Horror Genre Lesson Plan
Horror Genre Lesson Plan
Horror Genre Lesson Plan
Lesson #, Lesson Title
Date (including day of
Grade Level & Class Title
Period or Block (# of
Breanna Soutar
Lesson 1; Gender Stereotypes in the Horror
English 11
45 minutes
Instructional Context
o What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson?
Are there any particular student strengths, interests, background
needs related to the lesson?
At this point, the students have read Ted Dekkers House and
watched Psycho and Sinister.
The students have experiences outside of this text set with the
horror genre.
The students themselves have been exposed to gender
stereotypes and are familiar with what they are.
o How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous
lessons? What prior knowledge have students acquired?
With each reading or viewing the class has broken down the
logistics of the various texts.
The students have discussed in length how violence is portrayed
in each of the texts.
In the previous class we discussed common gender stereotypes
in both everyday life and in movies, with emphasis on horror
Essential Question(s)
o Which of your essential questions is/are relevant to this lesson
Does the horror genre lend to gender stereotypes? If so, how?
Central Focus
o What is the central focus for the content in the learning
This lesson is to help students see that its not just in school, work, and
other places like this that genders are put in their place, but that it
happens in the movies that they repeatedly expose themselves to or
the books that they read. My goal is not to make them want to stop
exposing themselves to these messages, but to help them understand
what they are seeing, analyze it, and understand that it affects them
even when its not being directly said.
SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the gender
stereotypes that are being
portrayed through the in the
different texts.
Informal assessments
Small group discussions
Whole class discussions
Journal entry
Formal assessments
Small group discussions
Whole class discussions
Journal entry
be collected, this is
just for them, but
gives the students an
idea of what type of
information they
retain day-to-day.
These are just
questions that I would
ask to guide the
discussion. Because
this is a topic that had
been discussed
previously, I would
simply review and
clear up any questions
that the students had.