Food Unit Lesson 1: Class: Context: Essential Questions: Central Focus

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Food Unit Lesson 1


8th grade Spanish I


Urban Middle School


How do our opinions about food reflect our culture? How does food
create connections between different cultures?


Students are acquiring knowledge about foods from both their own
cultures and various Hispanic cultures in order to compare and
contrast the foods in each and how they are reflections of the various


How can we express what we like to eat?


51 minutes


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
SWBAT express what they eat in a variety of ways by
Objective(s using conjugated verbs in the present tense.



Date: December 1,

Vocabulary: verbs including comer, beber, querer,

gustar, tomar, desayunar, cenar, necesitar, hacer,
encantar; words from food unit vocabulary list; subject
Structures: Regular present tense conjugations AR, ER,
and IR verbs; Present tense conjugations of the irregular
verbs querer and hacer

Evidence of

1. Students creation of sentences in groups using sentence strips will

demonstrate knowledge of language structure with regards to word
order and conjugations.
2. Students exit slip with partner groups sentences and translations
will demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary and language structures.


1. Vocabulary Review (5 minutes)

Students completed their new vocabulary lists for homework. They will
come in to class and take out their completed sheets. Students will ask
for missing words or definition clarifications from their neighbor. As
students complete this review, teacher will hand out the class
2. Verb Review (10 minutes)
Teacher will quickly run through translations of the verbs on the
worksheet handed out. Then class will watch Conjugations Back
YouTube video to review AR verb conjugations. Teacher will then call
on students to conjugate food unit AR verbs on the board (tomar,
desayunar, cenar, necesitar). Students will choose one to copy onto
their worksheet.
3. Mini Verb Lesson (15 minutes)
Teacher will present ER verb conjugations using format from the AR
verb video. Teacher will then call on students to provide conjugations
of the verb comer for each subject pronoun which will be written on
white board. Students will copy the conjugations onto their worksheet.
Teacher will also present the irregular ER verbs querer and hacer
by saying them verbally and writing them on the whiteboard. Teacher
will use different colors to emphasize the irregularities in the
conjugations of each verb. Students are to copy the translations onto
their worksheets.
3. Sentence Strip Activity Part I (10 minutes)
Students will get into groups and will be given sentence strips with
subject pronouns, verb stems with space to add conjugation endings,
and blank pieces. Students must conjugate the verbs using the subject
pronouns they are given. Then they have to create a full sentence by
selecting a vocabulary word to write on the blank piece.
4. Sentence Strip Activity Part II (10 minutes)
Once every group has completed the task, groups will be paired up
and asked to swap spaces in order to verify and translate their partner
groups sentences. The Spanish sentences and the translations will be
written on a piece of loose-leaf by each group and submitted as an exit


1. Students are to complete the fill in the blank sentences on their

class worksheets.
2. In their notebooks, students are to rewrite the conjugations of the
two irregular verbs and to select two additional verbs to conjugate
from the verb list.

Laptop connected to projector, white board, expo markers, verb review

handout, Ziploc bags with cut sentence strips containing the different
sentence components written, loose-leaf paper for exit slips, YouTube
video link:

n strategies:

1. Verb Review is carried out using written visuals on the white board,
YouTube video containing visual and audio components, and verbal
reiteration by the teacher
2. Groups for sentence strip activity allow lower proficiency level
students to work with higher proficiency level students
3. The sentence strip activities allows a more kinesthetic approach to
learning sentence composition and conjugations.
4. Students are given specific sentence strip pieces based on the
levels of the students in the group. Groups with more advanced
knowledge are given more irregular verbs or the subject pronouns that
are harder for this class such as vosotros, usted, and ustedes.




1. The students may get

bored and antsy reviewing
grammar, particularly the
native speakers who feel they
already know the grammar.

1. Teacher will provide a more

complex verb activity for the native
speakers feel unchallenged to work on
during the more basic grammar
review conducted with the whole
class. It will be handed out prior to the
review so as not to interrupt
instruction should they decide midway
that they want it.

2. The technology may not be

working in which case it will
not be possible to play the
YouTube video.

2. The teacher should have a backup

plan in case of technology failures.
students can do additional rounds of
the sentence strip activity with the
additional time, allowing for more
review in the hands-on manner.

Food Unit Lesson 2


8th grade Spanish I


Urban Middle School


How do our opinions about food reflect our culture? How does food
create connections between different cultures?


Students are acquiring knowledge about foods from both their own
cultures and various Hispanic cultures in order to compare and
contrast the foods in each and how they are reflections of the various


How can we use our opinions about food to understand its role in our
culture? What is the relationship between the food and culture in
different countries?


51 minutes


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of
culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.



