Disaster Recovery Using RecoverPoint
Disaster Recovery Using RecoverPoint
Disaster Recovery Using RecoverPoint
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Business Challenge..........................................................................................................................................4
Solution ...........................................................................................................................................................5
Key Components........................................................................................................................................... 6
Ease of Integration, Comprehensive Features ...................................................................................................7
Lab 3 - Disaster Recovery using RecoverPoint with VMware Site Recovery Manager ..................................... 97
Lab Scenario ..................................................................................................................................................98
RecoverPoint Protecting the Organization Against Data Corruption using VMWARE Site Recovery Manager
Page 3
Business Challenge
Todays IT challenges can be summarized into four simple categories: Any application, any array at any
location and at any time.
Any Application
Any Array
Application consistency between multiple arrays and multiple applications
Not only does RecoverPoint protect data, it does it for any vendors storage
Any Location RecoverPoint Multi-Site
Support multi-site redundancy needs
Synchronous & asynchronous continuous local/remote replication
Up to 90% bandwidth reduction with data compression, deduplication technologies, and
synchronously over IP
Any Time
Few and inflexible ways to access data from a previous point
Instant data access to earlier version of your data from different points in time
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This solution provides the following:
Point-In-Time Recovery
RecoverPoint provides continuous data protection with multiple recovery points to restore
applications instantly to a specific point in time.
Continuous Replication
Protected applications with bidirectional synchronous and asynchronous replication in a physical
virtual and cloud infrastructures.
Simplified Testing
Streamline disaster recovery testing of your application environment while production replication
continues unaffected.
RecoverPoint integrates with vCenter Server to allow the RecoverPoint administrator to quickly view virtual
machines fully protected by RecoverPoint, and to see which of the virtual machines LUNs/data stores are
not protected. Additionally, RecoverPoint is integrated with VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) to simplify
and automate disaster recovery failover and failback in VMware Infrastructure.
VMware vCenter SRM automates the recovery process so it becomes as simple as pressing a single button.
There is no need for you to interact with the RecoverPoint console and the VMware console: instead VMware
automates the process. All you have to do is ensure that the production virtual machines are mapped to
LUNs that are replicated by RecoverPoint to the remote site.
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Key Components
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Lab Overview
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Lab Environment
The environment for this lab includes the following:
2 VNX Array
1 Domain Controller
2 Virtual Center Servers
2 Esx Hosts
4 virtual RecoverPoint Appliances
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Lab 1 - Introduction to Unisphere for RecoverPoint
Browsing Unisphere for RecoverPoiint
Protecting Volumes
Lab 2 - Operational Recovery using Recoverpoint
RecoverPoint protecting the ogranization against data loss and site failure
Lab 3 - Disaster Recovery usign RecoverPoint with VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
RecoverPoint Protecting the Organization Against Data Corruption using VMWARE Site Recovery
Manager (SRM)
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Lab Prerequisite
As this is a fully virtualized solution this offering should be provisioned at least 2 hours in advance of test/
presentation time to allow all components sufficient time to boot and initialize.
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Lab Scenario
RainPole management has decided to protect a new application and has asked you to setup Local and
Remote replication. Given the criticality of the application and since it is your first time using the
RecoverPoint system, you've decided to log-in to the Unisphere for RecoverPoint and get familiar with the
environment. You then proceed to setup protection for the required volumes. Once Replication has been
setup, you report back to management that the critical database has been protected.
In this lab you will do the following :
Browse Unisphere for RecoverPoint.
Protect Volumes - Create and work with Consistency Groups
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Note: If you receive 2 login prompts, please use the same credentials to login (admin/admin)
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Note the Cluster map, the environment consists of 2 Clusters connected via IP. New York and Cork. Alerts are
summarized in the upper Right pane.
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Dashboard - Monitoring
A detailed monitoring view is provided under 3 tabs: System, Groups and Splitters
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Under the Protection tab, there are 3 wizards. Use this tab to configure Consistency Groups, manage Consistency
Groups or manage Groups Sets
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Note: Active State indicates that the LUNs are protected in the Consistency Group and point-in-time images exist (and
being created) for the Source LUNs at Local and Remote Copies. Active is the desired state that each Enabled CG
should be in
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Please note that the software version we're using in this lab was developed early on and since the GUI has
significantly improved. If you notice that the Status tab is not displayed properly; please select a different tab and
return to the Status tab
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Protection Statistics
To review real-time statistics of the selected Consistency Group, select the Statistics tab and review various charts.
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Replication Sets
If you need to validate which Volumes are being protected by a Consistency Group, select the Replication Sets tab. All
protected replication sets will be listed. Note that each Copy is labeled properly according the Cluster it belongs to.
