May 2016 Grace Notes

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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Grace Notes

Volume 46, Issue 5

May 2016
(pp. 5-7)
(pp. 8-9)
(p. 7)

(May 21)
Last PNO
(May 21)
Last WNS
(May 25)
For more dates to
remember, see the

Exciting Updates: Part Two!

n March of 2015 the article meeting on Sunday, May 1, the

on the front page of Grace congregation voted to approve

Notes read, Exciting Updates! the call of Christopher to the

At the time, the exciting update AP position. The congregation
was the fact that our session

also approved his terms of call,

had discerned God calling us to elected four persons to sign the

seek an Associate Pastor (AP)

terms of call, and then dissolved

who would focus on strength-

(with much thanks and appreci-

ening and growing our Christian ation for their hard work!). The
Education program, providing

APNC consisted of Itunu Ad-

fulfill our mission to train grateful

leadership in connecting with

ekoya, Cheryl Jacobs, Sallie

disciples of Christ, by doing justice,

new families (particularly those

Leys, Dana McKnight, and Jes- loving mercy, and walking humbly

in the CDC), and doing other

sica Reveley.

pastoral duties, including guid-

with our God. Join me in giving

It is an exciting season in the thanks to God for this moment;

ing the deacons, assisting in

life of Grace Covenant! Having as well, please be in prayer for

worship, and doing visitation.

just celebrated our centennial

Well, a little over a year later, anniversary, we now step forwe are grateful that the Associ-

ward into the next 100 years

ate Pastor Nominating Commit- bolstered by the gifts, energy,

Christopher, Leah, and Amara

as they are in the middle of
finding a house and settling into
this exciting new phase of life.

tee discerned that God is calling and leadership of ChristoChristopher Tweel to the posi-

pher! We look forward to the

tion. At the congregational

ways he will help us continue to

Highlights of the past month

Monument 10k on April

9th. pictured: Paul Zeh and
his manager, Don Holland

GCPC Mens Softball team

got back in action in April;
for more info., see p. 3

There were some incredible WNS programs!; for

more info., see p. 7

Vacation Bible School Registration got underway!

For details, see p. 7

Church News/Announcements
Openers & Closers

Fellowship Schedule

May 1: Brian Baird

May 8: Kent Cardwell
May 15: Cal Gray
May 22: Pete Sizemore
May 29: Jake Savage

May 1: Joy and John Nevin

May 8: Marcia and Tony Manning
May 15: Rob and Lewis Rosebro
May 22: James and Cheryl Atchison
May 29: Pete and Suzanne Sizemore

Glass Office Greeters Needed
Birthday Wishes to: Although the Spring sessions of WNS are wrapping up,
May 1:
May 2:
May 3:
May 4:
May 5:
May 7:

May 8:
May 9:
May 11:
May 12:
May 14:
May 15:
May 16:
May 17:
May 20:
May 21:
May 22:
May 25:
May 26:
May 27:
May 30:

Dave Malan
Pete Sizemore
Lisa Cardwell
C.T. Anderson
Allison Hazlegrove
Diane Davis
Johnny Valentine
Grace Battle
Whitney Alexander
Sarah Oatts
Will Janney
Nancy States
Brent Corby
Joseph Klos
Collin Gibson
Margaret Harvie
John Harris
Eleanor McClanahan
Wil Dickerson
Mary Reid McCullough
Paul Zeh
Curt Kennedy IV
Amara Tweel
RoseMarie Bundy
Jean Appich
Brian Baird
Jane Londrey
Leah Soukup
Erika Tabor
Ginny Hardman
Connor Waters
Katie McCullough
Tony Manning

we still need volunteers for May

Are you interested in finding
a way to lend a helping hand
and meet people at the same
time? We are looking for volunteers who are interested and
willing to sign up to open the

door for people on Wednesday

nights. Its a great way to express a little hospitality and to
have fun while helping others.
If you are available, please see
Phil Coltrain. Thanks!