SWBAT express what foods they like and which they



Vocabulary: food from vocabulary list

Date: December 2,

SWBAT interpret what foods their peers like and dislike to

then share with the rest of the class.

Structures: conjugations of gustar; use of indirect

object pronouns with gustar; singular vs plural nouns
in relation to gustar

SWBAT identify Spanish dishes and describe them.

SWBAT engage in dialogue about foods from their own
SWBAT discuss foods integral nature in cultures around
the world, specifically in Spanish speaking countries.

Evidence of

1. Students participation in the review of gustar will demonstrate

mastery of the grammar related language objectives.
2. By engaging in dialogue about the foods in the YouTube video,
students will demonstrate their interpretive and interpersonal
communication skills while utilizing the vocabulary and grammatical
structures listed in the objectives.
3. Identifying foods from their families cultures and participating in a
conversation about the role of food in peoples cultures will exhibit
students cultural awareness and ability to make connections between
their own cultures and that of Hispanic cultures.


1. Do Now (10 minutes)

Students will watch the YouTube video I Used Gustar and I Like It to
review how to use gustar. Video will be watched twice.
2. Mini Verb Review (5 minutes)
Teacher will call on students to reiterate the information found in the
video, primarily how we use gustar, what the conjugations are based
on, and what the forms are.
3. Cultural Video (5 minutes)
Students will watch a YouTube video about typical Spanish dishes in
preparation for a discussion that will occur afterwards.
4. Video Extension Activity (5 minutes)
Students will discuss within their groups which foods from the video
they like or dislike using the content from the video and the grammar
reviewed earlier in class with regards to gustar. Teacher will model
when giving instructions.
5. Class Discussion (15 minutes)
Teacher will call on students to share what their peers opinions were
regarding the food in the video. Then, teacher will propose the idea
that just as Spaniards have foods that are emblematic of their culture,
so to do people of all backgrounds. The class will come up with list of
culturally diverse foods that their families like to eat. Using foods from
this list, teacher will model how to say they eat their food using a
conjugated verb such as comer, desayunar, cenar etc. Students
will volunteer answers and will follow model, using complete

6. Conclusion (10 minutes)

Teacher will point out how many different types of food there are and
that they stem from so many different cultures. Teacher will then make
comments about the importance of food in our own culture, pointing
out the influence of Latin American cuisine. Students will be asked to
give examples, comments, and opinions on the subject. Teacher will
then take the opportunity to distinguish between Latin American
cuisine, Mexican food, and Spanish food. The three are not one in the
same and students must be made aware of the distinction. Teacher will
conclude by assigning homework and passing out the homework

Students will write a paragraph about a Hispanic food dish of their

choosing. This paragraph should be written with as much Spanish as


Laptop linked to projector, YouTube link for gustar review video:, YouTube link for
Spanish dishes video:

n strategies:

1. Watching a video about how to use gustar engages both visual

and auditory learners. It is reinforced with a verbal review by the
teacher afterwards and will be further reviewed in subsequent days.
2. Students grapple with the idea of culturally significant food by
watching and listening to a video, having group discussions about
these foods, and discussing as a class the culture significance. This
engages students in multiple groupings and modalities of learning all
with regards to the same concept.




The technology could

malfunction in which the
YouTube videos would not be

Teacher will be prepared to review

gustar conjugations with indirect
object pronouns on the board if the
video is not working. Teacher will also
be prepared to lead a discussion
about Spanish foods even without the
aid of the video. This would be
coupled with a turn and talk activity to
get the students thinking.

Food Unit Lesson 3


8th grade Spanish I


Urban Middle School


How do our opinions about food reflect our culture? How does food
create connections between different cultures?


Students are acquiring knowledge about foods from both their own
cultures and various Hispanic cultures in order to compare and
contrast the foods in each and how they are reflections of the various


How do we express what foods we like and dislike? How do we pose

questions to others about their likes and dislikes?


51 minutes


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
SWBAT identify and name foods in Spanish.
SWBAT express what foods they like and dislike using
gustar structure


Date: December 3,

SWBAT ask and answer questions about opinions on food


Vocabulary: Foods from the vocabulary list

Structures: singular and plural forms of nouns and
articles; Me gusta(n) and No me gusta(n); Te

Evidence of

1. Students completion of mind warmer and sharing of partners

responses to the class will demonstrate knowledge of the vocabulary
as well as the ability to interpret what their partners expressed.
2. Students will use all three of the language structures identified in
the objectives to play the Las Comidas game and will be evaluated
formally on their speaking during the game based on the rubric
distributed to them at the beginning of class.


