The Pershing Cable (May 1980)

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Pershing Cable
56th Field Artillery Brigade
May 1980
~ol. 19, No.

Supportlq lbt 141st, 1-llst, J.Ntli Field ArlllleriH ud i . MUI lmutry

Welcome to the 56th Bde

. and Germany




Wdccme III U. S6CI FW11 Ar1illlry lnga4h. Yoa irre a fttf illlportant I.: a lk
succeuful acc:omplilhmcnt ol oar lllleaiaa.
Your tour will be challcnaing and 1rill domand the utmoat ol Ille lkllll JI* line lleee
taught and acq11ired.
Ptnhina, u a ...._ al NATO, ._ a
demandinj milliclft
uailta ill bepi
(ICaCC ia .Eurape and indeed, the
Each lirina 11.ttcry .-Ill ,pend about one
fOllrtb ol each year at a .mnote lirin1 Iii&.
Tbc remaiadcr of the year the unill main-.
tain equipment and train fOI' our ..nhne
million. Ftcld training Qercila are held
throupout tbe year. A jolt well done will
give you a tmnendoua feelina: ol llllsl'action, pride and accomplishment.



( . . .) aacl tllree nmote l'irias aitcl.

Orilian echtc:ational epportunitia, IOlm
throughout Gennuy and Europe, and
many other mcana ol reluation and indi
l'idaal Clll'idmlent will be in
CIOllllllunity. O.rin1 yoor
time and
I _ , . . Y011 to 1111,umi:re
tbe - al yow educational fadlilioo ud
roc:rcation aa,,icc:a lacilitiea.
I am certain ,.. wil diocover la to lie
both illtcnstl111 and enjoyable. ,.,._, ftlto tbc S6tll Ftcld Anillery Brigade
1111d cnjoyyour tour.



To accompliah our mission we have twee

Pmhi11g battaliom and an inf1ntry 11.ttaJ.

ion. The 2d Battafion, 4th I.Jlfaotry pnMdes
IICQnty far the Pmhing b&ttalims.. We are
autborized CM:I' SOOO soldiers ud an: Ila
tioned bi ioutbera Germany Clll eipt JCa.



Major ae-al. USA

over s~xt~en years in service for

the defense of the free world

Followins years of post WWII 111iaile

development on May 16, 19S8 trooi,e of the
40th Artillery Group succaa!ully flrod the
US Army' fi11t major mobile tactical
picled missile system - Redstone.

Nccdins a smaller, more mobile aystem

ith increased range, the us Army eam..
tic Missile Agency bcpn -wort on u improved weapon to replace Redstone. The
new weapon would have a 'MIP twice that
ol Redatone. It wu umed l'albing. Se,e.
ral impnwclllCIIII to tbil millile proridcd
greater handling cue and incrcued n,lia.
bility and mobility.

included imprOemeDIS to the program

mertal 11ation, a i.ttery control central
and U1 Improved ercctorlauncha. Abo
t.bc aystan wu mounted oa wbecb b:,.
llad ot tracb to ~ PenhiDa to tbc
firina lite r.ter ud with fewer mainte-

~ t a . Penhlns
.-med tbe QRA role prepared to ocrvc
a aactear dct1cmlt in IAlpport or
NATO well u pcnonn ita buic misaiqa ol 111"1Widi111 -.i-.e fuq,ower in
support ,# the fleld utillay.
Once tbe system u developed and
tated there . . the problem of aupplyiag
tbe 1roop1 in tho ~ with t.bc ._. scar
ud remainlq comi.t ready.
S. l"'1 1"8, Mar1ill Marietta
...... rill ... vs ,...., Mlaalle

,....., __...., ...

.. 1958.

lldllCle M..a. A.-,

1'llt c.....-.e ...........

wei1W 10.088 ,._..

... llrllla .... ~ . , . . .
luc .is.He

o.-.a.l, .......

.._._ ~ . . . . . . . Craalpclrt

... ~ Ille lllillile; lftll1'9-

lo,,_ ......

- - mtlaa
. . tnjletGry . . .... dlctrlcal
aysl- Won fllpt; a , . _ ...
t1o11 r. eleetrbl , . . . ea .._.
Ille lllilllle; ................. -

I u-c"- .... ......

By Janury 1960 the r1n1 "Penbina"
ns ready ror launcb. On Feb. 2s, the tat
vehicle wu fired on a 30-mile njoctory
rrom Cape Canavcnl oat flfft the Atlantic Test Range. for a saa:eufnl flighL
Four IIIOdified tradCld Yeblclca tnlJII.
ported the cqulpmcnL
June I 960, another suc:cad'ul launch
lated erratic motlon pros111mmed into
the missile' flight path IO prove ttability.
Penhina u launched in Fcbnwy 1961
and auccasl'ully demonstrated ill incrtiaJ.
pidancc system. Penhing tranW down
nnge .00.miles cm:r tbe Atlantic in Jan11.U)' 1962 ror lta lint flail flighL The teat
program ended ID I 963.
During teatina at the Cape, 2.SO key
military pmoc,nel from Redatone Aneaal
and Fort SW armed in Orlando September I961 to receive I 6 ccb ol training
ill 12 different Pcnhina specialilic:a.
1 - IMJ, die W ........
.... ArtllerJ ... lint p......
a.ttalloa at F.t SIi. Oclollff 13, CM mt ,__.., . .

.. __ _
. ___
. __
__ _
__ ---____
--~---~a..--...---.--... - =..
Separated yet
unified _ _

,.._.. ...... ,,,_




. . . . . . tllf'tlldllUfllltl. ............ ..., .........

..-:"*-""':"..: --



II.._.. Mf ....._...





Ject SWAP. By Aflll 1'6!1 ... ....... - lb _, to f.t

SIi _, "1 A...-C It . . la -y


TIie . . . . , _ -


dlallce' .. FlodilWai wllen die -

. , . . . ....... amt '-ck - tll die

llriq lites la Westtra C....y.

~ -US A,wy
llleteol S
., W
.W A
............ mkl

........ wltl -

fut-reecdllc P

. . . . lA Qlt-. By -i, 1'71

... ~....... -.,..ic ., c..-r

Air r - QO reciahd ... PI-

A.- ........

lt.eceady, two improelllCIIIJI .-ere

added. Tlac ADIOmatic R.elermce System
ud the Sc,qnential Launch

(SI.A). Tbe AJts deccrmined an

accurate flrina azimuth. TIie SLA proTided t.bc pla._ loader tho capalnlity o(
acqneotialfy COIIDtin& alld lauocllin& up to
t11ree ~ witJa a aingle PTS and PS
without ,-blhta between individual ftr-

witll IOlld buic
Im bcea coalillwiDy improoed in
')'It.em ......

bcpiq with tlle ._. role& ud advance-

lDCDl Iii tecfmolocy. The PerabiJ1a II, in

t.bc ~ t siaae, is a hattlclicld


Seaeary el ... ,.,.,,


_ . . . , . ICwtc tit

palze,I ...

ir..-. ...

us .......
........ . . .

..... ......--R-0.- ---l#'O-LT"PERSHINC. ..


, ,.._Affw>Offlcor
~ ...... H......,Jr.

eolloo _ _ _ _ .. AR

TN - -.,.-


FlolfA11.... _
- -_ _ - -

E_ _ l o _ l n _ _
nmmender . . . . . o..rtment of " " Armt.


support miDile, which ...,. radar and a

computer to .it targets u rar u 400
milea away. AD tbac yeen for tbe do, _ ol tbe

rree ....

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