Pi Kappa Alpha Ritualbook

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THE Pi Bappa Alpha Fraternity RITUAL & PART PART IL. PART U1, PART IV. PART V PART VI PART VII. PART VIL. PART IX, . PART X, Table of Contents Poreword — .. Care of Ritual. Opening Ceremony 1. Chapter meetings 2. Conventions 3. Supreme Council Meeting Admission Ceremony ee eee Reception Ceremony... = % 1, Visiting 8.M.C.s of Chapters 2 District Officers 3 National Officers Installation of Officers 4, Chapter Officers 2 National Officers Pledging Ceremony . cee Initiatory Ceremony Preparations sald Section 1 : ae 13 Section 2) 1s Preparatory Ins 16 Initiatory Ceremony 2» Section 1 20 Section 2 a Installation Ceremony for New Chapters... 43 Closing Ceremony .. Bauer. Memorial Service Foreword ‘The Ritual of Pi Kappa Alpha is simple. Tts principles form the basework of the idealism that has been built up during the life of the Fraternity, The general purpose of this Ritual is to furnish an orderly procedure in demonstrating the true meaning of Pi Kappa Alpha, Great care and attention have been given to the details and specifi instructions have been written to prevent confusion. It is recom: mended that each Chapter use constantly the appropriate ceremonies and that special effort should be made to exemplity the various cere- monies in a dignified manner. . 1m thls revision ofthe Ritual, ft has been the purpose of the Ritual Committee not to alter any of the traditions of the Fraternity nor to remove or to add any fundamental part of any ceremony. We have atterapted to clarify the obscure, to simplify, to explain and to dignify. ‘The purpose of the Initiatory Ceremony is to put fundamental principles and high idealiam into dramatic form and thereby to create in the mind of the initiate an emotional state that will become a life- long driving force in the eniulatioti of that idealiare: For this reason, and out of reverence for tradition, it is proper that _great time and effort be given so that the ceremonies may be effec tively presented, ‘Those wha have studied and worked with the Ritual have been refreshed by the privilege of working together in the spirit of ¢ca. CARE OF THE RITUAL As required by the Constitution (Asticle XII) and Laws of the Fracernity (Chapcer VI), the Ritual mast be Guarded with the greatest web ‘to the strong box promptly after each time 7 used, Ps Kappa Mpha Reval PART I Opening, Crmony ‘This ceremony shall be used for each Chapter meeting, District or National Convention, or Supreme Council meeting. The Officers and members of the Chapter (or Convention, of Supreme Council) being assembled, the S. M. C. (President) raps three times with the gavel, All rise and remain standing. Before proceeding the 8. M. C. (President) ascertains if all present are members. 8. MC. Brother Worthy Master (Vice President), what is Pi PRESIDENT: Kappa Alpha? LM. C2 Pi Kappa Alpha is a general, national, Greek letter, VICE PRES.: secret, social, college Fraternity. 8. MC: 5 _ PRESIDENT; 0? What is it founded? LM. G: Teis founded on VICE PRES.: SM. Cr ‘ PRESIDENT; Of Whom is it composed? LMC. Vice Pres: Itis composed of college men banded rogether as brothers. 8. M,C. ad PRESIDENT: Wh#* are its porposs? LM. C.: Its purposes are to foster the social valuex of good VICE PRES.: fellowship; to promote high scholarship and to inculs cate high ideals of American manhood, P, Kappa Aha Real S.M.C.: Let us pray. PRESIDENT: Our Father, we ask Thy blessing on this meeting, the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and its members. May all our acts redound to the prosperity of the Fraternity and te Thy glory. Amen. This printed prayer may be given by the S, M. C. himself, or an original prayer may be given by the S. M. C. or some other brother, 8. M. C I now declare this meeting of Chapter PRESIDENT: (or Convention, or Supreme Council) open for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before it, requiring all here assembled to conduct themselves with order and propriety. ‘The S.M. C, (President) gives one rap with the gavel and all are seated. ‘The peesccibed order of business fs followed frpm this point. Di Kegpe Mpa Rtual PART IL. Aémision. Caremony ‘After a Chapter ruceting bas been formally opened, a Brother may gain admission in the following manner: (Note that NO ONE SHALL BE ADMITTED TO THE CHAPTER ROOM WHILE THE INITIATORY CEREMONY IS IN PROGRESS.) The Brother desiring admission shall give ‘The Conductor responds with a like number from within, ‘The Brother then gives The Conductor again responds with a like number from within. The Brother then gives ‘The Conductor responds with the same number and opens the door slightly. ‘The Brother then gives his name and Chapter (and rani, if an officer). ‘The Conductor closes the door, salutes the S.M. C,, and says: M.C: Brother Worthy High Master, Brother of. Chapter wishes to be admitted. $.M. C,: “Admit him on the proper password. ‘The Conductor re-opens the door and says? ©: The Worthy High Master directs that you be admitted on the proper password, ‘The Brother whispers the password to the Conductor and is admitted. He advances into the room and salutes the S, M. C. before taking his seat, Note: In the case of a District President of other Officer, ace Part IIT, “Reception Ceremony.” P. Kegpa Mohr Rita PART IIL : R ‘This ceremony is used for the reception af National Otticers, District Presidents on official visits, Special Representatives, or visit- ing Chapter Presidenta, plion Caremony Uniess a visiting Officer or Special Representative shall have entered the Chapter Roora before the Opening Ceremony, be shail approach the door of the Chapter Room and give any ordinary alarm. ‘When answered by the Conductor, he will give bis name and rank (and Chapter in the case of a Chapter President). ‘The Conductor will acknowledge the report, close the door, tum toward the S. M, C. and salute, M.C.: Brother Worthy High Master, Brother — (giving rank or office) is without and desires admission. S.M.C.: Brother Conductor, you will retire and escort Brother _—-- into the Chapter Room. ‘The Conductor retires and escorts the visiting Officer into the Chapter Roora. (If the visiting Officer has been present since the opening of the meeting, the previous portion of this ceremony is obviously not necessary. In such a case, the Conductor at the end of “Reports of Officers” shall rise and present the Officer to the S. M. C.) M.C.: Brother Worthy High Master, it gives me pleasure to present to you, and through you to Chapter, Brother =n == (naming rank and office), who is.making (an official visit) (a visit) to our Chapter, The M. C. steps back one pace as the S. M. C. raps three times with the gavel and all rise and remain standing. The S. M. C. steps to the visiting Officer and gives him the grip. 4 DP, Kappa Abba Reual S.M,C.: Brother —. ——+ in behalf of Chapter, I welcome you. The S. M, C. escorts the visiting Officer to the chair and hands him the gavel. s.M. I present this gavel in token of your authority. VISITING OFFICER: (Makes informal response and then gives one rap with the gavel to seat the Chapter. He should then return the gavel to the SM. C.) A seat should be provided for the visiting Officer on the right of the $,M.C. The meeting will then proceed. Kappa Agha Ritual PART IV Installation off Offers Thus ceremony aball be used for the Installation of both Chapter Officer, ana National Officers, Ir sr ommended that Officers not be installed at the meeting at wh: a they are elected, Installation may take place at the following meet: z, by which time the appointive Officers should bave been desigeate’ In this way, all the Officers may be installed at the same time : ‘This ceremony contemplates that the retiring Officers, either Chaser . National, shall constitute the Installation Team, If a chr ag O-figer is absent of unable to serve, a substitute shall be appointe’ An example would be that of an Officer elected or ap- poinvad ry suc-ced himself, It in suggested that an alumnus be used se owe eave of any substitution, On y+» invallation night, all members must wear their robes, The new Off orm of a Chapter shall wear the robes of their respective rates: ow Officers whose positions do not provide a special robe sho! we: plain robes without a collar. The retiring Officers shall we pir rohes and the collars of their respective office The tiring Officers shall line up at the