Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan
Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan
Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan
Step 1: Teacher and students talk about what they will learn and do
(Communication of Learning Intentions)
Review the GPS Standards:
RL2.9 Compare and Contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from
different cultures.
Review the TAG Standards:
Higher Order Critical Thinking Standard: The student conducts comparisons using criteria.
Review the Essential Question:
How can we compare and contrast the different versions of the Cinderella story?
Step 2: How will you know when they have gotten it? (Communication of
Success Criteria)
At the conclusion of the lesson, student will complete a semantic feature analysis checklist. The
teacher will use the checklist to assess student comprehension of the various texts and how they
compare and contrast.
Step 3: Get the students interested
Hook: Ask students if they have ever heard of Cinderella? Teacher gives students time to think-pairshare. Students are encouraged to use any knowledge of Cinderella in their conversation (whether its
the movie theyve seen, a book that was read, or a story that was told to them). If students need
background on this story, the teacher can show the video of Cinderella or orally tell the original version
to them.
Releasing students
to do the work
Students may be encouraged to read an additional version of the Cinderella story on their own and add
it to their Semantic Feature Analysis
Step 6: Have students practice at home (Independent Practice)
After the teacher has read, discussed, and charted (character, setting, problem, and solution) for
each of the texts that will be used, the teacher will take clean sheets of chart paper and at the top
of each chart will be the title of each book read. Students will be divided into equal groups. They
will rotate (as a group) to each chart in a carousel brainstorming activity. During this activity,
students may write/draw anything on the chart that they think of when they think of that
particular story. They may use words, phrases, sentences, pictures, symbols, etc. to convey their
ideas. In this way, the students are triggering their schema and regurgitating everything they
know about that text onto the chart. After 2 minutes at each chart, the groups will rotate to the
next chart until every student has visited every chart.
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sense of their
Next, the class will take a "gallery walk" around to each chart. During the gallery walk, students
will silently view the charts and take in all of the contributions. At this time, it would be
appropriate for the teacher to clarify any misconceptions, or incorrect ideas, that were added
mistakenly to the chart.