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I am grateful to numerous local and global peers who have contributed towards shaping this thesis.
At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to Professor David Abramson for his advice
during my doctoral research endeavor for the past three years. As my supervisor, he has constantly forced
me to remain focused on achieving my goal. His observations and comments helped me to establish the
overall direction of the research and to move forward with investigation in depth. I thank him for providing
me with the opportunity to work with a talented team of researchers.
I would like to thank my former supervisor Professor Clemens Szyperski who helped me to start my
doctoral research in Australia (Queensland University of Technology) with a smile. Surprisingly, within six
months of my candidature, he announced his plan for joining Microsoft Research in the United States,
which triggered my migration to Monash University in search of a new advisor. This migration resulted in
going beyond clusters: building technologies for world-wide distributed computing and demonstrating their
suitability for real applications. This happens to coincide with my original theme for PhD research dreamt
of in the early 1990s!
I am grateful to Jonathan Giddy (Distributed Systems Technology Centre, Melbourne) for contributing
significantly towards the implementation of a prototype Nimrod-G system based on the architecture and
scheduling policies proposed and investigated as part of our distributed computational economy research.
He has helped me greatly and been a source of knowledge with real world programming skills, specifically
in Python!
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Manzur Murshed (Monash University, Gippsland Campus)
for generously sharing his time and knowledge in our cooperative work on building a foundation
infrastructure for grid simulation. He has played a major role in making me understand the concept of
discrete-event simulation.
I thank Kim Branson (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research) for sharing information on
the molecular docking application and data model that enabled me to develop a virtual laboratory
environment. It helped me in demonstrating the suitability of our Grid technologies for enabling drug
design application processing on the Grid.
I would like to thank Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) for his critical comments and
suggestions during the initial phases of thesis work.
I am grateful to Mark Baker (University of Portsmouth, UK), Domenico Laforenza (CNR, Italy), Heinz
Stockinger (CERN, Switzerland), Klaus Krauter (Redfern Networks, Australia), Muthucumaru
Maheswaran (University of Manitoba, Canada), Steve Chapin (Syracuse University, USA), and David
DiNucci (Elepar, USA) for sharing their knowledge that influenced the work and resulted in cooperative
joint publications.
I greatly appreciate Rob Gray (Distributed Systems Technology Centre) for his generous time in proof
reading. I would like to express my special thanks to him for being a great soul. He is always ready to help
with a smile.
I thank Omer Rana (Cardiff University), Franck Cappello (University of Paris-Sud), Marcelo Pasin
(Federal University of Santa Maria), Shoaib Ali Burq (University of Melbourne), Srikumar Venugopal
(University of Melbourne), Ajith Abraham (Monash University), Jagan Kommineni (Monash University),
Rajanikanth Batchu (Mississippi State University), Slavisa Garic (DSTC), Andrew Hunter (Monash
University), Rohit Patil, Sohel Khan (Icode Software), Abhishek Bhagat (Digital India), and Kay and Mike
Higginbottom ( for their comments and proof reading some of the chapters.
I thank John Crossley (Monash University), Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, Knoxville),


Wolfgang Gentzsch (Sun Microsystems), Francine Berman (University of California, San Diego), Geoffrey
Fox (Indiana University), Toni Cortes (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona), Hai Jin
(University of Southern California, Los Angeles), Savithri S (Motorola India Electronics Ltd., Bangalore),
Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Spyros Lalis (FORTH, Greece), Jim Basney (University of Wisconsin), Colin Gan
(University of Minnesota), Nirav Kapadia (Purdue University), John Karpovich (Virginia University),
Andre Merzky (ZIB, Berlin), Jarek Nabrzyski (Poznan Supercomputing Centre), Hidemoto Nakada (Tokyo
Institute of Technology), Michael Neary (UCSB), Joern Gehring (Paderborn Center for Parallel
Computing, Germany), Achim Streit (Paderborn), Henri Casanova (UCSD), Lance Norskog (Enron), Scott
Jackson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and Craig Lee (Aerospace Corporation) for their
I thank Andrzej Goscinski (Deakin University) and Andrew Wendelborn (University of Adelaide) for
their detailed critique on this thesis.
I would like to thank colleagues and organisations for sharing their resources that have been utilised to
create a World-Wide Grid (WWG) testbed. The organizations whose resources I have used in scheduling
experiments reported in this thesis are: Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), Victorian Partnership
for Advanced Computing (Melbourne, Australia), Argonne National Laboratories (Chicago, USA),
University of Southern Californias Information Sciences Institute (Los Angeles, USA), Tokyo Institute of
Technology (Tokyo, Japan), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Tsukuba,
Japan), University of Lecce (Italy), and CNUCE-Institute of the Italian National Research Council (Pisa,
Italy), Zuse Institute Berlin (Berlin, Germany), Charles University, (Prague, Czech Republic), University of
Portsmouth (UK), and University of Manchester (UK).
I acknowledge the Australian Government, Queensland University of Technology, Monash University,
Cooperative Research Centre for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology (DSTC), Distributed Systems
and Software Engineering Centre, and the IEEE Computer Society for providing scholarships to pursue
doctoral studies.
I would like to thank administrative and technical staff members of the school who have been kind
enough to advise and help in their respective roles. I thank Thomas Peachey for making life fun while
Last, but not least, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my family, my wife Smrithi and daughter
Soumya, for their love, patience, and understandingthey allowed me to spend most of the time on this
thesis. For the past six months, my daughter kept on reminding me: Appaja, go to office and write your

Rajkumar Buyya
April 10, 2002, Melbourne, Australia


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