Stewardship Corner

ontributions in March of
$36,000 were down only
slightly from Februarys
total, and were down about
16% from March of 2015,
which had five Sundays. For
this first quarter of this year
contributions are up about 12%
from the same period last year,
due partially to payments on
prior year pledges.
Expenses of $60,900 in March
were up slightly from the prior
month and included $5,500 in

repairs to the roof in the archive

room and $3,700 in Mission
contributions, most of which
went to the Honduras water
project. For the first quarter of
the year expenses are down a bit
over 9% from the same period
last year due to lower personnel
costs. Expenses exceeded income in March by $12,500.
Marchs Five Cents per
Meal offering was $77, Mercy
Offering $66, and Loaves and
Fishes $235.

Night at the Diamond!

Everyone is invited to see the Flying Squirrels in action! May 14th,
6:00 pm. The tickets are $8.00 and people can reserve a seat by contacting Lisa Cardwell at or by contacting the church office at 359-2463.

John 6: 35
Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Last Parents Night Out of the Spring!

Dont miss it! May 21 is the last PNO of the Spring. Keep an eye out for more details and a RSVP date.
Grace Covenant is proud to offer parents a little R&R with our special Parents Night Out,
Saturday, May 21 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. A charge of $5 per child will help defray the costs of
child care. There is a $10 maximum per family fee, if you have more than two children.
Some things to remember:
- A lead teacher from CDC will serve as the
host each month
- Please do not forget to sign your
child/children in and out during PNO
- We ask that you please bring a diaper bag with ample supplies for the evening
- Please do not allow your children to bring food with them to PNO. This is due to
allergies and the safety of all children. We will provide a safe and appropriate
snack for them.

Welcome to our new Office Manager!

eredith Bond has her first month

as Officer Manager under her
belt, and she is doing a great job!
We are grateful for her enthusiastic and
creative energy as well as the her ability
to keep us organized amid
the many wonderful ministries unfolding in and around
the church everyday. For
those who have not had a
chance to meet Meredith,
here is a brief background on
Before coming to Grace Covenant
Presbyterian Church, Meredith Bond
formerly worked for Henrico County
Recreation and Parks as both an Office
Assistant and Instructor/Coordinator.

After seven years with the county, she

took an intern position for about a year
as a historical interpreter in the Weaving
Shop at Colonial Williamsburg. In
2015, she graduated Magna Cum Laude
from VCU with a Bachelor
of Fine Arts.
Using her artistic abilities
to assist others through their
personal struggles is of significant importance to Meredith. In addition to designing
and implementing art-based
programs, she has spoken on the healing
aspects of art at locations such as at Central State Hospital in Petersburg.

GCPC Mens Softball Team is in full swing!

Games are played at Henderson Sports
Complex (804 Forest Lawn Drive),
weather permitting. GCPC Softball TShirts will be available for purchase for
$15 each! The proceeds will go into our

Loaves and Fishes Fund, which is used to

assist Richmond area families and international mission work. You can purchase a
shirt from the church office during office
hours, at Wednesday Night Supper, or in

Presbyterian Womens
(PW) Salad Luncheon

May 10 at noon in Fellowship Hall

Bring a salad to share
Program: Horizon Bible Study,
Lesson Nine
River of Life Hope
May Circle Meetings: Circle #1 will
be meeting on Tuesday, May 10, at
7:00 p.m. at Laura Leighs house, located at 1727 Park Avenue. As a separate event, all three circles are invited
to the Circle Salad Lunch on May 10
at noon in the Fellowship Hall (details
the Social Room after worship on Sunday.
Checks can be made payable to Grace
Covenant Presbyterian Church, memo
line: softball t-shirt. For upcoming games,

Psalm 40:11
Do not, O Lord, withhold your mercy from me; let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep
me safe forever.

