Adams China Gates PDF

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JOHN ADAMS CHINA GATES for piano ‘Copyright © 1985 Asociatod Music Publhers, Inc. New York Tcratedl Spy ese" Prned ie USA. Spee eet yonaast Se cope grcesiae nephrin e pet ASSOCIATED MUSIC PUBLISHERS New York/London PERFORMANCE NOTES ‘The sound throughout should be soft and resonant. Dynamic levels should never exceed mezzo forte, Special attention should be given to equalizing the volume of both hands so that no line is ever louder than another. In this way the inter- twining of patterns can be most successfully realized In passages where the proximity of lines is particularly close a quick attack must be used to enable repeated soundings of the notes. Pedal should be held throughout each passage until the next gate (change of mode) occurs. San Francisco, December 1977 b a for Sarah China Gates JOHN ADAMS aT (1977) 2 (sempre Ped) Copyright © 1983 Associated Music Publishers, In., New York AILRights Reserved Intemational Copyright Secured Printed in US.A. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or by any information AMP-7859-2 sorage and retrieval system, without peuission in writing from the publisher AMP-7859-2 sempre P t AMP-7859-2 = AMP-7859-2 AMP-7859-2 OR AMP-7859-2, AMP-7859-2 (hota pedal throughous) leit and ee OSL AMP-7859-2 “OE ‘fh. (hold pedal throughout) Tmorendo Os _ AMP-7859-2

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