Lesson Four

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HPE2203 Jan 2016




Chloe Vince 20150996

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: Year 6/7

Students Prior Knowledge:

This lesson will be the fourth content lesson of the touch
rugby program. Students will have previously practiced
and developed understanding of all major touch rugby
skills and practiced these skills in game like scenarios.
Students will also have developed a sense of game play
and experienced playing the positions on the touch rugby
field. This lesson will focus on revising developed skills
and progression of offensive strategies and plays to
consolidate students offensive play skills.
Focus Area:
Game and Sports (GS)

Time: 2:00-3:00pm
Date: 19/05/2016
Learning Area:
Health & Physical Education
Movement and Physical Activity (MPA)
Moving Our Body (MOB)
Movement skills and sequences within different physical
activity contexts and settings (ACPMP080)

Rhythmic and Expressive Movement Activities (RE)

Challenge and Adventure Activities (CA)
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
Lifelong Physical Activities (LLPA)

Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and

defend space (ACPMP080)

Relationships and Sexuality (RS)

Defensive skills used to gain control and retain

possession (ACPMP080)
Learning Through Movement (LM)
Participate positively in groups and teams by
encouraging others and negotiating roles and
responsibilities (ACPMP067)
Communication skills that support and enhance team
cohesion, such as body language and listening skills
Ethical behaviour and fair play when participating in
physical activities (ACPMP088)
Content Descriptor:
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
At the completion of the lesson students will be able to;
Ensure availability of field prior to lesson
Demonstrate efficient touch rugby skills in game
Set up playing area of lesson
scenarios and under defensive pressure
Make sure equipment is available to use during the
Developed better understanding of touch rugby
game play
Be sure of lesson format and intentions
Participate in offensive and defensive play
Gain understanding of game play, rules, and
Equipment List
positions on the field
20 Markers
5 Rugby Balls
Confidently perform offensive strategies and
tactics under defensive pressure
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)


ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


HPE2203 Jan 2016

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Demonstrate efficient touch rugby skills in game scenarios and under defensive pressure
Developed better understanding of touch rugby game play
Participate in offensive and defensive play
Gain understanding of game play, rules, and positions on the field
Confidently perform offensive strategies and tactics under defensive pressure

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:



Motivation and Introduction:

Students with be called in and gathered in front of the teacher for initial introduction to the lesson
The objectives and content of the lesson will be discussed
Revise objectives and content of previous lesson (offensive plays and strategies)
Outline behavioural and safety expectations when handling equipment
Explain the intentions of todays lesson and warm up activity
Using students, organise a playing area of 20x20m marked by 4 markers
Divide students evenly into two teams, bibs and non-bibs, and distribute bibs to team
An explanation and demonstration of the warm up game will then follow
Student Organisation

Lesson Content

(Individual task structure, differentiation)

(Content & KTP)

Warm Up- Tag

The objective of this warm up game is
for students to revise passing and
catching skills. Remind students that
they may only pass backwards. This
drill encourages students to work as a
team and cooperate to get other team
players out.


Move from one playing area, whole
class activity, to two playing areas of
smaller dimension to encourage
maximum participation.
Allocate a responsible student to
monitor this game.

1. Divide class into two

even teams, bibs and
2. One team is in
possession of the ball
and must throw the
ball between team
mates attempting to
tag the opposing
3. Team with possession
of the ball may not
move once they catch
the ball and must
remain stationary
4. Once tagged by the
ball that student must
run a lap around the
perimeter of the
playing area and rejoin the game
5. On the teachers
signal possession of
the ball is given to the
other team
1. Divide 2 teams into 4
teams and move two
teams into another
playing area
2. Teacher should
monitor one game

Class Organisation
(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for
class, transitions)

One playing area is set up, 20x20,

marked by 4 markers for the entire
class activity.
Students then move into smaller
playing areas, 10x10, and play
individual games.
Teacher should oversee the whole
class activity and then allocate a
responsible student to oversee the
other game being played in the
8 Markers
2 Rugby Balls

HPE2203 Jan 2016

and allocate a
responsible student to
facilitate the other
3. Teams are rotated
through after one
round of competition
to play a different

Two hands create a W

with thumbs

Spread fingers

Eyes on the ball

Cup the ball


Eyes on the target

Step forward to the


Swing arms across the


Follow through towards




Bridging organization

Instruct students to move markers from current position into the new playing area, creating two playing areas
with 4 staggered markers at each end of each playing area

Students will be divided in two two groups by teacher numbering off

Students are to move behind one of the four markers at either end of their designated playing area and ensure
numbers are even at both ends

An explanation and demonstration of the warm up game will then follow

Skill Practice- Offensive Switch

Objective of this drill is for students to
learn offensive plays and strategies to
move the ball in attack and score.
Students will rotate through positions
and experience all the positions
involved in an offensive switch to
improve their overall touch rugby game
play and game understanding.