Also in the lower part of the screen, the Splitter and array information are displayed for each Copy in that Replication
Group Policy
To view or make changes to a configured Consistency Group, select the Group Policy tab.
In this tab the following can be modified:
1. Consistency Group name - The name of that particular Consistency Group
2. Assigned RPA - The primary RecoverPoint Appliance that's responsible for handling protection of the CG
3. Priority - A quality of service setting that allows you to prioritize Consistency Groups running on a particular
RecoverPoint Appliance
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4. Distributed Consistency Group - A feature that allows a CG to run on up-to 4 RecoverPoint Appliances (Note:
this feature is not available with Virtual RecoverPoint Appliances)
5. External Management - A setting that can be used to delegate the management of that particular CG to
external applications such as SRM or RPCE
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Lag Optimization
The Priority feature in RecoverPoint 4.0 offers an advanced Quality of Service setting. It allows you to set the priority of
the Consistency Group manually. Groups with a priority of 'critical' are provided ten times the priority of normal
groups. Groups with a priority of 'high' are provided three times the priority of normal groups. Groups with a priority of
'low' are provided 50% of the priority of normal groups. Groups with a priority of 'idle' are provided 1% of the priority
of normal groups.
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Link Policy
Under Link Policy tab, you can set the link type to be either Asynchronous or Synchronous for a particular copy.
To define a Recovery Point Objective for a particular Consistency Group, choose the Copy and adjust the RPO value.
The system will dynamically use its resources to achieve the defined RPO value.
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Journal Configuration
To view the Journal volume configuration of a particular Copy
1. Click on the arrow next to the Consistency Group in the left pane list
2. Select the Journal Tab
Notice that the system lists the current status of that particular Copy as well as the retention and protection details.
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Copy Policy
Under the Policy tab of a particular Copy, you can view and make changes to the name of the Copy, type of Operating
System of the protected host. This tab also allows the user to configure a Journal Consolidation policy which allows for
extending the retention period.
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Recovery Tab
Select the Recover tab to review available options. Under the Recovery tab you can:
Use the Test a Copy wizard to enable an access to an image or bookmark at one of the available copies
Use the Fail Over wizard to fail a Consistency Group to one of the available copies
Use the Recover Production wizard to restore the production Copy using one of the selected copies
Use the Manage Recovery to monitor and make changes to any of the on-going Recovery tasks
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RPA Clusters
To view the configured RecoverPoint Clusters in the System, select the RPA Clusters tab. You will see a tab for each
Cluster. RecoverPoint 4.0 allows up to 5 Clusters to be part of the same RecoverPoint System. These Clusters can be
connected via IP or FC.
In this lab, you will see the 2 Clusters New York and Cork, Click on each tab and review its configuration.
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Splitter Information
To review the Splitter configuration for a particular Cluster, to add, remove or configure credentials, select Splitters
from the list
RPA Information
To see configured RPAs part of that specific Cluster, select RPAs from the list and you view the listed RecoverPoint
Appliances in the right pane.
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At this point you have browsed and learnd the new Unisphere for RecoverPoint interface and noticed the similarity in
the "feel" and "look" with other EMC products which use Unisphere such as VNX, VPLEX and VMAX. You're confident to
move on to the next step which RainPole management has tasked with to protect one of the organization's critical
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Protect Volumes
Using Unisphere for RecoverPoint to create Consistency Groups
In this part of the lab, you configure a Consistency Group to protect a critical database. RainPole management has
requested that the application be protected both Locally and Remotely. You have identified the following:
Source Volume at Cork - This is the Volume that contains the production data
Source Journal at Cork - This is the source journal volume required for the Production Copy
Local Copy volume at Cork - This is the Local replica volume
Local Copy Journal at Cork - This is the Local Copy journal volume required for the CDP Copy
Remote Copy volume at New York- This is the Remote replica volume
Remote Copy Journal at Journal- This is the Remote Copy journal volume required for the CRR Copy
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Enter 'Lab_1_CG
Lab_1_CG' in the Consistency Group Name field
Define a name for the Production Name copy, use 'PRD
Ensure that Production Cluster is set to Cork
Cork, where the application is currently running
Select volumes to protect. Highlight OVERVIEW_DB_PROD(20) and OVERVIEW_LOG_PROD(21)
Click on Next Define the Production Journa
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Manage Protection
After clicking on Finish, the screen will refresh and display a list of configured Consistency Groups. Locate Lab_1_CG in
the Consistency Groups list in the left pane and highlight it.