Music News

Christian Education & Discipleship

Back to Basics (our Summer Worship)
Back to the Basics: Hearing the Essential Word of God
What would you tell someone about Christianity if they had never heard of it? What would
you tell them about Jesus? If you gave them a
Bible, where would you have them start? What
Scriptures show forth some of the essential
aspects of what you believe and how you seek

to live? John Leith said that every generation of

Christians should seek to know certain Scriptures by heart as they anchor what we believe
and how we live. It is not that all of Scripture
isnt important, but rather that certain Scriptures so clearly state forth the essential heart of

Back to the Basics: Summer Fitness Challenge!

We walk, jog, and go to the gym to keep up our

physical fitness recognizing that repetition has a
way of shaping us over time. And, being in
shape ends up proving beneficial not only to
our health but to others around us as we find
we have more energy and focus when our body
is healthy!
How about a spiritual challenge this summer?
Would not we and those around us benefit
greatly from a spiritually fit church!? This sum-

mer we are inviting you to do a simple exercise

each week: memorize a portion of Scripture.
Each week in worship we will be looking at a
passage from Scripture that articulates something essential about the Christian faith. You
are then invited to memorize that Scripture
during the following week.
The hope is that by letting Gods word dwell in
your heart over and over during the week you
begin to see God alive and working in, through,

God for us and the world that we would surely

want to know them! Join us in Sunday School
this summer in worship as we look at 13 of
those essential Scriptures and consider how we
are shaped by and live from them.

and around your life.

A spiritually fit person is not the one who
knows the most Scripture but the one who is
shaped by and lives in light of Gods voice through
Scripture. Want to join in the challenge? See
below or online at
under the Worship tab for each weeks scripture.

Back to the Basics: 50 Scriptures on One Bookmark

In 2001, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in
New York City produced a bookmark with 50
Scriptures listed. At the top of the bookmark it
read, The 50 Passages That Every Christian
Should Have At Our Fingertips.
The plan was to give those to congregants during a certain sermon series. However, 9/11
happened and all the bookmarks were distributed to the masses of people entering their sanc-

tuary for refuge and prayer on that day. The

church ultimately shared over 15,000 of these
bookmarks with people hungry to read Gods
word in the aftermath of the terrorist attack.
With their permission, we have made our own
version of that bookmark for we know that
God had a timely word then and God has a
timely word for us now.
Look for bookmarks to be placed in your bulle-

tins and around the church beginning on Sunday, June 4. We hope these bookmarks prompt
you to consider anew some of the essential
passages from Gods word and how God is
speaking to us through them in our time.
NOTE: 13 of the 50 Scriptures listed are in the
color green those are the 13 that will be
preached on this summer in worship.

Back to the Basics: Our Tradition Speaking in Our Time

Presbyterians hold to certain essential tenants of

the Christian faith. While we stand as sisters
and brothers with all who believe in and follow
Jesus Christ, we do have some distinctions!
These distinctive tenants have anchored the
way we understand and live out faith in this
world. Join us this summer as we take a fresh
look at those anchors and the ways that they
intersect with our world today and inform how
we are to live in these changing times. The class
will meet weekly in the Fellowship Hall. Class
begins at 9:40a.m.

June 5 - Authority of Scripture

June 12 Authority of Scripture
June 19 - Humanity
June 26 - Jesus
July 3 - Jesus
July 10 - Salvation by Grace Through Faith
July 17 - Election for Salvation and Service
July 24 - Covenant and Covenant Life
July 31 - Sacraments
August 7 - Sanctification and the Work of the Holy Spirit
August 14 - Priesthood of All Believers
August 21 Stewardship
August 28 To be announced

Summer Fitness
Challenge Scriptures
June 12: Isaiah 6:1-8
June 19: Isaiah 55:1-5
June 26: Romans 8:22-30
July 3: Psalm 139:23-24
July 10: Matthew 5:3-11
July 17: Matthew 6:25-34
July 24: John 3:16-17
July 31: Luke 15:29-32
August 7: Matthew 11:20-30
August 14: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
August 21: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
August 28: Micah 6:6-8

John 16:33
I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But
take courage; I have conquered the world!