1. Mindwarmer (5 minutes)
Students will receive small chart upon entering room consisting of yesno columns and rows labeled with different foods. Students will take
turns with their neighbor asking and answering in Spanish if they do or
do not like the listed. Students will check off yes or no based on their
partners response.
2. Review Mindwarmer (5 minutes)
Teacher will call on students to share what their partner does or does
not like from the list.
3. Model Las Comidas game (5 minutes)
Teacher will show students how to use the technology based game,
particularly selecting a character card and refreshing in between
rounds. Teacher will select a character card with which to demonstrate
and a student as an opponent. Teacher will ask Te gusta(n)____?
inserting a food from the character card. Student will then answer Me
gusta(n)_____ potentially with support from the teacher. Teacher will
then repeat with a food not on the character card to elicit an answer of
No me gusta(n)____ providing support if needed. Teacher will also
show how to make tally marks on the score sheet.
4. Break into assigned groups and hand out iPads (5 minutes)
Students will get into groups around the room while selected
individuals pass out iPads to the class.
5. Play Las Comidas game (25 minutes)
Students will decide who goes first by playing rock, paper, scissors.
Students will then take turns asking one another Te gusta(n)____?
and responding Sior No me gusta(n)____ based on the foods listed
on their chosen characters card in the game. Students will keep a
tallied score of who wins each round. Teacher will circulate and
evaluate students speaking skills using the distributed rubric.
6. Share out/wrap up/clean-up (5 minutes)
Teacher will ask a few students how the game went, how students
content knowledge helped them in the game, and how the game
helped to improve their content knowledge. Teacher will hand out
reflection homework while engaging students in discussion. During the
discussion, one student will collect score sheets so that the winners
can receive pesetas (fake money for end of week raffle). Select

students will put away iPads for the class.


Students are to complete reflection form (front and back) about Las
Comidas, the game played in class.


Laptop linked to projector, iPads for each student, Mind warmer

handout; Score sheet handout, speaking rubric handout, Las Comidas
game instruction sheets; game link:

n strategies:

1. Teacher will model how to play game with a student volunteer,

demonstrating visually by projecting the game site onto the board as
well as giving verbal, step by step instructions.
2. Students are permitted to take out and use their vocabulary sheets
which scaffolds the vocabulary aspect of this game for the students
who need it. Contrarily, native and heritage speakers are encouraged
not to reference the sheet at all.
3. Partners are self-chosen by the students to increase motivation and
general contentedness of the students in order to elicit more effort and




Students will be selecting

their own partners with whom
to play the game. This may
result in partnerships of
students who are
unproductive together
whether for behavioral
reasons or due to proficiency
levels in the language.

Teacher will carefully monitor the

students as they select partners and
adjust groupings if necessary. Teacher
will also monitor behavior and
participation throughout the playing
time while evaluating students to
make sure students stay on track and
are productive.

Food Unit Lesson 4


8th grade Spanish I


Urban Middle School


How do our opinions about food reflect our culture? How does food
create connections between different cultures?


Students are acquiring knowledge about foods from both their own
cultures and various Hispanic cultures in order to compare and
contrast the foods in each and how they are reflections of the various


What do we include when presenting or describing a person? How do

we express what the person likes?


51 minutes


Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an

audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture
SWBAT describe a person and express what that person
Objective(s likes to eat.



Date: December 4,

Vocabulary: verbs from verb review worksheet in lesson

1, foods from unit vocabulary sheet
Structures: gustar conjugated and paired with indirect
object pronouns, ser de + lugar, llamarse, tener +
# + aos

Evidence of

SWBAT use knowledge gained from previous units,

particularly the personal description unit, in conjunction
with the new material from the food unit.

1. Students will demonstrate ability to correctly use gustar both to

express what they like and ask what someone else likes during the
mind warmer activity.
2. Students will work on a person made of food with labels and a
written description. The labels will demonstrate vocabulary knowledge.
The written description will demonstrate mastery of the verbs

reviewed earlier in the week, particularly gustar, as well as skills

learned previously such as personal description (such as presenting
ones name, age, place of residency etc.)

1. Mind Warmer (5 minutes)

Students will be asked to stand at their desks. Teacher will explain that
they will be playing a game to start class. Each student will say three
sentences and then will sit down. The game will end when every
student is seated. The sentences will be written on the board for
reference. Teacher will model by saying Me llamo _____. Me gusta
_______. Que te gusta ________(insert students name)?. The student
the teacher poses the question to will then do the same, ending by
asking another student the same question.
2. Present Project (5 minutes)
Teacher will demonstrate where to locate the project template in
students emails and how to copy and save it into their personal
google drives. Teacher will then explain the instructions and
requirements which are provided in written form on the google slides
template. Teacher will provide students the opportunity to select to do
the project with actual art materials as opposed to on the computer.
Teacher will show post models in both forms on the board for students
to refer to.
3. Start Project (35)
Select students will distribute laptops to the class. Students that will
not be using computers will go to the art bin to collect their own
supplies. Students will use the remainder of the period to work on their
food people project, both the creation of the food person and the
written description. Teacher will circulate to check on student progress.
While circulating, teacher will talk to the native and heritage speakers
and challenge them to write more sentences and more complex
sentences, pointing out that to receive mastery on the rubric, it is
necessary to go beyond the requirements.
4. Wrap up/Clean up (5 minutes)
Teacher will explain to students how to submit work if finished, or how
to submit from home if they need the evening to finish. Students will
log off computers and put them away before leaving for their next


