Third Year Sixth Semester CS6601 Distributed System 2 Mark With Answer
Third Year Sixth Semester CS6601 Distributed System 2 Mark With Answer
Third Year Sixth Semester CS6601 Distributed System 2 Mark With Answer
1.Define distributed Systems.
Definition 1:A distributed system as one in which hardware or software
componentslocated at networked computers communicate and coordinate their
actions only by passing messages
Definition 2:.A collection of hardware and software systems that contain more
than one processing or storage element but appearing as a single coherent system
running under a loosely or tightly controlled regime is called Distributed
Computing. The computers in the distributed system do not share a memory
instead they pass messages asynchronously or synchronously between them. This
is a type of segmented or parallel computing that runs on a heterogeneous system.
2.What are the examples of Distributed System?
Web search, Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs),Financial trading,
Cloud computing, Grid computing, Ubiquitous or pervasive computing
3.List the advantages and disadvantages of Distributed System.
Inherent distribution
Incremental growth
Resource sharing
Failure handling
Quality of service
4.What are the challenges in Distributed System?
Failure handling
Quality of service
5.Show where Distributed System is applied?
Telecommunication networks:
telephone networks and cellular networks,
computer networks such as the Internet,
wireless sensor networks,
routing algorithms;
Network applications:
Massively multiplayer online games is an online video game where very large
numbers of users interact through the Internet with a persistent virtual world.
Leading examples of such games include Sonys EverQuest II and EVE Online
from the Finnish company CCP Games.
9.Discuss the trends of Distributed System.
Pervasive networking and modern internet
Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Distributed in Multimedia system
Distributed computing as a utility.
10.Compare Centralized and Distributed System.
Centralized systems
Distributed System
Several jobs are done on a particular Jobs are distributed among several
processors. The processors are
interconnected by a computer
They have shared memory and They have no global state (i.e No
shared variables.
shared memory and No shared
Global clock is present
No global clock
11.Generalize on Heterogeneity.
It means diversity of distributed system in terms of hardware, software,platform,
etc. Modern distributed system will likely to be operating with different hardware
devices, operating system,Network,programming language etc.
12.Explain the consequences faced by the designers in developing distributed
Refer challenges of distributed system(Q.No:4)
13.Define Ubiquitous computing.
Ubiquitous computing is the harnessing of many small, cheap
computationaldevices that are present in users physical environments, including
the home, office and even natural settings. A user interacts with the computer,
which can exist in many different forms, including laptop computers, tablets and
terminals in everyday objects such as a fridge or a pair of glasses.
14.Show how distributed System helps cloud computing
Cloud Computing is a specialized form of Distributed Computing.Cloud
Computing takes Distributed Computing to a utility stage, ubiquitous and
unmetered access to broadband Internet is the key to its success. In addition, better
standardization, portability and interoperability of its distributed components will
help move Cloud Computing to its full potential.Cloud Computing is all about
delivering services or applications in on demand environment with targeted goals
of achieving increased scalability and transparency, security, monitoring and
management.In cloud computing systems, services are delivered with transparency
not considering the physical implementation within the Cloud.
15.Illustrate the concept of concurrency.
Both services and applications provide resources that can be shared by clients in
adistributed system. There is therefore a possibility that several clients will attempt
toaccess a shared resource at the same time. The process that manages a shared
resource could take one client request at a time. But that approach limits
throughput. Therefore services and applications generally allow multiple client
requests to be processed concurrently.
16.What do you mean by transparency?
Transparency is defined as the concealment from the user and the
applicationprogrammer of the separation of components in a distributed system, so
that the system is perceived as a whole rather than as a collection of independent
components. Inter process communication is transparent at the application level,
Whereas invisible to the user level to maintain a single system view.
17.Develop the scenario howmight the clocks in two computers that are linked
by a local network be synchronized without reference to an external time
Each computer in a distributed system has its own internal clock, which can be
used by local processes to obtain the value of the current time. Therefore two
processes running on different computers can each associate timestamps with their
events.In a distributed system the problem takes on more complexity because a
global time is not easily known. The most used clock synchronization solution on
the Internet is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) which is a layered client-server
architecture based on UDP message passing. Lamport timestamps and vector
clocks are concepts of the logical clocks in distributed systems.
18.Define downloaded code
A CGI program runs at the server. Sometimes the designers of webservices require
some service-related code to run inside the browser, at the users computer. In
particular, code written in Javascriptis often downloaded with a web page
containing a form, in order to provide better-quality interaction with the user than
that supported by HTMLs standard widgets.
19.Classify the security challenges faced by the distributed systems.
Denial of service attacks: It is a category of security problem is that a user may
wish to disrupt a service for some reason. This can be achieved by bombarding the
service with such a large number of pointless requests that the serious users are
unable to use it. This is called a denial of service attack.