head of the Chapter ton. i «renting S.M. C. (or President) directs the newly elected amt ape nted Officers to form a similar line facing the retiting Officers ‘The . M. C, (or President) then.proceeds as follows: SM. Beothers, you have been elected and appointed to fill your dougnated offices for the ensuing term. It now becomes my pleasant duty to induct you into office. The etiring Officers remove their collars and hold them before the vew Officers, Ps Kappa Abba Ritual 8. M. Gs Brothers, you will repeat after me the oath of office, each placing his hands upon the collar of his office. I hereby signify my approval and acceptance / of the laws of the Pi Kappa’ Aipha Fraternity / as the laws by which my acts, / as an Officer, / are to be controlied; / and I promise zealously / to procure their enforcement, / faithfully to guard the interests of the Fraternity, / and diligently to perform the duties of my office, / so long as I shall hold the same, / So help me God. / Each retiring Officer places the collar of office about the neck of his successor, and steps back into line. This concludes the ceremony for the installation of National Officers. The ceremony for the installation of chapter officers coritinues as follows: 8.M.C: S.M. Ci ‘The duties of the Officers are many and varied. The welfare and success of the Chapter is dependent upon the prompt, careful and full performance of these functions and duties. I ask that each of you work earnestly for the advancement of the best interests of the Chapter, at all times laying aside petvonal feelings and prejudices, that the welfare of the Chapter may be continued; cooperate with each other, that your work may be a pleasure to you, and may inure to the everlasting glory and advancernent of Pi Kappa Alpha. I charge each of you imrhediately to give careful study to the sections of the Constitution and Laws detailing the duties of Officers. (Addressing the new 8. M. C.) Brother wn... ft gives me great pleasure to induct you into office as the new leader of Chapter. May your success be reflected in the Chapter’s gain in strength and influence. You are charged with the proper conduct of all Chapter affairs, and the conduct of your Officers as well. ‘Their 4iligent attention to their duties will be your responsibility. Give clots attention to the business affairs of the Chapter that it may strengthen our union, Weigh serious!y exch matter that comes before you, and at all times consult freely with your Officers and the members, Lastly follow itm plicitly the directions detailed in the Constitution, Laws and Calendar, S.M, C.: (Addressing the Chapter) I now declare the Officers of 1» Chapter to be duly installed and qualified to enter upon the discharge of their duties for the ensuing term, or until their successors have been elected and installed, Tcharge each and every member to do his utmost to co- operate with the Officers to the end that Pi Kappa Alpha may prosper in full measure, Alone, the Officers can do but little, however faithful their efforts; with youe belp theit success is fully assured. S.M, Gr (Addressing the new S. M,C.) I hand you this gavel as the emblem of your authority and direct that you enter upon the discharge of your duties, As the gavel is handed to the 8. M. C., each retiring Officer shakes hands with his successor and conducts him to bis seat, The new 'S..M.C gives one rap with the gavel and all are seated. NEW S.M.C.: (May respond informally at this point.) Note: The installation may be an order of business in a regular meeting, of it may be the only business of a special meeting. In either case the formal opening and closing ceremonies will be observed. Bh Rare Alen Reel PART V Via For the pledging ceremony, the pledge shall be conducted into the Meeting room blindfolded. The ceremony shall be conducted before the assembled Chapter. ‘The Officers participating in the ceremony shall be the S, M. C. the I, M.C, and the M. C, Throughout the ceremony they shall be addressed by these initials. ‘The pledge shall remain blindfolded until he is taken from the ‘Meeting room after the ceremony. ‘The pledge ceremony should be conferred individually; however, it may be conferred upon a group of pledges, changing in the Ritual from the singular to the plural where necessary. To facilitate matters in pledging individually, several teams may be used simultaneously, with Chapter members appointed as substitutes to fill the role of Officers. In cases where teams are run simultaneously, a group of Chapter members shall be present with each team. No pledge ceremony shall be conducted without prior authorization of the S. M. C. The pledge is conducted into the Meeting room by the M. C., and is led before the S. M. C, who addresses him as follows: 8M. Mr. + (addressing the pledge by name) you have accepted our invitation to become a pledge of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Before proceeding with this ceremony, it is necessary that you answer in strictest truth the following question: Do you or do you not believe in God? If the candidate answers “I do” or the equivalent, the S. M. C. shall continue IF be anawers “T do not" of the equivalent, the cere- swony shall stop at once, and the candidate, still blindfolded, shall be led from the room. 1 Kore Abe Rl Kappa Airma ia a National Praternity, with Chapters weed througwout the United States, ais order «a social une, with high purposes and noble sis. Is great purpose is to send out from college halls from its Chapter bouses, well rounded men~men of ‘cure, high :deais and worthy aspirations. The Fraternity ieavers to develop solid character, and to promote among memoets luyalty, love and devotion. It stands for service others, unselfishness, loyalty to self, to Alma Mater, and the national brotherhood, for honor. truth and fair caling Its expected of you, the newest pledge, if you become a emis, that you will give undivided loyalty to these ideals and take steadfast efforts to advance the best interests, influence and prestige of Pi Kappa Alpha. ‘sais pledgeship period is a time of probation and train- ing and should be used as an opportunity to absorb thes Precepts, ‘The M. C. now leads the pledge before the I. M. C., who reads to nledge-vath. The pledge affirms the oath, oM Mr. before the Chapter places upon you the emblem of sanction, it is necessary that you take the following oath, which I will read and ask you fo affirm: OATH ‘The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity? through Chas:er/has extended to mean invitation that Ginvert marge or names) bind myself with bom-i- of fraternal brotherhood,* I desire 19 accept this invitation’and to become united in the «onda’with the brothers of this Fraters 10 P: Kappa Mpa taal I therefore most solemnly swear'that I am not and never dave been‘a member of any existing general; national, Greek. secret, social, college fraternity,’and I now pledge ‘upon my sacred word and oath; to become an earnest, loyal and active brother‘of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and no other, unless and until I am released'by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity'from this oath’ obeying all the lawa'and performing all my duties’ sincerely and faith- fully. I furthermore solemnly swear ‘never to reveal any private information’about the Fraternity,’ which may come to my kmowledge; whether or not'I am ever received into full membership.’ All this T most solemnly swe ‘in the presence of these members'and of Almighty God’ Do you fully and implicitly affirm this Oath? ‘The pledge answere “I do.” LM. ©. After your blindfold is removed at the conclusion of this ceremony, you will subscribe to the oath you have just affirmed. (After the pledge is led from the room, following the ceremony, the blindfold is removed, and he signs the printed oath. The signed copy of the Oath must be filed in the archives of the Chapter.) ‘The pledge is then led before the S, M. C, who addresses the assembled members as follows: S.M. C.: Brothers, you have heard Mr... (reads name or names) affirm the pledge oath. Are you satisfied there- with, and are you willing at some future time to consider proceeding with such additional ceremonies as may be necessary to make him a Brother? CHAPTER: (In unison) We are, n Vi Kappa Mba Ritual 3M C. 1 Addressing the Pledge) You have taken the Oath, and as 4» token of our faith and trust in you, and of our belief in sour worth and loyalty, we have pledged you with this eciblem (hM,. places pledge emblem on each pladge) which you will wear to abow the world your allegiance to Pi appa Alpha. We congratulate you and await the day when we shall call you Brother. ‘The SM. C. shakes hands with the pledge. The M. C. leads the pieige trom the room, removes the blindfold, and tenders him the Ponted omh, The pledge signs. The signed oath is witnessed by the S. M,C. and the M. C, The pledge does not re-enter the Meeting room. ‘The members shake hands with him and offer congratulations as they leave the Meeting room. 2 Ds Kerpn Moh tual PART VI Snitiatory Caromony Preparations SECTION I LIST OF PARAPHERNALIA ESSENTIAL FOR INITIATION 1. REGALIA OF CHAPTER OFFICERS: The collars to be worn by the Chapter Officers shall be as follows: ‘They are to be a V-shape and extend to the bottom of the vest: to be made of blue French merino, trimmed with silver lace and to have an additional trimming of bullion fringe. The collars shall bear the following emblems on the left breast: 8. M.C.—To have two mallets crossed on left breast. I. M. CmTo have one mallet om left breast. 8.C, =To have two pens ccossed on left breast. ‘Th, C, —To have a pen and key crossed on left breast, M,C. —To have two wands crossed on left breast. ‘The gowns are to be made of black material, to reach to the shoe tops and to have skull and cross bones in white on them. In addi- tion, the Officers’ gowns shail have the following devices placed above the skull and cross bones: 8. M.CmTo have 1K A in large red Tetters, LM. Co have $4-n.0 in large red letters, 8. C. —To have a dagger in large red device. Th. C, —To have a sword in large red device. M,C, —To have a key in large red device, Guard and Sentineh-May wear plain black robes if they wish. n Pr Kemps Mpha Retual 2, REGALIA OP CHAPTER MEMBERS: Chapter members may wrear plain black robes if they so desire. 3. CANDIDATES ROBE AND BLINDFOLD: When the M. C revires and tales the candidate to the Chapter room, be blindfolds hhirn and places on him @ front-opening white robe This gown is to be of the same cut and material as the members! gowns. If this type robe is not available, no robe shall be used. 4 ALTAR TABLE: A table of convenient size should be provided, with a suitable covering. 5 KNEELING CUSHION: A suitable knecling cushion for the candidate shall be placed in front of the altar table, 6 BIBLE: An open Bible shall be placed in the center of the altar table, SKULL URNS AND ALCOHOL: New sand should be used for each initiation group, and the ums should be teat-lighted before- band to determine the proper amount of alcohol to be used. Care should be exercised to avoid fire hazards or damage to the table or other materials. ® CANDELABRA: There shall be a seven-candle candelabra placed on the table in front of the Th. C. It shall be of one-piece construction, and shotld be painted white or covered in white paper. New white candles of uniform size should be used, and should be test-burned before the actual ceremony. After adminis- toring the Obligation, the S. M. C, takes his position beside the candidate, and as he does so, the Th. C, moves the candelabra behind the Bible and between the urns, 9. BADGES: Each candidate shall be pinned with the bage of the Fraternity. If the candidate has not previously bought or been given a pin, then one should be loaned him by his big brother or tome other member of the Chapter. The badges may be tagged and placed on a satin cushion, and placed on the altar table. “ Di Kerpa Mpa Retual 10. M 12 13, 4 1s, 16. RITUAL: A copy of the Ritual may be placed in front of the 8. M,C, behind the Bible and candelabra. This may be used a3 reference in the earlier parts of the ceremony, but S. M. C. must memorize the Obligation and all the following parts through the end of Section 1. SALT CUP: An earthenware cup with no handles shell be cat- ied by the candidate through the first part of Section I. It shall bbe nearly filled with salt. INCENSE: Mild incense may be burned in the Chapter room during the initiation ceremony to give further effect. “SECTION 2 CODE: A copy of the Code shall be available for display to the new initiates. S.C’s TABLE: A small table shall be placed to the side of the altar table, upon which will be placed the Chapter Membership Record book. A chair and fountain pen should be provided for the initiate when he signs the Membership Record beok during the ceremony, BADGE: In addition to a pin for each of the new initiates, one extra badge should be retained by the S. M, C. for his explanation and display of the various parts and makeup nf the badge, COAT OF ARMS: Before the candidates enter the room it must be seen that a suitable design of the Coat of Arms is placed so as to be conveniently used by the S.M.C. A pointer may be used by the S. M.C, himself, or the S. C, may be directed to point to the parts as the S, M, C. refers to them, as Pr Kappa Mphe Ritual Preparatory Snatructions 1. INITIATORY CEREMONY: The Initlatory Ceremony is s- ranged in dramatic form and sequence, The succens of the initis- tion ia dependent upon the clear, forceful and prompt deiivery of their parts by the several participants. Obviously the grester part of the text should be memorized, ‘The 8. M. C,, charged with the responsibility of conducting the initiation, should see to it that the various parts follow each other in close order, thus securing the effect of smoothness, ‘The Conductor should be a watchful attendant throughout the cetemony, assisting the candidate and the S, M, C. at every point ‘where an awkward pause might ensue, 2. PERMANENT INITIATION TEAM: It is very desirable to hhave a permanent initiation team compoted of mambers who have ritualistic ability, This plan will insure a successful initiation each time it Is conferred. Such a team may be made up of alainnl or active members. In case the initiation is conducted by a permanent team, the actual S. M. C. should present the badge and deliver the badge charge. . HORSEPLAY: The following law was adopted by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity in Convention astembled, New Orleans, La, September 1-4, 1936, and Chapters are particularly required to give strict attention thereto, as follows: “No Chapter nor member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity shall be permitted to haze, use physical violence against or in any way jeopardize the bealth, morals, scholastic standing, or well- being of any pledge or initiate, either within or without the Chapter house,” ‘As required by Constitution, pledges should be prepared for their formal initiation by a quiet, serious period of at least forty- ight hours. 16 Ds Keppe Mpla Rtual 4, CEREMONIAL APPARATUS: Prior to the initiation, the cere- monial apparatus must be in position and everything pertaining thereto (auch ag urn lamps, alcohol, salt in cup, candles, matekes, etc.) in readiness for conferring the initiation, before the candidate enters the Chapter room. 5. WAITING ROOM: Each candidate must wait in a separate room. 6& ATTENDANTS: The $. M. C. shall appoint one or more Brothers to attend to the lowering of lights, placing chairs, ete. 7, DUTIES OF CONDUCTOR: In addition to his other duties the Conductor shall attend to putting the room in order for the initia- tion, He shall provide the Chapter members with copies of the song, if used, and responses. He shall also provide a handkerchief ‘on which the candidate can wipe the salt from his hands. A glass of water shall be immediately available in cas is needed. 8. POSITION OF OFFICERS: The 8. M. C. is placed behind the altar table at the head of the room, with the S. C, on his left and the Th, C, on his right. Unless definitely stated, the S. M. C. may sit or stand during the ceremonies, at his own discretion. ‘The 1. M,C, is seated at the opposite end of the room. ‘The members are seated along the sides of the room, as far back as possible in order to leave the center floor space clear. The S, C, and the Th. C. attend to Hghting and extinguishing the umn famps. The Guard shall not admit any member to the Chapter room while the Inicla- tion Ceremony is in progress. 