Tech Lesson - Final
Tech Lesson - Final
Tech Lesson - Final
First, I will give the students their all about me planning sheet and
explain to the students what we will be doing today using Keynote. I will
explain to them that we are going to make a mini-presentation about
ourselves using Keynote and that we need to brainstorm thoughts and ideas
of interesting facts about ourselves that we can include in our presentation.
With that being said, I will have the students get up out of their seats, and
turn and talk to a partner to brainstorm a list of topics that we could talk
about ourselves. We will do this several times, switching partners each time,
and eventually coming back to share a few ideas as a class. This
brainstorming activity will help them get a jumpstart in thinking about what
interesting facts they want to include about themselves.
The students will be working in two different stations the first group
will be working with me on Keynote, while the other group fills out their
planning sheet first. The first 8 students will meet me on the floor with their
iPads so that I can teach them the basic features of Keynote in a smaller
setting. In this small group setting, we will create our title page and learn
how to add text and pictures. Also, we will learn how to take a selfie to add to
our presentation. The other group will be working quietly on coming up with
at least three interesting facts about themselves.
I will instruct students to fill this in by asking them to come up with at
least three interesting facts about themselves that they would like to share
with their class. This could be their favorite sports team, animal, etc. After
about 15 minutes, we will switch groups and do the same thing. This allows
the students to work quietly and independently while I work with a smaller
group of students to teach them the tool. We will use hands off as our
signal to remove hands from the iPad immediately, and practice this a few
times if needed. Then, I will begin reviewing the website while the students
remain in hands off position.
Then, we will regroup as a whole with the students sitting at their own
seat. Each student should now have their planning sheet and iPad at their
desk. I will now give each student a card, where 1 side is green and 1 side is
red. The students will be asked to keep their card on the green side while
they are working; this shows me that they are doing okay. If they come
across a problem, need help, or have a question, they will then turn their
card over to the red side. This will alert me that they need help, instead of
them waiting with their hand up in the air, yelling at me from across the
room, or distracting others. If they place the red side of the card up, they
should remain in their seats by not distracting others while still trying to
solve the problem on their own until I can help them. All students are now
free to start typing their sentences on their second page by first adding a
title and then adding at least three sentences.
In my small group - I will first tell them how to add a textbox and type
it in on the first page, and create an example title page for them to see. I will
also remind students how to change the location and size of their text in the
textboxes so that they can arrange them how they would like. Students will
then quietly work on their own title page and I will check it once all students
are finished in our group. Once all students have satisfactory title pages, I
will show them how to create another page in their presentation. They will
eventually use their planning sheet to help them. I will then show them how
to insert a picture into their presentation and the students will do so before
returning to their seats.
Students at their seat These students should be seated at their own
seat brainstorming at least 3 interesting facts about themselves that they
will then have to use to create 3 complete sentences. This should be done
without talking to other classmates. I will check each students interesting
fact page once we regroup as a whole.
Altogether, students should have two pages in their presentation: title
page and interesting facts page. When they are finished with each page,
they should place both hands on top of their head to show the teacher that
they need their work checked, and then have it approved by the teacher
before starting the next page. They should have used their sentences from
their planning sheet. The teacher should walk around and assist students as
needed while reminding students to use their red/green card and hands on
head techniques if they need assistance. This strategy will limit the amount
of off-task time and distractions.
When students are completely finished with their presentation, they
should raise their hand so that I can assist them in saving their presentations
successfully. Once the students presentation has been saved, they will be
instructed to log out of the iPad and carefully place it back onto the cart. The
students will share their creations with the rest of the class at a later date,
where they will read each sentence and talk about each interesting fact.
My supervising teacher will use this application at the very end of the
year for the students to create a large project about themselves that they
will invite the parents into see. This mini-lesson on Keynote serves as an
introduction to what my supervising teacher will be doing with them soon.
I will assess students both informally and formally in this lesson. I will assess
them informally while facilitating the lesson, checking student work, etc.
Students will be formally assessed through the final product of their
presentation. If students have correctly typed their sentences using correct
punctuation, capitalization, etc., I will know that they met the objectives of
this lesson. I will know that students did not fully meet the objectives of this
lesson if they required several redirections, correction of work, etc.
Some questions that I will use to informally assess my students throughout
the lesson will include:
What should be at the beginning of each sentence?
What should be at the end of each sentence?
What are some different topics that we could talk about to describe
ourselves to our peers?
What should we include on our title page? Think back the stories you
have read, why does the author include these things on the title page?
Why should our title be larger than the rest of the font?
Why do you think it is important to include a picture on your
The following rubric will be used to grade the students final product formally:
(Students will receive a copy of the rubric with feedback and their final
All About Me Keynote
0 Points
1 Point
2 Points
Title Page
Interesting Fact
page is missing.
At least 3 interesting
Punctuation is
partially correct
Title page is present,
but is missing text or
Interesting Fact page
is present, but is
missing text.
There are only two
interesting facts
Title page is
present, has a title,
name, and photo.
Interesting Fact
page is present and
has all text needed.
There are at least 3
sentences that
include 3 different
interesting facts
about student.
TOTAL: _____
Name: _____________________________
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________