Lesson Plan Adjectives
Lesson Plan Adjectives
Lesson Plan Adjectives
Date: 22-3-2016
Primary EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2
Grade Level: three(3E).
Subject: Language Art.
Strand: Medium level.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Identify adjectives in sentences .
Use the adjectives to write sentences.
Board and data show.
Time: 10 min
Time: min
Each student will have a sentence card and he/she will read it and try to complete the sentences by writing
Because these students are low, they will have a picture of the noun to scaffold them. For example, if the
sentence is I have flower , I will put picture of the flower . In addition, students will have word bank.
Once students have finishing their cards, they will have another sentences.
I will model this activity for them by reading the definition and write the word.
While students doing the activity, I will correct their mistakes if they have and assess their learning.
Reasons for choosing this activity:
Motivate them to learn because it has pictures.
Help them to identify the adjectives.
Why I choose this for low level?
Low level students faced problem in knowing the adjectives . So, this activity will support them because
they will have one sentences in each card. In addition, this activity has pictures for each noun which will
help them to identify the noun.
It will be paired activity, one student will choose one picture, describe it using adjectives and tell it to
her partner. For example, if he/she chooses car , he/she will say" I have a red car" .
After telling the sentence, they will write it down.
Her/his partner will chose another picture, describe it and write a sentence.
If they get horizontal, vertical and diagonal line , they will win.
Time: 5 min
Extension activities:
1. Write sentences using the noun and draw pictures that describe the sentences.
Each student will write sentences by using the noun that is given to them for example, my friend, do
and cupcake.
In addition, students will perform their work front their classmates.
Make a short review by asking students oral questions and complete the sentences by choosing the
While students doing the activity I will walk around to observe their working .In addition, I will ask them Oral
Moreover, I will provide appropriate feedbacks for them and improve their learning.
In addition, I will use the checklist.
Choose a leader for each group, this help me to save the time and give the groups the resources quickly.
Moreover, students love that and they cooperate with each other.
The activities were perfect, and it keeps students busy and enjoyed. Moreover, when students finish their
activity and checking their work, I give them extension activities, which made them motivate to learn.
Model the activities for students and use clear instruction to explain the activities.