9. CARE OF INITIATORY PARAPHERNALIA: Inmuediately after the close of the meeting all initiatory paraphernalia shall be carefully stored in the Chapter strong box. 10. DIGNITY: The initiation should be conducted in a dignified manner. At no point in the ceremony should levity be permitted. ‘There shall be no smoking in the Chapter room duting the initia- tory ceremony, ‘The accompanying diagram shows the layout of the Chapter room a prepared for the {nitiatory Ceremony, and the positions of the Officers. The altar table contains (1) a Bible, (2) skull urn lamps, ” DP Kegpa Apa Retual (3) « copy of the Ritual, (4) the candelabra, and ($) a cushion on which the badgex are placed. Behind the table are (6) the 8. M. C., (7) the 8.€., and (8) the Th. C, To the side, (9) is the 8. C’s table, on which is placed the Chapter Membership Record book, used in Section 11. ‘The members, indicated by X's, are seated along the walls, leaving the center aisle clear, ‘The M. C., position (10), escorts the candidate, position (11), to the door and Lnbeka, The anewer is given from within by the Guard at (12). The I. M. C. at (13), accompanied by the Guard, retires to the outside to examine the candidate. After being admitted to the Chapter room, the M. C, and the Guard escort the candidate, positions (2t)- (22)-(20), toward the Sentinel at (14). When well within the room, the Guard steps back, closes the door and returns to his seat at (12). ‘The Sentinel challenges the candidate at (14), then the M. C, escorts the candidate on toward the altar table, They take their positions before the kneeling cushion, (15), the M. C. at (16) standing to the right of the candidate who is at (17). Immediately preceding the Obligation, the members of the Chapter move themselves into a semi- circle behind the candidate and the M,C. They remain in this position until the end of Section I. After the Obligation, the 8. M. C, moves to (18) for the candle- lighting ceremony. As the S. M,C. moves around the end of the altar table, the Th. C. at (8) moves the candelabra from (4) to (19), directly in front of the kneeling candidate, 18 xX XXxXxXxX& Q 2a TA CCCI Sc oa : ® ® [:]o ® ® 2 ® ® XXX KKK KX xX XXX KX x PART VIL Snitiatoey Caramony SECTION 1 ‘This ceremony is held as a part of a regular meeting, but it is recommended that no business be transacted when an initiation is held, Minutes should he'kept, and in all eases the meeting should be opened and closed with the official ceremony. ‘The ceremony should be carefully rebearsed and diligent attention ‘given to the instructions found on Pages 13 through 19, "No one is to be admitted to the chapter room during the Initiatory Ceremony. 3. M. Cr We are now about to initlate into the Pi Kappa Alpha Fra-_ temnity and Gf more than one candidate), Brother Conductor, you will retire and prepare for initiation into this Fraternity, i ‘The M. C. salutes, takes the blindfold, retires and goes to the sweiting room MLC. (Addressing the Candidate) You are now about to be int.’ tiated into the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity by Chapter. Tam to be your guide through the beautiful ceremmony which is intended 40 to impress your mind with the lofty ideals of Pi Kappa Alpha that they will form a lasting pattern throughout your whole li You will now be blindfolded. If a front-opening white robe in available, it shall be put on the candidate at this time. If not, no robe shall be worn by the candidate, ‘The candidate is blindfolded and Jed to the Chapter door. As the exndidate and the M. C, approach the door of the Chapter room, the PD. Kama Agha Retual Chapter membeM may, if they so desire, softly sing the chorus of “The Garnet and Gold"—Tune—"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” (Key of G). . ‘appa Alpha, hail to the Garnet, All hail to the Gold! Pi Kappa Alpha, All hail to the Garnet and Gold! (Ad lib until alarm at the daar.) The M. C, leaves the candidate seyeral feet fron, the door, then approaches and gives the Fraternity kfock. ‘The Guard then partly opens the door, MiG: Mt nnn nnn » the duly elected candidate, ing to receive his initiation into the new life, wait: ‘ ‘The Guard closes the door, turns toward the S. M, Cand salutes, saying: GUARD: Brother Worthy High Master, Mr. one ee I waiting to receive his initiation into the new life, S. M.C.: Brother Worthy Master, you will retire and examine the candidate. The I. M. C. rises, salutes the S. M. C, and retires, accompanied by the Guard, The I, M. C. approaches the candidate frogs in front and addresses him. 1. M.C.: Worthy candidate, seeking admission into our sacred circle, answer me in strictest truth the following questions: (1) Do you or do you not believe in God? If he anggrers “I do not” or its equivalent, the ceremony shall stop st once and the candidate, still blindfolded, shall be led from the soom. a P: Kappa Mpa Retual (2) Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of any existing general, national, Greek letter, secres, social, college fraternity? Should the candidate's answer be “Yes,” be must be told that Sec- tlon 8 of Article II of the Constitution prohibits dual membership and that be cannot enter the Fraternity. He shall be conducted out of the room at once and not unbandaged until thea, (3) Do you enter this Fraternity of your own free will, swith the sole purpose of conserving its beat interests, and complying with its requirements? ‘The candidate replies. (4) Have you confidence in the members of our brother- hhood, and have you courage to endure the variow, parts of this initiation unto the very end? ‘The candidate replies, M,C: Before entering the Chapter room it is necessary that you pledge me your word of honor never to reveal anything connected with this noble order of Pi Kappa Alpha which may come to your knowledge, and that you will take all the obligations and oaths required of you to complete this ceremony. Do you thus pledge before these witnesses and before God? ‘The candidate replies. After the candidate pledges, the I. M. C. says: 1, M, C.: Let me caution you to attend carefully to every step in the initintory ceremony now to be administered to you, with due gravity and obedience to all directions, ‘The I, M. C. then enters the Chapter room, leaving the door ajar, advances in front of the S. M. C, salutes, and anya: m Kl ths Pach LM. C.: Brother Worthy High Master, the candidate who ha: inocked at our door fram without, is not nor las he ever been a member of any existing general, national, Greek letter, secret, social, college fraternity. He desires to enter our midst and taste of the sweets of our sacred brother- hood, with pure and sincere motives, He has taken the pledge before the witnesses to remain eternally silent at to all that transpires. I deem him worthy to enter out family circle, but ask the final vote of the brethren here assembled, ‘The I. M.'C, remains standing. 8. M.C,: Brethren, are you finally willing to admit this candidate into close communion with us? CHAPTER: (In unison) We are. ‘The candidate should hear this question and response. 8.M.C.: Brother Worthy Master, instruct our Brother, the Con- ductor, to conduct the candidate, Mr... uF into our presence, that we may further examine and, 19° struct him in our mysteries. ‘The 1. M.C, salutes and goes out. LM. C.: (To Conductor) The Worthy High Master directs that the candidate sball enter the Chapter room. Ms. (Places a small cup of salt in candidate's Jeft hand.) Hold thin cup carefully, for you will have great uae for it when you enter this portal. ‘The I. M,C, them leads the way into the Chapter roam, going at once to his seat, The Conductor, on the candidate's right, and the ‘Guard, on the candidate's left, enter the Chapter room. When they are well within the rooms, ttié Gard steps back and closes the door. The Sentinel thrusts the palms of both hands against the candidate's Pr Kappa Agha Rial shoui-tera, bringing him ta a suddent halt. This should be done firmly - but nut vivlently. His hands remain on the candidate's shoulder. At the sume time he says to the Conductor in a severe tone: SENCINEL: Brother Conductor, how dare you bring into these sacred precincts one who knows not the mysteries of our order? : MiG: This is my friend, Mr... 1 who bas bees duly qualified by our Worthy Master, He desires to form another link of our sacred and mysterious circle. SENTINEL: (To Candidate) Give me a pledge of sincerity and fidelity, as you value your life, M,C: (To Candidate) Place your right hand over your heart. (Done) Offer the umn of salteto him who challenges you. (Done) Taste with him the salt it contains, (Done) ‘The candidate places his right band over his heart, then extends the urn of salt (held in left hand) to the Sentinel, who takes a pinch of the sai: and places it upon his own tongue, The candidate likewise takes a pinch of the salt and places it upon his tongue, The Sentinel, aiter tasting the salt, replaces his hands on the candidate's shoulders, The Constuctor prompts the candidate if necessary. The Conductor chev continues (softly): M.C.: ‘The salt ix symbolic of the purification and preservation of the friendship which our Frategnity teaches. SENTINEL; (Gives slight pressure to candidate’s shoulders as he says): Pass on, friend, and good apeed. If time and space permit, the Chapter may add another challenge by a second Sentinel before the candidate is finallf escorted to the altae table. ‘The Conductor excoris the candidate to x position direétly in tront of the S, M,C. The Sentinel and the Guard are seated. 