Students must finish anything left incomplete on their food person and

its description. They must be read for submission the next class.

Laptop connected to projector, laptops for students, art supplies

(markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, colored construction paper,
white printer paper, scissors), model of food person both electronic
version and physically constructed version, google slides template in
students emails

n strategies:

1. Students have the option of making their food person on the

computer or using physical materials.
2. Those students creating an electronic project are provided with
foods to manipulate into a person, but are also permitted to search
online for foods and images that they want to use.
3. Native speakers are challenged to write more complex sentences
which will be rewarded based on the rubric standards for the project.




1. Students may take

advantage of having a large
allotment of class time on the
computers to look at sports
pages and other sites, which
has been an issue in the past.

1. Teacher will preemptively warn

students that if they are caught doing
something other than the project that
they will lose the privilege of creating
their project on the computer and will
be forced to make it with the art
supplies instead.

2. Students may write their

compositions in English and
translate them using a
translation site such as
3. Students may not complete
project for homework as they
ought to.

2. Teacher will also warn students of

the consequences of plagiarism, as
outlined in the school code of conduct.
Students caught translating will be
asked to hand write the description at
lunch under supervision of the
3. Teacher will point out rubric when
presenting project (it is located in the
google slides document that every
student has). It will be emphasized
that it must be completed and
submitted the next day since it is
worth a lot of points in their overall
course grade.

Food Unit Lesson 5


8th grade Spanish I


Urban Middle School


How do our opinions about food reflect our culture? How does food
create connections between different cultures?


Students are acquiring knowledge about foods from both their own
cultures and various Hispanic cultures in order to compare and
contrast the foods in each and how they are reflections of the various


How do we identify significant elements in a description of a person?

How do we provide constructive responses, comments, and questions
about what a persons opinions?


51 minutes


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
SWBAT interpret a description of a person in order to
Objective(s comment and ask questions



Date: December 7,

Vocabulary: food vocabulary

Structures: gustar conjugated and paired with indirect
object pronouns, ser de + lugar, llamarse, tener +
# + aos

Evidence of

SWBAT use knowledge gained from previous units,

particularly the personal description unit, in conjunction
with the new material from the food unit.

1. Students final projects will show their vocabulary and grammar in

written compositions and labels.
2. Students commentary on and follow-up questions about their peers
projects will allow students to demonstrate in writing their reactions
and opinions about the projects.

3. Students completed worksheets will demonstrate their ability to

interpret and synthesize the information in their peers projects.

Do Now (10 Minutes)

Students will set up laptops or lay out their art on their desks. Teacher
will pass out worksheets to be completed during the gallery walk. Each
student will also get a sheet to leave next to their project for their
peers to leave feedback. Before beginning the gallery walk, teacher
will explain the requirements of the gallery walk and what is necessary
on each of the handouts. Teacher will emphasize that feedback can be
questions or comments and should be in Spanish. It will also be
pointed out that the gustar structure can be used to help in
formatting responses.
Gallery Walk (30 minutes)
Students will walk around the room and admire their classmates
projects. Students must comment on at least four projects and answer
the questions on the worksheet based on these four projects.
Clean Up/Peseta Raffle (10 minutes)
Students will return to their own projects, make sure it is submitted
properly online and/or hand in any physical components. Students will
also hand in their completed worksheets. Once everything is cleaned
up, students will return to their seats and submit their pesetas for the
weekly raffle in which three winners are chosen.


Students must complete 30 minutes of Duolingo, record the activities

in their logs, and get a parent signature.


laptops; note taking handout, blank paper for peer feedback and
commentary, prizes for peseta raffle

n strategies:

1. Blank paper for feedback on peers projects allows for open-ended

thoughts and reflection on the projects while the gallery walk
worksheet provides structure and prompts to which students can
2. Gallery walk allows students to physically move around the room
and interact with projects. This helps the students that prefer or need
to be active in order to concentrate.





Students may not take peer

feedback or the worksheet

Both feedback and the worksheet will

be given a completion grade that will
be added into the project grade.

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