Haley Wissinger: Wissinger - H@lynchburg - Edu
Haley Wissinger: Wissinger - H@lynchburg - Edu
Haley Wissinger: Wissinger - H@lynchburg - Edu
[email protected]
2888 Quarles Road
Thaxton, VA 24174
(540) 467-5290 (cell)
OBJECTIVE To obtain a full time teaching position (K-6).
Master of Special Education, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia, May 2017
Bachelor of Science, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia, May 2016
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies (K-6)
GPA: 3.30
Collegiate Professional Endorsement K-6 completed in May 2016
Developmental Psychology, Instructional Strategies, Classroom Management in the
Instructional Context, Reading and Language Acquisition I, Reading and
Acquisition II, Methods: Language Arts and Social Studies, Methods:
Science and Math,
Childrens Literature, School Math, Introduction to Education,
Introduction to Special
Education, Characteristics of Developmental Disabilities
Student Teacher, Kindergarten, Bedford Primary School, Bedford, Virginia,
Spring 2016
This specific class was an inclusion class including eight students with IEPs and three high
needs students.
Observed and assisted cooperating teacher as she taught the class
Developed lesson plans for full time teaching of Kindergarten subjects in line with the
Standards of Learning
Taught all subjects
Participated in Unit Meetings
Participated in Faculty Meetings
Participated in IEP Meetings
Participated in planning school wide assemblies
Student Teaching, Third Grade, Huddleston Elementary School, Huddleston,
Virginia, Spring 2016
Developed lesson plans for full time teaching of Third Grade subjects in line with the
Standards of Learning
Participated in SCT meetings
Participated in grade level meetings
Participated in planning events for grade level
Taught all subjects
Field III, Teacher Assistant, First Grade, Thomas Jefferson Elementary School,
Forest, Virginia
Spring 2015
Observed and assisted the classroom teacher
Planned and taught whole group reading lessons in line with the standards of learning
Taught small groups during reading instruction
Field II, Book Buddies, Robert S. Payne Elementary, Lynchburg, Virginia, Fall
Assisted students one on one with reading and comprehension strategies
Developed lesson plans in line with the Standards of Learning
Created numerous instructional games for students to help aid with their reading strategies.
Provided technology (iPad) for instructional activities
Created different activities to help child with blending sounds
Google Docs
Accelerated Reader