Horror Genre Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that this lesson analyzes gender stereotypes portrayed in texts like Psycho and how exposure to these messages can unconsciously affect viewers.

The composition of Psycho uses techniques like contrast, foreground/background, and sizing to portray women as weak and men as large and powerful, lending to common gender stereotypes.

Symbols like the knife and shower lend to ideas of women's purity and vulnerability while also showing men as a threat, playing into stereotypes.

AEN Lesson Plan Template

Lesson #, Lesson Title
Date (including day of
Grade Level & Class Title
Period or Block (# of

Breanna Soutar
Lesson 1; Gender Stereotypes in the Horror
English 11
45 minutes

Instructional Context
o What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson?
Are there any particular student strengths, interests, background
needs related to the lesson?
At this point, the students have read Ted Dekkers House and
watched Psycho and Sinister.
The students have experiences outside of this text set with the
horror genre.
The students themselves have been exposed to gender
stereotypes and are familiar with what they are.
o How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous
lessons? What prior knowledge have students acquired?
With each reading or viewing the class has broken down the
logistics of the various texts.
The students have discussed in length how violence is portrayed
in each of the texts.
In the previous class we discussed common gender stereotypes
in both everyday life and in movies, with emphasis on horror
Essential Question(s)
o Which of your essential questions is/are relevant to this lesson
Does the horror genre lend to gender stereotypes? If so, how?
Central Focus
o What is the central focus for the content in the learning
This lesson is to help students see that its not just in school, work, and
other places like this that genders are put in their place, but that it
happens in the movies that they repeatedly expose themselves to or
the books that they read. My goal is not to make them want to stop
exposing themselves to these messages, but to help them understand
what they are seeing, analyze it, and understand that it affects them
even when its not being directly said.

AEN Lesson Plan Template

o List Common Core standards addressed in the lesson.
Writing 10: Write routinely over extended times (time for research,
reflection, and revision) and shorter time (a single sitting or a day or
two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Speaking and Listening 1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a
range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners,
building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and
Reading 7: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse
formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in
Learning Objectives and Assessments
List the specific content learning objectives for the lesson. What do
I want my students to know, understand and do? How will I assess
these objectives?
Learning Objectives (Students will Assessments (Informal and/or
be able to)
Long-term objectives/unit objectives

SWBAT demonstrate an
understanding of the gender
stereotypes that are being
portrayed through the in the
different texts.

Short-term objectives (scaffolded steps

to help students arrive at long-term)

SWBAT identify how the

portrayal of genre has
changed over time
SWBAT identify different
types of gender stereotypes
in movies and everyday life
SWBAT demonstrate their
understanding of gender
stereotypes by picking apart
the texts and pulling out
examples of specific
SWBAT demonstrate an
ability to connect the three
SWBAT distinguish the
varying ways the movie
Psycho uses composition

Informal assessments
Small group discussions
Whole class discussions
Journal entry

Formal assessments
Small group discussions
Whole class discussions
Journal entry

AEN Lesson Plan Template

colors, size, etc.) to illustrate
any differences between the
SWBAT identify any
symbolism that is occurring
throughout the movie and
argue if these symbols are
lending to gender
SWBAT explain the
representation of the
genders throughout the
movie and the connotation
this has for the genders
outside of the movie.
Academic Language
o List the academic language function for this lesson.
Students will need to analyze the texts and then explain ways in which
a specific gender is or is not being stereotyped by using examples.
Academic language demands
Instructional supports to help
(e.g. vocabulary, syntax,
students use the language
function and address language
In the previous class we went over
-Gender Stereotype
gender stereotypes, but will
review this class. There will then
be extensive class discussion
regarding the overall question
about gender stereotypes in the
texts, with specific focus on the
movie Psycho during this lesson.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)
o Launch/HookHow will you start the lesson to engage and
motivate students in learning?
Instructional Strategies/Learning
Rationale/Research &
Tasks/Questions to Ask
Bell Ringer: To refresh your memory
This gives the
of our last class, write everything
students a chance to
that you can think of about gender
orient themselves for
minute stereotypes.
class and gives them
an idea of what we
will be discussing in
class. Because it wont

