Et 247 Matrix 1
Et 247 Matrix 1
Et 247 Matrix 1
The goal is to promote technology integration that is seamless and that adds significant value to students learning of core
curriculum (language arts, math, social studies, and science content). You will investigate theoretical and practical issues
surrounding the use of multimedia, applications, Internet resources, educational software, and hardware within K-12 classrooms.
The Technology Integration Matrix is to assist preservice educators in making connections between theories, resources, content,
and pedagogy.
Learning Objective
Students will analyze projects completed in class on the Technology Integration Matrix to demonstrate the relationships between
theories, content, technology, and pedagogy.
Course Objectives
2. Integrate technology into curriculum and pedagogy for ALL students.
4. Describe appropriate uses of technologies (Internet, multimedia, communication tools, etc.) in learning environments.
Skills Development
5. Apply information literacy skills (including searching and evaluation strategies) while using electronic resources.
6. Locate, analyze, and contribute to information from Web 2.0 sources.
Teaching with Technology
12.Research, teach, and publish ways to use innovative technology in education.
1. Read all information (introduction, objectives, explanations, the matrix)
2. Compare the concept, project, or method to the matrix.
3. Fill in how and why the concept, project, or method applies to the theory and standard and provide suggestions for use.
4. Write a five sentence reflection describing more detail or providing clarification for the information you filled in on the
5. Load the matrix to the appropriate dropbox in BlackBoard and post it to the matrix page on your ePortfolio.
Explanation of Standards
Colorado Academic Standards were created by the Colorado Department of Education to increase student performance in K-12
education and success post high school. The standards create accountability and are a topical organization of material in multiple
content areas. Every grade level has several standards for each content area designed to provide clarity and direction.
The standard elements include:
You may agree or disagree with theories presented, but knowing and understanding if they have any value to add to your
pedagogy, and if they are in alignment with your teaching and technology integration philosophies, is vital to your preparation for
becoming an educator. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts and theories presented, please take the time to follow the links for
further information.
Explanation of Differentiation
Technology can be the great equalizer. In a classroom of 30 students, how will you meet the diverse needs of students?
Technology is one method to assist you in making this process a bit easier. Differentiation is modifying instruction to help
students with diverse academic needs and learning styles to master the same academic content using engaging techniques and
methods. As you complete projects for this class, you need to think of how they can be adjusted for gifted and talented students,
students with physical disabilities, and students with learning disabilities.
Madison Wiersema
Technology Integration Matrix
Colorado Academic
for Students
1. Number Sense,
Properties, and
2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic
Create a website
that students can
go on and learn
the order of
operations and
properties in a
certain aspect of
math. Using
PEMDAS as the
primary goal of
what to learn on
the website.
3. Model digital
age work and
b. Collaborate
with students,
peers, parents,
and community
members using
digital tools and
resources to
support student
success and
Student Use
3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Create a website
that is a poll or a
survey to deal
ty that the kids
would be
interested in and
then lead the
website to
calculate results
that can then be
analyzed by the
students. An
example of this
could be learning
styles. Make the
website so that
the kids have to
collect the data
and statistics.
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
c. Customize and
learning activities
to address
students diverse
learning styles,
strategies, and
abilities using
digital tools and
Analyze This
example is perfect for
the analyze category
of blooms taxonomy.
It is the direct
analyzation of data
that the students are
looking at on a
personal level which
automatically makes
them interested.
Have students
research different
websites that deal
with geometry and
shape and
dimension and then
have them
creatively make an
eportfolio or a
poster explaining
what they found on
a plethora of
different topics.
3. Research and
Evaluate This
example is good for
evaluation because
having the students
look things up online
is having them
evaluate what
information they want
to put in their
presentation format.
Information Fluency.
c. Evaluate and
select information
sources and digital
tools based on the
appropriateness to
specific tasks.
Create an
assignment for
students to make
a website for the
community. On
the website they
can videotape
talking about
important things
that affects
therefore getting
their oral
expression and
listening skills.
The listening skills
would come from
them listening to
each other talk
into the video
camera and the
oral expression
comes from them
5. Engage in
growth and
d. Contribute to
the effectiveness,
vitality, and selfrenewal of the
profession and of
their school and
Evaluate and
Remember This is a
good example of both
of these because the
students have to
evaluate what they
think is important
within the community
and then they have to
remember things to
say when they are
videotaping and
making their oral
Understand and
Create This is a good
example of these
because the students
have to understand
what theyre reading
and why theyre
reading it and why
they like it. They then
have to create a
documentation of all
6. Technology
operations and
d. Transfer current
knowledge to
learning of new
3. Writing and
Create a website
that allows
students to post
journal entries
(either free write
or on topics its
the teachers
choice) and grade
on spelling and
grammar and
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and
4. Research and
of the above,
therefore intertwining
Have students
create some sort of
eportfolio that
records various
websites dealing
with a topic. This
can give you
guidance as a
teacher to see how
well students can
guide with
technology and the
6. Technology
operations and
a. Understand and
use technology
Apply This is an
example of application
because the students
are being pushed to
use prior knowledge
to do research and
decipher what types
of websites and
documents they want
to use based off of
navigation of
Social Studies
1. History
Create a website
dedicated all to
one piece of
history that has
Understand and
Remember This
2. Geography
because a teacher
wouldnt be able to
create this sort of a
website if there wasnt
a good grasp on
understanding how a
website or technology
works. It exemplifies
remembering because
if you dont remember
how to make
something or have
your content
knowledge on lock
then you wont get
anywhere on the
website you are trying
to create.
b. Engage
students in
exploring realworld issues and
solving authentic
problems using
digital tools and
3. Economics
4. Civics
Evaluate The
students are
evaluating different
parts of the economy
and beginning to see
how the different
parts of the economy
all work together to
make it run smoothly.
Apply This is an
application because
the students are all
doing their own
research and learning
things and then
applying what theyve
learned to creating an
eportfolio all together.
1. Physical Science
Create a website
filled with
experiments that
the students can
try that are
classroom friendly.
List each step by
step with all of the
equipment and
tools needed for
the experiment.
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
a. Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and
resources to
promote student
learning and
2. Life Science
3. Earth Systems
Understand This
whole assignment is
the teacher testing
the students on their
knowledge and
understanding of the
differences between
Learning Disabilities EEOs
Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented
Create a website
that has large font
for whatever the
content is thats
being covered so
that the students
can still follow
along with proper
regarding their
1. Comprehending
and fluently
reading a variety
of literary texts
are the beginning
traits of readers.
a. iii. Identify who
is telling the story
at various points
in a text.
website to
communicate with
each other and help
each other if anyone
needs clarification
or has an idea.
2. Communication
and collaboration.
a. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with peers,
experts, or others
employing a variety
of digital
environments and
of education to the
Reflection: This matrix has made me realize that the ideas we see made through websites and eportfolios are correlated directly
to the standards revolving around technology. I didnt realize how many different ways there are to integrate technology into so
many different subject areas. This was super eye opening for me to do because I began to see how easy its going to be to
integrate technology into my classroom. I have been so worried about this since the beginning of this process. My eyes are
opened and I now see that I dont have much to be afraid of. I just need to familiarize myself with all areas and I should be fine. I
am excited to see what else there is to look forward to as far as technology integration goes in my teaching career.