f” wetter Homes and Gardens,
eer a
CB Crftee Bean Silo
Cl Calico Red 932
EW Evergrsen 720
LI Licotiod S38
TH Thishat 924
WAN Wicker White 901
#12 systhetie flat
Ag syrthetic ‘lat
22 synthetic liner
Scrutty round
Dobe" pine
Wood sealer
Gloss-finish varnish
Basted by Verney Oisen
Jr Gresseentat, Calf,
[Ba Bu T Tits
Duplicate th
qmicket with teeing paper Cop
conn: 2 pine: Greta! trict
the shape with a serolbsne:
Drills 6" hole where
Tos carder arn ati: cxesoret # ERA foe
fafied tev sla
surtices with 1
tack cloth, andl x
seater, Lee the scal
dry, ane sine agai,
i dus
Copy the leaf and stent outlines an
cutout with transfice paper, With a =
brush, base-ceat the apple CL apply Lt
plu: pattern in the patrern
213, Cut our
we a 29 blade.
menan the patte
ce te Canta Civigh Mee
ul then 150atit
paper. Remove the sanding dus wi
we Hesics for the pastiarn
a a
Have some Folk Heart fun
leh EWE high
pply TH shadin;
ing, Using a 40 th
stem, Apply LT sha
Stipple WW on Ls
senuity Deush 8TH
the apple. Paint the levieting i
a det the lecwting,
at glossfinish
ne bebween coats.
pneingep wer
ample drying,
with Susan FoutsMend
ne Fryer Feble
Sensational Sunburs
Olir regal sun brings the warmth of « glurions atttunn afternoor into
yarr home. The earthione colors will welcome everyone to pour ove little
Data Cerarccal Calpe
GH Bip Huse atze
‘H Brown roe Orie 2023
A Capea 3028
f Soeoe ns
SM Sectors 2000
ST Spice Tan 2063
spre fat
* syraetic Bat
\asyrthetc nee
{0D pate liner
piece of ihe nnivers
Dagpkcaie the tahle patsense bn eb
packer wih teaving paper
[Explocksl View desing are tite accompany
ig ig deta bv thee putter pov. ee
fist pieces Koet of saad a qoandbover xing,
the edaey of
ender ot ceudrdracsenehte Si
Firbhe 8B far SAS py, rite fi Cait
‘Crag tamu AS Firat ere
witha tack chat Sea) all sures mils waa) GB wan ace ana wes rane hare srw mon the
sealer, am! ppaocris Wales ne antes $8 ans the fupls
wily {Sgr sare ape VAD, anal itl a sera ma
‘ 5 ah lughdig- oe the Bie
HAVE FUN PAINTING the ches aml fhe stn rays Aes Bw ws
vested tastes ti the featlors rk consisted eer HH, oan
ufuromottae nie sual MiyReigh ine the eye, thes east
face Then paint UHL soraigineny
roles aim
Apply a coe! of min atnio
avd apps thc busescouting hac (Ory Asgqe all panied surtaces with yea
light tthe sun face. Addl deta with 2! wortte ariiqeima eweitiet, ¢Pioect designer
Ut bree Bante Sse saunders tes (lures Uther Wi hse
hosecoatiny FIN por a wats iy meee SCS pein) Leave alae
sega parte of BH aed wees, With the BET HN
ture Baseruat a! surfers except Use Laie Seepem che sul
lin ark cop exiges Dsescaun the Cahbe coy CA, ine dey, Heh on
aEntche Ingalls SK ni,
Veoremrae fins raised tor acy paket, ligt
Tecan! aD uietives Wilh a paper grocery saci:
Hermare the dint with 4 clean, Havlece ras.
