Field Trip
Field Trip
Field Trip
Our class is taking a field trip to The National Maritime Museum of the Gulf Coast on Friday,
May 20th, so we can explore how boats float although they weigh thousands of pounds while
small rocks sink. We will be taking the bus and we plan to leave at 6:30, and will be returning to
school by 8:30 that night. Please try to have your student at school by 6:20 so we can take role.
Please pack a brown bag lunch for your child so that they can eat their lunch at the museum.
Additionally, because our field trip will be warm please be sure that your child wears their
orange, TCES shirt so it is easy to spot them. Since this will be a long day, feel free to send
your child with appropriate books, electronics, or snacks for the bus rides there and back.
Please sign the permission slip below, and send $37 to cover the cost of the trip. This money
pays for the bus, entrance to the museum for your student, and dinner on the way back. Please
return the permission slip below and the money by May 4th at the very latest. The museum also
has a gift store filled with nautical souvenirs if you would like to send extra spending money for
your child.
Your child has been invited due to their legacy of excellent behavior. However, should their
behavior change, the field trip may have to be revoked with no guarantee of a refund. Please
keep this in mind as you decide whether your child will attend.
If you are interested in chaperoning please check the box on the permission form. We need 4
parents to join us and I know our students would love for you to come! If you have any other
questions, feel free to call me at 469-734-0488 or email me at [email protected]
Ms. Freeman
Permission Slip
I ____________________ give my child _______________________ permission to attend the
field trip to The National Maritime Museum of the Gulf Coast on Friday, May 20th. I understand
that they will be taking the bus to the field trip, and will be under the supervision of school staff
and chaperones.
Parent/Guardian Name
Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Signature
Rules to Review
1. Listen to all adults on the trip including teachers, parents, and
staff at the museum.
2. Stay with your group at all times.
3. No running.
4. Use inside voices.
5. Do not touch artifacts in the museum,
6. Respect the museum and the other people that are visiting.
7. Have fun!
Safety Plan
Medical: The teacher will review the medical information for each
student before attending the field trip. The teacher and each
chaperone will have a first aid kit in their back pack. Any student
medication that may be needed during the trip will be picked up from
the nurse the day before and placed into a clear bag with a label and
instructions. The medicine for each student will be kept in the
appropriate chaperones backpack and instructions will be given to the
chaperone for administration. In case of an emergency, the teacher
will call 911.
Emergency: In case of an emergency, the teacher, students, and
chaperones will meet at the designated spot in the front by the gift
shop. The teacher will administer more instructions at that time. If the
chaperones and parents are unable to meet, the teacher will
communicate via email or phone call for instructions.
Lost student procedure: Students will not wear name tags to prevent
child theft. Each child will have a wrist band with my phone number,
TCES phone number, and a meeting location should they end up lost.
Should a child end up separated from the group, they will be instructed to
find the nearest staff worker, tell them they are lost and show their band.
If a chaperone loses a student, they are to alert the teacher and meet
back at the front for their lost member.
Management Plan
Wear: Students will wear their orange TCES shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes.
Students will be given a wrist band upon arrival that has my phone number,
TCES phone number, and a meeting location should they end up lost.
Groups: Students will be divided into groups of 4-5 with one chaperone
per group. Each chaperone will have a backpack that contains a first aid
kit, field trip information, class roster, and group information. The teacher
will take a group herself with the children that may be behavior concerns.
Bus: Students will sit with one other student on the bus while some may sit
alone. Students will be allowed to use electronics or read while on the bus
but will be encouraged by chaperones and parents to read. Students will
not be allowed to get up and move around the bus while it is in motion.
Students will be allowed to talk in a quiet voice but will not be allowed to
sing collectively. If it becomes too loud, a no talking policy will be instituted.
Upon arriving in Montgomery both going and returning, a bathroom break
will be made. Students will be escorted to the bathroom with their
chaperone. Chaperones will not be allowed to use the restroom until all
students are back on the bus. At this time, 2 chaperones will remain on the
bus while the others use the restroom and then they will switch.
Behavior: The teacher will continue the behavior management plan used
in the classroom. Students will be responsible for themselves and will need
to keep track of their own things. Students will have an opportunity to earn
class money on the trip for exceptional behavior. The students will be told
that each chaperone will choose 1 student from their group to win a grand
prize of $250 in class money based on excellent behavior. Should a major
behavior issue arise, students will be placed in to the group with the
teacher (if not already) where they will be restricted from participating in
any of the especially fun aspects of the trip. Upon returning to school, the
parent will be informed. Should the behavior be bad enough,
administration and parents will be contacted immediately and the student
will be dealt with accordingly.
Lunch Plan
Prior to the field trip: Students will be asked to pack a lunch in a brown
paper sack. Upon arrival, the teacher will write their name of the bag
and labeled box to adhere to the procedures of the field trip location.
For students who do not bring their own lunch or forget, the teacher
will use the leftover funds from the students payments to buy those
students lunch at the museum caf. Chaperones can bring their own
lunch or can buy it from the caf in the museum.
At the field trip: Lunches will be removed from the bus by museum
staff and taken to the caf where they will be ready for our class.
We will eat lunch around 11:30 in the museums caf or outside after
exploring part of the museum.
Snacks: Students will be allowed to bring snacks to eat on the bus
going or returning but there will not be a designated snack break on
the trip nor any snacks provided.
Leave school
Review Rules
On the bus
Gulf Quest
Gulf Quest
Lunch break
Caf of museum
Gulf Quest
Gulf Quest
Gulf Quest
Arrive back!
The teacher will be in communication with chaperones, bus drivers,
and administrators in person, email, and via cell phone. Upon arrival,
the teacher will hold a short meeting with chaperones to explain what
the day will look like and provide information. The teacher will pass
out backpacks, group wrist bands, and rosters at this time. Each
chaperone will have a contact list in their bag with the teachers, bus
driver, school, and principals information on it as well as room to write
in their own contact information for other chaperones. The teacher
will show the chaperones the meeting spot at the front of the museum
and will explain that they should call her first should anything go
wrong during the day. The teacher will also give the bus driver a
contact sheet when he arrives to ensure there is never a lapse in
Gulf Quest Field Trip Contact Sheet
Ms. Freeman
Bus Driver
Blue group
Red group
Green group
Yellow group
Assessment of Learning
Students will complete a 3-2-1 assessment before and after the trip.
On each card, they will list 3 things they learned about density, 2
things they found interesting, and 1 question they still have. This will
be completed on a note card both times with the directions on the
board. The teacher will compare the cards from before and after
with the class as a group to see how much they learned. Students
will be reminded of the card the morning of the trip to keep in mind
things to remember. The post-assessment will be completed the
following Monday morning at school due to the late return and
weekend. After completing the cards after the trip, the class will
have a meeting where they will share their favorite parts of the trip
using Rose, Bud, and Thorn. Through this, they will also be able to
share a part that didnt go well and a part they wish had gone
better. The teacher here will try to get an idea of whether or not to
repeat the trip and what changes to make.
Follow Up
Students will all receive a thank you note form. Each student that
attended the trip will write a note. They will include their favorite part
of the trip, something they learned, and why they think it was a great
place to go. Students will then be given a picture of them at the
museum or of the whole class at the museum as a memento of their
trip. Additionally, the teacher will purchase several small items from
the gift shop to be sold in the auction for that month.