Clinic Management System Project Report

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Medical shop management system project

Medical Shop Management System

Medical Shop Management

Medical Shop Management System Abstract

Online Medical Shop System

Medical Shop Software

Medical Shop Project

JB Medical Agency Webstock

Store Management PPT

Medical Shop Management System

Medical Shop Management

Medical Shop Management System Abstract

Online Medical Shop System

Medical Shop Software

Medical Shop Project

JB Medical Agency Webstock

Store Management PPT

Project Details:

Title of the Project


: Online clinic management system

: The main objective is to develop the software that

covers all theaspects of management and operations of clinics. It enables

healthcare providers to improve operational effectiveness, reduce costs,
reduce medical errors, reduce time consumption and enhance delivery of
quality of care.

Project category
Web-Based Software

Languages to be used:
Front End: PHP
PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML-embedded scripting
language. PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a
widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is
especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Currently there are over half a million domains running PHP.Much of PHPs
syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Pearl with a couple of unique PHPspecific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web
developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly. PHP eliminates the
need for numerous small cgi programs by allowing you to place simple
scripts directly in your HTML files. It also makes it easier to manage large
web sites by placing all components of a web page in a single html file.
PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything
any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic
page content, or send and receive cookies.
PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many
Unix variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), Microsoft Windows,
Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP has also support for most of
the web servers today.
One of the strongest and most significant features in PHP is its support
for a wide range of databases. Writing a database-enabled web page is
incredibly simple using one of the database specific extensions (e.g., for
mysql), or using an abstraction layer like PDO, or connect to any database

supporting the Open Database Connection standard via the ODBC extension.
Other databases may utilize URL or sockets, like Couch DB.

Back End: MySQL

MySQL is the world's most popular open source database software,
with over 100 million copies of its software downloaded or distributed
throughout it's history. With its superior speed, reliability, and ease of use,
MySQL has become the preferred choice for Web, Web 2.0, SaaS, ISV,
Telecom companies and forward-thinking corporate IT Managers because it
eliminates the major problems associated with downtime, maintenance and
administration for modern, online applications.
MySQL is a open source Relational Database Manage.ment System.
MySQL is very fast reliable and flexible Database Management System. It
provides a very high performance and it is multi-threaded and multi user
Relational Database management system.
MySQL is one of the most popular relational database Management
System on the web. The MySQL Database has become the world's most
popular open source Database, because it is free and available on almost all
the platforms. The MySQL can run on Unix , window, and Mac OS. MySQL is
used for the internet applications as it provides good speed and is very
secure. MySQL was developed to manage large volumes of data at very high
speed to overcome the problems of existing solutions. MySQL can be
used for variety of applications but it is mostly used for the web applications
on the internet.
Application Server: Xampp Server
XAMPP is a free and open sourcecross-platformweb serversolution
stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server,
MySQLdatabase, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and
Perlprogramming languages.

XAMPP's name is an acronym for- X (to be read as "cross", meaning

cross-platform),Apache HTTP Server,MySQL,PHP,Perl.

The program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
License and acts as a free web server capable of serving dynamic pages.
XAMPP is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X, and
is mainly used for web development projects. This software is useful while
you are creating dynamic webpages using programming languages like PHP,
JSP, Servlets.
Requirements and features: XAMPP requires only one zip, tar, 7z, or exe file
to be downloaded and run, and little or no configuration of the various
components that make up the web server is required. XAMPP is regularly
updated to incorporate the latest releases of Apache/MySQL/PHP and Perl. It
also comes with a number of other modules including OpenSSL and
Installing XAMPP takes less time than installing each of its components
separately. Self-contained, multiple instances of XAMPP can exist on a single
computer, and any given instance can be copied from one computer to
another. It is offered in both a full, standard version and a smaller version.
Use: Officially, XAMPP's designers intended it for use only as a development
tool, to allow website designers and programmers to test their work on their
own computers without any access to the Internet. To make this as easy as
possible, many important security features are disabled by default. In
practice, however, XAMPP is sometimes used to actually serve web pages on
the World Wide Web. A special tool is provided to password-protect the most
important parts of the package.