Cee ih
the eublevop. There's rex nevada cent tee =
i hascoas ever ther
Ape WH chev wo the sabe
whe sen and the sen cays Alkow a
11% mate tr rit Sadr
Senators chose a propect
abject thar retates to rer
Benntifai pereaatal gar-
heme, Phavetx besoitoat etoonve
EM fives der awcier ssirronindt
Scere 180 tng Fn ler
race lisideg, write tn tusie al Heart of
ufc 2 tant Steet, Dyfi A OHI
soeare Them,
Gardening Bears
Make gardening labors of love more fun with our whinisical plant stekes—
they H keep your vegetables identified. Or display them indonrs in an arrange:
a aR
, 8
£2322] scenes
iM i
‘Nenter Ulpow wratoan staple
ot pages cutie. ayn
“heehee: Dedur.
epoca i
Resta Karras
Stati WITH Raw Woon
Duptie a pa
yockéa woul racing Tape
ses with 3 smiths, ube a 5
owret in half, Uaangga pron sharps.
ne anal feist skinned Del
ec pet
Forti stor Cavaesting Plann eine mad
sents 70 foe 34004 ppl. A flee TSS. aerate
fo Country Bf My, 2. Kesey Cine, MSO
tiveness) tL
Sate a saifaccs se praka wing, BIE
ama than Spf sandpaner. Wye awe sae
regi wh a Hace tel, Seal al wrEores
ese Scilly and allie Ht ur Gly. Sand amin
Keg, arp
ijer fo firuititibe Rates #8 IDe paetem
poabet for tafirmutiias ou conanai Fue
‘hating, Ign, cone ee. Se pa
em for tracing a ugh dk
Tike a fa beats fe asec ara sth
tog the Langedine aves ars 1 HT Bau ot
foecvanlan ard sbecieg the miebarmrsiec 35+
he soul stipe mit 2 ead
‘Sod ne nF na emt trata decal
are wash allies anc ERE Mees
anak paper. Thee n> ced 66 COT
ner hi
with TT, basen ting dor
fas. tet fates ane ibe Tot
seats tie nace asd actin the Backs sof che
Unt he naerien OS, te stir BO,
aoe IN
Transder ue erasing
Bears: Apmly Ll eves,
linea. and CT ple
EF anata the faces and eye oe the
‘rea, and dann tic sides of rant erie. Non,
Shake CF oc the cary the Haan, the vs, ai
the pus Fut 13 ee the ensekes an dhe eo
fat waakcy ie isi Wh WW, pat a ome
faut Mygrtht on eye tenes, Ciara
Fipteigy obe themn, asi the exon. wont
the she ol theres, aul fet ml pais
CClouhings prty GT soaking oo the lets one
‘sf shafng on the poate and iB Bows ete
nout with the bot new silks that look goad enaugh fo est.
eepam et sbiey dating. resbade
fey eons WOME Win
patel Shunde oie pach veal CF
Ue. Thos apply a We
pees Wl a soothpick, pode AM dots 10 mie
Here diel WW aban woth pus
Haskees: Pint the fabets Va, amd hiliiht
‘i WEP Shake CF soot Mec hesiet bet
eqeuihles! Pt) in the radishes wizh fh, Wi
Ch staile whe eacishes, Highiigi with TA.
Ween act hv and Ptr
Poet the peas Mb Apply CV shading when
Pur, Pst CF wah wane BA
od Villy
ain ee fe Avo cath EC pa
tem Then sikne WH wile mater Bard ahd
tine fo Ki hevagghiout one 7 fer Bie
Metall: Titi LI sith water to ink cormistcrncy
aed pane alee cyetanbes a9
Deh Whh Lb aml your stylus, char tthe conto
saci ruse-w here sh
€ peoveinest Blak: ennekinn
suits al tn whee
ent dake eure
deplaly eves a Nines
Li ebear artic sry
Je the Sormele br Ue ned Then
swomiheiwticr's plac Let the gsc arr, Mis 1
i ute, andl ear 4 sputet Pee eat alt ke
toorithernds to spatter Gilyspeck) ai sume,
Wah WP, repeat the spartenag. Arie re
cos of waomiak. aeeving, angle Crvingt ters
Network comes,
esigner Hetew Nicitsan
Deas fowtuteal te serena! me:
dies for wuray pears, Fo
ererinwer siizbt, sbe ia
recenify dexignedd projects
fur pablicaaian, Te obtaie
her patierpacket tisting, av fier heft:
to craig 6 faainticg nemiwnr, arate e+
ber ot Pate, Box 2 Laotian, Gc 200
a paar:
Mave: cosmo sires 4
lievires, Hach
seine dhierert ruck, sv ory
hotly cae see shache yma pre
Oe teed a neaik heel
1 thenbren oboe.)
