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Chapter 12Nonbank Finance161

Chapter 12
Nonbank Finance


Multiple Choice

The federal regulatory agency responsible for regulating the activities of life insurance
companies is
()b the FDIC.
()c the Fed.
()d the FHLBS.
()e none of the above; there is no such federal regulatory agency.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Which of the following is true of life insurance companies?
()g They hold long-term assets that are not particularly liquid.
()h They hold short-term liquid assets.
()i Payouts to policyholders are relatively predictable.
()j Both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Life insurance companies are regulated by state governments because
()l they have never experienced bankruptcy.
()m they have never experienced profitability.
()n they have never experienced widespread failures.
()o they hold only highly liquid assets.
()p they are insured by the federal government.
Question Status: New
The insurance industrys share of total financial intermediary assets fell because of
()r poor investment returns in the 1960s and 1970s.
()s widespread failures of life insurance companies.
()t federal regulations limiting the sale of life insurance.
()u unpredictability of payouts.
()v all of the above.
Question Status: New

162Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition


An example of permanent insurance is __________ insurance, and an example of temporary

insurance is _____ insurance.
()x whole life; universal
()y whole life; variable life
()z whole life; term
()aaterm; whole life
term; variable life
Question Status: New

A contract requiring payment of an annual premium in exchange for the payment of a future
stream of payments beginning at a specified age and continuing until death is
whole life insurance.
()eean annuity.
()ff term life insurance.
variable life insurance.
universal life insurance.
Question Status: New

The key factor causing life insurance companies to move into the management of pension
funds was
()jj the investment expertise of insurance companies.
a request for this change by managers of pension funds.
()ll a change in state laws.
()mm a change in federal legislation.
all of the above.
Question Status: New
Property and casualty insurance companies hold the largest share of their assets in
long-term government bonds.
short-term government securities and commercial paper.
()rr tax-exempt municipal bonds.
()ss medium-term corporate bonds.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Property and casualty insurance companies are organized
both as stock and mutual companies.
only as stock companies.
()ww only as mutual companies.
primarily as cooperatives.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance163

Relative to life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies hold
()zzmore liquid assets.
()aaa more long-term government bonds.
()bbb more commercial mortgages.
()ccc fewer municipal bonds.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()ddd Reinsurance
()eee allows insurance companies to reduce their risks of exposure by allocating a portion of the
risk to another company in exchange for a portion of the premium.
()fffallows insurance companies to reduce their risks of exposure by allocating a portion of the risk to
the insured in exchange for a rebate on the premium.
()ggg allows the insured to reduce the premium by accepting a portion of the risk that would
otherwise be allocated to the insurance company.
()hhh is none of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Insurance companies reduce risk exposure in exchange for a portion of their insurance
premiums by obtaining
()jjj government loan guarantees.
()kkk federal insurance.
()lll reinsurance.
()mmm all of the above.
()nnn both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New
()ooo The specialty of Lloyds of London is
()ppp annuities.
()qqq hedge funds.
mutual funds.
()sss underwriting.
()ttt reinsurance.
Question Status: Study Guide
()uuu In recent years, bank regulatory authorities have
()vvv encouraged banks to enter the insurance field.
()www discouraged banks to enter the insurance field.
()xxx asked Congress to write new legislation that would make it illegal for banks to enter the
insurance field.
()yyy asked Congress to write new legislation that would make it legal for banks to enter the
insurance field.
Question Status: Previous Edition

164Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

()zzz A Supreme Court ruling in March 1996 held that

()aaaa state laws to prevent banks from selling insurance can be superseded by federal rulings from
banking regulators that allow banks to sell insurance.
()bbbb state laws to prevent banks from selling insurance cannot be superseded by federal rulings
from banking regulators that allow banks to sell insurance.
()cccc state laws to prevent banks from selling insurance can be superseded only if Congress enacts
legislation that allow banks to sell insurance.
()dddd state laws to prevent banks from selling insurance cannot be superseded by federal
Question Status: Previous Edition
()eeee When those most likely to produce the outcome insured against are the ones who purchase
insurance, insurance companies are said to face the problem of
()ffff fraudulent claims.
()gggg moral hazard.
()hhhh adverse selection.
pecuniary purchases.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Some automobile owners will drive faster knowing that they are covered by health and
automobile insurance. This behavior creates the problem of
()kkkk fraudulent claims.
moral hazard.
()mmmm adverse selection.
()nnnn pecuniary purchases.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()oooo In the case of an insurance policy, _____ occurs when the existence of insurance encourages
the insured party to take risks that increase the likelihood of an insurance payoff.
()pppp moral hazard
()qqqq opportunism
()rrrr adverse selection
()ssss shirking
Question Status: Previous Edition
()tttt Adverse selection occurs when those _____ likely to get _____ insurance payoffs are the ones
who want to purchase insurance the most.
()uuuu least; large
()vvvv least; small
()wwww most; large
()xxxx most; small
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance165

()yyyy In the case of an insurance policy, _____ occurs when the existence of insurance encourages
the insured party to take risks that increase the likelihood of an insurance payoff; _____ occurs
when those most likely to get large insurance payoffs are the ones who want to purchase insurance
the most.
()zzzz moral hazard; insurance market discrimination
()aaaaa moral hazard; insurance segregation
()bbbbb moral hazard; adverse selection
()ccccc adverse selection; moral hazard
Question Status: Previous Edition
()ddddd Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
()eeeee Risk-assessment screening
()fffff Risk-based premiums
()ggggg Restrictive provisions
()hhhhh All of the above
()iiiii Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
()jjjjj Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
()kkkkk Collateral deposits
()lllll Risk-based premiums
Compensating balances
()nnnnn All of the above
()ooooo Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
()ppppp Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
()qqqqq Collection of information and screening of potential policyholders
()rrrrr Risk-based premiums
()sssss Restrictive provisions
()ttttt All of the above
()uuuuu Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
()vvvvv Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
Gender-neutral premiums
()xxxxx Flat-rate premiums
()yyyyy Restrictive provisions
()zzzzz All of the above
()aaaaaa Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition

166Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

()bbbbbb Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
()cccccc Collection of information and screening of potential policyholders
()dddddd Risk-based premiums
()eeeeeeCancellation of insurance
()ffffff All of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
()gggggg Insurance companies attempts to minimize adverse selection and moral hazard explains
which of the following insurance practices?
()hhhhhh Collection of information and screening of potential policyholders
()iiiiii Risk-based premiums
()jjjjjj Deductibles and coinsurance
()kkkkkk All of the above
()llllll Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
To prevent adverse selection, health and life insurance companies
()nnnnnn sometimes charge higher premiums to people with certain pre-existing health conditions.
()oooooo require potential policyholders to submit medical records, and may refuse to sell policies to
people with certain pre-existing health conditions.
()pppppp charge the same premiums to all policyholders.
()qqqqqq will do both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()rrrrrr To prevent adverse selection, health and life insurance companies
()ssssss always charge the same premiums to people regardless of certain pre-existing health
()tttttt require potential policyholders to submit medical records, and may refuse to sell policies to
people with certain pre-existing health conditions.
()uuuuuu charge the same premiums to all policyholders.
()vvvvvv will do both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
To prevent the adverse selection of AIDS patients, health and life insurance
()xxxxxx refuse to grant policies to people living in New York City and Los Angeles.
()yyyyyy require potential policyholders to submit medical records, and may refuse to sell policies to
people with AIDS.
()zzzzzz will do both (a) and (b) of the above.
()aaaaaaa will do neither (a) nor (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance167

