Math Lesson Plan Exploring Rectangles With Equal Areas

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Lesson Duration:

Miss. MacInnis
50 minutes
April 20th, 2016

Math Exploring Rectangles with Equal Areas

Lesson Overview:
The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand that different rectangles may have the same area.
Students should understand that the area of a shape can be expressed as the number of units required to
cover a certain surface. The square unit is the most efficient unit to use for measuring area.
Grade 4 Curriculum Outcomes:
Mathematics :
GCO: Shape & Space (SS): Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems
SCO: SS3: Demonstrate an understanding of area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes by:
recognizing that area is measured in square units
selecting and justifying referents for the units cm2 or m2
estimating area by using referents for cm2 or m2
determining and recording area
constructing different rectangles for a given area (cm2 or m2 ) in order to demonstrate that many different
rectangles may have the same area
Prior Knowledge and Misconceptions
Students have prior knowledge on shape, space and area. They have already been introduced and should be
familiar with the concept of choosing a referent for their estimations. It is helpful for students to use a
referent for the single unit of measure because this way they can mentally obtain the estimate (e.g., use the
size of the fingernail on your finger or thumb as a referent for 1 cm2). Students have already practiced
choosing and using a referent for estimating area before using an actual unit to find exact area.
- Colored tiles
- Math Makes Sense textbook
- Modified worksheet for students on PLP (see below in differentiation section)
- Smartboard slides (including Smartboard grid paper)
- Math notebook
- 1- cm grid paper (1-2 sheets per student)

Lesson Components

Teachers Procedure

Students Procedure

ENGAGEMENT (10 minutes)

To begin this lesson, the students
expectations will be communicated
and they will be told that they are
going continue exploring the
concept of area.
Student Expectations:
- Good listening
- When the teacher is speaking, the
students are not
- Thumb on desk means they are
willing the share (method has been
practiced throughout the year)

To begin the lesson, the teacher will

explain to students that we will be
talking about area specifically
area, units, referents, how
centimeters squares can be used to
represent square meters and how
different rectangles can have the
same area.

Students will respond with

thumbs up when asked what
they know about area (on slide

Warm up:
Instruct the students to all turn
around and use two ceiling tiles as a
referent and estimate the area of the
back wall (opposite of Smartboard)
in square meters.

Have all students turn around

and use two ceiling tiles for a
square meter and estimate the
area of the back wall. Have
students volunteer to share
responses for comparison.

A review and warm up (slide 96) of

the basis of area will be done.
Specifically mention that they can
model the area of a large region
with centimeter squares to represent
square meters.
EXPLORATION (10 - 15 minutes)
Begin explore on page 164 of
Math Makes Sense textbook.
(Slide 97)

Have students volunteer to

share their dimensions of the
Explain to students that Ms. Daisy is garden they have come up
with. Ensure that they get all 5
planning to make a rectangular
garden for her back yard that will
have the area of 48 meters squared.
Remind students that square
centimeters can be used to represent
square meters.
Have table leaders hand out
textbooks at each table.

Ask students:
What must be true of all
rectangles we will build today? (all
must have an area of 48 meters
What are the dimensions of
different rectangles to equal an area
of 48 meters squared?

(1x48, 2x24, 3x16, 4x12, 6x8)

**** Draw these on the
Smartboard on grid paper to
show the dimensions.
What shapes are the rectangles
with the greatest perimeter and the
least perimeter?
(greatest perimeter: long and thin,
least perimeter: almost square)
Perimeter: The distance around a
two-dimensional shape.
EXPLANATION (5 minutes)
Explanation of how shapes can be
different but still have the same

Talk about how all these

rectangles are different shapes but
all have the same area, therefore all
*** Mention this is why it is
have the same space and can fit the
important to know your math facts
same amount of units.
can save think time.

EXPANSION (20 minutes)

Practice questions on page 165 of
Math Makes Sense textbook.
Qs 1 (b,g,d) 3, and 4.

The teacher will hand out students

math notebooks.
Instruct students to work on
questions 1 (b,g,d) 3, and 4 in their
math notebooks.
Tell students they can use colour
tiles or squares when they need


Have students (with thumbs

up) tell which rectangle they
would suggest Ms. Daisy use
for her garden with an area of
48 square meters. Students
should be able to explain their

Students will be working on

these questions independently.
Since this is only a 50 minute
period, students are not
expected to finish all
questions. Each question
contains sub parts which takes
additional time.

For this lesson, the students will be

assessed on how well they do on
their worksheets and textbook

At the end of the class, the teacher

will collect the students notebooks
and worksheets.
By the end of this lesson, students
should be able to;
Draw, where appropriate, at
least 2 rectangles for a given
area and explain that, for
example, a 2 x 7 rectangle is
the same as a 7 x 2.
Find all the rectangles with a
given area.

The activities in this lesson are open ended with the objective to encourage engagement by the students and
full participation.
Students who have difficulty finding all possible rectangles with a given area may benefit from working with
smaller numbers. Students on a PLP will be provided with a modified worksheet to better suit their goals and
will be working at the green table with the EA, Michelle.
These students on PLPs are:
Daniel K., Jenny, Ava and Breanna
- Encourage students to work systematically by starting with 1 row of tiles, then trying to find 2 rows, 3
rows, and so on. Ensure that students understand that rows must be equal length.
There are a number of students who are ESL who will need support during this lesson. These students are;
Jastine, Mateja, Yosef, Alina and Christie.

Lesson Reflection
Was I well prepared? What could I have done differently?
Was I organized? What did I learn that will help me in the future?
Were the students involved? Was I clear in my presentation? Did I pace appropriately?
Did the students demonstrate a clear understanding? Was I open to their questions?
What did the class do? How do I know if they were successful? What should I change for next time?
Were the students responsive to the activities? Were the activities under or above their achievement level

By the end of this lesson, can the students;

Describe area as the measure of surface recorded in square units.
Determine which standard square unit is represented by a given referent.
Determine the area of a regular 2-D shape and explain the strategy.
Construct a rectangle for a given area.
Demonstrate that many rectangles are possible for a given area by drawing at least two different rectangles
for the same given area

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