EUCON Pro Tools
EUCON Pro Tools
EUCON Pro Tools
In the Touchscreen, press the TRACKS key to enter Tracks view mode.
Select a track that has at least one plug-in by pressing its channel SEL switch, or by touching that track on the screen.
In the Touchscreen, press the Inserts encoder. The Soft Encoders show the names of all plug-ins inserted on the selected track.
Press the encoder for the plug-in you want to edit. The first page of parameters for that plug-in are mapped across the encoders.
5 Press both PAGE keys simultaneously ( <PAGE and PAGE>) to enter Config mode. Both PAGE keys flash. The currently selected
Settings file is shown next to the first encoder (or if the plug-in is using the factory default Settings file, the encoder shows
A green dot next to the displayed Settings file means the Compare button is active (the Compare button on-screen is blue). To toggle
Compare, tap the green dot in the Touchscreen.
Press the available (lit) encoder. All available Settings files appear by the encoders. A green dot indicates which preset is currently selected. Press a flashing PAGE key ( <PAGE or PAGE>) to display the previous or next 8 Settings files.
To select a Settings file, or to navigate through a folder of Settings files, press its encoder.
MC Pro or S5-MC
To work with plug-in Settings files from MC Pro or S5-MC, use the Soft Knobs section to perform the same actions as described
above for Artist Control. Use the MC Pro <cfg> switches in place of the (Artist Control) <PAGE> switches.
Artist Mix or 408
To select plug-in Settings Files from Artist Mix or 408:
Press the INSERTS switch. Any plug-ins in the current slot on all currently banked channels are displayed.
4 Press the encoder beneath the displayed name of the plug-in you want to edit. The first page of parameters for that plug-in are
mapped across the encoders.
EUCON Compatibility Enhancements with Pro Tools 10.2 5/7/12
Press the available encoder. Available Settings files appear above the encoders. A green LED indicates which preset is currently
selected. Press a flashing PAGE key ( <PAGE or PAGE>) to display the previous or next 8 Settings files.
To navigate through a folder of Settings files, or to select a Settings file, press its encoder.
8 Press both PAGE keys ( <PAGE and PAGE>) again to exit. (On 408, press both <cfg> keys.) Plug-in parameters are displayed
across the encoders.
9 To use the plug-in Compare button, adjust one or more plug-in parameters (so that the Compare button is lit on-screen), press
both PAGE keys (on Artist Mix) or both <cfg> keys (on 408), then press the lit ON switch to toggle Compare.
Select a track.
Make sure no other mode is currently selected for the Touchscreen (press SHIFT+BACK/TOP to jump back to the top level).
Press the encoder for Instrument. The encoders now let you assign MIDI Input, MIDI Output, and adjust MIDI Pan and MIDI Volume
on the selected Instrument track. For example, to assign MIDI Input press the encoder displaying All (the encoders show available
MIDI Input choices), then select an available MIDI Input by pressing its encoder. Similarly, to adjust MIDI Pan rotate the Pan encoder.
Artist Mix
To access and adjust Instrument track controls (such as MIDI Input and Output) from Artist Mix:
2 Press and hold the INSERTS switch until the other Mode switches briefly flash, then release the INSERTS switch. The Track display now shows the current assignment for MIDI Input (or MIDI Output, or MIDI Pan, or MIDI Volume, depending on which control
was most recently adjusted). Press <PAGE or PAGE> to page to the other controls. To spill all four controls across the track displays, press CHAN.
Press the encoder below the desired choice for MIDI Input or Output, or rotate the encoder for MIDI Pan or MIDI Volume.
MC Pro
To access and adjust Instrument track controls (such as MIDI Input and Output) from MC Pro:
Press the cfg> switch in the Soft Knob section. The display now shows Instrument.
To access and adjust Instrument track controls (such as MIDI Input and Output) from the 408:
Press and hold the INPUTS switch in the channel strip for the desired Instrument track. The channel display shows MIDI Input,
MIDI Output, MIDI Pan, and MIDI Volume on the selected Instrument track.
Make sure the PRE is correctly installed and configured for remote control from Pro Tools. (For more information, see the
PRE Guide.)