Christian Education & Discipleship

Sunday School (current)

For the summer schedule, see p. 5 under

Back to the Basics: Our Tradition Speaking in Our Time

Held every Sunday from 9:45-10:30 a.m. (The Nursery Crib Room (Rm 103)
and Sunday School are available for children ages 2 and up.)
The Vanguard Class, Basement, Rm B4: In this mens class, you will be studying a particular mens view on
the parables of Jesus Christ.

The Forum of Grace Class, Second floor, Rm 203: For the month of May, this combined class will be
having a discussion centered around the title "Christian Potpourri: For Fun and Profit (or Prophet)." Join us
for a great lecture and discussion.

Good Books Class, Third floor, Rm 303: We will be reading and discussing John Calvins The Christian Life
(selections from his writings) from May 1-22. If youd like to be put on our email list, contact Nelson Reveley at

Youth Mentoring Class, Third floor, Rm 300: Each week volunteers and parents meet with teens to connect
media to scripture in a way that is personally meaningful to our students. Currently, they are focused on the book
of Genesis!

Toddlers Class, First floor, Rm 102: This class focuses on spiritual development and early access to scripture through play and kinesthetic learning.
Elementary Class, Second floor, Rms 209-210: Taught by our awesome volunteers, this class
builds faith in young children and challenges them to apply lessons from scripture to everyday life in
school, at home, and at play.

Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference

e are really excited to have Christopher Tweel, the Director of

Christian Formation, deliver the
keynote speech during the July sessions of
the Massanetta Springs Middle School
Conference! In this conference packed
with keynotes, music, recreation, workshops, and small groups, youth will be
challenged to think about what it means
to be a disciple of Christ. Led by high
school, ministry-minded Enablers, middle

schoolers will foster a

deeper understanding of
the broader church. For
more information see
under the Connect tab
then Other Events or call
the church office at 3592463.

Isaiah 30:21
And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind
you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.

Last WNS until the fall

is May 25! Dont miss it.
On April 6, The Reverend
Brenda B. Summerset discussed her experience in
the civil rights movement
and current educational

Come join us for the final four Wednesday

Night Suppers of the Spring. We have an
exciting agenda of programs to wrap up
the season. For more details on each
weeks program and menus, watch for the
Covenant Connection, our weekly newsletter.

photo: Bill Jacobs

May 4: A Belhar Bible Study: The Confession, week 2 (Christopher Tweel)

May 11: A Belhar Bible Study:
An Assessment (Bobby Hulme-Lippert)
May 18: Organ and Narrator Concert
(Chris Martin and John Harris, sanctuary)
May 25: Capstone Panel of the Belhar
Bible Study (Christopher Tweel)

The Carol Choir performed at WNS on April 20.

photo: Phil Coltrain

VBS Registration Open!

See for full registration details!
June 27-30, 2016 /9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon)
VBS is a week packed full of faith and fun,
including service projects, outdoor games,
cool crafts, yummy snacks, awesome music,
and of course-- hearing from God's true
word, the Bible. Kids will hear about Joseph's epic journey to Egypt, and how God
was with him the whole way. Can't wait to
see you there! Parents, you are invited to join
the fun, by helping as a Drama Leader, a Station Leader (crafts, games, service projects,
or snacks), or on the Set-Up Team (preVBS).

Register online at

under the Connect Tab. Ages for signup
are between years 2007-2013. Questions:
Contact Christopher at or 804-359-2463.

Six Summer
Cooking with the Bible:
Recipes for Biblical
A meal that stole Esau's blessing, Joseph dining with his brothers in Egypt, the meals John the
Baptist took in the wilderness...
many of our favorite accounts
from scripture center around the
This summer we will collect
around an ancient rhythm, eating
foods our
biblical mothers and fathers ate,
while we dig into the scripture
that surrounds the meal. Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm.
If you would like to host a
meal this summer between June
15 to July 27, contact Christopher
Tweel at or by calling the
church office at 359-2463.