Security of mobile code: Mobile code needs to be handled with care. Consider
someone who receives an executable program as an electronic mail attachment: the
possible effects of running the program are unpredictable;
20.State the features in fault tolerance
Detecting failure
Masking failure
Tolerating failure
Recovery from failure
Two-Mark questions
1.What are the difficulties and threats in distributed system?
Widely varying modes of use: The component parts of systems are subject to
widevariations in workload for example, some web pages are accessed several
million times a day. Some parts of a system may be disconnected, or poorly
connected some of the time for example, when mobile computers are included in
a system. Some applications have special requirements for high communication
bandwidth and low latency for example, multimedia applications.
Wide range of system environments: A distributed system must accommodate
heterogeneous hardware, operating systems and networks. The networks may
differ widely in performance wireless networks operate at a fraction of the speed
of local networks. Systems of widely differing scales, ranging from tens of
computers to millions of computers, must be supported.
Tuples do not have an address but are accessed by pattern matching on content
(content-addressable memory)
20. Show how will you make use of message queues
Message queues is an important category of indirect communication systems.
Message queues provide a point-to-point service using the concept of a message
queue as an indirection, thus achieving the desired properties of space and time
uncoupling. They are point-to-point in that the sender places the message into a
queue, and it is then removed by a single process. Message queues are also referred
to as Message-Oriented Middleware
21. What is EJB?
EJB is an extension of RMI. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a comprehensive
technology that provides the infrastructure for building enterprise-level server-side
distributed Java components. The EJB technology provides a distributed
component architecture that integrates several enterprise-level requirements such
as distribution, transactions, security, messaging, persistence, and connectivity to
mainframes and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. When compared
with other distributed component technologies such as Java RMI and CORBA, the
EJB architecture hides most the underlying system-level semantics that are typical
of distributed component applications, such as instance management, object
pooling, multiple threading, and connection pooling.
22. Give the use of proxy in RMI .
The role of a proxy in RMI is to make remote method invocation transparent
toclients by behaving like a local object to the invoker; but instead of executing an
invocation, it forwards it in a message to a remote object. It hides the details of the
remote object reference, the marshalling of arguments, unmarshalling of results
and sending and receiving of messages from the client.
Two marks questions
1.Define Peer to peer system.
Peer-to-peer systems represent a paradigm for the construction of distributed
systemsand applications in which data and computational resources are contributed
by many hosts on the Internet, all of which participate in the provision of a uniform
service. Peer-to-peer applications have been used to provide file sharing, web
caching, information distribution and other services, exploiting the resources of
tens of thousands of machines across the Internet.
2.Classify the characteristics of Peer to peer system.
Overlay Routing
Peer-to-peer systems can address more
objects. The GUID namespace is very
large and flat (>2128), allowing it to be
much more fully occupied.
Object locations can be randomized and
hence traffic patterns are divorced from
the network topology.
Routing tables can be updated
synchronously or asynchronously
Routes and object references can be
replicated n-fold, ensuring tolerance of n
failures of nodes or connections.
Messages can be routed to the nearest
replica of a target object.
Security can be achieved even in
environments with limited trust
A limited degree of anonymity can be
node failure.
10.What are the requirements of distributed file system (or) Give the design
issues of Distributed file system?
Concurrent file updates
File replication
Hardware and operating system heterogeneity
Fault tolerance
translates the pathnames supplied by clients into fids using a step-by-step lookup to
obtain the information from the file directories held
in the Vice servers.
14.Develop How does AFS deal with the risk that callback messages may be
Callbacks must be renewed before an open if a time T (typically on the order of a
few minutes) has elapsed since thefile was cached without communication from
the server. This is to deal with possible communication failures, which can result in
the loss of callback messages.
15.Define URI, URL and URN.
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) is used to identify resources on the Web, and
other Internet
resources such as electronic mailboxes
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is often used for URIs that provide location
information andspecify the method for accessing the resource. URLs are efficient
identifiers for accessing resources
Uniform Resource Names (URNs) are URIs that are used as pure resource names
rather than locators. The URI distinguishes that message from any other email
message. But it does not provide the messages address in any store, so a lookup
operation is needed to find it.
16.List out the goals of Global Naming Service(GNS)?
To handle an essentially arbitrary number of names and to serve an arbitrary
of administrative organizations
A long lifetime
High availability
Fault isolation
Tolerance of mistrust
17.How will you make use of name space and DNS?
A name space is the collection of all valid names recognized by a particular
service. The DNS name space has a hierarchic structure: a domain name consists
of one ormore strings called name components or labels, separated by the delimiter
.. There isno delimiter at the beginning or end of a domain name, although the
root of the DNS name space is sometimes referred to as . for administrative
18.Formulate how caching helps a name services availability?
In DNS and other name services, client name resolution software and
serversmaintain a cache of the results of previous name resolutions. Caching is key
to a name services performance and assists in maintaining the availability of both
the name service and other services in spite of name server crashes. Its role in
enhancing response times by saving communication with name servers is clear.