Auyow Setanta pray tht
bites of poor bev rte te
aha pes
Lead your hemh. then
(estore 4 an:
reese the 9
Via Way
chat y
ree fa
heart te
c Meroe ward foe
Paint a cietle in amecion shade
af ic Tey cree determines the
vie af yc 3.
Appty saaeing and nghlignng
WS seScenenten peat teen.
our farcthoe qin
pores F
makeing se
Regia with
poke finecy ie
packet, Fie
Apply Domma-re cae petals
toad pale, but don Trews cut
oe Desh setarer ores,
(Coun stor
fu strokes,
perals ‘Wr
‘with ube cators-of pai tor
tke commons atais
soar ceelar cf yoo rear
with aaa roer oe Bre st
ed bere, the
thn foferm wil he
ne PIS Hiei“a
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced frainter, boantifial stroke
work iis at your fingertips Follow our guide fearing the
roses from the box a1 pages 14 and 15. and you'll find yourself painting
flarals like the pros.
MARE PERRBCT Gan Pull Cincie: Make
ten area.
cectinighe ax wwe pracwe
sede % eyed B
Roses in the
Tp yore tooking for a
baw with rases. Fol
spat fo store your mementos. pained Ibis becutifit
Horr the step-by-step lustructions below,
. and discover the secret to tris “treasure box” —il's easy to peat,
1D diareter reuse Saeco
Duplicate the Biose ba the Rous pea
the pazcon packer wil ieasiag paper. FU Ibe
ead bikes od 2 tvtsduaracter cots! bomelbon
ey. Sash thet
rte: tee sarin nd with: ck eho
Fier Suan THD pou STLEK pe Lit
fi AR aie we Caste Creat asire, dS
TF Barat 2 evento, I LP, ims ty
‘oe Heian Banen 00 satu jan bet
Jor sane Hesaurtean on absrttny. Seating.
Van uniting, CARIN ade IN THe wey Or ft
foor mrs fen byte, Pett
ave emnbateu Sites.
ca Tn Ret poe cneacoling the Babs
and 1 Rn ferusty fn Bose sata
roses Une a8 mina
Crieea suerekes are! a 4 =v
Bes afifs Gxt ana then | Signin
etn foe vctah.
re scitiopead bocce ite ne
se Beh wit Brammer paneer, Mis HL are! Mack,
a the
shee. With the I eristate,
faesecinn tine Bal sales em hig Fal op orale
faire cicagn nro. Waite alye bot and I cea
fee QA. et Hine puny ets dlamcae. int ap
Fr ascomtg cmd of Qa
Filles 1 fiat brats a) water darapen 2
Os Had arco bape conly— ata ackdlco,
Tipe a sisimgpe ame water, anal werden (DE
ob aiig water ‘Tbvert, hile apeetyss tbe tal
Usedeet akesianer Beta Ya!
peeoseseiibe eristing wah Beaer ane ance
diies eer yo cum pileur the soanyeres # Bet
ibe ¢pesuing dey, Using GX. repeat the tid
speangieg, alaaiieg tke previnin. colony
shew shmag. Apply toe En ics coker emer
u m3 Let
fame dhs Tsk the HID citer. eos: (a1 ane
ana when sponge: osertapee
‘Spore the Bain base ke tar simi eaeerncr
sawking on one: small atva at a tine: Spor:
EV over tthe ermine bane Gs atom the fete
BIA rangi Cy ae
ba mses fare
bend Bc ot, ity sm ls oy
Yo 2
pee proce sails Nive aly wey tbe es
fea tha thd aa the banc
es fv rw jae ashton 201 frees
reed £4 Waday be HEL wadahace ste ater
pee al stom thie Real
atl, ac ‘ead sthade vacly Beat
sis ih HL! etary lege shinee onthe gat
sem ceiaige. pak ane Gane
em a od
Tioccovt Whe ene cinciee aor 0 bet Ut
palm Gey. Shade UOC along lar tie ses ati
fowcgenier ga hind
Tally Baul aroun
fonlee Insite Vp date HC mh
aed shew ina
Pula die oresexesteuke: petals wet eae es
Feral she Davi
Home the Pant 3
se sate manner. at
form strokes. ith stipe
be cake Aneel tee peas.
rune Onn,
fe weuibh 16, Siiade FS
sve ea ne paricmn. “Pica teat A
tae rosea wis Wah ec
ung param aca om each nated
ages Sarid brosh and i, pant ¢heigat
ce carer stro Gg he seco san te Bet
unas hor scr Het ac et
ae corse surobess3 Paka!