2 Pr Keppa Mba Bra ie S.M.C.! Brother Conductor, who is this stranger? M.G: Brother Worthy High Master, this is my friend, Mr. , who has been duly qualified by our ‘Worthy Master, and has been pledged and passed by our Srother Sentinel along our arduous way. He desires to form another link of our sacred and mygterious circle, and is willing to pledge you sincerity and Hlielity. S. M,C. Let him pledge without tardiness or delay. M.C.: Place your tight hand over your heart. (Done) Offer the of salt to him who challenges you. (Done) Taste with bbiln the salt it cootains, ‘The candidate repeats the offering and testing of the salt. M.C.: The salt is aymbelic of the purification and preservation of thr friendabip which our Fraternity teaches, SM. Ci Mr... are you still desirous of, entering our sacred bonds and being one with us in our noble brotherhood? CANDIDATE: (Prompted by M. C. if necessary) I am. S. M. C.: Brothers mine, sharers with me in the sweet, joys of this union, you have passed and pledged this candidate as he did enter this sacred confine, and have thereby shown your willingnesd to accord him a goodly welcome into our circle are you then willing that we proceed with the initiation Which will make this candidate worthy to receive the Bicred mame of “Brother” from our lips? t CHAPTER: (In unison) Yes, thrice you. 8. MLC. Worthy candidate, let me now admonish you to give careful and earnest attention to the instructions which you will reeave ie 2s 7 Pi Kappa Mpha Ritual ‘The M,C. faces the candjillliPbewerd the S.C. S.C: (Addressithfiia Candidate) Do you of your own free will desire to become a member of this Fraternity, {rom a con: viction of its merits and prompted by no improper motives? CANDIDATEMMRepmpted by M,C.) T do, 8. C.: Srpeet after me the following oath: As T hope for mercy at last the Great Day, / 1 swear that Thave given my answers / to all the questions atked me / during this ceremony / in the strictest truth. / ‘The Conductor faces the candidate toward the S, M. C. 8. M. Ct Sir, you have answered to our entire satisfaction the ques- tions which you have been asked, and have pledged your word that your answers are all true, Let ws pray. All kneel, except the Conductor and candidate, Our Father, the source of every blessing, grant Thy bene- diction upon the work of thia hour. Bless him wha is about to link himself by ties of friendbip and brotherhood to those who already fill our ranks. May this step redotnd to his and our happiness, and to Thy Glory, through Jesus Christ, Amen, All rise, and remain standing. SM. CG: Ie now becomes my duty to administer to you the Obli- gation, upon the strict observance of which depend the entire security and prosperity of out noble order, Feom it you cannot vary by word, by look, by tone, or by act. ‘You will kneel and place yourbinds upon the open Bible before you and repeat the Obligation after me. 25 P: Kegpa Moa Ritual ‘The candidate kneels, still blindfolded. The M. C. ists him to place his bands. ‘The 8. M. C. raps three times. ‘The Officers, except those at altar table, and members of the Chapter with bowed heads and arms folded, take their positions grouped behind the candidate and the M,C. ‘The S. M, C. directs the S.C. and the Th, C. to light the urn. lamps. He then signals the Brothers in atteridanice on the ceremony to extinguish the lights. The S. M. C, kneels behind the altar table and places bis hands over the candidate's hands, He then signals the M. C, te remove the blindfold, (The S. M. C, Must Memorize the Following to End of Section I) OBLIGATION (Must Be Memsorized) SMC Tastee on ~ (candidate's Full name), / in the presence of the Brothers here qeagisbled, / do most solemniy pledge my word of houor, / never ta reveal, / directly of indirectly, / by word, sign or deed, / any of the secrets, / or to disclose any of the proceedings of this, / the Pi Kappa Alpba Fraternity. / I furthermore pledge my word of bonor / to receive into fellowship / any member in good and regular standing / in this Fra- teruity, / and to cultivate a true spirit of fellowship / ‘toward the brethren. / I Ykewise proniise to offer to this Fraternity / the energies of a zealous member, / warmly supporting its Constitution, / and striving to further its interests. / I promise to vindicate its character / and uphold ite repue tatioa. / ‘And take this Obligation of eternal secrecy / under the sense and acknowledgment / that should T consciously or unlawfully violate it, / I would be, and must count Ps Keppa Apa Real rayself. / worthy of the opprobrium, / scorn and contempt / of my fellow-men. / So help me God. S. M. Ci Brotheryas evidence of your earnestness, you will kise the Book on which your hands now rest. (Pause) It is the Sacred Word. ‘The candidate kisses the open Bible. The S. M. C, takes his position beside the candidate, but rentuins standing, facing the altar. Seven candles have been placed on the ahar between the urns. (See instructions.) The Brothecs form a group around the candidate and the 8, M,C. (The §. M. C. Must Memorize the Following to End of Section I) The S. M. C. repeats each namie slowly and with emphasi¢ as he lights the candles in the following manner: 8. M.C.: (Lighteatiret candle) May the flame of Pi Kappa Alpbs burn in this worthy heart to do you honor, (Pause) Jullan award Wood, BROTHERS: Jutin Edward Wood. 8M. C.: (Lights seeond candle) And may it glow through all eternity in the spirit of (Pause) Robertson Howard, BROTHERS: Robertson Howard. SM. C.r (Lights third candle) May its burning heat cleanse our impurities that we may better portray the ideals af fraternal brotherhood. (Pause) William Alexander, BROTHERS; Willian Alexander, 8.M. C.: (Lights fourth candle) May this flame spread its radiance through the hearts of our Brothers and weld them into a bond of deep affection.. (Pause). Littleton Waller Taze- well, P: Kappa Mpha Ritual BROTHERS: Littleton Waller Tazewell. 8. M,C: (Lights fifth candle) May it increase in intensity until it ig felt throughout the world. (Pause) Frederick Southgate ‘Tayjor. BROTHERS: Frederick Southgate Taylor. S.M. C.: (Lights sixth candle) And may it ever reflect the glocy of “Congeniality based upon character.” (Pause) James Benjamin Sclater, Jr. BROTHERS: James Benjamin Sclater, Je, S.M.C.: (Lights seventh candle) And now may this new flame burn forever in faith and fidelity: may it add more light to the slowing fire of our ideals. (Pause) (Repeats the new initiate’s name.) BROTHERS: (Repeat new initiate's name.) ‘The S. M,C, turns to the candidate and addresses hima: 8. MC. You will now rise, (Done) You have just taken the oath of eternal sectecy and fidelity to our Fraternity, and have sworn to be eternally true to your oath. You have been received into our bonds, and believing that you now'fully understand the nature and salemnity of the oath and the purpose of this initiation, and that you will never depart from its teachings by word or deed, it is my pleasure to seal your bonds by placing ‘upon you the badge of our Fraternity. ‘The S, M. C. selects badge from cushion and places it over can- didate’s heart. Wear this badge ia a vertical position to remind you to live an upright life; wear it over your heart to remind you that our Brothers should always be in your affections; ‘wear it at all times to remind you ever of the bighest ideals of brotherhood. BP. Kappa Mpha Ritual ‘The 8. M,C. then gives the candidate the grip. S.M.C: Brother, I give you the grip of the Fraternity, aad wel- come you inta the