IDE: (Integrated Development Environment)

An integrated development environment (IDE) (also known as
integrated design environment, integrated debugging environment or
interactive development environment) is a software application that provides
comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software
development. An IDE normally consists of:

a source code editor

a compiler and/or an interpreter

build automation tools

a debugger

The boundary between an integrated development environment and other

parts of the broader software development environment is not well-defined.
Sometimes a version control system and various tools are integrated to
simplify the construction of a GUI. Many modern IDEs also have a class
browser, an object inspector, and a class hierarchydiagram, for use with
object-oriented software development.
We are using Dreamweaver as an IDE

Software to be used in Project:

Front End


Back End

: My SQL

Application Server

: Xampp Server

Operating System

: Windows, Linux.

Hardware Requirements of the Project:


: Pentium-4 or above

Processor Speed

: 2.00 GHz CPU

: 512 MB or above
Hard Disk Utilization : 40 GB or above

Structure of the Program:

PolyClinic is web based application which covers all aspects of
management and operations of clinics. This website covers features of
Doctors Details, Patients Records, Online appointments, Patient reports,
billings, Clinical tests, Medical store billings etc.
The project supports to administrator to access complete application,
Patient takes appointment through Online/Offline, Doctors manages patient
reports, Receptionist approves patients appointment and makes bill, and
medical Store Administrator can view suggested prescription.

Each patients of the Polyclinic has a unique patient ID and password.

By entering User ID and password patient can login to the polyclinic website
and patient can view Appointment details, Patient reports, clinical tests,
Billing, etc.
Speciality of health care center:

Endoscopic Snus Surgery

Micro-Ear Surgery

Micro-Laryngeal Surgery

Laser ENT Surgery

Thyroid Surgery

Facilities provided by health care center :

Consultation of 21 different specialists

Full-Fledged Laboratory & Diagnosis center

ECG & TMT facility


Digital X-ray

Pulmonary Function Test

Over the years Arogya Multi speciality clinic as shown tremendous
interest and services towards public by conducting serveral camps like
diabetic camp, cancer camp, joint pain camp to bring awareness among the
masses. And it also provides a medical check-up facility called Arogya
Check-up for a comprehensive Health check upprogramme. In future rural
camps will be conducted by the ArogyaMultispeciality doctors for the benefit
of poor patients.

Future Scope of the Project:

SMS features: If patient takes appointment or treatment SMS goes to

Patients Cell Phone.
Medical Store: Medical Store Administrator can view suggested prescription
through online by entering polyclinic patient ID.

Patients can view reports, billing, etc

Consumes less time and reduces human errors.

Doctors can view patients old reports.

Medical store administrator can view suggested prescription through online

by entering patients ID.

User friendly.

This document is to describe all the software requirement specification
(SRS) for the Clinic-O-Sight (COS). The system aims to help the patients to
take appointment online through internet and track their records through
it.Polyclinic has been facing problems due to its paper-based appointment
system. With the increase in the number of patients visiting, it has become
difficult to manage the appointment system manually. The purpose of this

project is to solve these complications by creating custom-built database

software to manage the appointment system. For the receptionist it
makes easy to set date and time for the treatment of the patient to the
relevant doctor.Doctor enters medical prescription and receptionist takes
the print.It also helps to maintain doctors consultation fee, Laboratories and
Testing charges automatically. And maintaining the employee salary and
its expenses.

1.2 Document Conventions

When writing this document it was inherited that all requirements have the
different priority levels. The levels of authentication are provided in four
different aspects i.e. The Admin, the Receptionist, The Doctors and The

1.3 Intended Users and Reading Suggestions

Developers:in order to be sure they are developing the right project that
fulfills requirements provided in this document.

Testers:in order to have an exact list of the features and functions that has
to respond according to requirements and provided diagrams.

Users:in order to get familiar with the idea of the project and suggest other
features that would make it even more functional.

