the control measures.
In managing risks arising from SCEs, a proactive and holistic process is expected to prevent or
control risks before incidents occur and mitigate consequences when incidents do occur.
Furthermore in regard to what is practicable, the test of gross disproportion applies if a measure
is practicable and it cannot be shown that the cost of the control measure is grossly
disproportionate to the benefit gained, then the control measure is considered reasonably
practicable and must be implemented. This reinforces a precautionary approach by requiring the
requisite control measures to be implemented unless there is an obvious imbalance between the
82 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
sacrifice (cost) and the risk. The higher the risk, it is expected that the sacrifice (cost) required has
to increase as well, before it could reasonably be considered as being grossly disproportionate.
When reviewing health or safety control measures for existing MHIs, MHIs shall compare existing
control measures against current good practice. The good practice measures shall be adopted so
far as is reasonably practicable. It might not be reasonably practicable to apply retrospectively to
existing MHIs for example, all the good practice expected for a new MHI. However, there may still
be ways to reduce the risk e.g. by partial solutions etc.
New MHIs should conform to current good practice, as a starting point. Other potential options
shall be considered to determine whether further risk reduction measures are reasonably
practicable. As a guide, MHI can aim and compare against levels of safety that are known to have
been achieved in other good practice designs. The use of good practice at the design stage is
essential to demonstrating achievement of ALARP. Therefore, it is important that the MHI
captures all of the relevant information about risk-reduction decisions made during the early
design stages. This shall include use of sound design principles (e.g. inherent safety) as well as
codes, standards and guidance. The earlier an MHI undertakes an ALARP evaluation, the greater
the ability to reduce risks to a level that is ALARP. Practicability is reduced as the project
progresses and inherent safety opportunities are often lost beyond the concept selection stage.
As previously mentioned, the criterion is reasonably practicable, not reasonably affordable:
justifiable cost and effort is not determined by the budget constraints or viability of the project.
MHIs are expected to address at least the following specific factors in their consideration of
ALARP in the safety case submission:
Timeliness. For the case of new MHI or new projects & brownfield developments, the earlier an
MHI undertakes an ALARP evaluation, the greater the ability to reduce risks to a level that is
Safety case content that is consistent with the requirements specified in the WSH (MHI)
Involvement of people who know the MHI or a very similar operation. This includes (but not
limited to) managers, employees, contractors, competent persons etc.
Access to a wide range of reference material such as standards, safety alerts, etc.
Description with a sufficient level of detail that explains the means by which the MHI ensures
suitability of the design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance or modification that is
appropriate to the MHI.
A transparent and robust presentation of evidence showing that the adopted control measures
reduce risk to ALARP.
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A transparent and robust presentation of evidence that the SHMS provides for and will continue
to provide for reduction of risk to ALARP, and that the SHMS is comprehensive and integrated.
Inherent safety
Prevention measures
Mitigation measures
Types of Control Measure
Design Standards
Control Systems
Operating Procedures
Safety Devices
Emergency Systems
Operating Circumstances
Operating conditions
84 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
The UK offshore oil and gas industry has developed a framework to assist risk-related decision
making (Oil & Gas UK, formerly UKOOA, 2014), which helps decision-makers choose an
appropriate basis for their decisions. A summary of the framework is shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Risk-related decision support framework (Oil & Gas UK, 2014)
The framework takes the form of three different decision contexts (A, B & C). The first step in the
decision-making process is to determine the decision context (i.e. the combination of
circumstances, knowledge and events within which the decision is to be made) based on these
factors: activity type, risk & uncertainty and stakeholder influence. The assessment techniques
85 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
used will depend on the selected decision context. The chevrons shown in Figure 3 show the
assessment techniques likely to be needed to make an ALARP decision. More details about this
framework are provided in the Oil & Gas UK Guidelines.
This approach shows that good practice would predominantly influence Type A decisions. In cases
where good practices are not sufficiently well-defined or available, engineering risk assessments
may be required to guide the decision. Engineering risk assessment and good practice would have
major inputs to Type B decisions involving infrequent non-standard activities, deviation from
standard practice, some risk uncertainty, etc. Type C decision context identifies the need for a
precautionary approach in the decision-making based on significant uncertainty in risk, unproven
or novel design, conflict of values, etc. For Type C, relevant good practice and detailed
engineering risk assessment will still be used to support the decision.
As an additional caution, MHIs who are making Type A decisions that rely predominantly on codes
and standards as a decision basis shall ensure they truly understand how the codes and standards
act to minimise risks. Without this knowledge it is difficult to identify when change (planned or
otherwise) will undermine the effectiveness of that standard or code as a control measure.
330 Should an MHI choose to adopt this framework, it is advisable to make reference to the Oil &
Gas UK Guidelines for details on the use of the framework.
The following example gives an application of the framework for illustration purposes: three
facilities, three different outcomes.
Standard temperature and
pressure pipeline
conveying a hydrocarbon
with a flash point above
600C, with no known
unique environmental
concerns that could
exacerbate a major
accident scenario relating
to this pipeline.
Nothing new or unusual,
corporate and industry
codes cover this
application extensively.
The best design,
installation and
The MHI has installed new
hydrocarbon processing
equipment. There is
nothing new or unusual
about the equipment or
process but this is the first
of this type that has been
installed and operated by
the MHI.
MHI with novel technologies and
complex hydrocarbon processing
equipment that requires
frequent monitoring during the
initial start-up phase of
operations. The MHI has a large
number of personnel on-site and
is located in the vicinity of other
MHIs processing hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbon processing
facilities are not novel but
they are new to this MHI
and thus deviate from
established company
practice. Qualified
86 | S a f e t y C a s e T e c h n i c a l G u i d a n c e
maintenance approaches
are known and wellestablished over many
engineering judgement
and some risk based
assessment will be
required to determine that
the design is ALARP.
Should an MHI choose to adopt this framework, it is advisable to make reference to UK HSEs
Guidance on ALARP Decisions for details on the use of the framework.5
This step-wise approach, which has been adapted to the context of this set of safety case
technical guidance, assumes that the risks have been shown to be tolerable after implementation
of control measures to ALARP and that a case-specific ALARP demonstration is required:
Identify controlled substances, their inventories and locations.
Show the local environment, including on- and off-site populations that may be
affected and other installations (including those at designated domino effect sites)
that might be affected by major accidents or be initiators of a major accident.
Show that the required measures are, at least, to current authoritative good practice.
Identify all MASs and develop a view on the significance of each one (quantitative,
semi-quantitative, qualitative or a combination of approaches).
In the light of the significance of all the identified MASs, choose a representative
subset of SCEs for detailed consideration.
Refine the prediction of the hazard range and its likelihood, for each event in the
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