sacred bonds of our beloved union, In 40 doing, allow me to congtatulate you upon yout entrance into our most noble and beautiful Fraternity, for by your acquisition of these sacred bonds, and by the compacts you have hereify formed, you have gained many true and last- ing friends. You will now be conducted from the Chapter room and await additional instructions... Brothers, join me in extend- ing a heary and cordial weleame to our new Brother. ‘As soon ag the S, M, €. says-the last line the lights are to be turned on. There will be,a brief congtatulatory recess at this point, im which each member gives the grip to the new Brother. Then the ‘Cunductor will lead the initiate to a separate room where he will wait apart from other candidates and initiates. THE CANDLES SHOUED NOT BE EXTINGUISHED UNTIL THE DTIATE IS OUT OF THE ROOM. Bach, candidate abpl be initiated slone through this point of the sarencay, theny all:the initiates shall be seated before the S. M. C. ‘Toe, reensiader of the Initigory Ceremony shall be conferred upon hora caliestively (Section 2). In the text, the plural should be changed 1a dagoler where necessary, if there is only one candidate. “Wot: “Where large numbers are to be initiated, it is permissible for Séetion 2 to be conferred the following day, but not more than twenty-four hours shall pass between sections. P: Kappa Aha Ritual SECTION 2 1 members rise as the M,C. leads the initiates into the Chapter n the'order in which they were initiated. The M. C. seats them w facing the’ S. M,C, The'proper number of chairs should be od, ‘The S:M:C. gives one tap with the gavel and the Chapter a (Addressing’the Initiates) I may now call you Brothers, name wich signifies your right to share our love, to enjoy our pleasures, and to partake of our joys a name which implits that as our character is strengthened, so will yours be made stronger, and as our good name is loweredyyouts also will be degraded. Let it therefore, ever incite us to work and strive that the character, and reputation, the standing fn the classes, and the life outside the wicket* door must, by each metnber, be shaped and upheld, so that Pi Kappa Alpha will gain glory and profit by your entrance into the bonds. Our Brother, the Worthy Master will now address you. M, C, salutes and stands in front of-the initiates. ‘The Officers of the Chapter consist of the following: President, addressed in Chapter meeting as‘the Worthy High Master. Outside of meetings he is known as S.-M, C., Senior Magister Capitis, Vice-President, addressed in Chapter meeting a# Worthy. Master. Outside of meetings he ix known ax I. M. Cy Tunior Magister: Capitis, Recording Secretary, addressed in Chapter meeting as tecording Seribe. Outside of meetings he ia known as - C., Scriba Capitts, tate pronunciation of “wicket” so that it will not be mis- eked.” at _ PKegps Ape Rial ‘Treasurer, addressed in Chapter meeting as Financial Scribe, Outside of meetings he is known as Th C., ‘Thesaurus Capitis. Corresponding Secretary, addressed in Chapter meeting as Correspondent. Outside of meetings he is known as M. S., Magister Seriptor. Conductor, addressed in Chapter meeting as Conductor. Outside of meetings he is known as M. C. Mereurii Capitis, Additional Officers are Historian, House Manager and auch other afficers as local conditions requite. In referting to the Officers of the Chapter, except during meetings, only the initials of the Latin titles are used. Long and careful study of the customs, laws and tradi- tions of Pi Kappa Alpha is necessary for you to fully understand the significance of the ideals which are woven into the history of our Fraternity and hallowed through the years by being exemplified in the characters of the countless Brothers who compose its membership. Your initiation into Pi Kappa Alpha recapitulates in a comparative sense the important steps in the history of its ‘own development, ~ ‘You were challenged at the door and required avouch- ment before you could proceed, just as our Fraternity was required to prove itself in its eatly struggles to succeed. ‘Your Obligation fs a promise of faith and loyalty on your part and is a continuation of the faith and loyalty of our Founders. ‘You have been taught the lessons of Friendship, Love and ‘Truth. You have sealed your faith by tasting the salt, which is symbolic of the purification and preservation of the friendship which our Fraternity teaches. Pi Keppa Aipha Ritual May your fidelity to the ideals of Pi Kappa Alpha be further confirmation of the tradition of the Fraternity, “Once a Pike, always a Pike.” ‘Chapters may locally substitute “Pi Kap” or “Pika” if they wish. The 1, M. C. salutes the Worthy High Master and takes his seat. S.M.C.: (Addressing the Initiates) You will please tise. The Con- ductor will now communicate to you the password, exemplify the grips, and instruct you in the several signs, the means of recognition and the method of gaining admission to a Chapter meeting. ‘The M. C. rises, salutes the S. M. C., and faces the initiates, As the M. C. begins speaking, he gives the grip to each of the tes, assuring himself that it is understood. ‘This is the grip of the Fraternity, Let me caution you that special care should be observed in giving and receiving the grip in order that it may not be discovered by others. The simplicity of the grip eids in preventing discovery, but the manner in which it is given requires the cover grip by the left hand. The grip must never be given to a Brother before ‘an outsider unless the hand be covered by the left hand, Try always to give the grip standing close to the Brother. ‘The current password is aaa ns Whispers patsword to each initiate.) The password is never spoken above a whisper. 3 P: Kappa Apha Ritual To gain admimion ta a Chapter Meeting after it haa marted, you will approach the deer and give ‘which will be answered similarly trom within. You will give which will be answered the same from within, You will then rive which will also be an- swered alike from within, When the door is opened you will give your name. The Conduetor will report to the Worthy High Master who will direct him to admit you on the proper password. You will then give the Conductor the password in a whisper, enter the Chapter room, salute the Worthy High Master, and take your seat. ‘This is the saluation sign. (Ilusteates as he explains.) The arms are crossed in the form of an “X" in front of the body, with the forearms seme distance from the body and the right forearm on the outside, The fists are clenched. This sign is to be given upon being admitted to a Chapter meeting and when addressing the Worthy High Master. 4 Pi Kegpa Mphe Real ‘This is the eign of fidelity which you used when offering the urn of salt to your challenger. (Illustrates) ‘This is the voting sign. (Illustrates) Raise the right hand above the shoulder open palm toward the ebair for the affirmative vote; back of haad toward the chair for a negative vote, For the purpose of recognizing one wham you do not know to be a Brother, you will say: To which he will reply: ‘The M, C. repeats the two key phrases. The M,C, salutes and resumes his seat, S.M. C.: The Recording Scribe will now instruct you in the Colors, Flower and Code. ‘The S.C, risen, salutes the S. M,C, and explains the Colors, Flower, and Code of the Fraternity. Ge The Cotes af Pt Happs Alpha are amet and O14 Gold, ofiginal te the Founders. Garnet is 5; lic of courage and sacrifice; Old Gold ia symbolic of worth. ‘The Flower of the Fraternity is the Lily-of-the-Valley.” ‘This is the Secret Code, (The S. C. shows the code to the initiates, but there is no necessity of going through ‘the alphabet.) ‘This is the password which was communicated to you. (8. C. writes out the passward in code on paper or black 8 Pi Keppe Moe Ritual board, If he chooses, be may prepare it prior to the initia. non | The secret work of the Fraternity iz weitten in this, sade (DESTROYS PASSWORD.) You will now sign the Membership Record, using your fall name. The membership record is on a table at the side of the room ready fy the initsstes to sign in order of their initiation. The S. C. super- vies tue signing, The M. C, escorts the initiate to the table ia turn aivi tetuens him to his seat, The S. M. C's instructions following may be read from a scroll. If the scroll is used, this section may be typed and pasted upon a long strip of papet which can be rolled from