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1.Alchemy-The Art of Spiritual Transformation by

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Spiritualitate,Maestrii, Esoterim, Magie,Yoga

1.Alchemy- The Art of Spiritual Transformation by Deepak Chopra DVD

2.Alexandra David Neel - Du Tibet au Sikkim- despre calatoriile
initiatice ale Alexandrei David Neel in Tibet DVD
3.Ashtaga Yoga 90 min practice exercitii ashtanga yoga DVD
4.Ashrams -film de Arnaud Desjardins,despre Sivananda, Ma Ananda
May,Ramdas si alti maestrii indieni
5.Babaji's Kriya Yoga
6.Bala yogi 2 filme despre celebrul yoghin Indian Bala Yogi
7.Yogis of Tibet despre viata si practica yoghinilor din Tibet
8.Facindu-ti timp facind vipassana(Doing time , doing vipassana)
-documentar in inchisoare. Meditation in Indian prison(2000, Documentary
, English)
9.Viata Dupa Viata-Marturi despre viata de dincolo.
10.Viata Lui Buddha-film documentar despre viata lui Buddha
11.Cartea Tibetana a Mortii- Despre celebra carte tibetana a mortii,
despre ritualurile tibetane , despre maestrul Padmasambava
12.Gospel of John(partea 1 si 2)-Evanghelia dupa Ioan film realizat
dupa textele gnostice apocrife , evangheliile apocrife .
13.Iluminated Chakras- despre chackre si corpurile subtile ale fiintei
umane .
14.Darshan Amma -2 dvd
15.Dovezi ale existentei raiului- documentar
16.John of God Chirurgia DVD despre celebrul vindecator din Brazilia
John of God , operatii
17.John of God -Who is John of God DVD -despre celebrul vindecator din
Brazilia -John of God
18.Kundalini yoga DVD exercitii yoga
19.Nisargadatta Awaken to eternal A journey to self discovery.
20.Padre Pio despre calugarul capucin Padre Pio
21.Poonja -Doar ramii tacut
22.Pranayama dvd 1 ,dvd2 Divya Yog Mandir
23.Qi Qong -Energy Workout for Body and Mind
24.Ramakrishna -A documentary
25.Ramana Maharishi-The Arhival Film,Abide of the Self
26.Revelatii despre Dumnezeu -Revelation About god
27.RUMI-Un film despre Rumi si dansuri Dervish
28.Sex Ritual of The Occult-ritualuri sexuale in practice oculte
29.Sfantul Munte Athos 1 despre viata calugarilor de la muntele Athos
30.Sfantul Munte Athos 2
31.Magical Passes - Unbeded Intent- exercitii descries in cartile lui
Carlos Castaneda
32.Tensegrity vol II, Redistributing Disperssed Energy- exercitii
descries in cartile lui Carlos Castaneda
33.Tensegrity vol III Energetically Crossing- exercitii descries in
cartile lui Carlos Castaneda
34.The Occult Experience- descrierea unor diverse practice oculte
35.Mantak Chia 6 Healing Sounds Chi Kung Meditation 36.Masajul zonei cervicale si dorsale-2 documentare tutorial despre
masajul terapeutic
37.Muntele sacru film documentar initiatic cu profunde semnificatii
ezoterice despre evolutia spirituala

38.Francisc de Asisi- Brother Sun and Sister Moon film de Franco

Zefirelli despre Sf. Francisc de Assisi
39.Milarepa- film despre celebrul yoghin Tibetan Milarela
40.Master of Darkness-Aleister Crowley- film despre magul Aleister
41.Aleister Crowley -The Other Lock Ness Monster- film despre magul
Aleister Crowley
42.Aleyster Crowley -Without Walls - film despre magul Aleister Crowley
-----------Documentare, Stiinta ,Religie ,dezvoltare personala
44.When UFOs Arrive-documentar
45.Intelegerea adevarului despre Anticrist-documentar
46.Beyond Life with Timothy Leary-documentar
47.Biblia secreta - Cavaleri templieri-documentar
48.Biblia secreta - Rivalii lui Isus-documentar
49.What the bleep do we know- documentar , dezvoltare personala
50.David Icke - Secrets Of The Matrix [Part 1,2,3] documentar despre
51.Flood-documentar despre globalizare
52.Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point-documentar despre energia
53.Ekart Tolle-5 documentare cu Ekkart Tolle
54.Ultrastiinta, Visuri imposibile documentare
55.End game -documentar--noua ordine mondiala-important !
56.In Search Of -- The Bermuda Triangle-documentar
57.Instinctele Umane documentare
58.Inviat din morti-DivX
59.The Roswell incident footage - full movie - From a rare BBC
60.The Secret-documentar, dezvoltare personala
61.The Corporation- documentar
62.The Elegant Universe -3 filme documentare despre stiinta
63.The Human Body (subtitrat rom.)
64.The Iluminati Masons despre masoni
65.The Listening-despre ascultarea telefoanelor
66.MythBusters - Ming Dynasty Astronaut, Free Energy, Fan of Deathdocumentar stiinta
67.Natura A Fost Profesorul Meu - Viktor Shauberger
68.Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Anti-Gravity (2004)
69.Microchip-documentar stiinta
70.Shocking Asia-3 filme documentare socante despre Asia ,
71.Conversations with God documentar, dezvoltare persoanla
72.Create your day documentar, dezvoltare personala
73.Semnul dezlantuirii[2004]-documentar
74.Contacte si Contactanti 4 filme documentar extraterestri
75.Cele 12 planuri ale calatoriei astrale documentar dedublare astrala
76.-Bliss - Armonie Sexuala -Film Initiatic
77.-Chinese Lovemaking Secrets Tantra And Tantric Sex Guide
78.-Vindecare Sexuala- documentar despre vindecarea sexuala