Caching can be used to eliminate high-level name servers the root server, in
particular from the navigation path, allowing resolution to proceed despite some
server failures.Caching by client name resolvers is widely applied in name services
and is particularly successful because naming data are changed relatively rarely.
19.Define LDAP.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), in which a DUA accesses X.500
directory services directly over TCP/IP instead of the upper layers of the
ISOprotocol stack. LDAP also simplifies the interface to X.500 in other ways: for
example, it provides a relatively simple API and it replaces ASN.1 encoding with
textual encoding. LDAP has been widely adopted, particularly for intranet
directoryservices. It provides secure access to directory data through
20.Demonstrate the use of name cache?
To increase the performance of name service
To reduce overall system overhead
1.Define clock screw and clock drift.
The difference between the readings of any twoclocks is called their skew.A
clocks driftrate is the change in the offset (difference in reading) between the
clock and a nominal perfect reference clock per unit of time measured by the
reference clock.
2.Describe How will you synchronize physical clock?
Physical clock can be synchronizedby any one of the two methods. It is necessary
to synchronize theprocesses clocks, Ci, with an authoritative, external source of
time. This is externalsynchronization. And if the clocks Ciare synchronized with
one another to a known degree of accuracy, then the interval between two events
occurring at different computers at their local clocks are measured, even though
they are not necessarily synchronized to an external source of time. This is internal
3.What is Network time protocol?
The Network Time Protocol (NTP0 defines an architecture for atime service and a
protocol to distribute time information over the Internet. The aim of NTP is as
To provide a service enabling clients across the Internet to be synchronized
accurately to UTC
To provide a reliable service that can survive lengthy losses of connectivity
To enable clients to resynchronize sufficiently frequently to offset the rates
of drift
found in most computers
To provide protection against interference with the time service, whether
or accidental
4.Explain why is computer clock synchronization necessary
Clock synchronization is important to maintain theconsistency of distributed data
(the use of timestamps to serialize transactions), to check the authenticity of a
request sent to a server and to eliminate the processing of duplicate updates.
5.Define distributed mutual exclusion with its requirements.
In a distributed environment if a collection ofprocesses share a resource or
collection of resources, then distributed mutual exclusion is required to prevent
interference and ensure consistency when accessing the resources.
6. Define global state.
It is harder to collect the state of the collection of processes, There emerged an
agree on a time at which each process would record its state the result would be
an actual global state of the system.
7.Define cut and its types.
A cut of the systems execution is a subsetof its global history that is a union of
prefixes of process histories:
ME1: (safety) At most one process may execute in the critical section
(CS) at a time.
ME2: (liveness) Requests to enter and exit the critical section eventually
ME3: (ordering) If one request to enter the CS happened-before another,
then entry to the CS is granted in that order.
Two Mark questions
1. Define Process Migration and Process management.
Process migration deals with the movement of a process from its current
location to the processor to which it has been assigned.
Process management involves the activities aimed at defining a process
establishing responsibilities, evaluating process performance, identifying
and opportunities or improvement
2. Classify the desirable features of good process migration mechanism.
Minimal Interference
Minimal Residual Dependencies
Communication between coprocesses of a job
3. What are the advantages of process migration?
Reducing average response time of processes
Speeding up individual jobs
Gaining higher throughput
Utilizing resources effectively
Reducing network traffic
Improving system reliability
Improving system security
4. Define thread.
A thread is the entity within a process that can be scheduled for execution.
All threads of a process share its virtual address space and system
resources.It is a basic unit of CPU utilization used for improving a system
performance through parallelism.
5. List the advantages of thread.
Overheads involved in creating a new process is more than creating a
new thread.
Context switching between threads is cheaper than processes due to
their same address space.
Threads allow parallelism to be combined with sequential execution
and blocking system calls.
Resource sharing can be achieved more efficiently and naturally
between threads due to same address space.
6. What are the sub activities involved in process migration?
Freezing the process on its source node and restarting it on its
destination node.
Transferring the processs address space from its source node to its
destination node.
Forwarding massages meant for the migrant process.
Handling communication between cooperating processes that have
been separated
as a result of process migration.
7. Design how process migration be done in heterogeneous system?
All the concerned data must be translated from the source CPU format
to the destination CPU format before it can be executed on the
destination node.
A heterogeneous system having n CPU types must have n(n-1) pieces
of translation software.
Handles problem of different data representations such as characters,
integers and floating-point numbers.
8. List the models for organizing threads.
Dispatcher-workers model
Team model
Pipeline model
19. Discuss the migration limiting policies.
A decision about the total no. of times a process should be allowed to
Two migration-limiting policies:
o Uncontrolled
o Controlled
20. Generalize state information exchange policies.
Periodic broadcast
Broadcast when state changes
On- demand exchange
Exchange by polling