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Monitor Replication
The Consistency Group state will change from Paused by System, to Init (%) and finally to Active state. Active state
indicates that point-in-time images are available at the target copy.
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At this point you have completed the configuration of a Consistency Group which offers Local and Remote continuous
protection of your organization's critical application.
Great job on protecting this critical application. RainPole's management is very confident that EMC RecoverPoint
product features will allow them to meet and even exceed their Service Level Agreements.
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Lab Scenario
RainPole has a critical application protected with RecoverPoint and RainPole's management has set a
requirement to be able to recover this application using the Local copy or Remote copies.
In the first part of this lab you will assume that an upgrade to the system goes wrong and you're required to
restore the application using the Local copy. The second part of this lab will involve simulating a hardware
failure to the production server and you'll be required to perform a failover to the remote site where a stand
by host will continue to run the application.
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Review Setup
In this case the Consistency Group for the application that you will be recovering has been already created (If you
would like to setup a Consistency Group refer to Lab#1).
Follow the next few steps to get familiar with the Consistency Group setup and access the replicated host.
Locate Shortcut to Unisphere for RecoverPoint. If unable to locate shortcut, open a browser and type in:
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Note: If you receive 2 login prompts, please use the same credentials to login (admin/admin)
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Note the Cluster map, the environment consists of 2 Clusters connected via IP. New York and Cork. Alerts are
summarized in the upper Right pane.
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Note: Active State indicates that the LUNs are protected in the Consistency Group and point-in-time images exist (and
being created) for the Source LUNs at Local and Remote Copies. Active is the desired state that each Enabled CG
should be in
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Please note that the software version we're using in this lab was developed early on and since then the GUI has
significantly improved. If you notice that the Status tab is not displayed properly; please select a different tab and
return to the Status tab
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Recovery Tab
Select the Recovery tab to review available options. Under the Recovery tab you can:
Use the Test a Copy wizard to enable an access to an image or bookmark at one of the available copies
Use the Fail Over wizard to fail a Consistency Group to one of the available copies
Use the Recover Production wizard to restore the production Copy using one of the selected copies
Use the Manage Recovery to monitor and make changes to any of the on-going Recovery tasks
Linux Servers
Now, you want to login to the production (Cork).
Locate PuTTY shortcut on the desktop, and double click
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touch file1 file2 file3
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Assuming the Bookmark was taken while the application was online, choose Crash-Consistent and click OK
Validate Bookmark
Expand the Lab_2_Operational Recovery Consistency Group and select the CDP copy. Next select the Journal tab and
validate that the bookmark which you've created in the previous step is in the CDP journal. By clicking on "Bookmark"
at the top of the bookmark column you can sort by any named bookmarks. This can help you locate your bookmark
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2. We can Enable Image Access, validate the data and then perform a restore or recovery from the CDP copy back
to production
3. Use the bookmark and perform Recovery.
Since you have verified the bookmark, you felt confident that it contains the data as it was prior to the upgrade, you
choose option #3.
To recover the corrupted file system, remove host's access to it.
cd /
umount /data
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Select Bookmark
Select - An Image from the image list
Then, select the bookmark that you created earlier Before_Upgrade
Click Next Start Recovery
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Validate Data
Let us switch back to the putty session we had open to Linux vm01.
Mount the replica volume and validate that file2 doesn't contain the Wrong Data string.
blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sdb
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /replica
cd /replica
cat file2
as you can see it does not contain the Wrong Data string.
Once data has been validated, you can unmount the /replica file system.
cd /
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umount /replica
Complete Recovery
Return to Unisphere for RecoverPoint and click on Finish
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Accept Warning
The Recovery process from the CDP copy to the Production Copy will start. Once complete, you will get a message
indicating that all Recovery tasks have been completed for that Copy.
At this point you're ready to go back to the Linux vm01 host and mount the file system and validate the data
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Power-off Lab_2_Linux_Prod
Locate the Virtual Machine named Lab_2_Linux_Prod and from the main pane select power-off
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Select an Image
In the 2nd step of the Fail Over wizard, you can choose the image you want to fail over to. You have the ability to
choose the latest image or an earlier image or bookmark. In this case we will go with the latest image.
Choose logged access. In the logged access, RecoverPoint rolls the replica to the specified point-in-time image and
then enables access to the copy. All changes made to the copy are tracked.
Click Next Start Failover to continue
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Login to VC02
Login to VC02 (New York), if needed use Administrator and Password123! to authenticate. We will confirm that the
remote linux host Lab_2_Linux_CRR is powered on.
Linux Servers
Now, you want to login to the remote (New York) Linux server
Locate PuTTY shortcut on the desktop, and double click
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Validate Image
Log-in as root and for password enter Password123!