Psalm 37:23-24
Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not
fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.

May 2016 Calendar





1 9:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room) 2 6:30 p.m. RISC-Nehemiah Action 3 6 p.m. STEP Jobs For life

4 4:30 p.m. Care

9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care

9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:55 a.m. Worship and
Congregational Meeting
12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour
12:30 p.m. 1st Sunday Prayer Group

at St. Pauls Baptist Church

5 p.m. Jr. Choir R


8 9:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room)

9 9 a.m. Union Presbyterian Semi-

9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care

9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:55 a.m. Worship
12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

8:40 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

9:30 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

6 p.m. Wednesda

7:30 p.m. Chance

10 12 p.m. PW Circle Salad

nary Golf Tournament (see Covenant
Luncheon (Fellowship Hall)
6 p.m. Finance Committee
6 p.m. STEP Jobs For life
6 p.m. Admin Committee
6:30 p.m. Richmond Justice Initiative 7 p.m. PW Circle #1 (Laura Leighs)
Prayer Walk (see, p.13)
7 p.m. Worship Committee

11 4:30 p.m. Car

6 p.m. Wednesda

7:30 p.m. Chance

159:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room) 16

17 6 p.m. STEP Jobs For life

18 4:30 p.m. Car

9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care

6 p.m. Deacons Meeting

7:00 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

9:45 a.m. Sunday School

7 p.m. Session Meeting

5 p.m. CDC Boar


7:50 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

6 p.m. Wednesda
(Organ and Narra
Sanctuary, see p.4)

2 p.m. POJs Youth River Cleanup

7:30 p.m. Last Ch

10:55 a.m. Worship

229:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room) 23

24 6 p.m. STEP Jobs For life

25 4:30 p.m. Car

9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care

7:00 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

6 p.m. Wednesda

9:45 a.m. Sunday School

7:50 p.m. GCPC Softball Game

10:55 a.m. Worship

12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

299:15 a.m. Prayer Team (Social Room) 30

9:30 a.m. Coffee and Care
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:55 a.m. Worship
12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour

31 6 p.m. STEP Jobs For life

(last WNS for the



5 9 a.m. CDC Chapel

6 4:30 p.m. GCCDC Graduation

12 9 a.m. CDC Chapel



Party (Fellowship Hall)


ay Night Supper

el Choir

re Team

14 12 p.m.-4 p.m. VCU English

ay Night Supper

Department Graduation Ceremony

el Choir

6 p.m. Night at the Diamond

re Team

19 9 a.m. CDC Chapel


rd Meeting

21 9 a.m. Shalom Farms Outing

5 p.m. Last Parents Night Out

ay Night Supper
ator Concert in

hancel Choir

re Team

ay Night Supper

e Spring session)

26 9 a.m. CDC Chapel

27 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Burns-McConnell

28 4 p.m. Burns-McConnell

Wedding Rehearsal (City Church)

Wedding (City Church)

Photos of the past month

For the WNS program on April 27, 2016, The Handbell Choir
performed their Spring Concert. A big thank you goes out to
the talented musicians that made it happen!
photo: Phil Coltrain

left: Everett and Nelson Reveley with Pastor Bobby; right:

Paul Zeh with his manager, Don Holland.

Even though it was pretty chilly, there was a great

turnout for the Monument 10K and for the GCPC Hospitality Station!

Aleasha, our cook for

Wednesday Night
Suppers, treats us to
some delicious food
every week. Here she
is working on making
some tasty Chicken
Wings for dinner on
April 27, 2016.
photos: Phil Coltrain

Wednesday Night Suppers arent

just about the food (as great as that
is!), its also a wonderful time for
fellowship and worship. Come join
us this next week, and see what its
all about!
photo: Bill Jacobs

Psalm 125: 2
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time on and
forever more.

The Noori Family spent a beautiful day at Bryan Park in mid-April. Thanks to everyone that participated!