To prevent the moral hazard problem, insurance companies may write policies
()ccccccc requiring that the insured experience a loss when a claim is made.
()dddddddcontaining provisions that discourage risky behavior.
()eeeeeee limiting the amount the companies will pay in the event that claims are submitted by
()fffffff with all of the above provisions.
()gggggggwith only (a) and (b) of the above provisions.
Question Status: Revised
()hhhhhhhTo prevent the moral hazard problem, insurance companies may write policies
()iiiiiii that increase benefits when the insured engages in risky behavior.
()jjjjjjj discourage the insured from engaging in risky behavior.
()kkkkkkkthat increase the amount of insurance when the insured engages in risky behavior.
()lllllll with only (a) and (c) of the above provisions.
Question Status: Revised
()mmmmmmm A deductible reduces __________ in exactly the same way as __________
()nnnnnnnmoral hazard; risk-based premiums.
()oooooooadverse selection; restrictive provisions.
moral hazard; cancellation of insurance.
()qqqqqqqadverse selection; limits on the amount of insurance.
()rrrrrrr moral hazard; coinsurance.
Question Status: New
()sssssss Coinsurance reduces moral hazard in exactly the same way as
()ttttttt limits on insurance.
risk-based premiums.
restrictive provisions.
all of the above.
Question Status: New
()yyyyyyyIf automobile insurance companies were to be prevented from charging risk-based
premiums, but could selectively screen potential policyholders, the likely effect would be to
()zzzzzzz increase the number of young men obtaining insurance coverage relative to young women.
decrease the number of young women obtaining insurance coverage relative to
young men.
decrease the number of young men obtaining insurance coverage relative to young
both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

168Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

The fact that insurance companies charge young males higher automobile insurance
premiums than young females is an example of
()eeeeeeeerisk-based premiums.
()ffffffff an attempt to minimize adverse selection.
all of the above.
()iiiiiiii only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()jjjjjjjj Charging risk-based insurance premiums is a time-honored principle of insurance
management to reduce
moral hazard.
()llllllll adverse selection.
()mmmmmmmm free riding.
principal-agent problems.
all of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition
Insurance management tools that give policyholders incentives to avoid accidents
insured against include:
()rrrrrrrr risk-based premiums
()ssssssss coinsurance.
()tttttttt all of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Clauses in life insurance policies that eliminate death benefits if the insured person
commits suicide is an example of a
restrictive provision.
()wwwwwwww restrictive covenant.
anti-fraud exclusion.
risk-based deductible.
Question Status: Previous Edition
When a life-long chain smoker attempts to purchase a life insurance policy,
the life insurance company faces the problem of adverse selection.
the smoker can expect to pay a much higher premium than a nonsmoker.
the smoker is said to commit fraud.
only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance169

When a life-long chain smoker attempts to purchase a life insurance policy,
()fffffffff the life insurance company faces the problem of adverse selection.
the smoker can expect to pay a much higher premium than a nonsmoker.
there may be a limit on the amount of insurance provided.
()iiiiiiiii all of the above.
()jjjjjjjjj only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Life insurance companies face the problem of adverse selection when
()lllllllll persons who have contracted AIDS attempt to purchase life insurance.
life-long chain smokers attempt to purchase life insurance.
school teachers attempt to purchase life insurance.
all of the above attempt to purchase life insurance.
only (a) and (b) of the above attempt to purchase life insurance.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Because young males have a much higher rate of accidents on average than young
females, automobile insurers will be likely to
()rrrrrrrrr charge young males higher insurance premiums than young females, all else equal.
encourage young males to purchase collision insurance policies with relatively high
()tttttttttencourage young females to purchase collision insurance policies with no deductibles.
all of the above.
only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()wwwwwwwww Because insurance companies cannot always screen good from bad risks, and
because policyholders may behave in a manner that increases the likelihood of insurance payouts,
base premiums on the risk classification of the policyholder.
hire investigators to uncover fraudulent claims.
sometimes require that policyholders share part of the loss by paying deductibles
and coinsurance.
do all of the above.
do only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

170Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

Because insurance companies cannot always screen good risks from bad, and
because policyholders may behave in a manner that increases the likelihood of insurance payouts,
insurance companies
charge flat-rate premiums based on worse-case scenarios.
hire investigators to uncover fraudulent claims.
()ffffffffff require that policyholders purchase all their insurance from just one company.
do all of the above.
do only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()iiiiiiiiii The higher the insurance coverage, the _____ the policyholder can gain from risky activities
that make an insurance payoff _____ likely.
()jjjjjjjjjj more; less
more; more
()llllllllll less; less
less; more
Question Status: Previous Edition
Between 1960 and 2002, pension funds share of total financial intermediary assets
increased from _____ percent to _____ percent.
5; 35
10; 35
10; 30
5; 30
Question Status: Revised
Vesting refers to
()tttttttttt the length of time an insurance company has been in business.
the length of time that a person must be enrolled in a pension plan before being
entitled to receive benefits.
the length of time until a CD matures.
the premium required under term insurance.
Question Status: Previous Edition
A defined-benefit pension
determines benefits by contributions and their earnings.
fixes benefits in advance.
links benefits to investment performance.
()bbbbbbbbbbb all of the above.
both (b) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance171

