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Housing Loan

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Meaning of Housing Finance

The home is basic unit of society, but the capital required per

dwelling is so large that few individuals can raise it from their own
savings. So there is a great need and scope for the purpose of
construction of house.
The terms Housing Finance or Home Loan means finance
for buying or modifying a property. The different housing loan
products could be classified as:(a)

Home Loans


Home Extension Loans


Home Improvement Loans


Land Loans


NRI Loans


Home Equity Loans


Short Term bridging Loans


Converting high interest housing loan to low interest

housing loan.



Eligibility criteria of housing finance in India.

The individual, who is planning to buy a house in India, can

apply for home loan, whether he is Resident or Non-resident

individual. The individual can apply for loan even before the
selection of the property which is to be purchased. Once an
individual decides the maximum amount that he can put into the
property, all Housing Finance Institution (HFIs) can help to plan his
budget by calculating his Affordability which is based on his
individual or clubbed income.1
The loan applicant has an option of having co-applicant to his
loan to enhance his loan eligibility. All HFIs lay down conditions on
who can be co-applicants. All co-owners to the property need to be
co-applicants to the loan necessarily. But any minor cannot be coapplicant as he is not eligible to enter into contract as per law. HFIs
do not permit friends or relatives who are not blood relatives to take
property jointly. Income of co-applicants as decided by HFIs can be
clubbed together to get higher loan eligibility.
The following table shows some acceptable relationship of
co-applicants for clubbing of income :(a)

Husband Wife



Parent Son (if only son)




Parent Daughter (if only daughter)



Brother Brother (if currently staying


together and intend staying together in new property)


Brother Sister



Sister Sister



Parent Minor Child



General Terms and Conditions of a Housing Loan

The following are the general terms and conditions applicable

to the basic housing loan product only. These are likely to change
with respect to different types of housing loans.

The loan to value ratio cannot exceed a particular

percentage. This differs from product to product and from
one HFI to another. The ratio is known as LTV.


The maximum tenure of the loan is normally fixed by HFIs.

However, HFIs do provide for different tenor with
different terms and conditions.


The installment that applicant pay is normally restricted to

about 40 percent of his monthly gross income. This is
known as Installment to Income Ratio (IIR).



The total monthly outflow towards all the loans that

applicant has availed of including current loan is normally
restricted to 50 percent of applicants monthly gross income.
This is known as the Fixed Obligation to Income Ratio


An applicant will eligible for a loan amount, which is

lowest as per his eligibility. This is calculated as per the
LTV norms, the IIR norms and the FOIR norms.


Most HFIs consider applicants profile before they judge

his capacity. The applicants are judged on the basis of age,
qualification, number of dependents, employment details,
employer credentials, work experience, previous track
record of repayment of any loans that he has availed of,
occupation, the industry to which applicants business
relates to. If applicant is self-employed, then his turnover
in the last 3-4 years, etc.


Some HFIs insist on guarantees from other individuals for

due repayment of applicants loan. In such cases applicants
have to arrange for the personal guarantee before the
disbursement of loan takes place.



Most HFIs have a team of civil engineers to visit the site to

get a technical report on the quality of construction and
compliance with the local laws before they disburse the


Most HFIs have a panel of lawyers who go through

applicants property documents to ensure that the
documents are clear and are not mis-represented.


The disbursement of loan takes place as per progress of

construction of property unless it is ready property in
which case the disbursement of loan will take place by one
single cheque. PEMI are simple interest on loan amount
disburse to an applicant in case of a part disbursement is
payable by an applicant on the disbursement.


The disbursement in most cases, favours the builder or the

seller or the society or the development authority as the
case may be. The disbursement does come in applicants
favours only in special circumstances.


An applicant can repay the loan either through deduction

against salary, post dated cheques, standing instruction or
by cash or demand draft (DD).



The principal is amortized either an annual reducing or

monthly reducing basis as case may be.2


Different kinds of charges applicable to Housing

Loan Products.
The different kinds of charges applicable to home loans are

listed below, but all of these charges may or may not levy by all
HFIs. These charges are broadly classified into two categories.