Documentation writers:to know what features and in what way they have
to explain. What security technologies are required, how the system will
response in each users action etc.

Admin, Receptionist, Doctors and patients: in order to know exactly

what they have to expect from the system, right inputs and outputs and
response in error situations.

1.4 Project Scope

The system has been facing problems due to its paper-based appointment
system. With the increase in the number of patients visiting, it has
become difficult to manage the appointment system manually. Recording
of appointments and creating registers by pen and paper has become a
tedious task. And also its difficult to manage huge number of patient

The COS web-application gives solution to the polyclinic patients and

employees. This system which manages complete polyclinic details in a
single application and in a single database.The users will use this system
to handle all the functionalities easily. Doctors will also use the system to
keep track of the patients consulting to them.The intentions of the system
are to reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients that can
be treated accurately.Requirements statements in this document are both
functional and non-functional.

1.3 References
: An Integrated Approach Software Engineering 3 rd Edition


by PankajJalote.


2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Product perspective is essentially the relationship of the product to the other
products, defining if the product is independent or is part of a larger product
(dependent), and what the principal interfaces of the product are.
This software is totally independent system that manages activities of the








management and administrative issues.

In this project all the records are stored in single database. Different users
have different permission to access this web application. Each user has
unique id. If any data is lost user is having option to recovery. Users dont

have right to alter records after particular time period and also it is not
having option to alter other patient records.

2.2 Product Features

Authentication for different users.

Real-time validation of all fields and database to prevent errors.

Printing of prescription, certificate.

History of patients recorded in database.

Maintaining the billing section of the polyclinic.

Maintains the salary and expenses.

Built in backup and restore facilities.

LAN compatible.

Compatible with any platform.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The admin,doctors, receptionists and patients will be the main users. The
system is also designed to be user-friendly.





Admin: Admin should have prior knowledge of the system. Admin is able to
controlthe whole system. He/she can add, delete, update and modify the
Receptionists: in order to add or delete the details of the patients come for
the treatment and accordingly provides identity to them.
Doctors:Doctor should fairly know about the usage of the system. Doctors
are able to see the respective appointments taken. And also can view
patients details and records.
Casual users:Anyone can view the information of the polyclinic.Patients can
view their own records and doctors details and timings. And also can take
appointment online.

2.4 Operating Environment

This proposed software will be used in Windows platform in the version of
Windows 7.MySQL will be used for the database to hold the patients, doctors
and other employees details.

Operating system: Windows platform, linux, Mac OS

Processor: Pentium 4

Processor speed: 2.5 GHz

RAM: 512MB

Hard disk drive: 40GB

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The COS system shall be a web based application system running in a
windows environment. The system shall be developed using PHP and
MySQL server.

A person who has no knowledge of computers will find it difficult to

understand the system. But with a little knowledge it will be very easy to
handle the project.
Standard compliances. This document follows IEEE standard for software
requirement specification.

User Documentation

A HTML Help file with a tutorial and full help on all features provided.

Help pages will be providing document with screen shots.

If the user has more queries regarding this website then he/she can contact
with the administrator through contact us page.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

The code should be free with compilation errors/syntax errors.

The product must have an interface which is simple enough to understand.

2.8System Features
2.8.1 Login Account
To open the user account the users have to enter login information. Stimulus/response

User must enter valid user id and password to open user page. If it is valid
then it links to user account page. If the user is new to the polyclinic
he/she has to register. Basic data flow

Here first the user enters login id and password.

After entering the login information system checks whether entered login id
and password is valid or not.

If it is valid then it is linked to the user account.

If the user doesnt have user account then user needs to register. Functional requirements

Here administrator, receptionist, doctors and patients are using the different
login pages.

2.8.2 Admin Description
Admin is a super-user. He/she is able to control the whole system. Admin can
add, delete, update and modify the system. Stimulus and response
Admin logs into the admin account and do the relevant changes daily. Admin
keeps the system up-to-date. Basic data flow

Admin logs into the system.

Can add/delete/update/modify records.