Dont forget about the crafts! Cheryl Jacobs

and other members help to organize crafts
for the kids each week and they time and
time again to prove lots of fun.
photos (above and left): Bill Jacobs

The Mens Softball Team is back in action! While there first

games of the season were unfortunately rained out, they are
now a good handful of games into the season. Come out and
cheer them on Tuesday nights at Henderson Sports Complex!
Above, the team is preparing to play against St. Pauls Episcopal on April 19, 2016.
photo: Dana McKnight

Did you take some interesting pictures of a church related event or activity? If so, please
send them to us at and they may end up here! Please include your
name, the name of the photographer, where and what the event was, and when it happened.
Thanks for all of your help.

Luke 19:38
Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest

Mission & Justice

40 Years in the Running: Adult Day Care Services

orty years ago, Grace Covenant

Presbyterian, along with other Stuart
Circle Parish Churches (The Cathedral
of the Sacred Heart, First English Evangelical Lutheran, St. Jamess Episcopal, St.
Johns United Church of Christ), began to
look at the needs of the elderly in their
church, neighborhood and community.
They noticed their elder members were no
longer able to attend church, or if they did
attend, they learned there were other issues that concerned them: isolation, no
family nearby, health, safety, and meals.
The men and women of these churches did
not just talk about the issues, they formed
an alliance and came up with a plan to help
Richmonds elderly population. Stuart Circle Center opened in 1976 with six participants and two

staff in the education building at First English Lutheran.

Today, Circle Center Adult Day Service
supports 80+ elders per day, is open six
days per week and is located at 4900 West
Marshall Street, across from Willow Lawn
in a modern, handicap-accessible facility.

bankers, and your coaches. You directly

help families who struggle daily to keep
their loved ones living at home and connected. By considering a contribution to
Forty Dollars for Forty Years, you can help
fund scholarship support for those men
and women who came before us. Your taxdeductible gift will translate into tangible
support and compassionate care for Circle
Center participants and their families. Donation envelopes are available in the pews.
Please indicate that your special offering is
for Forty Dollars for Forty Years. As well,
grams are designed to help with cognitive, Circle Center is always seeking volunteers
and is open for tours come see the Cenphysical, social and medical issues of the
ter that you helped build. Call Circle Cenelderly, as well as support for their caregivter at 804-355-5717 to setup an appointers.
ment to come visit us at 4900 West MarWhen you support Circle Center in any shall Street!
way, youre supporting the people who in
all likelihood were your teachers, your

Shalom Farms Outings

Join us the third Saturday of the month at Shalom
Farms a local food access and community development ministry ( We will help ensure
everyone in our city has access to Gods bountiful
gifts of nutritious produce. Well be out on the farm
from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please RSVP to Nelson
Reveley at or by calling 3878094. This months visit will be on May 21.

Everett Reveley and Cameron Baird team-up to use a

fun technology for digging
and planting!

A group will be carpooling from the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and will be returning by noon.
Otherwise, you can meet us out on the farm at 9:00
Address: 1033 Rock Castle Rd., Goochland, VA

Have any odd jobs

that need doing?

Reverend Sampson Lodo and Reverend Gershon Abassah, our Presbyterian pastor
friends from Ghana, are looking to assist
congregants with odd jobs to enable them to
purchase gifts here in Richmond that can
then be brought back to their families and
communities when they return home. They
are happy to help with basic tasks or projects
around the house. As well, both are proficient with gardening, and both have a background in construction and carpentry. They
are available any day between May 1 and May
30 (the date on which they return to Ghana)
except for May 7. If you would like to have
one or both of them help you with a project,
please contact Pastor Bobby.

Psalm 41: 1-2

Happy are those that consider the poor; the Lord delivers them in the day of trouble. The Lord
protects them and keeps them alive; they are called happy in the land. You do not give them up to
the will of their enemies.