1. Processing Fees
2. Administrative Fees
3. Rate of Interest
4. Legal Charges
5. Technical Charges
6. Stamp Duty and Registration
7. Personal Guarantee from

1. Cheque Bounce
2. Delayed Payment
3. Additional Charges
4. Incidental Charges
5. Prepayment Charges
6. PDC Swapping


Processing Charges:
This is a charge that is levied by most HFIs to cover the cost
that they incur on the processing of loan application. This has to be
paid at the time of submission of the application form. Most HFIs
refund this fee if loan application is rejected. It is normally charged
as a percentage of loan amount sanctioned or it may be charged as a
flat fees based on loan amount. In case of excess fees corresponding
to loan, it can be adjusted with subsequent charges which are to be
paid by applicant.

Administrative fees:
This charge is based on percentage on the loan amount
sanctioned. It is collected by the HFI for the maintenance of
customers records, issuing interest certificates, legal charges,
technical charges etc. through the tenure of loan. It is to be paid after
acceptance of offer letter given by HFI.

Rate of Interest:
It is charges on the principal on either annual reducing
method or monthly reducing method. There are two types of rate of


interest, Fixed rate of interest, and Floating rate of interest.

Applicant can opt for any of these types.

Legal Charges:
Some HFIs levy legal charges that they incur on getting
property document vetted by their panel of lawyer.

Technical Charges:
This charge is levied by some HFIs to meet their expenses on
the technical site visits to the property.

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges:

HFIs that go in for a registered mortgage pass these charges
on to an applicant. These are rather heavy in certain states depending
on the laws laid down by the State where the property is to be

Personal Guarantee form Charges:

These charges are levied by HFIs who demand for guarantee.
Since the personal guarantee provided by an applicant is to be
stamped, so these charges are to be paid by applicant.


Cheque Bounce Charges:

In case the cheque through which an applicant is making
payment to HFI gets dishonored, then some minimum charges are
levied by bank. And these charges are to be recovered by an

Delayed Payment Charges:

In case of delay of installment beyond due date. HFIs charge
these charges to an applicant.

Additional Charges:
These are levied as a percentage on the delayed payment
charges by most HFIs. These charges are levied if an applicant fails
to pay the dues within the stipulated time after delay has taken place.

Incidental Charges:
This is payable in case the HFI sends a representative from
their organization to collect their outstanding dues. It is normally
charged at a flat rate per visit. These charges are levied by most


Prepayment Charges:
It is penalty charged by HFIs from when the applicant makes
either a part prepayment or a full prepayment of loan. This charge is
levied on the amount prepaid by an applicant and not on the equated
monthly installments (EMIs) that he pays. This charge is levied on
the amount prepaid and not on the entire outstanding principal.
These charges are gradually being discontinued by the HFIs.

PDC Swapping Charges:

In case, an applicant wishes to swap the PDCs given by him
to HFI for EMI repayments, some HFIs charge a flat fee for the
same. Here PDC refers to Post Dated Cheques.3


The Typical Credit Documents that Need to be

submitted to the HFI:
The given list is the exhaustive list of credit documents that

need to be submitted for a general home loan product. The document

vary from one HFI to another. But the general requirements are:1.

Income Document: it may be


Salary slips for last three months.


Appointment letter



Salary Certificate


Relationship Agreement, if appointed as consultant.


Form 16 issued by an employer on applicants name.


Last three years Profit and Loss Account Statement

duly attested by a Chartered Accountant, if self


Last three years Balance Sheets duly attested by a

Chartered Accountant, if self employed.


Last three years Income Tax Returns duly filed and

certified by the Income Tax Authorities.


Proof of Employment: it may be



Identity Card issued by employer.


Visiting Card

Employers Details (in case of Private Limited Companies)

Profile of employer on employers letter head it is to be

signed by a Senior Person in the organization comprising:


Name of Promoters / Directors


Background of Promoters / Directors


Nature of business activity.