AEN Lesson Plan Template


Whole-Class: Review gender

-What does that gender
stereotypes mean?
-What are some everyday examples?
-What are some examples from
-How do the movies emphasize the

be collected, this is
just for them, but
gives the students an
idea of what type of
information they
retain day-to-day.
These are just
questions that I would
ask to guide the
discussion. Because
this is a topic that had
been discussed
previously, I would
simply review and
clear up any questions
that the students had.

o Middle of the lessonWhat will you do to engage students in

developing understanding of the lesson objectives?
Instructional Strategies/Learning
Rationale/Research &
Tasks/Questions to Ask
Small Groups: In groups discuss how Small groups gives the
minute the horror genre has changed over
students time to get
time. We watched the father of all
their thoughts
slasher movies (Psycho, 1960), read together and talk
Ted Dekkers House (2006) and
things out before
watched Sinister (2012).
sharing with the whole
class. Because this
isnt a personal
question and a vague
question, it is
something that would
work better in groups
than just in partners.
The small groups
allow for the quieter
students to lend their
ideas to the discussion
without having to
speak to the whole
class. Small groups
also allows me the
time to walk around
and see who is/isnt

AEN Lesson Plan Template


Small Groups: In your groups discuss

our recent viewing of Psycho. How
did the movie lend itself to gender
stereotypes? Were there any parts of
the movie that seemed to go against
typical stereotypes?
Be sure to discuss the composition:
How does the contrast,
foreground/background, colors, size,
etc. lend itself to gender
stereotypes? Be sure to discuss the
symbolism: What symbols occur
throughout the movie? Do any of
them lend to a specific set of gender
stereotypes? Be sure to discuss the
representation of the genders
throughout the movie: How does this
affect the viewers of the movie?

Small groups gives the

students time to get
their thoughts
together and talk
things out before
sharing with the whole
class. Because this
isnt a personal
question and a vague
question, it is
something that would
work better in groups
than just in partners.
The small groups
allow for the quieter
students to lend their
ideas to the discussion
without having to
speak to the whole
For this activity I will provide a
class. Small groups
handout with guided questions that
also allows me the
they can take notes on during their
time to walk around
and see who is/isnt
Whole-Class: Come back together as Coming back together
minute a class and discuss what was said in as a class is just a way
the small groups. In what ways has
of wrapping things up
the genre changed throughout time? before they go back to
In what ways does the genre lend to their journals. This
gender stereotypes? In what ways
gives them an
does it not?
opportunity to share
ideas with the class,
and they may hear
something that their
group didnt consider.
o Closing the lessonHow will you end the lesson?
Instructional Strategies/Learning
Rationale/Research &
Tasks/Questions to Ask
Journal Entry: We focused
This ensures that the
minute specifically on the movie Psycho
students keep the
today in class. How do the
other texts in mind
stereotypes in this film compare to
even though not all of
the other texts from the unit?
them were discussed
during the class
Collect at the end
period. It also brings
the three texts

AEN Lesson Plan Template

together into one
thought and asks the
students to compare
the three.
Materials and Resources
o Attach the handouts, notes, books, and other materials you will
need for the lesson.
Differentiation/Planned Support For Students
How will you differentiate your instruction to connect with a wide
variety of learners? What strategies will you implement for
responding to individual students or groups of students with similar
learning styles, needs, IEPs or 504, ELL? What alternative
approaches do you have for teaching content to these students?
-Provide the same handout that other students get, but with lead off
ideas for each question to start conversation in the group
How will you support students with gaps in their prior knowledge?
What strategies will you implement for responding to common
errors and misunderstandings? What alternative approaches do you
have for teaching content if you need it?
Analysis of your teaching
o What worked? What did not? For whom? Why?
o Based on your planned assessment, describe the varying levels
of achievement and student learning in this lesson:
Needs work
On target
o Based on the evidence from your assessment, how would you
improve this lesson?

AEN Lesson Plan Template

Small Group Hand-Out

Discussion Questions

1. Be sure to discuss the composition: How does the contrast,

foreground/background, colors, size, etc. lend itself to gender

2. Be sure to discuss the symbolism: What symbols occur

throughout the movie? Do any of them lend to a specific set of
gender stereotypes?

3. Be sure to discuss the representation of the genders throughout

the movie: How does this affect the viewers of the movie?

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