Human Behaviour of Organisation........
Human Behaviour of Organisation........
Human Behaviour of Organisation........
Introduction to organization
What is OB ?
2) Small groups become –(in an organization small groups are called depts) big
Human Behavior of Organization the study and application of knowledge about how
people, as individuals and groups behave within an organization.
Goals of OB
- Intra-person
- Inter-person
- Intra-group
- Inter-group
o educational background
o In talents.
- People look at things differently evens when presented with same object two
people view it differently.
- Each say: “I reach not to an objective world, but to a world judged by my own
beliefs, values, experiences, cultures, expectations, social surroundings etc.
Everyone looks alike in the body structures, but looks difference and behaves
- You can’t hire only a person’s skills or only brain, but the whole person’s skill
or only brain, but the whole person. (Home, office, Social)
- Emotional conditions are not separate from physical conditions and start
smiling when you are emotionally happy. Or you shout when you are
emotionally angry.
- Also, home life is not totally separate from work life. People function as a
total human being
- Organization / Manager should first make an employee a better “person” and
then a better “personnel.”
- Reversely, non-fulfillment of his needs it will result from his in-action or lack
of achievement of intended positive result.
- Employee wants to involve himself in work that matters to him, to show his
capabilities and to get appreciated / rewarded.
- Employees want to be valued for their skills and abilities, and to be provided
with opportunities for development.
- They expect to be treated with respect, carrying and dignity unlike other
resources in the organization namely, machine, material, methods etc.
1. Social system
1. Social system:
o Formal
o Informal
2. Ethics
o Code of ethics
o Rewards to employees
3. Mutual interest
- Interdependence
Organization needs employees as much as employees need organization – two sides
of a single coin, inseparable
- When organization’s goals and action are ethical, it mutually creates a triple
reward system, in which the individual, organization and social objectives are
Structural clarity:
- Relationships:
o Reporting clarity
- Job
o Role clarity
o Responsibilities
- Technology decides who to be stationed, where, when, why, how much time
to work, etc.
- Social obligations
o Organization freedom.
- Competition
Every role calls for project the personality to suit the role.
- Psychological
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Physical
Shows signs in life. A tired person will generate only the same feeling among the
Be enthusiastic