Weebly Lesson Plan 2

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LESSON TITLE: _____Integrating Sentence Variety in Writing__ Lesson #: ______

TEACHER NAME: _Tai Haluszka _______ DATE:_____2/29______________

Attach any handouts or materials required for this lesson.
ESL Course: ENG 48
4 ESOL Students

Topic/Theme: Run-on
Sentences and Using
Quotations in Writing
The students will be able to listen to the teacher presenting about Run-on
Sentences and how they can be fixed. After the grammar portion of class
is complete, the students will listen to each other as they share quotes
from the 2 Articles. The students will also follow the teacher as she uses
a mentor text to show how to use quotes in their essays.
Students will be able to share their quotes and reasons behind their
selection. Students will also speak with each other when they share their
free writes during the Stop, Drop, and Write.
Students will be able to read a variety of Run-on Sentences and
determine their type and how to fix them. Students will also be using
their 2 articles from the previous class to find quotations to support their
arguments in the upcoming essay
The first activity of the class will be Stop, Drop, and Write. During this
time, they will be given a different subject to write about for 5 minutes.
When the class is learning about run-on sentences, students will be
writing the correct form.
The students will write 2 quotes on the board and their reasons for
choosing. They will also be writing down the quotes that the class has
determined to be successful in supporting their reasons. As a class, the
students will write a short paragraph together using the articles as a
mentor text to show the Quote Sandwich. (Sentence introducing the
quote, quote, explanation of the quote)
What background knowledge
do the students already have?

What will you do to activate

or link students prior
knowledge or experience to
upcoming content?
Engagement with New Material

The students have learned the 4 different structures of a sentence, and

how to fix fragment sentences. In addition to the two articles being
used in class, the students have watched a short video and listened to a
news clip about plastic bags and the California Plastic Bag Ban. In the
previous class, the students were divided into two groups to explain the
article to each other.
The lesson will start with the Stop, Drop, and Write during which we
will find different items on campus that pertain to recycling and the
environment. This will bridge their knowledge from the video and
news clip http://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-becomes-firststate-to-ban-plastic-bags/ that they listened to during the previous class

What will you do to engage

students in the active learning
of the new material?

What will you do to ensure

that all students are engaged?
What opportunities will you
provide students to practice
and apply their
knowledge/skill to meet the
objectives for this lesson? To
apply to other contexts?
How will you assess their
learning of the objectives?

How will you help students
recap the learning and link it
back to the original purpose of
the lesson?
If applicable for your context
and your lesson, how will you
meaningfully integrate
technology into your lesson?
What went well? How do you

I introduce the topic of Run-on sentences with a review of the sentence

structures that we have been working on. (This has been an area of
issue for the students) This topic will be approached through the
importance of editing process of their essays. After the grammar lesson
has been presented, the students will work collectively on an activity
sheet. When the activity is complete, their essays will be returns and
they will be asked to circle every comma in their paper. (For homework
they will go back and see if their commas were used correctly).
The students will be engaged in the Using Quotes portion of the
lesson because for homework they should have found 2 quotes that
they find important to add to their essays. They will be given the
opportunity to introduce their quotes and explain them to their peers.
The students will also collectively write a paragraph using the mentor
text, so they have an idea of how their essay paragraphs should look
when they have a quote included.
The lesson includes many opportunities for student engagement such as
sharing their Stop, Drop, and Write, small group work, and class
After modeling how to recognize and fix Run-on sentences, students
will have the opportunity to correct a variety of sentences on a
worksheet. They will also be asked to circle all the commas on their
essay, so for homework they can determine if they have been used
Using a mentor text, the students will follow as we write a paragraph
using the Quote Sandwich format.
I assess the students learning of the objectives by observing their
progress during group work, group presentation, and their ability to
correct Run-on sentences in their essays. After all the quotes and
coordinating explanations are on the board, the students will work as a
class to determine with quotes fit the criteria to be used in the upcoming essay.
This lesson will recap the learning when they revise their essays using
the techniques to correct grammar. They will also use one of their
quotes to write one paragraph for their upcoming essay.
I integrate technology into my lesson with the use of a Power Point
presentation and a Doc-Cam, and a brief news clip.

The students really enjoyed the Stop, Drop, and Write portion of the


What didnt go as planned?

What contingency plan did

you employ?

lesson. Many were eager to read what they had written about the
previous item. The quote portion of the lesson also went really well in
that after much discussion and examples, they started to understand
how to use a quote appropriately. After two models of the Quote
Sandwich, they were eager to try the technique on a quote they had all
I felt that the grammar portion of the lesson went really slowly. Many
of the students struggled with the concepts, so we had to do a lot of
review about previous sentence structures. We also ran out of time
towards the end of class so we had to speed up our collective writing of
a paragraph using the quote selected by the class.

My contingency plan for the grammar lesson not going as smoothly as

expected was a backup worksheet to be completed in pairs. An extra
activity that was planned would be for them to write their own
paragraphs during class, and they would edit in pairs.
What would you do
Next time, I would have more back up quotes from the articles ready.
differently next time?
Unfortunately, the students chose too few that could be applicable to
the essay. In the next class, it will be necessary to review how to
choose quotes that will help their argument. In order to do this, we will
read an article (pertaining to the prompt) and as a class select quotes to
help our argument and review the reasoning for selection.
Did your students meet the
I think the students met the purpose and objectives for the lesson.
purpose and objectives for this When we did the mentor text paragraph, many were raising their hands
lesson? What is your
to offer the next step. They seemed more at ease with their homework
evidence for each?
knowing they had 3 sample paragraphs to use as mentor texts.
What do your students need
The students will need more practice on integrating their quotations in
next? How do you know?
the text. We will review next class period as they did not have the
opportunity to complete that portion alone.
What did you learn about your
glows and grows as a teacher?
What can you do to work on
your areas needing growth?

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