Number of Employees


List of branches / factories



List of Suppliers


List of Clients / customers


Turnover of employer


Annual reports of the employers for the last two to three


Proof of Age (any one of the following)




Voters ID Card


PAN Card


Ration Card


Employers Identity Card


School Leaving Certificate


Birth Certificate


Proof of Residence (any of the following)




Ration Card


PAN Card


Rent Agreement


Bank Pass Book


Allotment letter from company, if an applicant is residing

in company quarters.



Proof of Name Change (if applicable)


A copy of the official Gazette.


A copy of the newspaper advertisement publicizing the

name change.


Marriage Certificate
Proof of Investment (if required)


Bank Statement for the last six months of all operating and
salary account.


Bank statements for the last six months of all current

accounts, if self employed.


Any other photocopies of investment held, if required by

The name and the list of documents vary from state to state

and it also depends on the type of property being financed. The

broad outline of the documents which are generally required by most
HFIs is given below:
1. Acceptance copy of the offer letter issued by HFI.
2. Title document of the property that includes:(a)

Sale agreement duly registered.


Allotment letter


Registration Receipts



Land Documents indicating ownership, if applicable


Possession letter


Lease Agreement, if applicable (Property bought from

development authority)


Mortgage deed, if HFI opts for a registered mortgage.

3. No Objection Certificate from developer, society or development

authority as applicable.
4. Personal Guarantee, if applicable.
5. In case of alternate or additional security, documents for the
same depending upon the security details.
6. Post Dated Cheques for EMIs.
These documents are indicative in nature and do not cover the
entire list.4


Type of Housing Finance

Home Loans:
A home loan is a loan taken from a Housing Finance
Institution (HFI) to buy or to modify a property. The term property

Property under construction


Property ready for occupation



Resale Property


Self Construction or own construction.5

Home Extension Loan:

A home extension loan is a finance taken from HFI to extend
the built up area of an existing property. This could be by way of
any of the following:(a)

Additional Floor Space Index (FSI) granted by the

approving authority to construct an additional room.


Enclosing the balcony with sliding windows or grills.


Construction of an additional floor in the existing house.6

Land Loan:
A land loan is a loan taken from HFI to purchase the plot of
land from either a developmental authority or a society or a

Home Equity Loan:

Home equity loan is especially designed to meet financial
needs of a person who already owns a house. The loan amount is


given against the existing property and as a customer the person can
utilize these funds to meet any of his requirements.8

Difference Between a Normal Home Loan and Home Equity

Loan is as follows:1.

A normal home loan is a loan given for the purchase of new

property. While home equity loan is given against existing
property of a customers.


In a normal home loan, the end use of the loan amount is

monitored to ensure that loan is actually used to pay the seller
of the property.
While in case of the home equity loan the customers


utilize the loan amount to meet any of his requirements.


In a normal home, since it is finance for the purchase of

property, the agreement value of the property is taken as
benchmark. While in home equity loan, the finance is against
an existing property and hence the property needs to be
valued by a Government Approved Valuer or by HFI
approved valuer.9


NRI Home Loan:

The NRI home loans available to Non-Resident Indians from
various HFIs for any of the following activities:(a)

For purchase of house of a house either under construction

or on resale.


For self-construction of a property on a plot of land.


To finance the purchase of a plot of land allotted by a

society/development authority.


To renovate or improve on Indian holding a valid Indian


Who is NRI?

As defined by Reserve Bank of India, according to RBI, an

Indian citizen who holds a valid Indian Passport and who
stays abroad for employment or carrying on business or







circumstances indicating an intention for an uncertain

duration of stay in abroad is NRI.11

As defined by Income Tax Authorities, according to

Income Tax Act 1961, NRI is one who employed abroad


for a period of not less than 182 days in the financial year
immediately preceding the year in which he is assessed.12

Balance Transfer Loan:

A balance transfer loan enables the financing of an
outstanding home loan. This loan may have been availed from a HFI
at a time when the interest rates are high. To convert this loan to a
lower rate of interest or at the rates prevailing currently a balance
transfer loan is the best option. This can be done with the same HFI
or one could switch to a new HFI. This switch becomes attractive
when there is a substantial decrease in the current interest rate vis-avis the rate of which the loan was availed.13
Most housing loans are disbursed at a rate of interest that is
fixed over the tenure of a loan. A converting high interest housing
loans to low interest housing loan enables a customer to get benefit
from the decrease in rates and reduce the monthly installment on the
loan. The two option are available at the time of transfer of loan.