QA crs
ae thy Pome weal a porcak bootP
dan dod aalve's evaal aa the toes (oe dete
Ue enpest rn; a be Iredbe Hr eacin dr For
Mors il decreasing ste,
feng, tinea raalie four or five det ABpAY
tke fae ao each mmctead cab walt the
Tit eniviane. Aukt GE aks abot ant.
Nirely Gate cones of sorte fbnt sara Tae
‘at neg ntti oF Lie we a
Fostionu rtiel Ror slertin
emjenes painting teutetirtomat
esiges. Gur rove box i
see fron Bunion color:
fio aaptaved ta icy ome
ce [yun Ube faformaicn on
adilitiova! Hoxigas or a partrra packet
esting, acrite des Atl at 1476 Brae 356
Suen, Roig Sealed, 16 A07E$
west— Be ea = =|
With great pride, we poresent the winuing entries in the
1994 Strokes of Creativity’ Ornament Contest.
‘TR Trantpooent Quist
Aves hor magus
serene aie conte?
seitercaty He artat
oreparvat tin sirvctc
Stag ote
“Fos tte be vg
Yo foe hi amsonaeet
fa aar Hick we megiest
cefecrig fw FAP
1 gases ostene terse
pasta ict foe
nse 7, pages f2 To
sear ic ale i at
says barat
Olde-Leld Sante _
Star win Raw Wood
Sa pe oes aneae
helsrerce oo pomrpecey neat Olen
eee sennre
se Ales ate
er epee re
Re stan ri
sii ees nat ae
Se ee aa ae
Prana the task axel cies BEA, Tassie the
fone wich sr canis of EME abe are ee
ag uw beater
light saz Al saat
sack Wipe these we? a tok ¢
fer thie nna the saat le At
To pervest amearirg Iiphely #¥t the pon
fees wich Kryton W411 car aetide str
pple che par iis Miers oe te to
anh pair Obipe off exvcu past ona gape
foal and clas the Dosh with 9 pope tered
Fetrece caer) To acleee and fetal colors,
pal wink snmepe busty Cnc te thet out
pain Seale aevF he
ighiigzas pad netued wt
slaving ete
tence Wiltshire NemTON's Be,
aul Gai Mee
lea Bane VRE. rte
Light few: Wiest Hae
peach coopienice sue
fgalghe: 841 Fhe ine
ark Flevh: Hest tase st
Using une photimzanh mipeattr fe
jot the toes wicks the tight Tht mstuee
navy of Turk, Ha to ate arta areas
sprbleral into tho Bgdusce areas se TH
ny the dari arvas ‘oboe: Atk: tie cent Be
the Bo
initn glaritg, ewok, anol apres 2 ti
color Uk aot pare pelad tees. Make wore
hoppy simiae=§ Darker ita: dempeest kbs
vpah alte TB. AA Mest Bune 13 fe areas
fl cinb week aed Mead aga safer ou
wip ente AdiU Hash Heels mtecve thie oan
evwesp Sane»
dom ine the Kile of the Sean Apgite Burs.
