UNIT 3 - Living Creatures Around Us
UNIT 3 - Living Creatures Around Us
UNIT 3 - Living Creatures Around Us
Chapter 3
+.Teacher provides
students with a short
written description of an
animal (the animals
name is not included).
Volunteers read aloud.
Teacher checks
Pairwork: Students read
and say what animal has
those characteristics.
Check studentsanswers.
Students unscramble the
sentences provided by
the teacher. Draw. Say
Good- bye.
+. Game: 7 up (revising
vocabulary previously
taught).Teacher provides
students with an image
(puzzle format) of the
main character of the
story previously seen.
Students describe the
picture. Then, color, cut
and stick. Sing Good-bye.
+. Teacher introduces a
story (fable). Have students
describe the cover and say
the name of the story.
Teacher reads the story.
Check comprehension:
What animal is it? What
color is it? Is it a..? What
the weather like?. Teacher
models a short simple
description. Pairwork:
Choose an animal and write
a description. Teacher reads
aloud without naming the
animal. Students guess.
Sing Good bye.
+. Recall animalsnames
with poster. Teacher
assigns small groups an
animal. Teacher asks: Can
you walk/fly? etc.
Students answer. The
other groups try to guess
the animal assigned.
Teacher asks about other
animals (poster).
Whole class: Students
listen and do it: Elephants
can walk. (students walk
as elephants because they
are elephants) Sing Goodbye.
+. Groupwork: Teacher
provides students with short
simple written descriptions
without the name of the
animal. Students read and
write down the name of the
animal. Draw. Sing Good
+. Teacher models a
short written description
on the board including
color, size, body part,
ability and location.
Pairwork: Students
choose their favorite
animal and describe it.
Then, draw it. (for the
bulletin board)
+. Teacher provides
students with an
incomplete image of an
animal. Students guess
what animal it is. Make a
simple description orally
(color, size, ability).
Students join numbers to
discover the animal and
confirm their previous
answer. Color and stick.
Say Good-bye.
+. Teacher provides
students with a match
activity (what animals
can do). Listen to the
teacher describing
animals saying where
they are. Students write
down their names.
Choose one and write a
short simple description.
+ Daily routine activity: Sing a song, say a poem, say and write the date and weather report.7
Sing a Good-byesong, play a guessing game, say Good-bye, say a poem or rhyme.
+. Brainstorm names of
animals. See if those
names match the images
the teacher provides.
Guessing game: (one
student at the front, the
class asks) Can it fly? Yes,
it can. No, it cant. This is
to be repeated several
times. Teacher makes a
chart with different action
verbs and asks what
animal can do the actions.
Students stick labels of
animalsnames in the
correct column. Teacher
models: The lion can run
but it cant fly. Volunteers
say similar sentences.
Students write the
sentences in their
notebooks. Say Goodbye
+. Brainstorm names of
animals. Have volunteers
circle those that live in
water. Teacher provides
students with a text related
to sea life. Students predict
from title and images.
Students scan the text and
circle sea creatures. Teacher
checks comprehension.
Students answer True or
False statements and find
the evidence in the text.
Joint correction on the
board. Say Good - bye
+.Teacher writes an
empty outline on the
board. Students
brainstorm names of
animals and complete
the outline.Teacher
models comparisons.
Students compare. By
using flashcards, the
teacher models
comparisons (the
superlative form of
adjectives). Students
compare. Pairwork:
Students write some
sentences in their
+.Teacher introduces
some key vocabulary of a
story (fable). Students
predict the topic from
cover and image. Listen to
the story. Teacher checks
comprehension. Teacher
asks: What is your
favorite animal in the
story? As students
answer the teacher asks
questions about the
appearance of the animal.
Teacher writes vocabulary
on the board. Students
write a piece of
information about their
favorite animal in the
story.(color, size).
Students draw. Say
+. Teacher recalls
information from the text
previously read. Have
students compare animals.
Teacher models first.
Students write some
sentences comparing
animals. Students exchange
notebooks to check their
peerswork. Hang man
+.Teacher provides
students with a text
related to animals in
danger of extinction.