Reduction in EMI (Equated Monthly Installment)

An applicant may get the option of reducing the EMI with the

term being constant. Constant means the balance term left as per the


terms and conditions of the previous sanction by HFI. The EMI

reduces as a result of the reduction in interest rate on loan.

Reduction in Term
An applicant may keep his EMI constant and reduce the term

of loan. This possibility arises in case when an applicant is

comfortable with current EMI and wishes to clear the loan much
For the cases mentioned above, the loan amount for which an
applicant is eligible is calculated as:Eligible Amount = Principal outstanding as on the month in which
one apply for loan (as mentioned in the letter issued by HFI from
where the loan has been taken) + Prepayment Charges.14


Finance for Housing

The responsibility to provide housing finance largely rested

with the government of India till the mid eighties. Even until ten
years ago, the housing finance industry had only one or two active
lenders for home loans it was only, when the Govt. realized their
importance that it offered sops to customers and banks. The realized
their importance that it offered sops to customers and banks. The
need for institutionalization of housing finance has been realized.


To cope up with increasing demand it became necessary that the

institutional finance should be made accessible to different sections
of society at reasonable interest rates. The significant emphasis had
been made in institutional set up for housing finance in form of
specialized housing finance institutions.
Finance for house is provided in the form of mortgage loans,
that is, it is provided against the security of immovable property of
land and buildings. The suppliers of house mortgage loans in India
are the following institutions such as. The Housing and Urban
Development Corporation (HUDCO), the apex cooperative housing
finance societies and Housing Boards of different states, Central and
State Governments, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), General
Insurance Corporation (GIC), and a few private housing finance
companies and nidhis. The government provides direct loans mainly
to their employees. The shelter sector of Indian financial system
remained utterly underdeveloped till the end of 1980s. But with the
establishment of apex institutions like HUDCO, in 1970, HDFC in
1977, and the NHB in 1988, it has been getting impetus. As at
national level, HUDCO, HDFC, NHB, All Indian Financial
Institutions, Cooperative Institutions, State Housing Finance
Societies, Insurance Companies, The Central & State Government


housing Boards, Provident fund organizations, Commercial Banks

and their subsidiaries etc. are the major funding organization for
housing projects. The brief description about the premier sources of
housing finance is given as follows:


Housing And Urban Development Coopration (HUDCO)

HUDCO was set up on 25th April 1970 as a National

Technofinancing institution in the field of housing and Urban

Development by the Government of India. It was established with a
equity base of Rs. 2 crores, today its Authorized capital is Rs. 2500
crores and its paid-up capital is of Rs. 2001.90 crores. And the net
worth is of Rs. 3588.55 crores (Provisional). It has been able to
mobilize resources from institutional agencies like LIC, GIC, Banks,
and international agencies like KIW, OECF, ODA, USAID as well
as through public deposits. The principal mandate of the HUDCO is
to ameliorate the housing conditions of low income groups (LIG)
and economically weaker Section (EWS). HUCDOs housing
portfolio covers a wide range of target groups spread all over the
country both in urban and rural areas. HUDCO lays emphasis on
the affordable housing and project lending wherein before lending,
housing projects are examined for financial viability with a motive


to ensure full cost recovery .HUDCO has been trying to reach to the
ultimate beneficiaries through State Parastatals, Development
Authories, Local Bodies, Cooperative, Private Sector Agencies,
Special designated agencies and others. HUDCO has its offices in
State Capitals and in many cities also. HUDCOs lending operations
are subject to market conditions, and it also provides subsidy in its
few housing and shelter programmes where State or Central Govt.
provides additional support to it in this regard.






