PDP Kmiura
PDP Kmiura
PDP Kmiura
Goal Statement: To develop skills, experience, and knowledge as an expert professional nurse in the maternity health care setting and
specialties, and complete my education by obtaining a bachelors degree in nursing from the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Objective(s): Describe what
you want to accomplish in
your first two years in
Clinical Practice
Obtain employment as an RN
as part of a new RN graduate
program in maternity health
care setting.
Select and observe one role
model in the clinical ladder
role and/or charge nurse/
nurse manager role.
Professional Development
Apply to University of Hawaii at
Hilo baccalaureate of nursing
Plans/Strategies: Describe
the actions that you will
take to achieve your
I am confident in myself as a
nurse. I am ready and willing
to put myself out there in the
nursing world. I will not be
afraid to apply for jobs where
I can say that I am competent
enough for this job.
Describe the skills and
competencies you bring to
the role.