Jobs for Life

This program continues
on Tuesday evenings 6:00
-8:30 p.m. through June 7
Enormous thanks to all those
who have been able to volunteer
to help out with this soft skills
job training ministry. Jobs for
Life uses a biblically- based curriculum paired with a team of
mentors, pastors, and business
leaders to help this group of students discover who they are, what
gifts and interests they possess,
and what roadblocks they face in
achieving their goals. The program will continue running Tuesday evenings through June 7.
If you would like to sit in on a
class or volunteer (help with set
up, meals, or child care), please
contact us at or 359-2463.

Richmond Justice
Initiative Prayer Walk
RJI invites churches throughout
Richmond to join in a prayer walk on
Monday, May 9, 2016 from 6:30pm7:45pm at Jefferson Park (21st and
Marshall St). This will be a leisurely
walk along a path within Jefferson
Park limits. There will be signs along
the pathway with prayers at each
station, for each person to go at his/
her own pace. The focus of the prayers will be on justice for all involved
in human trafficking, rescue and renewal for victims/survivors, and
strength for those who are actively
working to end modern day slavery. For more information, go to

RISC Nehemiah Action

6:30-8:00 p.m, Monday, May 2, at St. Pauls Baptist Church

his year we are focused on two

areas: (1) improving reading
levels for the 5,000+ elementary
school students who are currently
reading below grade level in Henrico
County, and (2) creating low-cost job
training opportunities for entry-level
health care positions. Your presence
standing with our kids and those who
are unemployed or underemployed
means an enormous amount and is
Mark your calendars and join us

for our RISC Nehemiah Action in

union with all our fellow congregations in RISC (Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities) at 6:30 p.m., Monday, May
2, at St. Paul's Baptist Church (4247
Creighton Rd., 23223). We need you
there so that we can have as powerful
a voice and witness as possible! For
questions or more information,
please contact Nelson Reveley
( or 3878094).

STEP is Hiring! Applications due May 6

Are you looking for a full time position as an Executive
Assistant/Office Manager? Well, look no further.
Strategies to Elevate People
(STEP) is a non-profit, Christian
Ministry that serves to empower the
poor living in Gilpin Court and the
citys Northside. GCPC is grateful to
be able to support STEP both financially and with dedicated volunteers.
Currently, STEP is accepting applications for the position Executive Assistant/Office Manager. This person
manages a variety of responsibilities
from general staff support and book
keeping to marketing and may also be
involved in some direct seasonal ministry. The ideal candidate will be com-

fortable working in an urban environment and must possess excellent organizational, communication, and
computer skills.
This is a full-time position but
part time interests will be considered.
Contact the STEP office by phone at
648-7552 or at for a
complete job description and application requirements. Application
deadline is May 6.

Genesis 1:28
God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
subdue it; and have dominion over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon
the earth.

Sunday Morning
Prayer Time
The best way to start a Sunday morning, or any morning, is with prayer. Each
Sunday morning at 9:15-9:30
in the Social Room, we have
a time of prayer, and all are
welcome to participate. It is
a prayerful time when hearts
are quieted and focused on
God, joys and concerns are
shared, and prayers are
raised in word and in spirit.
It is a special time of caring,
friendship, and blessing;
please come and pray with

Children and
Children and Families Are
Always Welcome at GCPC!
We know all kids can be
wiggly and noisy. Its okay!
Were glad that you and they
are here. Please feel free to
sit anywhere: up front where
they can see; in the balcony
where there is room to move
around; or wherever is most
convenient for you. Worship
Bags and Binders are available in the narthex. Ask an
usher or greeter! Children
under 6 are welcome at any
time for childcare in room
102. Our excellent nursery is
in room 103 across from the
Social Room

Summer Schedule of Sermons

Are you eagerly anticipating this Summers Worship Schedule?

Check out some of the scheduled sermon titles as they are now
for a glance ahead.