right to left as the S. M. C. reads. S.M. C.: The final part of the instructions: relating’ to the secret work of the Fraternity consists of explanations of the symbolism of the Coat of Arms and the badge. The Coat of Arms consists of a gold tdangular shield, known ae the first cycle, with a riveted edge and a garnet cenice. On this ahield appear in gold the Greek letters Pi KAI PA ALPHA and underneath the Greek letters 3 geld dacger with the point downward. A gold ribbon ap- pears on the left and tight sides of the shield, respectively, tuyon which is inseribed in the four folds thereof the small Greek letters in garnet, Phi Phi Kappa Alpha. The shield is surmounted or rests upon a gold key and sword, crossed ‘behind the shield, and connected at the bottom with a gold chain which passes below the pgjnt of the shield. The hilt of the sword is clasped with a gold hand. The key crosses from the lower left-hand comer to the upper right-hand corner, with the flange upward. ‘The sword crosses from the lower right-hand corneg to the upper left-hand corner. with the point upward, and ‘is of the Army service saber type. Beneath the shield appear two sprays of lily-of-the- 6 P: Kappa Mpha Ritual valley, in green and white, which cross each other and are tied by a ribbon. The shield itself is surmounted by an Exquite Helmet in gold. on which appear three feathers in thelr natural color, white. In the background appear rays, fs though coming from the sun. Our Coat of Arms shows that our Fraternity signifies to us and what each member should mean to Pi Kappa Alpha. ‘The figures on the Coat of Arms are symbolic of the virtuen which are taught in our Ritual, The Crest, with three white ostrich plumes, is one of the mest honorable augientations which may appear on a Coat of Arms, It reminds us of one of the cardinal virtues of the Fraternity man: Honor. The hhelmet shows that victory is assured if we but adhere to the precepts taught by our Fraternity. The color of tie shield, red, is symbolic of the courage which we must exemplify, and of the zeal which we must espouse our Fraternity’s cause. ‘The Dagger is symibotic of faith and of the protection which Pi Kappa Alpha gives us and which we must give toit. The anetal of the dagger and of the letters PI KAPPA ALPHA, gold, illustrates the value of these principles. The riveted border symbolizes our faith in Pi Kappa Alpha and demands that we be doubly zealous in following the teachings revealed by the characters on the shield, It is highly appropriate that the emblem of learning, the key, be represented in our Coat of Arms, In addition, it symbolizes Truth, The sabre, wielded by the hand, symbolizes power and authority. The joining of this device to the key with a ‘chain shows that we may employ the advantages gained by education to our benefit and the benefit of these lets fortunate. ‘The Fraternity flower, the lily-of-the-valley, is a modest bloom. Its hardinesa and beauty signify that by heeding ” Pr Kegpa Mpa Reta the lessons taught in the Ritual, our lives may become more teanguil, pure, and purposeful, ‘The glorious light of Truth emanating from the shield represents the radiance of Fraternity achievement which envelops each one of us. All who would bask in this inspiring influence are bound fa honor to foster the best interests of Pi Kappa Alpha, Here you see the Greek capitals, PI KAPPA ALPHA, in a crossed dagger and key. They, the name by which we are known, are the initial letters of the Greek words which, when translated into English, mean ‘The Dagger is further symbolic of Faith in the sense that we should always prove faithful to the ends and objects of our beloved order, The Key is further symbolic of Truth in the sense that we should always prove true to our oath, and lock in the inmost recesses of our hearts the proceed+ ings of our Fraternity. Here you see the four small Greek letters “Phi Phi Kappa Alpha.” They are the initial Greek letters of the words Translated into English they mean Dramatic pause, then repeat: This is the foundation upon which our Fraternity is raised. It constitutes the Seeret Motto of Pi Kappa Alpha. 8 DP. Kenpe Mpha Reaal In order that we may be more especially distingvished from the rest of the community, we have adopted this badge. (Holds badge before initiates.) The desiga, as you éee, is a Shield surmounted by a Diatnond. Our character should’ always be as pure and unsutlied as the peerless Diamond, while above ail action, the Shield of Trath should be held triamphant, Upon this Shield we Have placed the Greek letters “Phi Phi Kappa Alpha,” in order that as long as we wear the badge of our Fraternity, our motto may be before our eyes; that we may also be teminded that we are bound together by and that we are obligated by the most sacred considerations to violate none of these three principles. Upon the Diamond we have placed the Greek capitals Pi Kappa Alpha, the name by which we are known, (End of Scroll, tf used.) In the above, the M. C, should stand beside an enlarged replica of © the Coat of Arms, and aa the S. M,C, reads from the scroll describing the various parts, the M. C, should point them out to the initiate. 8. M,C: We have initiated you by this ceremony into the PI Kappa Alpha Fraternity, and not alone into a single Chapter thereof. The united Brotherhood of loving fellows from all over our glorious land, greet you through me, and cordially, graciously welcome you into our Brathechood, and pray that you may be ever worthy of our esteem and love. Here let me counsel you to shape your conduct with the requirements of the Constitution, in which you will be instructed later, always obeying the laws which bind us together, and respecting the Officers of the Fraternity whom we have placed over us to guide us, _ Pi Kegge Ape Riel You should always work in hartuony with Pi Kappa Ainna’s interests, and, keeping its welfare always before your eves, attive by every ptoper means to advance its Dresperity. You should lay aside all prejadices and ill-feeling from you, henceforth forevermore, and, cherishing the abjects of our beloved Fraternity, endeavor to foster those noble quaiities of the heart which it Js intended to develog. ‘The Ceremony of Initiation will conclude with the Charge, which will be delivered by Brother... a... (Name of Alumnus.) ‘The S.M. C. should request an able alumnus to deliver the Charge. Te must be mes zed, with the alumnus holding the Ritwal open in front of him, but quoting from memory. The alumaus salutes the 3. M,C, before beginning. . CHARGE ALUMNUS: Upon we have established this Fraternity, designed to develop the betver qualities of the heart and to open its avenues to friendship and kind feelings. Man's nature is a social one, and its highest, as well as purest, enjoyments are gleaned from his association with his fellow men, shines a star, whose genial ray has all the brightness in time of joy to enhance our happiness, and all the sympathetic tenderness in time of adversity to mitigate our grief. is the crystallization of all the finer feelings and beautiful sentiments of the heart, beaming a dearer consolation in sorrow and a sweeter sympathy in happiness. 