programmes, the setting up of new satellite towns, and the setting up

of the building materials industries. It also subscribe the debentures
and bonds to be issued by State Housing Boards, Improvement
Trusts and Development Authorities. HUDCO has been playing an
important role in meeting the housing needs in emergency situations
of natural calamities such as earthquake, cyclone, floods, seaerosion, Tsunami etc.15
During the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) the HUDCO has
assigned the target of 4 Lakh dwelling units in urban areas and 6
Lakh dwelling units in rural areas annually, this target was under
Two Million Housing Programme (2 MHP). It has achieved the
target of 20 Lakhs dwelling units, in urban areas the number of


dwelling units is 1330271 and in rural areas the number is 669729

dwelling units. This number of dwelling units is below the target i.e.
50 Lakhs dwelling units in plan period.16
During Eleventh year Plan period (2007-2012), HUDCO
proposes to extend a larger quantum of assistance for supporting the
housing and urban development requirements in urban and rural
areas. The proposals envisage a total sanction of Rs. 74,596 crores
during the plan period for both housing and urban development
programmes. The amount of Rs. 14919 crores have been tentatively
identified for its housing operations and the amount of Rs. 27820
crores proposed to be disbursed during XI Plan period. The amount
of Rs. 5574 Crores is anticipated for its housing programme.17


National Housing Bank (NHB)

The NHB was established in 1988 under the NHB Act 1987,

to operate as a principal agency to promote housing finance

institutions (HFIs), at both local and regional levels and to provide
financial and other support to them. The setting up of NHB, a fully
owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India marked the
beginning of the emergency of housing finance as a fund based
service in country. It was established with authorized and paid up


capital of Rs. 350 crore. The National Housing Bank had issued
Housing Finance Companies (NHB) Directions, 1989, to every
Housing Finance Company in exercise of the powers conferred on it
under the National Housing Bank Act 1987 (53 of 1957). It had also
issued guidelines to housing finance companies on prudential norms
on income recognition, accounting standards, asset classification,
provisioning for bad and doubtful assets, capital adequacy and
concentration of credit/investment. The National Housing Bank act
1987 has been further amended by National Housing Bank
(Amendment) Act 2000 (15 of 2000) further to enable the NHB to
safeguard the interest of depositors and promote healthy and
universal growth of Housing Finance Companies in India.18
The functions of the NHB includes the promotion and
development of housing finance institutions on sound and healthy
lines, regulation and supervision of housing finance companies in
the matter of acceptance of deposits and providing refinance
facilities to retail lending institutions in order to speed up housing
construction activity and augmenting housing stock in the country.
NHB also provides direct lending facility to public agencies such as
State level Housing Boards and Area Development Authorities for


large scale housing projects, slum redevelopment projects and other

special projects such as housing for earthquake and cyclone victims.
The given table explicit the size-wise disbursement of housing
loans by HFC based on annual returns submitted by 20 major HFCs
to NHB excluding HUDCO.
Size of Housing Loans Disbursed
by HFCs
Less than Rs 50000

Rs. 50001 Rs. 100000

Rs. 100001 Rs. 300000

Rs. 300001 Rs. 500000

Rs. 500001 Rs. 10,00000

Above Rs. 1000000


Year of Disbursement













































Source: www.planningcommission.nic.in


The above table shows that only 0.2% of housing loans

extended by HFCs are of the value less than Rs. 50000, about 7% of
the housing loans are of value between Rs. 50000- Rs. 100000, and
more than 73% of housing loans extended by HFCs are of the value
exceeding Rs. 3 Lakhs and about 93% of value if exceeding Rs. 1
Lakh. It can be observed that there is need to evolve a system for
financing housing projects on scale for LIG whose affordability for
housing falls in the range below Rs. 3 Lakhs, as the 90% of the
shortage of housing is in account of LIG/EWS.19