Predict from title and
image. Have students
circle the animals
mentioned in the text.
Compare. Students read
the text. Teacher checks
comprehension. Teacher
provides students with a
multiple choice exercise
to be solved in pairs.
+. Guessing game
(flashcards or labels
with names of animals).
Teacher models
questions (on the board).
Students ask a partner
who is at the front and
try to guess the animal.
This procedure is
repeated several times.
Groupwork: groups are
given an outline
completed with
information about an
animal. Ask another
group to find out what
animal they have.
+.Teacher introduces
cartoons (animals
preferably) with
flashcards. Students
describe them orally with
the teachers help.
Teacher models first.
Groupwork: Students
choose a cartoon and
make a fact file to be
exposed on the class
bulletin board.
+. Groupwork: Teacher
provides students with an
image of a sea creature.
Each group compares the
animal assigned with one of
another group. Students
write a short description,
based on a file card with
explanations. Students
expose their work to the
class. Students include a
drawing to be exposed on
the class bulletin board.
+.Pairwork: students
choose an animal from
the text and make a
outline (name, size,
color, body parts, where
it lives, etc). Teacher
models an outline and
then a short text from
the outline. Pairs write a
text from outline given.
+. Teacher recalls
cartoons descriptions and
fact files. Students listen
and guess what cartoon it
is according to the clues.
Teacher models: Winnie
can walk but he cant run
fast. Students say their
own sentences. Teacher
writes some scrambled
sentences on the board.
Students unscramble
some of them. The rest
are to be unscrambled on
their own. Class
correction. Say Goodbye
+. Teacher presents an
outline of the content
previously introduced.
Students answer True or
False and find the
evidence in the outline.
+.Teacher introduces
some key vocabulary
related to a short text
about animals. Teacher
provides students with a
text. Students predict
from title and image.
Teacher reads aloud and
checks comprehension.
Volunteers read aloud.
Students answer multiple
choice questions. Class
correction. Find the
evidence. Say Goodbye
+. Teacher provides
students with some written
descriptions. Groupwork:
Students read and write
down the name of the
animal. As each group has a
different description,
students will be able to read
about different animals.
Each group completes a fact
file with explanations and
then, writes a description. A
member of the group reads
aloud. Peers listen and
name the animal. Say
+. Pairwork: Bingo:
animals. Choose one of
the animals/cartoons in
the bingo, complete a fact
file and then, describe it.
Teacher models first.
Each pair reads their
description without
naming the animal. The
rest tries to guess what
animal it is. Say Good,
+ Daily routines: Suggestions: Say and write the date, weather report, season. Sing a song. Say
a poem or a rhyme.
Daily routines: Suggestions: Say and write the date, weather report, season. Sing a song.
Say a poem or a rhyme.
Link or Drive
1. Hello song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M (super simple song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BmfySrvVKM (Bubba monkey)
2. Flashcards (animals)
4. Flashcards (numbers)
6. Goodbye song
7. Animal poster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYxcZQaQJJM (animals)
Link or Drive
1. Hello song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M (super simple song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BmfySrvVKM (Bubba monkey)
2. Goodbye song
3. Weather song
4. Flashcards (animals)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYxcZQaQJJM (animals)
6. Book (fable)
The tortoise and the hare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isSG1skiMwY (video)
The lion and the mouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzyvmC1FAt0
7. Written descriptions, w/o animal names See the text below the list of resources
Link or Drive
1. Flashcards (animals)
2. Animal poster
4. Fable
The tortoise and the hare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isSG1skiMwY (video)
The lion and the mouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzyvmC1FAt0
Link or Drive
1. Flashcards (animals)
2. Fable
3. Cartoon animals
Link or Drive
Download The Six Senses of Sharks for offline listening (2.23 MB)
Download What Does a Sick Fish Look Like? for offline listening (1.8 MB)
Link or Drive
1. Flashcards (animals)
At home
Link or Drive
1. Animals poster
K5: Activity 9
Some people are afraid of bugs such as spiders or beetles. But there is one bug that
just about everybody likespill bugs. If you ever pick one up, you know why its
nickname is roly-poly. A pill bug rolls up into a tight little ball to protect itself. This bug is
scared of you, not the other way around!
