N R L T: Orthcoast Egional and Rust
N R L T: Orthcoast Egional and Rust
N R L T: Orthcoast Egional and Rust
f you have passed by the Land and a suite of other wetland dependent
In This Issue
Trust’s Freshwater Farms Reserve species. Those trenches, actually new
property on Old Arcata Road over slough channels, connect to Wood Creek,
the past month, you may have seen a tributary to Freshwater Slough, and will
some unusual activity: excavators fill up with water when the tide comes in
and bulldozers digging trenches in throughout the day. The project is designed From the Board President 2
the pasture. That’s because the Land Trust to provide a habitat type that has been lost Of People and Place 3
finally began construction on the wetland around Humboldt Bay, due to diking and
enhancement project that has been long the installation of tide gates. The Land Breaking Ground 4-5
planned for the property. Named the Wood Trust will continue to lease the eastern half 2008 Annual Report 6
Creek Tidal Marsh Enhancement Project, of its property to a local beef rancher.
NRLT Supporters 7
it is intended to create brackish (slightly
salty) water habitat for salmon, steelhead Calendar of Events 8
Continued on page 4
2 N O R T H C O A S T R E G I O N A L L A N D T R U S T • A U T U M N 2 0 0 9
Specialist he photograph used for this column was taken at a wonderful occasion (although
1st Vice President, Mark Andre, Director not for the bull who was annoyed), the dedication of the purchase of the
of Environmental Services, City of Arcata McNamara Dairy by the Northcoast Regional Land Trust with funds from the
2nd Vice President, Dennis Rael, Business Coastal Conservancy. Land Trust board members, agency representatives and
Owner, Los Bagels Company, Inc. a cross section of Orick citizens came to the ceremony, held on a perfect early
summer coastal day. As with the other property we own, Freshwater Farms Reserve, part of
Secretary, Yvonne Everett, Associate
the land will be kept in agricultural production and a portion restored for natural resources,
Professor, Natural Resources Planning,
Humboldt State University if appropriate.
Last spring, at a productive retreat and training, I was honored to be selected as board
Treasurer, Martha Spencer, Senior Planner, president. Following Blake Alexandre’s tenure will be a challenge however; he very capably
Humboldt County Planning Division took the land trust through a number of transitions and we cannot thank him sufficiently
Blake Alexandre, Past President, Business for it. I also would like to give a warm and grateful thank you to the long term loyal board
Owner, Alexandre Family EcoDairy Farms members who rotated off this past year: John Laboyteaux, Wes Anderson and Jack Limmer.
Bill Bragg, Attorney at Law, Bragg, I think that different issues draw people to support land trusts. I grew up in San
Perlmen, Russ, Stenich, Rudolph & Eads Francisco and Marin County and have lived in Humboldt County since 1980. As a child I
Maya Conrad, Conservation Land Agent, spent summers in the high Sierras, and hiked in Marin County during the rest of the year.
Coldwell Banker Realty I was there when the efforts to establish Point Reyes National Seashore began, and lived in
Kevin McKernan, Natural Resources Sonoma County when the Marin Agricultural Land Trust started up in the 1970s.
Specialist I still return to West Marin, and realize that the community and place is what it
is because of the efforts of these two organizations. Open space is plentiful, ranching is
Leland Mora, Business Owner, Humboldt still part of the community and people there support and appreciate this. In Humboldt
Auction Yard & Humboldt Grassfed Beef
County, after working for the national park service as a Cultural Resources Manager and
Fred Neighbor, Attorney at Law, private liaison with the Native American Governments, I served on the City of Arcata Planning
practice Commission for ten years - again with an appreciation for planning, open space, a
sustainable community that includes ranching, and the people who work for these goals. So
Board Emeritus, David McMurray, Secre-
tary, California Council of Land Trusts that is what drew me to the land trust - our mission, our amazing staff, and the people in
the community who support our work by donations, serving on the board, or assistance.
This coming year will be busy. We have started our monthly “Lay of the Land”
Board of Advisors presentations. Restoration work at Freshwater Farms began in late August. In October,
board members and staff will attend the annual Land Trust Alliance rally in Portland,
James Able Liz Murguia always an energizing gathering. And, as a result of our board retreat last spring, board
Dave Albee Colleen O’Sullivan members are productively working on committees concerning projects, accreditation, fund
Kim Browning Chuck Powell raising, strategic and conservation area planning, and board and staff governance.
Nancy Diamond Tom Rowe
Jeff Dunk Rondal Snodgrass We thank all of you for your continuing support.
Zuretti Goosby Bill Thompson
Steve Hackett Paul J. Warner
Sandra Jerabeck Arnold Whitridge
Laura Kadlecik Katherine Ziemer
Lindsay Magnuson, Executive Director
Ben Morehead, Projects
Linda Serrano, Development
Ryan Wells, Projects
Shayne Green, Planning Consultant
Volunteer & Interns
Leslie Scopes Anderson, newsletter layout
Rick Fanguy, intern
Patrick Mason, intern
The Northcoast Regional Land Trust is a
member of the Land Trust Alliance and the
California Council of Land Trusts.
Contact NRLT:
P.O. Box 398, Bayside, CA 95524
Ph: 707.822.2242; Fax: 707.822.5210
[email protected]; www.ncrlt.org
N O R T H C O A S T R E G I O N A L L A N D T R U S T • A U T U M N 2 0 0 9 3
Break i n g G ro u n d o n
(Continued from page 1)
The following photos illustrate some of
the highlights during the first half of
Many educational groups have come to the site to experience the restoration
for themselves, including classes from the Six Rivers Charter School,
Humboldt State University’s Applied Ecological Restoration class and College
of the Redwood’s Film Production class (shown here).
Donations Projects &
Income Expenses
NRLT is a tax-exempt, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization listed with the IRS under EIN #68-0456290. All donations are tax deductible.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust Nonprofit Org
P.O. Box 398 U.S. Postage
Bayside, CA 95524 PAID
Eureka, CA
Permit No. 46
Calendar of Events
Land Trust Holiday Party
Join landowners, conservation specialists, board
members, staff and and our members as we celebrate the
holidays. DATE: Thursday, December 10 from 4-6 pm.