ical ieatgceipief era's ce
Lips xb: CIMT:
ses Laghe Fl-deoV Ra teach of tat
2 acer tas ad et
the figdeet xan, Yoo ihe fap Uke an
shakes. use kr Mase codon pice a toa od 11
Ir yon wari 8s eirean the bp eatot. Bs the Fa
eben lar seh athe Baer
seesed coll papi nec,
sanrw’s Er:
fee gs wt the adseare
for tant persers ge. Th
eclham, andl apply Ha syelul: Puaken the nr
Gene Rees ane add the: cvelishies with a
dvtuee of TAM, sanded wale plasiegs ene
Whit ¢ oealgice and BY, dem she wre
bates salt, He et Jain
Sun's CaP ast GOT
be adore areas of
V4 eg te ep Sera sone
Caen dheawaite cap. he ton tia sete bes
hh erties LMS ABS 8
imac of 7H 40 he Min’ ara evince The sare
nae Then anowet he ierbest uncas wie Rl
subg tet tbe Fiackgeoeal wh
pap enh
Seek on THACEariyet 41, AE arn PO te
ip heat to satily bored cnkers, Damaper
Pcs Snes wn glaring mae tt tae heh
fan a papce ure Ue, cet (born ar ee
roe a Daca: area. atkrovin sce: Pa
(prvi to shiew thwourtt, Lig mp sae ae
ng unde che mutants
fio ote eesstache
Gioot's Hate: ax Evens:
anc: 14st
sarahirns ph TY en RV stead
tee Bees
1 scpVnedoancill fot
Meadow Friends
Designed to perch om your windowsill or on a table, this leaping lamb
aud firtle red songbird bring the conntryside indoors,
eoot of the: pu
een wll LEALBET ie
the oppowne side nf
afd the Lin's Bioey. whic, Mop
rm kor ha eyspenite Ake Of tke Lats “ics a
Pit bron, pated elec Por ated et La
legs face, and eary Blick, Let thie pasar dey
ttaoeoay. Tip a sly dno We, a vk
Beles Cormccsat Claes Tipit the Mende Frends patterns ka the Nak bcams ont cach
iach 206 pirters jacket wih tick paper. Then weack IV leans
eA poet bane and Him cen | pling tatuad ahickness on cael side of the Be
BU dart Pater: SO) Copy the IMect can
Tac Foet 6 ea seria FINISH WITH PRIDE
BY benny 2005 Vo ceasore feee rascal by accylbe priv, mata
tase rete pik ig
pints rcursc on eS:265 0h primi ek, mcd palna off sano of the
MMMM sce nner tae 2 Story ces of cach parce eh gem sarap
1" synthetic Sat Ci i SU Carried cane BORED Rironone: dle sanding dest wis a cack ChE
Pr) ital ower (hicuges rd the bese and bv wiih a Chats, Ineo: rag, wipe a at vl
sme tun with Hg sancpaper "bape che Deas fe Gael Hae ea a De
‘Spade or old ertbrath benic by soricing bv fhe ies sephe Si" bogs ime apeny ox ena
(poi, Samet all swefaces aa) wrurkor's githe, ded Lene thee wei
(ae srschuper feewme toe moto canted li ib Babe, ck oe
tweribes* pine fit) a wack CBee dowel beer the banty and ube Berse, Ten,
dard pine:
Sat tom foie ros Kepha,solifact 3 ete
‘ta diameter fresh tag Sharpen ome ond of the Sand Se owkgs bn
tn bads ened shatpencr. ie not shane fence a bow ‘eck. Quik ne
‘Charsseecd actate Thongs trons op libig, dn fg? sewers kuin she rate three ara enw br
YPACTO bdr crabs ke re hives nicces rating thew apes with Four dangers.
‘Gaines sis Retiring to the plotogniph far pticement eons aol
10" of mater cathe A ora a nest phage 6
‘Sparta roa
Polligegrece HAVE FUN PAINT fouled thas epg SY, ated spotte? ils 1)
Mtietatth ance cali Refer fo Drvhatinde Mavis (i ibe Qeatiers Rae the bind legs. 9
Se ere mimaian Caren placer Teme ote
Ee cccavie cried: Gece terran, Mt aerkeaese De
dalle Mine ant af eels civtoret, pe chek of the wine band kgs aun’ the:
co Sen he Se icy nto Renune ecu The lege in le
end ise of eprny Let shu uprmny 8,
‘spay aK surtaces with toy cours
Sinid) vasaiah Aflow ample dn
thee be
A regaitar eoarritatos to
Deewratire Woordcrafes
meagasine, folb-artist
rink drit mise stesigas
sth the eyes
Prokret cenigner Qunink Arte applies she
wrh a hindeer srnci. Using an Xe
ACTO nite 8 craic and ebrar stencil a=
(projects for ber ora ben
tomes, Fir a breckinne a
ier adetiiga, serndl £2000 sro ot beirsiieess-
ize selfanirvased envelope to: Pewirie
Jc. eat 2 een foe the heark shape as. Primitives, £8008 Jackson St Osa,
che pabiers packet, Dip a sivnsil ME OB.