2.10 Cooperative Housing

With the progress of Five Year Plans the Cooperative
Housing Movement is receiving support as a strong institutional set
up has been evalued for it in India. There are few states where the
Cooperative Acts and Rules were enacted; in other states, these Acts
and rules were extended to increase the horizon of cooperative
movement. These Cooperative Acts & Rules facilitates the
registration of primary cooperative housing societies and its also
helped in the formation of the state level apex cooperative housing
federations. These provisions have helped the primary cooperative
societies in securing finance for construction of houses. The number


of primary housing cooperatives was 92000 in 2004-05 with a

membership of 66 lakhs. The number of State level apex
Cooperative Housing Federation has increased to 25, according to
Report of the Task Force on Cooperative Housing (Third Draft)
2005. The total funds mobilized by various apex federations upto
31 March 2005, stood at Rs. 8767.67 crores. Out of this amount
3.7% is collected by the means of deposits and debentures issued by
State level Apex Cooperatives, while rest (96.3%) is mobilized as
loans from different agencies, such as Life Insurance Corporation of
India (38.4%), National Housing Bank (9.6%), Commercial and
Cooperative Banks (23.4%), HUDCO (18%), State Government
(2.8%), other sources (4.1%). During the first three years of Xth
Five Year i.e. 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05, the Apex Cooperative
Housing Federation could raise an amount of Rs. 1774.43 crore from
the aforesaid sources. In 2002-03, these federations have disbursed
Rs. 641.48 Crore and financial 32481 housing units. In 2003-04, Rs.
623.08 Crores and in 2004-05 Rs. 421.15 Crores was disbursed.
And in 2003-04 the Apex Cooperative Housing Federations. These
housing units mostly cater to the needs of middle and high income
groups in cities and lower income groups in rural areas with few
exceptions. The limitation faced by Cooperative Housing Movement


is in the allotment of serviced land in few of the cities where

Cooperative Housing Movement is not active. They are not able to
bid for land at market price due to their financial dependence on
public agencies and state government.
The National Cooperative Housing Federation has initiated a
concept of organizing multi-purpose Cooperative for urban poor and
slum dwellers to improve their living standard. Its proposal has been
put for the consideration of State Governments and Union Territory
The Cooperative Banking Sector which includes State
Cooperative Banks, District Cooperative Banks & Primary Urban
Cooperative Banks have been providing finance to individuals,
cooperative group housing societies, housing boards and other
agencies which undertakes the housing projects for the EWS, LIGs
and MIGs, in the way this sector have been contributed to the
housing and urban development.20
According to the Report prepared by the Technical Group
under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, the
cooperative sector is expected to construct 5 lakh houses for LIG
and EWS. The given table explicit the expected contribution by the
Cooperative sector in the development of the housing industry in


the India during the Eleventh Plan Period i.e 2007-2012. The total
house construction by the housing cooperatives would require the
investment of about Rs 10000 crores in the Eleventh Five Year Plan
Period if it is assumed that the cost of constructing one house is Rs.1
Loan Requirements and Construction Targets for Housing
Cooperatives During XII FYP

from Govt.
(Rs. in cores)


Number of

by Housing

Houses to be


constructed or

(Rs. in crores)


























Source: www.planningcommission.nic.in

2.11 The Central and State Housing Boards

The Housing Boards are playing a vital role in the
development of the housing sector. Housing Boards are responsible


for the implementation of integrated Housing Schemes for the

construction of houses. Their aim is to enable the Lower Income,
Middle Income and Higher Income Groups in the society to acquire
houses on rent and on ownership basis. The boards also undertakes
the construction and rent out shops, commercial complexes etc. to
enhance the financial resources of the board. The objective behind
the formation of housing boards in state is to provide housing to the
deprived citizens in the State at affordable prices. For example the
Tamil Nadu Housing Board aims to cater the housing needs of
people of different groups such as E.W.S., L.I.G., M.I.G., & H.I.G.
and even to cater different segments of society such as SCs, STs,
Dhobies, Freedom Fighters, Ex-service personnel, Handicapped
persons, Language Crosaders States Government Servants, Central
Govt. Servants, Press people, social workers, widows and destitute.
In past 37 years it has taken up various social housing projects on
large scale ant it has provided around 350027 dwelling units so far
in the State. Similarly the Chandigarh Housing Board right from its
beginning in 1976 has focused upon the construction and allotment
of houses for the less affluent sections of society on hire purchase
basis. Till March 2007 the Chandigarh Housing Board has
constructed a total of 44151 houses of various categories. It has