79.-The Vagina Monologue-documentar

80.-Dances -of Ecstasy documentar
81.-Unlocking the Secrets of G-Spot(4 filme)-film documentar , tutorial
82.-Erotic Shiatsu Massage-documentar tutorial despre masajul erotic si
83-The Joy of Erotic Massage-documentar tutorial
84-Lovers Guide Sex Position-documentar tutorial
85-The Art of Orgasm of Woman-documentar tutorial

86.About Canabis Despre cannabis si anumite proprietati terapeutice
87.James Arthur -Amanita Muscaria-despre ciuperca amanita muscaria ,
utilizari in magie si terapeutica
88.Divina natura- film documentar
91.Ashes And Snow film
92.Filmari ale Planetei Pamant din Cosmos-film

Filme Artistice initiatice cu simbolistica esoterica

A Walk in the Clouds
Abre Los Ojos
Aeon Flux
Ana si regele
Anima Mundi [by Godfrey Reggio] (1992)
Armonie sexuala
As good as it gets
10. As It Is in Heaven
11. Atonement
12. August rush
13. Avocatul diavolului
14. Bandidas
15. Becoming Jane
16. Big
17. Black

18. Black Cat, White Cat

19. Burlacul (comedie)2005
20. California_dreaming
21. Casanova 2006
22. Cashback 2006
23. Cat imi dai sa te impusc din nou - actiune,comedie
24. Cavalerii Mesei Rotunde
25. Caveman
26. Centura Neagra --Black Belt )
27. Ciocu mic
28. Click
29. Constantine
30. Copying Beethoven
31. Dragon Fly
32. Dumnezeu Pentru O Zi
33. Eight Below
34. Enchanted.2007
35. Enemy at the gates
36. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
37. Evan atotputernicul comedie
38. Fata de pe pod
39. Feast of Love [2007]
40. finding nemo
41. Flautul tacut
42. Frumoasa verde
43. Funny.money.2006
44. Good.Luck.Chuck
45. head in the clouds
46. Heartbreakers
47. Hero
48. Hitch
49. I.Q
50. Into great silence
51. Its a Boy Girl Thing
52. Juno [2007]
54. kingdom of heaven
55. Kundun
56. La veuves des saint-pierre
57. La Vita e Bella
58. Love in the time of Cholera
59. Malena
60. Mamma Mia
61. Man of the year
62. Marele albastru

63. Meet joe black

64. Momo(1986)
65. Mongol
66. Must love dogs
67. Naufragiatul (Cast away)
68. Noel
69. Non ti mouvere
70. Orasul ingerilor
71. Pearl Harbor
72. Pictam sau facem dragoste
73. planeta comorilor
74. Prime 2006
75. Rat race
76. Samsara
77. Scent of a woman
78. Seria Godfather
79. Sex din compasiune
80. Shanghai noon
81. She's the man (comedie)
82. Six-The Mark Unleashed
83. Sleepers - Brad Pitt, Robert deNiro, Minnie Driver
84. So close
85. Sph hunting
86. Stalker
87. The Alibi (2006)
88. The Bourne
89. The bow
90. The Bucket list
91. The departed
92. The Devil Wears Prada
93. The Final cut
94. The Five People You Meet In Heaven
95. The Game
96. The Illusionist
97. The Jacket
98. The Last Mimz
99. The Legend of 1900
The Librarian - Quest for the Spear
The Peaceful Warrior
The Recruit
The Shawshank Redemption
The Ten commandments
The Truth About Love
The Celestine Prophecy


The Ultimate Gift
Tinerete fara tinerete
Triunghiul Bermudelor(3 cd)
Valea florilor (2007)
We're No Angels1
Wedding planner
What dreams may come
Where eagles dare
Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci

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