Rugby 2

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HPE2203 Jan 2016



Year Level: 9

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Time: 2:00-3:00pm

Date: 09/05/16

Learning Area: Health & Physical Education

Movement and Physical Activity

Students Prior Knowledge:

Third lesson of rugby, they have prior knowledge
of catching and receiving, and attack and defence
plays and strategies.
Invasion games skills from primary school
involving escape and invasion.
Focus Area:

Games and Sport (GS)

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

Lifelong Physical Activities (LLPA)

Moving our Body

Content Descriptor:
Transfer understanding from previous movement
experiences to create solutions to movement challenges
Devise, implement and refine strategies demonstrating
leadership and collaboration skills when working in
groups or teams (ACPMP105)

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Make sure the balls are pumped up.
Equipment List:
32 Cones
8 Balls
16 Bibs

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)



ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Apply knowledge skill related fitness used in Rugby, and use this knowledge to outwit opponents.
Apply decision making to game situations
Evade defence and score points as a team.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement::

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

HPE2203 Jan 2016


Motivation and Introduction:

1. Welcome the students to the third week of rugby.
2. Ask the students to think about which components of their fitness are being tested the most while
playing rugby, think throughout the lesson.
3. Introduce the lesson objectives.
4. Split the class into two and nominate 4 students to make two squares 20m by 20m
Student Organisation

Lesson Content

Class Organisation Resources/Equipment

(Individual task structure, differentiation)

(Content & KTP)

(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class, transitions)

Warm Up Rugby Tag

Set up 2 grids with 16
players n a grid.
Two players start with a ball
and use it to try and touch
(tag) the others. If
successfully touched that
player joins the first two.
Continue until all players
have been tagged.



Moving into space

Drawing out the


8 Cones
4 Balls

Players in the tackling

(touching / tagging) team
can only move if they have
not got the ball. The ball
itself must be held (and not
thrown) by the player when
he tags someone.
Bridging organization

1. Whistle is blown to finish the warm up.

2. Instruct the teams to leave each grid, as they will be used in the following activity.
3. Instruct the student to meet in the centre in front of the equipment to debrief before the next activity.
4. Go though KTPs / Strategies for Attacking for the next drill:
Look at the defender.
Run towards the defender
Throw a dummy pass to trick the defender
Exploit the space made my retreating the defender.
Note* This can be explained through a demonstration using students whom understand this concept/ have
played before as a visual aid for the rest of the class.


4 players run passing

laterally past the 2 sets of
defender in the middle who
can only move vertically.

The aim of drill is to pass

accurately under defensive
pressure and to trick the
defender to open a

32 Cones
Do they exploit the
space that is made
from the retreating

6 Balls


Look at defender,
run at defender,
throw a dummy.
Are they
HPE2203 Jan 2016

Wait for each team to run
through before running the
drill going the opposite the


Rotate the defenders at

each change of end.

Point and follow

through (wizard

High elbow.


Easier: More players (5-6),

wider field and one less

Catch with fingers


Harder: Less players (3),

closer field, add defender.

Catch early.

(Lindsay & Peggie,

Bridging organization

1. Blow whistle to finish drill.


Instruct the students to collect all equipment and bring it off the field to the meeting point.


Ask the students what is a strategy for retreating from a defender?


Introduce 2 vs. 1

Instruct the plain students to pair up another plain student and the same for the bibs, Pair up a bib
pair with a non bib pair and instruct them to collect 4 cones and a ball and set up. Use this group to
demonstrate this drill to the class. Instruct the class to set up the same along the base line so they
dont run into each other.
2 vs. 1 Decision Making

Two players start outside of

the grid with two players
inside. One of the outside
players passed the ball to
one of the inside players
before both of the outside
player (defenders) run
through the red cones.
The two inside players
(attackers) have to try and
cross the line before the
defenders can tackle them,
if the attacker are to slow
they will create a 2 v 1

Keep inside the line

Dont chase back

after your beaten

32 Cones
8 Balls
16 Bibs

Communicate with
your partner


Attack the spaces

Communicate with
your partner

Draw the defenders

to create space.

Bridging Organization

1. Blow the whistle to end the drill.

2. Instruct the bib player to collect 2 cones and the non-bib player to collect the ball and bring it to the
centre of the fields.
3. Discuss the elements of skills needed for invasion games practiced in the lesson. (Passing, attack
and defence)
4. What do these look like in Rugby? (A modified Game)
HPE2203 Jan 2016

5. Split the class into the original Groups from Warm-up, instruct one team of players to form two
rectangle pitches 20m wide by 50m long with a centre cone on each sideline. Nominate a captains
for each team and starting umpire who will have the two game balls.
Drop Off Touch
2 Balls

Students will play touch will

the full set of rules in play.
However, when a player
makes a touch they must
run around an agility pole
that will be positioned
behind them before they rejoin the defensive line.

If one team is dominating.
Have them send two
defenders around the
agility pole when a touch is

Are students
working hard off
the ball?
Do the students
realign to
account for the
Are they

2 Whistle
16 Bibs
12 Cones


Do they exploit
the space that is
made from the
Are they
Do they recycle
the ball quickly?

Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

Teacher blows the whistle to end game and nominates equipment collection and instructs to meet in the
Ask the students about the skill related fitness that can be used in Rugby and how this would benefit a
Ask the student what strategies, tactics and techniques worked best for their team to evade defenders?

Reinforce the importance of teamwork for example knowing what your team-mate is doing and be able
to support them.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
Next week there is a storm forecast so we will be in the classroom at this stage, I will inform your teacher of
any changes, have your pencil case and notebooks ready as we will be planning for our tournament.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
The students will be assessed through informal assessment during the lesson. The teacher will observe the
students attempting the various objectives. Students will be watched during the game as a visual
assessment to allow for groupings to be made based on ability for subsequent lessons

HPE2203 Jan 2016

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