Observation 1

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JJ Allen

Diff 598: Observation 2

Topic: Theme park PowerPoint presentations, project reflection
Unit essential questions:
What makes up a theme park?
Who would you find at a theme park?
How is design relevant to creating a functional theme park?
What is colorful language and how can I use it?
Lesson question(s):
Am I presenting appropriately?
What did I learn from this project?
Would I do anything differently next time?
NYS or other appropriate standard(s) addressed:
Common Core ELA Standards
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner,
using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes;
speak clearly at an understandable pace.
Lesson objective:
1. Students will present their topic with a clear and appropriate tone while keeping the
audience engaged.
2. Students will reflect on their completed project and self-assess what they would do
differently if given the opportunity.
Assessment: Students will show understanding of their theme park project by presenting and
answering questions about their park.
Opening: The teacher will start by reviewing the rubric with students as a whole group.
1. The teacher will review the rules of being a good audience member. The teacher will then
ask which of the 3 remaining groups would like to present first. The teacher will be filling
out a rubric based on student presentations.
2. When students are done presenting, they will be asked to fill out a self-assessment (using
the same rubric the teacher is using).
3. Only 3 groups will be presenting today.

4. After the 3 presentations, students will be given time to fill out the end of the unit
questions and their self-assessments if necessary.
5. The teacher will go over students feedback to the end of the unit questions and hand out
copies of their presentation rubrics.
Tiered by: No tiering-enrichment program
Closure: Before having the students pack up to leave, the teacher will collect all materials and
give each student their end of the year present.
1. PowerPoint Presentations
2. Paper
3. Pencil
4. End of the unit questions
End of the Unit Questions
1. What was your favorite part of the unit? Why?
2. What do you wish we would have done during this unit if we had more time?
3. What would you do differently if given the opportunity to do this project all over again?

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