()ddddddddddd A defined-defined contribution pension plan

determines benefits by contributions and their earnings.
()ffffffffffffixes benefits in advance.
()ggggggggggg may be underfunded.
()hhhhhhhhhhh all of the above.
()iiiiiiiiiii both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New
()jjjjjjjjjjj If a pension fund has sufficient contributions and earnings to pay benefits, it is said to be
()kkkkkkkkkkk underfunded.
()lllllllllll vested.
fully funded.
()nnnnnnnnnnn both (a) and (b) of the above.
()ooooooooooo both (b) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New
()ppppppppppp If a pension fund has insufficient contributions and earnings to pay benefits, it is
said it be
()qqqqqqqqqqq underfunded.
fully funded.
()ttttttttttt both (a) and (b) of the above.
()uuuuuuuuuuu both (b) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New
()vvvvvvvvvvv Fraudulent practices and other abuses of private pension funds led Congress to
enact the
()xxxxxxxxxxx Federal Reserve Act.
()yyyyyyyyyyy FHLBS.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()aaaaaaaaaaaa The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was enacted because of
()bbbbbbbbbbbb mismanagement.
()cccccccccccc fraudulent practices.
()dddddddddddd underfunding.
all of the above.
both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New

172Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

()gggggggggggg The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) established standards for
pension plans, including
()hhhhhhhhhhhh rules for vesting.
()iiiiiiiiiiii rules for the degree of underfunding.
()jjjjjjjjjjjj restrictions on investment practices.
()kkkkkkkkkkkk all of the above.
()llllllllllll both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New
()mmmmmmmmmmmm The government corporation that insures pension benefits is
()nnnnnnnnnnnn Fannie Mae.
()oooooooooooo Ginnie Mae.
()pppppppppppp Freddie Mac.
()qqqqqqqqqqqq Sallie Mae.
Penny Benny.
Question Status: New
The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation performs a role similar to that of
the Federal Reserve System.
()uuuuuuuuuuuu the Comptroller of the Currency.
()vvvvvvvvvvvv the FDIC.
the Office of Thrift Supervision.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()xxxxxxxxxxxx Keough plans and IRAs are
()yyyyyyyyyyyy individual pension plans.
()zzzzzzzzzzzz government pension plans.
()aaaaaaaaaaaaa corporate pension plans.
()bbbbbbbbbbbbb public pension plans.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()ccccccccccccc Social Security is a
()ddddddddddddd fully funded pension plan.
()eeeeeeeeeeeee federally insured private pension plan.
government sponsored private pension plan.
()ggggggggggggg pay-as-you-go system.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance173

()hhhhhhhhhhhhh The Social Security system is an example of a public pension plan that is
fully funded.
()kkkkkkkkkkkkk overfunded.
none of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()mmmmmmmmmmmmm Since social security benefits are paid from current contributions, the
system is a
()nnnnnnnnnnnnn fully funded system.
()ooooooooooooo overfunded system.
()ppppppppppppp pay-as-you-go system.
()qqqqqqqqqqqqq defined contribution system.
privatized system.
Question Status: New
Privatization of social security involves
tax reductions.
()uuuuuuuuuuuuu benefit reductions.
()vvvvvvvvvvvvv increasing the retirement age.
()wwwwwwwwwwwww investing portions of the trust fund in corporate securities.
()xxxxxxxxxxxxx abolishing the system.
Question Status: New
()yyyyyyyyyyyyy Plans for privatization of social security involve
()zzzzzzzzzzzzz government investment of the trust fund in corporate securities.
()aaaaaaaaaaaaaa shift of trust fund assets to individual accounts that can be invested in private
shifting management of the trust fund to private investment managers.
()cccccccccccccc all of the above.
both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New
()eeeeeeeeeeeeee Allowing individuals to manage a portion of their social security funds is
Question Status: New

174Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

Privatization of the Social Security system is being considered due to
the desire to reduce taxes.
demands to reduce the retirement age.
reduced life expectancy.
underfunding of the system.
the fact that returns to corporate securities are always positive.
Question Status: New
Compared to commercial banks and thrift institutions, finance companies
heavily regulated.
()ssssssssssssss able to attract small depositors.
prevented from making relatively small loans.
virtually unregulated.
Question Status: Previous Edition
When compared to banks, finance companies
()wwwwwwwwwwwwww are virtually unregulated.
are heavily regulated.
borrow in large amounts and lend in small amounts.
()zzzzzzzzzzzzzz both (a) and (c) of the above.
both (b) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: Revised
Which of the following is not provided by business finance companies?
()ccccccccccccccc Factoring
Leasing equipment
()eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Checking accounts
All are provided by business finance companies.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Which of the following is provided by business finance companies?
Equipment that can be leased
Checking accounts
Each of the above
Only (a) and (b) of the above
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance175

The practice of factoring involves
the syndication of underwriting large security issues.
the selling of accounts receivable at a discount in return for cash.
breaking up large mutual funds into smaller funds.
spreading the risk of insurance through reinsurance.
government guarantees of loans.
Question Status: Study Guide
()sssssssssssssss Loans made to consumers by finance companies are typically
only for the purchase of cars or boats.
at interest rates below those charged by banks for the same type of loan.
at interest rates above those charged by banks for the same type of loan.
not made for less than $10,000.
Question Status: Previous Edition
The General Motors Acceptance Company (GMAC) is a
sales finance company.
()zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz consumer finance company.
business finance company.
public finance company.
government finance company.
Question Status: Study Guide
A person remodeling her house could obtain a loan from a
()eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesales finance company.
consumer finance company.
business finance company.
public finance company.
government finance company.
Question Status: Study Guide
Before 1970, mutual funds invested almost solely in
corporate bonds.
corporate common stocks.
()mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm United States government bonds.
municipal bonds and money market securities.
Question Status: Revised

176Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

Mutual funds are primarily held by
financial institutions.
()rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nonfinacial businesses.
()ssssssssssssssss the Social Security trust fund.
Question Status: Previous Edition
In 1980, only about _____ percent of households held mutual fund shares, while
this number has risen to nearly _____ percent in recent years.
3; 25
4; 35
6; 50
8; 60
Question Status: Revised
Mutual funds that allow shares to be redeemed at any time at a price that is
tied to the asset value of the fund are known as
close-end funds.
open-end funds.
()bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb asset-value funds.
redeemable funds.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Mutual funds in which a fixed number of nonredeemable shares are sold at
an initial offering and are then traded in the over-the-counter market, like shares of common stock,
are called
open-end funds.
()fffffffffffffffff close-end funds.
OTC funds.
primary-issue funds.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Most mutual funds are
no-load funds.
load funds.
large-load funds.
()mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm small-load funds.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance177

A sales commission is charged for the purchase of
no-load mutual funds.
()ppppppppppppppppp load mutual funds.
sinking mutual funds.
()rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr syndicated funds.
brokered funds.
Question Status: Study Guide
Which of the following was the fastest-growing financial intermediary of the
()uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Commercial banks
Credit unions
()wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Finance companies
()xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Money market mutual funds
Question Status: Previous Edition
In 1977, the assets in money market mutual funds was less than $4 billion;
by 1980, assets had climbed to $50 billion and now stand at $1,500 billion, or about _____ of the
asset value of all mutual funds.
()bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb one-third
Question Status: Revised
()dddddddddddddddddd Because the assets they offer individuals are virtually identical, banks face
serious competition from
load mutual funds.
()ffffffffffffffffff stock mutual funds.
()gggggggggggggggggg closed-end mutual funds.
()hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bond mutual funds.
money market mutual funds.
Question Status: New
Several features distinguish hedge funds from traditional mutual funds including:
()kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Hedge funds have a minimum investment requirement between $100,000
and $20 million.
Hedge funds are limited to no more than ninety-nine investors (limited partners).
Hedge fund investors must have steady annual incomes of
$200,000 or more or a net worth of $1 million, excluding their homes.
()nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn All of the above.
()oooooooooooooooooo Only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Revised

178Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

()pppppppppppppppppp Several features distinguish hedge funds from traditional mutual funds
()qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Mutual funds have a minimum investment requirement of $1,000 or more;
hedge funds have no minimum investment requirement.
()rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Hedge funds typically charge investors large fees relative to mutual funds.
Hedge fund investors need not commit their money for than a few weeks at
a time, explaining why they pay higher fees.
All of the above.
()uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Several features distinguish hedge funds from traditional mutual funds
()wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Hedge funds have a minimum investment requirement of $100,000
or more.
()xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hedge funds typically charge investors large fees relative to mutual funds.
()yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Hedge fund investors need not commit their money for than a few weeks at
a time, explaining why they pay higher fees.
All of the above.
()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Several features distinguish hedge funds from traditional mutual funds
Hedge funds have a minimum investment requirement of $100,000 or
()ddddddddddddddddddd Hedge funds typically charge investors smaller fees relative to mutual
Hedge fund investors must commit their money for long periods time (often
several years), which explains why they pay lower fees.
()fffffffffffffffffff All of the above.
()ggggggggggggggggggg Only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The experience of Long-Term Capital demonstrates that
hedge funds are far from risk-free, despite their use of market-neutral strategies.
Nobel prize winners can fail to predict the changes in the spread between prices on
government and corporate bonds.
()kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk the failure of the largest hedge fund had no discernable effect on U.S.
financial markets.
All of the above.
Only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance179

()nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Long-Term Capital got into trouble when it thought that the spread
between prices on long-term Treasury bonds and long-term corporate bonds was too ____, and
bet that this anomaly would disappear and the spread would _____.
()ooooooooooooooooooo high; narrow
()ppppppppppppppppppp low; widen
()qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq low; narrow
()rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr high; widen
Question Status: Revised
Of the following financial intermediaries, which holds the least liquid
()ttttttttttttttttttt Property and casualty insurance companies
()uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Life insurance companies
()vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Money market mutual funds
Commercial banks
Question Status: Previous Edition
()xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Financial intermediaries include
()yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy commercial banks.
insurance companies.
()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pension funds.
mutual funds.
()cccccccccccccccccccc all of the above.
Question Status: Study Guide
()dddddddddddddddddddd In order to promote residential housing, the government has created the
following agencies to provide funds to the mortgage market by selling bonds and using the
proceeds to buy mortgages:
the Federal National Mortgage Association.
()ffffffffffffffffffff the Government National Mortgage Association.
()gggggggggggggggggggg the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company.
()hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all of the above.
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj In order to promote residential housing, the government has created the following
agencies to provide funds to the mortgage market by selling bonds and using the proceeds to buy
()kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Fannie Mae.
()llllllllllllllllllll Ginnie Mae.
Freddie Mac.
()nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn all of the above.
()oooooooooooooooooooo only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

180Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

In order to promote residential housing, the government has
created the following agencies to provide funds to the mortgage market by selling bonds and using
the proceeds to buy mortgages:
()qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Fannie Mae.
Ginnie Mae.
Sallie Mae.
()tttttttttttttttttttt all of the above.
only (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Of the three agencies that have been created to promote residential housing,
the only one that is an entity of the U.S. government is
the Federal National Mortgage Association.
the Government National Mortgage Association.
()yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company.
()zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz none of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Of the three agencies that have been created to promote residential housing,
the only one that is an entity of the U.S. government is
Fannie Mae.
()ccccccccccccccccccccc Ginnie Mae.
Freddie Mac.
()eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sallie Mae.
Question Status: Previous Edition
()fffffffffffffffffffff Concerns about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are based on
the large volume of debt that they hold.
their low capital-to-asset ratios.
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the fact that they are government agencies.
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj all of the above.
both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New
()lllllllllllllllllllll Failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be a shock to the financial system
()mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm of the amount of debt they hold.
they have low capital-to-asset ratios.
they are federally-sponsored agencies.
all of the above.
both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance181