Students in their groups will compete
against one another in an attempt to
successfully complete a switch and
score a tri without dropping the ball

1. Students in groups of
4 and ball starts on
the left side
2. Players move
forward from starting
position and player 1
runs ahead of team
3. Player 1 passes
backwards to player
4. Player 2 passes
backwards to player
5. Player 3 runs in front
of player 2 and
player 2 runs behind
player 3 receiving the
ball (switch positions)
6. Player 2 passes the
ball backwards to
player 4
7. Player 4 sprints
forward and attempts
a try
1. Have groups
compete against one
another to see who
can perform a wrap
the quickest and
score a tri without
dropping the ball

Students move into two groups on

two separate playing areas in even
lines of 4.
Playing areas are to be marked with
4 staggered markers at one end
and 4 at the other end.
Students are to move forward off
the markers to complete the drill.
Teacher is to oversee the drill from
a centre position between the set
up of both groups, offering advice,
feedback and encouragement.
Equipment List
16 Markers
2 Rugby Balls

HPE2203 Jan 2016

Quick accelerated
Trick the defence

Eyes on the target

Step forward to the


Swing arms across the


Follow through towards




Bridging organization

Students and equipment remain in the same position

Addition of another marker and line formed on the end of the fourth marker and line

Students must ensure lines are even

Teacher is to demonstrate the drill and students to commence once understanding is clear

Skill Practice- Offensive Cut

Objective of this drill is for students to
learn offensive plays and strategies to
move the ball in attack and score.
Students will rotate through positions
and experience all the positions
involved in an offensive cut to improve
their overall touch rugby game play and
game understanding.


Students in their groups will compete
against one another in an attempt to
successfully complete a cut and score
a tri without dropping the ball first.


1. Students in teams of
5, ball starts at the
left side
2. Player 1 passes to
player 2
3. Player 2 skips or cuts
pass player 3 (player
3 does not receive a
4. Player 2 passes to
player 4
5. Player 4 passes to
player 5
6. Player 5 sprints
forward and attempts
a try

Aim at the target

Step towards target

Follow through towards


Two hands create a W

with thumbs

Spread fingers

Eyes on the ball

Cup the ball


Accelerated running

Trick defence

Students remain in current playing

position as previous activity.

Playing areas are to be marked with

4 staggered markers at one end
and 4 at the other end.
Students are to move forward off
the markers to complete the drill.
Teacher is to oversee the drill from
a centre position between the set
up of both groups, offering advice,
feedback and encouragement.
Equipment List
16 Markers
2 Rugby Balls

Bridging organization

Students are instructed to set out 5 playing areas opposite one another moving down the field
measuring 10x10

Marked by 4 markers, students are then numbered off by teacher and sent to one of the 5 playing
areas with possession of 1 ball per area

Teacher is to demonstrate the game and students to commence once understanding is clear
HPE2203 Jan 2016


Modified Game- 4v2


The objective of this drill is for students

to develop experience in a touch rugby
game scenario. Students will put into
practice offensive strategies previously
learnt against defence.
The objective is for attacking teams to
score as many tries possible.
Defensively the objective is to stop the
attacking team from scoring a tri, force
touches and turn the ball over.

1. Move students into

groups of 6 by
numbering off, within
the groups there
should be 4 offensive
players and 2
defensive players
2. Remaining 2
students rotate into
3. Offensive players
move the ball down
the field and force
the touch from the
defensive team
4. Offensive side drop
the ball and step
over the ball
5. Defensive team must
realign 5m distance
6. Acting half scoops up
the ball and makes a
pass down the line of
offensive players
7. Continue forcing
touches and
practicing acting half
position throughout
8. Offensive team
should practice
offensive strategies
including wraps, cuts
and switches on low
number of defence
9. Rotate through
offensive and
defensive positions

Students will be evenly divided into

groups of 6; remaining 2 players will
join a group and rotate into play.
5 Groups will be organised into
space on the field marked 10x10.
Teacher will oversee game and
enforce rules and feedback to
students to improve their play and
experience in the like scenario.
20 Markers
5 Rugby Balls

Roll Ball

Immediately place ball

on the ground

Ball on ground between


Step over the ball

Acting Half

Scoop up the ball

Accelerate quickly

Pass before being


Accelerated running

Trick defence

Quick accelerated
Trick the defence

Accelerate fast

Trick the defence

HPE2203 Jan 2016


Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)


Organise students to bring all equipment into the designated area


Markers stacked, bibs put away, balls in the bag

Recap objectives of this lesson (passing KTPS, specific offensive plays, rules)
Demonstrate efficient touch rugby skills in game scenarios and under defensive pressure
Developed better understanding of touch rugby game play
Participate in offensive and defensive play
Gain understanding of game play, rules, and positions on the field
Confidently perform offensive strategies and tactics under defensive pressure
Did they have fun? What was the most fun?
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
Preparation for the fifth content lesson of touch rugby.
Students will be required to bring a hat, water bottle, and sports attire and be ready to play.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Debrief and recap of objectives, rules and acquired knowledge from todays lesson.
Observational assessment of involvement, participation and skill level.
Sportplan. (2016). Sportplan. Retrieved from http://www.sportplan.net/
Piggot, B. (2016). Tutorial notes. [Verbal Communication]
Playing for Life. (2016). Resources. Retrieved from www.playingforlife.com

HPE2203 Jan 2016

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