The /data file system is not mounted by default at the remote Linux server at vm02
To mount the file system, rescan and mount it as /data (if the mount point does not exist, you can create it by running
mkdir /data )
blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sdb
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /data
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df -h
cd /data
As you can see all our files are there and if you view the content of file2 you will see that it does not contain the
corrupted data
cat file2
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Accept Warning
You will receive a Warning window to validate that you understand the impact of performing a fail over on the current
replication. The direction of Replication will be reversed . Please note that the CDP copy will not be active in this case
since this lab is configured as RP/SE, it does not allow more than 1 Remote copy.
Read and accept the warning by selecting Yes
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Initiate Fail-back
At this point, the application is running New York and replication has been reversed back to Cork and you need to
restore production back to Cork.
Return to Unisphere for RecoverPoint and you should be under the Manage Recovery tasks page and select Fail Back to
Production under the Lab_2 Operational Recovery Consistency Group recovery tasks
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Accept Warning
You will receive a warning indicating that the direction of replication will be reversed and that journal history will be
erased. Since the current target journal will become the source journal, it's understandable that all remaining point-intime images will be discarded. Click Yes to proceed.
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Linux Servers
Now, you want to login to the production (Cork) and verify that the application is running.
Locate PuTTY shortcut on the desktop, and double click
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You have successfully managed to protect a critical application from 2 different disasters. In the first one, you were
able to quickly utilize RecoverPoint Local copy to restore the application to a pre-upgrade stage without losing any
data. In the second scenario a hardware failure was encountered at the primary site, and by using RecoverPoint
Remote copy you were able to select the best point-in-time image to run production at the remote site and then
failback once the production server has been repaired. RianPole management could not be happier!
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Lab Scenario
RainPole has a critical Active Directory and SQL database protected using RecoverPoint. You're using Site
Recovery Manager with SRA and the new EMC Virtual Storage Integrator (VSI) to manage the environment.
The application team has scheduled a major upgrade of the SQL database, however; they run into an issue
during the upgrade that requires them to recover back to a point prior to the start of the upgrade. Given your
expertise and the fact that you have RecoverPoint, you feel very confident that you're able to recover the
application to any point in time in.
In this exercise you will use SRM to conduct a Recovery operation using a specific point-in-time to the
Remote site and then perform a failback but first we will review the setup of the Consistency Group and the
SRM configuration.
Please Note: As this lab environment is fully virtualized there may be delays in the readiness
of Lab 3 when it is first made available. In this instance it is recomended to perform lab 1 or
2 while lab 3 is in a initializing state.
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Review Setup
In this case, the Consistency Group for the datastore containing both the Active Directory and SQL database virtual
machines that you will be recovering has been already created (If you would like to setup a Consistency Group, please
refer to Lab#1). Follow the next few steps to get familiar with the Consistency Group setup and access the replicated
Locate Shortcut to Unisphere for RecoverPoint. If unable to locate shortcut, open a browser and type in:
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Note: If you receive 2 login prompts, please use the same credentials to login (admin/admin)
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Note the Cluster map, the environment consists of 2 Clusters connected via IP. New York and Cork. Alerts are
summarized in the upper Right pane.
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Note: Active State indicates that the LUNs are protected in the Consistency Group and point-in-time images exist (and
being created) for the Source LUNs at Local and Remote Copies. Active is the desired state that each Enabled CG
should be in
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Please note that the software version we're using in this lab was developed early on and since then the GUI has
significantly improved. If you notice that the Status tab is not displayed properly; please select a different tab and
return to the Status tab
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Site Recovery
Let us review the Site Recovery configuration for Lab_3 Disaster Recovery with SRM Consistency Group
Under Solutions and Applications, click on the Site Recovery icon
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Connect to SRM
If prompted for log in information enter Administrator for Password123!
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VSI Plugin
As part of RainPoles disaster Recovery plan they would like to able to failover to a predefined point in time. The new
EMC VSI plugin enables SRM to take advantage of RecoverPoint's point-in-time images hence allowing you to perform
Recovery operations to any point-in-time snapshot or bookmark as we will see later on in this lab. As part of this
process you will first view the plugin and the details it needs to be able to provide this capability.
To begin return to the Home screen in vSphere client and this time click on the EMC VSI plugin under the Solutions and
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Locate Putty
In order to take a bookmark of the Lab_3 Disaster Recovery with SRM Consistency Group, we will use the RecoverPoint
Locate a shortcut to Putty on the desktop
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You will then be asked to specify a Consistency Group for the bookmark, enter Lab_3 Disaster Recovery with SRM.