been estimated that about 2.5% of the population of Chandigarh is

living in CHB houses. It has been providing well designed houses
with good quality of construction at prices much lower than the
market and thus obtaining the excellent response from the public. In
this manner the State Housing Boards have been performing their
duty to remove regional imbalances through housing and urban
development. The State wise housing developments may lead to the
central housing sectors development.22

2.12 Commercial Banks

Commercial Banks are the oldest biggest and fastest growing
financial intermediaries in India, having a major contribution in the
development of the economy. The Public Sector Banks, Private
Sector Banks and Foreign banks all are required to meet targets in
respect of sectoral deployment of the credit, regional distribution of
branches and regional credit deposit ratios. The Public Sector Banks
include the fourteen Banks includes the fourteen banks nationalized
on 19th July 1969, and 6 Banks nationalized on 15th April 1980. It
includes Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of Baroda, Central
Bank of India, State of Bank of India and its subsidiaries, Punjab
National Bank, Canara Bank etc. The majority of these Banks offer


Housing loans products directly or indirectly through their

subsidiaries. As their function includes the social welfare, social
justice and promotion of regional balance and development, these
banks provide housing loans not only to individuals but to the
Private Developers for the construction of residential as well as nonresidential buildings. Due to the Governments stake in these banks
most of the people do rely upon these banks for housing loans, as the
tenor of these loans are comparatively longer than consumer,
personal or education loans.
The Private Sector Banks are functioning on par with the
Public Sector Banks in various respects. Since, they have been
included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934,
they are enjoying the privilege like other scheduled banks. The
Private Sector Banks like HDFC Bank, ICICI, Bank, IDBI Bank
Axis Bank Ltd., The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd., ABN AMRO
Bank etc. are also offering the housing loan products with a wide
range of the fascinating features. The housing loan is the product
where the risk is comparatively less because the property or house
of the borrower itself acts a collateral, therefore most of the private
Banks are stepping in into the field of housing finance either by


lending directly to the individual borrower or by financing the

construction projects of townships, Apartments, Hotels or Malls.
The Foreign Banks are the Branches of Banks incorporated in
foreign countries. They perform almost the same range of services
as being performed by local banks. These banks are active players
in export and import trade and transactions relating to foreign
exchange operations. The banks like HSBC Bank, Barclay Bank,
Deutsche Bank etc are also moving towards the housing finance
sector in India.23

2.13 Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)

A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company
registered under Companies Act 1956 and is engaged in the business
of loans and advances, question of shares/securities issued by
Government or local authority or other securities of like marketable
nature, leasing, hire purchase, insurance business, chit business but
does not include any institution whose principal business is that of
agriculture activity, industrial activity, sale/ purchase/ construction
of immovable property. In terms of Section 45-1A of the RBI Act
1934, it is mandatory that every NBFC certain category of NBFCs


are regulated by other regulators, like Housing Finance Companies

regulated by National Housing Bank.24
Housing Finance Company means a company incorporated
under Companies Act 1956 (1 of 1956) which primarily transacts or
has as one of its principal objects, the transacting of the business of
providing finance for housing, whether directly or indirectly.25
In this way there is not dearth of sources of housing finance in
India as there are many suppliers of Housing Finance including
Commercial and cooperative Banks, Non Banking Finance
Companies, and other private lending agencies .Despite many
sources of housing finance the housing sector is still undersized,
there is still need to infuse a huge amount to gain the momentum in
the pace of development in the housing sector.

























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Harsh Vardhan Roongta , Krishna Subramanium, The

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S. Natrajan , R Parmeshwaran, Indian Banking , S Chand &

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