Should Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac fail, the costs would be born by
their shareholders.
()ttttttttttttttttttttt their customers.
the taxpayers.
all of the above.
both (a) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: New
When a corporation wishes to sell its securities, it usually employs
a takeover specialist.
()zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a finance company.
an investment bank.
a commercial bank.
()cccccccccccccccccccccc none of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
In financial markets an IPO is an
()eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee investment portfolio option.
initial public offering.
initial portfolio offering.
investment portfolio offering.
Question Status: Revised
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In financial markets, when a firm issuing new securities has previously issued
securities, these securities are called
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj seasoned issues.
an initial public offering.
()llllllllllllllllllllll secondary issues.
()mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm investment-grade issues.
private offerings.
Question Status: New
In financial markets, when a firm issues stock for the first time it is
called an
investment portfolio option.
initial public offering.
initial portfolio offering.
()ssssssssssssssssssssss investment portfolio offering.
Question Status: Revised

182Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

()tttttttttttttttttttttt IPOs have become very important in the U.S. economy because they are a major
source of financing for
so-called blue-chip companies.
hedge funds.
()wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww internet companies.
mutual funds.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Investment banks purchase new security issues in the hope of
making a profit. This is the act of
()zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pawning.
Question Status: Study Guide
()eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ______ assume the risk of issuing a new stock in the hope of earning
profits on its sale.
Stock brokers
Securities dealers
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stock speculators
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Reinsurers
Question Status: Study Guide
Dealers, in contrast to brokers,
()lllllllllllllllllllllll make their living on the spread between the bid price and asked price.
hold inventories of securities.
are subject to the risk of falling securities prices.
do all of the above.
do only (b) and (c) of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition
Brokers, in contrast to security dealers,
hold inventories of securities.
()sssssssssssssssssssssss make their income through commissions.
()ttttttttttttttttttttttt make their living on the spread between the bid price and the asked price.
do all of the above.
Question Status: Previous Edition

Chapter 12Nonbank Finance183

_____ assist in the initial sale of securities in the primary market;
_____ assist in the trading of securities in the secondary markets.
()wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww commercial banks; hedge funds
commercial banks; mutual funds
investment banks; securities brokers and dealers
commercial banks; securities brokers and dealers
investment banks; mutual funds
Question Status: Previous Edition
are well informed is the
Question Status: Study Guide

The federal agency that ensures that potential security purchasers


An innovation that blurred the distinction between brokerage firms
and commercial banks was Merrill Lynchs development in 1977 of the
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cash management account.
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj money market mutual fund.
individual retirement account.
()llllllllllllllllllllllll discount brokerage.
Question Status: Previous Edition
A specialist performs the functions of a
()pppppppppppppppppppppppp underwriter.
all of the above.
both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New
()ssssssssssssssssssssssss A specialist
matches buy and sell orders.
()uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu buys or sells from personal inventory when orders do not match.
maintains orderly trading of securities.
all of the above.
()xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New

184Frederic S. MishkinEconomics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition

because of
Question Status: New

Elimination of minimum brokerage commission rates occurred

competition from banks.
demands of institution investors.
competition from foreign brokerage firms.
changes in state laws.
an action of the securities and Exchange Commission.

Internationalization of capital markets has resulted in
foreign companies being listed on the U.S. stock exchanges.
()ggggggggggggggggggggggggg 24-hour trading of stocks.
()hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh federal regulations prohibiting security transactions on the
()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiboth (a) and (c) of the above.
()jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjboth (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New
()kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk The financial supermarket concept would provide consumers the
convenience of using one
firm to
()lllllllllllllllllllllllllbuy real estate.
()mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm obtain a student loan.
()nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn buy socks.
()ooooooooooooooooooooooooo all of the above.
()ppppppppppppppppppppppppp both (a) and (b) of the above.
Question Status: New


Essay Questions

Explain the problems that necessitate insurance management, and three methods insurance
companies use to address these problems. Identify the problem that each practice addresses.
Explain why the Social Security system faces problems. Discuss the possible solutions to
these problems.
Explain the factors that account for the large increase in market share experienced by mutual
funds since 1980.

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