June 12:

Its about God

June 19:

Its an Invitation

June 26:

Its the Unwithered Leaf

July 3:

Its about a God who is Near

July 10:

Its Upside Down

July 17:

Its Peace

July 24:

Its Love for Everybody

July 31:

Its a Celebration for Everybody

August 7:

Its Woe for Everybody

August 14:

Its a Whole New Thing

August 21:

Its Love or Its Nothing

August 28:

Its a Life of Justice, Mercy,

and a Humble Posture

For more information on the summer schedule and the Summer Series: Back to the Basics, see p. 5.

Join Us in Worship on Sundays:

Pray Together (Social Room)
Sunday School all ages (Education Building)
Worship Service (Sanctuary)

9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:55 a.m.

Session Report
April 2016
For March, 2016, income came to $48,403.96, which is consistent with our usual pattern. Expenses came to
$60,862.62. There were no extraordinary expenses for the month.
Recent Actions
The Session voted to:
Approve inviting Christopher Tweel to preach on Sunday, April 24, 2016.
Approve the baptism of Leo Joshua Hulme-Lippert on Sunday, July 17, 2016.
Approve the wedding of Grace Covenant member Elizabeth Copping and Jeff Gardner on September 24, 2016 at 4 pm.
Approve vacation for Bobby Hulme-Lippert on April 21, 2016.
Approve inviting the Rev. Dr. David Fergusson to preach on Sunday, March 19, 2017.
Approve the calling of a Congregational meeting for Sunday, May 1, 2016 following worship to act on the report of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee.
Approve changes to the Finance Section of the Manual for Ministry regarding the handling of leases.
Approve the sale of softball fan t-shirts @$15.00 each, the net proceeds of which will go to the Loaves and Fishes fund.
Elect Dana McKnight and Bill Jacobs as Commissioners to the June 14, 2016 meeting of the Presbytery of the James.

The Session provides this summary to help ensure that the congregation remains informed of its decisions
and actions. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Dana McKnight
(Clerk of Session) or any of your active ruling Elders.

John 12: 46
I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the

The Church Administration

Our Elders serve the church as leaders.
Our Deacons lead the church in service. Please feel free to approach them
with any questions or feedback about Grace Covenants ministries.

The Church Officers

Clerk of Session: Dana E. McKnight

Moderator of the Board of Deacons: Lisa Cardwell



James Atchison (16)

Susan Boze (18)
Ray Davis (18)

Itunu Adekoya (16)

Lisa Cardwell (18)

- Finance (M)
- Christian Education (M)
- Evangelism, Admin &
Virginia Hudson (17) - Evangelism (M)
Bill Jacobs (18)
- Stewardship (M),
Katie McCullough (16) - Mission (M)
Lewis Rosebro (17)
Pete Sizemore (16)
Rob Turner (17)

- Property (M)
- Admin & Personnel (M),
- Worship (M)

Trustees: Caroline Leith (17)

John Roberts (18)
Warren Zirkle (16)

Phil Coltrain (16)

Mary Gray (18)
Margaret Harvie (18)
Cynthia Holmes (17)
Steve Kemp (18)
Jan Kessel (16)
Dottie-Ray Koch (17)
Sallie Leys (17)
Jessica Reveley (16)
Dawson Watkins (17)

- Prayer (M)
- Fellowship;
Deacons Fund
- Glass Office (M);
Deacons Fund
- Greeters/Ushers (Co-M);
Meals (Co-M)
- Visitation & Flowers
- New Members (M)
- Media & Technology
- Care Team (M),
- Fellowship
- Greeters/Ushers (Co-M);
Meals (Co-M)
- Justice (M)
- Deacons Fund (M);
Care Team

The Staff
Bobby Hulme-Lippert

Nelson Reveley
Parish Associate for Outreach & Adult Discipleship

Christopher Martin
Director of Music and Organist

Martha Rubin
Administrative Support/ Bookkeeper

Christopher Tweel
Director of Christian Formation & Pastoral Assistant

Meredith Bond
Office Manager

GCPC Child Development Center

Nicole Flournoy, Director
(804) 213-0200

Office Hours:

Contact Us:

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday



Phone: (804) 359-2463

Fax: (804) 278-6298

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