Standard 6

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Annotation of professional goals

Note the focus area and

standard descriptor/s the
artefact / document reflects

Note the type of

artefact / document

Describe the document / artefact

and indicate the possible impact or
result of the artefact / document on
teaching and/ or student learning

Describe how the document / artefact

meets the standard descriptors you
have identified.

3.6 Evaluate and improve

teaching programs
Demonstrate broad
knowledge of strategies that
can be used to evaluate
teaching programs to
improve student learning.

This artefact is a list

of my explicit goals
from my final

Informed through reflection

upon my previous professional
experience, I created a list of
goals I aim/aimed to achieve on
my final professional
experience. These goals were
not only informed by personal
reflection upon my upmost
needs, but from comments and
feedback made by other

Through identifying the literacy

continuum as a valuable resource in
programming, as well as recognising
the role of teacher experience and
skill in teaching all KLAs, I
understand that the strategy of goal
setting is an effective response to
improving teaching programs.
Evaluating my strengths and
weaknesses, and identifying these
weaknesses to explicitly improve on,
will, through actions, lead to
improvements in my teaching
programs (APST 3.6).

6.1 Identify and plan

professional learning
Demonstrate an
understanding of the role of
the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers in
identifying professional
learning needs.
6.3 Engage with
colleagues and improve
Seek and apply constructive
feedback from supervisors
and teachers to improve

By creating goals, I am
providing myself with a focus
upon which I can consciously
attend to in order to improve
my practice and therefore
student learning. As a goal
setting teacher, I am able to
critically reflect upon my
teaching and find areas to
improve in order to be more
effective in my role as an
educator. Through improving my

The APSTs are listed in my goals, as

they directly and explicitly relate to
what is I need to improve upon to
become a competent teacher. By
identifying APSTs I need to improve
upon, I can clearly see what I must
do to become a competent teacher,
and make efforts to improve these
aspects of my teaching through

teaching practices.

practice, it is more conceivable

that students will have a greater
opportunity to succeed in all
aspects of education.

planning and implementing

professional learning (APST 6.1).
My goals have been informed, in
part, by colleagues, through the
constructive feedback they have
provided me upon my teaching.
While the initial feedback has
helped me plan areas of
improvements, continued
engagement with colleagues is
planned in a continuous effort to
improve my teaching practice
throughout my next professional
experience/career (APST 6.3).

Goals (PEX III Part 2) Marcus Jones

Things I think I did really well
during my last professional


Relevant APST

Gaining and maintaining

the attention of the
students in class.

- Teacher feedback

4.2 and 4.3

Incorporating strategies for

teaching Indigenous

- Teacher feedback

- Self-observation gained from students actions in response to

the lesson.

students (and subsequently

all students)

- Lesson plans

Effectively plan several

series of lessons which
draw from collaboratively
created units of work

- Teacher feedback

Engage with colleagues to

improve my teaching.

- Mentor teachers report

- Lesson/unit plans
- Student work samples.

- Self-observation gained from students actions in response to

my teaching.

Things I found challenging

during my last professional

Action Plan

1) Discuss with the mentor teacher the appropriateness (and

methods) of making contact with parents.

Making contact with

parents and carers.

2.3 and 3.2

Relevant APST

How will I improve?


2) Make contact with parents and carers through the discussed


Extending GAT students

with extension activities

1) Actively plan extension activities which relate to/extend

students knowledge gained in the main task undertaken in the

1.5 and 4.1

2) Discuss extension activity success with mentor teacher

Teaching a range of KLAs

(Creative Arts).

1) Inform my mentor teacher that I would like the opportunity

to teach a range of KLAs, especially those in the Creative Arts
2) Consult relevant guidance materials (syllabus) to create

2.1 and 2.2

lessons that provide students with a range of learning

experiences from all KLAs.
3) Seek feedback from mentor teacher to improve practice.

Using continuums to track

students learning

1) Talk with my mentor teacher during the first week about the
continuum and its use in the identifying students literacy and
numeracy needs.
2) Use the curriculum when planning/reflecting on teaching.
3) Obtain and implement feedback from my mentor on my use
of the continuums.

1.5, 2.3, and 5.5

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