These little gray or brown bugs can be found almost everywhere in the United States
except the desert. That is because they need to stay moist. But they can live in dry
places like California thanks to lawn sprinklers. One of their favorite hang-outs is under
damp flower pots.
Did you know that pill bugs have something in common with kangaroos? After her eggs
hatch, the mother pill bug carries her young in a pouch under her belly. The little pill
bugs stay there until
they are big enough to be on their own.
Pill bugs also have something in common with snakes. Just as snakes shed their skin
when it gets too small, pill bugs do too. This is called molting. A pill bug molts about
five times until it is full-grown.
Pill bugs are a little like owls, too. Pill bugs are nocturnal, meaning they are most active
at night. That is when they most like to wander around and look for food. And just like
earthworms, pill bugs help break down plants in the soil.
c. in a vegetable garden
Extra information
Formally, an insect of the order Hemipterans, known as the "true bugs"
Informally, a land invertebrate, including individuals or species of
Arthropod except aquatic crustaceans including Insect, Arachnid, Myriapod,
Woodlouse, Terrestrial crab, Oligochaeta, and Gastropod.
The pill bug (also called the wood louse and the roly-poly bug) is a small, segmented land creature that
can roll into a tiny ball for protection. The pill bug is NOT an insect, but is an isopod (another type
of arthropod).
Habitat and Distribution: Pill bugs are common invertebrates that are found in many biomes around the
world, including temperate forests, rainforests, and grasslands. They prefer moist areas, often living in
soil and under decaying leaves, rocks, and dead logs.
Life Cycle: A pill bug begins its life as a tiny egg. The young pill bug looks almost like a miniature adult. As
it grows, it molts (sheds its old, outgrown exoskeleton) 4 to 5 times.
Anatomy: Pill bugs are covered by a hard exoskeleton (also called the cuticle) made from chitin. They
have three basic body parts, the head (which is fused to the first segment of the thorax), the thorax (the
7 segments of the thorax that are not fused to the head are called the pereon), and the abdomen (which
is also called the pleon). Pill bugs have 7 pairs of jointed legs and 2 pairs of antennae (but one pair is
barely visible). The antennae, mouth and eyes are located on the head. A pair of abdominal uropods are
at the posterior end of the pill bug, but only the terminal exopods are visible from the top of the pill bug.
Pill bugs are less than an inch long.
Diet: Pill bugs eat decaying plants and animals and some living plants.
Predators: Pill bugs are eaten by many animals. Their main protection is rolling into an armored ball.
Classification: Kingdom Animalia (animals), Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class
Malacostraca, Order Isopoda (isopods), Family Armadillidiidae, Genus Armadillidium, Oniscus, etc. Many
species, including A. vulgare (the common pillbug).
Panda bears
Panda bears are endangered animals that live in a few mountain ranges in central
China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces.
The panda has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on ears, eye patches,
muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal's coat is white.
The panda bears eat bamboo. They spend at least 12 hours each day eating
bamboo. They also eat leaves.
Adapted from:
Easily recognized by its coat of reddish-orange with dark stripes, the tiger is the largest
wild cat in the world. The big cat's tail is 1 meter long.
Tigers wait until dark to hunt. The tiger sprints to an unsuspecting animal, usually pulling
it off its feet with its teeth and claws. Tigers eat up to 27 kilograms of meat in one night,
but more often they consume about 5 kilograms during a meal.
Unlike most members of the cat family, tigers seem to enjoy water and swim well.
Some tigers live where it gets very coldin India and parts of southeast Asia. The
whole species is endangered throughout its range. Tigers have been overhunted for
their fur as well as for other body parts that many people use in traditional medicines.
They can live 20 years in the grassland or forests.
720 lbs
500 lbs
40 mph
60 mph
6 feet
37 feet