0 Ds Kegpa Moh Riaal Without no union of the feelings or compact of. the affections could endure. Stamped with the seal of Divinity, it is the bond of and the security of . Amid the complicated and varied con- flicts of life, “Trumpet-tongued” its clear notes respond to the challenge of trust, as it springs from confiding breasts. When affliction sweeps ita desolation across the breast, and sorrow draws the curtain of grief around the heart, what charm but ‘but can soothe our anguish? And, again, when joy floods the soul, with its wealth of happiness, what eye but ean view out future without envy? On this foundation then let us raise the beautiful super- structure of our Fraternity, Secure on this strong base- ‘work it will, defy alike the blasts of eavy and the whirl. winds of passion. Here are laid aside the bickering jars of discord; here “Gentle Peace” holds her quiet sway, and “Charity,” with open heart and ready hand, administers solace in mis- fortune and extends assistance in need. will bind our hearts in affection and vith its glowing seal will cement the union of futurity, Then with ‘our Motto, let us draw closer the tles which bind us together, and unite heart and band in forwarding the objects for which our Fraternity was established. ‘The SM. C. gives three raps with the gavel and all rise, S.M. C.: ‘The Chapter shall aay in unison the words of our Matto, reprerented by PHI PHI KAPPA ALPHA, CHAPTER: (Is unison) a Pr Keppe Agha Ril ‘The regular closing ceremony (See Part 1X) ia conducted imme- iste 7, alter which the Brothers silently form a single line circle acoued! the rourn for a Circle of Friendship. For the Circle of Friendship, the Brothers will form a single circle around the room. Each alternate Brother crosses his arms, right over left. The others extend their arms to right and left and all clasp hands, so that each is clasping the respective hands of the Brothers on either side, The S. M,C. then whispers the current password to the Brother an lus ght, who in turn does the same, sending it around the Circle, When the password returns to the S. M. C., he gives the Fraternity grip to the man on his left and the grip is passed through the entice Circie im rapid successive order, the alternate men with crosaed arms having to pass the grip via their left hands. The entire proceeding is executed in silence, except for the whispering of the password. ‘The members then quietly leave the Chapter room. a x Mamerial Sonics This service may ba used at National or District Conventions or by individual Chapters. It should be conducted by the National Chap- Iain, though it may be conducted by any member. HYMN: CROSSING THE BAR ‘Sunset and evening star, ‘And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar ‘When I put out to sea. But such a tide as moving seems asleep, ‘Too full for sound and foam, ‘When that which drew from out the boundless deep ‘Turns again home, : ‘Twilight and evening bell, And aftet that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell ‘When I embark? For, though from out our bourne of time and place The flood may bear ma far, T hope to see my Pilot face to face ‘When I have crossed the bar, Brethren, we are gathered together to remember those of our ranks who have passed away since last we met, Behold, they being dead, yet speak to us! T heard a voice from heaven, saying, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss, O Lord, who may abide it? Listen to the 4th Psalm, 4 5 10, ML 12, 1s. Ps Kappa Alpha Retaul PSALM &% © how amiable are thy dwellings: thou Lord of hosts! My soul hath a desire and longing tc enter ‘nto the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh cejolce in the ving God. ‘Yea, the sparrow bath found her an house, and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young: even thy altars, O Lord at hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be always Praising thee, Blessed is the man whose strength is in thes ‘thy ways, ‘Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well: and the pools are filled with water. in whose heart are ‘They will go from strength to strength: and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Zion, © Lord God of honts, bear my prayer: hearken, O God of Jacob. Behold, O God our defender: and look upon the face of thine anoint For one day in thy courts: i better than a thousind. Thad rathet be a doot-keeper in the house of my God: than to dwell in the tents of ungodtiness. For the Lord God isa light and defense. The Lord will give grace and worship, and no good thing shall be withhuld fram them that Hive a godly life. © Lord God of hosts: blessed ia the men that puttern his trust in ‘thee. Vi Kegpa Aphe Ritual Listen tu what St. Paul ells ws in T Thessalonians, 4th chapter, verses !3 to 18 4 Bac E would not have you be gaarest, brethren, concerning them sich we asleep, that ye worrow net even a8 ethers which have ho hope. 14. For if we believe that Jeuus died and toee again, even 2a them also which sleep in Jotus will God bring with him. 15, For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with ‘the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, 1o meet the Lord in the air: and so shall ‘we ever be with the Lord. 18. Wherefore comfort one another with these words, Let us give thanks: CHAPLAIN: For the remembrance of our brothers departed this life, ALL: We thank Thee, Heavenly Father. CHAPLAIN: For their faithfulness to the principles of our fraternity, ALL We thank Thee, Heavenly Father. CHAPLAIN: For the good example they have given to us, their sue- cessors, ALL: We thank Thee, Heavenly Pather. CHAPLAIN: For the influence of their memory upon our own lives, ALL: We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, CHAPLAIN: For the hope of life beyond this world, where we may be reunited with them, ALL: ‘We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, cf Let us pray P. Kappa —tpha Aa CHAPLAIN: That we may worthy folica in te footsteps of our ALL: brethren gone before We bereech Thee to hear ua, Goot ‘ord, CHAPLAIN: That we may so live bese, thar we piv live wth Theos ALL: the world to come, We beseech Thee tc sear us Gour Lord CHAPLAIN: That we may 0 die rat deavt will ave nu «ting and the ALL: grave no victory. We beseech Thee tu near =x Good Lord. Hore shall be read the namies ut those who have passe} away since the last service. HYMN BLEST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS Blest be the tie that binds ‘Our hearts in Jesus’ love The fellowship of Christian minds Ts like to that above. Before our Father's throne ‘We pour united prayers Our fears, our hopes our aus are one Our comforts and our cares, We share our mutual woes. ‘Our mutual burdens bear And often for each other flows ‘The sympathizing tear. ‘When we at death must part, Not like the world’s, our pain. But one in Christ, and one in heart, ‘We part to meet again. From sorrow, toil, and pain, ‘And sin, we shall be free: And perfect love and {riendship reign ‘Throughout evernity. ss Kappa Apa Retual Let us pray: © Lord Jesus Christ, who by Thy death didst take away che sting of teath: grant unto us Thy secvants so to follow in faith whece Thou ‘inst ee way, that we may at length fall asleep peacefully ia Thee, and awake after Thy likeness: through Thy mercy. who vest with ‘the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen, © Almighty God, who hast knit together Thine elect in one com- imunion and fellowship, in the mystical body of Thy Son Christ out Lord: grant us grace 90 to fallow Thy blessed Saints in all victuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which Thou hawt prepared for those who unfeignedly love Thee: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of those wha depart hence in the Lord, and with whom the souls of the faithful, after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and felicity; we give Thee hearty thanks for the good examples of all those Thy serv- ants, who, having finished their course in faith, do now rest from their labors. And we beseech Thee, that we, with all those who are departed in the teue faith of Thy Holy Name, may have our perfect consumma- tion and bliss, both ia body and soul, in Thy etemal and everlasting glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, © Almighty God, who art found of those wha seek Thee in Ioneli- ness, aud whiose portion is sufficient for the sorrowful soul: upon these Thy servants, bereaved and afflicted, pour out, we pray Thee, Thy blessing, Thou only canst keep their feet from falling, and their eyes from rears. Let not Thy grace af patience fail them, not Thy love vsake them; but do Thou encourage and sustain thelr hearts, that in ‘+ ovantry of Peace and Rest they may, when the end cometh, find an w sting home. We ask it for His sake who hath gone thither to separe a place for us, Thy son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. © Almighty God. Great Judge of all men; so fit and prepare ts for the great accoune which we must one day give, that when the time of ‘out appointed change shall come, we may look up to Thee with joy and comfort. and may at last be received unto that place of rest and peace, where all tears shall be wiped from our eyes, and all our troubles and sorrows shall have an end; through the merits and for the sake of ‘our blessed Savior and Redeetuer, Jesus Christ, Amen. ‘The God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd ofthe sheep, through the blood of the ever lasting covenant: make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight; through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen, Pr)

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