He/she controls the entire system. Functional requirements

Admin has got the rights to add/delete the doctor, employees, old records
and can view the entire system.

2.8.3Online appointment Description:
Patients can take appointments through online by entering Date and Time. Receptionist approves
this depending on doctors. Patient has to register or login to take appointment through online. Stimulus/response
Patients should enter valid information to take appointment online. After entering appointment
details receptionist verifies the information and gives date and timings. Basic data flow

Patient first logs into the website.

After logging in, the patient enters the appointment information.

The receptionist verifies the sent details from the patient and updates date and time.

Patient receives the approval message with date and time. Functional requirements

Patients can take appointment online or through phone call.

patient can view the old appointment details and their records.

2.8.4 Doctors Module: Description:
Doctors can check appointments taken by patients. Doctors can view
Patients Test reports and he can enter and view suggested prescription
details. And also can check billing and monthly salary details. Stimulus/responses:
Here doctor enters the patient report and enters prescription details. Basic data flow

doctor logins to the website.

Doctor checks old record and appointment details.

Doctor enters prescription and test reports.

He can view salary and billing details. Functional requirements
Doctor can view patient appointment, old records, prescription, payment
details. And also can view his monthly salary.
2.8.5 Billing and Maintenance Description :
In this page receptionist enters doctors consultancy fee, laboratory charge, etc.
Maintenance page which calculates employee salary, expenses. Every month it calculates

employee salary, total expenses. Expense and receptionist salary will shared equally by
each doctors. Stimulus/response
Receptionist enters consultancy fee, laboratory fee, etc of each patient. Every month system
calculates automatically doctors earnings, expenses, employee salary etc. Basic dataflow

Receptionist enters the consultancy fee and laboratory fee

Receptionist enters the daily expenses, maintenance fee.

Every month system generates employee salary , expenses, patients bill, etc. salary and expenses
will be shared equally by each doctors

System checks doctors earnings. Requirements

Consultancy fee

Daily Expenses

Employee Salary

Doctors earnings

3. ExternalInterfaceRequirement
All the interactions of the software with patients, doctors, receptionist,
hardware and software are specified here.

3.1 User Interfaces

The user interface is designed in PHP. The developer will have to study the designing of the
product. The use of the controls and the component from the Add items feature of the PHP. The
user of the product will get very user friendly web page which will be very easy to work with .

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

This system doesnt require any hardware interface. The one used here is
monitor, keyboard and mouse.
The system should have these hardware requirements:

Processor: Intel Pentium4 3.2GHz or above

Memory: 512MB or above

Hard Disk Drive: 40GB or above

3.3 Software Interfaces

Operating System: Windows, Linux, Mac OS

Front End: PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)

Back End: MySQL

3.4 Communications Interfaces

Communication is done through internet and intranet.

4.Other Non-functionalRequirements
4.1 Performance Requirements
Cos manages facilities required by the casual users quickly and easily. It
offers to take appointments faster through online. It takes appointment
details from the patients and send the appointment date and timings to
the particular patient.

4.2 Safety Requirements

In case the user forgets or loses Password, the repair functionality helps by
choosing forgot password option in the main login window.

To avoid this kind of situations, backups can be done regularly.

While typing the password, if the caps lock is on it must be notified.

If the system is kept idle for 10 min the session will expire.

4.3 Security Requirements

This system is provided with authentication without which no user can
pass. So only the legitimate users are allowed to use the application. If
the legitimate users share the authentication information then the
system is open to outsiders.

4.4 Software Quality Attributes

Reliability: Good validations of user inputs will be done to avoid incorrect
storage of records.
Maintainability: During the maintenance stage, SRS document can be
referred for any validations.
Portability: This system can be installed in any personal computers
supporting windows operating system platform.
Flexibility: The system keeps on updating the data according to the
transactions that takes place.
Timeless: The system carries out all the operations with consumption of
very less time.
Security: Security of the system is maintained d by giving access to only
authenticated user id and password.

5. Other Requirements

5.1 Other Requirements

Database: The records of all operations are stored in database.

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