Title of Lesson Grade Level Lesson Sources/ References: Ccss - Math.Content.2.G.A.1

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Title of Lesson

The Greedy Triangle

Grade level


Lesson Sources/

The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns



SWBAT identify everyday uses of triangles,

quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
SWBAT create triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons,
and hexagons using geoboards.

Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such

as a given number of angles or a given number of equal
faces.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and

Look for and make use of

NCTM content standard: Geometry
NCTM process standard: ConnectionsConnections will be incorporated into this activity
by asking questions as to how the shapes are
similar or what changes happen when there is a
new side added? The students will be able to make
connections between the shapes and draw on their
similarities and differences.

This activity teaches students how to identify shapes

based on their number of sides and angles. It also
teaches how shapes compare and contrast to one
another. This activity utilizes a childrens book to
bring geometry to life. Some big ideas/vocabulary
include: sides, angles, square, triangle, quadrilateral,
hexagon, and pentagon.


If geoboard are not an option or a student cannot

handle using rubber bands, creating the shapes can
be done with pencil and paper, white boards and
markers, or using any other line objects (such a
popsicle sticks).
Displaying the book on a projector so students that

are visual learners can read the text themselves.

Struggling students can be provided reference
materials such as a chart of shape names/# of sides.
To challenge students, have them make the shape on
the geoboard, complete the worksheet, and use
pattern blocks to construct the shape as well. Have
them explain if the shape can take multiple forms (ex.
acute triangle, obtuse triangle)

The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns

Geoboards and rubber bands
Shape shifters


Ask the probing question: Which shape has 5 sides?

What is an example of this shape in this classroom,
which classroom objects are this shape? Take note of
how students respond and guide background


Instructional Strategies: Direct instruction based on

modeling will be used to introduce the book, the
shape shifter, and how to properly use the geoboard
then students will independently use manipulatives to
explore the connections between shapes.
Mathematical Content Background- the content goal
of this lesson is for students to visualize the shapes
and develop geometric thinking. Visualization
included the recognition of shapes in the
environment, developing relationships between twoand three-dimensional objects, and the ability to draw
and recognize objects from different viewpoints.
(Page 403 in Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally). This conceptual knowledge is
involved in this activity by students constructing their
own visible shapes and applying it to real-world
1. Explain that you will be reading The Greedy
Triangle together today.
2. Explain that each time the main character, the
greedy triangle, switches shapes, the student
will construct that new shape using their rubber
band and geoboard. There is a worksheet to go

along side.
3. Emphasize that the rubber bands are tools for
learning and not toys. If you fling the rubber
bands you will have to complete an alternative
4. Model for the class using the first shape the
triangle gets turned in to:
Use your shapeshifter (which is
really just a special pencil used as if
youd use a magic wand) to shift
the shape
Move the triangle to a square
Point out what characteristics
changed about the shape
Record how many sides and angles
the shape now has

5. As the teacher reads the rest of the story,

pause whenever the shape gets shifted by the
shapeshifter. Have students work independently
and documents the answers to these questions
on their worksheet for each new shape:
What is the name of this new shape?
How did the new shape change from
the previous shape?
How many sides and angles does
this new shape have?
How does this new shape compare
to the original triangle?
6. Be walking around to check and make sure
students are making the correct shapes.
7. After the book is complete lead a discussion on
where all these shapes can be found in the realworld
Formative Assessment

Walk around the room and observe how the students

are doing. Are they able to construct the shape will

little or no assistance?
Did students participate in the class discussion of
where these shapes can be found in real life?
Summative Assessment

The worksheet on how many sides and angles each

shape has. Check for understanding of shapes


Have class work in pairs. One partner gives how many

sides and angles and the other student must try and
construct that shape using the geoboard.
Discuss the literacy elements of The Greedy
Triangle such as characters motives, the theme,
main characters, plot etc.

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