Please note that you can tab and the CLI will auto-complete the name of the Consistency Group
Enter a name for the bookmark, type Before_Upgrade
Select default policy for journal consolidation which is always. Journal Consolidation policies are user defined policies
that allow for longer retention of images without requiring additional journal space.
Assuming the Bookmark was taken while the application was online, choose Crash-Consistent (Unknown) and press
Enter to continue.
Validate that the bookmark_image command was successful; the system should display Request for bookmark
registered successfully message indicating successful execution of the command.
Validate Bookmark
If you would like to validate that the bookmark has been created in the copy journal. You can execute the get_images
Enter Lab_3 Disaster Recovery with SRM for the group name
Then specify a copy name New York CRR
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Leave the default for the remaining 3 questions and the list of available images will be displayed. Validate that the
bookmark we just created Before_Upgrade is there.
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Connect to SRM
If prompted for log in information enter Administrator for Password123!
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Recovery In Progress
Review that under the Summary tab, a message stating Recover In Progress will indicate that the failover process has
been initiated successfully.
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History Tab
If some of the steps went by too fast and you would like to review a log of the Recovery Plan steps, click on the History
tab and then click on View as shown below
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Open mRemote to establish and RDP session to SQL Server in New York
Open mRemote and double click SQL Server to establish and RDP session.
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Validate Data
When the SQL status file opens it should the original text Pre-Upgrade without the corrupted data Wrong Data
Perfect! RecoverPoint along with the new EMC VSI allowed you roll-back the application to pre-corruption point.
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Reprotect Applications
Since the Virtual Machines are running at the Remote site we need to execute the Reprotect plan.
The Reprotect Plan will enable replication from the current active site New York (VC02) back to Cork (VC01). Please
note that while this step is essential, it's non-disruptive to the applications that are currently running at the New York
(VC02) site.
Click on Reprotect
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Reprotect Confirmation
A warning window will appear, tick the checkbox confirming that you understand the steps which will be performed
and then click Next to proceed
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Reprotect Summary
Review a summary of the Reprotect plan and click Start to enable replication from the Cork site to the New York site.
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Make sure you save the file, it might be a good idea to close the file and reopen it to make sure the text has been
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Connect to SRM
If prompted for log in information enter Administrator for Password123!
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Recovery In Progress
Review that under the Summary tab, a message stating Recover In Progress will indicate that the Recovery process has
been initiated successfully.
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History Tab
If some of the steps went by too fast and you would like to review a log of the Recovery Plan steps, click on the History
tab and then click on View as shown below
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Validate Data
When the SQL status file opens it should contain the text we've added earlier indicating that the fail-back captured the
data which processed while the application was running at the New York site. The file should contain:
I was running in New York!
Perfect! RecoverPoint along with the new EMC VSI allowed you roll-back the application to pre-corruption point.
Reprotect Applications
Since the Virtual Machines are running at the Cork site we still need to execute the Reprotect plan.
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The Reprotect Plan will enable replication from the current active site Cork (VC01) back to New York (VC02). Please
note that while this step is essential, it's non-disruptive to the applications that are currently running at the Cork
(VC01) site.
Return to the VC02 vSphere client where you were executing the Recovery paln and under the Summary tab, click on
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Reprotect Confirmation
A warning window will appear, tick the checkbox confirming that you understand the steps which will be performed
and then click Next to proceed
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Reprotect Summary
Review a summary of the Reprotect plan and click Start to enable replication from the Cork site to the New York site.
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You have successfully managed to protect a critical application from a major disaster. You performed a SRM Recovery
using the new EMC VSI which enabled you to access any point-in-time image. You also utilized the tight integration
between RecoverPoint and VMware to meet all of RainPole's business needs. RianPole management could not be
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As you've seen RainPole's decision to purchase RecoverPoint has protected the organization from multiple
failure scenarios. Whether it's data corruption, hardware failures or operational recovery, RecoverPoint has
enabled the organization to achieve their desired RPO and RTO and meet their Service Level Agreements. In
addition to great integration with VMWARE SRM, RecoverPoint 4.0 enables SRM to access any point-in-time
image through its new EMC VSI. RecoverPoint 4.0 supports synchronous replication over FC or IP and
provides that ability through its Multi-Site feature to replicate applications up to 4 Remote sites.
RecoverPoint 4.0 also allows RainPole to deploy a virtual edition of the appliance, vRPA that can run on an
ESXi hypervisor. The new Unisphere for RecoerPoint simplifies management tasks through its build-in
wizards and provide the same look and feel of other EMC products.The scale, performance and features of
RecoverPoint provides an enterprise class data protection solution that's easy to integrate and manage.
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