NACORATREE WoODCRUTS agains arte erestgwend by Tre fener,
Times Remembered
Sew Special
packer with te
‘dcawing aad the Bill of
be: cabo. Ra Whe ges,
sate el baie wrbronr shown. Dao soa svensk
he poe wan oH Seapets all pening.
Tr er tive Set: Specht utonrte MARKT jie
FEET pp Ie 12%, gevtte Fries estas.
fa67 Keebler, Cotlerorilie, dM GI254 Gentork
sandy Bt 18-16
‘nnd all succes why FOO da thew 10g
sandpaper Rersanve the dit witha cick cloth
eal the A cious geal te spun head
legs wit: wood sealer. Walt 3 cleae oa.
lage ec ein tr al rere en SATS
Refer fo Mrrthutrate Musies sa ee parca
Poche be stenting, dxiiiiiting, rita VRE:
‘mate inSiarmnsino, Sew Hr Pattern far the
Dante glee Daren
Raceceul Lane wae with 2 BZ fat
brush, ara 6 it meter arn) wexalsiee ana
wih 26 fae Rares Appt sowing wich ae
amgular Te Deus “Then apedy cctacks wiel a
v2 eon beuye unl a 190 Wiest Brus
tise UL partite: anew ke eages ol
och piree.
‘Shelf top, vides, amid ceanils: ‘et (2
asneine le cogs Ob the Mil ops de it
‘eulpes of the shelf skik= (see the photepragb. +
Paina ar inp the seve lage und) the
“Saker porsCT.
Sewing machines Cupy Hie mean ome hincs
wmirio thie sorinyg erm tihiic cuban wile Geateder
Duper, Hasesuat the sveinne machine
foloming thi coker css othe poticen
he pars pucker, Fat tarp ee
Eh BU, shed he G0 areas pyr Ase
stadling 20 atvas pained 58 an THE. Then
Slghligia ee rascBine parts wits bese wien
“eww cathe panier
With white paphire paper, €opy Me rat
design om the sewing mucking Maeecut Ce
oe Shade CIB aloe the rose pawe anal
remeeniter pesiiag. Wik RC, hg phe ee
Pine cece, Apply Cortena stroice petals with:
BAUM RG das howe the few oemner. Wich
FE pu sal tet cet stroke. Wich
Paakese re ate
Whother crafted for your sewing room or painting sirctio, this display shelf
Hil inspire fond memories of yesteryear's pastimes.
em START WITH Raw Woon
(CT shade the rsebancls Whige the eni.em! ala
died des the Bares 24cTL ron
aeke lene
Fabrics tase-coat 1%
the Heavies ae ses sf), apy: haa
ing to the Kemi, Keeper stung ih Hilack
(singe LV. Fignaehe thee fave an ehe: srs
Ping Sf scregie pts Lachey paint thiaclt Kine
‘eek and shadiege are ahe par whan beves
on She pmem.
Thimble and sebowors: tosccnal the thie
bg and scien lace SL WR Blac pase ate
ior hacihes aind stode the blades. apply
HG hbebbigiizg to abe: arches, Bip = oly =
Inu 5, ape dh ene asAtbe, The apy Haack
theinnlii: shacsg. and Brahe with Whit:
Muteom cardi thasccoar ev: Becton easd IV
and she tnregd ares im Ube abel CR shake
She Souon want #7, aa! heh with WI
‘Padre Black lettering ees the Bamion carat, aitet
ihe thical by abernating Mand RC. Thee
suns the apo! Mick, end haghty) wi
To rembte Guse tained Iny acryhe pou, aed
8 sucfaus vee appr Renews “ack ApphY
taal coun of ares is 8 wood partake,
“ow ays Oring time bette MS.
‘Awanbic Oe ale ith wicca sercws, and
sect (he wimdect pha leer! ihe dowel int
the fitted: hus om the acwir machine
Cutva, OFind fons .pOtRE Lhe epee, [gavin
12a Sede ine spool ine piee over the
denuet, inread te fess fr oo back theraggh
the ines hate ere she tabeup Arve, Gir the
fame exe onto the hark ae fbr